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近40年北京地区强热岛事件初步分析 被引量:22
作者 张尚印 徐祥德 +1 位作者 刘长友 胡保昆 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期1147-1153,共7页
利用北京市1961-2004年间气象站及自动气象站逐日或逐时及每10min的日平均地面气温观测资料,给出了近44年北京市强热岛事件日的序列,划分了热岛日的大致标准,并分析了北京市强热岛事件日的时空分布特征。分析表明,在1961-2004年北... 利用北京市1961-2004年间气象站及自动气象站逐日或逐时及每10min的日平均地面气温观测资料,给出了近44年北京市强热岛事件日的序列,划分了热岛日的大致标准,并分析了北京市强热岛事件日的时空分布特征。分析表明,在1961-2004年北京市出现了79例强热岛事件日,强热岛日主要出现在冬季,秋季次之,但夏季时有发生,热岛强度中心位于公主坟、天安门、大观园附近。观测发现,近44年间北京市强热岛日呈明显增多趋势,年际波动明显;强热岛日强度年际波动明显,但强度的年代际变化趋势并不明显。热岛强度一般在02~08时达到最强,在12~17时最弱,有时还出现负值,热岛消失。 展开更多
关键词 北京地区 强热岛事件 时空分布特征
北京春季城市热岛特征及强热岛影响因子 被引量:26
作者 李兴荣 胡非 舒文军 《南京气象学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期129-134,共6页
应用北京地区地面气象观测台1990—2004年4月的气温资料,分析了近15 a北京春季城市热岛特征,结果表明:春季夜间城市热岛要强于白天。还分析了春季一个强热岛形成和减弱消失过程的气象影响因子,结果表明:北京春季夜间特定条件下存在强热... 应用北京地区地面气象观测台1990—2004年4月的气温资料,分析了近15 a北京春季城市热岛特征,结果表明:春季夜间城市热岛要强于白天。还分析了春季一个强热岛形成和减弱消失过程的气象影响因子,结果表明:北京春季夜间特定条件下存在强热岛,强热岛中心在白家庄、天安门、公主坟连线的主城区;白天强热岛会减弱消失。强热岛在夜间形成的原因是日落后郊区地面大气降温速率和幅度远大于城区地面大气。白天有日照的晴夜北京城、郊地面风场很弱(≤1.0 m/s),多个测站甚至出现静风,同时城区垂直方向上15 m高度以下持续存在很弱(≤1.5 m/s)的风场,城区320 m高度以下大气持续存在强逆温,这些因素共同促使春季强热岛的形成和维持。强热岛在白天减弱消失的原因是日出后太阳辐射的加热作用引起郊区地面大气升温速率和幅度大于城区地面大气,同时城区大气稳定度减弱、城区大气逆温消失、城郊地面风速增加。 展开更多
关键词 春季城市热岛 强热岛 晴天 弱风 强逆温
作者 刘玉彻 戴萍 +4 位作者 邹旭东 刘庆婺 杨洪斌 于文博 张云海 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第S2期117-121,共5页
文章利用常规气象站资料总结出2001-2010年城市热岛季变化,可以得出结论春季,2006年热岛强度最高,2003年和2005年较低;夏季,2001到2010年有逐年上升的趋势;沈阳秋季,热岛强度平均值2005年以后比2005年以前低;冬季,平均热岛强度2005年出... 文章利用常规气象站资料总结出2001-2010年城市热岛季变化,可以得出结论春季,2006年热岛强度最高,2003年和2005年较低;夏季,2001到2010年有逐年上升的趋势;沈阳秋季,热岛强度平均值2005年以后比2005年以前低;冬季,平均热岛强度2005年出现了冷岛现象,这是四季里相差热岛强度平均值最多的季节;最后利用aermod模式模拟了非热岛日和强热岛日污染物SO2浓度分布情况得出污染物SO2在强热岛日浓度明显大于非热岛日。 展开更多
关键词 热岛 季变化 强热岛 污染
城市热岛效应监测与典型强热岛区识别研究——以北京市六环区域为例 被引量:8
作者 葛荣凤 许开鹏 +3 位作者 张力小 王夏晖 迟妍妍 王晶晶 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第9期109-117,共9页
城市热岛效应(Urban Heat Island, UHI)是快速城市化进程中具有代表性的生态环境问题之一,对局地气候、能源消耗、城市居民健康等均有深远影响.城市热岛效应动态变化的有效监测及合理管控是改善人居环境与防范健康风险的重要条件.该研... 城市热岛效应(Urban Heat Island, UHI)是快速城市化进程中具有代表性的生态环境问题之一,对局地气候、能源消耗、城市居民健康等均有深远影响.城市热岛效应动态变化的有效监测及合理管控是改善人居环境与防范健康风险的重要条件.该研究定义了热岛强度指数(HII)和热岛监测指数(UHEI),以2期夏季Lnadsat-7 ETM+遥感影像为数据源反演地表温度(Land Surface Temperature, LST),结合GIS空间分析与统计技术监测了北京市六环区域2003年及2014年热岛效应的动态变化,识别了典型强热岛区.研究结果表明:1)2003年至2014年,六环区域内热岛效应呈现好转趋势,中心城区强热岛区大面积减缓,外围地区呈现明显恶化趋势;2)依据热岛效应影响因素,典型强热岛区可归类为裸露地表主导型、人为热源主导型及混合主导型;3)典型强热岛区管控可从城市规划、增加绿量以及改变建筑物色彩3方面开展. 展开更多
关键词 热岛效应 动态变化 强热岛 影响因素 减缓措施
沈阳2007年城市热岛研究 被引量:4
作者 刘玉彻 王连仲 +3 位作者 杨柳 杨洪斌 汪宏宇 邹旭东 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第S1期96-101,311,共7页
城市热岛现象是城市气候灾害之一,随着城市化进程的迅速发展,城市热岛现象也越来越受到关注。城市密集的人口分布和汽车保有量的不断增加,加剧了城市热量排放加上越来越多的城市路面被水泥和沥青所代替,城市热岛现象必然会越来越严重。... 城市热岛现象是城市气候灾害之一,随着城市化进程的迅速发展,城市热岛现象也越来越受到关注。城市密集的人口分布和汽车保有量的不断增加,加剧了城市热量排放加上越来越多的城市路面被水泥和沥青所代替,城市热岛现象必然会越来越严重。通过对沈阳及郊区康平、法库2007年常规气象资料进行热岛特征分析,并对12月25日全年热岛强度最高日进行风场、温度场、温度廓线、流场的分析。得出结论:沈阳市白天热岛强度比夜晚强,夜晚热岛强度比较低,有时会出现冷岛;沈阳冬天热岛强度最强;沈阳雪天或雨天热岛强度最强;沈阳热岛强度>2小时数冬天最多;通过对强热岛日的分析,白天污染重,有逆温存在,地面气流稳定,天气形势稳定,风速小,易出现强热岛。 展开更多
关键词 热岛 冷岛 强热岛
北京冬季城市热岛特征及强弱热岛影响因子研究 被引量:15
作者 李兴荣 胡非 舒文军 《中国科学院研究生院学报》 CAS CSCD 2007年第4期431-438,共8页
