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作者 贺信民 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2014年第5期109-112,共4页
曹雪芹著《红楼梦》是胡适先生1921年《红楼梦考证》得出的结论,也成为此后关于《红楼梦》作者的主流说法。但在此前是不确定的,此后也有不同看法,尤其是新世纪以来,更是异说叠出,乱人耳目。本文大致依时间为序,梳理了有关《红楼梦》作... 曹雪芹著《红楼梦》是胡适先生1921年《红楼梦考证》得出的结论,也成为此后关于《红楼梦》作者的主流说法。但在此前是不确定的,此后也有不同看法,尤其是新世纪以来,更是异说叠出,乱人耳目。本文大致依时间为序,梳理了有关《红楼梦》作者的种种异说,并提出了自己的基本主张。 展开更多
关键词 红楼梦 作者 异说
作者 王前程 《三峡论坛》 2020年第2期1-5,10,共6页
关于昭君籍贯问题,历来存在诸多说法。“南郡秭归”说始于汉末三国时期,是古代文献资料记载最早的说法,“建平兴山”说始于三国以后。秭归说和兴山说实为一说,乃是行政区划发生变化一分为二所致,三国以前可谓昭君为秭归人,三国以后应谓... 关于昭君籍贯问题,历来存在诸多说法。“南郡秭归”说始于汉末三国时期,是古代文献资料记载最早的说法,“建平兴山”说始于三国以后。秭归说和兴山说实为一说,乃是行政区划发生变化一分为二所致,三国以前可谓昭君为秭归人,三国以后应谓昭君为兴山人,即今湖北宜昌兴山县实为“昭君出生故里”。“齐国”“成都”“巫山”“荆门”“越州”等说法,主要源自民间传说和文学作品的描述,可谓“昭君文化故里”。 展开更多
关键词 王昭君 籍贯 兴山 诸多异说 形成原因
作者 潘平安 《鄂州大学学报》 2008年第1期64-66,共3页
二千多年来一曲《凤求凰》、琴挑卓文君的浪漫爱情故事,世世代代一直被人们津津乐道、称赞不已,司马相如也因此被人们奉为"情圣"、"诗圣"。经过认真通读司马相如列传之后,作者认为"情圣"的美称的确值得... 二千多年来一曲《凤求凰》、琴挑卓文君的浪漫爱情故事,世世代代一直被人们津津乐道、称赞不已,司马相如也因此被人们奉为"情圣"、"诗圣"。经过认真通读司马相如列传之后,作者认为"情圣"的美称的确值得商榷。 展开更多
关键词 司马相如 异说之谜 历史感悟
作者 朱虹 《读与写(上旬)》 2019年第8期66-66,共1页
关键词 同题异说 解题水平 思维能力
百家异说 一家之言——评《希腊城邦制度》
作者 修海涛 《世界历史》 1984年第3期90-94,共5页
城邦史的研究一直为西方的史学家所重视,到二十世纪更成为古代史学中的中心课题。近几年来我国史学界也围绕城邦问题展开了热烈讨论。1982年出版的顾准同志的遗著《希腊城邦制度》,是我国城邦史的开山之作,它以崭新的面貌和独到的见解... 城邦史的研究一直为西方的史学家所重视,到二十世纪更成为古代史学中的中心课题。近几年来我国史学界也围绕城邦问题展开了热烈讨论。1982年出版的顾准同志的遗著《希腊城邦制度》,是我国城邦史的开山之作,它以崭新的面貌和独到的见解为城邦史的研究增添了一朵奇葩。我们感到,这本书值得史学界同行们去认真研读。 展开更多
关键词 希腊城邦制度 史学界 古代史学 二十世纪 中心课题 问题展开 百家异说 史学家 顾准 民主政治
作者 任健行 《汉字汉语研究》 2024年第1期59-75,126,共18页
姚文田、严可均编纂的《说文解字考异》是现存较早的一部《说文》异文总汇。本文对《说文解字考异》的性质、版本及价值进行了论述。在性质方面,文章指出《考异》是一部著作而非简单的资料汇编。在版本方面,文章对《考异》的版本及各版... 姚文田、严可均编纂的《说文解字考异》是现存较早的一部《说文》异文总汇。本文对《说文解字考异》的性质、版本及价值进行了论述。在性质方面,文章指出《考异》是一部著作而非简单的资料汇编。在版本方面,文章对《考异》的版本及各版本之间的关系进行了梳理。在《考异》的价值方面,文章指出《考异》从编纂到修订历时百年,具有较高的文献价值,对深入研究清代《说文》学史意义重大。 展开更多
关键词 《说文解字考异》 姚文田 严可均 《说文解字》
作者 解光宇 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第3期85-88,共4页
倪士毅编著的《四书辑释》是理学发展到元代的重要成果,其主旨是通过对朱子《四书集注》的辑释,阐明朱子学的本旨,纠正违背朱子本意的异论,以维护朱子学的纯洁性。倪士毅对朱熹《论语集注》《中庸章句》的诠释,坚持了朱熹的解说,并且有... 倪士毅编著的《四书辑释》是理学发展到元代的重要成果,其主旨是通过对朱子《四书集注》的辑释,阐明朱子学的本旨,纠正违背朱子本意的异论,以维护朱子学的纯洁性。倪士毅对朱熹《论语集注》《中庸章句》的诠释,坚持了朱熹的解说,并且有所发挥,表现出对朱子学继承和发展的统一、坚持和创新的统一。 展开更多
关键词 《四书辑释》 倪士毅 朱子学 纠正异说 阐明本旨
荀子思想和稷下学风 被引量:2
作者 刘斌 朱彩云 《管子学刊》 2002年第4期27-30,共4页
诸侯异政 ,百家异说 ,是战国时代特有的潮流 ;百家争鸣 ,言路开放 ,是齐国稷下独兴的学风。荀子生于战国之末 ,游学齐国稷下 ,而要实现“天下无二道 ,圣人无两心” ,主张建立封建专制政体下的思想统治 ,是他“三为祭酒”
关键词 稷下学风 齐风 反对百家异说 荀子
多个“我”背后的日本浮世绘——论《告白》的“多重声”叙事 被引量:4
作者 张颖 《电影评介》 2011年第22期63-65,共3页
日本电影《告白》从凑佳苗的原作处女作,到导演中岛哲也的完美影像还原,都走向了违背日式电影一贯的温情审美。这种对于人物微妙情感的审视在中岛哲也冷淡的影像风格处理下愈加锥心蚀骨。尤其是采用"罗生门"式的多个"我&... 日本电影《告白》从凑佳苗的原作处女作,到导演中岛哲也的完美影像还原,都走向了违背日式电影一贯的温情审美。这种对于人物微妙情感的审视在中岛哲也冷淡的影像风格处理下愈加锥心蚀骨。尤其是采用"罗生门"式的多个"我"者叙事手法,全面而又深刻地描绘了一幅日本当代社会的众生相,在天真可爱温暖的背后,是戾气乖张的日式写实。 展开更多
关键词 《告白》 叙事手法 同事异说
作者 廖名春 《贵州社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第10期15-,8,共2页
《荀子·儒效》明言:"法先王,统礼义,一制度,以浅持博,以古持今,以一持万;苟仁义之类也,虽在鸟兽之中若别白黑;倚物怪变,所未尝闻也,所未尝见也,卒然起一方,则举统类而应之,无所儗(作心),张法而度之,则晻然若合符节:是大儒者也... 《荀子·儒效》明言:"法先王,统礼义,一制度,以浅持博,以古持今,以一持万;苟仁义之类也,虽在鸟兽之中若别白黑;倚物怪变,所未尝闻也,所未尝见也,卒然起一方,则举统类而应之,无所儗(作心),张法而度之,则晻然若合符节:是大儒者也."可是,唐儒杨椋在其《荀子注》中却说:"以浅持博,谓见其浅,则可以执持博也.先王当为后王,以古持今当为以今持古,皆传写误也."清儒卢文绍对杨注没有怀疑,只是补充说:"’以一持万’元刻作’以一行万’,《外传》同,本书《王制篇》亦同."清人刘台拱也赞同杨说"先王当为后王",并进一步补充说:"后王谓周也",但他却不赞成杨注"以古持今当为以今持古"之言,说:"以古持今亦谓以文、武、周公之德持今世,杨谓当为以今持古, 展开更多
