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作者 赵文聘 徐长旭 +2 位作者 黄海清 黄平 徐丽芳 《工程塑料应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第8期7-8,共2页
介绍采用双螺杆挤出机生产冷桥用PA66挤出异型条专用料的配方及工艺。该专用料以PA66为主体原料,经玻纤、改性剂、滑石粉共混改性制成。分析了几种改性材料对冷桥用 PA66挤出异型条专用料性能的影响,并探讨了PA66自身性能对专用料性能... 介绍采用双螺杆挤出机生产冷桥用PA66挤出异型条专用料的配方及工艺。该专用料以PA66为主体原料,经玻纤、改性剂、滑石粉共混改性制成。分析了几种改性材料对冷桥用 PA66挤出异型条专用料性能的影响,并探讨了PA66自身性能对专用料性能的影响。该专用料经有关厂家使用,其性能达到使用要求。 展开更多
关键词 冷桥 挤出 异型条 专用料 研究 尼龙66 改性剂 滑石粉 玻璃纤维
作者 韩雪艳 郝慧超 金贺荣 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2015年第7期27-29,33,共4页
为实现化油器针阀用异型条材无划伤精密矫直,基于弹流润滑理论,提出异型条材包覆油膜辊式矫直方案。通过对异型条材截面几何特征分析,提出与异型条材截面相包容且有利于油膜生成的矫直辊形设计方法,保证矫直过程中异型条材与矫直辊接触... 为实现化油器针阀用异型条材无划伤精密矫直,基于弹流润滑理论,提出异型条材包覆油膜辊式矫直方案。通过对异型条材截面几何特征分析,提出与异型条材截面相包容且有利于油膜生成的矫直辊形设计方法,保证矫直过程中异型条材与矫直辊接触承载区域内包覆油膜形成。利用Dowson-Higginson公式建立油膜厚度与矫直参数、润滑油动力粘度之间量化关联模型,分析最小油膜厚度影响函数,确定实现异型条材无划伤精密矫直工艺参数,并进行试验验证。结果表明:油膜包覆异型条材辊式矫直方法能够实现无划伤精密矫直,满足针阀数控加工前直线度精度要求。 展开更多
关键词 异型条 辊式矫直 辊形 油膜包覆 无划伤
新型异型条烟分拣机的设计 被引量:7
作者 谢明金 杜国锋 +1 位作者 蔡定刚 潘松君 《烟草科技》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期85-90,共6页
为解决传统立式分拣机工作效率低且生产成本高等问题,基于立式分拣机的结构和分拣方式,通过理论计算设计了新型异型条烟分拣机。该设备主要由补烟装置、储烟柜、出烟装置等部分组成,将条烟按规格尺寸分别存放在储烟柜的烟仓中,补烟装置... 为解决传统立式分拣机工作效率低且生产成本高等问题,基于立式分拣机的结构和分拣方式,通过理论计算设计了新型异型条烟分拣机。该设备主要由补烟装置、储烟柜、出烟装置等部分组成,将条烟按规格尺寸分别存放在储烟柜的烟仓中,补烟装置对条烟数量不足的烟仓自动补烟,出烟装置按订单需求自动出烟。随机选取40种异型条烟作为分拣对象,对两种分拣机性能进行测试,结果表明:新型分拣机运行稳定,与立式分拣机相比,分拣量提高1 493条/h,烟仓储量增加400条,操作人员减少2人,设备停机次数减少3次/h。该设备可为提高异型条烟分拣效率和减少人工成本提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 异型条 分拣机 补烟装置 储烟柜 出烟装置
《塑料工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期56-56,共1页
关键词 聚酰胺 冷桥 PA66 挤出 异型条原料 鞍山龙马塑料有限公司 开发成功 共混改性剂 双螺杆挤出机 混炼造粒
作者 钟亮 《物流技术》 2022年第11期117-120,共4页
关键词 预分拣 虚拟队列 自动合单 ECRS分析法 异型条 关键技术
作者 刘翱 《中国新技术新产品》 2020年第17期50-51,共2页
该文简要介绍了条烟分拣的技术背景和面对异型条烟分拣时现存的问题,通过理论计算,利用速度差和负压抽吸原理,设计了一种条烟计数输出装置。通过科学计算,确定了输送带上吸附孔的排布和孔径,在输送带运动和停止时,确保条烟相对输送带基... 该文简要介绍了条烟分拣的技术背景和面对异型条烟分拣时现存的问题,通过理论计算,利用速度差和负压抽吸原理,设计了一种条烟计数输出装置。通过科学计算,确定了输送带上吸附孔的排布和孔径,在输送带运动和停止时,确保条烟相对输送带基本无相对滑动,实现计数输出的目的。经过实践验证,该设备可为异型条烟实现自动化分拣提供重要的技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 异型条 速度差 负压抽吸 计数输出
作者 赵文聘 《中国塑料信息》 2002年第72期54-54,共1页
关键词 鞍山龙马塑料公司 挤出异型条 塑料 冷桥 PA66 原料
作者 阳林峰 杨雨 张慧 《轻工科技》 2022年第3期63-65,共3页
针对目前烟包异型条盒生产过程中,面纸自动上胶方式无法同时满足面纸底部上胶、精准放置和自动化生产的情况,提出一种新的面纸自动上胶工艺流程,并设计其结构。首先对面纸进行定位,然后机械手末端的吸风腔吸取面纸,并在上胶辊上完成面... 针对目前烟包异型条盒生产过程中,面纸自动上胶方式无法同时满足面纸底部上胶、精准放置和自动化生产的情况,提出一种新的面纸自动上胶工艺流程,并设计其结构。首先对面纸进行定位,然后机械手末端的吸风腔吸取面纸,并在上胶辊上完成面纸底面上胶,最终机械手精准地放置面纸到特定位置。本文对面纸自动上胶装置的工位速度和上胶质量进行分析研究,经过实际生产验证,满足自动化生产的速度与质量要求。 展开更多
关键词 烟包异型条 面纸 自动上胶 机械手 定位 工位速度
作者 王海博 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2021年第7期146-147,149,共3页
本文以某烟草物流配送中心异型烟分拣线为背景,概述了侧推-机械手叠垛结合的异型卷烟分拣模式的基本结构及其性能优点。通过分析零售户卷烟的订单结构,提出了基于Delphi语言的异型条烟自动叠剁算法,解决分拣线叠垛包装的效率瓶颈问题,... 本文以某烟草物流配送中心异型烟分拣线为背景,概述了侧推-机械手叠垛结合的异型卷烟分拣模式的基本结构及其性能优点。通过分析零售户卷烟的订单结构,提出了基于Delphi语言的异型条烟自动叠剁算法,解决分拣线叠垛包装的效率瓶颈问题,提高了异型烟分拣线的整体运行效率。 展开更多
