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异教文化中的死亡景观——吸血鬼影片的文化学解读 被引量:1
作者 陈娟 《电影文学》 北大核心 2008年第23期11-14,共4页
银幕上的吸血鬼不纯粹是为了娱乐,还有着广泛的社会心理基础和深刻的社会文化内涵。在这所有的银幕魔鬼队列之中,生命力最强的莫过于吸血鬼。吸血鬼影片是好莱坞恐怖类型片中的一个成功典型,这类影片的兴盛仅从商业性、娱乐性的角度很... 银幕上的吸血鬼不纯粹是为了娱乐,还有着广泛的社会心理基础和深刻的社会文化内涵。在这所有的银幕魔鬼队列之中,生命力最强的莫过于吸血鬼。吸血鬼影片是好莱坞恐怖类型片中的一个成功典型,这类影片的兴盛仅从商业性、娱乐性的角度很难解释它极高的银幕叙事频率。从文化学的角度解读吸血鬼影片,考察在光影传奇营造的神秘气氛下,人类死亡想象的银幕呈现、欲望较量的光影传奇、人性边界的影像喻示以及终极关怀的反向追问。 展开更多
关键词 电影 吸血鬼 文化 死亡景观 异教文化
《哈利·波特》异教文化中所折射出的反叛现代性价值 被引量:1
作者 董荣月 马志民 《作家》 北大核心 2008年第8期75-76,共2页
《哈利·波特》是后文学时代出现的一个文学奇迹。它的风靡世界表明异教文化的复兴和欧洲文化的价值取向出现了重大转变;也表明反叛现代性的潜流已经获得广泛的社会认同。它的后现代文化寻根思想主要体现在两个方面:让基督教的上帝... 《哈利·波特》是后文学时代出现的一个文学奇迹。它的风靡世界表明异教文化的复兴和欧洲文化的价值取向出现了重大转变;也表明反叛现代性的潜流已经获得广泛的社会认同。它的后现代文化寻根思想主要体现在两个方面:让基督教的上帝退隐不见,让异教女神所代表的新生态自然观取代西方传统的人类中心主义;用麻瓜世界与魔幻世界的对立来批判现代性,引领着人们对抗资本主义世界的物质主义所带给人们的精神压迫,来寻找充满灵性的精神世界。 展开更多
关键词 异教文化 魔法 巫师 麻瓜世界 价值取向
文化“窄道”上的旅居者--评拉比·阿拉梅丁的小说《历史的天使》 被引量:2
作者 甘文平 张越 《武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第6期142-147,共6页
《历史的天使》是黎巴嫩裔美国作家拉比·阿拉梅丁的最新小说,以其表现手法奇特和思想主题深刻而受到西方读者的欢迎。该小说叙述了少数族裔主人公从中东到美国的三段特殊文化“窄道”之旅——“妓院文化启蒙”,“同性恋文化体验”... 《历史的天使》是黎巴嫩裔美国作家拉比·阿拉梅丁的最新小说,以其表现手法奇特和思想主题深刻而受到西方读者的欢迎。该小说叙述了少数族裔主人公从中东到美国的三段特殊文化“窄道”之旅——“妓院文化启蒙”,“同性恋文化体验”,“异教文化选择”。主人公的经历见证了半个多世纪以来西方文化霸权和美国白人文化霸权的统治性以及少数族裔文化身份与命运之路的边缘性。 展开更多
关键词 《历史的天使》 妓院文化启蒙 同性恋文化体验 异教文化选择
作者 蒋珂 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第S1期218-219,共2页
关键词 《悲悼三部曲》 坟墓意象 海岛意象 清教文化 异教文化
论哈代小说中的悲剧艺术 被引量:2
作者 王晓俊 《许昌学院学报》 CAS 2008年第4期73-74,共2页
在现代性的发展过程中,哈代的悲剧艺术着意表现现代文明给人的心灵带来的巨大创痛,具有浓郁的现代主义文学色彩。哈代与现实主义作家有许多相似之处,在英国文学史上新旧承替的特殊地位,及他本人在艺术上的严肃追求,使他成为一名令人肃... 在现代性的发展过程中,哈代的悲剧艺术着意表现现代文明给人的心灵带来的巨大创痛,具有浓郁的现代主义文学色彩。哈代与现实主义作家有许多相似之处,在英国文学史上新旧承替的特殊地位,及他本人在艺术上的严肃追求,使他成为一名令人肃然起敬的作家。伍尔夫将哈代称为"英国小说家中最伟大的悲剧作家"。Lynd曾经说过:"在哈代的同时代作家中,几乎只有哈代用悲剧的眼光看待生活,这一点在精神上与20世纪的人生观一致。"在表现悲剧艺术方面,哈代的小说超越了他的时代。 展开更多
关键词 悲剧艺术 现代主义文学 非平衡性人物 异教文化精神
作者 李凤斌 郝秉键 《阴山学刊》 1998年第4期23-28,共6页
关键词 意大利 文艺复兴 基督教 异教文化 人文主义 爱国主义
作者 徐颖 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2013年第8期48-54,共7页
乔治·艾略特在历史小说《罗慕拉》中,并置了基督教信仰与异教古典文化为代表的两个空间。小说女主人公罗慕拉的活动空间,从古典学者的书斋转移到天主教教堂、再到佛罗伦萨的城市街巷、最终抵达异托邦的他者空间。这种由逼仄到开阔... 乔治·艾略特在历史小说《罗慕拉》中,并置了基督教信仰与异教古典文化为代表的两个空间。小说女主人公罗慕拉的活动空间,从古典学者的书斋转移到天主教教堂、再到佛罗伦萨的城市街巷、最终抵达异托邦的他者空间。这种由逼仄到开阔的外在空间变化,不仅映衬了罗慕拉性别空间的拓展,还表现了她内在心理空间对两种矛盾信仰的融合。 展开更多
关键词 《罗慕拉》 空间 基督教 古典异教文化 异托邦
Culture fusion and English language teaching
作者 WANG Su-chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第10期4-12,共9页
This paper is first to exemplify the problems caused by culture difference. After this, a survey is made on Chinese-western culture difference and its main aspects, followed by the Chinese and western culture differen... This paper is first to exemplify the problems caused by culture difference. After this, a survey is made on Chinese-western culture difference and its main aspects, followed by the Chinese and western culture difference on the layer of language. In the second part the discussion of the relationship between language and culture reveals the importance of culture education in language teaching. The author is of the opinion that one cannot really master a target language without adequate knowledge of the culture related to that language. The paper concludes with several suggestions about useful ways to get culture fusion in ELT and points out that human beings do not live in the objective world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society. It is quite an illusion that language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or reflection. 展开更多
关键词 LANGUAGE culture difference culture fusion ELT
Assessment of Intercultural Communicative Competence
作者 LIU Bao-quan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第2期69-72,共4页
