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作者 马玉杰 《管理与财富》 2008年第10期37-37,32,共2页
传统的用人观强调“用人不疑,疑人不用”,这一原则有积极的一面,可以增强下属的主动性和信任感,但单纯强调“用人不疑,疑人不用”,会导致用人的片面性。“用人当疑,疑人当用”更具有科学性和实用性,反映了现实社会的需要,是现... 传统的用人观强调“用人不疑,疑人不用”,这一原则有积极的一面,可以增强下属的主动性和信任感,但单纯强调“用人不疑,疑人不用”,会导致用人的片面性。“用人当疑,疑人当用”更具有科学性和实用性,反映了现实社会的需要,是现代领导者应当建立的用人新理念。它的核心在于监督管理,要树立“科学用人,依法监督”的理念,建立合理的用人机制. 展开更多
关键词 用人当疑 疑人当用 监督管理
作者 市原豊太 万成(译) 《日语学习与研究》 1985年第2期69-77,共9页
作者与作品简介制定当用汉字表和现代假名遣,已近四十年了。其间为日语书写方式造成许多混乱。八十二岁的原东大教授、法国文学家市原丰太有鉴于此,从维护日本的纯正面貌出发,以书信形式给《文艺春秋》1985年新年特别号上撰写了一篇题... 作者与作品简介制定当用汉字表和现代假名遣,已近四十年了。其间为日语书写方式造成许多混乱。八十二岁的原东大教授、法国文学家市原丰太有鉴于此,从维护日本的纯正面貌出发,以书信形式给《文艺春秋》1985年新年特别号上撰写了一篇题为《致国语审议会委员的公开信》的文章。文中谈到战后日语经过国语审议会审定而发展的一些情况,认为限制汉字规定的当用汉字和以现代假名遣取代历史假名遣是留给后代子孙最坏的遗产,要求撤销。这里摘录有关限制汉字一段,略加删改,附以注译。全文用历史假名遣撰写。未做改动。 展开更多
关键词 当用汉字 假名 汉字表 字母 常用汉字 普通话 国语
从经典中重拾甘草的临床应用 被引量:1
作者 李超 陈宝山 《国医论坛》 2017年第6期61-62,共2页
目的:探讨甘草的临床应用情况,为甘草的合理应用提供参考。方法:从经典所用甘草之方,别而释之。结果:甘草有调和诸药、解百毒、益气补中、祛痰止咳、缓急止痛等多种应用,非"调和诸药"一用;且临床甘草有"当用""... 目的:探讨甘草的临床应用情况,为甘草的合理应用提供参考。方法:从经典所用甘草之方,别而释之。结果:甘草有调和诸药、解百毒、益气补中、祛痰止咳、缓急止痛等多种应用,非"调和诸药"一用;且临床甘草有"当用""不当用"之分。结论:今之医者当从经典中拓展甘草的临床应用。 展开更多
关键词 甘草 功效 当用 当用
中日汉字文化相互融合刍议 被引量:1
作者 阎永胜 《大连大学学报》 2011年第2期78-82,共5页
从汉字传入日本到日本文字"假名"的形成,大约经过600多年的时间。日本人在汉字基础上创造了具有日语特点的日本文字—日语。汉字译语在明治时期作为外来文化输入的主要手段,对于日本接受西方文明起到了极为重要的媒介作用。1... 从汉字传入日本到日本文字"假名"的形成,大约经过600多年的时间。日本人在汉字基础上创造了具有日语特点的日本文字—日语。汉字译语在明治时期作为外来文化输入的主要手段,对于日本接受西方文明起到了极为重要的媒介作用。1000多年来日本人接受了汉字的用法训练以及汉字的思维方式,这便构成了今天日本民族的思维方式及文化模式。晚清以来,日语对于丰富汉语词汇也起到了不可替代的作用,体现出日语语言文化融合性的特点。 展开更多
关键词 日语 当用汉字 文化融合
战后日本人名用汉字的变迁及其社会影响 被引量:1
作者 陈强 《大连大学学报》 2018年第4期117-122,共6页
日本政府对人名用汉字的规定始于战后初期,由于相关限制同社会实际脱节,招致了民众的不满甚至诉讼,日本政府不得不对人名用汉字进行多次改订,最终于2010年确立了2136个可用于人名的常用汉字,常用汉字之外,截止2018年陆续确立了863个人... 日本政府对人名用汉字的规定始于战后初期,由于相关限制同社会实际脱节,招致了民众的不满甚至诉讼,日本政府不得不对人名用汉字进行多次改订,最终于2010年确立了2136个可用于人名的常用汉字,常用汉字之外,截止2018年陆续确立了863个人名用汉字。战后日本人名用汉字变迁的背后是政府限制汉字政策同民众汉字情节的博弈,汉字的表意优势和信息化的助力使人名用汉字在日本不减反增,愈发重要,展现出强大生命力和影响力,日本人名用汉字的变迁过程对研究我国的人名用汉字政策具有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 人名用汉字 当用汉字表 常用汉字表 汉字政策
作者 曹建南 《日语知识》 2000年第4期22-22,共1页
一位从日本回来的姓沈的就学生,自称自己为“チソです”当我纠正他“沈”字该读“シソ”时,他辩解说,日本语学校的老师都叫他“チソきん”。无独有偶,前几天和日本某大学的一位副教授通电话,当谈到我校心理学的沈老师时,那位副教... 一位从日本回来的姓沈的就学生,自称自己为“チソです”当我纠正他“沈”字该读“シソ”时,他辩解说,日本语学校的老师都叫他“チソきん”。无独有偶,前几天和日本某大学的一位副教授通电话,当谈到我校心理学的沈老师时,那位副教授纠正我说,应该称“チソ先生”。看来,即使是日本人,把中国人的姓氏的“沈”错念成“チソ”的,也不在少数。 展开更多
关键词 姓氏 “沈” “チソ” 日语 “シソ” 当用汉字音训表》
作者 高长江 《语文建设》 北大核心 2013年第07Z期15-15,20,共2页
关键词 多媒体技术 语文教学 当用 适时 妥切
作者 李文恋 《湘南学院学报》 2012年第1期71-77,共7页
标点符号相对零形式是为了表意的需要,有意空缺标点、造成阅读上的空白,以体现应有标点符号作用的修辞手段;标点符号在语法或修辞上"非用不可",而形貌上"不用"以达到"以不用为用"的修辞目的是两个必备的... 标点符号相对零形式是为了表意的需要,有意空缺标点、造成阅读上的空白,以体现应有标点符号作用的修辞手段;标点符号在语法或修辞上"非用不可",而形貌上"不用"以达到"以不用为用"的修辞目的是两个必备的判断标准;它包括空格型和非空格型两大修辞特征同中有异的类型。 展开更多
关键词 标点符号相对零形式 当用不用 空格
作者 逧田善弘 谷口惠 王雪茹(译) 《日语知识》 2011年第8期27-28,共2页
关键词 假名 字母 商务 挨拶 日本語 邮件 当用汉字 接头词 漢字 接续词 三省堂
学日语浅谈(2) 日语汉字的今与昔
作者 陈伟 《日语知识》 2000年第6期20-21,共2页
古代日本在经济、文化方面是一个非常落后的国家。据日本文献《古语拾遗》(807年)记载:“盖间上古之世,未有文字,贵贱老少,口口相传,前言往行,存而不忘。”日本没有自己固有的文字。古代日本人最先接触到的是从中国传到日本... 古代日本在经济、文化方面是一个非常落后的国家。据日本文献《古语拾遗》(807年)记载:“盖间上古之世,未有文字,贵贱老少,口口相传,前言往行,存而不忘。”日本没有自己固有的文字。古代日本人最先接触到的是从中国传到日本的汉字文化,因此,当时的日本人便本着“拿来主义”的原则,原封不动地把汉字文化应用于日常生活之中。如日本最早的史书《古事记》(712年)序文,《日本书记》(720年)等一些文献,就是使用标准的汉语写成的。日本人在吸取。消化汉字文化的过程中,利用汉字的偏旁部首或草书,创造出了表记日语语音的文字——“假名”。即使这样,汉字作为“真名”在日语里一直处于主导地位,日本现存最古的辞书《新选字镜》(898—901年)所收汉字约21300字(其中注“和训”的仅有约3000字),几乎与我国同时期使用的汉字字数相等。到了近代,随着日本经济的不断发展。特别是日本明治维新之后,一些日本文人站在狭隘的民族主义立场上,以汉字笔划繁多、不便学习记忆为由,曾提出过废除汉字的意想,但终因“如废除汉字等于断绝了日本传统文化”而未能实现。第二次世界大战结束后,一些文人又旧话重提,甚至个别人认为日本之所以战败,其原因之一是日本使用汉字。... 展开更多