应用北京地区地面气象观测站1990~2004年1月的气温资料,分析了近15a北京冬季城市热岛的特征和变化趋势,也分析了城市热岛强度与地面气温的关系.结果表明:夜间城市热岛要强于白天,近15a夜间城市热岛具有增强趋势,而白天这样的趋... 应用北京地区地面气象观测站1990~2004年1月的气温资料,分析了近15a北京冬季城市热岛的特征和变化趋势,也分析了城市热岛强度与地面气温的关系.结果表明:夜间城市热岛要强于白天,近15a夜间城市热岛具有增强趋势,而白天这样的趋势不明显.夜间月平均城市热岛强度与月平均气温正相关,气温高的年份,热岛强度相对也大,白天这种相关不明显.此外,对比分析了冬季强热岛和弱热岛的特征及其气象影响因子.结果表明:强热岛出现于夜间,白天热岛不明显;夜间强热岛出现和维持是多种因子综合作用的结果.白天日照充足的晴夜北京城郊地面风场很弱(≤2.0m/s),多个测站甚至出现静风,同时城区垂直方向近地大气层持续存在很弱(≤2.0m/s)的风场,甚至静风,城区320m高度以下持续存在大气逆温,有利于冬季强热岛的形成和维持.晴朗白天即使近地层大气风速维持在2.5m/s以下,城市热岛也会减弱消失,太阳辐射的加热作用所引起的郊区地面大气升温速率和幅度大于城区,近地面大气稳定度的变弱,以及城区大气逆温的消失是城市强热岛减弱并最终消失的重要原因. 展开更多
关键词 城市热岛 强热岛 晴天 弱风 逆温
沈阳2001-2010年热岛变化研究 被引量:3
作者 刘玉彻 王连仲 +1 位作者 杨洪斌 汪宏宇 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S1期135-140,204,共7页
文章采用2001-2010年常规气象站资料,主要来自沈阳城区与郊区(法库、新民、康平、辽中)一日4次温度记录,分别为02、08、14、20时。分析结果:热岛强度10年间呈V字型变化,但是2005年后的几年还是比前几年高一些;1、2月份热岛有下降趋势,3... 文章采用2001-2010年常规气象站资料,主要来自沈阳城区与郊区(法库、新民、康平、辽中)一日4次温度记录,分别为02、08、14、20时。分析结果:热岛强度10年间呈V字型变化,但是2005年后的几年还是比前几年高一些;1、2月份热岛有下降趋势,3月份有上升;4月份热岛强度变化不大,5月份热岛有上升趋势,6月份热岛后5年比前5年高;7月份热岛有升高趋势,2001年最低,2010年最高,8月份后5年比前5年有增加趋势,除了2005年和2004年,8月份在10年中热岛强度比较强,9月份前5年热岛强度较后5年高,热岛强度有下降趋势;10月份热岛强度月平均值最高和最低两年相差很大,前5年热岛强度平均值和后5年平均值差不多;11月份后5年热岛强度比前5年热岛强度高,热到强度成逐渐增加趋势,12月份后5年比前5年热岛强度高,有增加的趋势。然后用MM5模式模拟10年中强热岛日—2007年12月25日的风场、温度场,结果显示温度场模拟结果和观测结果基本一致;风场越稳定,热岛强度越强;越不稳定,热岛强度越弱。 展开更多
关键词 热岛 年变化 月变化 强热岛
Analysis of Urban Heat Island Effect Using an Improved CTTC and STTC Model 被引量:2
作者 张于峰 王志刚 孙越霞 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2009年第3期201-205,共5页
An improved cluster thermal time constant(CTTC) and surface thermal time constant(STTC) numerical model was introduced,which took into account the effect of vegetation coverage and modified the expression of net longw... An improved cluster thermal time constant(CTTC) and surface thermal time constant(STTC) numerical model was introduced,which took into account the effect of vegetation coverage and modified the expression of net longwave radiation of the canyon layer.In the case study the model was used to calculate the air temperature variation at downtown of Tianjin City.The relative error between the calculated and measured air temperatures was less than 3%.The tendency of air temperature variation was predicted when the building aspect ratio,vegetation rate,and wind speed changed respectively.It is demonstrated that when the aspect ratio of a building with south-north orientation increased,the heat island intensity at day time was mitigated;however,it became worse after sunset.The vegetation coverage rate and wind speed both had negative relationship with the urban heat island intensity. 展开更多
关键词 urban canopy layer CTTC and STTC model net long-wave radiation building aspect ratio vegetation coverage rate wind speed
A climatic environmental performance assessment method for ecological city construction:Application to Beijing Yanqi Lake 被引量:1
作者 FANG Xiao-Yi CHENG Chen +3 位作者 LIU Yong-Hong DU Wu-Peng XIAO Xiao-Jun DANG Bing 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期23-35,共13页
