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作者 贺润丰 《低碳世界》 2015年第2期185-186,共2页
近多年以来,随着我国社会主义经济与科学科技的快速发展,以及人口数量的急速的增多,人们对住房的要求也越来越高,为此,我们必须加快我国城市建设。这时候,最关键的是我国的高层建筑。我国城市的许多高层的建筑正在迅猛的发展。往... 近多年以来,随着我国社会主义经济与科学科技的快速发展,以及人口数量的急速的增多,人们对住房的要求也越来越高,为此,我们必须加快我国城市建设。这时候,最关键的是我国的高层建筑。我国城市的许多高层的建筑正在迅猛的发展。往往我们会使同一栋的高层的建筑有着比平时很多的多种使用的功能,为此我们应该考虑到高层建筑的实用性和安全性,目前我国主要的建筑方向是大底盘多塔异性柱框架建筑结构,总体来说就是大底盘多塔异形柱框架的支剪力墙结构。最大限度满足了用地的合理要求,虽然这样,大底盘多塔异性柱框架建筑结构在安全系数角度、防震都还存在着许多的缺陷。本文通过对大底盘多塔异性柱框架结构设计进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 大底盘多塔 异性柱框架结构设计 抗震反应 设计分析
用柱状成层各向异性介质的并矢Green函数模拟偏心对多分量感应测井响应的影响 被引量:6
作者 魏宝君 曹景强 +1 位作者 任广强 贾毅龙 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期1234-1247,共14页
采用偏心状态下柱状成层各向异性(横向各向同性)介质中并矢Green函数的解析表达式高效模拟多分量感应测井仪器在井眼中偏心时的响应.为提高精度,在模拟时考虑到了金属心轴、绝缘保护层的存在以及各分量线圈系的具体形状.数值模拟结果表... 采用偏心状态下柱状成层各向异性(横向各向同性)介质中并矢Green函数的解析表达式高效模拟多分量感应测井仪器在井眼中偏心时的响应.为提高精度,在模拟时考虑到了金属心轴、绝缘保护层的存在以及各分量线圈系的具体形状.数值模拟结果表明,当井眼内钻井液电导率相对较高、地层电导率相对较低时,偏心对仪器响应的影响较大,尤其是对短线圈距线圈系的影响更为明显,必须进行偏心效应校正.当钻井液电导率相对较低时,偏心对线圈系响应的影响可忽略不计.对位于相对低电导率井眼中的线圈系而言仪器方位角的影响可忽略不计,而当线圈系位于相对高电导率井眼中时仪器方位角的影响极为明显.当仪器偏心率较小时线圈系的响应随仪器方位角的变化较小,仪器偏心率越大线圈系的响应随仪器方位角的变化越明显. 展开更多
关键词 多分量感应测井 并矢Green函数 状成层各向异性介质 偏心
用柱状成层各向异性介质的并矢Green函数模拟多分量感应测井仪器的响应 被引量:5
作者 魏宝君 王成园 +2 位作者 党峰 常欣莉 曹景强 《中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期59-69,共11页
采用递推方法得到柱状成层各向异性介质(横向各向同性)中并矢Green函数的解析表达式。该表达式可用于模拟柱状成层各向异性地层中任意点源(包括电流源和磁流源)的响应,地层数目可以任意,源点和场点的位置可以在任意地层中。利用上述表... 采用递推方法得到柱状成层各向异性介质(横向各向同性)中并矢Green函数的解析表达式。该表达式可用于模拟柱状成层各向异性地层中任意点源(包括电流源和磁流源)的响应,地层数目可以任意,源点和场点的位置可以在任意地层中。利用上述表达式模拟含金属心轴和绝缘保护层多分量感应测井仪器在有井眼和侵入带各向异性地层中的响应。为提高模拟精度,考虑各分量线圈系的具体形状。将金属心轴作为一层介质处理,既可以考虑其电导率有限,也可以考虑其电导率为无穷大的情况。数值模拟结果表明,共面线圈系具有与共轴线圈系完全不同的响应特性。共面线圈系的响应特性更为复杂,对钻井液电导率、侵入带电导率、地层电导率、地层各向异性的变化更为敏感,且在很多情况下其响应会随这些参数的变化出现符号改变。此外,由于共面线圈系的同一响应可对应各向同性地层或各向异性地层的不同电导率,从而使得对测量数据的解释处理变得复杂。 展开更多
关键词 多分量感应测井 并矢Green函数 状成层各向异性介质 金属心轴 侵入带
作者 李雪洁 彭震 郝文佳 《科学技术创新》 2019年第13期113-114,共2页
关键词 有限元模拟 异性钢管混凝土短 外钢管失效
浅析异形柱施工工法在高层建筑中的应用 被引量:2
作者 万成超 《江西建材》 2015年第16期47-47,共1页
随着我国经济社会的发展,高层建筑已成为现阶段我国建筑的主流,有效的缓解了土地紧张问题。但是随着人们物质生活水平的不断提高,人们对高层建筑的要求也越来越高。为了满足人们不断增长的需求,在现代众多的高层建筑中,采用了更多的异... 随着我国经济社会的发展,高层建筑已成为现阶段我国建筑的主流,有效的缓解了土地紧张问题。但是随着人们物质生活水平的不断提高,人们对高层建筑的要求也越来越高。为了满足人们不断增长的需求,在现代众多的高层建筑中,采用了更多的异形柱施工,使得建筑使用起来更加人性化,并且异形柱的使用咋很大程度上为建筑的使用提供了方便性和灵活性,在一定程度上满足了人们的需求。在高层建筑中,从异形柱模板的选用和加固,到混凝土浇筑和维护保养都需要进行全程的控制,以保证高层建筑的质量。本文将结合多年的实践经验,并在查阅文献的基础上,着重分析了异形柱施工工法,以期为今后异形柱在高层建筑中的应用提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 异性柱 施工工法 高层建筑 应用解析
多层钢筋混凝土框架结构改造与异形柱应用 被引量:5
作者 于跃海 《工程建设与设计》 2011年第7期61-65,共5页
工程结构特性和工程实践证明了钢筋混凝土框架结构缺点的存在。时代在前进,工程设计亦应不断剔除落后,充实先进、开拓创新,跟上时代前进的洪流。在有内隔墙的框架结构中将方形柱改造成异形柱;将框架结构与砌体结构融为一体,即砖砌体加... 工程结构特性和工程实践证明了钢筋混凝土框架结构缺点的存在。时代在前进,工程设计亦应不断剔除落后,充实先进、开拓创新,跟上时代前进的洪流。在有内隔墙的框架结构中将方形柱改造成异形柱;将框架结构与砌体结构融为一体,即砖砌体加钢筋混凝土"箍"(梁、柱),集合砌体框架两结构的优点,避其缺欠。推出"梁柱墙联合承重协同工作"的框架结构模式,它更适用于抗高震级的抗震结构建筑中。优化工程结构,改善使用功能,提高工程价值是工程设计不断追求的目标。 展开更多
关键词 钢筋混凝土框架结构 异性柱 应用
异形柱框架结构在民用住宅当中的应用分析 被引量:1
