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作者 龙华 《中国文学研究》 1986年第1期76-87,共12页
张声玠是清代嘉道间杂剧创作“次盛之期”的戏曲作家。他“才华美赡”,“善词曲”,承袭雍乾间杂剧全盛期杨潮观、蒋士铨创作的余绪,激愤昂扬、遒劲清丽,显示出独特的创作风格,《玉田春水轩杂出》在清人杂剧中是占有重要地位的。他大半... 张声玠是清代嘉道间杂剧创作“次盛之期”的戏曲作家。他“才华美赡”,“善词曲”,承袭雍乾间杂剧全盛期杨潮观、蒋士铨创作的余绪,激愤昂扬、遒劲清丽,显示出独特的创作风格,《玉田春水轩杂出》在清人杂剧中是占有重要地位的。他大半生劳碌奔波,淹蹇不遇,在不停顿的人生追求之中,借戏曲以抒写襟抱,有感而发,表现出愤懑的思想情绪。处于近代发端时期,民族矛盾和阶级关系的日益紧张激烈,已经开始的鸦片战争和即将发生的太平天国农民大起义,在强烈地震撼着华夏大地。张声玠的杂剧是具有时代特色和社会意义的。 展开更多
关键词 张声 杂剧创作 道光 薛仁贵 杨潮观 胡琴 张士贵 陈子昂 赵孟 剧本
作者 沈钢 《台州师专学报》 1997年第4期21-22,共2页
关键词 《文心雕龙》 通变 张声 汉赋 司马相如 循环相因 逻辑关系 例释 用例 继承创新
作者 钱子凡 《戏剧之家》 2019年第11期4-5,共2页
张声的杂剧集《玉田春水轩杂出》,在人物形象塑造方面有着其独特的个人视角和创作手法。张声在尊重人物历史原貌的基础上,通过运用动静结合、情景交融等手法,从人物的"形""韵""神"三方面入手,进行带有浓... 张声的杂剧集《玉田春水轩杂出》,在人物形象塑造方面有着其独特的个人视角和创作手法。张声在尊重人物历史原貌的基础上,通过运用动静结合、情景交融等手法,从人物的"形""韵""神"三方面入手,进行带有浓厚个人色彩的艺术创作,使之体现出别具风味的艺术价值。 展开更多
关键词 张声 玉田春水轩杂出 人物形象
苏北连云港方言的三域声调系统——普通发声态与张声、嘎裂声 被引量:20
作者 章婷 朱晓农 《方言》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期193-199,共7页
本项研究旨在讨论苏北连云港市区方言中的声调及其发声态特征。目前连云港市区方言分为老派和新派,老派为五声调,新派入声与阳平合并,只有四声调。连云港市区声调是个三域六度的系统,高域实现为张声或假声,低域实现为嘎裂声。当阴平和... 本项研究旨在讨论苏北连云港市区方言中的声调及其发声态特征。目前连云港市区方言分为老派和新派,老派为五声调,新派入声与阳平合并,只有四声调。连云港市区声调是个三域六度的系统,高域实现为张声或假声,低域实现为嘎裂声。当阴平和阳平都是低凹调时,嘎裂声具有区别声调的作用,同时定义一个低域。 展开更多
关键词 声调 声域 张声 假声 嘎裂声 江淮官话
重庆方言中的特殊声调现象 被引量:4
作者 明茂修 《重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第1期56-59,共4页
重庆方言的声调系统中包含嘎裂声、假声或张声等特殊声调现象,这是过去未曾发现的。嘎裂声主要分布在去声调中,这种现象与元音高低和性别等有密切关系,是读低调的去声调的伴随特征。假声或张声是高升阴平调的重要特征,从调形格局演变的... 重庆方言的声调系统中包含嘎裂声、假声或张声等特殊声调现象,这是过去未曾发现的。嘎裂声主要分布在去声调中,这种现象与元音高低和性别等有密切关系,是读低调的去声调的伴随特征。假声或张声是高升阴平调的重要特征,从调形格局演变的角度来看,假声或张声也有可能发展成高升阴平调的区别特征。 展开更多
关键词 重庆方言 声调特征 嘎裂声 假声或张声
作者 张声书 《科学中国人》 1998年第Z1期62-63,共2页
关键词 世纪人才 培养目标 张声 学院 物资 大学教师 中央部门 授业型 国家教委 真峰
作者 秦玉明 《当代文坛》 1986年第4期74-76,共3页
关键词 文学描写 喜色 谢安 作品 百劳 性格 张声 真实性 老年人 无理而妙
作者 王文敏 《广东技术师范大学学报》 2021年第2期48-54,共7页
通过声学分析,现代维吾尔语词首清浊爆发音不是非带声与带声的对立,而是以清洌声和张声为基础的对立,且差异显著。古维吾尔语汉字音存在"清浊颠倒"现象。通过论证古维吾尔语清爆发音是清洌声,浊爆发音是张声,古汉语全清是张声... 通过声学分析,现代维吾尔语词首清浊爆发音不是非带声与带声的对立,而是以清洌声和张声为基础的对立,且差异显著。古维吾尔语汉字音存在"清浊颠倒"现象。通过论证古维吾尔语清爆发音是清洌声,浊爆发音是张声,古汉语全清是张声,次清是清洌声,全浊是弛声,用清爆发音清洌声来对译次清清洌声,用浊爆发音张声来对译全清张声,选择与弛声态较接近的清洌声来对译全浊弛声是合理的。"清浊颠倒"是音系学上的误会,语音学上没有颠倒。 展开更多
关键词 维吾尔语 弛声 张声 清洌声 发声态 清浊颠倒
《经济工作导刊》 1996年第5期47-48,共2页
有计划地造成敌人的错觉,给以出其不意的攻击,是造成优势和夺取主动的方法。在现代激烈的市场竞争中,作为一个企业的经营者,认真研究毛泽东兵法中“示形惑敌”的战略战术,运用其高超的谋略思想,对战胜对手,赢得市场优势,将大有裨益。 ... 有计划地造成敌人的错觉,给以出其不意的攻击,是造成优势和夺取主动的方法。在现代激烈的市场竞争中,作为一个企业的经营者,认真研究毛泽东兵法中“示形惑敌”的战略战术,运用其高超的谋略思想,对战胜对手,赢得市场优势,将大有裨益。 一、示形惑敌是毛泽东高超的军事谋略艺术 毛泽东等老一辈无产阶级革命家在革命战争实践中,根据敌人心理特征进行示形惑敌,牢牢地牵住敌人的牛鼻子,迫敌就范。例如,1947年3月,胡宗南集中23万兵力大举进攻陕甘宁边区,当时正值敌重点进攻阶段,胡宗南骄横异常,急于寻找我主力决战,妄图速战速决。毛泽东针对敌人此时的心理状况,采取主动撤离延安,诱敌深入,运用“蘑菇”战术,牵着敌人在陕北高原上转圈子。 展开更多
关键词 毛泽东 兵法 敌人 对手 百事可乐 与企业 可口可乐 商品 张声 清洁剂
《航天标准化》 1994年第6期3-3,共1页
关键词 通讯员 周凤英 梁元 东吴 张声 石文 刘利 文昌 张德 杨玉
《质量技术监督研究》 2003年第10期39-39,共1页
在暑假,许多朋友都考虑要添置一台数码相机,丰富自己的暑假生活。然而商家是以追求最大经济利益为目的,因此免不了在你选构相机时耍些花样,下面就为您大致介绍一下常见的经销商把戏。 1.虚张声势 当您在市场上苦苦地寻找时,经销商纷纷... 在暑假,许多朋友都考虑要添置一台数码相机,丰富自己的暑假生活。然而商家是以追求最大经济利益为目的,因此免不了在你选构相机时耍些花样,下面就为您大致介绍一下常见的经销商把戏。 1.虚张声势 当您在市场上苦苦地寻找时,经销商纷纷报出各自的价格。 展开更多
关键词 骗局 经销商 数码相机 信誉卡 水货 消费者 行货 张声 配件 大经济
作者 陈兆祥 《北京物价》 1995年第2期38-39,共2页
