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作者 申二宁 《环境保护与循环经济》 2023年第9期16-19,61,共5页
利用因子分析—模糊综合法,探索地下水环境影响的数值模拟变动情况。先构建不同岩层地下水FLAC模型,利用其观测地下水抽采深度对于水压力影响状态,进行物质累计项的计算,构建离散数值模拟框架,研究地下水标定点位压裂区域水压的变动,测... 利用因子分析—模糊综合法,探索地下水环境影响的数值模拟变动情况。先构建不同岩层地下水FLAC模型,利用其观测地下水抽采深度对于水压力影响状态,进行物质累计项的计算,构建离散数值模拟框架,研究地下水标定点位压裂区域水压的变动,测算出最终的地层压强值。测定过程中地下水环境会发生改变,压强控制在120~350 kPa之间。数值模拟分析过程中,随着地层深度的增加,地下水环境会发生一定的改变,地层压强值逐渐增大;反之,地层深度减少,地下水环境地层压强值逐渐减小,对地下水的流动方向以及径流都会发生对应的影响,存在正向的变动关系。 展开更多
关键词 地下水环境 影响数值 数值模拟 地下水监测 因子分析 模糊综合法
寒区隧道围岩冻融影响数值分析 被引量:15
作者 张学富 赖远明 +1 位作者 杨风才 喻文兵 《铁道学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期92-96,共5页
根据带相变瞬态温度场问题的热量平衡控制微分方程 ,应用伽辽金法推导出有限元计算公式。通过对一寒区隧道在不同施工季节、不同初始条件以及不同保温材料厚度和导热系数的温度场分析 ,得出了一些有意义的结论和规律 。
关键词 寒区 隧道围岩 冻融 影响数值 施工季节 初始温度 保温材料 数值分析
浅层顶管隧道施工对路基变形影响数值分析 被引量:4
作者 王艳燕 《交通世界》 2017年第22期104-105,共2页
针对浅层顶管隧道施工对路基变形造成影响的问题,通过构建模型的方式,研究支护压力与地层损失数值的变形影响计算与分析,进而使得路基变形模拟更加符合实际情况。采取单位数值模拟方法,模拟浅层顶管隧道施工工程,根据计算分析,获得了公... 针对浅层顶管隧道施工对路基变形造成影响的问题,通过构建模型的方式,研究支护压力与地层损失数值的变形影响计算与分析,进而使得路基变形模拟更加符合实际情况。采取单位数值模拟方法,模拟浅层顶管隧道施工工程,根据计算分析,获得了公路地表变形规律,进而提出了浅层顶管隧道施工措施,使得路基变形问题得以控制。 展开更多
关键词 浅层顶管隧道 三维数值模拟 路基变形 影响数值
作者 谷雨 《交通世界》 2017年第21期122-123,共2页
关键词 边坡冲刷 桥梁下部结构 影响数值
作者 李升 《工程机械与维修》 2023年第4期259-261,共3页
详细介绍隧道工程项目基础情况及其地质条件,以此为基础,应用A B A Q U S软件模拟隧道施工过程,依据模拟数值分析地层沉积量、支护压力、注浆率对路面变形的影响规律。通过数值分析可知:地层沉积量、注浆率与路面变形程度存在显著的正... 详细介绍隧道工程项目基础情况及其地质条件,以此为基础,应用A B A Q U S软件模拟隧道施工过程,依据模拟数值分析地层沉积量、支护压力、注浆率对路面变形的影响规律。通过数值分析可知:地层沉积量、注浆率与路面变形程度存在显著的正相关关系;随着支护压力的增大,路面变形程度呈现先下降后上升的趋势,最低点对应的是支护压力平衡数值。依据数值分析结论给出相应的隧道施工建议,为隧道施工安全提供保障。 展开更多
关键词 数值分析 路面变形 隧道施工 地表沉降 影响数值
14:00加密探空对区域数值预报系统的影响研究 被引量:8
作者 王丹 徐枝芳 +1 位作者 王瑞文 张利红 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期872-886,共15页
基于2014年6月全国14:00(北京时,下同)加密探空观测资料,设计了观测系统模拟试验(Observing System Simulation Experiments,OSSEs)和实际加密探空同化试验(Observing System Experiments,OSEs)来评估14:00加密探空对区域数值预报系统... 基于2014年6月全国14:00(北京时,下同)加密探空观测资料,设计了观测系统模拟试验(Observing System Simulation Experiments,OSSEs)和实际加密探空同化试验(Observing System Experiments,OSEs)来评估14:00加密探空对区域数值预报系统的影响,并对14:00加密探空的观测布局进行了初步探索。结果表明:(1)理想模拟试验和实际同化试验中加入14:00加密探空对于提高区域模式的降水预报准确率均有积极影响,降水预报技巧评分在强降水量级提高更为明显,14:00起报结果优于20:00。(2)理想模拟试验中同化14:00加密探空能有效调整模式初始场中的动力、热力场结构和水汽分布,从而与"实况"更为接近。实际同化试验中增加14:00探空观测能修正模式风场,但对于温度和湿度分析在模式中低层略有负贡献,探空的湿度、温度观测本身存在观测偏差是一个可能的原因。(3)从观测布局来看,14:00加密探空对于数值预报具有基础作用,目前而言,GPS/PW等非常规资料不能取代14:00加密探空。综合考虑探空气球的施放成本,采用探测高度到300 h Pa、重点区域加密是一种经济的14:00增加高空观测方式。 展开更多
关键词 加密探空 资料同化 数值影响 观测布局
作者 刘倩 《建材与装饰》 2019年第22期246-247,共2页
本文针对大多数情况下应用于飞行器的增压系统的双级气体减压器,从通过利用单级气体减压器的有限体积瞬变仿真模型建立了相应的数值模型,并且将双级减压器的模块化仿真模型也进行模拟。借助大量的时域仿真研究数值,对两种模型进行了深... 本文针对大多数情况下应用于飞行器的增压系统的双级气体减压器,从通过利用单级气体减压器的有限体积瞬变仿真模型建立了相应的数值模型,并且将双级减压器的模块化仿真模型也进行模拟。借助大量的时域仿真研究数值,对两种模型进行了深入的研究,分析了这两种减压器的结构参数是否会对其工作的稳定性产生影响,总结这种影响的规律。随后比较了两者的差异,并选取减压器二级阀芯运动速度的样本方差作为稳定性指标,对减压器二级阀芯的膜片刚度、反馈腔体、低压腔体积以及阀芯质量对稳定性的影响程度进行深入的分析。研究表明:设计人员可以优先改变减压器二级阀芯或者将膜片的刚度增强来提升其稳定性,进而使得相关设计人员能够用最小的代价获取预期内的工程结果。 展开更多
关键词 双级气体减压器 稳定性 影响因素数值分析
关于影响易损性分析结果的区域因素研究——以福建为例 被引量:1
作者 张铁军 高慧瑛 黄宏生 《灾害学》 CSCD 2011年第3期73-77,共5页
以福建省震害快速评估系统为依托,以分析处理现场实际调查数据为基础,提出了主要影响易损性分析结果的四个区域因素及其影响指数值、区域综合指数值,提供了各分区的划分依据、各分区影响指数值的评定标准以及区域综合指数值的计算方法,... 以福建省震害快速评估系统为依托,以分析处理现场实际调查数据为基础,提出了主要影响易损性分析结果的四个区域因素及其影响指数值、区域综合指数值,提供了各分区的划分依据、各分区影响指数值的评定标准以及区域综合指数值的计算方法,为合理应用不同地区之间的易损性矩阵或易损性曲线提供了参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 易损性 综合指数值 区域影响数值 区域影响因素 震害快速评估 福建
等离子与钨极双面电弧焊接热过程的数值模拟 被引量:3
作者 孙俊生 武传松 《金属学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期499-504,共6页
利用由等离子电弧(PAW)与钨极电弧(TIG)构成的单电源双面电弧焊接(DSAW)工艺可以获得深宽比较大的焊缝,该工艺具有高效、低成本的特点,是一种先进焊接技术。本文综合考虑影响等离子弧小孔形成的等离子流力、重力、表面张力等力学因素,... 利用由等离子电弧(PAW)与钨极电弧(TIG)构成的单电源双面电弧焊接(DSAW)工艺可以获得深宽比较大的焊缝,该工艺具有高效、低成本的特点,是一种先进焊接技术。本文综合考虑影响等离子弧小孔形成的等离子流力、重力、表面张力等力学因素,建立了小孔形成过程的数学模型,并以此为基础建立了DSAW电流密度分布和焊接传热的控制方程。采用数值模拟技术对上述方程进行耦合求解,定量分析了双面电弧焊接条件下的传热规律及热影响区性能,同时作为对比也模拟了PAW焊接的传热现象,揭示了DSAW大幅度增加熔深、改善热影响区性能的机理,为工艺参数优化设计提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 双面电弧焊接 温度场 影响 数值模拟
