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从形上性体到本源情感——孔子之“仁”的存在论阐释 被引量:2
作者 杨生照 《理论月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期57-61,共5页
孔子之"仁"的提出从根本上乃是要为"周礼"的复兴与重建奠定新的基础。由于"周礼"作为一整套的制度规范建构是属于形而下者,那么为之奠基的首先应当是某种形而上者,所以"仁"在孔子那里便首先体... 孔子之"仁"的提出从根本上乃是要为"周礼"的复兴与重建奠定新的基础。由于"周礼"作为一整套的制度规范建构是属于形而下者,那么为之奠基的首先应当是某种形而上者,所以"仁"在孔子那里便首先体现为他的"仁学形上学"的建构。在孔子的"仁学形上学"中,"仁"首先是指天道内在于人的德性,亦是形而上的"本体";其次,此德性之"仁"作为形而上的"性体",一方面它具有一种"至善"的品格,另一方面它还有导人"向善"的意义。然而,从当代的"形而上学奠基"的视域来看,此作为形而上的性体的"仁"及与之相关的"仁学形上学"仍是有待奠基的。在孔子那里,能够为此形上性体之"仁"和"仁学形上学"奠基的观念就是作为本源情感的仁爱,后者乃是人的最源初生活体验,是先行于一切主体性存在者的在场,并使之存在得以可能的前提,也是作为主体性存在者的人的本真存在样式。同时,这种本源的仁爱情感,一方面会显现为一种差等之爱,另一方面又会具体表现为一种"爱而利之"的行为。正是这两个方面的结合导致了现实的利益冲突问题,后者使得作为制度规范之"礼"的建构具有了必要性及可能性。 展开更多
关键词 孔子 奠基 形上性 本源情感
作者 吴兴明 《社会科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第4期81-86,共6页
主题还是尾巴─—语言学转向与文学批评中的形上性问题吴兴明(一)现代批评的主流进程同时是在知识论背景中形而上学残余被不断清除的过程。对与文学相对的客体世界的消除(结构主义),对意图权威的消除(新批评),对阐释理解之外的... 主题还是尾巴─—语言学转向与文学批评中的形上性问题吴兴明(一)现代批评的主流进程同时是在知识论背景中形而上学残余被不断清除的过程。对与文学相对的客体世界的消除(结构主义),对意图权威的消除(新批评),对阐释理解之外的绝对历史的消除(阐释学),对孤立于... 展开更多
关键词 文学批评 语言学转向 传统而上学 形上性 文学话语 海德格尔 而上学 人类中心论 可靠 存在
论孔子之道的现实性与形上性 被引量:2
作者 王雅 杨义 《孔子研究》 CSSCI 2017年第6期5-11,共7页
在中国古代哲学中,"道"不只是道家学派创始人老子哲学的核心概念和终极本体,也是儒家学派创始人孔子哲学的基本概念和最高追求。以往学界对孔子之道的人伦日用和社会政治层面研究较多,对孔子之道的形上层面和超越性层面关注... 在中国古代哲学中,"道"不只是道家学派创始人老子哲学的核心概念和终极本体,也是儒家学派创始人孔子哲学的基本概念和最高追求。以往学界对孔子之道的人伦日用和社会政治层面研究较多,对孔子之道的形上层面和超越性层面关注不足。细读《论语》《易传》,参审《中庸》及后世儒家的注疏,不难发现孔子在创立儒家哲学之时不仅立足于现世人生之道,更立志于追求超越意义的"形而上者之谓道"的终极本体意义的"道",可以说孔子之道是现实具体的"道"与超越性终极意义的"道"的合一,现实具体的"道"是趋向终极之道的路径和工夫。 展开更多
关键词 孔子 现实 形上性
意象-象符-无声直言:“道”的语象中心主义形上性秩序与阐释性言路 被引量:1
作者 张宏辉 《文学人类学研究》 2020年第1期-,共16页
以某个或某些终极形而上观念(概念)为核心,在"意"(思想意义)、"言"(口语言说)、"书"(文字书写)三者之间形成一种有上下、先后之别的形上性等级关系和中心主义秩序,是一种人类文化通象。汉语中国文化中,... 以某个或某些终极形而上观念(概念)为核心,在"意"(思想意义)、"言"(口语言说)、"书"(文字书写)三者之间形成一种有上下、先后之别的形上性等级关系和中心主义秩序,是一种人类文化通象。汉语中国文化中,作为终极形而上观念的"道",决定了心灵之"意"在内在运思及言述表达自身时,以"象"作为核心支点,把"象"的内涵边界、地位功能无限放大,从而决定了一种从"语象"到"意象",用"语象"生成和运作"意象","意象"则统辖"语象"并在"语象"中生生不已的运思表达机制。由此,以象形、表意为核心特征的汉语言文字体系(即"书")成为一种能直接触摸乃至融入道之"意"的超级象符,成为言说表达心灵之"意"的众妙之门,因而成为第一性的能指而居于"言"(口语表达)之上,从而形成了具有汉语中国特质的"意象-象符-无声直言"模式的形上性等级秩序及其阐释性言路,即"道"的语象中心主义。"言不尽意,得意忘言,书不尽言,意在言外",其实正反映了在这种模式的文化形上性秩序影响下的言意活动的隐秘特征与别有意味。 展开更多
关键词 形上性秩序 阐释言路
论中国梦的形上学内涵 被引量:1
作者 赵平 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期22-26,共5页
中国梦描绘的是物质文明基础上的高度精神文明与高度物质文明协调发展的美丽中国的美好愿景,关注的是中华民族的精神家园,是对改革开放以来物质文明发展过程中理想迷失、信仰失联现象的形上治理,也是对百年民族复兴梦的得失及美国梦破... 中国梦描绘的是物质文明基础上的高度精神文明与高度物质文明协调发展的美丽中国的美好愿景,关注的是中华民族的精神家园,是对改革开放以来物质文明发展过程中理想迷失、信仰失联现象的形上治理,也是对百年民族复兴梦的得失及美国梦破灭的教训形上反思的基础上对民族复兴梦及美国梦的整合与超越,是对世界人民发展方向的价值导航。 展开更多
关键词 中国梦 国强民富人美 形上性
作者 魏长领 《郑州轻工业学院学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第1期11-15,共5页
道德信仰是对某种道德理想价值目标及其依据的笃信和服从,表现为"我应具有什么样的道德理想"和"我为什么要具有这样的道德理想"两个道德基本问题。道德信仰的特性主要表现在道德信仰的广泛渗透性、高度自觉性、形... 道德信仰是对某种道德理想价值目标及其依据的笃信和服从,表现为"我应具有什么样的道德理想"和"我为什么要具有这样的道德理想"两个道德基本问题。道德信仰的特性主要表现在道德信仰的广泛渗透性、高度自觉性、形上性、价值整合性等方面。 展开更多
关键词 道德信仰 渗透 自觉 形上性 价值整合
正义:不可或缺的存在之维 被引量:2
作者 毛勒堂 《云南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第3期22-27,93,共7页
