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论仿形状技术在中职模具设计制造专业中的应用 被引量:2
作者 赖烜辉 《科技资讯》 2012年第29期76-76,共1页
随着社会的发展,科技进步速度不断加快,模具设计与制造近几年来得到了巨大的发展,模具设计与制造人才的需求量日益增加,模具技术在制造业中的应用极为广泛,涉及机械,汽车,电子通讯,化工,冶金,塑料,轻工等各个领域,仿形状技术是模具设计... 随着社会的发展,科技进步速度不断加快,模具设计与制造近几年来得到了巨大的发展,模具设计与制造人才的需求量日益增加,模具技术在制造业中的应用极为广泛,涉及机械,汽车,电子通讯,化工,冶金,塑料,轻工等各个领域,仿形状技术是模具设计与制造中新出现的一项技术,是采用数字化扫描技术提取已经成型的产品的轮廓数据,经过处理转换成数控加工技术,使计算机的操作根据数据控制机床的运行,完成产品的加工。仿形状技术能够缩短开发周期,大大提高设计速度和质量,减少开发的成本,由于这些优越性,因此在各类职业学校中仿形状技术受到热烈的欢迎,目前很多职业学校都开设了仿形状技术课程,本文就仿形状技术在中等职业技术学校模具设计专业中的应用情况进行简单的探索。 展开更多
关键词 仿形状技术 中职模具设计 现状
分析仿形状技术在模具设计制造专业中的应用 被引量:1
作者 李健平 《科技传播》 2016年第4期133-134,共2页
近年来科学技术不断发展,模具设计制造行业在我国也取得了巨大的发展,因此有关于这个行业的人才的需求就变得越来越大,模具设计在机械、汽车、冶金等各个领域都有涉及,模具设计制造业中出现了一种新的技术,就是仿形状技术。这种技术要... 近年来科学技术不断发展,模具设计制造行业在我国也取得了巨大的发展,因此有关于这个行业的人才的需求就变得越来越大,模具设计在机械、汽车、冶金等各个领域都有涉及,模具设计制造业中出现了一种新的技术,就是仿形状技术。这种技术要利用计算机操作技术,对已经成型的产品的轮廓数据进行提取,利用控制机床的运行,帮助产品的加工完成。利用仿形状技术,可以提高施工的质量和速度,因此在职业院校受到追捧,专门开始仿形状技术课程。本文针对仿形状技术在模具设计制造专业中的应用进行深入的探索。 展开更多
关键词 仿形状技术 模具设计制造专业 控制机床
作者 王晚英 《农机使用与维修》 2021年第5期127-128,共2页
随着国内科学技术的不断进步和发展,在很大程度上推动了模具设计制造行业的发展,同时该行业对相关人才的需求量也逐渐增加,此外,由于模具设计制造技术的不断发展,出现了一种新型技术,叫做仿形状技术,这种新型技术借助计算机信息技术,将... 随着国内科学技术的不断进步和发展,在很大程度上推动了模具设计制造行业的发展,同时该行业对相关人才的需求量也逐渐增加,此外,由于模具设计制造技术的不断发展,出现了一种新型技术,叫做仿形状技术,这种新型技术借助计算机信息技术,将一些已成型产品的相关轮廓数据提取出来,再结合控制机床的操作,从而精准、快速地完成产品的加工生产操作,将这种仿形状技术运用到工业的日常生产生活中,可以大大提高生产的效率与质量,促进工业的积极发展。而相关中职院校在模具设计制造专业的教学中也逐渐重视仿形状技术在课程中的运用,努力为该技术领域培养出优秀的专业人才,在很大程度上为相关行业与学生的积极发展做出一定的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 仿形状技术 中职院校 模具设计制造专业 应用
三维形状混合技术在产品造型设计中的应用 被引量:2
作者 沙春发 卢章平 何灿群 《包装工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期201-203,共3页
现有的CAD技术及软件是以工具的角色出现在产品造型设计中的,它们协助设计师恰当地表达设计构思,却不能帮助设计师进行思考。阐述了一种全新的CAD技术,即三维形状混合技术。该技术由计算机自动生成不同于现有产品的新形态,能为设计师提... 现有的CAD技术及软件是以工具的角色出现在产品造型设计中的,它们协助设计师恰当地表达设计构思,却不能帮助设计师进行思考。阐述了一种全新的CAD技术,即三维形状混合技术。该技术由计算机自动生成不同于现有产品的新形态,能为设计师提供大量的设计素材,激发设计师的设计灵感,弥补了现有CAD软件在这方面的不足。 展开更多
关键词 三维形状混合技术 产品造型设计 CAD技术 创新
自由形状优化技术在某不锈钢地铁车体设计中的应用 被引量:1
作者 张寅河 李新康 赵思聪 《现代商贸工业》 2019年第11期205-206,共2页
关键词 不锈钢地铁车体 自由形状优化技术 Optistruct优化软件
基于SFS技术的全极化SAR图像海浪反演机制 被引量:2
作者 谢涛 方贺 +2 位作者 陈伟 赵尚卓 于文金 《武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)》 CAS 2015年第3期259-263,共5页
从机理上对基于阴影恢复形状技术(shape from shading,SFS)全极化SAR海浪谱反演方法的可行性进行了理论论证。结果表明,利用全极化SAR图像计算方位角漂移时,实际上隐含了速度聚束调制。除方位角处于90°附近很窄范围内的情形,流体... 从机理上对基于阴影恢复形状技术(shape from shading,SFS)全极化SAR海浪谱反演方法的可行性进行了理论论证。结果表明,利用全极化SAR图像计算方位角漂移时,实际上隐含了速度聚束调制。除方位角处于90°附近很窄范围内的情形,流体动力学调制机制的影响可以忽略。通过对比不同极化模式数值模拟结果发现,将HH极化图像强度应用于SFS技术公式时,比采用VV极化图像强度所得的结果精度高,特别是在方位角ψ值较大时,采用HH极化SAR图像的优势更为明显。 展开更多
关键词 阴影恢复形状技术 合成孔径雷达 海浪反演 雷达散射截面 速度聚束调制
基于单幅图像的三维重建技术综述 被引量:20
作者 孙宇阳 《北方工业大学学报》 2011年第1期9-13,共5页
三维重建是计算机图形学、图像处理和计算机视觉研究中的一个重要课题,其包括基于三维点云的重建和基于图像的重建.基于图像的三维重建又包括多幅图像和单幅图像重建.本文侧重于单幅图像重建技术,在对大量有关单幅图像三维重建技术的文... 三维重建是计算机图形学、图像处理和计算机视觉研究中的一个重要课题,其包括基于三维点云的重建和基于图像的重建.基于图像的三维重建又包括多幅图像和单幅图像重建.本文侧重于单幅图像重建技术,在对大量有关单幅图像三维重建技术的文献理解和综合基础上,归纳介绍了3种重建技术并给出相应的应用实例,从而提出了单幅图像三维重建技术的一些展望. 展开更多
