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作者 李光珂 费业泰 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 2007年第10期33-34,37,共3页
简述零件形体热变形在科研及生产中的实际意义。精密零件形体的热变形存在微观尺度的非相似性,提出形体参数对圆柱体热变形的影响:圆柱体热变形后其母线不再是直线,而是一条曲线。指出传统圆柱体热变形计算具有近似性,并运用三维高精度... 简述零件形体热变形在科研及生产中的实际意义。精密零件形体的热变形存在微观尺度的非相似性,提出形体参数对圆柱体热变形的影响:圆柱体热变形后其母线不再是直线,而是一条曲线。指出传统圆柱体热变形计算具有近似性,并运用三维高精度多功能热变形实验装置从实验上进行了验证。 展开更多
关键词 圆柱体 热变形 形体参数 非相似性
作者 杨培兵 蒋小维 《人民长江》 北大核心 2007年第8期30-31,共2页
对三峡电站进水口渐变段的混凝土形体参数解算技术难题进行了探讨并给出了解决办法。解决了因渐变段孔内设置模板支撑桁架而致通视条件太差造成的无法测至型体参数表所取的特征面,从而导致因不知测点半径R1而无法验收侧墙模板的问题;克... 对三峡电站进水口渐变段的混凝土形体参数解算技术难题进行了探讨并给出了解决办法。解决了因渐变段孔内设置模板支撑桁架而致通视条件太差造成的无法测至型体参数表所取的特征面,从而导致因不知测点半径R1而无法验收侧墙模板的问题;克服了实际铺设的底板抹面样架不在特征面上,故不知底板、顶板半径R2而无法计算样架、顶模理论高程的困难。实现了结合Casio fx-4500计算器程序化操作,避免了现场机械查参数表的繁琐,提高了效率,降低了劳动强度,实现了任意点测量验收的设想。 展开更多
关键词 渐变段 混凝土形体参数解算 R1、R2方程曲线拟合 进水口 三峡水电站
北方乡村住宅节能与热舒适的形体参数多目标优化设计 被引量:9
作者 高源 胡可 +1 位作者 岳晓鹏 袁景玉 《华侨大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2021年第5期619-627,共9页
为进一步降低北方乡村住宅采暖能耗、改善室内热舒适,依托Rhino-Grasshopper可视化编程平台,构建北方乡村住宅形体参数多目标优化设计框架.结合天津乡村实地调研数据,对北方乡村住宅规划和单体层面的9项形体参数进行了多目标优化,应用TO... 为进一步降低北方乡村住宅采暖能耗、改善室内热舒适,依托Rhino-Grasshopper可视化编程平台,构建北方乡村住宅形体参数多目标优化设计框架.结合天津乡村实地调研数据,对北方乡村住宅规划和单体层面的9项形体参数进行了多目标优化,应用TOPSIS(technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution)综合评价法对帕累托解集进一步筛选,得到L型及U型乡村住宅形体参数最终设计方案.结果显示:优化后的L型乡村住宅采暖能耗及热舒适表现均优于U型;L型、U型乡村住宅形体优化方案在基准建筑基础上分别节约采暖能耗16.6%~18.0%,16.3%~26.4%,室内热舒适改善16.5%~17.5%,2.1%~19.0%. 展开更多
关键词 北方乡村住宅 节能 热舒适 形体参数 多目标优化 TOPSIS综合评价法
形状参数对零件热膨胀影响研究 被引量:13
作者 苗恩铭 费业泰 《应用科学学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第2期217-220,共4页
简述零件形体热变形在科研及生产中的实际意义。指出现行热膨胀计算的局限性,并提出形体参数对零件热膨胀变形的影响不容忽视。通过理论及实验初步分析了形体参数热膨胀系数与热膨胀系数的关系;对零件形体因素引起的热膨胀与通常计算的... 简述零件形体热变形在科研及生产中的实际意义。指出现行热膨胀计算的局限性,并提出形体参数对零件热膨胀变形的影响不容忽视。通过理论及实验初步分析了形体参数热膨胀系数与热膨胀系数的关系;对零件形体因素引起的热膨胀与通常计算的热膨胀值的关系也从试验上进行了初步探讨。 展开更多
关键词 零件 热变形 形体参数 热膨胀系数 热膨胀机理 影响因素
几何形体参量与材料二者的热膨胀系数关系 被引量:5
作者 苗恩铭 费业泰 《黑龙江科技学院学报》 CAS 2003年第1期1-3,共3页
针对影响机械精度的材料形体因素,对典型件的几何形体参数热膨胀系数同零件体膨胀系数之间的关系进行了理论探讨,推导了一般零件几何形体参数热膨胀系数同零件体膨胀系数之间的关系式。试验表明,典型零件的热膨胀值同零件形体参数有着... 针对影响机械精度的材料形体因素,对典型件的几何形体参数热膨胀系数同零件体膨胀系数之间的关系进行了理论探讨,推导了一般零件几何形体参数热膨胀系数同零件体膨胀系数之间的关系式。试验表明,典型零件的热膨胀值同零件形体参数有着综合相关性。 展开更多
关键词 热膨胀系数 几何形体参数热膨胀系数 热误差
精密技术中热变形误差影响的基本问题 被引量:30
作者 费业泰 罗哉 《纳米技术与精密工程》 CAS CSCD 2003年第1期79-84,共6页
在精密测量和精密机械等精密工程技术领域,影响精度的众多因素中,温度变化引起的热变形误差已成为主要的甚至决定因素.由于精度不断提高,传统热变形误差的某些概念与方法已失去实用价值,该文分析了热变形误差的研究与应用现状,研究了适... 在精密测量和精密机械等精密工程技术领域,影响精度的众多因素中,温度变化引起的热变形误差已成为主要的甚至决定因素.由于精度不断提高,传统热变形误差的某些概念与方法已失去实用价值,该文分析了热变形误差的研究与应用现状,研究了适应高精度技术的热变形误差新概念、新方法,提出了几种实用性不同的热膨胀系数概念以及精确热膨胀系数和科学热膨胀系数定义.在全面分析热变形误差的多种因素基础上,研究了物体形状结构对其参数热变形影响的新认识并举例说明,同时提出相应的热变形系数,最后简介了考虑形状影响的热变形误差建模方法. 展开更多
关键词 精密测量 精密机械 热变形误差 热变形系数 因素分析 热变形误差模型 形体参数
体育场馆膜建筑平均风压数值模拟及验证分析 被引量:5
作者 张慎 王义凡 +1 位作者 程明 尹鹏飞 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2022年第14期5768-5777,共10页
为评估沿海某体育场大跨张拉膜建筑的外形合理性,将参数化建筑设计与开源计算流体力学方法结合,开发了针对稳态大气边界层建筑数值风洞的批量计算模块,能够自动建立考虑周围建筑和地形的计算网格模型,快速评估复杂膜建筑的平均风压分布... 为评估沿海某体育场大跨张拉膜建筑的外形合理性,将参数化建筑设计与开源计算流体力学方法结合,开发了针对稳态大气边界层建筑数值风洞的批量计算模块,能够自动建立考虑周围建筑和地形的计算网格模型,快速评估复杂膜建筑的平均风压分布规律。定量分析了底部看台、周围地形和建筑群对膜表面净风压分布规律的干扰以及不同张拉膜形体参数对建筑风荷载影响。结果表明:膜表面平均风压数值计算结果与风洞试验吻合一致;体育场馆底部观众看台会改变膜表面净风压整体分布规律,明显增加负风压;通过局部调整张拉膜形体参数,可以大幅度减少局部风压最大值和整体风荷载。研究结果可为类似膜建筑外形设计提供参考,建议在评估膜外形方案合理性时考虑底部看台和周围建筑影响,采用风洞试验和计算流体力学方法确定风荷载。 展开更多