正义 ,作为规范人之行为的道德理念和价值原则 ,是一个亘古不衰的话题。放眼今日世界 ,社会关系矛盾重重 ,生态问题危机四伏 ,精神家园分崩离析 ,存在根基摇摇欲坠———当代人遭遇了前所未有的“虚无” ,于是正义问题又一次凸现为人们... 正义 ,作为规范人之行为的道德理念和价值原则 ,是一个亘古不衰的话题。放眼今日世界 ,社会关系矛盾重重 ,生态问题危机四伏 ,精神家园分崩离析 ,存在根基摇摇欲坠———当代人遭遇了前所未有的“虚无” ,于是正义问题又一次凸现为人们普遍关注的焦点。为领悟正义之光 ,本文试图在对正义观念的演进作一番历时性考察的基础上 ,为人们理解正义提供一个历史的视角 ,并从存在论的视域阐释其对人之存在的不可或缺性 ,提示其所蕴含的形上维度。 展开更多
关键词 正义 存在 意义 形上性 维度
中国古代意象特征体系建构论 被引量:1
作者 张绍时 《内蒙古社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期145-153,共9页
意象是中国古代文论的核心范畴之一。中国古代意象具有直观性、形上性、结构性三个重要特征,三者构成一个完整的体系。直观性表现为读者"皎然在目"的欣赏直观与作者"应目会心"的创构直观。形上性表现为作品超越性的... 意象是中国古代文论的核心范畴之一。中国古代意象具有直观性、形上性、结构性三个重要特征,三者构成一个完整的体系。直观性表现为读者"皎然在目"的欣赏直观与作者"应目会心"的创构直观。形上性表现为作品超越性的"哲学意义"与作者对人生、历史、宇宙的形上思考。整体性表现为意象是由言、象、意三个层面契合成一体,并且每一层面都是有内有外、有显有隐的结构体。这三个特征的产生有着深厚的哲学基础,它们根植于意象的哲学源头《周易》《老子》《庄子》中的象论。正因为意象的这三个特征,古代文论从意象论发展为意境论有着必然性,这也揭示了中西意象之间的重要差异。 展开更多
关键词 古代意象 直观 形上性 整体
作者 王永灿 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第5期54-58,共5页
义是孟子思想中的重要内容。从形上性上看,义是所必然之理与所当然之则;从内在性上看,义是"羞恶之心"。羞恶之心以必然之理与当然之则为根据,形成了人内在的道德意识和道德理性;从境界性上看,义体现了不同的人格境界:小人重... 义是孟子思想中的重要内容。从形上性上看,义是所必然之理与所当然之则;从内在性上看,义是"羞恶之心"。羞恶之心以必然之理与当然之则为根据,形成了人内在的道德意识和道德理性;从境界性上看,义体现了不同的人格境界:小人重利而轻义,大人唯义所在,君子仁义内在,圣人由仁义行。义的超越性、内在性与境界性特征,体现了天道与人道的统一,人的超越性与现实性的统一,本体论与功夫论的统一。 展开更多
关键词 孟子 形上性 内在 人格境界
作者 张博颖 《理论与现代化》 1999年第10期40-42,共3页
关键词 技术美学 形上性 具体 分析 综合
Imaging presentation of adrenal glands in female pseudohermaphroditism 被引量:1
作者 王俭 蒋涛 +1 位作者 韩希年 刘光华 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2006年第4期249-253,共5页
Objective: To discuss imaging features of the adrenal glands in female pseudo-hermaphroditism. Methods: 11 cases of female pseudohermaphroditism (8-27 years old) were analyzed retrospectively. Results: In 9 of the 11 ... Objective: To discuss imaging features of the adrenal glands in female pseudo-hermaphroditism. Methods: 11 cases of female pseudohermaphroditism (8-27 years old) were analyzed retrospectively. Results: In 9 of the 11 patients with female pseudohermaphroditism who did no receive hormone replacement therapy, both internal and external branches of bilateral adrenal glands were found to be thickened, prolonged and twisted, and in 2 of the 9 patients they were found to be macronodularly hyperplasic. In one of the remaining two patients who had received long-term hormone replacement therapy, the adrenal glands were not thickened or twisted, though prolonged; and in the other patient imaging presentation of the adrenal glands was the same as that of those who did not receive hormone replacement therapy, but with co-existence of adrenal myelolipoma. Among the 11 patients agenesis of the uterus and the vagina was found in 4 cases. Conclusion: Female pseudohermaphroditism is a hereditary disease, where hyperplasia of the adrenal glands and agenesis of the uterus and the vagina were secondary. Early detection of these abnormalities by imageology would prove to be helpful in early detection and treatment of the condition. 展开更多
关键词 female pseudohermaphroditism adrenal hyperplasia congenital diagnostic imaging
作者 杨斌 王铮 陈家祺 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2001年第4期241-243,共3页
