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作者 阮甜 《当代贵州》 2020年第41期66-67,共2页
今年以来,贵安新区多措并举招商引业,竭力做好项目建设,通过创新招商方式,线上+线下按下招商“快进键”。今年以来,贵安新区按照省委、省政府出台支持贵安新区高质量发展的意见,围绕“建城市、聚人气、广招商、兴产业”工作主线,多措并... 今年以来,贵安新区多措并举招商引业,竭力做好项目建设,通过创新招商方式,线上+线下按下招商“快进键”。今年以来,贵安新区按照省委、省政府出台支持贵安新区高质量发展的意见,围绕“建城市、聚人气、广招商、兴产业”工作主线,多措并举招商引业,竭力做好项目建设,多点发力打好“组合拳”,加速释放新区高质量发展动能。 展开更多
关键词 引业 招商 线下 工作主线 贵安新区 组合拳 高质量发展 多措并举
作者 朱其伟 《基建管理优化》 2023年第3期45-48,共4页
立足学生专业背景结合学生日常行为生成就业教育内容并融入到他们生活点滴中是开展就业引导的有效途径。结合学生的专业特点和日常行为能精准掌握学生的喜好、悦纳、需求、关注、追求等新时代行为特征,结合这些特征输出“接地气”“有... 立足学生专业背景结合学生日常行为生成就业教育内容并融入到他们生活点滴中是开展就业引导的有效途径。结合学生的专业特点和日常行为能精准掌握学生的喜好、悦纳、需求、关注、追求等新时代行为特征,结合这些特征输出“接地气”“有关怀”“有温度”的就业教育让学生可感知可接受,从而达到就业引导效果。在教育方法上,善用新媒体新技术等优势把行业前景、岗位价值、工匠精神等抽象概念“精致刻画”出来,把职业理想、岗位追求、工作内容和要求“细节呈现”出来,结合学生喜闻乐见的“鲜活话语”讲好行业发展、岗位要求满足新时代学生多层次、多方面、多样化的就业认知需求。在教育引导定位上,根据高职类学生的认知水平结合专业认知以增加其“获得感”,以此突出就业引导的针对性。 展开更多
关键词 背景高职 辅导员
齐齐哈尔奶博会开幕 宾客云集引业内关注
作者 本刊记者 《黑龙江畜牧兽医(下半月)》 CAS 2010年第7期56-56,共1页
关键词 引业 鼓乐齐鸣 奶牛产 现场氛围 协会 兽医局副局长 养殖带 乳品加工 饲料工协会 奶源基地
筑文引业 聚合行业正能量——招标投标领域企业文化建设与发展交流研讨会在成都成功召开
作者 本刊讯 《招标采购管理》 2013年第9期10-11,共2页
9月26日,由中国招标投标协会主办、四川国际招标有限责任公司协办的招标投标领域企业文化建设与发展交流研讨会在四川成都召开。此次会议旨在通过交流研讨招标投标企业文化建设经验,为企业转型升级和行业可持续发展提供文化支撑和发展... 9月26日,由中国招标投标协会主办、四川国际招标有限责任公司协办的招标投标领域企业文化建设与发展交流研讨会在四川成都召开。此次会议旨在通过交流研讨招标投标企业文化建设经验,为企业转型升级和行业可持续发展提供文化支撑和发展动力。国家发展改革委法规司副司长李亢,国家发展改革委人事司副司长、四川省人民政府副秘书长范波出席会议并讲话。 展开更多
关键词 招标投标 文化 交流研讨会 李亢 国家发展改革委 引业 文化支撑 招标代理机构 国际招标
推动兴起大众创业万众创新的新浪潮 被引量:3
作者 张启元 《共产党员(下半月)》 2015年第6期32-33,共2页
2013年9月,习近平总书记在考察中关村时指出,要最大限度支持科技人员创新创业。李克强总理也多次强调,希望在960万平方公里土地上掀起“大众创业”“草根创业”的新浪潮,形成“万众创新”“人人创新”的新态势。大众创业、万众创新被视... 2013年9月,习近平总书记在考察中关村时指出,要最大限度支持科技人员创新创业。李克强总理也多次强调,希望在960万平方公里土地上掀起“大众创业”“草根创业”的新浪潮,形成“万众创新”“人人创新”的新态势。大众创业、万众创新被视作中国新常态下经济发展“双引擎”之一。 展开更多
关键词 科技企孵化器 经济发展 市场导向 在孵企 担保贷款 资本总量 贴息政策 引业 市场主体
2014上海国际海洋展 被引量:1
作者 左然 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期37-37,共1页
继首届成功举办并引业内强烈关注后,2014年9月3日至5日,由励展博览集团主办的第二届上海国际海洋技术与工程设备展览会(OI China 2014)在上海国际展览中心大获成功。展会现场有来自20个国家的215家供应商,展示114个类别的产品与服务项... 继首届成功举办并引业内强烈关注后,2014年9月3日至5日,由励展博览集团主办的第二届上海国际海洋技术与工程设备展览会(OI China 2014)在上海国际展览中心大获成功。展会现场有来自20个国家的215家供应商,展示114个类别的产品与服务项目,会议论坛云集了来自全球的42位行业专家,进行了38场次的演讲。为期三天的展会共吸引了5034名与会者参会。 展开更多
关键词 国际海洋 励展博览集团 海洋技术 工程设备 日至 引业
作者 刘士贤 金凤浩 《北方音乐》 1993年第4期9-10,共2页
关键词 引业 旦生 风平 腊雪 花莲 二名 心像
周边县域要主动对接天府新区 专访四川省社会科学院副院长盛毅
作者 车文斌 《当代县域经济》 2015年第3期8-11,共4页
翻开2015,四川进入天府新区建设时代。天府新区,西部第五个"国家级"新区,西部最大城市群地带建起的集结着世界顶尖企业的新区,对四川乃至西部经济的发展肩负怎样的使命?又酝酿着哪些新机遇?"天府新区"的名字已深入... 翻开2015,四川进入天府新区建设时代。天府新区,西部第五个"国家级"新区,西部最大城市群地带建起的集结着世界顶尖企业的新区,对四川乃至西部经济的发展肩负怎样的使命?又酝酿着哪些新机遇?"天府新区"的名字已深入人心,在那里,有四川最繁忙的机场、最大的展览中心、最好的软件园、最有价值的金融服务网、最高端的产业集聚地……"天府新区的定位不是一般的定位,作为创新性、高端性的新区,它未来吸收的不是一般的资源要素。 展开更多
关键词 顶尖企 副院长 成渝经济区 城市群 战略布局 建设时代 西部经济发展 高端性 竞争能力 引业
作者 任志萍 士心 《音乐世界》 1989年第12期4-5,共2页
关键词 火火 任志萍 引业
作者 王光池 翔兵 《音乐世界》 1990年第4期5-6,共2页
关键词 太皇 引业 一秋
作者 王致铨 成学 《音乐世界》 1994年第11期36-36,共1页
关键词 引业 日高 开窗
“YARiS L致炫”登场 吹响广丰变革号角
《时代汽车》 2013年第A09期24-25,共2页
8月23日,广汽丰田全新换代的YARiS正式在广州发布.当天的发布会以"Now Is Future"为主题,倾情演绎了全新一代YARiS带给广汽丰田的活力与变革.在设计风格、工艺品质、科技配置等多个领域引领小型车发展潮流,并树立行业全新标... 8月23日,广汽丰田全新换代的YARiS正式在广州发布.当天的发布会以"Now Is Future"为主题,倾情演绎了全新一代YARiS带给广汽丰田的活力与变革.在设计风格、工艺品质、科技配置等多个领域引领小型车发展潮流,并树立行业全新标准的致炫,预订价格区间为6.98-10.98万元,从9月1日起在全国范围内接受预订。致炫的发布是丰田中国战略全面落地的开始,更为广汽丰田的产品、质量、营销、服务"四大变革" 展开更多
关键词 广汽丰田 广丰 YARiS L 汽车社会 执行副总经理 倾情演绎 引业
作者 张士军 刘元春 《农村天地》 2003年第8期27-27,共1页
吉林省永吉经济开发区自建区以来,始终从创新工作方法入手,以突破性地抓好招商引资,创造性地抓好经济运行为目标,打造出自己的优势。 4年来,永吉经济开发区累计完成GDP31亿元,仅2002年就完成GDP10亿元,占全县GDP的36%;规模在500万元以... 吉林省永吉经济开发区自建区以来,始终从创新工作方法入手,以突破性地抓好招商引资,创造性地抓好经济运行为目标,打造出自己的优势。 4年来,永吉经济开发区累计完成GDP31亿元,仅2002年就完成GDP10亿元,占全县GDP的36%;规模在500万元以上的工业企业有35户,比1999年纯增加31户; 展开更多
关键词 经济加速发展 永吉 总产值 经济运行 引业 机械制造 机械产品目录 工作方法 经济增长
