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Baastrup病的影像学表现 被引量:4
作者 谭仲伦 陈忠 +2 位作者 郭晓婷 聂悦富 张子钦 《中国CT和MRI杂志》 2015年第5期5-7,共3页
目的探讨Baastrup病的影像学表现及其临床意义。方法收集分析我院2011年11月至2015年2月间250例Baastrup病患者的影像学资料,全部行腰椎DR检查,其中54例加做腰椎MRI检查,19例加做腰椎螺旋CT检查,共有12例同时进行三种检查。结果 Baastru... 目的探讨Baastrup病的影像学表现及其临床意义。方法收集分析我院2011年11月至2015年2月间250例Baastrup病患者的影像学资料,全部行腰椎DR检查,其中54例加做腰椎MRI检查,19例加做腰椎螺旋CT检查,共有12例同时进行三种检查。结果 Baastrup病患者腰椎棘突相互靠近、撞击致相对缘骨质增生、硬化,棘突呈杵状增粗,相对面变平,甚至形成假关节,关节面下可见囊状低密度区;MRI T2WI序列可表现为棘突间高信号改变或无明显异常信号改变。患者有程度不等腰背部疼痛病史,受累棘突有固定压痛。多发生于50岁以上老人,多数伴有腰椎退行性改变。结论 Baastrup影像学表现具有特征性,正确认识此征象,有助于解释下腰部疼痛并指导临床开展治疗。 展开更多
关键词 Baastrup病 腰椎棘突 下腰痛 直接数值化摄 体层摄 影学 X线计算机 磁共振
老年糖尿病患者合并肺结核影相学特征及分析 被引量:4
作者 高媛 秦军 《临床肺科杂志》 2007年第11期1254-1254,共1页
关键词 糖尿病合并肺结核 糖尿病患 老年人 肺结核治疗 高血糖状态 结核病灶 人口老龄化
作者 郭大炜 乔德林 章宏靖 《影像诊断与介入放射学》 1997年第3期168-170,共3页
目的:阐述影像学对股骨头骨缺血性坏死早期诊断的意义和介入治疗的临床价值。材料和方法:8例经X线平片、CT和血管造影诊断;以扩血管、抗凝、溶栓等为原列行靶血管介入治疗。结果:全组临床症状即刻消失者6例,占75%,显效者2例,占25%。... 目的:阐述影像学对股骨头骨缺血性坏死早期诊断的意义和介入治疗的临床价值。材料和方法:8例经X线平片、CT和血管造影诊断;以扩血管、抗凝、溶栓等为原列行靶血管介入治疗。结果:全组临床症状即刻消失者6例,占75%,显效者2例,占25%。随访一年无一复发。结论:CT扫描不仅可发现骨缺血性坏死的早期改变,且可作疗效追随的检查方法。介入治疗不失为一种安全、快速、有效的手段。 展开更多
关键词 股骨头坏死 影学诊断 介入疗法
儿童颅骨生长性骨折的临床和影相学改变 被引量:1
作者 张荣申 杨波 王霞 《新乡医学院学报》 CAS 1998年第1期70-71,共2页
儿童颅骨生长性骨折的临床和影相学改变Changeoftheclinicalandphotographyinchildren’sgrowinfracture张荣申杨波王霞儿童颅骨生长性骨折是颅骨骨折和颅骨缺损的一种特殊... 儿童颅骨生长性骨折的临床和影相学改变Changeoftheclinicalandphotographyinchildren’sgrowinfracture张荣申杨波王霞儿童颅骨生长性骨折是颅骨骨折和颅骨缺损的一种特殊类型,包括有骨折及缺损神经功能障碍... 展开更多
关键词 儿童 颅骨生长性骨折 硬脑膜
浅论原发性脑淋巴瘤和脑转移瘤在MRI影像学上的区别 被引量:5
作者 王一凡 《当代医药论丛》 2015年第6期56-57,共2页
目的:探讨原发性脑淋巴瘤和脑转移瘤在MRI(核磁共振)影像学上的区别。方法:对2008年7月~2014年8月期间我院收治的9例原发性脑淋巴瘤患者和9例脑转移瘤患者的临床资料进行回顾性研究。我们将9例原发性脑淋巴瘤患者作为观察1组,将9例脑转... 目的:探讨原发性脑淋巴瘤和脑转移瘤在MRI(核磁共振)影像学上的区别。方法:对2008年7月~2014年8月期间我院收治的9例原发性脑淋巴瘤患者和9例脑转移瘤患者的临床资料进行回顾性研究。我们将9例原发性脑淋巴瘤患者作为观察1组,将9例脑转移瘤患者作为观察2组。我院对这两组患者均进行MRI检查,并将这两组患者的肿瘤在MRI影像学上的区别进行对比和分析。结果:这两组患者的肿瘤在MRI影像学上存在明显的区别,组间比较差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:原发性脑淋巴瘤和脑转移瘤在MRI影像学上存在明显的区别。因此,进行MRI检查可作为临床上鉴别诊断原发性脑淋巴瘤和脑转移瘤的首选方法。 展开更多
关键词 原发性脑淋巴瘤 脑转移瘤 MRI 区别
作者 尹雪娇 贾炜林 +2 位作者 朱丽颖 王桂玲 郭静 《中国中西医结合影像学杂志》 2025年第1期24-31,共8页
目的:观察调神法针刺对失眠患者丘脑功能连接(FC)的影响,探讨针刺治疗失眠的中枢效应机制。方法:纳入60例失眠患者(失眠组),按1∶1比例随机分为调神法针刺组和非穴浅刺组各30例,同时纳入30例健康受试者(健康组)。以丘脑为ROI,比较失眠... 目的:观察调神法针刺对失眠患者丘脑功能连接(FC)的影响,探讨针刺治疗失眠的中枢效应机制。方法:纳入60例失眠患者(失眠组),按1∶1比例随机分为调神法针刺组和非穴浅刺组各30例,同时纳入30例健康受试者(健康组)。以丘脑为ROI,比较失眠组和健康组的FC差异,以及调神法针刺前后的FC变化。分别采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)、过度觉醒量表(HAS)及疲劳量表-14(FS-14)评估针刺对失眠患者睡眠、觉醒和疲劳状态的调节作用,并使用Pearson相关性分析评估针刺前后FC差值与临床量表评分差值的相关性。结果:与健康组相比,针刺前失眠组左丘脑与右楔叶、右中央后回、右颞中回的FC增强(均P<0.05,FEW校正);右丘脑与右颞上回、右额中回、右扣带回、左枕中回、左额中回、左顶下回、左海马旁回的FC增强(均P<0.05,FEW校正)。调神法针刺组针刺治疗后,左丘脑与左顶上回,右丘脑与左顶下回、左旁中央小叶、左额中回、右顶上回、右中央后回及双侧中扣带回的FC减弱(均P<0.05,FEW校正)。调神法针刺组右丘脑和左顶下回、右中扣带回、右顶上回减弱的FC值均与针刺前后FS-14评分差值呈正相关(均P<0.05);右丘脑和左旁中央小叶减弱的FC值与HAS评分差值呈正相关(P<0.05)。结论:失眠患者丘脑与多个脑区FC增强,调神法针刺能调节丘脑FC,改善过度觉醒,缓解疲劳,有效治疗失眠,从fMRI角度证实丘脑在失眠病理生理学中的重要作用,揭示调神法针刺治疗失眠的潜在中枢机制。 展开更多
关键词 调神法针刺 失眠 丘脑 功能连接 磁共振成像
多模态影像融合在颅底肿瘤的诊断、治疗中的应用价值 被引量:9
作者 李成才 姚国杰 +6 位作者 杜威 胡亮平 韦可 伍杰 秦汉 王再贵 马廉亭 《中国临床神经外科杂志》 2018年第3期145-148,共4页
目的探讨多模态影像融合在颅底肿瘤的诊断、治疗中的应用价值。方法 9例颅底肿瘤术前均行DynaCTA检查及MRI薄层(2 mm)增强扫描检查,将多组影像数据输入工作站,采用"双容积重建"技术进行脑血管及MRI的影像融合,通过静态及动态... 目的探讨多模态影像融合在颅底肿瘤的诊断、治疗中的应用价值。方法 9例颅底肿瘤术前均行DynaCTA检查及MRI薄层(2 mm)增强扫描检查,将多组影像数据输入工作站,采用"双容积重建"技术进行脑血管及MRI的影像融合,通过静态及动态融合影像观察肿瘤与脑结构、血管及颅骨的毗邻关系,并对肿瘤的诊断、手术治疗及预防血管并发症进行分析。结果 9例均获得满意的影像融合、具有很好的空间一致性,在一张影像上可以清晰显示病变及其周围脑结构、血管及颅骨解剖关系,提高精准性诊断,并应用于指导治疗策略、设计手术划及预防并发症。9例均恢复满意出院。结论多模态影像融合对提高颅底肿瘤的诊断精准性、提高肿瘤全切除率、降低病死率和残疾率效果肯定,对血管损伤并发症治疗疗效肯定。 展开更多