Objective. To investigate the treatment of corneal epithelial ingrowth with flap melt after LASIK. Patients and method. Thirteen eyes of 13 patients with corneal epithelial ingrowth and flap melt after LASIK were trea... Objective. To investigate the treatment of corneal epithelial ingrowth with flap melt after LASIK. Patients and method. Thirteen eyes of 13 patients with corneal epithelial ingrowth and flap melt after LASIK were treated based on the thickness and the extent of melting of the flap. Nine eyes were treated by lifting the flap and scraping the epithelium in the interface. Three eyes underwent allogenic keratomileusis. The flap was removed in one eye. Results. Recurrence occurred in 2 eyes treated by lifting the flap. The flaps, however, healed normally after retreatment. The grafts healed normally in the allogenic keratomileusis group, except for one eye in which the flap was lost. The corneal epithelium healed over the stromal bed after the flap was removed. Corneal haze of grade 2 was present at 6 months. The uncorrected visual acuity was between 0.3 and 1.0, and the best corrected visual acuity lost 1 to 3 lines. Conclusions. Corneal epithelial ingrowth with flap melt is a severe complication after LASIK. However, with proper treatment, vision can be salvaged in most cases. 展开更多
关键词 refractive surgery CORNEA epithelial ingrowth LASER
Kant's Copernican Revolution
作者 Milos Rastovic 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第1期19-26,共8页
In Critique of Pure Reason, Kant explains his critical method "as an experiment" in metaphysics. The aim of that "experiment" is to establish "an entire revolution" in philosophical thinking, which was initiated... In Critique of Pure Reason, Kant explains his critical method "as an experiment" in metaphysics. The aim of that "experiment" is to establish "an entire revolution" in philosophical thinking, which was initiated by the Copernican revolution in cosmology in order to find the secure path, and its possibility application to metaphysics. Kant's aim in Critique of Pure Reason is to rescue metaphysics from a "blind groping" by undertaking a revolution in metaphysics as Copernicus has brought to cosmology. Kant's Copernican turn consists in the assertion that the possibility of knowledge requires that "the objects must conform to our cognition." From Kant's view, we can know only what we "construct," "make," or "produce" as a necessary condition of knowledge, but we cannot know the mind--independent external world, i.e., the world which is independent of us. Kant's epistemological constructivism is the central point to his Copernican revolution. 展开更多
The Use of Sectarian Ties Inside Syrian Modern Political System
作者 Valentina Zecca 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第9期576-583,共8页
