Objectives: To compare multiplex fluorescent PCRwith serum type-specific antibody detection in thediagnosis of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection andto evaluate its significance in the diagnosis of genitalherpes.Met...Objectives: To compare multiplex fluorescent PCRwith serum type-specific antibody detection in thediagnosis of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection andto evaluate its significance in the diagnosis of genitalherpes.Methods: We detected HSV infection in 121 speci-mens collected from patients with genital herpesusing both multiplex fluorescent PCR and serum type-specific antibody detection. HSV viral isolation wasused as the standard control.Results: When compared with the viral isolation, thesensitivity and specificity for multiplex fluorescentPCR were 100% and 88.89%, respectively afterdiscrepant analysis. The sensitivity and specificity fortype-specific antibody detection was 77.68 % and77.78 %, respectively. However, the type-specificantibody detected HSV in two asymptomatic patientswhile the multiplex fluorescent PCR couldn’t detectany HSV DNA from those specimens.Conclusions: Multiplex fluorescent PCR is a verysensitive and specific method for detection and typingof HSV in the lesion of genital herpes, it failed todetect HSV DNA from the asymptomatic patients.Serum type-specific antibody detection was a lesssensitive and specific test but could detect the specificantibody from some asymptomatic patients. Thecombination of these two techniques would allow rapid,sensitive and accurate detection and typing of HSVand help clinical diagnosis and epidemiologic survey-ing of genital herpes.展开更多
Objective: To study the sensitivity and the specific-ity of the condyloma acuminata acetowhitening test.Methods: We placed gauzes soaked with 5% aceticacid onto the lesions for 3 to 5 minutes, then removedthe gauzes a...Objective: To study the sensitivity and the specific-ity of the condyloma acuminata acetowhitening test.Methods: We placed gauzes soaked with 5% aceticacid onto the lesions for 3 to 5 minutes, then removedthe gauzes and observed the result of acetowhitening. Results: 165 of 211(78.2%) patients tested positive.159 patients had condyloma acuminata and 134 of themhad a positive acetowhitening test (84.3%). Of the 26patients with candida balanitis, 25 cases were positivewith a positive rate of 96.2%.Conclusions: The high sensitivity and specificity ofthe condyloma acuminata acetowhitening test justifythe use of this test in the clinical setting. However, thecondyloma acuminata acetowhitening test has someshortcomings and these must be considered duringdiagnosis.展开更多
Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) has long attracted the attention of biologists, and life-history variation is thought to play an important role in the evolution of SSD. Here we quantified SSD and female reproductive tr...Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) has long attracted the attention of biologists, and life-history variation is thought to play an important role in the evolution of SSD. Here we quantified SSD and female reproductive traits to identify potential asso- ciations between SSD and female reproduction in the white-striped grass lizard Takydromus wolteri. In a population from Chuzhou, China, the largest male and female were 53.0 mm and 57.5 mm in snout-vent length (SVL), respectively. Females were larger in SVL and abdomen length, whereas males were larger in head size and tail length. Females produced up to five clutches of eggs during the breeding season, with large females producing more clutches and more eggs per clutch than small ones. As a result, large females had a higher annual fecundity and reproductive output. Egg size was positively correlated with matemal SVL in the first clutch, but not in subsequent clutches. These results suggest that T. wolteri is a species with female-biased SSD, and that fectmdity selection, in which large females have higher fecundity due to their higher capacity for laying eggs, is likely correlated with the evolution of SSD in this species展开更多
The prenatal hormonal environment plays an important role in organizing sex differences in the morphology, physiology and behavior of humans as well as other vertebrates. Currently, all related research on rodents has...The prenatal hormonal environment plays an important role in organizing sex differences in the morphology, physiology and behavior of humans as well as other vertebrates. Currently, all related research on rodents has been focused on Myomorpha. This study presents data on sex differences in the anogenital distance (AGD) and the ratio of the second to the fourth digit length (2D:4D) from 44 wild David's rock squirrels Sciurotamias davidianus captured from the Qinling Mountains, China. This was the first study of a species from Sciuromorpha. The AGD as well as body mass are sexually dimorphic. There are no sex differences or lateral asymmetry in 2D:4D. Significant correlation was not found between AGD and 2D:4D for any paw. The findings indicate that 2D:4D may not be fixed or influenced by the prenatal steroidal environment in David's rock squirrels [Current Zoology 60 (2): 180-185, 2014].展开更多
