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作者 买提吐逊.买买提江 《和田师范专科学校学报》 2009年第4期173-174,共2页
关键词 形义学 形义学 第二语言汉语教学
文字形义学的新发展——关于《汉语大字典》字形部分的初步评估 被引量:2
作者 夏渌 《辞书研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第5期19-27,共9页
文字都是记录语言的符号体系,汉字也不例外,但它不同于拼音体系的文字,除了表音的功能外,还通过视觉型的形象思维给人以字义的信息。人们称它为“方块字”,一个方块,犹如一幅图画,它既代表汉语的一个词的读音,也代表这个词的含义,它的... 文字都是记录语言的符号体系,汉字也不例外,但它不同于拼音体系的文字,除了表音的功能外,还通过视觉型的形象思维给人以字义的信息。人们称它为“方块字”,一个方块,犹如一幅图画,它既代表汉语的一个词的读音,也代表这个词的含义,它的形体具有表义功能。古汉语以单音词为主。 展开更多
关键词 汉语大字典 甲骨文 形义学 文字 古文字 古汉语 符号体系 汉字 表义功能 本义
作者 李万福 《重庆教育学院学报》 1996年第1期41-47,共7页
形义学建立在汉字表意特征基础上,是中国独有的学问,自许慎以来已有近两千年历史,学说数十家。本文认为,传统形义学实际含形体学和动机学两部分,前者研究汉字形体的来源和构成,后者探讨汉字形体与汉语单词之间的联系。我们以此为准绳衡... 形义学建立在汉字表意特征基础上,是中国独有的学问,自许慎以来已有近两千年历史,学说数十家。本文认为,传统形义学实际含形体学和动机学两部分,前者研究汉字形体的来源和构成,后者探讨汉字形体与汉语单词之间的联系。我们以此为准绳衡量传统形义学说,认为:在数十种形义学说中,许慎的“六书”、陈梦家的“三书”、王梦华的。写词说”是动机学的菁华;许慎的“文——字说”、杨慎等人的“四书说”、唐兰的“三书说”、王梦华的“造字法”是形体学的菁华。 展开更多
关键词 形义学 动机 汉字 造字法 陈梦家 象意义 六书 抽象意义 许慎
作者 李万福 《汉字文化》 CSSCI 1997年第3期28-34,共7页
形义学建立在汉字表意特征基础上,是中国独有的学问,自许慎以来已有近两千年历史,学说数十家。本文认为,传统形义学实际含形体学和动机学两部分,前者研究汉字形体的来源和构成,后者探讨汉字形体与汉语单词之间的联系。我们以此为... 形义学建立在汉字表意特征基础上,是中国独有的学问,自许慎以来已有近两千年历史,学说数十家。本文认为,传统形义学实际含形体学和动机学两部分,前者研究汉字形体的来源和构成,后者探讨汉字形体与汉语单词之间的联系。我们以此为准绳衡量传统形义学说,认为:在数十种形义学说中,许慎的“六书”、陈梦家的“三书”、王梦华的“写词说”是动机学菁华;许慎的“文———字说”、杨慎等人的“四书说”、唐兰的“三书说”、王梦华的“造字法”是形体学菁华。 展开更多
关键词 形义学 意音字 象意义 陈梦家 造字法 汉字 抽象意义 合音字 学分类
“六书”新论——论先秦六书与东汉六书 被引量:4
作者 伍华 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1990年第4期109-117,108,共10页
本文考定班志六书与郑、许六书性质不同。班志所载六书大约是产生于战国中后期由齐鲁间儒者提出的“字义一字性教学法”,是哲学与语文学研究的结晶体,其次第无关造字先后。四象主要是按思维逻辑方式划分的字(词)的功能类型,转注、假借... 本文考定班志六书与郑、许六书性质不同。班志所载六书大约是产生于战国中后期由齐鲁间儒者提出的“字义一字性教学法”,是哲学与语文学研究的结晶体,其次第无关造字先后。四象主要是按思维逻辑方式划分的字(词)的功能类型,转注、假借属字义研究的内容,转注即互训,假借也包括引伸。郑、许等人从捍卫古文经学出发,将四象改造为形义学理论,仍保留转注、假借的原貌。形义学六书的提出和完成都在东汉,应当正名为“东汉六书”。 展开更多
关键词 先秦六书 东汉六书 形义学规则(又称“形义学理论”) 字义—字性教学法 班固 郑众 许慎 《说文解字》
作者 曾毓美 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 1987年第5期121-122,102,共3页
有关旦字的形体结构,历来说法不一。举例如下: 象形说此说流行的时间最长,自东汉许慎的《说文解字》开始.《说文》:“旦,明也,从日见一上,一,地也。”此后,高亨先生把“旦”字归入象形中的合体象形字(见《文字形义学概论》)。梁东汉先... 有关旦字的形体结构,历来说法不一。举例如下: 象形说此说流行的时间最长,自东汉许慎的《说文解字》开始.《说文》:“旦,明也,从日见一上,一,地也。”此后,高亨先生把“旦”字归入象形中的合体象形字(见《文字形义学概论》)。梁东汉先生认为“旦”字象太阳刚刚升起之意,是象形字(见《汉字的结构及其流变》)。会意说此说流行甚广,清代王筠的《文字蒙求》:“旦,从日见一上,一,地也。会意。”他是把“旦”归入会意中的“字之部位见意者”,即“日”的部位在“一”之上,表示“明”的意义。 展开更多
关键词 甲骨文 声字 金文 合体象 说文解字 体结构 高亨先生 太阳 形义学
作者 刘流方 《山东师范学院学报》 1983年第3期12-12,共1页
“历史”在中国古代不叫历史,只叫一个单字“史”。“史”者,记事者也,即史官的意思,也就是《周礼》和《左传》中提到的太史、小史、内史、外史、左史、南史等。“史”字甲骨文写作“■”(高亨著《文字形义学概论》第157页)。“史”字... “历史”在中国古代不叫历史,只叫一个单字“史”。“史”者,记事者也,即史官的意思,也就是《周礼》和《左传》中提到的太史、小史、内史、外史、左史、南史等。“史”字甲骨文写作“■”(高亨著《文字形义学概论》第157页)。“史”字上半部份“■”象竹简,“|”象笔;下半部份“又”,手也。整个字的意思是手拿笔往竹筒上写。 展开更多
