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作者 熊威 《江汉学术》 2023年第5期65-73,共9页
林庚对于诗歌形式问题的深执思考,具有为学术史公认的独特价值。从林庚的“诗歌形式史”这一总体性观念入手,可对林庚的新诗形式观念的进路重新作出申说。依倚“诗歌形式史”的整体历史视野,林庚将古诗和新诗放置到同一水平,跳出了新旧... 林庚对于诗歌形式问题的深执思考,具有为学术史公认的独特价值。从林庚的“诗歌形式史”这一总体性观念入手,可对林庚的新诗形式观念的进路重新作出申说。依倚“诗歌形式史”的整体历史视野,林庚将古诗和新诗放置到同一水平,跳出了新旧对立思维,其“自然诗”的提出,是通过征用“自然”这一传统美学中的元范畴,将自由诗和韵律诗引入到一种能够对话的共同体上,同时作为一种调适方案用来达致“诗的理想”;虽然1940年代后期林庚转而从“建行”层面分析形式要素的组合,但原本隶属于“自然诗”的形式内核也凭藉语言的“诗化”线索表达了出来。 展开更多
关键词 林庚 诗歌形式史 新诗观念 自然诗 新诗建行 诗化
作者 张柠 《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第1期99-102,共4页
针对中国当代文学史写作中少数民族文学内容不足的原因进行探讨,重点讨论当下文学史思维的方法误区,分析制约少数民族文学史写作中的两种心态,强调将"比较文学"方法引入文学史写作的意义,研究不同民族文学中的母题、类型、故... 针对中国当代文学史写作中少数民族文学内容不足的原因进行探讨,重点讨论当下文学史思维的方法误区,分析制约少数民族文学史写作中的两种心态,强调将"比较文学"方法引入文学史写作的意义,研究不同民族文学中的母题、类型、故事形态的演变和传播路径,主张文学史写作的新思维。 展开更多
关键词 文学 少数民族文学 比较文学方法 形式史
三种文学史模式与三个悖论——现代西方文学史理论透视 被引量:3
作者 周宪 《文艺研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第5期139-149,共11页
现代西方学者在文学的历史方面所做的种种探求,给人以深刻印象的是诸种文学史模式的建构。通过这些迥然异趣的模式的剖析,我们不但能瞥见这一学术领域的总体面貌,而且会引向更深入的方法论课题——文学史的历史思维。本文的目的不在于... 现代西方学者在文学的历史方面所做的种种探求,给人以深刻印象的是诸种文学史模式的建构。通过这些迥然异趣的模式的剖析,我们不但能瞥见这一学术领域的总体面貌,而且会引向更深入的方法论课题——文学史的历史思维。本文的目的不在于不同文学史模式的描述和比较,而在于通过分析比较进而切入文学史的历史思维问题。 展开更多
关键词 文学模式 西方文学 三个悖论 方法论 思维 西方学者 学术领域 文学研究 精神 形式史
从近代民族主义思潮解读民族形式建筑 被引量:7
作者 刘亦师 《华中建筑》 2006年第1期5-8,共4页
20世纪前半叶,以大屋顶和传统装饰细部为主要特征的民族复兴样式成为中国主流的建筑样式。从清末民初、民国南京建设、日伪的“新京”建设到新中国成立后的“十大建筑”,虽然各个时期的民族形式建筑背后的政治和社会背景大不相同,但是... 20世纪前半叶,以大屋顶和传统装饰细部为主要特征的民族复兴样式成为中国主流的建筑样式。从清末民初、民国南京建设、日伪的“新京”建设到新中国成立后的“十大建筑”,虽然各个时期的民族形式建筑背后的政治和社会背景大不相同,但是若仔细剖析,仍能看出背后有一条民族主义思想的主线,不绝如缕贯穿其间。这种以传统文化为旗帜的民族主义,利用建筑为手段表达了近代民族性与国家观念。该文考察民族主义的反抗与建设的两个面相,及受之影响的民族形式建筑在近代中国的发生发展。这一现象也说明,中国近代建筑史应当从思想史的角度加以分析。 展开更多
关键词 中国 近代 民族主义思潮 民族形式建筑思想 内在涵义
论细节 被引量:5
作者 张柠 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期4-14,共11页
细节和情节这两个名词,本质上都应该当作动词来理解。细节是感官对外部世界的反应,情节是人类行动方向和秩序的呈现,故事则是对情节和行动的完形化。故事乞求于情节和细节并使之狭隘化,情节试图管辖细节,细节的反叛力也不可小觑。细节... 细节和情节这两个名词,本质上都应该当作动词来理解。细节是感官对外部世界的反应,情节是人类行动方向和秩序的呈现,故事则是对情节和行动的完形化。故事乞求于情节和细节并使之狭隘化,情节试图管辖细节,细节的反叛力也不可小觑。细节是对情节及其既定秩序的叛乱。细节的内容是目睹、耳闻、鼻嗅、舌尝、身触等感觉器官的经验,这些"受想行识"的动作和结果,构成生命存在的根本,其中包含着自由意志,也包含着类似于原子偏斜和对立的运动,还包含着混乱和迷失。情节和细节地位的变化,决定了文学叙事形态的变化。支配这种变化的,不仅是作家个人风格的变化,更是对世界认知方式及其相应实践行为的变化。这也是形式史和精神史互证的一个例证。 展开更多
关键词 细节 情节 故事 小说叙事 形式史 精神
从美术发展的自律性与异律性看中国油画的处境与选择 被引量:1
作者 秦天星 《昌吉学院学报》 2003年第1期86-88,共3页
由油画在中国的存在与发展空间的质疑谈起 ,阐述美术的自律性与异律性发展是一对不可排挤的矛盾 ,从而使得美术有长久不衰的生命力 ,并对油画在中国的特殊境遇提出了自己的看法。
关键词 自律性 异律性 组织结构 预成图式 形式史
作者 林泠(译) 《诸子学刊》 2022年第1期166-190,共25页
歷史批判的方法在中國古典文獻研读中逐步佔據主導地位,使得微觀層面的文本分析成爲主流。因此,在古典文獻研究中,能否識别文本構成形式規律的問題常常被忽視,或被認爲是無關緊要的。本文通過研究中國數字象徵主義和“環狀文本結構”的... 歷史批判的方法在中國古典文獻研读中逐步佔據主導地位,使得微觀層面的文本分析成爲主流。因此,在古典文獻研究中,能否識别文本構成形式規律的問題常常被忽視,或被認爲是無關緊要的。本文通過研究中國數字象徵主義和“環狀文本結構”的主導規則,試圖揭示《淮南子》如何反映“道”與“王”的“圓形構成”。 展开更多
关键词 結構修辭 淮南子 環狀 數術 形式史批判
Systems of Soilless Culture in China
作者 Bie ZhilongHuazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2003年第2期2-7,共6页
Soilless culture in China has developed rapidly in recent years. The area of soilless culture in China was about 0.1 ha in 1985, 117 ha in 1995, but in 2002 the area reached to 865 ha. This paper introduced the brief ... Soilless culture in China has developed rapidly in recent years. The area of soilless culture in China was about 0.1 ha in 1985, 117 ha in 1995, but in 2002 the area reached to 865 ha. This paper introduced the brief history of soilless culture in China, and the main soilless culture systems. The present situation and problems are also discussed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 soilless culture SYSTEM nutrient solution
Discussion of the impact of folk arts on the art education in our country and the enlightenment of the creative thinking
作者 LIU Yuanbo 《International English Education Research》 2016年第1期34-36,共3页
In the face of various problems in the current art education, the targeted reform is very important. This reform can be embarked from the folk art handed down from the folk. In the classrooms, we should let the studen... In the face of various problems in the current art education, the targeted reform is very important. This reform can be embarked from the folk art handed down from the folk. In the classrooms, we should let the students contact the traditional arts and crafts, so that they know more about arts. In the history of China's bright and colorful folk arts, there flash numerous art forms, including the facial makeup art and culture, the shadow play art and culture, the paper-cut art and culture, and the kite drawing art and culture, and so on. These are the unique arts only of our nation with five thousand years of the development, and we need to well integrate them into the current art education, so as to form the unique system of the art education. This can not only play the role of inheriting the traditional Chinese cultures, but also can well arouse the children's interest in arts and their art creativity. 展开更多