The present paper concems itself with the overview of the assessment of intercultural communicative competence in the field of language testing worldwide, hoping to emphasize the importance of culture testing in langu... The present paper concems itself with the overview of the assessment of intercultural communicative competence in the field of language testing worldwide, hoping to emphasize the importance of culture testing in language projects, provide some insightful information for test item constructors, educators, authorities as well. 展开更多
关键词 ASSESSMENT intercultural communicative competence
Acquisition of pronunciation of consonant clusters by Arabic speakers of English as a second language
作者 Seetha Jayaraman 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第1期46-56,共11页
The study is based on an observation of the pronunciation of a group of undergraduate students of English as a Second Language (ESL) whose mother tongue is Arabic and who have no formal training in the spoken variet... The study is based on an observation of the pronunciation of a group of undergraduate students of English as a Second Language (ESL) whose mother tongue is Arabic and who have no formal training in the spoken variety of English other than that received in the classroom. The study of acquisition of pronunciation of consonant clusters at morphological, particularly at the morphophonological levels indicates that the learners are sensitive to the syllabic structure viz., cccv type and cccvcc type, at the word-initial, medial and final positions. Samples of words with different consonant clusters were tested with a homogeneous group of students. Words of identical morphological categories were used as the data to test the students' level of perception. These were analyzed using Speech Analyzer Version 2.5. The data includes consonant clusters like plosive-fricative, plosive-plosive, fricative-fricative and plosive-fricative-trill/liquid combinations. The results varied according to the perceptual and articulatory abilities of the learners. It was observed that the plosive perception and acquisition of three-consonant clusters of plosive-plosive word initially, plosive-plosive combinations word finally and plosive-fricative type, posed more difficulty for the learners. The tendency to drop one of the consonants of the cluster was more pronounced with syllables ending in plural morphemes and those ending in -mp, -pt, -kt, -nt, -bt, etc. Difficulty was also noticed with the initial plosive+/r/, plosive+/1/combinations, especially in word initial positions. Across the syllable boundaries, these clusters are almost inaudible with some speakers. The difficulty in the articulation of these consonant clusters can be accounted for the mother tongue influence, as in the case of many other features. The results of the analysis have a pedagogical implication in the use of such words with consonant clusters, to teach reading skills to the students of undergraduate level in the present setting and promote self-learning through the use of speech tools. 展开更多
关键词 consonant clusters acoustic parameters DURATION INTELLIGIBILITY spectrograms
A Few Tips on Culture Teaching
作者 Chunchun Cao Qing Zhou Wei Cen 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第4期58-60,共3页
With the development of the society, culture is becoming a crucial factor in language teaching. This paper tries to discuss in detail how to do culture teaching effectively from the following aspects: plotting, theme... With the development of the society, culture is becoming a crucial factor in language teaching. This paper tries to discuss in detail how to do culture teaching effectively from the following aspects: plotting, theme, rhythm, flow and ending. 展开更多
关键词 culture teaching influential aspects
Meaning and Form
作者 Wen Su 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第4期77-81,共5页