In contrast to the input perspective for evaluating planning metrics, this research takes the climatic environmental output effects as the starting point for assessing ecological city construction. Based on approaches... In contrast to the input perspective for evaluating planning metrics, this research takes the climatic environmental output effects as the starting point for assessing ecological city construction. Based on approaches such as observation data analysis, meteorological model simulation, and remote sensing, a set of climatic environmental performance assessment methods is developed and established. These methods mainly focus on surface ventilation assessment and urban thermal environment assessment. With the Yanqi Lake ecological development demonstration area located in Huairou district, Beijing as an example, the assessment of the local climatic environment before and after the construction are conducted, and relevant policy suggestions for urban planning and construction are presented. The results show that after development, the ventilation capacity will decrease overall and the ventilation potential index will decrease from 0.53 to 0.44. While this is not a large reduction, and is still at a favorable level, the ventilation potential in some local areas will markedly decrease. Furthermore, the thermal environment will become poorer to some extent; the urban heat island(UHI) area and intensity will increase compared with the current situation;continuous heat islands may occur in local areas; the UHI potential index of the core area will rise from 0.0878 to 0.1217(still a favorable level).Therefore, urban surfaces should be carefully developed and arranged during planning. It is suggested that the negative impacts of large areas of urban construction on the local climatic environment in the Yanqi Lake could be mitigated by 1) strengthening the airflow by introducing fresh,cold, northwesterly air via constructed ventilation corridors, 2) increasing the number of ecological cold sources, particularly for water bodies and green belts to prevent the UHI in the southern region of Yanqi Lake from becoming linked with each other, and 3) considering a pre-program before sub-domain and building planning to obtain optimum building locations. Different construction standards should be developed for different ventilation potential and UHI intensity levels. For strong heat island areas, land areas should be reserved to serve as cold sources. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological city construction Ventilation environment Thermal environment Performance assessment Yanqi Lake ecological development demonstration area
Spatial Variation of the Characteristics of Urban Heat Island Effect in Hong Kong 被引量:1
作者 Hing Yim Mok Man Chi Wu Cheuk Yin Cheng 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第9期779-786,共8页
Recent studies by the Hong Kong Observatory show that the urban centre of Hong Kong has considerable Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect that arises from the different thermal properties between urban and the surrounding... Recent studies by the Hong Kong Observatory show that the urban centre of Hong Kong has considerable Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect that arises from the different thermal properties between urban and the surrounding rural areas. The studies have also shown that the urban-rural temperature difference or UHI intensity in the urban