作者 王利 李波 《居业》 2018年第3期122-123,共2页
随着最近几年我国经济的不断发展,人们对于民用住宅的需求也呈现出了显著增长的态势,而其中异形柱框架结构使用的频率也正在逐渐升高。本文在研究过程中首先分析了异性柱框架结构的应用局限性,并对其优化措施进行了探讨,希望能够在最大... 随着最近几年我国经济的不断发展,人们对于民用住宅的需求也呈现出了显著增长的态势,而其中异形柱框架结构使用的频率也正在逐渐升高。本文在研究过程中首先分析了异性柱框架结构的应用局限性,并对其优化措施进行了探讨,希望能够在最大程度上为相关设计人员今后的设计起到良好的帮助作用。 展开更多
关键词 异性柱框架结构 民用住宅 应用分析
作者 盖丽佳 《美术教育研究》 2013年第8期65-65,共1页
对于设计、设计师而言,只要是好的、美的、合理的元素,就可以将其运用到设计中去。在人类历史上,自有建筑以来,人们就开始运用柱子。在现代设计中,柱子不仅可以作为单独的元素,还可以围合成空间,作为人们视线的牵引物。文章阐述了柱子... 对于设计、设计师而言,只要是好的、美的、合理的元素,就可以将其运用到设计中去。在人类历史上,自有建筑以来,人们就开始运用柱子。在现代设计中,柱子不仅可以作为单独的元素,还可以围合成空间,作为人们视线的牵引物。文章阐述了柱子的历史、柱子在建筑中的作用以及柱子的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 导向性 网结构 异性截面
作者 杨志龙 孙永成 《土木工程》 2014年第6期159-167,共9页
本文以某地区一座6层加固后的建筑为原型,通过建立模型来模拟地震力对建筑物的作用,以此来研究建筑物的抗破坏性能即延性性能,并通过实际计算和有限元软件模拟,得出加固后的异型柱延性特征和延性与外包钢厚度、缀板间距、轴压比的关系,... 本文以某地区一座6层加固后的建筑为原型,通过建立模型来模拟地震力对建筑物的作用,以此来研究建筑物的抗破坏性能即延性性能,并通过实际计算和有限元软件模拟,得出加固后的异型柱延性特征和延性与外包钢厚度、缀板间距、轴压比的关系,进而为更好的研究异性框架柱打下良好的基础。 展开更多
关键词 抗震 有限元 延性 异性框架
Correlation between Stigma Characteristics and Outcrossing Rate of Five Photo-thermo Sensitive Genic Male Sterile(PTGMS) Rice Lines 被引量:2
作者 舒志芬 陈勇 +3 位作者 刘钊 袁露 熊朝 张海清 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期573-576,583,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the correlation between stigma characteristics and outcrossing rate of photo-thermo sensitive genic male sterile(PTGMS) rice lines. [Method] The stigma exsertion rate, sti... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the correlation between stigma characteristics and outcrossing rate of photo-thermo sensitive genic male sterile(PTGMS) rice lines. [Method] The stigma exsertion rate, stigma size and stigma vitality of Chuang 5S, Yun 9S, Peiai 64 S, P88 S and Y58 S were analyzed. Using R608 as a male parent, outcrossing rate of these five PTGMS lines was determined. [Result]There were differences in stigma exsertion rate, stigma size and stigma vitality among five PTGMS lines. P88 S exhibited the best stigma characteristics and relatively strong stigma vitality, with the stigma exsertion rate of 95.94%, stigma vitality coefficient of 2.71, outcrossing rate of 84.02% in the field. Peiai 64 s had the minimum stigma length(2.41 mm) and stigma width(1.10 mm) and the weakest stigma vitality, with the stigma exsertion rate of 93.04%, outcrossing rate of 65.47%. Yun 9S,Y58 S and Chuang 5S displayed medium stigma characteristics, among which Yun9 S exhibited higher outcrossing rate than other two PTGMS lines. Correlation analysis showed that stigma exsertion rate, stigma length, stigma width, stigma area and stigma volume were significantly correlated to outcrossing rate(P〈0.05), with correlation coefficients of 0.897, 0.934, 0.934, 0.939 and 0.937, respectively. However,there was no significant correlation between stigma vitality coefficient and outcrossing rate. [Conclusion] Based on stigma characteristics of five PTGMS lines, auxiliary pollination measures should be adopted reasonably to save production costs and improve hybrid rice seed yield. 展开更多
