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医疗器械临床试验开展过程中知情同意认知现状 被引量:1
作者 李琪 《中国卫生标准管理》 2022年第13期23-26,共4页
随着科学技术的快速发展,医药产业高速前进,医疗器械在疾病的防控、诊断及治疗中的应用越来越广泛,与药品相比,医疗器械有复杂的设计及构造,临床试验在探索医疗器械安全性及有效性的同时,其试验风险远高于一般临床诊疗,作为试验对象的... 随着科学技术的快速发展,医药产业高速前进,医疗器械在疾病的防控、诊断及治疗中的应用越来越广泛,与药品相比,医疗器械有复杂的设计及构造,临床试验在探索医疗器械安全性及有效性的同时,其试验风险远高于一般临床诊疗,作为试验对象的受试者承担着不可预见的风险,故对其相关权益保护的研究意义重大。文章通过研究国家药政部门管理平台及知网和维普等数据库获取国内外关于医疗器械临床试验受试者权益保障的最新政策法规及现状,来探讨医疗器械临床试验开展过程中知情同意认知现状,主要包括临床试验知情同意书设计的缺陷、知情同意书签署不规范、研究医生的认识不足、法定代理人的签署不规范等4个方面,对其存在的问题进行分析和归纳,对医疗器械临床试验的特殊性认识进行分析,并提出了相应对策以保护受试者权益,为后期医疗器械临床试验设计和实施提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 医疗器械 临床试验 开展过程 知情同意 认知程度 现状研究
作者 王文雯 《科教导刊(电子版)》 2015年第36期96-96,共1页
随着教学内涵不断丰富,教学理念进一步成熟,教学的范围已经从传统的技能与理论教学,深化为关注学生心理健康成长的教学。在学生的教育成长过程中,因心理问题疏导不畅而产生的不良后果比比皆是。高职院校学生虽然年龄上大多成人,但... 随着教学内涵不断丰富,教学理念进一步成熟,教学的范围已经从传统的技能与理论教学,深化为关注学生心理健康成长的教学。在学生的教育成长过程中,因心理问题疏导不畅而产生的不良后果比比皆是。高职院校学生虽然年龄上大多成人,但由于缺乏社会实践,对社会事物的认知和了解并不充分,学生的心理水平发展并不成熟。体育训练作为一项实践与理论技能相融合的科目,其活动开展对大学生技能学习和心理素养完善有着重要影响。本文拟从高职院校开展体育训练对大学生心理的作用入手,结合常见问题,从而设置完善的防范措施与思路。 展开更多
关键词 体育训练 开展过程 高职院校大学生 心理作用 防范措施
作者 王秀新 《电子乐园》 2018年第10期380-380,共1页
语文这门学科在整个教学中占有着举足轻重的地位,是其他学科无法比拟的,它包含我国优良传统和优秀思想,承载我国优秀 文化,是人们不断发展和进步的基础条件。而高中时期的语文学习是极其重要的一个学习时期,如何在高中时期开展高质量高... 语文这门学科在整个教学中占有着举足轻重的地位,是其他学科无法比拟的,它包含我国优良传统和优秀思想,承载我国优秀 文化,是人们不断发展和进步的基础条件。而高中时期的语文学习是极其重要的一个学习时期,如何在高中时期开展高质量高水平的语文 教学是当前所有语文教师应该研究,探索,重视,思考的问题。在高中语文教学中,不仅能使得学生的语文综合应用能力得到培养,与此 同时,学生的审美情操以及语文素养都会得到培养,更重要的是,学生的思想品德也会受到一定的影响,语文这门学科是辅导学生进步大 学生活的一门重要学科。然而当前的高中语文实际教学还有许多弊端存在,这是教师亟待解决的问题。本文主要是探讨高中语文课程开展 过程中的不足及其对策。 展开更多
关键词 高中语文 语文教学 开展过程 不足 对策 方法探讨
作者 王金菊 《新课程》 2018年第4期63-63,共1页
开放式教学是指课堂教学过程的开放,这里不仅包括教学理念、教学目标、教学环境、教学内容、教学过程和教学评价等方面的开放,也包括课堂教学以外教学的开放,重在培养学生的实践思维和创新能力。受制于各种因素的限制,在农村小学高年级... 开放式教学是指课堂教学过程的开放,这里不仅包括教学理念、教学目标、教学环境、教学内容、教学过程和教学评价等方面的开放,也包括课堂教学以外教学的开放,重在培养学生的实践思维和创新能力。受制于各种因素的限制,在农村小学高年级中开展开放性教学不免存在有利之处和明显弊端。有益之处:对高年级学生进行开放性教学既能够极大地激发学生的学习积极性,也可以发挥学生在课堂中的主观能动性,还利于促进教师在教学过程中实现自我发展;不利之处:其一课堂教学由固定的教学目标变成弹性目标,容易造成教学目标的缺失和失控,其二教学过程的开放容易引发无序教学,其三教学内容和方式的开放容易使学生淡化知识体系。 展开更多
关键词 开放式教学 农村小学高年级 开展过程 利弊
作者 闫金芹 李晓倩 贺星红 《工程经济》 2015年第4期20-25,共6页
建设项目后评价工作在我国开展的时间不长,并未形成系统成熟的开展模式。本文根据实际操作后评价的经验,探讨了其开展过程,首先,本文根据相关文件界定了后评价的基本概念,并对后评价与绩效评价做了区分;其次,回顾了后评价在国内外的起源... 建设项目后评价工作在我国开展的时间不长,并未形成系统成熟的开展模式。本文根据实际操作后评价的经验,探讨了其开展过程,首先,本文根据相关文件界定了后评价的基本概念,并对后评价与绩效评价做了区分;其次,回顾了后评价在国内外的起源,简单介绍了其在我国目前的开展状况;最后,从后评价开展的时点、开展程序以及开展的要点三个方面做了总结,旨在为后评价工作的开展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 建设项目 后评价 开展过程
混合式教学过程中适应性学习需求分析与设计 被引量:1
作者 刘鹏 褚丹 《黑龙江科学》 2020年第5期32-33,共2页
结合高校混合式教学模式的开展,分析了混合式教学开展过程中的适应性学习需求,从学习目标、学习活动、诊断评价、资源提供与策略指导、知识体系、学习动机六方面出发,对开展混合式教学的适应性学习系统进行设计,以期望为我国高校混合式... 结合高校混合式教学模式的开展,分析了混合式教学开展过程中的适应性学习需求,从学习目标、学习活动、诊断评价、资源提供与策略指导、知识体系、学习动机六方面出发,对开展混合式教学的适应性学习系统进行设计,以期望为我国高校混合式教学的开展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 混合式教学 开展过程 适应性学习 需求分析 设计
作者 李树文 《东西南北(教育)》 2017年第21期4-4,共1页
美是客观存在的,可以说,在现实上无处不在的。自然之美、社会之美、文艺之美都给人们带来了美的享受。但是,很多人不能很好地享受到这些美,也就是缺少美的发现。所以在美术教学过程中渗入审美观念的教学可以使学生更好的体会到现实中的... 美是客观存在的,可以说,在现实上无处不在的。自然之美、社会之美、文艺之美都给人们带来了美的享受。但是,很多人不能很好地享受到这些美,也就是缺少美的发现。所以在美术教学过程中渗入审美观念的教学可以使学生更好的体会到现实中的美妙,培养了学生感受美、体现美与创造美的能力,培养学生健康的、高尚的审美观念。所以在美术教学过程中审美观念教学时必不可少的。所以本文就是简单讨论一下,初中美术课程开展中如何培养学生的审美观念。 展开更多
关键词 初中美术 开展过程 审美观念