关键词 甲骨文 历史 中国古代 形义学 左传 史官 写作 竹简 高亨 左史
作者 李万福 《重庆教育学院学报》 1994年第3期56-60,共5页
早在公元二世纪,许慎就归纳出了汉文字的指事、象形、会意、形声、转注、假借六种造字方法,简称“六书”。到了十七世纪,戴震提出:“指事、象形、形声、会意四者,字之体也:转注、假借二者,字之用也。”认为只有指事、象形、会意、形声... 早在公元二世纪,许慎就归纳出了汉文字的指事、象形、会意、形声、转注、假借六种造字方法,简称“六书”。到了十七世纪,戴震提出:“指事、象形、形声、会意四者,字之体也:转注、假借二者,字之用也。”认为只有指事、象形、会意、形声是造字方法,简称“四书”。近人唐兰创“三书”说,含象形、象意、形声三类。自许慎以来一千八百年间,从事造字法研究者众,然而在造字法系统研究上有重大突破者仅数人而已。当前文字学著述颇多,几乎一律沿用“ 展开更多
关键词 造字方法 造字法 书写 语言单位 形义学 结构要素 汉文字 意象 关系要素 语音
Review on the conceits used in "The Sun Rising" 被引量:3
作者 YU Qiao-feng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第7期46-49,共4页
"The Sun Rising" is one of the most outstanding metaphysical poems of John Donne. After a general introduction about the metaphysical poetry and the author, this paper mainly aims to analyze the arresting and origin... "The Sun Rising" is one of the most outstanding metaphysical poems of John Donne. After a general introduction about the metaphysical poetry and the author, this paper mainly aims to analyze the arresting and original conceits and images used in "The Sun Rising" and comment on their effect on expressing the author's feeling and reflecting his emotions. 展开更多
关键词 metaphysical poets John Donne CONCEITS LOVE emotions
Trojan Terrorism:Revenge Colonists or Condition of Evolution? (To the Problem "Your/Alien") 被引量:1
作者 Menshikova Elena Rudolfovna 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第4期191-208,共18页
Thinking about the problem of terrorism, the author finds its origins in the myth of the Trojan War, treating it as a battle for space, which was the primary basis for the civilizational leap--the expansion of the Gre... Thinking about the problem of terrorism, the author finds its origins in the myth of the Trojan War, treating it as a battle for space, which was the primary basis for the civilizational leap--the expansion of the Greek world to the east, which led to the flourishing of Greek culture, creating a precedent of justified colonialism, provided strategy and tactics-the causal apology of violence-all subsequent wars, colonial campaigns, which was no exception for the migratory flows of the XX century, as a result of which the word "terrorism" sounded with by force of the song of B. Brecht. The theme of "space"-chucked away, lost, taken away, destroyed, compressed, anarchic, empty, boundless, virtual-remains vital in our time, when the limitless possibilities lead to the limitation of man himself, his emptiness, and "complete shortuess" (Platonov), when the treaty as the basis of human existence is rejected, and when you become the Other yourself. The metaphysics of "violence" is buried in anthropology-in ignorance of one's limits by man, in denying the boundaries of "another's," in unwillingness to ask a question mad find the answer, in laziness and, in fact, in the loss of oneself. 展开更多