关键词 大跨体育场膜建筑 平均净风压 计算流体力学模拟 风洞试验 看台干扰 形体参数调整
夹具设计中温度影响分析 被引量:2
作者 苗恩铭 费业泰 《机械研究与应用》 2003年第3期41-41,46,共2页
对夹具设计中的设计基本原则提出了补充 ,指出温度在实践中对夹具的合格性所起的影响有时是不容忽视的。通过实例分析了夹具在不同温度环境下的不同工作性能 ,验证了夹具设计基本原则应根据具体情况给以一定的调整 ,以适应生产要求。
关键词 夹具设计 热膨胀系数 几何形体参数 热误差 温度
卵形鲳鲹肌肉原料特性及食用品质的分析与评价 被引量:10
作者 熊添 吴燕燕 +4 位作者 李来好 林婉玲 杨贤庆 胡晓 杨少玲 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第17期104-112,共9页
为探究卵形鲳鲹肌肉的原料特性及食用品质,对卵形鲳鲹的形体参数、各部分质量分数及采肉率、肌原纤维直径、质构、色泽、蒸煮损失率、滴水损失率、失水率、pH值、基本成分质量分数、蛋白质组成、矿物质元素含量、脂肪酸组成、氨基酸含... 为探究卵形鲳鲹肌肉的原料特性及食用品质,对卵形鲳鲹的形体参数、各部分质量分数及采肉率、肌原纤维直径、质构、色泽、蒸煮损失率、滴水损失率、失水率、pH值、基本成分质量分数、蛋白质组成、矿物质元素含量、脂肪酸组成、氨基酸含量及挥发性风味物质比例等多方面指标进行测定和分析。结果表明:卵形鲳鲹肥满度高但采肉率低,加工下脚料多;其肌原纤维直径为(77.84±4.94)μm,肉质细嫩;腹部肌肉的白度最高,硬度和咀嚼性明显高于背部和尾部,更适合加工为即食鱼片;卵形鲳鲹肌肉的水分和粗脂肪质量分数分别为(71.65±0.55)%、(8.74±0.55)%;肌肉中钠、镁含量相对其他鱼类略高,饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸比例接近1∶1∶1,必需氨基酸指数为93.51,己醛、壬醛、2-乙基己醇为其主要挥发性风味物质。本研究可为卵形鲳鲹的多元化加工利用提供基础数据和参考。 展开更多
关键词 卵形鲳鲹 形体参数 肌肉微观结构 质构 品质特性 风味
人工配合饲料池塘养殖翘嘴鳜广清1号生长模型构建 被引量:4
作者 汪福保 程光兆 +4 位作者 董浚键 孙成飞 王淼 卢迈新 叶星 《广东农业科学》 CAS 2022年第5期125-132,共8页
【目的】了解池塘养殖模式下人工配合饲料养殖翘嘴鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)广清1号(以下简称饲料鳜)的生长发育规律,为饲料鳜的选育和规模化养殖提供参考。【方法】对一个生产周期下不同月龄饲料鳜的形体参数和生长性能进行测定,应用Logis... 【目的】了解池塘养殖模式下人工配合饲料养殖翘嘴鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)广清1号(以下简称饲料鳜)的生长发育规律,为饲料鳜的选育和规模化养殖提供参考。【方法】对一个生产周期下不同月龄饲料鳜的形体参数和生长性能进行测定,应用Logistic、Gompertz和Bertalanffy等3种非线性模型对其体重和体长进行生长模型构建。【结果】饲料鳜绝对增重最大值出现在5月龄,绝对增长出现在3月龄,而相对增重率和相对增长率则均在4月龄开始出现下降。形体参数中肥满度、脏体指数、脂体指数随月龄呈现上升趋势,肝体指数和肠胃体指数则呈现下降趋势。构建的3种模型均能较好地模拟饲料鳜的生长曲线,拟合度(R^(2))≥0.97。模型预计值和实测值之间的相关分析表明Logistic模型更优,相应的体重和体长生长模型分别为W_(t)=1230.808/(1+39.666e^(-0.760t)),R^(2)=0.989;L_(t)=40.871/(1+3.076e^(-0.387t)),R^(2)=0.990。体重生长拐点为4.843月龄,相应的体重为615.404 g,体长为20.436 cm。【结论】L ogistic模型更适合用于描述饲料鳜的生长过程,能对其各阶段的生长数据进行预测,为饲料鳜进一步选育和规模化养殖提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 翘嘴鳜 生长模型 人工配合饲料 池塘养殖 形体参数 生长性能
Parametric modeling on spatial effect of excavation-damaged zone of underground cavern 被引量:1
作者 刘会波 肖明 陈俊涛 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期1085-1093,共9页
Regarding excavation-damaged zone (EDZ) around underground opening as non-homogeneous rockmass with spatial deterioration effect on stuffiness and strength, a parametric model of EDZ using radius-displacement-depend... Regarding excavation-damaged zone (EDZ) around underground opening as non-homogeneous rockmass with spatial deterioration effect on stuffiness and strength, a parametric model of EDZ using radius-displacement-dependent deformation modulus (RDDM) was proposed. Considering the nonlinearity characteristic of deformation and locality otherness of surrounding rock, deterioration parameter field of deformation modulus of rockmass around opening was quantitatively calculated through a given function. Applicability for multi-cavern condition and parameter sensibility of the model was analyzed by numerical experiments using synthetic data. Furthermore, the model was applied to identify EDZ of underground caverns of Pubugou hydropower station by calculating deterioration parameter field. Based on the parametric analysis of spatial effect and geological investigation, it is recognized that large radial