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应变速率对管线钢近中性pH值环境敏感开裂的影响 被引量:16
作者 方丙炎 韩恩厚 +1 位作者 王俭秋 柯伟 《金属学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第11期1174-1182,共9页
以X-70管线钢近中性pH值溶液(NS4和实际土壤溶液)为研究对象,研究了恒载荷、慢应变速率拉伸(SSRT) 和循环蓑荷等不同条件下的环境开裂行为.结果表明,在该体系中局部应变速率是联系各种不同断裂过程的纽带,决定着断裂的模式.当该局部应... 以X-70管线钢近中性pH值溶液(NS4和实际土壤溶液)为研究对象,研究了恒载荷、慢应变速率拉伸(SSRT) 和循环蓑荷等不同条件下的环境开裂行为.结果表明,在该体系中局部应变速率是联系各种不同断裂过程的纽带,决定着断裂的模式.当该局部应变速率低于发生应力腐蚀开裂(SCC)敏感局部应变速率的上限(即5×10-5 s-1)时, SCC才能够发生;在循环载荷作用下,当该局部应变速率高于此上限时,将发生力学因素起主导作用的腐蚀疲劳(CF)开裂;该局部应变速率继续升高时,将发生机械断裂.对X-70管线钢在近中性pH值的环境开裂,不论开裂过程是溶解或(和)氨的作用占主导,均受局部应变速率控制.在通常遇到的现场服役条件下, X-70管线钢在近中性pH值溶液中的开裂模式是SCC,不是CF,应称之为“近中性pH值应变促进腐蚀开裂”,实质上这是一种由局部应变速率决定的环境开裂行为. 展开更多
关键词 局部应变速率 应力腐蚀开裂 腐蚀疲劳 应变促进腐蚀开裂 环境敏感开裂
压实黏土梁弯曲开裂性状试验研究 被引量:9
作者 凌道盛 徐泽龙 +1 位作者 蔡武军 王云岗 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期1165-1172,共8页
裂缝的存在显著降低黏土层的防渗性能。研制了土梁弯曲试验装置,研究了不同含水率压实黏土梁张拉开裂性状,分析了裂纹扩展过程,并采用PIV技术揭示了裂纹尖端的应变局部化现象,获得了不同含水率下压实黏土的开裂应变。试验结果表明:三点... 裂缝的存在显著降低黏土层的防渗性能。研制了土梁弯曲试验装置,研究了不同含水率压实黏土梁张拉开裂性状,分析了裂纹扩展过程,并采用PIV技术揭示了裂纹尖端的应变局部化现象,获得了不同含水率下压实黏土的开裂应变。试验结果表明:三点弯梁拉伸区可能出现多个应变局部化区域,其中靠近跨中的一个发展为宏观裂纹;裂纹宽度随中点挠度近似呈线性增长,且受含水率影响较小;含水率对土梁开裂特性和开裂应变影响很大,随着含水率由32.6%增至37.0%,土梁断裂挠度显著增加,裂纹尖端的应变局部化区域变大,开裂应变从2.4%增大至4.1%,跨中荷载挠度曲线呈现由跳回型向跳过型变化,荷载峰值明显降低,土梁由脆性断裂逐渐转变为延性断裂。 展开更多
关键词 压实黏土 三点弯梁 裂纹扩展 开裂应变
含倾斜弱面介质中动态裂纹扩展行为研究 被引量:9
作者 许鹏 杨仁树 +2 位作者 鞠杨 夏开文 郭洋 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期1645-1652,共8页
为研究冲击荷载下运动裂纹遇到介质中倾斜弱面后的动态断裂行为,采用霍普金森杆作为冲击加载装置,利用高速相机记录倾斜弱面介质中运动裂纹的扩展过程,并结合数字图像相关方法对裂纹周围应变场的演化过程、裂纹尖端的开裂应变以及裂纹... 为研究冲击荷载下运动裂纹遇到介质中倾斜弱面后的动态断裂行为,采用霍普金森杆作为冲击加载装置,利用高速相机记录倾斜弱面介质中运动裂纹的扩展过程,并结合数字图像相关方法对裂纹周围应变场的演化过程、裂纹尖端的开裂应变以及裂纹的扩展速度进行了分析。结果表明,在冲击荷载下,运动裂纹在遇到弱面后易偏向弱面扩展,裂纹偏转后的开裂应变和扩展速度都显著提高。此外,应力加载率对运动裂纹的扩展有显著影响。随着加载率的提高,动态裂纹沿弱面扩展一定距离后将再次进入基质扩展,且运动裂纹沿弱面扩展的偏移距离逐渐减小。在高加载率下,裂纹沿弱面扩展的速度基本保持稳定,但再次穿过弱面后的裂纹数量和长度不断增加。在相同加载率下,弱面的强度越低,裂纹沿弱面扩展的距离越长。 展开更多
关键词 霍普金森杆 弱面 裂纹偏转 应变 开裂应变
Nb对690镍合金焊条熔敷金属DDC敏感性影响 被引量:6
作者 吴伟 朱明军 李太彬 《焊接》 北大核心 2007年第2期55-58,共4页
采用应变开裂试验研究了Nb对Inconel690焊条熔敷金属失塑裂纹敏感性的影响。结果表明,Nb在熔敷金属中主要以碳化物的形式存在于晶界上,起到了阻碍晶界滑移的作用,降低了材料DDC敏感性,但是当含量超过一定值以后,出现了局部液化现象,其... 采用应变开裂试验研究了Nb对Inconel690焊条熔敷金属失塑裂纹敏感性的影响。结果表明,Nb在熔敷金属中主要以碳化物的形式存在于晶界上,起到了阻碍晶界滑移的作用,降低了材料DDC敏感性,但是当含量超过一定值以后,出现了局部液化现象,其最佳含量为1.73%。 展开更多
关键词 应变开裂试验 INCONEL 690 镍合金焊条 失塑裂纹
SCC evaluation of ultra-high strength steel in acidic chloride solution 被引量:6
作者 吴凌飞 李松梅 +1 位作者 刘建华 于美 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期2726-2732,共7页
The stress corrosion crack (SCC) susceptibility of ultra-high strength steel AerMet 100 was investigated by slow strain rate technique (SSRT), tensile with polarization and surface analysis technique. The curves o... The stress corrosion crack (SCC) susceptibility of ultra-high strength steel AerMet 100 was investigated by slow strain rate technique (SSRT), tensile with polarization and surface analysis technique. The curves of tf^Cl/tf^W -strain rate are divided into three regions: stress-dominated region, SCC-dominated region, and corrosion-dominated region, so as the curves of εf^Cl/εf^W - strain rate and tm/tf-strain rate. The results of tensile tests with polarization show that the main SCC mechanism of AerMet 100 is anodic dissolution, which controls the corrosion process. The three regions have been discussed according to the relationship between the rate of slip-step formation and the rate of dissolution. Fracture appearances in different environments were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SCC fracture appears as a mixture of intergranular and dimples, while it is totally dimples in the inert environment. The εf becomes the parameter to predict tf because the relationship between εf^Cl/εf^W and tf^Cl/tf^w is a straight line for AerMet 100. 展开更多