关键词 三维重建 统计学习方法 形状恢复技术 几何投影
作者 段华伟 刘昕 《印刷技术》 北大核心 2003年第36期35-37,共3页
对调频加网技术的研究始于20世纪70年代,由于受到当时各种技术条件的限制,调频加网技术未能得到很好的发展.20世纪80年代,计算机运算能力大幅提高,使这一加网方式得以实现.但由于印版、纸张等各种印刷材料的性能远远不能满足调频加网技... 对调频加网技术的研究始于20世纪70年代,由于受到当时各种技术条件的限制,调频加网技术未能得到很好的发展.20世纪80年代,计算机运算能力大幅提高,使这一加网方式得以实现.但由于印版、纸张等各种印刷材料的性能远远不能满足调频加网技术的需要,接下来的10多年里调频加网技术一直停留在理论探讨和实验阶段.近年来,随着印刷数字化工作流程的广泛应用,特别是CTP的出现和投入使用,使调频加网技术得到实际应用.差不多所有的印前设备供应商都拥有调频加网技术,用调频加网技术进行生产的印刷公司也不断增多. 展开更多
关键词 调频加网技术 印刷 印前 CTP 网点生成模型技术 随机数生成技术 网点大小形状技术
作者 詹想 张文昭 +4 位作者 马劲 汪寅 王飞格 林良浩 任星 《北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期45-48,共4页
对发生在世界时2013年10月21日19:29的313号小行星Chaldaea掩恒星HIP 47310进行了多站联测.对观测数据进行分析得出每个观测点的掩星时长,结合小行星轨道速度得出小行星剖面长度,用Occult 4软件对多站观测数据进行了椭圆拟合,最终得出... 对发生在世界时2013年10月21日19:29的313号小行星Chaldaea掩恒星HIP 47310进行了多站联测.对观测数据进行分析得出每个观测点的掩星时长,结合小行星轨道速度得出小行星剖面长度,用Occult 4软件对多站观测数据进行了椭圆拟合,最终得出该小行星的大小和形状以及轨道的偏差.同时,我们探讨了当今数码时代发动大量天文爱好者利用自身的业余观测器材取得较好的科研观测资料的可行性和优势. 展开更多
关键词 个别 形状技术 多站联测方法 数据分析
曲面形状激光自动测量技术 被引量:1
作者 施进发 《航空工程与维修》 2000年第3期47-49,共3页
关键词 曲面形状激光自动测量技术 曲面微观形状测量 表面粗糙度测量
作者 阳辉 《钢铁研究》 CAS 2004年第6期24-27,共4页
介绍了中厚板轧制平面形状的变化规律 ,阐述了勿需切边生产方法的原理、实施步骤及软件的开发。
关键词 中厚板 中厚板轧制 勿需切边 平面形状控制技术 成材率
Finite Element Modeling of a Fluid Filled Cylindrical Shell with Active Constrained Layer Damping
作者 章艺 张志谊 +1 位作者 童宗鹏 华宏星 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2005年第4期449-455,共7页
On the basis of the piezoelectric theory, Mindlin plate theory, viscoelastic theory and ideal fluid equation, the finite element modeling of a fluid-filled cylindrical shell with active constrained layer damping (ACLD... On the basis of the piezoelectric theory, Mindlin plate theory, viscoelastic theory and ideal fluid equation, the finite element modeling of a fluid-filled cylindrical shell with active constrained layer damping (ACLD) was discussed. Energy methods and Lagrange’s equation were used to obtain dynamic equations of the cylindrical shell with ACLD treatments, which was modeled as well with the finite element method. The GHM (Golla-Hughes-McTavish) method was applied to model the frequency dependent damping of viscoelastic material. Ideal and incompressible fluid was considered to establish the dynamic equations of the fluid-filled cylindrical shell with ACLD treatments, Numerical results obtained from the finite element analysis were compared with those from an experiment. The comparison shows that the proposed modeling method is accurate and reliable. 展开更多
关键词 cylindrical shell fluid-structure interaction active constrained layer damping finit element method
Opportunistic Relaying Schemes for Amplify and Forward Bidirectional Relay Channels with Multi antenna Sources 被引量:1
作者 Wang Zibin Yuan Fu +2 位作者 Ding Hong Xiang Liangjun Zheng Linhua 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期71-79,共9页