关键词 RICE PTGMS lines Stigma characteristics Outcrossing rate
利用2.5维数值模式匹配算法高效高精度建立垂直井眼中多分量阵列感应井眼校正库 被引量:7
作者 朱天竹 杨守文 +2 位作者 白彦 陈涛 汪宏年 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期1221-1233,共13页
本文将应用2.5维数值模式匹配算法研究建立柱状横向同性地层中偏心条件下磁流源并矢Green函数的高效算法,并利用该算法高效计算多分量阵列感应井眼校正库.首先,通过Fourier展开技术将偏心条件下磁流源并矢Green函数的数值模拟转化为一... 本文将应用2.5维数值模式匹配算法研究建立柱状横向同性地层中偏心条件下磁流源并矢Green函数的高效算法,并利用该算法高效计算多分量阵列感应井眼校正库.首先,通过Fourier展开技术将偏心条件下磁流源并矢Green函数的数值模拟转化为一系列的轴对称问题;然后利用模式匹配算法求解轴对称问题,得到柱状介质中偏心条件下磁流源并矢Green函数的半解析解;最后,结合中国石油集团测井有限公司开发的三维感应测井仪器(TDIT)的结构参数,推导出复合线圈系视电导率张量的计算公式.在此基础上,根据井场实际地层资料归纳出理论地层模型相应参数的变化范围,高效高精度建立一套直接应用于工业生产的多分量阵列感应井眼校正库,并利用井眼校正库详细地分析考察各模型参数对TDIT响应的影响. 展开更多
关键词 状各向异性地层 2.5维数值模式匹配算法 多分量阵列感应响应 井眼校正库 三维感应测井仪器
Seismic Behavior of Specially Shaped Column Joints with X-Shaped Reinforcement 被引量:3
作者 戎贤 张健新 李艳艳 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第2期110-117,共8页
To investigate the seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints with X-shaped reinforcement,two groups of specimens with or without X-shaped reinforcement in joint core region were tested under constant axial co... To investigate the seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints with X-shaped reinforcement,two groups of specimens with or without X-shaped reinforcement in joint core region were tested under constant axial compression load and low reversed cyclic loading,which imitated low to moderate earthquake force.The seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints with X-shaped reinforcement in terms of bearing capacity,displacement,ductility,hysteretic curve,stiffness degradation and energy dissipation was studied and compared to that without Xshaped reinforcement in joint core region.With the damage estimation model,the accumulated damage was analyzed.The shearing capacity formula of specially shaped column joints reinforced by X-shaped reinforcement was proposed with a simple form.The test results show that X-shaped reinforcement is an effective measure for improving the seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints including deformation behavior,ductility and hysteretic characteristic.All specimens were damaged with gradual stiffness degeneration.In addition,X-shaped reinforcement in the joint core region is an effective way to lighten the degree of cumulated damage.The good seismic performance obtained from the specially shaped column joint with X-shaped reinforcement can be used in engineering applications.The test value is higher than the calculated value,which indicates that the formula is safe for the design of specially shaped column joints. 展开更多
关键词 specially shaped column JOINT low cyclic loading X-shaped reinforcement seismic behavior
Study of Torsional Impact Problem of Orthotropic Hollow Cylinder