水分对“冷干法”废气污染源自动监控二氧化硫数据的影响分析 被引量:2
作者 王金雷 《环境保护与循环经济》 2018年第2期65-66,共2页
目前辽宁省重点排污单位大多采用"冷干法"污染源自动监测设备,该法要求进入分析仪的烟气为干燥洁净的,但一些设备由于老旧、损坏等原因导致干燥效果较差,二氧化硫数值较实际数值偏低。针对问题进行分析,并结合实际经验,对检... 目前辽宁省重点排污单位大多采用"冷干法"污染源自动监测设备,该法要求进入分析仪的烟气为干燥洁净的,但一些设备由于老旧、损坏等原因导致干燥效果较差,二氧化硫数值较实际数值偏低。针对问题进行分析,并结合实际经验,对检查方法进行总结。 展开更多
关键词 污染源自动监测 水分吸收 二氧化硫 数值影响
A Numerical Study on the Effects of Orography During the Landfall Process of Typhoon Haitang 被引量:1
作者 张建海 陈红梅 诸晓明 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2007年第1期3-12,共10页
The landfall process of typhoon Haitang which affected East China seriously was simulated by using the MM5 model and the track, intensity, precipitation and structure of typhoon were successfully reproduced. Then thro... The landfall process of typhoon Haitang which affected East China seriously was simulated by using the MM5 model and the track, intensity, precipitation and structure of typhoon were successfully reproduced. Then through the sensitive test, the effects of terrain were analyzed Results show that the irregular track during the period of typhoon passing through Taiwan and later landfalling at Fujian was in relation to the occurring and developing of orthographic impressed depression. The amount of rainfall was enhanced more than one time and the strength of typhoon was weakened 4 to 5 hPa. It is found that the effect of terrain on the structure of typhoon is limited at low level and is backward in space compared with the one at high level. In addition, the phenomenon that the equivalent temperature in the typhoon's moving direction inclines to the west on the eye of landfall may be concerned with the terrain. 展开更多
关键词 Typhoon Haitang orographic effects numerical experiments structural change
Numerical modeling of seabed morphological effects from the construction of artificial islands in Danzhou, Hainan
作者 英晓明 贾后磊 +1 位作者 曹玲珑 谢健 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2014年第2期37-45,共9页
Haihua Islands is a large artificial island in Danzhou, Hainan. The construction of Haihua Islands changes the hYdrodynamic environment of Yangpu waters, and further affects its morphological change. Delft3D is used t... Haihua Islands is a large artificial island in Danzhou, Hainan. The construction of Haihua Islands changes the hYdrodynamic environment of Yangpu waters, and further affects its morphological change. Delft3D is used to set up a two dimensional nested hydrodynamic and sediment model for Yangpu waters in this paper, and this paper focuses on simulating the velocity and morphological change due to the construction of Haihua Islands after the verification of the model. The seabed deposition is small because of low suspended sediment concentration and less sand source near Yangpu waters. The bed level erodes in the south area of Xiaochan Reef and the Yangpu channel due to the velocity increase in the area. 展开更多
关键词 Haihua Islands seabed morphological effect numerical modeling
作者 陈维建 张大林 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2005年第1期9-15,共7页
