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作者 袁非牛 《数据采集与处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期530-536,共7页
基于代理多边形的3D纹理映射体绘制成像速度快,能够直接利用OpenGL剪切平面功能实现多平面实时切割,但成像质量不高。本文通过分析彩色数据场的不透明度转换函数,研究基于GPU的光线投射算法,用于数字人彩色体数据的快速高质量可视化。... 基于代理多边形的3D纹理映射体绘制成像速度快,能够直接利用OpenGL剪切平面功能实现多平面实时切割,但成像质量不高。本文通过分析彩色数据场的不透明度转换函数,研究基于GPU的光线投射算法,用于数字人彩色体数据的快速高质量可视化。为了避免转换函数设计困难和不足,提出一种基于GPU的多平面快速切割算法,能够实时清晰观察彩色体数据内部组织。实验结果表明:基于GPU的光线投射算成像质量高、速度快,该多平面交互切割方法能够清晰观察组织结构。 展开更多
关键词 GPU光线投射 3D纹理 彩色体数据 数字人
彩色体三维显示系统上基于GPU的实时均匀体素化算法 被引量:4
作者 陆海霞 郑文庭 +2 位作者 陈为 颜才杰 魏伟 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期373-381,共9页
为了使基于旋转屏的彩色体三维显示设备在显示动态场景时实时且高分辨率、高质量地实现圆柱体空间彩色体素化,提出了一种基于GPU的算法.首先在长方体空间内完成对三维场景的实时彩色体素化,将生成的数据保存于多张纹理工作表中;然后采... 为了使基于旋转屏的彩色体三维显示设备在显示动态场景时实时且高分辨率、高质量地实现圆柱体空间彩色体素化,提出了一种基于GPU的算法.首先在长方体空间内完成对三维场景的实时彩色体素化,将生成的数据保存于多张纹理工作表中;然后采取多对多映射的方法对这些工作表进行重采样,得到该场景在圆柱体空间内均匀的彩色体素化结果.实验结果表明,该算法在GPU内完成,达到了实时性要求,并在基于LED旋转屏的体三维显示设备上获得了令人满意的三维虚拟场景再现效果. 展开更多
关键词 三维显示 圆柱空间 均匀彩色体素化 实时素化 GPU
彩色三维体数据场的直接体绘制方法 被引量:5
作者 袁非牛 廖光煊 +1 位作者 周荷琴 郎文辉 《数据采集与处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期1-5,共5页
提出基于光线投射和三维纹理映射的彩色体数据成像算法,研究如何从每个体素的R,G,B三元组映射成不透明度值,即不透明度转换函数。首先把原始的RGB色彩空间转换成LUV色彩空间;然后以亮度分量的中心差分来近似估计法向量,并应用Phong光照... 提出基于光线投射和三维纹理映射的彩色体数据成像算法,研究如何从每个体素的R,G,B三元组映射成不透明度值,即不透明度转换函数。首先把原始的RGB色彩空间转换成LUV色彩空间;然后以亮度分量的中心差分来近似估计法向量,并应用Phong光照模型进行着色,根据亮度分量及其梯度等信息计算不透明度值;最后合成、累积颜色。对美国数字人男子照相彩色体数据分别采用两种算法进行实验。结果表明:基于光线投射的彩色体数据算法成像质量较高,可以表现体表毛细血管等细微结构,但速度较慢;基于三维纹理映射的彩色体数据成像算法速度较快,但成像质量适中。 展开更多
关键词 绘制 光线投射 三维纹理 彩色体数据 可视化人
作者 王东 李玉友 +1 位作者 李华斌 张辉 《罕少疾病杂志》 2000年第3期40-40,F003,共2页
关键词 颈动脉彩色多普勒
彩色LED体显示系统的构建与性能研究 被引量:1
作者 陈宁 《计算机产品与流通》 2019年第7期127-127,共1页
体显示是当下可行性最高的三维显示技术之一。传统体显示系统只能在小范围空间内实现单色显示,且分辨率较低,只能显示简单静态图像,由此提出彩色LED体显示系统的构建与性能研究。根据上述提到的有关目前体显示存在的问题,我们希望在已... 体显示是当下可行性最高的三维显示技术之一。传统体显示系统只能在小范围空间内实现单色显示,且分辨率较低,只能显示简单静态图像,由此提出彩色LED体显示系统的构建与性能研究。根据上述提到的有关目前体显示存在的问题,我们希望在已有技术的基础上建立具有高分辨率的LED三维显示系统,从而实现在图像色彩、实时动态显示、分辨率、显示空间尺寸等方面对现有体显示有较大改进,给体显示技术的发展提供一定的理论支持和实践经验。 展开更多
关键词 彩色LED 显示系统 构建 性能
彩色多普勒超声联合D-二聚体检测对下肢骨折术后深静脉血栓诊断的临床研究及误诊率的影响 被引量:4
作者 文力 《现代医用影像学》 2022年第6期1164-1166,共3页
目的:探讨彩色多普勒超声联合D-二聚体检测对下肢骨折术后深静脉血栓的临床诊断效果和误诊率的影响。方法:选择本院2019年1月-2020年12月间收治的100例下肢骨折患者作为观察研究对象,将其随机打乱分为对照组和观察组,分别对其使用彩色... 目的:探讨彩色多普勒超声联合D-二聚体检测对下肢骨折术后深静脉血栓的临床诊断效果和误诊率的影响。方法:选择本院2019年1月-2020年12月间收治的100例下肢骨折患者作为观察研究对象,将其随机打乱分为对照组和观察组,分别对其使用彩色多普勒超声检查和彩色多普勒超声联合D-二聚体检查,对比两组患者患侧和健侧各静脉血管的内径差异,不同骨折部位深静脉血栓的发生率,以及两组患者检查结果的误诊率。结果:两组患者的患侧各静脉血管内径均大于健侧,髌骨骨折患者的深静脉血栓发生率皆远高于其他部位骨折患者,观察组患者误诊率明显低于对照组,所有数据差异皆有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:彩色多普勒超声联合D-二聚体检测对下肢骨折患者术后深静脉血栓的临床诊断效果和误诊率都要优于单独使用彩色多普勒超声检查,具有推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 彩色多普勒超声联合D-二聚检测 下肢骨折 深静脉血栓 临床诊断 误诊率
一种二维DCT彩色图像数字水印的新算法 被引量:12
作者 李诺 闫德勤 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期43-45,94,共4页
作为版权保护的重要手段,数字水印技术已得到了广泛地研究和应用,但实用的彩色图像数字水印技术不多,特别是灰度级水印信号的嵌入算法不多。文中充分考虑到人类视觉系统特点,采用YIQ色彩空间,将灰度图像水印信号自适应嵌入载体的亮度分... 作为版权保护的重要手段,数字水印技术已得到了广泛地研究和应用,但实用的彩色图像数字水印技术不多,特别是灰度级水印信号的嵌入算法不多。文中充分考虑到人类视觉系统特点,采用YIQ色彩空间,将灰度图像水印信号自适应嵌入载体的亮度分量Y的DCT系数中,并根据人类视觉掩蔽特征,在较复杂的块嵌入量增加。此外,采用Amold变换将水印图像进行置乱,消除像素的空间相关性,使算法抗攻击能力增强。实验结果证明:文中算法对叠加噪声、JPEG压缩、几何剪切、图像增强等攻击均具有较好的鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 离散余弦变换 YIQ色彩空间 AMOLD变换 彩色图像 数字水印
Algorithm and System of Scanning Color 3D Objects 被引量:1
作者 许智钦 孙长库 郑义忠 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2002年第2期134-138,共5页