Sexual selection is expected to promote speciation by fostering the evolution of sexual traits that minimize reproductive interactions among existing or incipient species. In species that compete for access to, or att...Sexual selection is expected to promote speciation by fostering the evolution of sexual traits that minimize reproductive interactions among existing or incipient species. In species that compete for access to, or attention of, females, sexual selec- tion fosters more elaborate traits in males compared to females. If these traits also minimize reproductive interactions with het- erospecifics, then species with enhanced risk of interactions between species might display greater numbers of these sexually di- morphic characters. We tested this prediction in eight families of North American birds. In particular, we evaluated whether the number of sexually dimorphic traits was positively associated with species richness at a given site or with degree of sympatry with congeners. We found no strong evidence of enhanced sexual dimorphism with increasing confamilial species richness at a given site. We also found no overall relationship between the number of sexually dimorphic traits and overlap with congeners across these eight families. However, we found patterns consistent with our prediction within Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans) and, to a lesser degree, Parulidae (New World warblers). Our results suggest that sexually selected plumage traits in these groups potentially play a role in reproductive isolation [Current Zoology 58 (3): 453--462, 2012].展开更多
Sexual selection is widespread if not ubiquitous in hermaphroditic organisms. Although many phenomena that have been described as sexual selection in gonochores, (e.g. harem polygamy, multiple mating, elaborate court...Sexual selection is widespread if not ubiquitous in hermaphroditic organisms. Although many phenomena that have been described as sexual selection in gonochores, (e.g. harem polygamy, multiple mating, elaborate courtship, even secondary sexual characters) can be found in some hermaphrodites, what is more interesting is the ways in which sexual selection in her- maphrodites may differ from dioecious taxa. In hermaphrodites, an individual's mating success includes its success from both sexual roles. Secondly, in many simultaneously hermaphroditic taxa there is strong evidence of sexual selection and yet the ope- rational sex ratio is 1:1, by definition. Many simultaneous hermaphrodites have elaborate courtship and genital anatomy, suggest- ing sexual selection plays an important role in reproductive success. Sperm competition and cryptic female choice mean that the number of mates acquired is not necessarily a predictor of reproductive success. Even in simultaneous hermaphrodites with re- ciprocal mating, variance in reproductive success through the male role and through the female role may differ in a population. Moreover hermaphrodites may choose to emphasize one sexual role over the other. Data suggest that the preferred role varies in hermaphrodites, which creates an opportunity to test fundamental predictions and assumptions of sexual selection theory. Hermaphrodites may vary their emphasis on one sexual role over the other either developmentally or behaviorally in response to environmental or social parameters. How they use this capability in acquiring more or higher quality mates still requires study展开更多
文摘Objectives: To compare multiplex fluorescent PCRwith serum type-specific antibody detection in thediagnosis of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection andto evaluate its significance in the diagnosis of genitalherpes.Methods: We detected HSV infection in 121 speci-mens collected from patients with genital herpesusing both multiplex fluorescent PCR and serum type-specific antibody detection. HSV viral isolation wasused as the standard control.Results: When compared with the viral isolation, thesensitivity and specificity for multiplex fluorescentPCR were 100% and 88.89%, respectively afterdiscrepant analysis. The sensitivity and specificity fortype-specific antibody detection was 77.68 % and77.78 %, respectively. However, the type-specificantibody detected HSV in two asymptomatic patientswhile the multiplex fluorescent PCR couldn’t detectany HSV DNA from those specimens.Conclusions: Multiplex fluorescent PCR is a verysensitive and specific method for detection and typingof HSV in the lesion of genital herpes, it failed todetect HSV DNA from the asymptomatic patients.Serum type-specific antibody detection was a lesssensitive and specific test but could detect the specificantibody from some asymptomatic patients. Thecombination of these two techniques would allow rapid,sensitive and accurate detection and typing of HSVand help clinical diagnosis and epidemiologic survey-ing of genital herpes.
文摘Objective: To study the sensitivity and the specific-ity of the condyloma acuminata acetowhitening test.Methods: We placed gauzes soaked with 5% aceticacid onto the lesions for 3 to 5 minutes, then removedthe gauzes and observed the result of acetowhitening. Results: 165 of 211(78.2%) patients tested positive.159 patients had condyloma acuminata and 134 of themhad a positive acetowhitening test (84.3%). Of the 26patients with candida balanitis, 25 cases were positivewith a positive rate of 96.2%.Conclusions: The high sensitivity and specificity ofthe condyloma acuminata acetowhitening test justifythe use of this test in the clinical setting. However, thecondyloma acuminata acetowhitening test has someshortcomings and these must be considered duringdiagnosis.
