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作者 段莉萍 《乐山师范学院学报》 2012年第3期14-18,共5页
目前《宋诗话全编》、《中国文学家大辞典》(宋代卷)等几种文献对宋代诗人张扩名字、籍里、行迹的介绍颇有误漏,且诗话的辑录未全,还可辑补。现据《建炎以来系年要录》、《中兴小纪》、《南宋馆阁录》、《挥麈余话》及《宋史》等几种典... 目前《宋诗话全编》、《中国文学家大辞典》(宋代卷)等几种文献对宋代诗人张扩名字、籍里、行迹的介绍颇有误漏,且诗话的辑录未全,还可辑补。现据《建炎以来系年要录》、《中兴小纪》、《南宋馆阁录》、《挥麈余话》及《宋史》等几种典籍,对其相关问题试作补正。关于张扩的人名,历来文献有几种说法,经考,当作张扩。作张广、张启者,乃作者因避南宋宁宗赵扩之名讳而改。张扩籍里,书郡名是鄱阳,书县名是德兴。张扩为崇宁五年进士,历任秘书省校书郎、著作佐郎、礼部员外郎、起居郎、中书舍人等职。另补张扩诗话数条,从中可窥其诗学趣向。 展开更多
关键词 张扩 避讳 籍里 行迹 诗话
作者 韩德贞 《中小企业管理与科技》 1994年第3期10-12,共3页
夜,静悄悄无声无息。天,湛蓝湛蓝的。温柔的月色,轻纱般蒙在广袤无际的平原大地上,笼罩着座座城市、幢幢村落。方村村西、石栾公路边、石家庄市栾城县新星机械厂齐压压占地三十余亩、灯火通明、机鸣人欢。这是1993年年末的一个夜晚。工... 夜,静悄悄无声无息。天,湛蓝湛蓝的。温柔的月色,轻纱般蒙在广袤无际的平原大地上,笼罩着座座城市、幢幢村落。方村村西、石栾公路边、石家庄市栾城县新星机械厂齐压压占地三十余亩、灯火通明、机鸣人欢。这是1993年年末的一个夜晚。工厂办公室内,厂长张扩建端坐于办公桌前。1993年工厂工业总产值一举突破了千万元大关——1002万元。这对于新星机械厂而言,该是个多么了不起的数字!当这个金色的数字跳入张扩建眼中,他的心不由的澎湃不已。 展开更多
关键词 张扩 栾城县 工业总产值 机床厂 工人干部 铸造车间 一级工资 完成工时 不谙世事 后进者
张守仁世承考 被引量:1
作者 李梢 李标 《中医临床与保健》 1990年第4期51-52,共2页
徽歙张家世医医技精湛,治疗急性热病、劳力伤寒、湿温伤寒等病有独到之功,向以“张一帖”之美名称誉于皖、浙、赣数省。今《新安揽胜》、《歙县风情》等已出版著述均将其列为临床医家之首位。“张一帖”有传为北京名医张扩之后裔。张扩... 徽歙张家世医医技精湛,治疗急性热病、劳力伤寒、湿温伤寒等病有独到之功,向以“张一帖”之美名称誉于皖、浙、赣数省。今《新安揽胜》、《歙县风情》等已出版著述均将其列为临床医家之首位。“张一帖”有传为北京名医张扩之后裔。张扩,字子充,歙县人,著《医说》。少好医术,尽得蕲水庞安时,蜀人王朴真传,治病多奇中,名振当时,尤以疗治伤寒见长,其《医说》中所述与“张一帖”之祖传医术颇有渊源。此说尚待进一步考据。今可确知“张一帖” 展开更多
关键词 湿温伤寒 医技精湛 医说 张扩 急性热病 庞安时 一帖 医学成就 崩血 北京中医学院
作者 尚志钧 《中医临床与保健》 1990年第3期51-52,共2页
关键词 新安医学 医说 庞安时 安徽歙县 张扩 淳熙 子发 目闭 久则
Tension Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Automatic Yarn Splicing Robots for Ring Spinning
作者 WANG Lisu CAI Yun +1 位作者 JI Cheng WANG Junliang 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 CAS 2024年第5期505-512,共8页
Automatic splicing of interrupted yarns in ring spinning has always been a problem in the industry.Factors such as low yarn strengths and environmental influence on yarn tensions make it difficult to control the yarn ... Automatic splicing of interrupted yarns in ring spinning has always been a problem in the industry.Factors such as low yarn strengths and environmental influence on yarn tensions make it difficult to control the yarn tension during the robotic splicing process.The purpose of this research is to design active disturbance rejection control(ADRC)for a third-order nonlinear tension system subject to external disturbances.Firstly,a third-order extended state observer(ESO)is designed to achieve the suppression and the compensation of the internal modeling error and the external disturbances of the system.Secondly,the adaptive gain error feedback control and the filtering process are designed to reduce the influence of sensor noise on the disturbance observation.Finally,the tension control during the splicing process is simulated and experimented,and the experiments show that the method has good robustness in the tension tracking task under a dynamic environment,which verifies the effectiveness of the method. 展开更多
关键词 yarn splicing robot tension control active disturbance rejection control(ADRC) extended state observer(ESO)
Validity and Systematic Position of Rana altaica(Rana:Ranidae):Results of a Phylogenetic Analysis 被引量:6
作者 杨军校 周炜帏 +3 位作者 饶定齐 POYARKOV A.Nikolay KUZMIN Sergius L 车静 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期353-360,共8页
In order to evaluate the phylogenetic position and validity of Rana altaica,we investigated the phylogeny of brown frogs in Eurasia by Bayesian Inference and Maximum Parsimony analyses of a fragment from the mitochond... In order to evaluate the phylogenetic position and validity of Rana altaica,we investigated the phylogeny of brown frogs in Eurasia by Bayesian Inference and Maximum Parsimony analyses of a fragment from the mitochondrial DNA gene Cytochrome b.Both analyses resolved R.altaica as nesting deeply within R.arvalis.Most samples of the nominal R.altaica from the Altai region and specimens from Central Siberia shared a haplotype with R.arvalis based on the network analysis.The matrilineal relationships suggested that R.altaica should be considered as a junior synonym of R.arvalis.Furthermore,our study suggested that the species group division of Chinese brown frogs should be re-evaluated within a phylogenetic context. 展开更多