“声东击西”是一种普遍使用的谋略,《三十六计》中将它列为胜战计的第六计。《百战奇法·声战》云:“凡战,所谓声者,张虚声也。声东而击西,声彼而去此,使敌人不知其所备,则我所攻者,乃敌人所不守也。”它的大意是,凡与敌方作战,所... “声东击西”是一种普遍使用的谋略,《三十六计》中将它列为胜战计的第六计。《百战奇法·声战》云:“凡战,所谓声者,张虚声也。声东而击西,声彼而去此,使敌人不知其所备,则我所攻者,乃敌人所不守也。”它的大意是,凡与敌方作战,所说的声是虚张声势,我方制造假象,虚张声势攻击东面之敌,实际上是为攻击西面之敌作掩护。当传声势去攻东时,实际上是攻击西;使西面的敌人在没有防备的情况下,我方出其不意地攻击它,敌人就会因坚守不住而失败。 展开更多
关键词 咖啡 招徕定价策略 百货公司 名牌商品 诱饵 高价商品 敌人 招徕顾客 张声 低价
作者 楚桑 《四川统一战线》 1996年第4期26-27,共2页
自从在省美术馆办了画展后,我省青年画家、四川美术家协会会员胡真来近一年多并没有如他人所料,借办画展大张声浪,而是更沉稳地潜心下来,不声不响,回归到了案桌和山水中去。 这符合胡真来的为人,也是他为艺境界的写照。20多年来。
关键词 艺境 青年画家 工笔画 张声 美术馆 美术家 写照 丹青 自由氛围 会员
《中国天主教》 1995年第1期21-21,共1页
去年11月6日,国务院宗教局张声作局长等一行20多人到河北省邯郸教区永年县天主教会视察工作,对我县教会带领广大教友积极参加两个文明建设予以很高的评价,称赞我县天主教是爱国的,在政治上是不错的,并勉励我们要培养年轻的神职人员和在... 去年11月6日,国务院宗教局张声作局长等一行20多人到河北省邯郸教区永年县天主教会视察工作,对我县教会带领广大教友积极参加两个文明建设予以很高的评价,称赞我县天主教是爱国的,在政治上是不错的,并勉励我们要培养年轻的神职人员和在工作上不断创新、完善。 展开更多
关键词 宗教界 国务院 两个文明建设 天主教会 永年县 爱国爱教 走社会主义道路 河北省 张声 邯郸
Right liver lobe/albumin ratio:Contribution to non-invasive assessment of portal hypertension 被引量:4
作者 Tamara Alempijevic Vladislava Bulat +5 位作者 Srdjan Djuranovic Nada Kovacevic Rada Jesic Dragan Tomic Slobodan Krstic Miodrag Krstic 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第40期5331-5335,共5页
AIM: To study the value of biochemical and ultrasonographic parameters in prediction of presence and size of esophageal varices.METHODS: The study includes selected cirrhotic patients who underwent a complete bioche... AIM: To study the value of biochemical and ultrasonographic parameters in prediction of presence and size of esophageal varices.METHODS: The study includes selected cirrhotic patients who underwent a complete biochemical workup, upper digestive endoscopic and ultrasonographic examinations. Albumin/right liver lobe diameter and platelet count/spleen diameter ratios were calculated. The correlation between calculated ratio and the presence and degree of esophageal varices was evaluated.RESULTS: Ninety-four subjects (62 males, 32 females), with a mean age of 52.32 ± 13.60 years, were studied. Child-Pugh class A accounted for 42.6%, class 13 37.2%, whereas class C 20.2%. Esophageal varices (OE) were not demonstrated by upper digestive endoscopy in 24.5%, while OE grade Iwas found in 22.3% patients, grade Ⅱ in 33.0%, grade m in 16.0%, and grade iV in 4.3%. The mean value of right liver lobe diameter/ albumin ratio was 5.51± 1.82 (range from 2.76 to 11.44), while the mean platelet count/spleen diameter ratio was 1017.75 ± 729.36 (range from 117.39 to 3362.50), respectively. Statistically significant correlation was proved by Spearman's test between OE grade and calculated ratios. The P values were 0.481 and -0.686, respectively.CONCLUSION: The right liver lobe diameter/albumin and platelet count/spleen diameter ratios are noninvasive parameters providing accurate information pertinent to determination of presence of esophageal varices, and their grading in patients with liver cirrhosis. 展开更多
关键词 Liver cirrhosis Esophageal varices Portal hypertension ULTRASONOGRAPHY
Time-domain CFD computation and analysis of acoustic attenuation performance of water-filled silencers 被引量:2
作者 LIU Chen JI Zhen-lin +1 位作者 CHENG Yin-zhong LIUSheng-lan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2397-2401,共5页