作者 杨华凯 郝文华 王熙 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2004年第2期41-44,共4页
A simple integral transform method was presented to solve the torsional impact problem of orthotropic hollow cylinder with mixed boundary condition. The analytical solution for the torsional impact problem of the orth... A simple integral transform method was presented to solve the torsional impact problem of orthotropic hollow cylinder with mixed boundary condition. The analytical solution for the torsional impact problem of the orthotropic hollow cylinder was got. Some examples were calculated and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 orthotropic hollow cylinder torsional impact theroretical solution
Quantitative analysis of deformation in hollow cylinder tests on anisotropic clay formations
作者 You Shuang Ji Hongguang +2 位作者 Labiouse Vincent Hall Stephen A. Viggiani Gioacchino 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第2期299-303,共5页
A series of triaxial laboratory experiments are performed on thick-walled hollow cylindrical samples of boom clay.The aim of this testing program is to better understand the anisotropic deformation during the excavati... A series of triaxial laboratory experiments are performed on thick-walled hollow cylindrical samples of boom clay.The aim of this testing program is to better understand the anisotropic deformation during the excavation.The testing conditions are similar to those to be experienced by host rocks around disposal galleries for radioactive waste.X-ray computed tomography is performed at different steps for each test with the samples remaining inside the loading cell.Initial analysis of the tomography images allows of the observation of the deformation of the central hole.In addition,particles manual tracking and 3D volumetric digital image correlation processing methods are considered being used to analyze the particles displacements and the boundary deformation of the sample quantitatively.An unsymmetrical damaged zone is induced around the hole,with a reverse deformation trend being found at the boundary after unloading,which indicates that the significant anisotropic deformation of boom clay can be induced by mechanical unloading. 展开更多
关键词 Boom clay Hollow cylinder test Deformation X-ray computed tomography Particles manual tracking
Shear wave velocity in granular soil considering effects of inherent and stress-induced anisotropy
作者 Bayat MEYSAM 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期1476-1492,共17页
The aim of this research was to explain the effects of relative density,mean effective stress,grading characteristics,consolidation stress ratio and initial fabric anisotropy produced during specimen preparation on sh... The aim of this research was to explain the effects of relative density,mean effective stress,grading characteristics,consolidation stress ratio and initial fabric anisotropy produced during specimen preparation on shear