Performance and Welfare Status of Working Donkeys
作者 Girma Gebresenbet Samuel Aradom Pascal Gitari Kaumbutho 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第2期108-115,共8页
In Africa, donkeys have significant contribution in traction operation, but there is little research related to workload and their welfare. The objective of this work was to examine the effect of various loads on donk... In Africa, donkeys have significant contribution in traction operation, but there is little research related to workload and their welfare. The objective of this work was to examine the effect of various loads on donkeys' physiological and behavioural responses to evaluate welfare. Donkeys weighing of 132-172 kg (159 ± 11 kg) and totally 20 were used for the experiment. The experimental design included two wheeled cart × seven load class (an increment of 100 kg) with five repetitions each, and the travelled distance was 2 km. Travelled time, behavioural occurrences and physiological responses were recorded. Statistical analysis was conducted using SAS (version 9.4) software programme. When loads were 500-700 kg, heavy and rapid panting and falling down occurred frequently. When loads increased successively and reached 500, 600 and 700 kg, speed started declining from 3.68 km/hto 3.5, 2.94 and 2.54 krn/h, respectively, indicating that speed and applied loads are inversely correlated (P 〈 0.001). Heart rate was 129 ± 11 bpm at 700 kg, and in respect to resting state, donkeys' heart rate elevated by a factor of up to 3. As the load exceeded 400 kg, the speed declined significantly, and behavioural occurrences like heavy panting and falling down confirmed this. This leads to the conclusion that donkeys could pull about 2.7 times of their live weight. But if they have continuous and long working hours (about 6 h), it is recommended to keep load of two wheeled cart about double of donkeys live weight so as to safe guard donkeys' welfare. 展开更多
关键词 DONKEY LOAD BEHAVIOUR heart rote welfare.
Comparison of Different Extraction Approaches for Heavy Metal Partitioning in Sediment Samples 被引量:1
作者 M. B. ARAIN T. G. KAZI +4 位作者 M. K. JAMALI J. A. BAIG H. I. AFRIDI N. JALBANI R. A. SARFRAZ1 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期476-485,共10页
Three extraction methods, ultrasonic assisted extraction (USE), microwave assisted extraction (MSE), and conventional single extraction (CSE), in conjunction with the modified three-stage BCR sequential extraction pro... Three extraction methods, ultrasonic assisted extraction (USE), microwave assisted extraction (MSE), and conventional single extraction (CSE), in conjunction with the modified three-stage BCR sequential extraction procedure (SEP) were applied to examine the contents of Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn from lake sediment samples, to know whether these techniques can reduce extraction time and improve reproducibility. The SEP and developed alternative single extrac- tion methods were validated by the analysis of certified reference material BCR 601. By the use of optimized sonication and microwave conditions, steps 1, 2 and 3 of the BCR sequential extraction methods (excluding the hydrogen peroxide digestion in step 3, which was not performed with sonication and microwave) could be completed in 15-30 min and 60- 150 s, respectively. The recoveries of total extractable metal contents in BCR 601, obtained by three single extractions ranged from 93.3%-102%, 88.9%-104% and 81.2%-96.2% for CSE, USE and MSE, respectively. The precision of the single extraction methods was found in the range of 3.7%-9.4% for all metals (n = 6). 展开更多
