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作者 谭金波 《镇江高专学报》 2023年第4期20-24,共5页
“三言二拍”是明代拟话本小说的代表作品,生动反映了广大民众的生活状态和精神世界。晚得子情节在“三言二拍”中出现频率较高,情节类型主要分为善恶报应、因果轮回、礼佛诵经三类。晚得子情节体现了诸多当时社会心理:绵延血脉,多子多... “三言二拍”是明代拟话本小说的代表作品,生动反映了广大民众的生活状态和精神世界。晚得子情节在“三言二拍”中出现频率较高,情节类型主要分为善恶报应、因果轮回、礼佛诵经三类。晚得子情节体现了诸多当时社会心理:绵延血脉,多子多福;养儿防老,天伦之乐;守家继业,财不外流。 展开更多
关键词 得子 “三言二拍” 话本
用“得子吉祥丸”治疗不孕症的临床体会 被引量:1
作者 李红 白钢 《内蒙古中医药》 1993年第3期11-13,共3页
我们自1973年~1991年用自己研制的蒙药验方“得子吉祥丸”辨证施治158名不孕症患者,取得较满意的疗效,治愈率女方达60.1%,男方达60%,现将粗浅临床体会介绍如下:我们诊治的不孕症患者,系指夫妇同居2年以上未避孕而不受孕者,或者曾生育又... 我们自1973年~1991年用自己研制的蒙药验方“得子吉祥丸”辨证施治158名不孕症患者,取得较满意的疗效,治愈率女方达60.1%,男方达60%,现将粗浅临床体会介绍如下:我们诊治的不孕症患者,系指夫妇同居2年以上未避孕而不受孕者,或者曾生育又隔2年以上未再受孕者.男女不孕均有先天和后天的原因,本文重点讨论因后天因素引起的各种不孕症.蒙医认为生育是男女双方的事情,只有无病的精血(卵子) 展开更多
关键词 得子吉祥丸 蒙医药疗法 不育症
作者 邵平和 亓秀梅 《淄博师专学报》 2007年第4期49-52,共4页
关键词 单县方言 音变
作者 马戈 《棋艺(象棋)》 2019年第4期71-73,共3页
【第五十二回假把式盗名欺世真小人得子生疑】上回书说到大柱害人不成反害己,死于乱箭之下。县太爷虽逃得性命,但兵丁损失惨重,死伤一多半。县太爷回来写折子,说翠枰山匪徒现匿于七里坪一带,本县亲率士卒深入虎穴,与匪激战。虽有伤亡,... 【第五十二回假把式盗名欺世真小人得子生疑】上回书说到大柱害人不成反害己,死于乱箭之下。县太爷虽逃得性命,但兵丁损失惨重,死伤一多半。县太爷回来写折子,说翠枰山匪徒现匿于七里坪一带,本县亲率士卒深入虎穴,与匪激战。虽有伤亡,但也毙敌多名。且探明虚实,七里坪聚有匪众百余人,精华俱在,切不可掉以轻心。亟请朝廷再遣精兵,扫荡草寇云云。安平县的奏报送到朝廷,恰好和孙国栋被杀的案子对上了。 展开更多
关键词 七里坪 得子 把式 安平县 性命 侠侣 朝廷 县太爷
作者 乐弈 《棋牌世界(象棋)》 2003年第11期23-23,共1页
关键词 中局 中国象棋 棋局讲解 得子战略
作者 乐弈 《棋牌世界(象棋)》 2003年第9期24-25,共2页
关键词 中国象棋 战略目标 中盘杀局 中局夺先 中局得子 中局占优 中局媾和 “杀着”“杀法”
High Speed Image Acquisition & Neutral Particle Count Systems and the RTX Research
作者 LI Guohui CHEN Liaoyuan LUO Cuiwen 《Southwestern Institute of Physics Annual Report》 2005年第1期82-84,共3页
In HL-2A tokamak experiment, high speed image acquisitoin system grabs images and shows them in real-time. It provides serial images of discharge to help scientists a lot to analyse the experiment. Neutral particle co... In HL-2A tokamak experiment, high speed image acquisitoin system grabs images and shows them in real-time. It provides serial images of discharge to help scientists a lot to analyse the experiment. Neutral particle count system counts the number of neutral particles radiated from fusion plasmas. It provides the data to calculate the ion energy. 展开更多
关键词 Image acquisition Neutral particle count RTX
Availability of Myoglobin as a Molecular Marker for Phylogenetic Relationships of Fish
作者 Ming-Chih Huang Yoshihiro Ochiai Shugo Watabe 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2018年第2期131-143,共13页
In order to elucidate the phylogenetic relationship of fish, DNA and deduced amino acid sequences of myoglobin (Mb) were used for the phylogenetic analyses based on different approaches, namely, maximum likelihood ... In order to elucidate the phylogenetic relationship of fish, DNA and deduced amino acid sequences of myoglobin (Mb) were used for the phylogenetic analyses based on different approaches, namely, maximum likelihood (ML), neighbor joining (NJ), unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means (UPGMA) and maximum parsimony (MP) methods in comparison with the conventional molecular markers, mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt-b) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI). The phylogenetic trees drawn based on Mb sequences were similar to those by the traditional classification based on the other molecular markers. The primary and secondary structures, as well as the modeled tertiary structures of Mbs were similar to each other, but were clearly distinguishable among those species. Such differences in structure would be associated with adaptation of Mb molecule to the physiological conditions of each species. These results suggest that Mb can be a molecular marker for the phylogenetic relationship of fish. 展开更多
关键词 MYOGLOBIN mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt-b) cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) phylogeny.