The multi-dimensional time-domain computational fluid dynamics(CFD) approach is extended to calculate the acoustic attenuation performance of water-filled piping silencers. Transmission loss predictions from the time-... The multi-dimensional time-domain computational fluid dynamics(CFD) approach is extended to calculate the acoustic attenuation performance of water-filled piping silencers. Transmission loss predictions from the time-domain CFD approach and the frequency-domain finite element method(FEM) agree well with each other for the dual expansion chamber silencer, straight-through and cross-flow perforated tube silencers without flow. Then, the time-domain CFD approach is used to investigate the effect of flow on the acoustic attenuation characteristics of perforated tube silencers. The numerical predictions demonstrate that the mean flow increases the transmission loss, especially at higher frequencies, and shifts the transmission loss curve to lower frequencies. 展开更多
关键词 water-filled silencer acoustic attenuation performance time-domain CFD approach flow effect perforated tube
Portal hemodynamics as predictors of high risk esophageal varices in cirrhotic patients 被引量:15
作者 Mohammad K Tarzamni Mohammad H Somi +1 位作者 Sara Farhang Morteza Jalilvand 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第12期1898-1902,共5页
AIM: To evaluate portal hypertension parameters in liver cirrhosis patients with and without esophageal varices (EV). METHODS: A cohort of patients with biopsy confirmed liver cirrhosis was investigated endoscopic... AIM: To evaluate portal hypertension parameters in liver cirrhosis patients with and without esophageal varices (EV). METHODS: A cohort of patients with biopsy confirmed liver cirrhosis was investigated endoscopically and with color Doppler ultrasonography as a possible noninvasive predictive tool. The relationship between portal hemodynamics and the presence and size of EV was evaluated using uni- and multivariate approaches. RESULTS: Eighty five consecutive cirrhotic patients (43 men and 42 women) were enrolled. Mean age (± SD) was 47.5 (± 15.9). Portal vein diameter (13.88 ± 2.42 vs 12.00 ± 1.69, P 〈 0.0005) and liver vascular index (8.31 ± 2.72 vs 17.8 ± 6.28, P 〈 0.0005) were found to be significantly higher in patients with EV irrespective of size and in patients with large varices (14.54 ± 1.48 vs 13.24 ± 2.55, P 〈 0.05 and 6.45 ± 2.78 v$10.96 ± 5.05, P 〈 0.0005, respectively), while portal vein flow velocity (13.25 ± 3.66 vs 20.25 ± 5.05, P 〈 0.0005), congestion index (CI) (0.11 ± 0.03 vs 0.06 ± 0.03, P 〈 0.0005), portal hypertensive index (2.62 ± 0.79 vs 1.33 ± 0.53, P 〈 0.0005), and hepatic (0.73 ± 0.07 vs 0.66 ± 0.07, P 〈 0.001) and splenic artery resistance index (R/) (0.73 ± 0.06 vs 0.62 ± 0.08, P 〈 0.0005) were significantly lower. A logistic regression model confirmed spleen size (P = 0.002, AUC 0.72) and portal hypertensive index (P = 0.040, AUC 0.79) as independent predictors for the occurrence of large esophageal varices (LEV). CONCLUSION: Our data suggest two independent situations for beginning endoscopic evaluation of compensated cirrhotic patients: Portal hypertensive index 〉 2.08 and spleen size 〉 15.05 cm. These factors may help identifying patients with a low probability of LEV who may not need upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. 展开更多