deformation of deep fractured rock at the spandrel position and insufficient supporting bolts mainly result in great deformation pressure to act on the shotcrete and cause partial crack and spalling. It is shown that deterioration parameter field along the longitudinal axis of main powerhouse is evidently non-homogeneous in space and distributes exponentially along the radius from the opening. The model provides a simple and convenient way to identify the EDZ in the working state for rapid construction feedback analysis and support optimization of underground cavem from quantitative point of view and also aids in interpreting monitoring displacements and estimating support requirements. 展开更多
关键词 underground cavern excavation-damaged zone spatial effect parametric modeling deformation modulus
Blade Shape Optimization of Liquid Turbine Flow Sensor 被引量:3
作者 郭素娜 张涛 +2 位作者 孙立军 杨振 杨文量 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第2期144-150,共7页
Based on the characteristic curve analysis, the method using D(K^2) square difference of meter factor at different flow rates was developed to evaluate the performance of turbine flow sensor in this study. Then accord... Based on the characteristic curve analysis, the method using D(K^2) square difference of meter factor at different flow rates was developed to evaluate the performance of turbine flow sensor in this study. Then according to the distribution of entrance velocity, it was supposed that reducing the blade area near the tip could decrease the linearity error of a sensor. Therefore, the influence of different blade shape parameters on the performance of the sensor was investigated by combining computational fluid dynamics(CFD)simulation with experimental test. The experimental results showed that, for the liquid turbine flow sensor with a diameter of 10 mm, the linearity error was smallest, and the performance of sensor was optimal when blade shape parameter equaled 0.25. 展开更多
关键词 turbine flow sensor performance evaluation method parameter optimization mathematical model CFD simulation
Equivalent elastic compliance tensor for rock mass with multiple persistent joint sets:Exact derivation via modified crack tensor 被引量:1
作者 崔洁 江权 +3 位作者 冯夏庭 李邵军 高红 李帅军 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1486-1507,共22页
Discontinuities constitute an integral part of rock mass and inherently affect its anisotropic deformation behavior.This work focuses on the equivalent elastic deformation of rock mass with multiple persistent joint s... Discontinuities constitute an integral part of rock mass and inherently affect its anisotropic deformation behavior.This work focuses on the equivalent elastic deformation of rock mass with multiple persistent joint sets.A new method based on the space geometric and mechanical properties of the modified crack tensor is proposed,providing an analytical solution for the equivalent elastic compliance tensor of rock mass.A series of experiments validate the capability of the compliance tensor to accurately represent the deformation of rock mass with multiple persistent joint sets,based on conditions set by the basic hypothesis.The spatially varying rules of the equivalent elastic parameters of rock mass with a single joint set are analyzed to reveal the universal law of the stratified rock mass. 展开更多