wave velocity(Vs).It is shown that the Vs of the consolidated specimens under anisotropic compression stress is greater than that of the consolidated specimens under isotropic or anisotropic extension stress states at a given relative density and effective confining stress.It is also shown that the depositional technique that was used to create reconstituted specimens has important effect on the Vs.A parallel comparison of measured values from the resonant column and bender element tests is also presented.These results of the tests have been employed to develop a generalized relationship for predicting Vs of granular soils.The Vs model is validated using data collected from literatures.Based on the results,it can be conducted that the proposed model has a good performance and is capable of evaluating the Vs of granular soil. 展开更多
关键词 ANISOTROPY SAND GRAVEL bender element resonant column shear wave velocity
混凝土异形柱结构研究进展 被引量:3
作者 巩伟平 杨靖 高怀明 《工业建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S1期236-239,共4页
首先介绍了JGJ 149—2006《混凝土异形柱结构技术规程》中规定的三种结构体系,然后介绍未列入规范但处于研究中的结构体系,并重点阐述了型钢混凝土异形柱结构体系及其相关研究进展,最后指出其是小高层及高层住宅建筑中较为理想的一种结... 首先介绍了JGJ 149—2006《混凝土异形柱结构技术规程》中规定的三种结构体系,然后介绍未列入规范但处于研究中的结构体系,并重点阐述了型钢混凝土异形柱结构体系及其相关研究进展,最后指出其是小高层及高层住宅建筑中较为理想的一种结构形式,具有较高的需求。 展开更多
关键词 异形结构 型钢混凝土 异性柱 节点 框架
Loading-unloading test analysis of anisotropic columnar jointed basalts 被引量:4
作者 Zhi-gang SHAN Sheng-jie DI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第8期603-614,共12页
To evaluate the columnar jointed basalts in the dam site of Baihetan hydropower station in southwest China, we developed a basic conceptual model of single jointed rock mass. Considering that the rock mass deformation... To evaluate the columnar jointed basalts in the dam site of Baihetan hydropower station in southwest China, we developed a basic conceptual model of single jointed rock mass. Considering that the rock mass deformation consists of rock block deformation and joints deformation, the linear mechanical characteristics of the cell (including the elastic joints and the nonlinear mechanical behaviors of the cell) with a combined frictional-elastic interface were analyzed. We developed formulas to calculate the rock block deformation, which can be adapted for multiple jointed rock mass and columnar jointed basalts. The formulas are effective in calculating the equivalent modulus of multiple jointed rock mass, and precisely reveal the anisotropic properties of columnar jointed basalts. Furthermore, the in situ rigid bearing plate tests were analyzed and calculated, and the types of loading-unloading curves and the equivalent modulus along different directions of columnar jointed basalts were obtained. The analytical results are in close compliance with the test results. 展开更多
关键词 Columnar jointed basalts In situ test Joint stiffness Loading-unloading ANISOTROPY
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