关键词 法先王 荀子 先王之道 杨注 大儒 周公 百家异说 礼义 制度 补充
作者 黄钊 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 1990年第1期78-81,共4页
关键词 《老子》 “无为而治” 小国寡民 任自然 政治思想 自化 战争 万物 政治理想 百家异说
作者 王仲镛 《杜甫研究学刊》 1992年第2期6-12,17,共8页
关键词 诗人杜甫 文化遗产 家讳 注杜 异说 注意力
作者 董露露 《井冈山大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期108-112,共5页
关于《天作》的主旨迄今大约有七种观点,大致可分为两类,或认为此诗的祭祀对象是周族的祖先,或认为此诗非为祭祀祖先而作。通过对诗中关键语词的细致考释,并结合周初相关史实和颂诗中的相关诗篇,认为"祭太王"一说既符合史实,... 关于《天作》的主旨迄今大约有七种观点,大致可分为两类,或认为此诗的祭祀对象是周族的祖先,或认为此诗非为祭祀祖先而作。通过对诗中关键语词的细致考释,并结合周初相关史实和颂诗中的相关诗篇,认为"祭太王"一说既符合史实,也符合全诗的结构和意脉。 展开更多
关键词 《天作》 异说 主旨
高丽藏本慧苑音义引《说文》的异文问题 被引量:4
作者 黄仁瑄 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期122-126,共5页
关键词 慧苑音义 《说文解字》 异文
On the intraspecific variability in basal metabolism and the food habits hypothesis in birds 被引量:1
作者 F. BOZINOVIC P. SABAT 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期759-766,共8页
The food habits hypothesis (FHH) stands as one of the most striking and often-cited interspecific patterns to emerge from comparative studies of endothermic energetics. The FHH identifies three components of diet th... The food habits hypothesis (FHH) stands as one of the most striking and often-cited interspecific patterns to emerge from comparative studies of endothermic energetics. The FHH identifies three components of diet that potentially produce variability in mass-independent BMR, i.e. food quality, food availability, and food predictability or environmental productivity. The hypothesis predicts that species with diets of low energy content and/or low digestibility should evolve low mass-independent BMRs. The effects of food habits on BMR have been widely investigated at the interspecific level, but the variation between individuals and populations has been largely ignored. Our focus is to compare predictions derived from interspecific studies with data collected from within-species studies to explore the mechanisms and functional significance of adaptive responses predicted by the food-habits hypothesis among birds. We conclude that if BMR is correlated with daily energy expenditure, then organisms that can lower BMR will reduce daily energy expenditure and hence, food requirements. Birds that lower BMR in stressful environments may increase survival. Nevertheless, the mechanism (s) by which birds eating a low quality diet reduce BMR and whether lower BMR affects fitness remain to be determined [Current Zoology 56 (6): 759-766, 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 Intraspecific comparisons Avian energetics Food habits hypothesis DIET Basal metabolic rate
Culture Differences Reflected in the Novel The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan
作者 ZHANG Jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第12期977-982,共6页