日本中小学“特别活动”实践探索——以古座川町高池小学“自然体验”活动为例 被引量:1
作者 孙秀鑫 《世界教育信息》 2016年第22期58-62,共5页
日本在二战后的社会风气、政府政策和教育价值的影响下,中小学生的心智培养显得越来越重要。文章以和歌山县古座川町高池小学为例,介绍了"特别活动"的开展过程,活动内容包括清理泳池、种植稻米、清扫校园等。文章基于本次活... 日本在二战后的社会风气、政府政策和教育价值的影响下,中小学生的心智培养显得越来越重要。文章以和歌山县古座川町高池小学为例,介绍了"特别活动"的开展过程,活动内容包括清理泳池、种植稻米、清扫校园等。文章基于本次活动总结特征,提出了对于我国中小学开展此类活动的启示。 展开更多
关键词 日本 特别活动 高池小学 开展过程 意义
幼儿体育教学中融入民间体育游戏的策略研究 被引量:5
作者 俞月萍 《神州》 2017年第34期78-78,共1页
关键词 民间体育游戏 开展过程 实施要点
作者 杨玉龙 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2006年第4期250-256,共7页
To simplify the complicated design process of deployable/retractable structures, a new design process is developed. The process is divided into three phases: the concept design phase, the model phase and the optimiza... To simplify the complicated design process of deployable/retractable structures, a new design process is developed. The process is divided into three phases: the concept design phase, the model phase and the optimization phase. In each phase, different parameter targets have to be fulfilled. According to three phases, a deployable/retractable mast composed of four right triangle prism modules in the longitudinal direction is designed. It can be deployed and folded simultaneously by the linear movements of sleeve-joints. The deployable and retractable movement of the mast is analyzed and key joint forms are designed. Then bar diameters and joint forms are modified based on mast structural mechanics characteristics in the optimization phase. Finally a 1:1 scaled model mast is built to verify the design and the optimization. Analytical results show that the model mast has the advantages of simple locking mechanism, fewer types of joints and bars, so it can be easily manufactured. 展开更多
关键词 deployable/retractable mast geometric design design process OPTIMIZATION
Simulation and Analysis of Flexible Solar Panels' Deployment and Locking Processes 被引量:5
作者 高二威 张雪萍 姚振强 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2008年第3期275-279,共5页
To predict the attitude of satellite during the whole deployment process and evaluate the locking impact, a numerical flexible model of a certain satellite associated with four flexible honeycomb solar panels was esta... To predict the attitude of satellite during the whole deployment process and evaluate the locking impact, a numerical flexible model of a certain satellite associated with four flexible honeycomb solar panels was established. The flexible solar panel was modeled by the finite element analysis (FEA), and the motion equations were derived by Lagrangian formulation. The locking process was based on the method of Hertzian contact, which enables one to predict the locking impact on the satellite and the subsequent oscillation of solar panels. The results reveal that locking operation has great impact on the attitude of the satellite, and the angular acceleration of satellite reaches 22.03°/s2 at the locking moment; the flexible solar panels model is feasible to predict the accurate response of the satellite during deployment and the oscillation of solar panels; the instantly impulsive force occurred during locking process is about 1.5 kN and the changing time is nearly 0.32 s. It provides an effective approach to present the flexible solar panels' deployment process and evaluate the locking impact. 展开更多