关键词 颅底肿瘤 多模态像融合 诊断 治疗 并发症
Preoperative CT radiomics models for predicting composition of in vivo urinary calculi
作者 TANG Lei WANG Shixia +3 位作者 LI Wuchao ZENG Xianchun AN Yunzhao SONG Bin 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1216-1220,共5页
Objective To observe the value of preoperative CT radiomics models for predicting composition of in vivo urinary calculi.Methods Totally 543 urolithiasis patients were retrospectively enrolled and divided into calcium... Objective To observe the value of preoperative CT radiomics models for predicting composition of in vivo urinary calculi.Methods Totally 543 urolithiasis patients were retrospectively enrolled and divided into calcium oxalate monohydrate stone group(group A,n=373),anhydrous uric acid stone group(group B,n=86),carbonate apatite group(group C,n=30),ammonium urate stone group(group D,n=28)and ammonium magnesium phosphate hexahydrate stone group(group E,n=26)according to the composition of calculi,also divided into training set and test set at the ratio of 7∶3.Radiomics features were extracted and screened based on plain CT images of urinary system.Five binary task models(model A—E corresponding to group A—E)and a quinary task model were constructed using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator algorithm for predicting the composition of calculi in vivo.Then receiver operating characteristic curves were drawn,and the area under the curves(AUC)were calculated to evaluate the predictive efficacy of binary task models,while the accuracy,precision,recall and F1 score were used to evaluate the predictive efficacy of the quinary task model.Results All binary task models had good efficacy for predicting the composition of urinary calculi in vivo,with AUC of 0.860—0.948 in training set and of 0.856—0.933 in test set.The accuracy,precision,recall and F1 score of the quinary task model for predicting the composition of in vivo urinary calculi was 82.25%,83.79%,46.23%and 0.596 in training set,respectively,while was 80.63%,75.26%,43.48%and 0.551 in test set,respectively.Conclusion Binary task radiomics models based on preoperative plain CT had good efficacy for predicting the composition of in vivo urinary calculi,while the quinary task radiomics model had high accuracy but relatively poor stability. 展开更多
关键词 UROLITHIASIS tomography X-ray computed radiomics
Deep learning model based on PET/CT and combination with Cox proportional hazard model for predicting progression of lung invasive adenocarcinoma after surgery
作者 LI Yingci WU Dongbo GONG Feifei 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1194-1198,共5页
Objective To observe the efficacy of deep learning(DL)model based on PET/CT and its combination with Cox proportional hazard model for predicting progressive disease(PD)of lung invasive adenocarcinoma within 5 years a... Objective To observe the efficacy of deep learning(DL)model based on PET/CT and its combination with Cox proportional hazard model for predicting progressive disease(PD)of lung invasive adenocarcinoma within 5 years after surgery.Methods The clinical,PET/CT and 5-year follow-up data of 