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逻辑和形而上学的起源 被引量:5
作者 赵敦华 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期5-13,共9页
本文对逻辑和形而上学的起源作历史的、经验的发生学考察。逻辑和形而上学的共同根源在印欧语系中“是”动词用法的普遍性,但其直接的发生原因则从赫拉克利特与巴门尼德两种不同哲学倾向的冲突开始;并经过柏拉图的批判性考察,最后由亚... 本文对逻辑和形而上学的起源作历史的、经验的发生学考察。逻辑和形而上学的共同根源在印欧语系中“是”动词用法的普遍性,但其直接的发生原因则从赫拉克利特与巴门尼德两种不同哲学倾向的冲突开始;并经过柏拉图的批判性考察,最后由亚里士多德综合成为与逻辑体系相对应的形而上学体系。由于形而上学与逻辑的联系,只是特定的历史和文化的产物,在以后的发展历史上,存在着恪守和割断形而上学与逻辑之间联系的两种不同倾向。 展开更多
关键词 逻辑形而上学 希腊哲学 本体论 唯名论 实在论 本质主义 存在主义
维特根斯坦的两种逻辑—形而上学观试探 被引量:1
作者 戚本芬 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期51-56,共6页
什么是形而上学?形而上学与逻辑的本性是什么?它们之间的关系究竟是怎样的?后现代主义者反实在论、反基础主义“给予”的根据是什么?我们应当如何看待这些问题?本文试图围绕这些问题,通过对形而上学和逻辑的本性及其相互关系的简要历史... 什么是形而上学?形而上学与逻辑的本性是什么?它们之间的关系究竟是怎样的?后现代主义者反实在论、反基础主义“给予”的根据是什么?我们应当如何看待这些问题?本文试图围绕这些问题,通过对形而上学和逻辑的本性及其相互关系的简要历史回顾,特别是通过对一种对后现代主义有着深远影响的维特根斯坦的逻辑-形而上学观的探讨、评价,来加深我们对这些问题的理解。 展开更多
关键词 维特根斯坦 逻辑-形而上学 形而上学 语言 逻辑 后现代主义
张东荪多元逻辑观试析 被引量:2
作者 曾昭式 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2002年第1期14-16,共3页
张东荪认为逻辑学是多元的,他把逻辑学分为形式逻辑、数理逻辑、形而上学的逻辑和社会政治思想的逻辑四种。他认为逻辑学的多元性是由文化的多元性决定的。不同的民族有不同的文化,不同的文化必然导致不同的逻辑学。这种观点误读了逻辑... 张东荪认为逻辑学是多元的,他把逻辑学分为形式逻辑、数理逻辑、形而上学的逻辑和社会政治思想的逻辑四种。他认为逻辑学的多元性是由文化的多元性决定的。不同的民族有不同的文化,不同的文化必然导致不同的逻辑学。这种观点误读了逻辑学的研究对象,没有认识到逻辑学的全人类性和工具性质。其结果影响了逻辑学在中国近代时期的传播与发展。 展开更多
关键词 张东荪 多元逻辑 文化观 形式逻辑 数理逻辑 形而上学逻辑 社会政治思想逻辑
作者 张盛彬 《河南社会科学》 北大核心 2006年第6期62-65,共4页
中国的辩证逻辑研究在苏联哲学问题编辑部《逻辑问题讨论总结》误导下,抛弃了形式逻辑,只研究认识过程中的辩证思维阶段,走上了歧途。恩格斯的“辩证逻辑”,是“辩证的逻辑”的误译。辩证逻辑不仅名不正,言也不顺:研究对象和研究方法都... 中国的辩证逻辑研究在苏联哲学问题编辑部《逻辑问题讨论总结》误导下,抛弃了形式逻辑,只研究认识过程中的辩证思维阶段,走上了歧途。恩格斯的“辩证逻辑”,是“辩证的逻辑”的误译。辩证逻辑不仅名不正,言也不顺:研究对象和研究方法都偏离了黑格尔奠基的大方向。 展开更多
关键词 思辨逻辑 认识论逻辑 辩证逻辑 形而上学逻辑
作者 高立勋 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2003年第4期18-18,共1页
关键词 《金岳霖逻辑哲学述评》 张茂泽 中国 辩证唯物论 逻辑形而上学
论黑格尔历史哲学的三条基本原则 被引量:5
作者 黄其洪 贺庆国 《太原大学学报》 2011年第1期1-7,共7页
黑格尔的历史哲学有广义和狭义之分,广义的历史哲学有两条基本的原则,一是逻辑学和形而上学合流的原则,二是历史与逻辑相统一的原则;狭义的历史哲学则贯穿着历史的经纬线交织和理性的狡计的原则,而这三条原则都在马克思的"历史&qu... 黑格尔的历史哲学有广义和狭义之分,广义的历史哲学有两条基本的原则,一是逻辑学和形而上学合流的原则,二是历史与逻辑相统一的原则;狭义的历史哲学则贯穿着历史的经纬线交织和理性的狡计的原则,而这三条原则都在马克思的"历史"唯物主义学说中得到了继承和发扬。因此,加深对这三条原则的理解,有利于我们更为深刻地理解马克思的"历史"唯物主义的革命意义。 展开更多
关键词 黑格尔 逻辑学与形而上学合流 历史与逻辑相统一 历史的经纬线交织 理性的狡计
作者 章忠民 《北方论丛》 2002年第2期38-44,共7页
如果仅限于传统形而上学的视界 ,黑格尔对安瑟尔谟的本体论证明的批判与继承可谓是使其失魔祛魅。但是 ,跳出传统形而上学 ,站在现当代哲学的视界看 ,它则恰恰意味着神化。对此问题的考察不仅呈现出黑格尔哲学秘密及与神学的微妙勾连 。
关键词 本体论证明 实证性 神秘观念 神学-逻辑学-形而上学 天地神人四重映射
Emptiness (Sunyata) for Caring the Self in the Middle Path: Reinvestigating the Middle Path Philosophy of Ngggrjuna
作者 Mathew Varghese 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第5期347-361,共15页
Classical Indian Buddhist philosopher Nfigfirjuna is known for his philosophical interpretations of the central conception of Buddha's teachings, the philosophy of Middle Path (Mfidhyamika). Notably he had introduc... Classical Indian Buddhist philosopher Nfigfirjuna is known for his philosophical interpretations of the central conception of Buddha's teachings, the philosophy of Middle Path (Mfidhyamika). Notably he had introduced the unique concept of "emptiness" (gnyata) to explain the Middle Path philosophy: the philosophical meaning of "emptiness" is dependent co-arising of various elements that support the worldly experience. This study investigates how this concept is used in explaining the subjectivity of a human person