关键词 Rana altaica Rana arvalis Rana arvalis altaica Cytochrome b Demographic expansion
作者 杨淑群 丁树良 丁秋林 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2010年第2期183-189,共7页
Reduced Q-matrix (Qr matrix) plays an important role in the rule space model (RSM) and the attribute hierarchy method (AHM). Based on the attribute hierarchy, a valid/invalid item is defined. The judgment method... Reduced Q-matrix (Qr matrix) plays an important role in the rule space model (RSM) and the attribute hierarchy method (AHM). Based on the attribute hierarchy, a valid/invalid item is defined. The judgment method of the valid/invalid item is developed on the relation between reachability matrix and valid items. And valid items are explained from the perspective of graph theory. An incremental augment algorithm for constructing Qr matrix is proposed based on the idea of incremental forward regression, and its validity is theoretically considered. Results of empirical tests are given in order to compare the performance of the incremental augment algo-rithm and the Tatsuoka algorithm upon the running time. Empirical evidence shows that the algorithm outper-forms the Tatsuoka algorithm, and the analysis of the two algorithms also show linear growth with respect to the number of valid items. Mathematical models with 10 attributes are built for the two algorithms by the linear regression analysis. 展开更多
关键词 reduced Q-matrix(Qr matrix) valid items incremental augment algorithm linear regression
Fuzzy disturbance rejection predictive control of ultra-supercritical once-through boiler-turbine unit 被引量:2
作者 张帆 吴啸 沈炯 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2017年第1期53-58,共6页
In order to overcome the wide-range load tracking and unknown disturbance issues of an ultra-supercritical boiler- turbine unit, a fuzzy disturbance rejection predictive control approach is proposed using the techniq... In order to overcome the wide-range load tracking and unknown disturbance issues of an ultra-supercritical boiler- turbine unit, a fuzzy disturbance rejection predictive control approach is proposed using the techniques of fuzzy scheduling, model predictive control and extended state observer. Local state-space models are established on the basis of nonlinearity analysis and subspace identification. To eiJiance thedisturbance rejection capability of the controller, a extended state observer is employed to estimate unnown disturbances and model mismatches. The disturbance estimation ennaced local predictive controllers ae subsequently devised based on the local models, the performance of which is further strengthened by incorporating the fuzzy scheduling technique. The simulation results verify the merits of the proposed strategy in achieving satisfactory wide-range load tracking ad disturbance rejection performance. 展开更多
关键词 ultra-supercritical power plant model predictive control fuzzy control extended state observer
Prediction of the Hualian Earthquakes in Taiwan and an Extended Discussion on the Method of Commensurability 被引量:4
作者 胡辉 韩延本 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第3期194-196,F0003,共4页
The method of commensurability was used by the authors to predict the great earthquake of magnitude 7.5 that occurred on March 31,2002 in Taiwan 70km away from Hualian. Analyzing the earthquakes of magnitude≥7.0 whic... The method of commensurability was used by the authors to predict the great earthquake of magnitude 7.5 that occurred on March 31,2002 in Taiwan 70km away from Hualian. Analyzing the earthquakes of magnitude≥7.0 which occurred in the Hualian area of Taiwan within the 20th century, the authors discovered that the occurrences of the earthquakes are commensurable. The earthquakes of magnitude 7.6 which occurred in Hualian of Taiwan, on September 20th, 1999 and of magnitude 7.5 which occurred 70 km away from Hualian, on March 31th, 2002 appeared at the commensurable point of K=2 and the period times the golden section, respectively. An extended discussion is carried out on the method of commensurability and its implied physical significance, especially on the contribution of the commensurable periodic extension made by Prof. Weng Wenbo. 展开更多