250 patients with lung invasive adenocarcinoma were retrospectively analyzed.According to PD or not,the patients were divided into the PD group(n=71)and non-PD group(n=179).The basic data and PET/CT findings were compared between groups,among which the quantitative variables being significant different between groups were transformed to categorical variables using receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve and corresponding cut-off value.Multivariant Cox proportional hazard model was used to select independent predicting factors of PD of lung invasive adenocarcinoma within 5 years after surgery.The patients were divided into training,validation and test sets at the ratio of 6∶2∶2,and PET/CT data in training set and validation set were used to train model and tuning parameters to build the PET/CT DL model,and the combination model was built in serial connection of DL model and the predictive factors.In test set,the efficacy of each model for predicting PD of lung invasive adenocarcinoma within 5 years after surgery was assessed and compared using the area under the curve(AUC).Results Patients'gender and smoking status,as well as the long diameter,SUV max and SUV mean of lesions measured on PET images,the long diameter,short diameter and type of lesions showed on CT were statistically different between groups(all P<0.05).Smoking(HR=1.787[1.053,3.031],P=0.031)and lesion SUV max>4.15(HR=5.249[1.062,25.945],P=0.042)were both predictors of PD of lung invasive adenocarcinoma within 5 years after surgery.In test set,the AUC of PET/CT DL model for predicting PD was 0.847,of the combination model was 0.890,of the latter was higher than of the former(P=0.036).Conclusion DL model based on PET/CT had high efficacy for predicting PD of lung invasive adenocarcinoma within 5 years after surgery.Combining with Cox proportional hazard model could further improve its predicting efficacy. 展开更多
关键词 adenocarcinoma of lung positron-emission tomography and computed tomography deep learning disease progression
Automated body composition analysis system based on chest CT for evaluating content of muscle and adipose
作者 YANG Jie LIU Yanli +2 位作者 CHEN Xiaoyan CHEN Tianle LIU Qi 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1242-1248,共7页
Objective To establish a body composition analysis system based on chest CT,and to observe its value for evaluating content of chest muscle and adipose.Methods T7—T8 layer CT images of 108 pneumonia patients were col... Objective To establish a body composition analysis system based on chest CT,and to observe its value for evaluating content of chest muscle and adipose.Methods T7—T8 layer CT images of 108 pneumonia patients were collected(segmented dataset),and chest CT data of 984 patients were screened from the COVID 19-CT dataset(10 cases were randomly selected as whole test dataset,the remaining 974 cases were selected as layer selection dataset).T7—T8 layer was classified based on convolutional neural network(CNN)derived networks,including ResNet,ResNeXt,MobileNet,ShuffleNet,DenseNet,EfficientNet and ConvNeXt,then the accuracy,precision,recall and specificity were used to evaluate the performance of layer selection dataset.The skeletal muscle(SM),subcutaneous adipose tissue(SAT),intermuscular adipose tissue(IMAT)and visceral