and how it is used for interpreting the unique process of human existence. The discussions on subjectivity are imprecise in modern and contemporary philosophy. But Ngrjuna's philosophy enables us to explain subjectivity conclusively, without it having to be explained using metaphysical positions. Sunyata may introduce a new definition for the concept of non-self: not for negating the self but for caring self from the problems of life by making it centered in the Middle Path (madhyama-pratipat), where one may naturally be able to use his wisdom (prajh) as the guiding principle: not mere knowledge (na). Sanyat is understood using fourfold (catus.kot.i) logical analysis, not twofold analysis employed normally by other philosophers. Here, the Buddhist notion of self as the co-dependent evolution process of five aggregates (pahcaskandhas) is reinterpreted using the unique method of tetralemma (catus.kot. i). This critique explores the Western philosophy's conceptions on "human reasoning, "logocentrism," and the objective analytical method of modern science." After careful cross examination of the rival philosophical positions, it reasons out why the "rationale of nature" is always superior to "human reasoning" and "logocentrism," 展开更多
关键词 wisdom subjectivity Middle Path co-dependent co-arising five aggregates LOGOCENTRISM
The Descriptivist vs. Anti-descriptivist Semantics Debate between Syntax and Semantics
作者 Enrico Cipriani 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第8期421-430,共10页
In this paper, I will focus on the debate between descriptivism and anti-descriptivism theory about proper names. In the introduction, l will propose an historical reconstruction of the debate, and focus in particular... In this paper, I will focus on the debate between descriptivism and anti-descriptivism theory about proper names. In the introduction, l will propose an historical reconstruction of the debate, and focus in particular on Russell and Kripke's treatments of proper names. Strong criticisms will be advanced against Kripke's hypothesis of rigid-designator and, more deafly, against the consequent distinction between the epistemic and metaphysical level that Kripke proposes to explain identity assertions between proper names. Furthermore, I will argue, that, pace Kripke, Russellian treatment of proper names allows to capture all our semantic intuitions, and also those semantic interpretations which concern context-belief sentences. I will close the introduction by focusing on a criticism that Kripke rightly points out against an example that Russell proposes in his On Denoting. Section 2 will be devoted to Russellian solution: I will show that not only Russell's logical treatment of proper names allows to answer to Kripke's criticism to Russell's example, but also that such treatment can disambiguate and express all our semantic intuitions about Frege's puzzle sentence "Hesperus is Phosphorus." ! will then show that, contrarily, Quinian solution (discussed in section 3) and Kripkian one (see section 4) are not satisfactory to capture our semantic knowledge about Frege's sentence. Furthermore, in section 5, I will focus on Kripke's distinction between epistemic and metaphysical level to deal with identity assertions between proper names, and I will logically show that such distinction is not plausible. In section 5, then, I will show that Russellian solution allows to explain context-belief sentences, contrarily to what Kripke thinks. In Conclusions, I will summarize what 1 have argued in the text. 展开更多