关键词 异型条 侧推-机械手 DELPHI语言 自动叠剁算法
隔热条异型材挤出模具设计 被引量:2
作者 付秀娟 刘长生 周爱军 《工程塑料应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期55-57,共3页
通过对隔热条异型材截面形状及原材料挤出成型性能的分析 ,设计了异型材挤出口模形状、流线形流道及挤出模具结构。经实践证明 ,该模具口模形状及尺寸设计正确 ,流线形流道设计合理 ,能生产出满足尺寸精度要求的隔热条异型材。
关键词 隔热异型 挤出模具 模具设计 口模形状 流道 塑钢门窗
作者 吕健 《江西建材》 2014年第19期163-163,共1页
关键词 粉煤灰 异型钢伸缩缝橡胶 破损 更换施工 工法
Coverage Dependence of Growth Mode in Heteroepitaxy of Ni on Cu(100) Surface
作者 WU Feng-Min LU Hang-Jun FANG Yun-Zhang HUANG Shi-Hua 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第7期231-236,共6页
A realistic kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulation model with physical parameters is developed, which well reproduces the heteroepitaxial growth of multilayered Ni thin film on Cu(100) surfaces at room temperature. ... A realistic kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulation model with physical parameters is developed, which well reproduces the heteroepitaxial growth of multilayered Ni thin film on Cu(100) surfaces at room temperature. The effects of mass transport between interlayers and edge diffusion of atoms along the islands are included in the simulation model, and the surface roughness and the layer distribution versus total coverage are calculated. Speeially, the simulation model reveals the transition of growth mode with coverage and the difference between the Ni heteroepitaxy on Cu(100) and the Ni homoepitaxy on Ni(100). Through comparison of KMC simulation with the real scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments, the Ehrlich-Schwoebel (ES) barrier Ees is estimated to be 0.18±0.02 eV for Ni/Cu(100) system while 0.28 eV for Ni/Ni(100). The simulation also shows that the growth mode depends strongly on the thickness of thin film and the surface temperature, and the critical thickness of growth mode transition is dependent on the growth condition such as surface temperature and deposition flux as well. 展开更多
关键词 heteroepitary growth mode ES barrier kinetic Monte Carlo simulation
Value-at-Risk Approach to Currency Crises: A Brazilian Example With the Central Bank and Currency Based Assets*
作者 Marcelo Zeuli 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第9期593-609,共17页
This paper uses a Value at Risk (VaR) approach to evaluate a country financial vulnerability, by analyzing the risk exposure of its Central Bank, as if their assets are subject to market risk. The Brazilian currency... This paper uses a Value at Risk (VaR) approach to evaluate a country financial vulnerability, by analyzing the risk exposure of its Central Bank, as if their assets are subject to market risk. The Brazilian currency exchange swaps contracts (USS/Brazilian Reais) are submitted to a delta-normal VaR method, in