adipose tissue(VAT)were segmented using classical fully CNN(FCN)derived network,including FCN,SegNet,UNet,Attention UNet,UNET++,nnUNet,UNeXt and CMUNeXt,then Dice similarity coefficient(DSC),intersection over union(IoU)and 95 Hausdorff distance(HD)were used to evaluate the performance of segmented dataset.The automatic body composition analysis system was constructed based on optimal layer selection network and segmentation network,the mean absolute error(MAE),root mean squared error(RMSE)and standard deviation(SD)of MAE were used to evaluate the performance of automatic system for testing the whole test dataset.Results The accuracy,precision,recall and specificity of DenseNet network for automatically classifying T7—T8 layer from chest CT images was 95.06%,84.83%,92.27%and 95.78%,respectively,which were all higher than those of the other layer selection networks.In segmentation of SM,SAT,IMAT and overall,DSC and IoU of UNet++network were all higher,while 95HD of UNet++network were all lower than those of the other segmentation networks.Using DenseNet as the layer selection network and UNet++as the segmentation network,MAE of the automatic body composition analysis system for predicting SM,SAT,IMAT,VAT and MAE was 27.09,6.95,6.65 and 3.35 cm 2,respectively.Conclusion The body composition analysis system based on chest CT could be used to assess content of chest muscle and adipose.Among them,the UNet++network had better segmentation performance in adipose tissue than SM. 展开更多
关键词 body composition THORAX muscle skeletal adipose tissue deep learning tomography X-ray computed
0D-1D coupling model and 3D fluid-structure interaction model based on coronary CT angiography for displaying hemodynamic characteristics of coronary artery stenosis
作者 LIU Shanfeng LU Xiaochen +1 位作者 TIAN Hao WU Huiqun 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1236-1241,共6页
Objective To observe value of 0D-1D coupling model and 3D fluid-structure interaction(FSI)model based on coronary CT angiography(CCTA)for displaying hemodynamic characteristics of coronary artery stenosis.Methods Base... Objective To observe value of 0D-1D coupling model and 3D fluid-structure interaction(FSI)model based on coronary CT angiography(CCTA)for displaying hemodynamic characteristics of coronary artery stenosis.Methods Based on CCTA data of the stenosed left anterior descending branch(LAD)in a patient with coronary heart disease,an 0D-1D coupling model and 3D FSI model were built,respectively.Then hemodynamic characteristic indexes,including the pressure,flow velocity and wall shear stress(WSS)were obtained in every 0.01 s during 1 s at 5 sampling points(i.e.sampling point 1—5)using these 2 models,respectively,and the consistencies of the results between models were evaluated with Spearman correlation coefficient r s.Results The time consuming for construction of 0D-1D coupling model and 3D FSI model was 0.033 min and 704 min,respectively.Both models showed basically distribution of the pressure,flow velocity and WSS of the stenosed LAD.For more details,the pressure at the stenosed segment of LAD and the proximal segment of stenosis were both higher,which gradually decreased at the distal segment of stenosis,and the flow velocity at the proximal segment of stenosis was in a relatively slow