Utilization of Mill Effluent for Growth, Availability and Uptake of Nutrients by Palm Oil Seedlings
作者 Nenny Nurlaeny Mahfud Arifin Denny Sobardini 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2017年第5期332-338,共7页
A large amount of palm oil mill effluent is one of the issues faced by palm oil producers in Indonesia. To alleviate the environmental pollution, it is necessary to reduce the problem by using it as a liquid organic f... A large amount of palm oil mill effluent is one of the issues faced by palm oil producers in Indonesia. To alleviate the environmental pollution, it is necessary to reduce the problem by using it as a liquid organic fertilizer. A pot experiment to determine the effects of mill effluent on growth of palm oil seedlings (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), availability and uptake of macronutrients was conducted in Tandun Plantation Unit, province of Riau, Indonesia. The experiment used a randomized block design, consisting nine combinations of mill effluent doses (3.2, 6.4 and 9.6 L) and recommended fertilizer doses (100%, 75%, 50% NPKMg) in 20 kg soil and one control. The experiment was replicated three times. The results showed that plant height, stem diameter and number of fronds of palm oil seedlings at 26 weeks after planting (WAP) were significantly affected by application of 9.6 L mill effluent with 50%-75% NPKMg, The enhancement of soil organic C (Co,g) content, soil pH and cation exchange capacity due to the application of 9.6 L mill effluent combined with 50% NPKMg caused the availability of soil P and total N (Ntot) increased significantly, while exchangeable K was affected by application of 6.4 L mill effluent combined with 100% NPKMg. All treatments did not affect soil exchangeable Mg. A positive correlation between availability of soil N, P, K and its uptake by palm oil seedlings at 26 WAP were indicated by r = 0.61, 0.63 and 0.57, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 K Mg mill effluent N palm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) phosphate.
作者 马丁 熊小熊(整理) 《中学生百科》 2019年第27期13-15,共3页
今天我想跟大家聊聊我的父亲。我爸出生在浙江的农村,20世纪50年代的时候,他就考上了大学,是那个时代的'杰出代表'。他学好了数理化,从此走遍天下都不怕。我爸40岁的时候我出生了。我在我妈肚子里就开始琢磨,将来的日子一定差不... 今天我想跟大家聊聊我的父亲。我爸出生在浙江的农村,20世纪50年代的时候,他就考上了大学,是那个时代的'杰出代表'。他学好了数理化,从此走遍天下都不怕。我爸40岁的时候我出生了。我在我妈肚子里就开始琢磨,将来的日子一定差不了,肯定吃香的喝辣的。他中年得子,一定会溺爱我的,对不对?非常幸运的是,我爸跟我的想法不谋而合。 展开更多
关键词 农村 世纪 数理化 时候 父亲 杰出代表 时代 得子
作者 于艳 《好家长》 2018年第56期67-67,共1页
看过一则'歪脖树'的古老故事,讲述了一个幸福快乐的家庭,夫妻俩中年得子,他们娇惯孩子,以至于孩子在十五六岁就成了人们公认的一害,后来他因父亲赴宴没带他去,就杀父(但没有杀死)后逃走。在外漂泊,历经千辛万苦,他终于回头,还... 看过一则'歪脖树'的古老故事,讲述了一个幸福快乐的家庭,夫妻俩中年得子,他们娇惯孩子,以至于孩子在十五六岁就成了人们公认的一害,后来他因父亲赴宴没带他去,就杀父(但没有杀死)后逃走。在外漂泊,历经千辛万苦,他终于回头,还做了一庄主的上门女婿。后来父母逃难到他的庄园,想与儿子见上一面。他却执意不见,还让父母把门前的歪脖树扳直。父母困惑,他说出了原委,历经磨难的他认识到当初正是父母的骄纵使他长成了一棵歪脖树。 展开更多
关键词 父母 娇惯 脖树 磨难 得子
作者 张修东 《班组天地》 2017年第9期90-91,共2页
在年近半百的时间节点上,我的梦想终于变为现实——历经十几年笔耕不辍,我的散文集《纸上河流》出版了。手捧书籍,我简直有点像中年得子,百看不厌,爱不释手。散文集的付梓印行,不得不说,是阅读为我一步步地前行在铺路,也为我走好走久文... 在年近半百的时间节点上,我的梦想终于变为现实——历经十几年笔耕不辍,我的散文集《纸上河流》出版了。手捧书籍,我简直有点像中年得子,百看不厌,爱不释手。散文集的付梓印行,不得不说,是阅读为我一步步地前行在铺路,也为我走好走久文学之路夯实了根基。书籍,是伴随我人生的物件,小人书、课外书、文学书的阅读,循序渐进,无一不是与文有缘与书结缘。 展开更多
关键词 现实 根基 物件 河流 书籍 节点 铺路 散文集 得子
《天天爱学习(五年级)》 2016年第16期11-11,共1页
关键词 中年得子 溺爱 生活哲学 生活哲理
作者 石志亮 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2008年第6期91-101,128,共12页
This study explored the effects of three learning strategies—guessing from context, using e-dictionary, and combined guessing and e-dictionary method—on EFL students' incidental vocabulary acquisition. The study... This study explored the effects of three learning strategies—guessing from context, using e-dictionary, and combined guessing and e-dictionary method—on EFL students' incidental vocabulary acquisition. The study produced evidence that students in the e-dictionary treatment significantly outperformed students in the guessing treatment; the combined treatment group significantly produced higher scores than the guessing treatment group and the e-dictionary treatment group; high English proficiency students demonstrate more gains than those with low proficiency in word knowledge. 展开更多