关键词 equivalent elastic compliance tensor crack tensor multiple joint sets rock mass
Effects of deformation parameters on formation of pro-eutectoid cementite in hypereutectoid steels
作者 管仁国 赵占勇 +2 位作者 钞润泽 刘相华 C.S.LEE 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期1256-1263,共8页
Brittle pro-eutectoid cementite that forms along prior-austenite in hypereutectoid steels is deleterious to mechanical properties. The optimum process parameters which suppress the formation of pro-eutectoid cementite... Brittle pro-eutectoid cementite that forms along prior-austenite in hypereutectoid steels is deleterious to mechanical properties. The optimum process parameters which suppress the formation of pro-eutectoid cementite in hypereutectoid steels with carbon content in the range of 0.8%-1.3% in mass fraction, were investigated. Pro-eutectoid cementite formation is effectively hindered by increasing the deformation temperature and decreasing the amount of strain. Transformation at lower temperatures close to the nose of the cooling-transformation diagram also reduces the tendency of the formation of pro-eutectoid cementite. Control of prior-austenite grain size and grain boundary conditions is important. Due to larger number of nucleation sites, finer prior-austenite grain size results in the acceleration of transformation to pro-eutectoid cementite. However, large prior-austenite and straight boundaries lead to less nucleation sites of pro-eutectoid cementite. The cooling rate and carbon content should be reduced as much as possible. The transformation temperature below 660 °C and the strain of 0.5 at deformation temperature of 850 °C are suggested. 展开更多
关键词 pro-eutectoid cementite hypereutectoid steel hot deformation transformation temperature
Sensitivity analysis of influencing parameters in cavern stability 被引量:9
作者 Abolfazl Abdollahipour Reza Rahmannejad 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第5期707-710,共4页
In order to analyze the stability of the underground rock structures,knowing the sensitivity of geomechanical parameters is important.To investigate the priority of these geomechanical properties in the stability of c... In order to analyze the stability of the underground rock structures,knowing the sensitivity of geomechanical parameters is important.To investigate the priority of these geomechanical properties in the stability of cavern,a sensitivity analysis has been performed on a single cavern in various rock mass qualities according to RMR using Phase 2.The stability of cavern has been studied by investigating the side wall deformation.Results showed that most sensitive properties are coefficient of lateral stress and modulus of deformation.Also parameters of Hoek-Brown criterion and r c have no sensitivity when cavern is in a perfect elastic state.But in an elasto-plastic state,parameters of Hoek-Brown criterion and r c affect the deformability;such effect becomes more remarkable with increasing plastic area.Other parameters have different sensitivities concerning rock mass quality(RMR).Results have been used to propose the best set of parameters for study on prediction of sidewall displacement. 展开更多