关键词 MYTH space TERRORISM Own/Alien's TREATY another happiness
Emmanuel Levinas: Hermeneutics, Ethics, and Art 被引量:1
作者 Hanoch Ben-Pazi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期588-600,共13页
This article draws attention to the subject of art in Levinas's thinking through consideration of his philosophical language, which is aided by images, metaphors, and idioms of art. The primary image that will accomp... This article draws attention to the subject of art in Levinas's thinking through consideration of his philosophical language, which is aided by images, metaphors, and idioms of art. The primary image that will accompany our discussion throughout this article is the image of art as shadow, which Levinas incorporates into the title of the essay which he devotes to the subject of art: "Reality and Its Shadow". Thinking about art from the perspective of Levinas means thinking about image and essence, about which is visible before us and which we cannot see, and about the different ways in which art can express itself. Levinas's theory of interpretation is grounded in and guided by the field of ethics and addresses the ethical aspects of interpretation. Levinas approaches the discourse of interpretation not out of na'ivet6 but rather based on a deep understanding of the field of hermeneutics, with all its shortcomings and challenges. Thinking of hermeneutics from an ethical perspective is no mere addition to the discussion but the very crux of the matter. An attempt to understand interpretation as an act of exposing the truth encounters serious philosophical and logical difficulties, whether we are seeking to discover the intention of the artist, the intent of a specific work of art, or a hidden form within the work itself. The engagement with Levinas's theory of hermeneutics, however, raises a different question which is the focus of this article: Can Levinas's theory of interpretation be applied to the realm of artistic creation, and if so, how? This question is sharpened by the difficulties that Levinas himself poses to his readers by designating art as the "shadow" of reality and drawing attention to the egoistic dimension of the artistic act. 展开更多
关键词 Emmanuel Levinas HERMENEUTICS ETHICS ART Jewish philosophy PHENOMENOLOGY
Future and Scientific Conception of the World without Philosophy?