关键词 Folk art art education IMPACT creative thinking
The Research on Historical Evolution and Inheritance Development of Ansai waist drum in China
作者 Feng YANG 《International English Education Research》 2015年第1期1-3,共3页
This article from the perspective of sports science and sociology to explain the origin and development ofansai waist drum, analyzes the historical evolution of ansai waist drum, analysis of ansai waist drum in proble... This article from the perspective of sports science and sociology to explain the origin and development ofansai waist drum, analyzes the historical evolution of ansai waist drum, analysis of ansai waist drum in problems existing in the process of development, and according to the analysis and the reality put forward the countermeasures of development of ansai waist drum inheritance: transmission of ansai waist drum based on school, and innovation of art form, "waist drum troupe" building, the establishment of various rules and regulations and the drummer cultivation mechanism and strengthening network, books, magazines and other publicity and performances. 展开更多
关键词 Ansai waist drum Historical Evolution Inheritance Development
SPECIAL ISSUE: CULTURAL PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES IN CHINA:Some theoretical characteristics of the philosophy of culture 被引量:1
作者 Chen Shulin 《Social Sciences in China》 2008年第4期163-173,共11页
Establishing a philosophical theory or a paradigm of philosophical understanding should be premised on its possession of a relatively well-defined research subject, relatively original research methodology, and relati... Establishing a philosophical theory or a paradigm of philosophical understanding should be premised on its possession of a relatively well-defined research subject, relatively original research methodology, and relatively outstanding theoretical objectives. In this regard, philosophy of culture aims at a general understanding of man through cultural symbols which in themselves are not the end of the research. Using the research methodology of historical science, philosophy of culture attempts to understand man as a non-continuous and heterogeneous being. The theoretical objective of philosophy of culture is the criticism and reconstruction of cultural patterns with cultural symbols at their core. 展开更多
关键词 philosophy of culture cultural symbolic forms methodology of historical science cultural patterns
SPECIAL ISSUE: A DISCUSSION ON THE SOURCE OF MEANING OF LITERARY WORKS The Source of Meaning of Literary Works: From the Perspective of 20th Century Western Literary History
作者 Thomas Pavel 《Social Sciences in China》 2017年第4期145-153,共9页
The rise of historicism at the turn of the 19th century changed the ancient poetics and rhetoric standards held by Aristotle for a long time, trying to integrate literary studies into a larger historical context, but ... The rise of historicism at the turn of the 19th century changed the ancient poetics and rhetoric standards held by Aristotle for a long time, trying to integrate literary studies into a larger historical context, but in the first half of the 20th century several literary criticism methods, including formalism, new criticism, structuralism and poststructuralism, came up to emphasize once again the importance of form and rhetoric. After the 1980s and 1990s, a new inclination to seek and promote the relationship between literature and the real world has encouraged the literary research that interprets classical and contemporary literary works on the basis of current political issues. The influence of formalism and its opponents, as well as the emphasis on literary aesthetics in the process, led to the relaxation of the standard for the search of literary significance. Therefore, we must give brand-new attention to what the literary works themselves are intended to tell the reader. 展开更多
关键词 literary meaning FORMALISM historical background meaning standard
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