关键词 information determinacy COMMENSURABILITY and extension of periodicity
Genetic structure of wintering Hooded Cranes (Grus monacha) based on mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences 被引量:3
作者 张黎黎 周立志 代艳丽 《Chinese Birds》 2012年第2期71-81,共11页
The Hooded Crane (Grus monacha) is a waterbird wintering in the wetlands of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China. The gradual habitat loss resulting from wetland degradation may have posed negative... The Hooded Crane (Grus monacha) is a waterbird wintering in the wetlands of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China. The gradual habitat loss resulting from wetland degradation may have posed negative effects on the structure of our wintering populations. For its effective protection, it is important to conduct an intensive study on the genetic structure of this population. A total of 221 faecal samples, nine feather samples and four muscle samples of Hooded Cranes from four wintering populations, i.e., from Caizi Lake and Shengjin Lake in Anhui, Poyang Lake in Jiangxi and Chongming Dongtan in Shanghai, were collected for this study. Full-length 1103–1104 bp mtDNA D-loop sequences from 72 samples were amplified using PCR. Based on our amplified D-loop sequences and the sequences of two individual birds obtained from GenBank (AB017625 and AB023813), we analyzed the genetic structure of these four wintering Hooded Crane populations. Twenty six variable sites were found among 72 target sequences in the four wintering populations and 23 haplotypes were defined. Genetic diversity analyses showed that the haplotype diversity of Hooded Cranes was 0.823 ± 0.042 with a nucleotide diversity of 0.00157 ± 0.00021. The FST values of the four populations show that there is no significant genetic differentiation among the populations of Hooded Cranes wintering in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Tajima’s D and Fu’s tests suggest that the Hooded Crane populations may have experienced population expansion in their evolutionary history. 展开更多
关键词 Grus monacha HAPLOTYPE genetic structure faecal DNA population expansion
Seismic facies response of tectonics and direction of block movement in the northeastern South China Sea 被引量:1
作者 陈洁 钟广见 刘少华 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期306-314,399,共10页
The close relationship between the structure,evolution,and resources environment of the South China Sea is a current research focus and also a focal point of our study.In this paper,we use regional seismic sections to... The close relationship between the structure,evolution,and resources environment of the South China Sea is a current research focus and also a focal point of our study.In this paper,we use regional seismic sections to analyze the relationship between seismic facies and the structure and tectonic evolution of the northeastern South China Sea and propose new points about the structure and the direction of block(land mass) motion.First,the tectonic features are clear and can be divided into five different structural units which are both linked and independent of each other.Second,it doesn't matter if the South China Sea basin pattern is extensional,weakly compressive,or strongly compressive,the regional tectonic stress field is unified.For the first time we find that two shallow subduction zones are recognized in the seismic profiles.All the tectonic blocks have accordion-fold-style structures,converging in the east,and the South China Sea exhibits different stages of basin development:growth, maturity,end,and termination.The block subduction and regional block dip directions are all aligned with the regional stress field. 展开更多