This article explores the concept of sects as social formations and the process of secularization sects has been undergone in the modern era, implying their exposition to political manipulation by various internal and... This article explores the concept of sects as social formations and the process of secularization sects has been undergone in the modern era, implying their exposition to political manipulation by various internal and external actors. We analyse this subject in the context of the modern Syrian State and, in particular, with reference to the political system established by President Hafez al-Asad in the 70’s. The use of sectarian ties appears as part of the regime patrimonial features, being a political strategy used in order to bind particular society’s groups to the regime. In this sense, sectarianism has nothing to do with religion and it requires to be analysed as a socio-political phenomenon. This kind of analysis permits also to confute the identification between the Asad regime and the Alawite community and to understand the complexity of the relation between the President and the community he originated from. 展开更多
关键词 SYRIA SECTARIANISM Hafez al-Asad PATRONAGE national state
The study of slip line field and upper bound method based on associated flow and non-associated flow rules 被引量:2
作者 Zheng Yingren Deng Chujian Wang Jinglin 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第3期21-40,共20页
At present, associated flow rule of traditional plastic theory is adopted in the slip line field theory and upper bound method of geotechnical materials. So the stress characteristic line conforms to the velocity line... At present, associated flow rule of traditional plastic theory is adopted in the slip line field theory and upper bound method of geotechnical materials. So the stress characteristic line conforms to the velocity line. It is proved that geotechnical materials do not abide by the associated flow rule. It is impossible for the stress characteristic line to conform to the velocity line. Generalized plastic mechanics theoretically proved that plastic potential surface intersects the Mohr-Coulomb yield surface with an angle, so that the velocity line must be studied by non-associated flow rule. According to limit analysis theory, the theory of slip line field is put forward in this paper, and then the ultimate beating capacity of strip footing is obtained based on the associated flow rule and the non-associated flow nile individually. These two results are identical since the ultimate bearing capacity is independent of flow role. On the contrary, the velocity fields of associated and non-associated flow rules are different which shows the velocity field based on the associat- ed flow rule is incorrect. 展开更多
关键词 slip line field upper bound method associated flow rule non-associated flow rule generalized plastic theory
Analysis on conducted coupling of electrical fast transient burst in mines 被引量:1
作者 FENG De-wang LAN Jian-rong 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第2期207-212,共6页