关键词 ultra-high strength steel stress corrosion crack slow strain rate technique strain rate anodic dissolution slip-stepformation DISSOLUTION
国产WNi690焊条熔敷金属高温失塑裂纹敏感性研究 被引量:2
作者 谷雨 黄逸峰 +1 位作者 张俊宝 余燕 《压力容器》 北大核心 2020年第9期1-5,共5页
690镍基合金焊缝金属具有较高的高温失塑裂纹敏感性。采用Gleeble-3500热力耦合试验机的应变开裂试验,对不同焊接参数下国产WNi690焊条堆焊金属的高温失塑裂纹敏感性评估,与进口Inconel152焊条试验结果进行对比分析,并结合扫描电子显微... 690镍基合金焊缝金属具有较高的高温失塑裂纹敏感性。采用Gleeble-3500热力耦合试验机的应变开裂试验,对不同焊接参数下国产WNi690焊条堆焊金属的高温失塑裂纹敏感性评估,与进口Inconel152焊条试验结果进行对比分析,并结合扫描电子显微镜及电子背散射衍射技术,对晶粒取向和晶界特征进行观察。试验表明,熔敷金属高温失塑裂纹最小临界应变出现在1050℃附近,进口Inconel152最小临界应变约为4%,WNi690焊条最小临界应变约为5%。 展开更多
关键词 690镍基合金焊条 应变开裂试验 高温失塑裂纹
Effect of pre-deformation of rolling combined with stretching on stress corrosion of aluminum alloy 2519A plate 被引量:5
作者 ZHANG Xin-ming LIU Ling +3 位作者 YE Ling-ying LIU Jun LEI Zhao SONG Ji-chao 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第1期8-15,共8页
The effect of the pre-deformation of rolling combined with stretching on the stress corrosion cracking resistance of aluminum alloy 2519A was studied by means of the slow strain rate technique at 10-6 s-1. The tensile... The effect of the pre-deformation of rolling combined with stretching on the stress corrosion cracking resistance of aluminum alloy 2519A was studied by means of the slow strain rate technique at 10-6 s-1. The tensile strength and stress corrosion index of the alloy plate with 7% rolling plus 3% perpendicular stretching were 481 MPa and 0.0429, respectively, showing better mechanical property and stress corrosion cracking resistance than those with 4% rolling plus 3% parallel stretching or 7% rolling plus 3% parallel stretching, which is due to its finer and denser precipitates within the grains, discontinuous grain boundary precipitates, as well as more narrow precipitate-free zone width. Such microstructure is attributing to the denser and more homogeneously distributed dislocations which are produced by the pre-deformation. 展开更多
关键词 2519A aluminum alloy plate stress corrosion cracking PRE-DEFORMATION PRECIPITATES
Evaluation of cracking potential for concrete arch dam based on simulation feedback analysis 被引量:11
作者 FU ShaoJun HE Ting +3 位作者 WANG GuoJin ZHANG ShiHu ZOU LiChun CHEN ShengHong 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期565-572,共8页
It is still very difficult for researchers and engineers to implement the simulation analysis including a complete process and a full model with the complicated arch dam and the foundation, and to evaluate the crackin... It is still very difficult for researchers and engineers to implement the simulation analysis including a complete process and a full model with the complicated arch dam and the foundation, and to evaluate the cracking potential in the construction and service periods. To take Xiaowan project of China for an example, a practical system of simulation feedback analysis, a specific cracking criterion, and a resolution for the conflicting requirements of temperature and stress/strain simulation are presented, which are put into a successful practice. The simulation results of temperature, stress, and cracking are identical well with the monitor data. A modified temperature control measure is propounded, and the significant effect is gained by adopting the new scheme. 展开更多
关键词 arch dam cracking potential construction process finite element method simulation feedback analysis
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