centre of Hong Kong can be greater than 10℃. However, the characteristics of UHI in Hong Kong would not be unique were it not for its complex topography and the significant spatial variation in the degree of urbanization within the territory. Making use of the extensive spatial coverage of the automatic weather stations operated by the Observatory, this study attempts to document the spatial variation of the characteristics of UHI effect in Hong Kong in summer and winter through cases studies. Cases in summer and winter with meteorological conditions typical for high UHI effect (that is, clear sky, light wind and stable atmospheric condition) are selected for the study. The characteristics of UHI effect in terms of the daytime warming rates, nocturnal cooling rates and diurnal temperature ranges at the selected automatic weather stations are analysed. The territory of Hong Kong is then classified into different categories according to the identified characteristics with a view to portraying the spatial morphology of UHI effect in Hong Kong. 展开更多
关键词 Hong Kong Urban Heat Island heating rotes cooling rates diumal temperature ranges.
Cooling effect of urban parks and their relationship with urban heat islands
作者 YANG Ping XIAO Zi-Niu YE Meng-Shu 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第4期298-305,共8页
It is claimed that open spaces in cities, such as parks, have an urban cooling effect. However, the relationship between urban parks and adjacent districts is still not explicit. In order to clarify the interaction be... It is claimed that open spaces in cities, such as parks, have an urban cooling effect. However, the relationship between urban parks and adjacent districts is still not explicit. In order to clarify the interaction between urban parks and their urban surroundings, this paper takes the Temple of Heaven Park (THP) as an example of a park station and focuses on analyzing the differences with a nearby urban station.THP is located in the center of Beijing, and the nearest urban station is Tian An Men. It is interesting that the cooling effect of THP reaches a peak and remains stable when its city background urban heat island (UHI) varies within a given range, but becomes unstable when the UHI goes beyond the range. This is called an enhanced cooling effect in this paper. As a result, the UHi intensities (UHIIs) are calculated in order to comprehend the role of the park cooling effect in the urban heating characteristics of Beijing. By comparison with five other park-district pairs, this paper attempts to identify the causes of the enhanced cooling effect. It is found that six park-district pairs consistently demonstrate a persistently stronger cooling rate during the night, and that the water coverage might be a key factor in enhancing the park cooling effect. Based on further investigation of the influence of surrounding UHIs on the park cooling effect, it is found that the UHII differences in park-district pairs show quasi-linear changes within a given range as the UHli of the surrounding district increases. 展开更多
关键词 Cooling effect urban parks park district pair urban heatisland
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