and uniform condition,with significantly increased flow velocity and WSS at the stenosed segment.Compared with 3D FSI model,0D-1D vascular coupling model was relatively unrefined and lack of distal flow lines when displaying blood flow velocity.For sampling point 2 at the stenosed segment of LAD,no significant consistency for pressure between 2 models was found(P=0.118),but strong consistency for the flow velocity and WSS(r s=0.730,0.807,both P<0.05).The consistencies of pressure,flow velocity and WSS between 2 models at the proximal and distal segment of stenosis,i.e.1,3—5 sampling points were week to moderate(r s=0.237—0.669,all P<0.05).Conclusion 0D-1D coupling model exhibited outstanding computational efficiency and might provide relatively reasonable results,while 3D FSI model showed higher accuracy for details and streamline when simulating LAD stenosis. 展开更多
关键词 coronary stenosis HEMODYNAMICS coronary angiography tomography X-ray computed
多囊卵巢综合征卵巢超声影像学特征及其与内分泌代谢异常的相关性分析 被引量:14
作者 谢梦 周毓青 林金芳 《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期673-676,共4页
目的研究多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者卵巢的超声影像学特征,并分析PCOS卵巢超声影像学特征与内分泌代谢异常的相关关系。方法2006年8月至2007年3月在复旦大学附属妇产科医院对396例PCOS患者(PCOS组)和50例基础体温(BBT)双相的不孕症患者(... 目的研究多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者卵巢的超声影像学特征,并分析PCOS卵巢超声影像学特征与内分泌代谢异常的相关关系。方法2006年8月至2007年3月在复旦大学附属妇产科医院对396例PCOS患者(PCOS组)和50例基础体温(BBT)双相的不孕症患者(正常对照组)采用经阴道二维超声和彩色多普勒超声测定卵巢的卵泡数(FN)、卵巢体积(2D-OV)、卵巢间质动脉搏动指数(PI)和阻力指数(RI);其中87例PCOS患者和所有对照者测定了卵巢间质面积(SA)和卵巢总面积(TA)。研究对象均测定相关内分泌代谢指标。结果PCOS组2D-OV、FN、SA/TA均显著高于对照组;PCOS组卵巢间质动脉PI、RI均显著低于对照组。PCOS组SA、TA、2D-OV与黄体生成素(LH)/卵泡刺激素(FSH)比值和睾酮(T)呈正相关;PCOS组卵巢间质动脉PI、RI与BMI、稳态模型的胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)呈负相关。结论PCOS卵巢的超声影像学特征性为卵巢体积增大,小卵泡数目增多,卵巢间质面积增大,间质回声增强,卵巢间质血流丰富。不同分型的PCOS以上改变有程度差异。PCOS卵巢超声影像学参数与内分泌代谢指标具有相关性。 展开更多
关键词 多囊卵巢综合征 超声 内分泌代谢参数
不同类型的皮质下动脉硬化性脑病患者脂质代谢紊乱特征分析 被引量:2
作者 徐文全 张恒义 +2 位作者 谢春庭 高国俊 王朔 《中国实用医药》 2011年第1期54-55,共2页
目的 分析不同类型的皮质下动脉硬化性脑病(SAE)患者脂质代谢紊乱特征。方法对79例SAE患者进行了CT影像学分型(GOTO方法),根据分型进行分组比较各型之间血清脂质指标浓度分布。结果 79例SAE患者中,GOTOⅠ型患者31例,Ⅱ和Ⅲ型患者4... 目的 分析不同类型的皮质下动脉硬化性脑病(SAE)患者脂质代谢紊乱特征。方法对79例SAE患者进行了CT影像学分型(GOTO方法),根据分型进行分组比较各型之间血清脂质指标浓度分布。结果 79例SAE患者中,GOTOⅠ型患者31例,Ⅱ和Ⅲ型患者48例。Ⅱ和Ⅲ型患者的血清总胆固醇、三酰甘油、低密度脂蛋白浓度均明显高于Ⅰ型组,而前者中血清高密度脂蛋白浓度则明显低于后者(P〈0.05~0.01)。结论 GOTO分类Ⅱ和Ⅲ型患者常常合并有血清脂类代谢紊乱。 展开更多
关键词 动脉硬化性脑病 CT/像 GOTO分型 血清脂质
On Formative Assessment in College English Teaching 被引量:10
作者 鄢家利 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期37-41,共5页
Teaching assessment plays a very important part in college English teaching, and effective formative assessment can encourage students' learner autonomy, improve their ability, and stimulate their creativity as well.... Teaching assessment plays a very important part in college English teaching, and effective formative assessment can encourage students' learner autonomy, improve their ability, and stimulate their creativity as well. Based on the foreign and domestic studies, this paper first reviews the definition and types of assessment, and then analyses the factors which influence the application of formative assessment in the process of college English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 formative assessment college English teaching FACTOR