Under the inflammable or explosive environment, the direct measurement methods by opening up the explo- sion-proof shell of electrical installations were not adopted. So, it's impossible to have a quantitative analys... Under the inflammable or explosive environment, the direct measurement methods by opening up the explo- sion-proof shell of electrical installations were not adopted. So, it's impossible to have a quantitative analysis on the limit of conducted disturbance for electrical fast transient burst (EFT/B) in such dangerous environments. Transient conducted coupling model, which using EFT/B as its excitation source, can be built based on circuit and electromagnetic field theory. Furthermore, numerical analysis was performed. The results indicate that the capacitive coupling voltage is the same polarity as EFT/B, and is the main disturbance form of conducted coupling in mines. The inductive coupling voltage is reversed polarity with the ca- pacitive coupling voltage, and both peaks appear only in the rising time of EFT/B, which increase with the rising of load resistance. Moreover, the cable coupling voltage on the side of disturbance source is higher than the one on the other side in tunnel. To reduce the common resistance can suppress the resistive coupling disturbance. 展开更多
关键词 conducted coupling electrical fast transient burst numerical analysis
作者 王少明 《音乐研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期39-45,共7页
针对"音乐是'什么'"而提出"音乐不是'什么'"的命题,是现象学思考的结果."音乐是'什么'"和"音乐不是'什么'"是两种不同的追问方式,前者是建立在对象思维基础... 针对"音乐是'什么'"而提出"音乐不是'什么'"的命题,是现象学思考的结果."音乐是'什么'"和"音乐不是'什么'"是两种不同的追问方式,前者是建立在对象思维基础上的音乐知识性追问;后者是建立在元思维基础上的音乐形上性追问.前者追问的是音乐的实然或必然;后者追问的是音乐的应然或可能.两种追问必然产生两种不同的结果:前者追问产生的是音乐确定性的知识形态;后者追问产生的是音乐不确定性的意义或意向形态.一直以来,由于受西方传统对象思维影响,音乐总难以逾出对是"什么"追问的"门坎",加之功利主义的诱引,致使形成了音乐理性主义的僭妄与危机.本文旨在探讨造成这种现象的理论背景和根由,同时对"音乐不是'什么'"的命题试做现象学论证. 展开更多
关键词 音乐 主义 “什么” 批判 追问 知识 象思维 形上性
Models of Presence and Loss of Transcendence in History
作者 Ronny Miron 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第4期331-351,共21页
The article seeks to elucidate the status of transcendence in the historiography of secularization through the perspective of collective memory. It discusses two typological models dealing with the basic metaphysical ... The article seeks to elucidate the status of transcendence in the historiography of secularization through the perspective of collective memory. It discusses two typological models dealing with the basic metaphysical problem concerned with the presence and meaning of transcendence in real human existence. According to the first, the historical reality of secularization causes a break from the collective memory whose roots are in religion. In contrast, the second model considers that despite the deep transformations in the status of religion in a reality of secularization, an experience of historical continuity may also occur there. These models denote the two poles in the argument about the meaning and value of history for modem people. The article suggests a phenomenological analysis of the two models and criticizes their deficiencies. Finally, the "tension model" is outlined as a third alternative that aims at overcoming the binary situation created by the first two in favor of a perspective that necessitates and contains both immanence and transcendence. 展开更多