关键词 Liver cirrhosis Doppler ultrasound Portalhemodynamics Esophageal varices PREDICTION
Serum type Ⅳ collagen level is predictive for esophageal varices in patients with severe alcoholic disease 被引量:4
作者 Satoshi Mamori Yasuyuki Searashi +6 位作者 Masato Matsushima Kenichi Hashimoto Shinichiro Uetake Hiroshi Matsudaira Shuji Ito Hisato Nakajima Hisao Tajiri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第13期2044-2048,共5页
AIM: To determine factors predictive for esophagea varices in severe alcoholic disease (SAD). METHODS: Abdominal ultrasonography (US) was performed on 444 patients suffering from alcoholism. Forty-four patients ... AIM: To determine factors predictive for esophagea varices in severe alcoholic disease (SAD). METHODS: Abdominal ultrasonography (US) was performed on 444 patients suffering from alcoholism. Forty-four patients found to have splenomegaly and/ or withering of the right liver lobe were defined as those with SAD. SAD patients were examined by upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy for the presence of esophageal varices. The existence of esophageal varices was then related to clinical variables. RESULTS: Twenty-five patients (56.8%) had esophageal varices. A univariate analysis revealed a significant difference in age and type Ⅳ collagen levels between patients with and without esophageal varices. A logistic regression analysis identified type Ⅳ collagen as the only independent variable predictive for esophageal varices (P = 0.017). The area under the curve (AUC) for type Ⅳ collagen as determined by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) for predicting esophageal varices was 0.78. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that the level of type Ⅳ collagen has a high diagnostic accuracy for the detection of esophageal varices in SAD. 展开更多
关键词 Type collagen Esophageal varice Alcoholic disease Abdominal ultrasonography ALCOHOLISM
Acoustic emission activity in directly tensile test on marble specimens and its tensile damage constitutive model 被引量:12
作者 Ruifu Yuan Bowen Shi 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2018年第3期295-304,共10页
For understanding acoustic emission (AE) activity and accumulation of micro-damage inside rock under pure tensile state, the AE signals has been monitored on the test of directly tension on two kinds of marble speci... For understanding acoustic emission (AE) activity and accumulation of micro-damage inside rock under pure tensile state, the AE signals has been monitored on the test of directly tension on two kinds of marble specimens. A tensile constitutive model was proposed with the damage factor calculated by AE energy rate. The tensile strength of marble was discrete obviously and was sensitive to the inside microdefects and grain composition. With increasing of loading, the tensile stress-strain curve obviously showed nonlinear with the tensile tangent modulus decreasing. In repeated loading cycle, the tensile elastic modulus was less than that in the previous loading cycle because of the generation of micro damage during the prior loading. It means the linear weakening occurring