关键词 Sea-floor spreading SCS shallow subduction one way drifting extrusion metamorphism accordion-style seismic facies
作者 张怀岺 任红润 +2 位作者 金新安 何青 高嵩 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2010年第1期102-106,共5页
To evaluate the effect of the positive-indefinite matrix on the diffusion tensor-derived parameters, a modified algorithm is proposed for calculating these parameters. Magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion tensor images... To evaluate the effect of the positive-indefinite matrix on the diffusion tensor-derived parameters, a modified algorithm is proposed for calculating these parameters. Magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion tensor images of five healthy volunteers are collected. The diffusion sensitive gradient magnetic fields are applied along 25 directions and the diffusion weighting value is 1 000 s/mm^2. Many positive-indefinite diffusion tensors can be found in the white matter area, such as the genu and the splenium of corpus callosum. Due to the positive-indefinite matrix, the mean diffusivity (MD) and the fractional anisotropy (FA) are under-estimated and over-estimated by using the conventional algorithm. Thus, the conventional algorithm is modified by using the absolute values of all eigenvalues. Results show that both the robustness and the reliability for deriving these parameters are improved by the modified algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) diffusion tensor image (DTI)
Rings satisfying UR-stable range
作者 应志领 陈建龙 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第4期545-547,共3页
A ring R is said to be satisfying P-stable range provided that whenever aR + bR = R, there exists y ∈ P(R) such that a + by is a unit of R, where P(R) is the subset of R which satisfies the property that up, pu... A ring R is said to be satisfying P-stable range provided that whenever aR + bR = R, there exists y ∈ P(R) such that a + by is a unit of R, where P(R) is the subset of R which satisfies the property that up, pu∈ P(R) for every unit u of R and p ∈P(R). By studying this ring, some known results of rings satisfying unit-1 stable range, ( S, 2) -stable range, weakly unit 1- stable range and stable range one are unified. An element of a ring is said to be UR if it is the sum of a unit and a regular dement and a ring is said to be satisfying UR-stable range if R has P-stable range and P(R) is the set of all UR-elements of R, Some properties of this ring are studied and it is proven that if R satisfies UR-stahle range then so does any n × n matrix ring over R. 展开更多
关键词 stable range condition UR-ring matrix extension
Exchange general rings
作者 黄青鹤 陈建龙 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第4期589-592,共4页
The exchange rings without unity, first introduced by Ara, are further investigated. Some new characterizations and properties of exchange general rings are given. For example, a general ring I is exchange if and only... The exchange rings without unity, first introduced by Ara, are further investigated. Some new characterizations and properties of exchange general rings are given. For example, a general ring I is exchange if and only if for any left ideal L of I and a^-= a^-2 ∈I/L, there exists w ∈ r. ureg(I) such that w^- = a^-; E(R, I) ( the ideal extension of a ring R by its ideal I) is an exchange ring if and only if R and I are both exchange. Furthermore, it is presented that if I is a two-sided ideal of a unital ring R and I is an exchange general ring, then every central element of I is a clean element in 1. 展开更多
关键词 exchange ring clean element stable range one ideal extension
作者 张凤玲 StraussDona 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1997年第2期88-91,共4页