关键词 heavy metals lake sediment microwave single extraction modified BCR sequential extraction ultrasonic single extraction
The Theory of Internet Finance 被引量:9
作者 谢平 邹传伟 《China Economist》 2013年第2期18-26,共9页
Internet based technologies, such as mobile payments, social networks, search engines and cloud computation, will lead to a paradigm shift in financial sector. Beside indirect financing via commercial banks and direct... Internet based technologies, such as mobile payments, social networks, search engines and cloud computation, will lead to a paradigm shift in financial sector. Beside indirect financing via commercial banks and direct financing through security markets, a third way to conduct financial activities will emerge, which we call "internet finance'" This paper presents a detailed analysis of payment, information processing and resource allocation under internet finance. 展开更多
关键词 internet finance mobile payments social networks search engines cloudcomputation
Employment Creation and Investment Attraction by Means of the Internet Portal of Puebla (Mexico) Government
作者 Juan Carlos Botello Osorio 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第9期698-704,共7页
Some transactional governmental services are now offered to citizens world-wide by means of the internet. Principally, these transactions consist of applications for birth certificates, tax payments, payments of fines... Some transactional governmental services are now offered to citizens world-wide by means of the internet. Principally, these transactions consist of applications for birth certificates, tax payments, payments of fines, however, very rarely, or never can someone incorporate a business by means of e-government services. Rare also, are cases in which the consequences of business incorporation can be evaluated through the internet--for example employment creation or the attraction of investments. With respect to business incorporation the internet portal of the government of the state of Puebla is of no help, since it must be done in person in every case. 展开更多
关键词 Investment electronic government EMPLOYMENT business INCORPORATE
Preliminary Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Three Taro (Colocasia esculenta L, Schott) Landraces Using Agro-morphological and SSR DNA Characterisation
作者 Tafadzwanashe Mabhaudhi Albert Thembinkosi Modi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第4期265-271,共7页
Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) is an important underutilised crop in South Africa, East Africa and Indonesia. Three taro landraces, namely, Dumbe Lomfula (wild), KwaNgwanase and Umbumbulu, were collected fro... Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) is an important underutilised crop in South Africa, East Africa and Indonesia. Three taro landraces, namely, Dumbe Lomfula (wild), KwaNgwanase and Umbumbulu, were collected from two locations in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa, and planted at two locations, Pietermaritzburg (KZN) and Roodeplaat, Pretoria. Ago-morphological characterisation of vegetative and corm characteristics were done four months after planting and at harvest, respectively. Sampling for DNA fingerprinting using five SSR primers was done using leaf material four months after planting. Agro-morphological characterisation was useful in showing differences between the wild landrace and the two cultivated landraces, as well as identification of dasheen and eddoe types. SSR primer characterisation showed that despite significant morphological difference, the wild Dumbe Lomfula and Umbumbulu landraces were closely related but different from the KwaNgwanase landrace. Although landraces showed great morphological variation, this did not necessarily imply genetic variation. It is concluded that SSR primers are more useful for characterising taro landraces. 展开更多