The roughness effect based on the wall function method is introduced into the numerical simulation of the rime ice accretion and the resulting effect on the aerodynamic performance of the airfoil. Incorporating the tw... The roughness effect based on the wall function method is introduced into the numerical simulation of the rime ice accretion and the resulting effect on the aerodynamic performance of the airfoil. Incorporating the two-phase model of air/super-cooled droplets in the Eulerian coordinate system, this paper presents the simulation of the rime ice accretion on the NACA 0012 airfoil. The predicted rime ice shape is compared with those results of measurements and simulations by other icing codes. Also the resulting effects of rime ice on airfoil aerodynamic performance are discussed. Results indicate that the rime ice accretion leads to the loss of the maximum lift coefficient by 26%, the decrease of the stall angle by about 3° and the considerable increase of the drag coefficient. 展开更多
关键词 numerical simulation anti/de-icing rime ice ROUGHNESS aerodynamic performance
Numerical simulation of construction project environmental impact on the tides and tidal currents in Aojiang offshore of Wenzhou
作者 吕和娜 汪一航 +2 位作者 张钊 单慧洁 岳云飞 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2014年第2期13-27,共15页
This paper have collected the measured tides and certain tidal current data in different stages of many projects during past three to five years near the Aojiang River. The harmonic method is used to analyze tide and ... This paper have collected the measured tides and certain tidal current data in different stages of many projects during past three to five years near the Aojiang River. The harmonic method is used to analyze tide and tidal current data observed at five stations in the sea adjacent to Aojiang River. The results show that the tide is mainly regular and semidiumal in the sea near Aojiang of Wenzhou. The tidal amplitudes of M2 constituent are between 170 cm - 193 cm and the lags are between 260~ - 280~, According to the comparison of analytical results of harmonic constants of these stations in 2007, 2010 and 2011, the maximum change of tidal amplitudes and phase-lag range for the main semidiurnal tides (M2, $2, N2), the diurnal tide (K1, O1) and the shallow water tide (M4, MS4, M6) are 1.8 cm - 4.4 cm and 3~ - 7~, respectively. After analyzing the tide and tidal current characteristics of Aojiang River, this paper uses an unstructured grid and Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM) to test the results of simulation. The simulated results agree well with the measured data. The new shoreline and depth which are produced by the construction projects closed in important major years, and the tide and tidal current field for the new shoreline and depth are constructed, which describe the superimposed influences of construction engineering in Aojiang estuary. 展开更多
关键词 Aojiang estuary tide and tidal current environmental impact numericalsimulation POST-EVALUATION
A Numerical Study of the Urban Intensity Effect on Fog Evolution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region 被引量:5
作者 LIANG Zhao-Ming GAO Shou-Ting SUN Ji-Song 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第3期240-245,共6页
The influence of urban intensity on fog evolution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region (China) is investigated numerically with the the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with the urban canopy p... The influence of urban intensity on fog evolution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region (China) is investigated numerically with the the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with the urban canopy parameterization-building energy model (UCP- BEM) urban physics scheme. The experiments were designed with a focus on the influence of different urban intensities, which are represented by a different fractional coverage of natural land, buildings, and energy consumption inside buildings in an urban environment. The results of this study indicate that urban areas notably influence fog evolution when natural land is