作者 Mirella Fortino 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第1期33-38,共6页
Often conceived as metaphysical approach, in the XX Century, philosophy is object of a crusade antimetaphysical in the movement of Logical Positivism. I will try to demonstrate that a philosophical perspective is conc... Often conceived as metaphysical approach, in the XX Century, philosophy is object of a crusade antimetaphysical in the movement of Logical Positivism. I will try to demonstrate that a philosophical perspective is conceivable even in the scientific conception of the world elaborated by the neopositivists. I discuss this point of view with attention to the turn represented by pragmatic philosophy of Neurath, which represents a crucial passage for the future of philosophy. In this vision, the science is not conceivable without philosophy, namely without an open and pluralist scientific philosophy. The philosophy--so--is not insufficient too for the perspective of scientific conception of the world. 展开更多
A Hierarchy of Compatibility and Comeasurability Levels in Quantum Logics with Unique Conditional Probabilities 被引量:1
作者 Gerd Niestegge 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第12期974-980,共7页
In the quantum mechanical Hilbert space formalism, the probabilistic interpretation is a later ad-hoc add-on, more or less enforced by the experimental evidence, but not motivated by the mathematical model itself. A m... In the quantum mechanical Hilbert space formalism, the probabilistic interpretation is a later ad-hoc add-on, more or less enforced by the experimental evidence, but not motivated by the mathematical model itself. A model involving a clear probabilistic interpretation from the very beginning is provided by the quantum logics with unique conditional probabilities. It includes the projection lattices in von Neumann algebras and here probability conditionalization becomes identical with the state transition of the Lueders-von Neumann measurement process. This motivates the definition of a hierarchy of five compatibility and comeasurability levels in the abstract setting of the quantum logics with unique conditional probabilities. Their meanings are: the absence of quantum interference or influence, the existence of a joint distribution, simultaneous measurability, and the independence of the final state after two successive measurements from the sequential order of these two measurements. A further level means that two elements of the quantum logic (events) belong to the same Boolean subalgebra. In the general case, the five compatibility and comeasurability levels appear to differ, but they all coincide in the common Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics, in von Neumann algebras, and in some other cases. 展开更多
关键词 quantum measurement conditional probability quantum logic operator algebras
Alice Walker' s Colors of Identity
作者 Codruta Mirela Stanisoara 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第9期989-995,共7页
The paper traces back women like Celie, Shug, Sofia or Nettie engaged in journeys of self-discovery and development, ones that follow predicted feminist patterns, who try to get free from any dominance, either be it m... The paper traces back women like Celie, Shug, Sofia or Nettie engaged in journeys of self-discovery and development, ones that follow predicted feminist patterns, who try to get free from any dominance, either be it male, social or cultural. The colour purple signifies a metaphysical, social and personal rebirth reflected into different shades by their inner self. The social oppression for black women in their quest for freedom is the main theme of Walker's novel The Color Purple, written in the epistolary technique of Samuel Richardson's in the XVIllth century English novel. In our attempt to analyse the theme and the female characters of the novel we are also trying to cross a bridge from the slave woman of the past belonging to a completely different culture and race to the contemporary paradigm of the liberated woman. The movement in time encompasses possible similitudes and differences. 展开更多
Revisiting Quantum Mechanical Weirdness From a Bio-psychological Perspective
作者 Franz Klaus Jansen 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第8期343-354,共12页
Quantum mechanics has some weird aspects, which we simply have to accept, according to Tegmark. However, approaching this issue from a bio-psychological perspective allows for an alternative interpretation that avoids... Quantum mechanics has some weird aspects, which we simply have to accept, according to Tegmark. However, approaching this issue from a bio-psychological perspective allows for an alternative interpretation that avoids this supposedly inherent weirdness. Physical laws are established based on repeated observations or measurements, which involve sense organs. Our capacity for memorization and abstract reflection allows us to draw conclusions on physical reality, which can thus be represented with mathematical formalism. Therefore, physical laws are dependent on