关键词 flexible solar panels deoloyment locking impact SIMULATION
"Impression-Liu Sanjie" -A Research on the Participation and Perception of Residents in Scenic Area and Community
作者 Yucui Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期96-99,共4页
Tight space and interactive resources grant tourism community residents a vital body status in community tourism development and construction process. Residents' all-sided and effective participation in Tourism devel... Tight space and interactive resources grant tourism community residents a vital body status in community tourism development and construction process. Residents' all-sided and effective participation in Tourism development process, with no doubt, is an open democratization process and an effective way to ensure sustainable development of tourism as it can raise residents' income and eliminate bad influence of tourism. "Impression-Liu Sanjie" is a scenic spot where "landscape live-action" is performed. Local residents (farmers) serve as the main part. Through survey and analysis of participation and perception of community residents, this paper aims at finding some useful consult and inspirations for the development, management and policy formulation of other rural scenic region alike. 展开更多
关键词 "Impression.Liu Sanjie" participation of community residents tourism perception
Study on the Characteristics and Problems of Water Tourism Development in China
作者 XIA Xuemei SUN Lian 《International English Education Research》 2017年第2期78-80,共3页
Water tourism is known as the "water mobile resort","an important economic growth pole of the waterfront city", which mainly includes boat cruises, yacht water sightseeing, leisure, hydrophilic service and derivat... Water tourism is known as the "water mobile resort","an important economic growth pole of the waterfront city", which mainly includes boat cruises, yacht water sightseeing, leisure, hydrophilic service and derivative related industry services, etc. Because of the sightseeing way, it is increasingly subject to the attention of many domestic waterfront city. This paper mainly analyzes the characteristics of the development of water tourism in China and the problems in the development process. 展开更多
Development Research of Zhejiang Small and Medium Enterprises' Management mode
作者 Weidong Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第7期78-80,共3页
Zhejiang Small and medium enterprises have had major achievements adapting to the trend of economic development and it encountered bottlenecks. During the development process, there are malpractices, such as the paren... Zhejiang Small and medium enterprises have had major achievements adapting to the trend of economic development and it encountered bottlenecks. During the development process, there are malpractices, such as the parent wind, system's lacking of science, epitaxial growth, excessive dependence on the international market, and ineffective management mode. Based on the central economic work conference, changing management and enterprise strategy adjustment are inevitable choices of Zhejiang small and medium-sized enterprises" management mode development. 展开更多