We consider a two-way relay network where the Amplify-and-Forward (AF) protocol is adopted by all relays in this paper.The network consists of two multi-antenna source nodes and multiple distributed single-antenna rel... We consider a two-way relay network where the Amplify-and-Forward (AF) protocol is adopted by all relays in this paper.The network consists of two multi-antenna source nodes and multiple distributed single-antenna relays.Two opportunistic relaying schemes are proposed to efficiently utilize the antennas of the source nodes and the relay nodes.In the first scheme,the best relay is selected out by a max-min-max criterion before transmitting.After that,at each source,only the antenna with the largest channel gain between itself and the best relay is activated to transmit and receive signals with full power.In the second scheme,assisted by the best relay which is selected by the typical max-min criterion,both source nodes use all their antennas to exchange data,and match filter beamforming techniques are employed at both source nodes.Further analyses show that all schemes can achieve the full diversity order,and the conclusions are not only mathematically demonstrated but numerically illustrated.System performance comparisons are carried out by numerical methods in terms of rate sum and outage probability,respectively.The beamforming assisted scheme can be found to be superior to the antenna selection scheme when accurate Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the transmitters.Otherwise,the latter is very suitable. 展开更多
关键词 opportunistic relaying AMPLIFY-AND-FORWARD antenna selection BEAMFORMING two-way relay channels (TWRCs) MAX-MIN
Study on precision cutting technology of complex shape microparts
作者 王贵林 张飞虎 戴一帆 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第4期528-532,共5页
Relatively to non-traditional and high-energy-beam micro-manufacturing technique, the micro-cutting technology has many merits. For instance, the machining range is bigger, the cost of equipments is much lower, and th... Relatively to non-traditional and high-energy-beam micro-manufacturing technique, the micro-cutting technology has many merits. For instance, the machining range is bigger, the cost of equipments is much lower, and the productivity and machining accuracy are higher. Therefore, the micro-cutting technology will take an important effect on the machining technique of complex shape microparts. In this paper, based on selfly-developed machine tool, the precision cutting technology of complex shape microparts made of metal material was studied by analyzing the modeling method on complex shape, the means of toolpaths layout and the optimal selection for cutting parameters. On the basis of above work, a typical duralumin specimen of high precision, low surface roughness and complex shape micropart was manufactured. This result will provide favorable technical support for farther research on the micro-cutting technology. 展开更多