pure bio-psychological functions. If quantum mechanics is seen in the bio-psychological context, normal mental functions might explain phenomena such as the collapse of the wave function. If events of interest occurred regularly, similar to classical physics, the same pattern of regular events would be anticipated in the future. Conversely, if events that occurred in the past were irregular, like in quantum mechanics, they would also evolve in an irregular manner in the future. Prediction of irregular behavior requires the ability to imagine multiple possibilities in a kind of mental superposition. Only when one of the imagined possibilities is realized, the mental superposition of the future will collapse to one observable behavior occurring in the present. However, in mental representation, similar to classical physical formalism, some aspects of reality can be lost. When time and space coordinates are replaced by calculated time intervals and spatial distances, time periods and spatial lengths become independent of their initial reference frames. Consequently, the concepts of past, present, and future become irrelevant for time intervals. In quantum mechanics, as well as in mental imagination of potentiality, the notions of the unity of one space for one time and the time arrow are also eliminated. This analogy suggests that physical formalism does not correspond to independent physical reality, but rather to mental functions, which allow establishing a mathematical model of extra-mental reality. If quantum mechanics is conceived as mental potentiality for modeling physical reality, the weird aspect of the collapse of superposition disappears and becomes a simple transition from imagined potentiality in mental representation to observed reality, which could explain the measurement problem. 展开更多
关键词 quantum mechanics wave function SUPERPOSITION measurement problem weirdness OBSERVATION REALITY POTENTIALITY
The Descriptivist vs. Anti-descriptivist Semantics Debate between Syntax and Semantics
作者 Enrico Cipriani 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第8期421-430,共10页
In this paper, I will focus on the debate between descriptivism and anti-descriptivism theory about proper names. In the introduction, l will propose an historical reconstruction of the debate, and focus in particular... In this paper, I will focus on the debate between descriptivism and anti-descriptivism theory about proper names. In the introduction, l will propose an historical reconstruction of the debate, and focus in particular on Russell and Kripke's treatments of proper names. Strong criticisms will be advanced against Kripke's hypothesis of rigid-designator and, more deafly, against the consequent distinction between the epistemic and metaphysical level that Kripke proposes to explain identity assertions between proper names. Furthermore, I will argue, that, pace Kripke, Russellian treatment of proper names allows to capture all our semantic intuitions, and also those semantic interpretations which concern context-belief sentences. I will close the introduction by focusing on a criticism that Kripke rightly points out against an example that Russell proposes in his On Denoting. Section 2 will be devoted to Russellian solution: I will show that not only Russell's logical treatment of proper names allows to answer to Kripke's criticism to Russell's example, but also that such treatment can disambiguate and express all our semantic intuitions about Frege's puzzle sentence "Hesperus is Phosphorus." ! will then show that, contrarily, Quinian solution (discussed in section 3) and Kripkian one (see section 4) are not satisfactory to capture our semantic knowledge about Frege's sentence. Furthermore, in section 5, I will focus on Kripke's distinction between epistemic and metaphysical level to deal with identity assertions between proper names, and I will logically show that such distinction is not plausible. In section 5, then, I will show that Russellian solution allows to explain context-belief sentences, contrarily to what Kripke thinks. In Conclusions, I will summarize what 1 have argued in the text. 展开更多
关键词 rigid-designator epistemic-metaphysical levels syntax-semantics interface descriptivism vs.anti-descriptivism
Modeling Photo-dissociation Dynamics of HBr+ by Vibrational Wave-packet Formalism
作者 Chandan Kumar Mondal Bikram Nath 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第3期269-276,373,共9页
Photo dissociation dynamics of diatomic molecular ion HBr+ interacting with ultra fast laser pulses of different envelop function has been presented both in zero and non zero temperature environment. The calculations... Photo dissociation dynamics of diatomic molecular ion HBr+ interacting with ultra fast laser pulses of different envelop function has been presented both in zero and non zero temperature environment. The calculations pertain primarily to the ground electronic state of the molecular ion HBr+. The used potential of HBr+ is calibrated with the help of the ab initio theoretical calculation at the CCSD/6-311++G(3df, 2pd) level and then fitted with appropriate Morse parameters. The numerical bound states vibrational eigenvalues obtained by the time independent Fourier Grid Hamiltonian method have been compared with analytical values of the fitted Morse potential. The effect of temperature, pulse envelops function, and light intensity on the dissociation process has been explored. 展开更多