Imaging of the Extra-axial Tumors and Tumor-like Lesions Involving both Middle and Posterior Cranial Fossae: Classification and Diagnosis
作者 张云亭 康立清 孙世梅 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第1期21-25,66,共6页
Objective: To study the imaging features of extra-axial tumors and tumor-likelesions involving both middle and posterior cranial fossae and to make a classification. Methods:Sixty cases of pathologically confirmed ext... Objective: To study the imaging features of extra-axial tumors and tumor-likelesions involving both middle and posterior cranial fossae and to make a classification. Methods:Sixty cases of pathologically confirmed extra-axil tumors and tumor-like lesions involving bothmiddle and posterior cranial fossae were analyzed. They were divided into central and lateral types,the latter of which were subdivided into three types: middle cranial fossae type, posterior cranialfossae type and the over-riding type. The constitution and imaging features of each type wereanalyzed. Results: There were 12 cases of central type, including chordoma (n=5), pituitary adenoma(n=3), nasopharyngeal carcinoma (n=2), craniopharyn-gioma (n=1) and meningioma (n=l). 48 cases oflateral type including trigeminal nerve tumors (n=14), meningioma (n=12), epidermoid cyst (n=11),dural cavernous hemangioma (n=4), dermoid cyst (n=2), metastasis (n=2), hemangiopericytoma (n=1),paraganglioma of glonius jugular (n=1) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (n=1). Each type of the lesionshad its own shape features, some of which were characteristic for some specific tumors. Most of thetumors and tumor-like lesions could be qualitatively diagnosed according to their imagingcharacteristics and the extent of the lesions could be defined definitely. Conclusion: It is helpfulto categorize extra-axial tumors and tumor-like lesions involving both middle and posterior cranialfossae according to their location for qualitative diagnosis and description of the extent of theselesions. It is of great clinical value in providing more precise and thorough imaging informationfor planning therapeutic methods and route of operation. 展开更多
关键词 tumor extra-axial cranial fossae tomography X-ray computed magneticresonance imaging
作者 胡光霞 钱志余 +3 位作者 孙涛 杨天明 王文宏 谢捷如 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2010年第1期39-44,共6页
Imaging technologies are utilized to study the brain morphology and the functions of rat models of Parkinson disease (PD). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) are used to ob... Imaging technologies are utilized to study the brain morphology and the functions of rat models of Parkinson disease (PD). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) are used to obtain morphological imaging data. Functional imaging data, such as the spectrum and blood flow changes are obtained by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) and CT perfusion (CTP). Results show that PD rat models have no characteristic morphological imaging abnormalities, but exist regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) reductions and spectral changes in the striatum. 展开更多
关键词 medical imaging brain morphology Parkinson disease magnetic resonance imaging CT perfusion
Multivariate Analysis of Recurrence in Meningioma
作者 吴涛 吴志敏 +1 位作者 袁先厚 陈卫国 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第1期26-29,66,共5页