order to evaluate the market risk of each swaps series, by modeling the variance of the daily returns, from August 1999 to January 2003. All daily returns series exhibited heteroscedasticity in the conditional variance and sudden changes in the unconditional variance. The points of changes of the unconditional variance were determined through the Iterative Cumulative Sum of Squares (ICSS) algorithm, and the conditional variance was modeled with Markov-Switching-Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (SWGARCH) in order to capture heteroscedasticity and regime change. The results lead to two main conclusions: First, a VaR model must incorporate heteroscedasticity and regime switching in order to describe the variance of the tested series, submitted to brisk changes of economic and political scenarios. Second, a volatility-based VaR do not necessarily generate forward-looking indicators, but rather coincident indicators of possible financial vulnerabilities. The future research will evolve towards evaluating the effects of the Basel III recommendations as if they could be applied to this crisis period. 展开更多
关键词 emerging markets market risk VOLATILITY GARCH models regime switching
The Influence of Exchange Rate on the Volume of Japanese Manufacturing Export
作者 Hitomi Okamura Yumi Asahi Toshikazu Yamaguchi 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第1期20-25,共6页
This paper investigates the influence of exchange rate volatility on the volume of Japanese manufacturing export. The volatility in yen is shown by conditional variance from EGARCH (Exponential Generalized Autoregres... This paper investigates the influence of exchange rate volatility on the volume of Japanese manufacturing export. The volatility in yen is shown by conditional variance from EGARCH (Exponential Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity) model, allowing for asymmetric effects that a shock of an appreciation of the yen is different from that of a depreciation of the yen. The export action model including exchange rate volatility is constructed based on VAR (Vector Auto Regressive) model to examine the relationship between exchange rate uncertainty and the volume of export. Tests are performed for typical eight kinds of industry in Japan. Few empirical studies focus on each Japanese industry export. Results indicate significant negative effects of exchange rate volatility on most manufacturing exports. In addition, this paper analyzes the each industry, featurc of the influence of exchange rate on the volume of Japanese export. The authors find that equipment industries occupying 60% or more of total Japanese exports especially tend to receive negative influence of exchange. 展开更多
关键词 FINANCE time series analysis exchange rate volatility EGARCH model.