关键词 rigid-designator epistemic-metaphysical levels syntax-semantics interface descriptivism vs.anti-descriptivism
Different Forms of Rationalities in Aristotle: From Being to Acting
作者 Nadir Antonio Pichler 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第1期27-32,共6页
Every philosophical system of Aristotle is structured around different forms of rationalities. Each form of rationality, according to its method, object, and purpose, seeks to apprehend and to know a specific dimensio... Every philosophical system of Aristotle is structured around different forms of rationalities. Each form of rationality, according to its method, object, and purpose, seeks to apprehend and to know a specific dimension of being, because being manifests itself in many ways, that is, the totality of reality. Yet, each form of understanding the being has its epistemological and ontological status, always anchored in the logic criteria. In general, the aim of the paper is to characterize some aspects of the main forms of rationalities in the thought of Aristotle, i.e., demonstrative, dialectic, physics, metaphysics, productive, and practices. But before that, succinctly, it is necessary to talk about the different dimensions of being and teleology. 展开更多
关键词 forms of rationales TELEOLOGY BEING
Future and Scientific Conception of the World without Philosophy?
作者 Mirella Fortino 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第1期33-38,共6页
Often conceived as metaphysical approach, in the XX Century, philosophy is object of a crusade antimetaphysical in the movement of Logical Positivism. I will try to demonstrate that a philosophical perspective is conc... Often conceived as metaphysical approach, in the XX Century, philosophy is object of a crusade antimetaphysical in the movement of Logical Positivism. I will try to demonstrate that a philosophical perspective is conceivable even in the scientific conception of the world elaborated by the neopositivists. I discuss this point of view with attention to the turn represented by pragmatic philosophy of Neurath, which represents a crucial passage for the future of philosophy. In this vision, the science is not conceivable without philosophy, namely without an open and pluralist scientific philosophy. The philosophy--so--is not insufficient too for the perspective of scientific conception of the world. 展开更多
Plato's Theory of the Intercommunion of Forms (∑υμπλοκη Еīδων): the Sophist 259, e4-6
作者 Alireza Saati 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第1期35-43,共9页