基金Acknowledgements The work was carried out in compli- ance with laws of China. Financial support for this research was provided by the local government of Anhui Province to XF Xu (KJ2010A249) and Anhui Province Natural Science Foundation to LG Luo (10040606Q46). Thanks to Cheng- Feng Tang, Li Ma, Yong-Long Chert, Xian-Yu Tian and Yong Jin for help with this research.
文摘Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) has long attracted the attention of biologists, and life-history variation is thought to play an important role in the evolution of SSD. Here we quantified SSD and female reproductive traits to identify potential asso- ciations between SSD and female reproduction in the white-striped grass lizard Takydromus wolteri. In a population from Chuzhou, China, the largest male and female were 53.0 mm and 57.5 mm in snout-vent length (SVL), respectively. Females were larger in SVL and abdomen length, whereas males were larger in head size and tail length. Females produced up to five clutches of eggs during the breeding season, with large females producing more clutches and more eggs per clutch than small ones. As a result, large females had a higher annual fecundity and reproductive output. Egg size was positively correlated with matemal SVL in the first clutch, but not in subsequent clutches. These results suggest that T. wolteri is a species with female-biased SSD, and that fectmdity selection, in which large females have higher fecundity due to their higher capacity for laying eggs, is likely correlated with the evolution of SSD in this species
文摘The prenatal hormonal environment plays an important role in organizing sex differences in the morphology, physiology and behavior of humans as well as other vertebrates. Currently, all related research on rodents has been focused on Myomorpha. This study presents data on sex differences in the anogenital distance (AGD) and the ratio of the second to the fourth digit length (2D:4D) from 44 wild David's rock squirrels Sciurotamias davidianus captured from the Qinling Mountains, China. This was the first study of a species from Sciuromorpha. The AGD as well as body mass are sexually dimorphic. There are no sex differences or lateral asymmetry in 2D:4D. Significant correlation was not found between AGD and 2D:4D for any paw. The findings indicate that 2D:4D may not be fixed or influenced by the prenatal steroidal environment in David's rock squirrels [Current Zoology 60 (2): 180-185, 2014].
文摘Sexual selection is expected to promote speciation by fostering the evolution of sexual traits that minimize reproductive interactions among existing or incipient species. In species that compete for access to, or attention of, females, sexual selec- tion fosters more elaborate traits in males compared to females. If these traits also minimize reproductive interactions with het- erospecifics, then species with enhanced risk of interactions between species might display greater numbers of these sexually di- morphic characters. We tested this prediction in eight families of North American birds. In particular, we evaluated whether the number of sexually dimorphic traits was positively associated with species richness at a given site or with degree of sympatry with congeners. We found no strong evidence of enhanced sexual dimorphism with increasing confamilial species richness at a given site. We also found no overall relationship between the number of sexually dimorphic traits and overlap with congeners across these eight families. However, we found patterns consistent with our prediction within Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans) and, to a lesser degree, Parulidae (New World warblers). Our results suggest that sexually selected plumage traits in these groups potentially play a role in reproductive isolation [Current Zoology 58 (3): 453--462, 2012].
文摘Sexual selection is widespread if not ubiquitous in hermaphroditic organisms. Although many phenomena that have been described as sexual selection in gonochores, (e.g. harem polygamy, multiple mating, elaborate courtship, even secondary sexual characters) can be found in some hermaphrodites, what is more interesting is the ways in which sexual selection in her- maphrodites may differ from dioecious taxa. In hermaphrodites, an individual's mating success includes its success from both sexual roles. Secondly, in many simultaneously hermaphroditic taxa there is strong evidence of sexual selection and yet the ope- rational sex ratio is 1:1, by definition. Many simultaneous hermaphrodites have elaborate courtship and genital anatomy, suggest- ing sexual selection plays an important role in reproductive success. Sperm competition and cryptic female choice mean that the number of mates acquired is not necessarily a predictor of reproductive success. Even in simultaneous hermaphrodites with re- ciprocal mating, variance in reproductive success through the male role and through the female role may differ in a population. Moreover hermaphrodites may choose to emphasize one sexual role over the other. Data suggest that the preferred role varies in hermaphrodites, which creates an opportunity to test fundamental predictions and assumptions of sexual selection theory. Hermaphrodites may vary their emphasis on one sexual role over the other either developmentally or behaviorally in response to environmental or social parameters. How they use this capability in acquiring more or higher quality mates still requires study