Semiparametric estimation of a Box-Cox transformation model with varying coefficients model 被引量:4
作者 JI YuanYuan WANG LiMing +1 位作者 ZHANG HangHui ZHOU YaHong 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期897-922,共26页
This paper considers the estimation of a Box-Cox transformation model with varying coefficient. A two-step approach is proposed in which the first step estimates the varying coefficients nonparametrically for any give... This paper considers the estimation of a Box-Cox transformation model with varying coefficient. A two-step approach is proposed in which the first step estimates the varying coefficients nonparametrically for any given parameter a in the transformation function. Then a one-dimensional search of a has been employed based on some least absolute deviation criterion function. The validity of our estimator does not require independence assumption thus is robust to the conditional heteroscedasticity. A simulation study shows a reasonably well finite sample performance. Additionally, a comprehensive empirical study has been carefully examined. 展开更多
关键词 varying-coefficient model Box-Cox transformation model conditional heteroscedasticity
Composite quantile regression estimation for P-GARCH processes 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO Biao CHEN Zhao +1 位作者 TAO GuiPing CHEN Min 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期977-998,共22页
We consider the periodic generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity(P-GARCH) process and propose a robust estimator by composite quantile regression. We study some useful properties about the P-GARCH mo... We consider the periodic generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity(P-GARCH) process and propose a robust estimator by composite quantile regression. We study some useful properties about the P-GARCH model. Under some mild conditions, we establish the asymptotic results of proposed estimator.The Monte Carlo simulation is presented to assess the performance of proposed estimator. Numerical study results show that our proposed estimation outperforms other existing methods for heavy tailed distributions.The proposed methodology is also illustrated by Va R on stock price data. 展开更多
关键词 composite quantile regression periodic GARCH process strictly periodic stationarity strong consistency asymptotic normality
Large Solutions to Complex Monge-Ampère Equations: Existence, Uniqueness and Asymptotics
作者 Ni XIANG Xiaoping YANG 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期569-580,共12页
The authors consider the complex Monge-Ampere equation det(uij) = ψ(z, u, △↓u) in bounded strictly pseudoconvex domains Ω, subject to the singular boundary condition u =∞ on δΩ. Under suitable conditions on... The authors consider the complex Monge-Ampere equation det(uij) = ψ(z, u, △↓u) in bounded strictly pseudoconvex domains Ω, subject to the singular boundary condition u =∞ on δΩ. Under suitable conditions on ψ, the existence, uniqueness and the exact asymptotic behavior of solutions Monge-Ampere equations are established to boundary blow-up problems for the complex 展开更多
关键词 Complex Monge-Ampere equation Boundary blow-up Plurisubharmonic PSEUDOCONVEX ASYMPTOTICS
A modern and robust methodology for modeling anisotropic creep characteristics of Ni-based DS and SC superalloys 被引量:1
作者 HUANG Jia SHI DuoQi YANG XiaoGuang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第9期1802-1815,共14页
According to more recent work, the Wilshire equations have shown good prediction accuracy in a wide range of materials and stress-temperature conditions, particularly in extrapolation of short term results to long ter... According to more recent work, the Wilshire equations have shown good prediction accuracy in a wide range of materials and stress-temperature conditions, particularly in extrapolation of short term results to long term predictions. In the current paper, this methodology was further developed for modeling anisotropic creep characteristics (i.e. minimum creep strain /~n, stress rupture life q and time to a specified strain t~) of four typical Ni-based directionally solidified (DS) and single crystal (SC) superalloys, where a simple orientation factor related to the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) was introduced. The application of these simplistic approaches showed that the anisotropic creep characteristics in a wide range of stress-temperature conditions can be accurately simulated. Meanwhile, during the application of the modified Wilshire equations, break points occurring at the specified stress levels agree well with the transition of creep deformation mechanisms occurring in different stress regions, which provides confidence for using this method. 展开更多
关键词 stress rupture life ANISOTROPY the minimum creep strain rate Ni-based superalloy prediction methodology
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