in the specimens. The AE activity was corresponding with occurrence of nonlinear deformation. In the initial loading stage which only elastic deformation happened on the specimens, there were few AE events occurred; while when the nonlinear deformation happened with increasing of loading, lots of AE events were generated. The quantity and energy of AE events were proportionally related to the variation of tensile tangent modulus. The Kaiser effect of AE activity could be clearly observed in tensile cycle loading. Based on the theory of damage mechanics, the damage factor was defined by AE energy rate and the tensile damage constitutive model was proposed which only needed two property constants. The theoretical stress-strain curve was well fitted with the curve plotted with tested datum and the two property constants were easily gotten by the laboratory testing. 展开更多
关键词 Marble specimens Direct tensile test Acoustic emission Tensile tangent modulus Damage constitutive model
Hemodynamic analysis of esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis using color Doppler ultrasound 被引量:24
作者 Feng-Hua Li Jing Hao +2 位作者 Jian-Guo Xia Hong-Li Li Hua Fang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第29期4560-4565,共6页
AIM: To study the portal hemodynamics and their relationship with the size of esophageal varices seen at endoscopy and to evaluate whether these Doppler ultrasound parameters might predict variceal bleeding in patien... AIM: To study the portal hemodynamics and their relationship with the size of esophageal varices seen at endoscopy and to evaluate whether these Doppler ultrasound parameters might predict variceal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension. METHODS: One hundred and twenty cirrhotic patients with esophageal varices but without any previous bleeding were enrolled in the prospective study. During a 2-year observation period, 52 patients who had at least one episode of acute esophageal variceal hemorrhage constituted the bleeding group, and the remaining 68 patients without any previous hemorrhage constituted the non-bleeding group. All patients underwent endoscopy before or after color Doppler-ultrasonic examination, and images were interpreted independently by two endoscopists. The control group consisted of 30 healthy subjects, matched to the patient group in age and gender. Measurements of diameter, flow direction and flow velocity in the left gastric vein (LGV) and the portal vein (PV) were done in all patients and controls using color Doppler unit. After baseline measurements, 30 min after oral administration of 75 g glucose in 225 mL, changes of the diameter, flow velocity and direction in the PV and LGV were examined in 60 patients with esophageal varices and 15 healthy controls. RESULTS: The PV and LGV were detected successfully in 115 (96%) and 105 (88%) of 120 cirrhotic patients, respectively, and in 27 (90%) and 21 (70%) of 30 healthy controls, respectively. Among the 120 cirrhotic patients, 37 had F1, 59 had F2, and 24 had F3 grade varices. Compared with the healthy controls, cirrhotic group had a significantly lower velocity in the PV, a significantly greater diameter of the PV and