Objective: To evaluate the clinical and radiological factors that affect therecurrence of the meningioma patient so as to effectively prevent and cure recurrence of meningiomapatients more earlier. Methods: The clinic... Objective: To evaluate the clinical and radiological factors that affect therecurrence of the meningioma patient so as to effectively prevent and cure recurrence of meningiomapatients more earlier. Methods: The clinical features and radiological aspects in 145 cases ofmeningiomas undergoing operation during 1993-1997 were retrospectively studied. The data of only 83cases of all 145 cases were available. The factors were evaluated with univariate and multivariateanalysis. Results: With univariate analysis, 7 factors showed highly significance to recurrence ofmeningiomas: tumor size, tumor location, tumor shape, edema, extent of resection, pathologicalgrade, CT enhancement. With multivariate analysis, 4 factors showed significant danger to recurrenceof meningiomas: pathological grade, extent of resection, tumor shape and CT enhancement.Conclusion: The main factors that affect the recurrence of meningioma patients are pathologicalgrade, extent of resection, tumor shape and CT enhancement. 展开更多
关键词 MENINGIOMA clinical factors radiological features RECURRENCE
Anemia in Rural China’s Elementary Schools: Prevalence and Correlates in Northwest Area 被引量:1
作者 蔡颖萍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期546-548,共3页
[Objective] The goal of this paper was to measure anemia prevalence and identify factors that correlate with anemia among school-aged children in rural areas, provide a scientific basis for effective prevention and tr... [Objective] The goal of this paper was to measure anemia prevalence and identify factors that correlate with anemia among school-aged children in rural areas, provide a scientific basis for effective prevention and treatment. [Method] The data set covered three provinces in northwest area. We detected hemoglobin of the sample pupils randomly chosen from the 3rd-6th grade of 305 rural elementary schools in 26 poor counties, and carried out questionnaires among them. [Result] 25.24% of the pupils had anemia, most of them were girl and the lower grade stu- dents. The multiple-regression revealed that the eating habits and family condition had certain impact on their anemia. [Conclusion] Anemia is still a serious problem of rural pupils. Improving diet conditions, providing balanced meals, enhancing the knowledge of the principals, teachers and parents about anemia and the importance of students' nutritional status and health contribute to the prevention and treatment of anemia of rural pupils. 展开更多
关键词 Rural pupils ANEMIA Influencing factors
作者 况建国 郝向阳 徐庚生 《江西医学院学报》 1989年第1期55-57,共3页
7例经手术和病理证实的脊髓硬膜外血管瘤。其中海绵状血管瘤2例;蔓状静脉血管瘤1例;毛细血管瘤3例;脂肪血管瘤1例。该病好发于 T_3 和 T_4~T_6部位,瘤体多位于硬膜外背侧。椎管造影可提高该病诊断率。早期手术治疗效果好。
关键词 硬脊膜外血管瘤 检查 临床表现 手术治疗
胎教存在的问题及改进方法 被引量:1
作者 唐蓉芳 《西部医学》 2007年第4期632-633,共2页
胎教对胎儿几乎没有直接的积极作用,相反,现在的胎教可能会对胎儿产生伤害。医生擅自使用未经科学验证和卫生部门批准的胎教方法进行临床试验,是有违医学论理的。本文论述了胎教存在的问题,胎教中对胎儿的不良影响,并提出了胎教对母体... 胎教对胎儿几乎没有直接的积极作用,相反,现在的胎教可能会对胎儿产生伤害。医生擅自使用未经科学验证和卫生部门批准的胎教方法进行临床试验,是有违医学论理的。本文论述了胎教存在的问题,胎教中对胎儿的不良影响,并提出了胎教对母体的心理学价值,同时对现在的胎教改进提出了新的观点。 展开更多
关键词 胎教 伦理 不良 心理作用
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