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作者 心田 《职业圈》 2005年第8期55-54,共1页
关键词 咖啡馆 小镇 消费 生产关系 农村 乡村特色 开家
作者 陈洪龙 《农村百事通》 2005年第3期8-9,共2页
一、市场前景 近年来,由于营养摄入不均衡而出现的儿童肥胖症和成年人心血管病、脂肪肝、糖尿病以及各种维生素缺乏症日渐突出,已引起人们的广泛关注.营养学家提出,要"合理膳食,均衡营养".眼下,人们的饮食观念正悄悄地发生变... 一、市场前景 近年来,由于营养摄入不均衡而出现的儿童肥胖症和成年人心血管病、脂肪肝、糖尿病以及各种维生素缺乏症日渐突出,已引起人们的广泛关注.营养学家提出,要"合理膳食,均衡营养".眼下,人们的饮食观念正悄悄地发生变化.健康消费已成为时尚,低脂肪、低热量、营养丰富的饮品大受欢迎.因此,顺应饮食潮流,开家菜汁店,为大家提供含多种维生素和各种微量元素的蔬菜汁,具有广阔的市场前景. 展开更多
关键词 菜汁 蔬菜加工食品 开家 饮食
作者 杨宏生 高劲松 《中国商界》 2002年第2期67-68,共2页
近年来,我国餐饮业呈现出调整增长的强劲势头,目前已成为竞争最为激烈的"热点"行业之一。有竞争,就有"优胜劣汰",就有"忧患意识",各地的城市餐饮,尤其是大城市餐饮都在探索新的经营思路,其中向社区渗透... 近年来,我国餐饮业呈现出调整增长的强劲势头,目前已成为竞争最为激烈的"热点"行业之一。有竞争,就有"优胜劣汰",就有"忧患意识",各地的城市餐饮,尤其是大城市餐饮都在探索新的经营思路,其中向社区渗透、在居民小区做文章就是一个不错的探索。据了解,北京、上海、成都等地都有不少的成功案例。以北京为例,经记者实地调查发现,北京不少社区都拥有数量不等的社区餐馆。位于朝阳区的科学园南里小区,就有三家规模较大的社区餐馆,且生意都不错,尤其是节假日里,常常会发生客人找不到位置的现象。不用说,餐馆老板稳稳地赚了一把。怎么样?心动了吧?心动不如行动!快开家社区餐馆赚"左邻右舍"的钱吧。 展开更多
关键词 餐馆 饮食业 餐饮业 开家
《劳动保障世界》 2004年第11期47-47,共1页
入世后,随着汽车价格下调,不少人已有了私家车,汽车装饰品的需求量也会快速增长。因此,开家汽车饰物精品店销路不错。投资准备根据消黄者购买动机,一般可分为需要型和冲动型两种,针对冲动型顾客的店铺,建议您设置在大型停车场或交通流... 入世后,随着汽车价格下调,不少人已有了私家车,汽车装饰品的需求量也会快速增长。因此,开家汽车饰物精品店销路不错。投资准备根据消黄者购买动机,一般可分为需要型和冲动型两种,针对冲动型顾客的店铺,建议您设置在大型停车场或交通流量大的车站附近,需要型的消费者,则将店开在国道或交通要道两边。经营须知所需门面15—20平方米,但店内的装修要讲究,准备一些车饰方面信息的报刊杂志,供顾客阅读,让人有一种直观的感受。店里货物摆设呈开架式,让顾客有相当的自主权,有条件的话可以有一间"茶室"。 展开更多
关键词 开家 汽车 饰物
《劳动保障世界》 2004年第11期46-46,共1页
创意设想办这种环保餐具厂,缘于人们环保意识的提高。现在环保部门正逐步用纸质餐具替代不可降解的泡沫塑料餐具,意欲消除"白色污染"。可行性分析根据市场调查,现在我国每年仅一次性水杯和餐盒的消费量就有270亿只!纸质餐具... 创意设想办这种环保餐具厂,缘于人们环保意识的提高。现在环保部门正逐步用纸质餐具替代不可降解的泡沫塑料餐具,意欲消除"白色污染"。可行性分析根据市场调查,现在我国每年仅一次性水杯和餐盒的消费量就有270亿只!纸质餐具的利润率,最低也在100%以上,也就是说,最少也是对半儿赚。还有两个重要的信息:第一,纸质餐具与塑料餐具的成本相当;第二,在不久的将来,纸质餐具将完全取代塑料餐具。开办资金办一家小型纸质餐具加工厂。 展开更多
关键词 开家 纸质餐具 环保餐具
《开家赚钱的花店》 被引量:1
作者 新手创新创业项目组 《农家书屋》 2019年第3期53-53,共1页
出版社:化学工业出版社出版时间:2018年6月《开家赚钱的花店》一书包括花店前期筹划、花店开业准备、花店网络营销、花店员工管理、花店日常管理、花店销售计划、顾客开发管理七大类内容。涉及到开花店需要了解和深入学习的各方面的管... 出版社:化学工业出版社出版时间:2018年6月《开家赚钱的花店》一书包括花店前期筹划、花店开业准备、花店网络营销、花店员工管理、花店日常管理、花店销售计划、顾客开发管理七大类内容。涉及到开花店需要了解和深入学习的各方面的管理和营销技巧,紧密联系实际,有极强的实用性。该书内容涵盖面广,实用性强. 展开更多
关键词 实用性 花店 出版社 开家 内容 管理
《健与美》 2010年第11期90-90,共1页
推荐书籍:《开家赚钱的瑜伽馆》; 推荐理由:经营指导手册; 推荐指数:5星;
关键词 开家赚钱的瑜伽馆》 书刊 内容介绍 经营策略
DSS Scheme for Operation Optimization Problem on Power Plants 被引量:1
作者 江浩 徐治皋 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第3期212-215,共4页
Based on the target analysis of the operation optimization for power plants, a novel system scheme called operation optimization decision support system (OODSS) is brought forward. According to the structure and desig... Based on the target analysis of the operation optimization for power plants, a novel system scheme called operation optimization decision support system (OODSS) is brought forward. According to the structure and design thinking of decision support system (DSS), the overall structure of the OODSS is studied, and the scheme of the sub systems in the OODSS such as the user interface system, the problem processing system, the database system, the model base system, the expert system (ES) and the data mining sy... 展开更多
关键词 power plant operation optimization DSS database system model base system data mining expert system
作者 王燕 《劳动保障世界》 2004年第12期43-43,共1页
贤惠、柔韧、聪颖、细喊……这些都是中国女性的传统美德和禀赋。如果你具备了以上某些优点,又不甘心于上班族的平淡与寂寞,想在人生的舞台上展开拳脚打拼出一片灿烂天地,那么,以下的开店参考或许能够给你带来滚滚财源。开家"亲情... 贤惠、柔韧、聪颖、细喊……这些都是中国女性的传统美德和禀赋。如果你具备了以上某些优点,又不甘心于上班族的平淡与寂寞,想在人生的舞台上展开拳脚打拼出一片灿烂天地,那么,以下的开店参考或许能够给你带来滚滚财源。开家"亲情出租"店目前,我国60岁以上的老年人已近1.5亿。 展开更多
关键词 啤酒吧 老年人 开家 茶坊
作者 张晶明 《职业圈》 2005年第7期18-19,共2页