Plato's lifelong confrontation with Parmenides and his metaphysical mire of believing that nothing (το μη ǒν) does not actually exist, gradually in the Sophist comes into finish, insofar as the philosopher a... Plato's lifelong confrontation with Parmenides and his metaphysical mire of believing that nothing (το μη ǒν) does not actually exist, gradually in the Sophist comes into finish, insofar as the philosopher after facing the foe and having the last laugh simmers down. In this paper after giving an interpretation of what Parmenides says, I shall present an analysis of Plato's drastic answer to him (Sophist, 259 e4-6) to see how Plato opens the impasse way created by the Eleatic philosopher. Here the intercommunion of Forms is regarded as the final answer by which Plato devastates Parmenides infamous thesis. Since hitherto no in-depth analysis is given by the scholars who are puzzled with the subject, I have tried to analyze the intercommunion of Forms philosophically. Plato's Eleatic challenge has always been crucial in Plato himself and philosophical development after him. As while as Parmenides thesis (Sph., 238 a8-9) provides the sophists opportunity to reject the falsehood, Plato's theory of Forms in contrast in order to cross off the extremely sly sophists tries to make Parmenides come down. In my opinion, the intercommunion of Forms, as the last step of the theory of Forms, basically determines Plato's late ontology tightly knitted with logic. Vindicating this proposal depends on true understanding of the intercommunion of Forms. Since Plato's late ontology, in my opinion, is closed to Frege's ontology and discussion of language, we are armed to interpret the intercommunion of Forms with recent recent logico-philosophicus achievements, I think. In this respect, this is what I have done in my paper: analyzing sentence from Plato's logico-metaphysical point of view. Ultimately, I have tried to show how the aim of the intercommunion of Forms, which Plato himself states, is demonstrating the possibility of dialogue and discourse. This statement explicitly sets forward that the discussion is bound up with several logical approaches, according to which finally full bright light is shed on different implications of the subject such as universals. 展开更多
关键词 Form intercommunion of Forms sentence PREDICATION the verb "is" (εīναι) ontological glue
作者 张柯 黄璐 《社会科学》 北大核心 2024年第3期42-53,65,共13页
通过对屈尔佩思想(批判实在论)和拉斯克思想(先验逻辑/先验观念论)以及二者背后的洛采哲学的深度汲取,早期海德格尔进行了一种“在更高统一性中共同扬弃先验观念论和批判实在论”的努力,他对康德哲学的最初定位也因此发生了一种意义深... 通过对屈尔佩思想(批判实在论)和拉斯克思想(先验逻辑/先验观念论)以及二者背后的洛采哲学的深度汲取,早期海德格尔进行了一种“在更高统一性中共同扬弃先验观念论和批判实在论”的努力,他对康德哲学的最初定位也因此发生了一种意义深远的变化:从认识论定位转变为存在论定位。正是从这种变化而来,青年海德格尔走上了通过“判断问题”来追问“人与存在之关联”的道路。这条“判断问题”的道路是早期海德格尔对“人与存在之关联”的追问之路,也是对“逻辑学与形而上学”之关系的追问之路,为海德格尔的整个“康德阐释”乃至本己思想道路提供了深刻的开端根据。 展开更多
关键词 批判实在论 先验观念论 逻辑学与形而上学 人与存在之关联
作者 曹祖明 《西安政治学院学报》 1999年第2期76-84,共9页
从本体论看,形式逻辑的客观基础是“对象性状唯一性”,矛盾律回答的是对象性状“有几个”的问题,辩证矛盾回答的是“是什么”的问题。逻辑矛盾主张对象有两种性状,因而是错的。从认识论看,逻辑矛盾与辩证矛盾混淆的根源在于形式逻... 从本体论看,形式逻辑的客观基础是“对象性状唯一性”,矛盾律回答的是对象性状“有几个”的问题,辩证矛盾回答的是“是什么”的问题。逻辑矛盾主张对象有两种性状,因而是错的。从认识论看,逻辑矛盾与辩证矛盾混淆的根源在于形式逻辑与形而上学逻辑的混淆。形式逻辑不直接涉及内容,只是主张对象的性状只有“唯一的一种”,形而上学逻辑直接涉及内容,实质是主张对象的性状是“特定的这个(或那个)”,二者截然不同。但因形而上学逻辑是对辩证逻辑一个片断的夸大,且在这一片断上,它既是合理的,又与矛盾律要求的判断形式重合,于是,二者极易混淆。辩证矛盾反对的是形而上学。 展开更多
关键词 逻辑哲学 辩证矛盾 逻辑矛盾 形而上学逻辑
作者 唐晓琳 《芒种》 北大核心 2012年第21期147-148,共2页
解构主义是一种独特的文学批评理论,但因其针对文学语言一般的普遍的形而上学意义,所以实际上成为一股语言哲学乃至一般哲学思潮,成为后现代主义文学的旗帜。它以法国的德里达为代表,其要点是深入其语言结构,通过突出"意—言—书&q... 解构主义是一种独特的文学批评理论,但因其针对文学语言一般的普遍的形而上学意义,所以实际上成为一股语言哲学乃至一般哲学思潮,成为后现代主义文学的旗帜。它以法国的德里达为代表,其要点是深入其语言结构,通过突出"意—言—书"的矛盾,由对文学语言解释的研究转向对传统语言逻辑的解构。 展开更多
关键词 文学语言 解构主义 现代文学 语言哲学 形而上学逻辑 德里达 后现代主义文学 文学批评理论 辩证法 语言结构
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