关键词 IMMANENCE TRANSCENDENCE historical continuity Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi Amos Funkenstein
Lithospheric Structure Model of Central Indian Ocean Basin Using Ocean Bottom Seismometer Data
作者 Pasupuleti Prasada Rao Sanjeev Rajput +5 位作者 Bhaskarbhatla Ashalatha Uma Shankar Kalachand Sain Maradani Simhadri Naidu Vuyyuru Triveni Naresh Kumar Thakur 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第6期344-359,共16页
The intense deformation zone in the central Indian Ocean, south of Indian continent is one of the most complex regions in terms of its structure and geodynamics. The deformation zone has been studied and debated in 19... The intense deformation zone in the central Indian Ocean, south of Indian continent is one of the most complex regions in terms of its structure and geodynamics. The deformation zone has been studied and debated in 1990s for its genesis. It was argued that deformation is mainly confined to sedimentary and oceanic crustal layers, while the large wave length geoidal anomalies, on which the deformation region lies, called for deeper sources. The inter connection between deeper and the shallower sources is found missing. The current study focuses on the complexities of this region by analyzing OBS (ocean bottom seismometer) data. The data acquired by five OBS systems along a 300 km long south-north profile in the CIOB (central Indian Ocean basin) have been modeled and the crustal and sub-crustal structure has been determined using 2-D tomographic inversion. Four subsurface layers are identified representing the sediment column, upper crustal layer, lower crustal layer and a sub-crustal layer (upper mantle layer). A considerable variation in thickness as well as velocity at all interfaces from sedimentary column to upper mantle is observed which indicates that the tectonic forces have affected the entire crust and sub-crustal configuration. The sediments are characterized by higher velocities (2.1 kin/s) due to the increased confining pressure. Modeling results indicated that the velocity in upper crust is in the range of 5.7-6.2 km/s and the velocity of the lower crust varies from 7.0-7.6 km/s. The velocity of the sub-crustal layer is in the range of 7.8-8.4 km/s. This high-velocity layer is interpreted as magmatic under-plating with strong lateral variations. The base of the 7.0 km/s layer at 12-15 km depth is interpreted as the Moho. 展开更多
关键词 OBS (ocean bottom seismometer) CIOB (central Indian Ocean basin) tomographic inversion.
论魏晋玄言诗对两宋理学诗的影响 被引量:3
作者 王利民 《高等学校文科学术文摘》 2016年第1期198-198,共1页
玄言诗以其崇义重理的特征深刻地影响了理学诗,并为理学诗奠定了基本的意义生成模式,即以诗化的议论阐释深邃的哲理,通过意象呈现情感和理智的融合,用玄境的构造传达悠远的理趣。玄言诗所具有的形上性、隐喻性和主体性,为理学诗同... 玄言诗以其崇义重理的特征深刻地影响了理学诗,并为理学诗奠定了基本的意义生成模式,即以诗化的议论阐释深邃的哲理,通过意象呈现情感和理智的融合,用玄境的构造传达悠远的理趣。玄言诗所具有的形上性、隐喻性和主体性,为理学诗同样特性的形成起到了发轫作用。 展开更多
关键词 理学诗 玄言诗 两宋 魏晋 意义生成模式 形上性 主体 隐喻
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