This paper presents a complete system for scanning the geometry and texture of a large 3D object, then the automatic registration is performed to obtain a whole realistic 3D model. This system is composed of one line ... This paper presents a complete system for scanning the geometry and texture of a large 3D object, then the automatic registration is performed to obtain a whole realistic 3D model. This system is composed of one line strip laser and one color CCD camera. The scanned object is pictured twice by a color CCD camera. First, the texture of the scanned object is taken by a color CCD camera. Then the 3D information of the scanned object is obtained from laser plane equations. This paper presents a practical way to implement the three dimensional measuring method and the automatic registration of a large 3D object and a pretty good result is obtained after experiment verification. 展开更多
关键词 D measurement color 3D object laser scanning surface construction
作者 王向机 《干旱气象》 1991年第1期35-37,共3页
一、前言国内部分天气雷达配备的数字化系统,以北京数传所研制的为多。但北京数传所雷达数字化系统软件极少,不能满足预报和中小尺度天气研究,许多开发者又苦于不了解回波数据结构和计算机图象处理。鉴此,本文对数传所回波数据结构进行... 一、前言国内部分天气雷达配备的数字化系统,以北京数传所研制的为多。但北京数传所雷达数字化系统软件极少,不能满足预报和中小尺度天气研究,许多开发者又苦于不了解回波数据结构和计算机图象处理。鉴此,本文对数传所回波数据结构进行了说明,并在0520-CH 微机高分辨率图象卡结构上给出了程序。 展开更多
关键词 数字化系统 计算机图象处理 回波数据 天气雷达 CH 高分辨率 彩色体 图形卡 中小尺度天气 象素点
An Explorative Research into the Factors Affecting Chinese Students' Retention and Application of English New Words
作者 李淑媛 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第4期19-22,26,共5页
Vocabulary has a direct impact on people's communication competence. A good mastery of an English word covers its pronunciation, spelling, part of speech, meaning and application. This article will focus only on fact... Vocabulary has a direct impact on people's communication competence. A good mastery of an English word covers its pronunciation, spelling, part of speech, meaning and application. This article will focus only on factors affecting the retention and application of a word from the perspective of semantic disparities, different defining angles in English and Chinese, emotional coloring and styles, morphological changes, and collocation. The author hopes that this article will be able to provide some insights into vocabulary teaching. 展开更多
关键词 semantic disparity emotional and coloring styles morphological changes COLLOCATION
Recurrent chromosomal rearrangements at bands 8q24 and 11q13 in gastric cancer as detected by multicolor spectral karyotyping 被引量:4
作者 Yasuhide Yamashita Kazuhiro Nishida +9 位作者 Takashi Okuda Kenichi Nomura Yosuke Matsumoto Shoji Mitsufuji Shigeo Horiike Hiroyuki Hata Chohei Sakakura Akio Hagiwara Hisakazu Yamagishi Masafumi Taniwaki 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第33期5129-5135,共7页
AIM: To identify chromosomal translocations specific to gastric cancer (GC), spectral karyotyping (SKY) analysis was performed on established cell lines and cancerous ascitic fluids.METHODS: SKY analysis of 10 establi... AIM: To identify chromosomal translocations specific to gastric cancer (GC), spectral karyotyping (SKY) analysis was performed on established cell lines and cancerous ascitic fluids.METHODS: SKY analysis of 10 established cell lines and seven cancerous ascitic fluid samples identified recurrent chromosomal breakpoints and translocations in GC,several of which involved chromosomal loci of oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes.RESULTS: A total of 630 chromosomal breaks were identified. Chromosome no.8 was the most frequently involved in rearrangements (65 breaks), followed by chromosomes no. 11 (53), no. 1 (49), no. 7 (46), no. 13 (37), no. 3 (36), no. 17 (33), and no. 20 (29). Frequent breakpoints were detected in 8q24.1 (30 breaks), 11q13 (29), 13q14 (16), 20q11.2 (14), 7q32 (13), 17q11.2 (13),18q21 (12), 17q23 (9), 18q11.2 (9). SKY analysis identified a total of 242 chromosomal rearrangements including 190 reciprocal and non-reciprocal translocations. The recurrent combinations of chromosomal bands involved in translocations were 8q24.1 and 13q14 (3 cases), 8q24.1 and 11q13 (3), 11q13 and 17q11.2 (2), and 18q11.2 and 20q11.2 (2). Our study validated the ability of SKY to characterize in detail the chromosomal rearrangements in solid tumors and derived cell lines. Moreover,fluorescence in situ hybridization helped to identify the insertions, translocations, and homogeneously staining regions of MYCand CCND1 gene loci.CONCLUSION: The non-random co-localization of certain cytogenetic bands suggests the importance of chromosomal translocations in gastric carcinogenesis, by serving as landmarks for the cloning of GC causing genes. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cancer SKY FISH Chromosomaltranslocation
Pig model of chronic myocardial ischemia and its investigation by ultrasonic integrated backscatter and Doppler tissue imaging
作者 徐静 赵宝珍 +2 位作者 王忠 顾俊彦 陆世萍 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2004年第3期164-167,共4页
Objective: To construct an animal model of chronic ischemic myocardium, and evaluate it by ultrasonic integrated backscatter (IBS) and Doppler tissue imaging (DTI). Methods: An Ameroid constrictor was placed around th... Objective: To construct an animal model of chronic ischemic myocardium, and evaluate it by ultrasonic integrated backscatter (IBS) and Doppler tissue imaging (DTI). Methods: An Ameroid constrictor was placed around the porcine left circumflex coronary artery (LCX). The calibrated average image intensity (%AII), cyclic variation of IBS (CVIB), transmural gradient index (TGI) of CVIB in lateral-posterior wall (LPW), and DTI spectrum of LPW in left ventricular papillary muscle level short axis view (LVPM-SAM) and apical four chamber view (AP-4CV) at normal state, 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks postoperatively were measured. Results: Normal %AII, CVIB and TGI were 2.29±0.32, 9.69±2.22dB and 0.22±0.08, respectively. The %AII increased gradually postoperatively. The CVIB decreased also gradually, and the decrease was higher in subepicardium than in subendocardium. Most of TGI decrease occurred from 2 to 4 weeks postoperatively and became zero at 8 weeks (P<0.01); Normal V S (peak systolic velocity) of AP-4CV was higher than that of LVPM-SAM (P<0.01). V E (peak early diastolic velocity) of AP-4CV was lower than that of LVPM-SAM (P<0.05). V S and V E were all decreased after operation (P<0.01). The decrease of V S in AP-4CV was greater than that in LVPM-SAM. Conclusion: The pathological changes of the myocardium in human ischemic heart disease (IHD) are similar to that of Ameriod model. IBS and DTI can detect echo changes and ventricular wall motion in chronic ischemic myocardium, and provide more information for clinical investigation and treatment of IHD. 展开更多
关键词 chronic ischemic myocardium integrated backscatter Doppler tissue imaging
Area Variation Based Color Snake Algorithm for Moving Object Tracking
作者 Shoum-ik ROYCHOUDHURY Young-joon HAN 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2010年第1期46-49,共4页
A snake algorithm has been known that it has a strong point in extracting the exact contour of an object. But it is apt to be influenced by scattered edges around the control points. Since the shape of a moving object... A snake algorithm has been known that it has a strong point in extracting the exact contour of an object. But it is apt to be influenced by scattered edges around the control points. Since the shape of a moving object in 2D image changes a lot due to its rotation and translation in the 3D space, the conventional algorithm that takes into account slowly moving objects cannot provide an appropriate solution. To utilize the advantages of the snake algorithm while minimizing the drawbacks, this paper proposes the area variation based color snake algorithm for moving object tracking. The proposed algorithm includes a new energy term which is used for preserving the shape of an object between two consecutive images. The proposed one can also segment precisely interesting objects on complex image since it is based on color information. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm is very effective in various environments. 展开更多