关键词 Zhejiang Small and medium enterprises management mode DEVELOPMENT
Value Creation for the After-Sales Services: Organizational and Strategic Perspectives
作者 Nouha Taifi Angelo Corallo +1 位作者 Marco De Maggio Giuseppina Passiante 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第9期625-638,共14页
As a part of the product development process, the after-sales services are not only a source of innovation, but also they benefit from value creation through new managerial methodologies for the achievement of competi... As a part of the product development process, the after-sales services are not only a source of innovation, but also they benefit from value creation through new managerial methodologies for the achievement of competitive advantage and customer satisfaction. The objective of the paper is to further understand value creation for the after-sales services. We present the case of the creation of a new business for the after-sales services for the entrance into a new market. The new business is created by two gurus in the aerospace industry. A typology of guidelines is derived, based on organizational and strategic perspectives, for the after-sales services value creation and the guidelines for the creation of a new business as well as for the entrance of into a new market are presented. 展开更多
关键词 after-sales services value creation new market entrance
A Matrix-Based Approach for Sustainability in Product Design
作者 Claudio Rocco Sergio Rizzuti Luigi De Napoli 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第2期102-109,共8页
The paper proposes a matrix-based approach that a designer can use to evaluate the sustainability of one or more design solutions in the conceptual phase of a product development process. The methodology is structured... The paper proposes a matrix-based approach that a designer can use to evaluate the sustainability of one or more design solutions in the conceptual phase of a product development process. The methodology is structured in two main phases. In the first one, a data structure, called Augmented-DSM (Design Structure Matrix), has to be drawn in order to collect design information such as functional links among product components, indicators that provide information about the life cycle of each element, connections with the environment and toward other systems. The matrix is based on a DSM format, where new records were introduced to store and organize different types of data and an editing protocol was formalized. In the second stage, a set of procedures have to be applied in order to evaluate sustainability of a design solution and compare it with the others. The presented procedures, in fact, allow designers to assess a product in its proper characteristics, evaluate a device during its use stage and verify the coherence of links present in the functional model. This new approach is conceived to manage different performance indicators and, as a support tool, it is an attempt to aid designers in a quantitative evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 A-DSM (augmented-design structure matrix) early sustainability assessment functional approach simplified LCA (life cycle assessment).