关键词 图书 父母 出版物 开家 托管班 假日学校 交通安全 培训园 旅游 消费 生产关系 经济效益
作者 张广吉 《教育家》 2018年第3期66-66,共1页
中国的基础教育以其扎实、厚重享誉全世界,甚至有很多国家以中国基础教育为模板改革自己国家的教育,这一点我们非常自豪。但是,我们的教育也有问题,以分数为本位,只论分数不论学情,“世界是学生的书本”变成了“书本是学生的世界”,学... 中国的基础教育以其扎实、厚重享誉全世界,甚至有很多国家以中国基础教育为模板改革自己国家的教育,这一点我们非常自豪。但是,我们的教育也有问题,以分数为本位,只论分数不论学情,“世界是学生的书本”变成了“书本是学生的世界”,学校、教师和学生被拖进考试和升学的竞争中,使教育陷入不良的发展怪圈。学生成人成才的途径越来越少,千军万马先过中考“独木桥”,再过高考“筛选关”。面对这一问题,我们教师也有责任。例如, 展开更多
关键词 中国基础教育 高考 开家 独木桥 模板 中考 长会 质量观 片面追求升学率 本位
A Game-Theoretic Approach to Elastic Control in Software-Defined Networking 被引量:6
作者 Hongchang Chen Guozhen Cheng Zhiming Wang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期103-109,共7页
Elastic control could balance the distributed control plane in Software-Defined Networking(SDN). Dynamic switch migration has been proposed to achieve it. However, existing schemes mainly focus on how to execute migra... Elastic control could balance the distributed control plane in Software-Defined Networking(SDN). Dynamic switch migration has been proposed to achieve it. However, existing schemes mainly focus on how to execute migration operation, but not why. This paper designs a decision-making mechanism based on zero-sum game theory to reelect a new controller as the master for migrated switches. It first chooses a switch for migration in the heavy controller which invites its neighbors as the game players to compete for the master role of this switch in the game-playing field(GPF) which is an occasional and loose domain for game-playing. Second, based on the concept of GPF, we design a decentralized strategy to play the game and determine which player as the final master. We implement it by extending the Open Flow protocol. Finally, numerical results demonstrate that our distributed strategy can approach elastic control plane with better performance. 展开更多
关键词 software-defined networking master election game theory OpenFlow
Additive Manufacturing: Is It a New Era for Furniture Production? 被引量:3
作者 Murat Aydin 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第6期338-347,共10页
The purpose of this study is to make a review and or definition of AM (additive manufacturing), and an evaluation of its use in furniture production within a few projects to provide industry-specific awareness. AM c... The purpose of this study is to make a review and or definition of AM (additive manufacturing), and an evaluation of its use in furniture production within a few projects to provide industry-specific awareness. AM can be considered as one of the latest innovative processes, as a state-of-the-art development, in manufacturing industries. AM is expressed as the future of the products and localization of the manufacturing processes in some studies. Innovation is a key factor both for firms and consumer products or service output. And, in today's competitive environment, it compels all the partners for R & D activities to provide technological development. But, all the partners come to a parting of the ways of disruptive or sustainable innovation. It can be said that furniture manufacturing by AM method is relatively new. Non-industrial use of the AM in furniture production can be stated as one of the latest innovative development. Thereby, this study reviews how AM is used to produce furniture within applied projects, which materials and methods are used for production and suggests its future impact. 展开更多
关键词 3D Printing additive manufacturing FURNITURE furniture design furniture production.