关键词 complex form microparts MOLDING CUTTING
The Use of MCRD Technique in Mode Shapes Extraction
作者 Ahmed. A. Elshafey Mahmoud R. Haddara H. Marzouk 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第7期26-33,共8页
The random decrement technique is an averaging technique that can be used to extract the free decay response of the structure from its random stationary vibratory response. The free decay response can then be used to ... The random decrement technique is an averaging technique that can be used to extract the free decay response of the structure from its random stationary vibratory response. The free decay response can then be used to identify the vibratory characteristics of the structure. The main advantage of the technique is that the identification of the parameters of the structure is achieved without previous knowledge of the excitation forces. This paper extends the random decrement technique to obtain the mode shapes of the structure using the concept of a multichannel random decrement technique (MCRD). This technique is based on extracting simultaneous random decrement records from measurements made at several points on the structure. The method is very efficient and simple. Numerical examples are solved and compared with the exact mode shapes extracted using classical modal analysis. An excellent agreement between the extracted modes shapes using the MCRD and those obtained from the classical modal analysis techniques is achieved. The vibration of an offshore structure excited by white noise excitation is used to illustrate the method. 展开更多
关键词 Mode shapes multichannel random decrement free decay
Irradiation Analysis for Maputo
作者 Luis Consolo Chea Bjom Karlsson Boaventura Cuamba 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第12期1654-1662,共9页
In the present paper was investigated the influence of the surface geometry on the amount of solar radiation arriving on that surface. The total, beam and diffuse radiation incident onto a surface was simulated using ... In the present paper was investigated the influence of the surface geometry on the amount of solar radiation arriving on that surface. The total, beam and diffuse radiation incident onto a surface was simulated using WINSUN software, which is a simulation tool developed at Lund Technical University, Sweden. The irradiation analysis are made for Maputo, latitude 25°58' South, longitude 32°36' East, Mozambique. The climate date was derived from Meteonorm files. Such study has practical value since the output of solar systems is depending upon the amount of solar radiation reaching to the surface of the collector. 展开更多
关键词 Solar radiation surface geometry WINSUN Meteonorm.