关键词 日语 东北亚语言 废除汉字 日本 当用汉字
Investigation of cost-effectiveness of highway asphalt pavement maintenance treatments based on rutting development analysis 被引量:7
作者 李红梅 倪富健 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第3期343-347,共5页
To investigate the cost-effectiveness of different maintenance treatments of highways in Jiangsu Province, the historical pavement maintenance records, traffic load information and pavement performance data in the pav... To investigate the cost-effectiveness of different maintenance treatments of highways in Jiangsu Province, the historical pavement maintenance records, traffic load information and pavement performance data in the pavement management system (PMS) are recorded and analyzed. Compared with the growth model, the linear model, the logarithm model and the exponential model, the cubic model has higher regression accuracy R2 and it can capture the sigmoid shape of the deterioration curve. So it is selected to simulate the pavement rotting development. The benefit over cost ratio is calculated to quantify the treatment cost- effectiveness. The analysis results show that thin hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlays and micro surfacing are more cost- effective than the. other two treatments on light and moderate traffic roads. Hot in-place recycling and thick HMA overlays have much longer service lives and greater cost-effectiveness under heavy or extra heavy traffic. 展开更多
关键词 asphalt pavement maintenance treatment cumulative equivalent single axle loads cubic model COST-EFFECTIVENESS
Chemical Constituents of Angelica sinensis 被引量:24
作者 路新华 张金娟 +1 位作者 梁鸿 赵玉英 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第1期1-3,共3页
Aim To investigate the active constituents responsible for thepharmacological activities of Angelica sinensis (Oliv) Diels. Methods Chromatography was used toisolate chemical components, and spectroscopy was used to i... Aim To investigate the active constituents responsible for thepharmacological activities of Angelica sinensis (Oliv) Diels. Methods Chromatography was used toisolate chemical components, and spectroscopy was used to identify their structures. Results Sevencompounds were isolated and their structures were identified as ferulic acid (1), conife-rylferukte(2) , bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (3), dibutyl phthalate (4), lignoceric acid (5), palmitic acid(6), and Z-6, 7-cis-dihydroxyligustilide (7) Conclusion Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and dibutylphthalate were obtained from Angelica sinensis for the first time. 展开更多
关键词 angelica sinensis chemical constituents bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate dibutyl phthalate
Inappropriate use of digoxin in patients presenting with digoxin toxicity 被引量:2
作者 Mustafa Adem Tatlisu Kazim Serhan Ozcan +3 位作者 Baris Gungor Ahmet Zengin Mehmet Baran Karatas Zekeriya Nurkalem 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期143-146,共4页