reduced to a small fraction (e.g., less than 10%). Developed land changes fog evolution through urban effects. Higher urban intensity (HUI) generally results in warmer temperatures and lower wind speeds throughout the day, while inhibiting morning specific humidity loss and afternoon specific humidity gain because of the HUI effect on surface heat flux, surface roughness, and surface moisture flux. HUI leads to later and weaker liquid water content formation, with a higher liquid water content base, primarily due to its effect on near surface temperatures. This finding implies that HUI may inhibit the conditions for fog formation. In addition, urban areas with equal natural and developed land coverage seem to greatly enhance the upward surface moisture flux, which is attributed to the combination of a relatively large potential evaporation on developed land and an ample moisture supply from natural land. As a result, the specific humidity increases in the afternoon. 展开更多
关键词 numerical study urban intensity effect FOG the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
Quantitative analysis on influencing factors for interface propagation-based thermal conductivity measurement method during solid-liquid transition 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Tian MA Xiao-yi +1 位作者 LIU Xu LI Yuan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第8期2041-2055,共15页
The recently proposed interface propagation-based method has shown its advantages in obtaining the thermal conductivity of phase change materials during solid-liquid transition over conventional techniques. However, i... The recently proposed interface propagation-based method has shown its advantages in obtaining the thermal conductivity of phase change materials during solid-liquid transition over conventional techniques. However, in previous investigation, the analysis on the measurement error was qualitative and only focused on the total effects on the measurement without decoupling the influencing factors. This paper discusses the effects of influencing factors on the measurement results for the interface propagation-based method. Numerical simulations were performed to explore the influencing factors, namely model simplification, subcooling and natural convection, along with their impact on the measurement process and corresponding measurement results. The numerical solutions were provided in terms of moving curves of the solid-liquid interface and the predicted values of thermal conductivity. Results indicated that the impact of simplified model was strongly dependent on Stefan number of the melting process. The degree of subcooling would lead to underestimated values for thermal conductivity prediction. The natural convection would intensify the heat transfer rate in the liquid region, thereby overestimating the obtained results of thermal conductivity. Correlations and experimental guidelines are provided. The relative errors are limited in ±1.5%,±3%and ±2% corresponding to the impact of simplified model, subcooling and natural convection, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 phase change material thermal conductivity measurement influencing factor interface propagation-based method numerical simulation
作者 唐闻瑜 岳兴业 《苏州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2005年第3期9-16,共8页
关键词 有限体积法 椭圆方程 误差分析 数值积分影响
Numerical modeling airflow in soil with impact of groundwater
作者 张晓悦 王栋 +1 位作者 张晓乐 陈晓东 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期1405-1411,共7页