LGV, and a higher velocity in the LGV. In the cirrhotic group, no difference in portal flow velocity and diameter were observed between patients with or without esophageal variceal bleeding (EVB). However, the diameter and blood flow velocity of the LGV were significantly higher for EVB (+) group compared with EVB (-) group (P〈0.01). Diameter of the LGV increased with enlarged size of varices. There were differences between F1 and F2, F1 and F3 varices, but no differences between F2 and F3 varices (P = 0.125). However, variceal bleeding was more frequent in patients with a diameter of LGV 〉6 mm. The flow velocity in the LGV of healthy controls was 8.70+1.91 cm/s (n = 21). In patients with liver cirrhosis, it was 10.3+2.1 cm/s (n = 12) when the flow was hepatopetal and 13.5+2.3 cm/s (n = 87) when it was hepatofugal. As the size of varices enlarged, hepatofugal flow velocity increased (P〈0.01) and was significantly different between patients with F1 and F2 varices and between patients with F2 and F3 varices. Variceal bleeding was more frequent in patients with a hepatofugal flow velocity 〉15 cm/s (32 of 52 patients, 61.5%). Within the bleeding group, the mean LGV blood flow velocity was 16.6+2.62 cm/s. No correlation was observed between the portal blood flow velocity and EVB. In all healthy controls, the flow direction in the LGV was hepatopetal, toward the PV. In patients with F1 varices, flow direction was hepatopetal in 10 patients, to-and-fro state in 3 patients, and hepatofugal in the remaining 18. The flow was hepatofugal in 91% patients with F2 and all F3 varices. Changes in diameter of the PV and LGV were not significant before and after ingestion of glucose (PV: 1.41+1.5 cm before and 1.46+1.6 cm after; LGV: 0.57+1.7 cm before and 0.60+1.5 cm after). Flow direction in the LGV was hepatopetal and to-and-fro in 16 patients and hepatofugal in 44 patients before ingestion of glucose. Flow direction changed to hepatofugal in 9 of 16 patients with hepatopetal and to-and-fro blood flow after ingestion of glucose. In 44 patients with hepatofugal blood flow in the LGV, a significant increase in hepatofugal flow velocity was observed in 38 of 44 patients (86%) with esophageal varices. There was a relationship between the percentage changes in flow velocity and the size of varices. Patients who responded excessively to food ingestion might have a high risk for bleeding. The changes of blood flow velocity in the LGV were greater than those in the PV (LGV: 28.3+26.1%, PV: 7.2+13.2%, P〈0.01), whereas no significant changes in the LGV occurred before and after ingestion of glucose in the control subjects. CONCLUSION: Hemodynamics of the PV is unrelated to the degree of endoscopic abnormalities in patients with liver cirrhosis. The most important combinations are endoscopic findings followed by the LGV hemodynamics. Duplex-Doppler ultrasonography has no value in the identification of patients with cirrhosis at risk of variceal bleeding. Hemodynamics of the LGV appears to be superior to those of the PV in predicting bleeding. 展开更多
关键词 HEMODYNAMICS Esophageal varices Liver cirrhosis Color Doppler ultrasound
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