关键词 incidental vocabulary acquisition learning strategy e-dictionary READING
Coronarenes: recent advances and perspectives on macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry 被引量:2
作者 Mei-Xiang Wang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期993-1003,共11页
Synthetic macrocyclic host molecules always play an essential role in the establishment and development of supramolecular chemistry. Along with the continuous interests in the study of classical macrocycles, recent de... Synthetic macrocyclic host molecules always play an essential role in the establishment and development of supramolecular chemistry. Along with the continuous interests in the study of classical macrocycles, recent decades have witnessed the emergence and rapid development of the chemistry and supramolecular chemistry of novel and functional macrocycles. Owing to their easy availability, a self-tunable V-shaped cavity resulted from 1,3-alternate conformation, and diversified electronic features steered by the interplay between heteroatom linkages and aromatic rings, heteracalixaromatics act as a type of versatile and powerful macrocyclic hosts in molecular recognition and fabrication of supramolecular systems. Very recently, by means of engineering the bond connectivity or the recombination of chemical bonds within heteracalixaromatics, we have devised coronarenes, a new generation of macrocycles. In this concise review, macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry of coronarenes are summarized in the order of their syntheses, structural features, molecular recognition and self-assembly properties. In the last part of this article, personal perspectives on the study of macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry will also be discussed. 展开更多
关键词 coronarenes heteracalixaromatics macrocycles molecular recognition non-covalent bond INTERACTIONS
Numerical experiments of disturbance to the solar atmosphere caused by eruptions 被引量:3
作者 MEI ZhiXing UDO Ziegler LIN Jun 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期1316-1329,共14页
Despite extensive research on various global waves in solar eruptions, debate continues on the intrinsic nature of them. In this work, we performed numerical experiments of the coronal mass ejection with emphases on t... Despite extensive research on various global waves in solar eruptions, debate continues on the intrinsic nature of them. In this work, we performed numerical experiments of the coronal mass ejection with emphases on the associated large-scale MHD waves. A fast-mode shock forms in front of the flux rope during the eruption with a dimming region following it, and the development of a three-component structure of the ejecta is observed. At the flank of the flux rope, the slow-mode shock and the velocity vortices are also invoked. The dependence of the eruption energetics on the strength of the background field and the coronal plasma density distribution is apparent: the stronger the background field is, and/or the lower the coronal plasma density is, the more energetic the eruption is. In the lower Alfven speed environment, the slow mode shock and the large scale velocity vortices may be the source of the EIT wave. In the high Alfvdn speed environment, on the other hand, the echo due to the reflection of the fast shock on the bottom boundary could be so strong that its interaction with the slow mode shock and the velocity vortices produces the second echo propagating downward and causing the secondary disturbance to the boundary surface. We suggest that this second echo, together with the slow shock and the velocity vortices, could constitute a possible candidate of the source for the EIT wave. 展开更多
关键词 sun: coronal mass ejections sun: flares sun: magnetic fields plasmas: MHD waves plasma: shock waves
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