In order to simulate the airflow in anhydrous case and the water-air flow in groundwater case, a numerical model of airflow in soil was developed. For the nonlinearity of the governing partial differential equation, t... In order to simulate the airflow in anhydrous case and the water-air flow in groundwater case, a numerical model of airflow in soil was developed. For the nonlinearity of the governing partial differential equation, the corresponding discretization and linearization methods were given. Due to the mass transfer between air-phase and water-phase, phase states of the model elements were constantly changing. Thus, parameters of the model were divided into primary ones and secondary ones, and the primary variables changing with phase states and the secondary variables can be obtained by their functional relationship with the primary variables. Additionally, the special definite condition of this numerical model was illustrated. Two examples were given to simulate the airflow in soil whether there was groundwater or not, and the effectiveness of the numerical model is verified by comparing the results of simulation with that of exoeriment. 展开更多
关键词 GROUNDWATER water-air flow capillary pressure finite difference method compressed air
Analysis of Physical and Chemical Characteristics and Influence Factors of UCG 被引量:1
作者 杨兰和 白海波 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2001年第1期24-28,共5页
Based on the UCG(underground coal gasification) theory, the “three zones” which are oxidization zone, reduction zone, and drying zone, were divided; physical and chemical properties of each zone were analyzed. Facto... Based on the UCG(underground coal gasification) theory, the “three zones” which are oxidization zone, reduction zone, and drying zone, were divided; physical and chemical properties of each zone were analyzed. Factors, such as temperature, rate of water pouring, quantity of air blast, thickness of coal seam, and the operation pressure were discussed. Among the influencing factors, the temperature is the most important one. 展开更多
关键词 underground coal gasification three zones chemical reaction
A novel method for predicting breakthrough time of horizontal wells in bottom water reservoirs 被引量:2
作者 李立峰 岳湘安 +2 位作者 赵海龙 杨志国 张立娟 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第12期3612-3619,共8页
Dimensional analysis and numerical simulations were carried out to research prediction method of breakthrough time of horizontal wells in bottom water reservoir. Four dimensionless independent variables and dimensionl... Dimensional analysis and numerical simulations were carried out to research prediction method of breakthrough time of horizontal wells in bottom water reservoir. Four dimensionless independent variables and dimensionless time were derived from 10 influencing factors of the problem by using dimensional analysis. Simulations of horizontal well in reservoir with bottom water were run to find the prediction correlation. A general and concise functional relationship for predicting breakthrough time was established based on simulation results and theoretical analysis. The breakthrough time of one conceptual model predicted by the correlation is very close to the result by Eclipse with less than 2% error. The practical breakthrough time of one well in Helder oilfield is 10 d, and the predicted results by the method is 11.2 d, which is more accurate than the analytical result. Case study indicates that the method could predict breakthrough time of horizontal well under different reservoir conditions accurately. For its university and ease of use, the method is suitable for quick prediction of breakthrough time. 展开更多
关键词 reservoirs with bottom water breakthrough time of horizontal well prediction method dimensional analysis numericalsimulation
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