关键词 PHOTO-DISSOCIATION Thermal effect Fourier Grid Hamiltonian method Pulseenvelop function Bichromatic field
Emptiness (Sunyata) for Caring the Self in the Middle Path: Reinvestigating the Middle Path Philosophy of Ngggrjuna
作者 Mathew Varghese 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第5期347-361,共15页
Classical Indian Buddhist philosopher Nfigfirjuna is known for his philosophical interpretations of the central conception of Buddha's teachings, the philosophy of Middle Path (Mfidhyamika). Notably he had introduc... Classical Indian Buddhist philosopher Nfigfirjuna is known for his philosophical interpretations of the central conception of Buddha's teachings, the philosophy of Middle Path (Mfidhyamika). Notably he had introduced the unique concept of "emptiness" (gnyata) to explain the Middle Path philosophy: the philosophical meaning of "emptiness" is dependent co-arising of various elements that support the worldly experience. This study investigates how this concept is used in explaining the subjectivity of a human person and how it is used for interpreting the unique process of human existence. The discussions on subjectivity are imprecise in modern and contemporary philosophy. But Ngrjuna's philosophy enables us to explain subjectivity conclusively, without it having to be explained using metaphysical positions. Sunyata may introduce a new definition for the concept of non-self: not for negating the self but for caring self from the problems of life by making it centered in the Middle Path (madhyama-pratipat), where one may naturally be able to use his wisdom (prajh) as the guiding principle: not mere knowledge (na). Sanyat is understood using fourfold (catus.kot.i) logical analysis, not twofold analysis employed normally by other philosophers. Here, the Buddhist notion of self as the co-dependent evolution process of five aggregates (pahcaskandhas) is reinterpreted using the unique method of tetralemma (catus.kot. i). This critique explores the Western philosophy's conceptions on "human reasoning, "logocentrism," and the objective analytical method of modern science." After careful cross examination of the rival philosophical positions, it reasons out why the "rationale of nature" is always superior to "human reasoning" and "logocentrism," 展开更多
关键词 wisdom subjectivity Middle Path co-dependent co-arising five aggregates LOGOCENTRISM
A Framework for Non-Equilibrium Statistical Ensemble Theory
作者 毕桥 何祖坦 刘杰 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第7期99-106,共8页
Since Gibbs synthesized a general equilibrium statistical ensemble theory, many theorists have attempted to generalized the Gibbsian theory to non-equilibrium phenomena domain, however the status of the theory of non-... Since Gibbs synthesized a general equilibrium statistical ensemble theory, many theorists have attempted to generalized the Gibbsian theory to non-equilibrium phenomena domain, however the status of the theory of non-equilibrium phenomena can not be said as firm as well established as the Gibbsian ensemble theory. In this work, we present a framework for the non-equilibrium statistical ensemble formalism based on a subdynamic kinetic equation (SKE) rooted from the Brussels-Austin school and followed by some up-to-date works. The constructed key is to use a similarity transformation between Gibbsian ensembles formalism based on Liouville equation and the subdynamic ensemble formalism based on the SKE. Using this formalism, we study the spin-Boson system, as cases of weak coupling or strongly coupling, and obtain the reduced density operators for the Canonical ensembles easily. 展开更多
关键词 SUBDYNAMICS statistical ensemble non-equilibrium statistical physics
A Note on Wigner Functions and *-Genvalue Equation
作者 JING Si-Cong LIN Bing-Sheng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期605-608,共4页
In deformation quantization, static Wigner functions obey functional ,-genvalue equation, which is equivalent to time-independent Schrodinger equation in Hilbert space operator formalism of quantum mechanics. This equ... In deformation quantization, static Wigner functions obey functional ,-genvalue equation, which is equivalent to time-independent Schrodinger equation in Hilbert space operator formalism of quantum mechanics. This equivalence is proved mostly for Hamiltonian with form H^ = (1/2)p^2 + V(x^) [D. Fairlie, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 60 (1964) 581]. In this note we generalize this proof to a very general Hamiltonian H^(x^,p^) and give examples to support it. 展开更多
关键词 Wigner function -genvalue equation deformation quantization
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