The paper is to study the culture differences in the novel The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan. Amy Tan was an oversea Chinese. Her mother was born and grew in old China. With the influences of her mother, Tan's novel... The paper is to study the culture differences in the novel The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan. Amy Tan was an oversea Chinese. Her mother was born and grew in old China. With the influences of her mother, Tan's novel inevitably reflects the Chinese culture. For herself, she was born and grew up in the States; she has been influenced by the American culture. So in her novel both the Chinese culture and American culture can be found. In this paper, the Chinese culture will mainly be talked about and analyzed, with some slight of American culture mentioned. The paper will start with the definition of culture, and the implication and features of Chinese and American culture will be explained. In the body of the paper, the typical symbols and manifestation of Chinese culture will be shown. And the conclusion is the main character's acceptance of the two cultures in the end. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE Chinese culture American culture the symbols Amy Tan MANIFESTATION
Comparison on Cultural Connotation of Plant in Treasure Island and The Swordsman
作者 XIONG Qian-li 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第12期1179-1186,共8页
In the development of human civilization, plant has been closely attached to human beings, and also been endowed with rich cultural imagery. However, ascribed to the differences between Chinese and English cultures, p... In the development of human civilization, plant has been closely attached to human beings, and also been endowed with rich cultural imagery. However, ascribed to the differences between Chinese and English cultures, plant of the same kind exhibits similar, distinct or vacant characteristics. This paper adopts comparison method so as to compare and to analyze the differences and similarities of cultural connotation contained in plant emerging in Treasure Island (a representative of western adventure literature) and The Swordsman (a representative of Chinese martial arts literature) and roles plant plays in a certain chapter, or the whole story. The literature study presents a general knowledge of research theories in this field and cultural background. Moreover, the induction method integrates and summarizes the prior analyses and researches. Reasons underlying those cultural differences are also expounded, including legend and folklore, literature works and convention and custom. The conclusion is that analyzing the cultural connotation of plant is of significance for understanding the corresponding cultural differences as well as appreciating adventure and martial arts literature. 展开更多
关键词 PLANT cultural connotation martial arts literature adventure literature
On the Alienation in Miss Brill
作者 WANG Xiao-yan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第1期1-4,共4页