Through the analysis of the translation of words, phrases, sentences and passages, this paper discusses the problem of whether to put emphasis on the translation of the meaning or on the reservation of the forms of th... Through the analysis of the translation of words, phrases, sentences and passages, this paper discusses the problem of whether to put emphasis on the translation of the meaning or on the reservation of the forms of the original works in translation. This paper puts forward that the translation of the meaning is more important, and the meaning of the original should take the advantage when the forms and the meanings cannot be reserved at the same time. And it also says that in no way should the translator sacrifice the translation of the meaning for the sake of keeping the form, and the translator should avoid translating word for word without thinking of the translation of the meaning. This paper also discusses about the consideration of the style of the original, the target readers and the style of the writer. This paper puts forward that in translation importance should be placed on the translation of the meaning rather than keeping the form. 展开更多
关键词 meaning form faithfulness translation expressiveness
Culture difference and language teaching
作者 LIANG Zhi-min 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第11期21-25,共5页
The paper analyzes the definition of culture, and discusses the relationship between culture and language. By reviewing culture teaching and language teaching approaches, the paper puts forward some practical concerns... The paper analyzes the definition of culture, and discusses the relationship between culture and language. By reviewing culture teaching and language teaching approaches, the paper puts forward some practical concerns about language teaching which firmly fabricate with culture teaching. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE LANGUAGE culture difference culture teaching and language teaching
The Interaction between Culture and Space and the Experience of an Architectural Studio
作者 Sevim AteS Can 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第8期911-918,共8页
The issues of analyzing the cultural differences in architecture, and the interaction between culture and space have gained importance in many respects both in practice and in education. "Culture" and conservation o... The issues of analyzing the cultural differences in architecture, and the interaction between culture and space have gained importance in many respects both in practice and in education. "Culture" and conservation of the "cultural heritage" have a place in the conditions for the "architectural education" put forward by the UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)/UIA (International Union of Architects) Council during the 2002 meeting in Berlin. For this purpose, cultural, social, urban, environmental and architectural values and issues of architectural heritage were defined as specific subjects that should be considered in the preparation of the curriculum to build up a sense of responsibility. From this point of view, this paper aims to propose an educational process for dealing with the sense of cultural heritage and its survival in the modern world, and shares the products of the work carried out at the Project 4 Studio at Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Architecture, Yeditepe University, as the studio training is the main component of architectural education. The main issue of the paper is to present some examples of the student projects and to consider the importance of design studio, which can gain knowledge about cultural and architectural heritage and develop students' skills to adopt and be respectful to traditional values. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE SPACE cultural and architectural interaction HERITAGE architectural education.
What Influences Cooperative Motivation of Foreign Brides From Southeast Asian Countries in Taiwan?