In this paper, we shall define a new concept, P map. Therefore the question which arises in will be answered satisfactorily, i.e. a frame map f: K→L from a T 2 frame K to a T 2 frame L c... In this paper, we shall define a new concept, P map. Therefore the question which arises in will be answered satisfactorily, i.e. a frame map f: K→L from a T 2 frame K to a T 2 frame L can be uniquely extended to a frame map τf:τK→τL if and only if f is a P map. 展开更多
关键词 FRAME Katetov extension P map
Synthesis of 2 (Alkylthio) 1,2,4 triazolopyrimidines and 3 (Alkythio) 1,2,4 triazolopyrimidines and Their Vasodilator Activity * 被引量:2
作者 任天瑞 陈馥衡 +2 位作者 周家驹 陈红明 郭宗儒 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1998年第4期4-10,共7页
A series of new 2 (alkylthio) 5,7 dimethyl 1,2,4 triazolopyrimidines and 3 (alkylthio) 5,7 dimethyl 1,2,4 triazolopyrimidines have been synthesized. These derivatives were evaluated for inhibitory effects on... A series of new 2 (alkylthio) 5,7 dimethyl 1,2,4 triazolopyrimidines and 3 (alkylthio) 5,7 dimethyl 1,2,4 triazolopyrimidines have been synthesized. These derivatives were evaluated for inhibitory effects on 85 7 mmol·L 1 K + and 10 4 mmol·L -1 NE (nor epinephrine) induced contraction of rat aorta strips. 展开更多
作者 刘家林 《新闻知识》 1988年第12期42-43,共2页
从今年元旦开始,台湾当局正式解除“报禁”.所谓“解除报禁”,主要包括两个方面的内容:(一)是开放报纸登记,开始准许自由办报;(二)是解除报纸限张发行,前次,台湾当局规定各报篇幅均不得超过三张,现在可以增张扩版发行. “报禁”解除以后... 从今年元旦开始,台湾当局正式解除“报禁”.所谓“解除报禁”,主要包括两个方面的内容:(一)是开放报纸登记,开始准许自由办报;(二)是解除报纸限张发行,前次,台湾当局规定各报篇幅均不得超过三张,现在可以增张扩版发行. “报禁”解除以后,在台湾新闻界引起了强烈反响.新报纷纷创刊,从今年元旦起,在不到一个月的时间里,就有20多家新报办理登记手续。连91岁高龄的著名老报人成舍我先生也重新披挂上阵,正式登记创办《台湾立报》,实现了多年的夙愿.另外,现有的报纸除晚报外。 展开更多
关键词 报禁 台湾当局 立报 副刊版 新闻事业 行政院新闻局 张扩 社会新闻 体育新闻 俞国华
Effect of Fufang Danshen Pill on Bone Marrow Stem Mobilization when Myocardial Scathe 被引量:4
作者 钟鸣 苏海 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第9期529-531,共3页
Objective:To investigate the effect of Fufang Danshen pill on bone marrow stem mobilization during myocardial scathe. Methods:Rat models with expansionary myocardial disease were established by Pituitrin and Furazol... Objective:To investigate the effect of Fufang Danshen pill on bone marrow stem mobilization during myocardial scathe. Methods:Rat models with expansionary myocardial disease were established by Pituitrin and Furazolidone. Experimental rats were divided into the contrast group, the myocardial scathe group (MS group), the myocardial scathe and Fufang Dansben pill group ( MS + FD group) and the myocardial scathe and fluvastatin group ( MS + FT group). The ratio of CD34^+ cells was examined at the 1^st, 3^nl and 6^th weekend. Index of heart structure and function including LVESD, LVEDD. LYEF, LVEDP and dp/dtmax were evaluated at the 6^th weekend. The HW/BW index was calculated. Results:In the MS group, the index of HW/BW, LVESD, LVEDD and LVEDP were obviously increased (P 〈 0.01 ) and index of dp/ dtmax and LVEF were obviously decreased (P 〈 0.05 ). The ratio of CD34^+ cells was significantly improved at the 1^at weekend and then reduced slowly with no difference from that of the contrast group at the 6th weekend. Compared the MS + FD group and the MS + FT group with the MS group, the index of HW/BW, LYESD, LYEDD and LYEDP of were signifi cantly decreased ( P 〈 0.05 ) and index of dp/dtmax and LVEF were increased (P 〈 0.01 ). The ratio of CD34^+ cells was significantly higher at the 1^st, 3^nl and 6^th weekend, but had no statistic meaning at 3^nl and 6^th weekend (P 〉 0.05 ). Conclusion:Pituitrin and Furazolidone can be used to establish rat models with expansionary myocardial disease. There has bone marrow stem mobilization during the early period of myocardial scathe. Fufang Danshen pill has effect on improving bone marrow stem mobilization, lightening the expansionary degree of heart and protecting the heart function. The effect of Fufang Danshen pill is as same as that of fluvastatin. 展开更多
关键词 bone marrow stem cell Fufang Danshen pill FLUVASTATIN expansionary myocardial disease
Small sphincterotomy combined with papillary dilation with large balloon permits retrieval of large stones without mechanical lithotripsy 被引量:24