Long-term Dynamics of Cultivated Land Resources and Their Driving Forces of Guyuan City in Upper Reaches of Jinghe River 被引量:3
作者 CHEN Caocao XIE Gaodi +1 位作者 ZHEN Lin LENG Yunfa 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第1期33-40,共8页
The land use patterns in Guyuan City,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China,have changed greatly over the years,due to population growth and farming and stock raising development.This study,using 50-year statis-tical ... The land use patterns in Guyuan City,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China,have changed greatly over the years,due to population growth and farming and stock raising development.This study,using 50-year statis-tical data of cultivated land and 14-year spatial data of land use pattern,analyzed the developmental stages,the char-acter,and the spatial variance of farmland in the city,and discussed the driving forces of cultivated land changes based on empirical and conceptual statistical models.First,the change of cultivated land area went through different stages of rapid increase,fluctuating change,decrease and rapid decrease from 1949 to 2004,additionally,social and economic policies in different stages had an important impact on farmland variance.Second,from 1986 to 2000,the quantity of cultivated land increased,but its quality decreased.Third,social and economic factors are determinant factors in culti-vated land transition.Five constructed paths explain cultivated land transition.Factors that have direct or indirect ef-fects on farmland include the economy(Xeco),the population(Xpop),agricultural output(Xagr),and scientific input(Xsci).The sequence of impact was Xeco>Xpop>Xsci>Xagr.Among all these impacts,Xeco was the major positive one,and Xpop was the major negative one.It is urgent to take measures or adopt a policy to stop the vicious cycle in eco-environment and agriculture production.Otherwise,negative patterns of farmland use will increase,and high-quality cultivated land will continue to decline. 展开更多
关键词 cultivated land transition driving forces national policy economic development POPULATION scientific input
Reverse Logistics Related to Waste Management with Emphasis on Developing CountriesmA Review Paper
作者 Joel R. Kinobe Girma Gebresenbet Bjōm Vinneràs 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第9期1104-1118,共15页
This paper provides an overview of the state of art of reverse logistics and current status of waste management problems with special emphasis on developing countries. Logistics activities have been practiced and play... This paper provides an overview of the state of art of reverse logistics and current status of waste management problems with special emphasis on developing countries. Logistics activities have been practiced and played a fundamental role in the global economic development for over 5,000 years. It has then been transformed into different logistics branches and elaborates the emergency of reverse logistics as one of the most important. The paper presents the evolution of logistics into reverse logistics and how it relates to waste management both in the developed and developing world. Reverse logistics is a relatively new phenomenon in the research area which is mainly referring to damaged goods, the take back of products that should be returned to the manufacturers or distributors. Reverse logistics is relatively more practiced in an organized way in the developed world than in the developing countries in that the latter provided less value additions on reversed products. 展开更多
关键词 LOGISTICS reverse logistics WASTE waste management RECYCLING Uganda.