作者 Chih-Chung Wang Chiu-Ping Chen 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第6期571-579,共9页
Because women in Taiwan have had more and more opportunities to receive higher education and engage in different kinds of work, they have had developed increasingly higher standards for their marriage partners. Men wh... Because women in Taiwan have had more and more opportunities to receive higher education and engage in different kinds of work, they have had developed increasingly higher standards for their marriage partners. Men who are in the lower socioeconomic working classes such as those who work in agriculture, or fishing, or who are disabled can no longer compete in local marriage market. As a result, these men have begun to look for their brides from other countries to continue the family line, do the housework, and take care of their parents-in-law. In addition to the fact that these foreign brides are often young and from rural areas, language barriers and cultural differences make it difficult for them to raise and educate their children in Taiwan. The inability of these brides often leads to a higher percentage of children who are developmentally delayed, have poor pronunciation, behavior problems, and low academic achievement. Governmental agencies and schools recognize these issues and have tried to help foreign-born mothers take better care of their children. However, there are several influential factors that can limit the cooperative motivation of these foreign-born mothers, including language barriers, parenting stresses, low socioeconomic status, and cultural limitations. Therefore, governmental agencies and related professionals must take these factors into consideration to provide comprehensive services and a better learning environment. 展开更多
关键词 foreign brides cooperation motivation IEP network theory social capital DISABILITIES
Intercultural Communication Failure: A Case Study
作者 Xiangjun Sheng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第6期58-63,共6页
The paper makes a case study of the intercultural communication failure, which is caused by the presence of stereotypes and preconceptions. It analyzes the communication problems with Hyme's SPEAKING framework. From ... The paper makes a case study of the intercultural communication failure, which is caused by the presence of stereotypes and preconceptions. It analyzes the communication problems with Hyme's SPEAKING framework. From the analysis, it is concluded, that individuals who hope to carry out effective intercultural interaction must learn to understand the expectations and preconceptions of those they want to talk with. 展开更多
关键词 culture speaking communication failure
Culture shock: Indirect communication A foreign teacher's teaching experience in a Chinese university located in a Hakka region
作者 WANG Liu-mei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第6期57-64,共8页
Culture shock is unavoidable for foreign teachers in China. Using qualitative method, this paper reports a case study of culture shock--a foreign teacher's teaching experience in a Chinese university located in an ar... Culture shock is unavoidable for foreign teachers in China. Using qualitative method, this paper reports a case study of culture shock--a foreign teacher's teaching experience in a Chinese university located in an area with a unique local population. The city involved in this study is Meizhou, located in Guangdong Province, which is considered "the capital of Hakka". The study found that indirect communication is a big shock for foreign teachers who teach in this area. The paper explores the reasons from the perspectives of Hakka culture and points out that culture shock can be an important aspect of foreign teachers' professional development, cultural learning and personal growth. Finally, the study provides implications for language teaching and learning in a similar area, such as Meizhou. 展开更多
关键词 culture shock foreign teachers STUDENTS HAKKA indirect communication
Course-specific Motivational Components
作者 Lijun Fan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第6期77-81,共5页
According to the model of Dornyei three levels (language level, learner level, learning situation level) of foreign language learning motivation, the paper mainly discusses "course-specific motivational components... According to the model of Dornyei three levels (language level, learner level, learning situation level) of foreign language learning motivation, the paper mainly discusses "course-specific motivational components" from learning situation level, and puts forward advantages and disadvantages of the model. Basing on the model, the paper further expounds relative contents relating to learner's motivation, for example, syllabus, teaching methods and learning tasks. At last, the paper states the existing problems in language teaching and learning, at the same time, pointing out some suggestions. 展开更多
关键词 motivational components learning-teaching situation
The Comparison and Research Between Chinese and South Korean Preschool Music Education
作者 Zhangrui jihuihui 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第7期89-91,共3页
It' s quite necessary for children' s intelligence development and good aesthetic orientation development to get preschool music education. As the current society is in diversified development, to continuously promo... It' s quite necessary for children' s intelligence development and good aesthetic orientation development to get preschool music education. As the current society is in diversified development, to continuously promote Chinese educational development, we need to actively communicate and study with foreign education; reference the advantages of foreign education ;and make up for the deficiency of Chinese education. The purpose of this thesis is to give some references to Chinese music education by finding the culture differences in music between China and South Korean through the comparative studys in preschool music education between these two countries. 展开更多
关键词 China and South Korea preschool education music education comparison.
Differentiated Use of the Cross-Lingual Strategy in Foreign Language Teaching: A Grounded Theory
作者 Seyyed Ali Ostovar-Namaghi Shabnam Norouzi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第12期916-926,共11页
Despite its potential in foreign language education, the cross-lingual strategy has been marginalized and stigmatized in many EFL contexts including language education in private language schools of Iran. This study a... Despite its potential in foreign language education, the cross-lingual strategy has been marginalized and stigmatized in many EFL contexts including language education in private language schools of Iran. This study aims to uncover the facilitative role of the cross-lingual strategy in foreign language instruction by theorizing experienced language teachers' practice. To this end, some experienced teachers were selected in line with the sampling procedures of Grounded Theory from famous English language institutes of Tehran, the capital city of lran. Iterative data collection and analysis revealed that first language use can be differentiated based on learners' level of proficiency. For the beginners, it can be used to present classroom management rules, provide learners with the necessary classroom language and establish rapport. Similarly, at intermediate level LI can be used to check mastery over the teaching points, give vocabulary equivalents, and explain writing rules. As for advanced learners, it can be used to explain the subtleties of grammar and provide learners with ideas to participate in classroom discussion and text processing. 展开更多
关键词 first language use qualitative study foreign language instruction proficiency level
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