作者 冯丽 《俪人(教师)》 2014年第21期150-150,共1页
教学秘书岗位是高校各个院系设立的一个重要岗位,它是学校教学管理部门与学院沟通的纽带,是老师、学生联系的桥梁,在学校、学院的教学管理过程中起着至关重要的作用,是保证教学工作顺利进行的重要因素.教学秘书作为一线管理者,其地位独... 教学秘书岗位是高校各个院系设立的一个重要岗位,它是学校教学管理部门与学院沟通的纽带,是老师、学生联系的桥梁,在学校、学院的教学管理过程中起着至关重要的作用,是保证教学工作顺利进行的重要因素.教学秘书作为一线管理者,其地位独特,在教学管理系统中发挥着参谋助手、组织协调、服务保障的重要作用.并对如何做好教学秘书工作提出了创新理念,提高认识和服务意识,增强使命感和责任感;加强学习,提高管理水平和综合能力;创新工作方法等建议.因此,如何做好高校教学秘书工作十分重要. 展开更多
关键词 高校 教学秘书 教学管理 高校教学秘书在高校教学管理者中起着至关重要的作用 是顺利开展教学管理工作过程中的关键性角色.
Improving Open Spaces for a Sustainable City
作者 Karin Schwabe Meneguetti Renato Leao Rego 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第9期1150-1156,共7页
The feasibility of city living with nature as a way to restore the balance between human uses and natural processes is the focus of this paper about the city of Maringa in Southern Brazil. This urban form, a planned n... The feasibility of city living with nature as a way to restore the balance between human uses and natural processes is the focus of this paper about the city of Maringa in Southern Brazil. This urban form, a planned new town founded in 1947 upon a previous, comprehensive British land-development scheme, originally offered a friendly interaction between urban settlement and nature. Hence, this paper outlines how open spaces can be enhanced as an ecological structure, bringing parks, squares, gardens and urban farming into a productive system, both for nature's and for people's sakes. Following a morphological study, the proposed ecological structure will maintain ecological processes within the urban grid and help to preserve historical and social values, by linking a wide variety of natural and restored ecosystems and landscape features. The adoption of this kind of ecological planning will certainly result in an increase of the urban landscape quality, changing actual planning paradigm and preventing the city from environmental quality decrease. 展开更多
关键词 Open spaces TOWNSCAPE garden city ecological structure morphological studies.
Leadership Soft Skills
作者 Tang Keow Ngang 《Sociology Study》 2012年第4期261-269,共9页
This paper mainly discusses leadership soft skills, which comprise of collaboration or teamwork, communication skills, initiative, leadership ability, people development or coaching, personal effectiveness or personal... This paper mainly discusses leadership soft skills, which comprise of collaboration or teamwork, communication skills, initiative, leadership ability, people development or coaching, personal effectiveness or personal mastery, planning and organizing, and presentation skills. Leaders need to be masters of soft skills because leadership is determined by those who can demonstrate their ability to drive an organization toward excellence and results. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the body of knowledge and literature in leadership soft skills for educational leaders in higher education institutions. In addition, this paper also provides exposure to administrators to understand the importance of leadership soft skills besides highlighting the two relevant models. Furthermore, it also provides an advantage to administrators in developing high quality interpersonal relationships with the people who they associate with in promoting positive working environment. Leadership soft skills can be seen as providing a vital contribution for organizations and administrators in the process of developing of quality human resource. 展开更多
关键词 Leadership soft skills quality human resource higher education institution
作者 LU Zhaoyang 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2014年第3期524-536,共13页
In this paper, the author considers a new Loss-distribution-approach model, in which the over-dispersed operational risks are modeled by the compound negative binomial process. In the single dimensional case, asymptot... In this paper, the author considers a new Loss-distribution-approach model, in which the over-dispersed operational risks are modeled by the compound negative binomial process. In the single dimensional case, asymptotic expansion for the quantile of compound negative binomial process is explored for computing the capital charge of a bank for operational risk. Moreover, when the dependence structure between different risk cells is modeled by the Frank copula, this approach is extended to the multi-dimensional setting. A practical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of approximation results. 展开更多
关键词 Asymptotic expansion multivariate dependence operational risk over-dispersed valueat risk.
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