关键词 Agro-morphology characterisation DNA LANDRACES SSR primers taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) geneticdiversity.
Lightweight SOA-Based Twin-Engine Architecture for Enterprise Systems in Fixed and Mobile Environments 被引量:1
作者 Tongguang Zhang Shuai Zhao +3 位作者 Budan Wu Maurizio Farina Bo Cheng Junliang Chen 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第9期183-194,共12页
Mobile devices as a popular computing platform for enterprise systems have enabled certain tasks to be executed out of office.However,the work may be interrupted due to the server shutdown or network disconnection whe... Mobile devices as a popular computing platform for enterprise systems have enabled certain tasks to be executed out of office.However,the work may be interrupted due to the server shutdown or network disconnection when employees access traditional single-engine Business Process Management System.To overcome this defect,we present a lightweight twin-engine architecture based on Service Oriented Architecture(SOA).In this paper,we discuss in detail the design and implementation of the architecture,and present a trigger mechanism to activate engines according to the states of hybrid environments since it is critical for the two types of engines to cooperate closely in hybrid environments with fixed and mobile computing resources.The experimental results validate the usability of the architecture. 展开更多
关键词 TWIN-ENGINE SOA enterprise system mobile environment
Workshops of the Paulista Company in Jundiai, Sao Paulo: A Threatened Railway Heritage
作者 Antonio Soukef Junior 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第6期714-725,共12页
The workshops built by the Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro in Jundiai can be considered among the most significant Brazilian railway assets, both for their aesthetic and deployment qualities, and for the indus... The workshops built by the Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro in Jundiai can be considered among the most significant Brazilian railway assets, both for their aesthetic and deployment qualities, and for the industrial activities carried out on the premises, since their spaces preserve the memory of the work of generations of railway personnel who performed their various functions there between 1893--the year they opened, and 1990 when they were permanently decommissioned. This complex, during its almost 100 years of operation, has undergone significant modifications and enhancements mainly due to technological changes driven by the replacement of steam traction by electric traction, and then by diesel-electric traction. Despite this, the complex maintained an impressive architectural consistency. Unfortunately, most of the buildings of this complex are unused and in disrepair, being the target of invasions, vandalism and theft of materials that if not stopped will cause irreparable damage to its structure and to the local ambience. The question that appears most urgent, therefore, is to seek ways to repossess this group of workshops in order to meet the current demands of urban development without losing the characteristics which form its architectural and urban identity in a city in accelerated mutation. 展开更多
关键词 Railway heritage urban development preservation.
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