Background Digoxin remains widely used today despite its narrow therapeutic index and toxicity. The objective of this study was to investigate the percentage of inappropriate use of digoxin and long-term outcomes of e... Background Digoxin remains widely used today despite its narrow therapeutic index and toxicity. The objective of this study was to investigate the percentage of inappropriate use of digoxin and long-term outcomes of elderly patients hospitalized for digoxin toxicity. Methods The study included 99 consecutive patients hospitalized for digoxin toxicity. The other study criteria for the inappropriate use of digoxin was regarded if participants having depressed left ventricular systolic function (ejection fraction 〈 45%) who were not on optimal medical therapy including beta-blocker and angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor therapy or if participants having permanent AF who were not on optimal beta-blocker therapy. Results Appropriate digoxin usage was confirmed in 33 of patients in spite of its narrow therapeutic index. A total of 16 of 99 patients died, with a mean follow-up time of 22.1 ± 10.3 months. Conclusions Contrary to popular belief, the rate of inappropriate digoxin usage remains high. On account of its narrow therapeutic index and toxicity, digoxin should be used more carefully according to the current evidence and guidelines. 展开更多
New Plant Growth Regulator Emistim C AS used on Watermelon in Field Evaluation
作者 Zhongliang LIU Juan DOU +1 位作者 Jianli ZHENG Junjie GAO 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第2期247-249,共3页
Most plant growth regulators available are synthesized and tend to be dangerous if used inappropriately. Emistim CAS is a natural plant growth regulator, with less side-effect. The research performed an assessment on ... Most plant growth regulators available are synthesized and tend to be dangerous if used inappropriately. Emistim CAS is a natural plant growth regulator, with less side-effect. The research performed an assessment on Emistim CAS application in watermelon cultivation in a greenhouse. The results showed that 0.11% Emistim CAS increased reducing sugar by 15.49%, soluble solid by 13.7%, Vc content by 3.72%, titratable acid by 18.1%, and yield per hectare by 18.01%, so that watermelon quality and yield were both improved. Emistim CAS can be widely promoted in watermelon cultivation in future. 展开更多
关键词 Plant Growth Regulator Emistim C AS WATERMELON QUALITY OUTPUT
Land Use Structure in Wuhai City on Basis of Ecological Green Equivalence
作者 李萍 孙泰森 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第6期1276-1279,共4页
The paper took Wuhai District as an example, bases on the contrast be-tween the land use condition in 2005 and 2010, and applied the ecological green equivalence to establish a mathematic model of ecological optimizat... The paper took Wuhai District as an example, bases on the contrast be-tween the land use condition in 2005 and 2010, and applied the ecological green equivalence to establish a mathematic model of ecological optimization of land use structure, to establish the ecology green equivalent mathematical model and survey the value of region green equivalent, and then assess the ecological environment situation. The results show that the ecological environment has been deteriorated in Wuhai from 2005 to 2010, so the ecological environment was poor. In order to in-crease eco-efficiency of land use, garden, urban green space and woodland area should be raised in the optimization program. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological green equivalence Forest coverage rate Land use structure Wuhai city
Local Cooking Oil Faces Foreign Challenges
《China's Foreign Trade》 2007年第14期16-17,共2页
Alarming local oil industry This year,the purchasing price of rapeseed from China's major production bases has gone up due to the decline in planting area of oil-bearing crops.