作者 徐辛超 徐爱功 +1 位作者 刘少创 徐宗秋 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期73-76,共4页
为了实现探月二期中单幅影像条件下的月面撞击坑三维地形恢复,文章基于Lommel-Seeliger反射模型,提出了正则化约束的明暗恢复形状(SFS)三维恢复算法,以特征边缘线点的梯度比例作为起算,演化得到撞击坑内部所有点的梯度比例,实现了反射... 为了实现探月二期中单幅影像条件下的月面撞击坑三维地形恢复,文章基于Lommel-Seeliger反射模型,提出了正则化约束的明暗恢复形状(SFS)三维恢复算法,以特征边缘线点的梯度比例作为起算,演化得到撞击坑内部所有点的梯度比例,实现了反射方程的正则化。采用实际月面撞击坑影像和模拟影像验证分析,结果证明本文提出的算法优于Tsai算法,能够有效地实现月面撞击坑地形的三维恢复。 展开更多
关键词 明暗恢复形状技术 撞击坑 反射模型 梯度比例 DEM恢复
A new method in highway route design:joining circular arcs by a single C-Bézier curve with shape parameter 被引量:4
作者 Hua-hui CAI Guo-jin WANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第4期562-569,共8页
We constructed a single C-Bezier curve with a shape parameter for G^2 joining two circular arcs. It was shown that an S-shaped transition curve, which is able to manage a broader scope about two circle radii than the ... We constructed a single C-Bezier curve with a shape parameter for G^2 joining two circular arcs. It was shown that an S-shaped transition curve, which is able to manage a broader scope about two circle radii than the Bezier curves, has no curvature extrema, while a C-shaped transition curve has a single curvature extremum. Regarding the two kinds of curves, specific algorithms were presented in detail, strict mathematical proofs were given, and the effectiveness of the method was shown by examples This method has the following three advantages: (1) the pattern is unified; (2) the parameter able to adjust the shape of the transition curve is available; (3) the transition curve is only a single segment, and the algorithm can be formulated as a low order equation to be solved for its positive root. These advantages make the method simple and easy to implement. 展开更多
关键词 Transition curve C-Bezier curve Monotone curvature Shape parameter
Facility Layout Based on Sequence Analysis:Design of Flowshops
作者 周瑾 吴智铭 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2009年第6期686-689,共4页
A computer-aided method to design a hybrid layout--tree-shape planar flowlines is presented. In newtype fiowshop layout, the common machines shared by several flowlines could be located together in functional sections... A computer-aided method to design a hybrid layout--tree-shape planar flowlines is presented. In newtype fiowshop layout, the common machines shared by several flowlines could be located together in functional sections. The approach combines traditional cell formation techniques with sequence alignment algorithms. Firstly, a sequence analysis based cell formation procedure is adopted; then the operation sequences for parts are aligned to maximize machines adjacency in hyperedge representations; finally a tree-shape planar flowline will be obtained for each part family. With the help of a sample of operation sequences obtained from industry, this algorithm is illustrated. 展开更多
关键词 workshop layout flowlines sequence analysis sequence alignment algorithm
A Review of Heat Transfer Enhancement through Flow Disruption in a Microchannel 被引量:7
作者 Anupam Dewan Pankaj Srivastava 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期203-214,共12页
In this paper a comprehensive review of heat transfer enhancement through microchannels has been presented. Over the past few years due to multifunetion, shrinking package size and high power dissipation, the heat flu... In this paper a comprehensive review of heat transfer enhancement through microchannels has been presented. Over the past few years due to multifunetion, shrinking package size and high power dissipation, the heat flux per unit area has increased significantly. Microchannels, with their large heat transfer surface to volume ratio and their small volumes, have shown a good thermal performance. Microchannels have been proven to be a high per- formaace cooling technique which is able to dissipate heat flux effectively from localized hot spots over small surface area. A good amount of heat transfer augmentation techniques have been reported on flow disruption through microchannel. These techniques promote free stream separation at the leading edge which results in boundary layer development and enhanced mixing leading to increased heat transfer. Flow disruption can be achieved through passive surface modifications, such as, shape of channel, dimple surfaces, ribs, cavities, groove structures, porous medium, etc. Combined effects of these geometrical configurations in heat transfer augmenta- tion are also reported in the literature. In this paper recent developments in experimental and numerical simula- tions of single-phase liquid cooled microchannel have been discussed to analyze the pressure drop, friction and heat transfer characteristics due to different flow conditions, roughness structure and passive surface modifica- tions. It has been observed that the flow disruption techniques are effective for heat transfer enhancement with lower penalties of increased pressure drop. The review concludes with suggestions for future research in this area. 展开更多
关键词 MICROCHANNEL heat transfer enhancement boundary-layer pressure drop dimple surface cavitiesand ribs
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