关键词 Sensitivity analysis Cavern stability Numerical methods RMR rating system
A Novel Cross-section Interpolation Method for Medical Images
作者 TIAN Yun WEI Xue-feng +1 位作者 HAO Chong-yang WANG Yi 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2007年第1期14-21,共8页
Image interpolation of cross-sections is one of the key steps of medical visualization, and the cubic convolution interpolation is usually employed due to its good tradeoff between computational cost and accuracy, how... Image interpolation of cross-sections is one of the key steps of medical visualization, and the cubic convolution interpolation is usually employed due to its good tradeoff between computational cost and accuracy, however, sometimes its accuracy can still not meet the requirement. Aimed at the problem, in this paper, the interpolation principle based cubic convolution is firstly analyzed systematically, and then essential relationship among the different cubic convolution interpolation methods is clarified. Lastly, a novel cross-section interpolation method for medical images that is based on the optimal parameter of sharp control is presented. The method takes full advantage of the local characteristic of medical images, and the optimized sharp control parameter is obtained by the iterative computation, and then the cross-section interpolation is performed by the cubic convolution with the optimized parameter in one time.The experimental results show that the method presented in the paper not only can improve the interpolation accuracy effectively, but also is robust. 展开更多
关键词 Cubic convolution Parameter of sharp control Medical images Crosssection interpolation Local characteristic
A new method of block shape classification 被引量:2
作者 FENG XingLong LI De +3 位作者 WANG LiGuan JING YongBin XUN XueMei ZENG QingTian 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期110-115,共6页
The shapes of block within the rock mass have an important effect on the rock properties, so it's very important to evaluate the shapes of rock fragmentation and to determine the geometric characteristics distributio... The shapes of block within the rock mass have an important effect on the rock properties, so it's very important to evaluate the shapes of rock fragmentation and to determine the geometric characteristics distribution of the block. The previous methods to classify rock block shape are based on the assumption that a block shape is approximately orthogonal, which is acceptable in only a few rock masses. This paper proposes a new method for block shape classification using triangular diagram together with parameters of co-linearity e and volume coefficient K, which combines the shape categorization with block volume for statistical analysis. Rock block equivalent size calculation methods based on block shape is proposed and the block cumulative percentage of total volume statistical analysis is given. In order to verify this block shape classification method, three ideal rock masses with approximately orthogonal joint sets have been generated and simulated. 展开更多
关键词 block shape co-linearity volume coefficient
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