Actual Aspects of Rural Development Strategy and Policy in the European Union
作者 g Mieczyslaw Adamowicz 《Chinese Business Review》 2018年第7期357-370,共14页
The objective of the work is to define and evaluate the normative approach in the programming and implementation of rural development in the European Union countries. Main focus is to determine the objectives and meth... The objective of the work is to define and evaluate the normative approach in the programming and implementation of rural development in the European Union countries. Main focus is to determine the objectives and methods of implementation and achieve these objectives in various ideological documents, strategies, programs, and development policies. The present work was created on the basis of documents and publications by community bodies and institutions as well as open literature on this subject. The study presents ways of defining rural areas, strategies, and development programs in Europe (Lisbon Strategy, Europe 2020 Strategy), tasks of major Community policies towards rural areas (common agricultural policy, cohesion policy), Cork ideological declarations, multifunctional development concepts and smart development. Innovative approaches include the concept of smart city, smart village, smart specializations of regions, and the urban-rural partnerships. 展开更多
关键词 rural development Cork declarations rural policies smart villages
Education and Training in Radiochemistry——The NAMP Initiative
作者 Patricia Paviet-Hartmann Mansour Akbarzadeh 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第7期1244-1249,共6页
A number of reports have indicated that a sizable percentage of the nation's experts in radiochemistry are nearing retirement age. This reality has been a concern since the 1970s, when declining numbers of radiochemi... A number of reports have indicated that a sizable percentage of the nation's experts in radiochemistry are nearing retirement age. This reality has been a concern since the 1970s, when declining numbers of radiochemists worldwide was first observed. Therefore, the NAMP (National Analytical Management Program) has organized a subcommittee focused on training and education in radiochemistry. To bolster interest and increase awareness in radiochemistry, NAMP is offering webinars developed by experts on different topics relevant to radiochemistry. This paper presents our accomplishments in developing these webinars and highlights our efforts in outreaching the national and international radiochemistry community. 展开更多
Relying on Secondary Industry to Drive National Policy and Reinvigorate China's Economy
作者 黄群慧 《China Economist》 2012年第3期4-16,共13页
China is a large, developing economy now entering the second half of the intermediate stage of industrialization. It is inadequate for China at this time to perceive industrial development as a part of its industrial ... China is a large, developing economy now entering the second half of the intermediate stage of industrialization. It is inadequate for China at this time to perceive industrial development as a part of its industrial strategy. Rather, industrial development should be discussed and developed using a wider lens, as part of state strategy and responding to national conditions. This paper argues that, for China to progress further, it must transition from being simply a large industrial country to being a true industrial power. The paper presents characteristics and indicators that describe the world's industrial powers. China should focus strategically on development via invigorating industry - this idea and its related objectives, key tasks, and policy directions make up the Industry-Invigorating-China Strategy. The author prediets that China will develop the basic qualities of an industrial power by 2020, and it will achieve full industrial power status by 2040. 展开更多
关键词 large industrial country the Industry-Invigorating-China Strategy indi^strial power
‘Middle-Income Trap’ and ‘High-Income Waft': Challenges and Opportunities to China 被引量:1
作者 刘世锦 张军扩 +1 位作者 侯永志 刘培林 《China Economist》 2012年第1期4-28,共25页
The history of international industrialization shows that Latin American countries and former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries experienced a siginificant drop in economic growth and fell into the middle-inc... The history of international industrialization shows that Latin American countries and former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries experienced a siginificant drop in economic growth and fell into the middle-income trap when their per capita GDP reached 4,000-7,000 international dollar (based on the 1990 prices) as a result of long-term implemented import-oriented strategy and planned economic system. Fortunately, China adopted reform and opening-up policy beginning at a lower development phase and achieved sustained high-speed growth for more than thirty years. Currently, China has surpassed the phase which the above-mentioned countries fell into the middle-income trap. On the other side, experiences of successful runner-ups show that when per capita GDP reached II,000 international dollar (based on the 1990 prices), economic growth speed will present regularly "natural drop ". Without internal and external shocks, China's economy is expected to reach this level by 2015 and the potential growth rate will possibly drop significantly. In this regard, China's toughest challenges will be whether it can effectively prevent and solve the financial risks accumulated during high-speed growth and make a shift to innovation-driven growth model Time is pressing for addressing the above challenges. A fundamental change in the growth model depends on the intensification of reform, in particular, the promotion of an "participatory and facilitative reform "approach. 展开更多
关键词 middle income trap high income wall China's economic growth
Development and Application of Statistical Business Register Guidelines in African Countries
《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第2期127-132,共6页
Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building Program the African Development Bank (AfDB) is supporting development and improvement of statistical business registers (SBRs) in African countries. As a f... Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building Program the African Development Bank (AfDB) is supporting development and improvement of statistical business registers (SBRs) in African countries. As a first step, the AfDB prepared a document entitled Guidelines .for Building Statistical Business Registers in Africa, which describes SBR design, construction, introduction, use and maintenance. To support dissemination, interpretation and effective use of the Guidelines, the AfDB is now sponsoring a programme of review and recommendations for enhancements to SBRs in selected African national statistical offices. The paper outlines the content of the Guidelines and experiences in their application. The views expressed are those of the authors and ,do nnt nec'e^arilv reflect an official nosition of the AfDB. 展开更多
关键词 Administrative data economic statistics PROFILING statistical capacity building statistical integration
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