关键词 Foreign Challenge local Cooking Oil oil-bearing corps purchacing price of rapeseed
Analysis on Students' Performance in SAMBET Course
作者 ZHAO Bin 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第11期858-863,共6页
In order to probe into the problems that English learners meet in the second language acquisition (SLA), this thesis intends to evaluate students' performance in the process of studying SAMBET course in Beijing Inf... In order to probe into the problems that English learners meet in the second language acquisition (SLA), this thesis intends to evaluate students' performance in the process of studying SAMBET course in Beijing Information Science and Technology University (BISTU), through identifying and analyzing the errors and improper uses of English, and exploring the reasons that account for them by means of SLA analysis devices. The author has talked about the errors and improper uses that are made by test attendants of SAMBET course. The analysis and exploration on these errors and improper uses illustrate that they occur owing to various implied reasons, e.g., the influence of Ll, ignorance of grammatical rules, carelessness, outside pressure, and attitude, aptitude, and confidence of individual learner, etc 展开更多
关键词 SLA language transfer error analysis individual learner difference
Solid Waste Minimization Case Study at an Automotive Supplier with an Emphasis on Urethane Recycling
作者 M. Franchetti 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第7期869-881,共13页
In the extremely competitive world of business and manufacturing, solid waste disposal is often overlooked. There are associated costs with excess raw materials, scrap parts, poor use of resources, and outdated materi... In the extremely competitive world of business and manufacturing, solid waste disposal is often overlooked. There are associated costs with excess raw materials, scrap parts, poor use of resources, and outdated materials. All of these contribute to a company's solid waste stream, and must be addressed when calculating the costs of disposal. In addition, it is not ecologically or economically sound decision to allow recyclables to enter landfills. Waste analysis and minimization can be very financially advantageous to companies and should be evaluated. This paper discusses a methodology and a case study that uses a solid waste audit process with a focus on urethane recycling. 展开更多
关键词 RECYCLING URETHANE waste audits.
Analyses and Suggestions on China's Foreign Trade Development Pattern Transformation
作者 裴长洪 彭磊 郑文 《China Economist》 2011年第5期4-16,共13页
In coping with the global financial crisis, all levels of the Chinese government and foreign trade firms have not only created new practices but have also changed their goal from transforming the growth pattern of for... In coping with the global financial crisis, all levels of the Chinese government and foreign trade firms have not only created new practices but have also changed their goal from transforming the growth pattern of foreign trade to transforming the development pattern of joreign trade. China's experience shows that economic instruments such as Net Barter Terms of Trade (NBTT) and the smile curve theory have limitations when it comes to interpreting foreign trade. If used improperly, scientific theories often lead to.fallacies. Transjbrming the development pattern of China's .foreign trade requires the following changes: national income distribution, foreign trade competition, market exploration, and resource utilization. We advise that competent authorities create a reasonable and operational system of assessment indicators. 展开更多
关键词 trade conditions transformation of foreign trade development pattern taking stock of experiences economics connotations
中日汉字整理简化情况比较 被引量:2
作者 于广元 《汉字文化》 2000年第2期27-29,50,共4页
关键词 常用汉字 现代汉语 用字 简化汉字 当用汉字 中日两国 简化字 日本 《新华字典》
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