Katherine Mansfield is a world famous woman master of short stories in English literature. Her stories are sensitive revelations of human behaiour in quite ordinary situations, through which we can glimpse a powerful ... Katherine Mansfield is a world famous woman master of short stories in English literature. Her stories are sensitive revelations of human behaiour in quite ordinary situations, through which we can glimpse a powerful and sometimes cruelly pessimistic view of life. Miss Brill is one of her short stories published in her collection of stories entitled The Garden Party and Other Stories (2007), describing an afternoon in the life of a middle-aged spinster who visits the public park on a weekly basis, leading to her reassessment of her view of the world and the secular reality. Short as it is, it is really worth carful analysis and appreciation. This paper will mainly deal with the theme--alienation that the story conveys in two aspects: some obvious alienate elments in Miss Brill, in which some background information is provided; some less obvious alienation in Miss Brill, in which a detailed analysis is made into the story to reveal its alienation. 展开更多
作者 蔡妍婧 《现代语文》 2020年第5期12-15,共4页
在现有研究成果的基础上,通过归纳本书例句、根据具体语境、查考故训、依据内部形式、引申推义等方法,对《廿载繁华梦》的三个复合词“奇异”“张煌”“说项”进行考释。小说中“奇异”表示“怪异、奇怪”之义;“张煌”表示“高大、堂... 在现有研究成果的基础上,通过归纳本书例句、根据具体语境、查考故训、依据内部形式、引申推义等方法,对《廿载繁华梦》的三个复合词“奇异”“张煌”“说项”进行考释。小说中“奇异”表示“怪异、奇怪”之义;“张煌”表示“高大、堂皇”之义或“铺张”之义;“说项”表示“说情、说好话”之义。 展开更多
关键词 《廿载繁华梦》 “奇异” “张煌” “说项” 考释
The Particularity of Identity in Amin Maalouf' s Ports of Call
作者 Alhaj Mohammad Sumaya 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第9期707-713,共7页
This study explores the intricate situation of the coexistence of different identities in Amin Maalouf' s Ports of Call (1996). It contends that identity is complex, flux, and not limited to what is inherited; it i... This study explores the intricate situation of the coexistence of different identities in Amin Maalouf' s Ports of Call (1996). It contends that identity is complex, flux, and not limited to what is inherited; it is rather a psychological, political, and social amalgamation. Thus, each individual has a unique and particular identity, which is completely different from the others'. This study is a theoretical and analytical survey of Maalouf's Ports of Call. It aims at proving that this novel is an example that Maalouf provides to show the challenges that characters of different identities face, and the obstacles that hinder them from assimilation. The argument is mainly based on Edward Said's theories that have opened up discussions about Otherness and multiculturalism, alongside with other postcolonial critics, such as Homi Bhabha. Maalouf's book In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong (1996) is also integral to this study. The study concludes that it might be possible for people, in parallel with the characters of the novel, to challenge the identity predicament that the world is witnessing nowadays, and accept diversities as a way of life, rather than a reason for waging wars. 展开更多
关键词 Amin Maalouf Ports of Call IDENTITY MULTICULTURALISM
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