作者 Atsushi Minami Shinji Hirose +1 位作者 Tomohiro Nomoto Shoichiro Hayakawa 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第15期2179-2182,共4页
AIM: TO introduce a new method: small endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) combined with endoscopic papillary large balloon dilation (SES + EPLBD) to treat patients with large biliary stones.METHODS: Retrieval of la... AIM: TO introduce a new method: small endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) combined with endoscopic papillary large balloon dilation (SES + EPLBD) to treat patients with large biliary stones.METHODS: Retrieval of large biliary stones was performed in 88 patients. Mean stone size was 14 ± 3 mm and mean number of stones was 2.5 ± 3.5. Firstly, ES with a small incision was performed. Next, endoscopic papillary dilation was performed with a large balloon to slowly match the size of the bile duct. Stones were then retrieved from the biliary duct with a balloon and a basket.RESULTS: Stone retrieval was successful in all cases except one cystic duct stone case without the need to crush large stones. Mean procedure time was 30 ± 5 min. Dilating the papillary orifice with a large balloon made it possible to remove large stones smoothly without crushing them. After dilation with the large balloon, there were some instances of oozing, but no perforations. One instance of post-procedural pancreatitis (1%) occurred. CONCLUSION: SES + EPLBD was effective for the retrieval of large biliary stones without the use of mechanical lithotripsy. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic sphincterotomy Endoscopic papillary dilation Bile duct stone
Clinical significance of main pancreatic duct dilation on computed tomography: Single and double duct dilation 被引量:9
作者 Mark D Edge Maarouf Hoteit +3 位作者 Amil P Patel Xiaoping Wang Deborah A Baumgarten Qiang Cai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第11期1701-1705,共5页
AIM: To study the patients with main pancreatic duct dilation on computed tomography (CT) and thereby to provide the predictive criteria to identify patients at high risk of significant diseases, such as pancreatic ca... AIM: To study the patients with main pancreatic duct dilation on computed tomography (CT) and thereby to provide the predictive criteria to identify patients at high risk of significant diseases, such as pancreatic cancer, and to avoid unnecessary work up for patients at low risk of such diseases. METHODS: Patients with dilation of the main pancreatic duct on CT at Emory University Hospital in 2002 were identified by computer search. Clinical course and ultimate diagnosis were obtained in all the identified patients by abstraction of their computer database records. RESULTS: Seventy-seven patients were identified in this study. Chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer were the most common causes of the main pancreatic duct dilation on CT. Although the majority of patients with isolated dilation of the main pancreatic duct (single duct dilation) had chronic pancreatitis, one-third of patients with single duct dilation but without chronic pancreatitis had pancreatic malignancies, whereas most of patients with concomitant biliary duct dilation (double duct dilation) had pancreatic cancer. CONCLUSION: Patients with pancreatic double duct dilation need extensive work up and careful followup since a majority of these patients are ultimately diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Patients with single duct dilation, especially such patients without any evidence of chronic pancreatitis, also need careful follow-up since the possibility of pancreatic malignancy, including adenocarcinoma and intraductal papillary mucinous tumors, is still high. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatic duct Common bile duct Intrahepatic duct Chronic pancreatitis Pancreatic cancer
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