关键词 color snake algorithm area variation moving object tracking snake energy SEGMENTATION
A triple-exposure color PIV technique for pressure reconstruction 被引量:5
作者 WANG ZhongYi GAO Qi WANG JinJun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期1-15,共15页
The study developed a triple-exposure color particle image velocimetry(TE-CPIV) technique associated with pressure reconstruction, and validated its feasibility. A light source with the three primary colors of red, gr... The study developed a triple-exposure color particle image velocimetry(TE-CPIV) technique associated with pressure reconstruction, and validated its feasibility. A light source with the three primary colors of red, green, and blue(R, G, and B) is produced in a time sequence by a liquid crystal display(LCD) projector. Particle images at three different instants under the color illuminations are captured in one snapshot using a color digital single-lens reflex(SLR) camera with a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor(CMOS) sensor. A contamination correction algorithm based on a specific calibration is performed on the different color layers(R layer, G layer, and B layer) of the raw color image to reduce the contaminated intensity of each color illumination on the other two color layers. The corrected intensity generates three new color layers, from which a standard cross-correlation process in the classical PIV method is used to obtain two velocity fields. Eventually, an instantaneous pressure field is reconstructed from the two velocity fields. The feasibility of TE-CPIV was tested by two experiments with a solid body rotation flow and a cylinder wake flow. The results show acceptable accuracy and robustness of the new technique. The idea of the TE-CPIV is believed to provide a simple and effective way of estimating a pressure field with low cost and high convenience. 展开更多
关键词 triple exposures color PIV pressure reconstruction
Development of a Concentration Measurement Technique for Steady State Solid-liquid Mixing using a Neural Network
作者 Deog Hee Doh Joo Ho Yum +3 位作者 Gyeong Rae Cho Myung Ho Kim Gyong Won Ryu Masahiro Takei 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第5期478-483,共6页
A measurement technique that can measure the concentration of the solid particles in liquid flow was developed.The measurement system consists of a color camera and three LCD displays.The solid particles were put at t... A measurement technique that can measure the concentration of the solid particles in liquid flow was developed.The measurement system consists of a color camera and three LCD displays.The solid particles were put at the bottom of a cylindrical mixing tank in which JetA1 oil was filled.Transient mixing of the solid particles was performed by rotating a propeller type agitator with three different rotation speed(500,600,700 r/min).Mixing state was visualized by the LCD displays and a color camcorder.The color intensity of the glass particles changes with their concentration.The color information was decoded into three principle colors R,G,and B so that,the calibration curve of color-to-concentration was performed using these information.A neural network was used for this calibration.The transient concentration field of the solid particles was quantitatively visualized. 展开更多
关键词 Solid particles JetA1 oil Transient mixing Neural Network CONCENTRATION
作者 岳云 《无线电与电视》 2002年第3期49-53,共5页
关键词 平板显示器 彩色液晶 有机电致发光显示器 彩色筹离子显示器
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