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睡虎地秦简法律文书集释(六):《秦律杂抄》 被引量:2
作者 中国政法大学中国法制史基础史料研读会 《中国古代法律文献研究》 2017年第1期1-62,共62页
本文对《秦律杂抄》予以集释,就一些字句提出理解:1简中的“上造以上”是对被任命为“守啬夫”“假佐”之人的特别要求,除吏律条文规范“不从令”象是具有除吏权之人.4筒的“不避席立”即不离开席位,亦可读为“不避席、立”,席或者站... 本文对《秦律杂抄》予以集释,就一些字句提出理解:1简中的“上造以上”是对被任命为“守啬夫”“假佐”之人的特别要求,除吏律条文规范“不从令”象是具有除吏权之人.4筒的“不避席立”即不离开席位,亦可读为“不避席、立”,席或者站立都是不恭敬的违法行为.5简(被赀一甲者进行追缴的期限为一年;又“削籍”是指帮助故秦人出境的犯罪行为,而“上造以上为鬼薪,公士以下刑为城旦”,而被“赀二甲”的对可解作“不避席位”,在听命书时不离开座“卒岁,责之”,是指向是针对非法削籍的犯罪者具有不同爵位时所做的特别规定.6简中的“当除弟子籍不得”,或可以“当除弟子籍”为主语,“不得”为谓语,意为没有做到在薄籍上登记任用弟子;或可读为“当除弟子,籍不得”,解释为“有人应当被任命为弟子,人口登记却不允许这么做”.10简的“粼从军者”,应指挑选适合作战的军马而非从军之骑士.11简的“负从马”是承担运载的随从马匹,其为公家所有而非属私人.13~14简的“戍一岁”与“一盾”,应是承前“赀戍某岁”或“赀某甲”而省略了“赀”字.15~16简“弃劳”,是指因擅自增加劳绩天数的不法行为,故将本次申报的实际合法的劳绩天数取消,“弃劳”与因考核未达标而剥夺合法劳绩的“夺劳”有所不同.17简中的“丞”或为工师之丞,从连带责任看,工师被赀一甲,则工师的副手被赀一盾也比较合理.21~22简“采山重殿”的“重”是轻重之“重”,是指比“殿而不负费”之“殿”更为严重的情况,因此要被赀.24~25简前句的处罚对象是工匠,后句的处罚对象也是工匠,二者的处罚对象、行为、方式(赀)正相应.26简的“·公车司马”与27简的“猎律·”,在格式上符合林清源先生对睡虎地秦简章题划分的第二、三样式,但连读后的格式也符合第一样式,即“·公车司马猎律.27简的“赀二盾”虽是孤例,但也无法完全排除在本简中的序列作用.从28简“六匹以下到一匹,赀一盾”推测,“赀一盾”已是最低惩罚,其前还应有更高的处罚等级,故何四维先生漏抄或缺简的怀疑不无道理.29简或可句读为“膚吏乘马,笃、紫(觜)及不会膚期,赀各一盾”.32~33简的“敢为酢(诈)伪者”,是对“百姓不当老,至老时不用请”行为的法律判断;“皆迁之”适用于墨点后内容涉及的全部对象.34简的“宿”,也有可能指一般性的驻地防守;“宿者已上守除,擅下”,或可读作“宿者已上,守除、擅下”,“守除”有擅离职守之意.35-36简所载律条的立意在于惩罚论功行赏时弄虚作假的行为,故处耐刑的对象应是假报者.37简“除伍人”之“除”为“无罪”或“不问罪”之意;“不死者归,以为隶臣”的意思是前述未死之人归来,由于其“不出”不是为骗取爵位,因此“以为隶臣”并不是刑罚;或说因其被推定死亡,权利义务丧失,归来后只能作为隶臣. 展开更多
关键词 除吏 削籍 负从马 弃劳 重殿
作者 董飛 方晴 《简帛研究》 2021年第2期250-258,共9页
漢語中的詞彙往往會隨着語境的變化,在本意的基礎上産生衍生義。譬如“從馬”“從車騎”字面意義來看是馬和車騎,但在具體語境下則同時指代馬與騎手、車騎與馭手。軍内法規“數”的管理對象顯然是這些騎手、馭手而非馬匹和車騎。這些騎... 漢語中的詞彙往往會隨着語境的變化,在本意的基礎上産生衍生義。譬如“從馬”“從車騎”字面意義來看是馬和車騎,但在具體語境下則同時指代馬與騎手、車騎與馭手。軍内法規“數”的管理對象顯然是這些騎手、馭手而非馬匹和車騎。這些騎手與馭手并非正式的兵卒而是長官的私兵,稱“私卒”。上孫家寨漢墓所出“目録簡”中一些概念的認識以及簡文的標點方式,應該有所調整。此外,“從馬數使私卒”後當脱一“數”字,嚴謹的法律文書中出現了本不該有的脱文,説明這批簡牘并不是日常使用的軍隊内部法規的原本,很可能是爲墓主隨葬事宜臨時抄寫而成的副本。 展开更多
关键词 上孫家寨漢墓 從馬 私卒 軍法
Modern Ab-initio Calculations Based on Tomas-Fermi-Dirac Theory with Quantum, Correlation and Multi-shells Corrections
作者 Sergey Seriy 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第7期744-750,共7页
Thomas-Fermi theory is an approximate method, which is widely used to describe the properties of matter at various hierarchical levels (atomic nucleus, atom, molecule, solid, etc.). Special development is achieved u... Thomas-Fermi theory is an approximate method, which is widely used to describe the properties of matter at various hierarchical levels (atomic nucleus, atom, molecule, solid, etc.). Special development is achieved using Thomas-Fermi theory to the theory of extreme states of matter appearing under high pressures, high temperatures or strong external fields. Relevant sections of physics and related sciences (astrophysics, quantum chemistry, a number of applied sciences) determine the scope of Thomas-Fermi theory. Popularity Thomas-Fermi theory is related to its relative simplicity, clarity and versatility. The latter means that result of the calculation by Thomas-Fermi theory applies immediately to all chemical elements: the transition from element to element is as simple scale transformation. These features make it highly convenient tool for qualitative and, in many cases, quantitative analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Quantum mechanics ab-initio calculations Thomas-Fermi theory material science.
Motivation Factors: Impact on Sales Commission Plan Employees in a Telecommunication Company in Malaysia
作者 Zainal Abu Zarim Hafizah Omar Zaki Nur Liyana Mohd Maridz 《Management Studies》 2016年第4期139-148,共10页
The purpose of this study is to uncover factors of motivation among account executives in a telecommunication company after the improvement of sales commission plan program in year 2014. Factors of motivation, such as... The purpose of this study is to uncover factors of motivation among account executives in a telecommunication company after the improvement of sales commission plan program in year 2014. Factors of motivation, such as monetary reward, recognition, affiliation, job security, and work environment that influence account executives motivation have been highlighted. Quantitative method was used in this study with the help of questionnaire data collection. The questionnaires were distributed among one of the telecommunication company account executives. The study found that there are significant differences in motivation level between gender, age, year of service, salary, and workplace of account executives. Monetary reward, job security, and work environment were found as the significant drivers to motivate account executives. The study also found that improvement on public recognition and affiliation factors failed to bring positive impact towards account executives motivation. Consistently, the findings can conclude that there is a relationship between account executives and sales commission plan that can lead to increase in motivation. Despite the positive result, the study can suggest the company to improve its bottom-line where sales commission plan program needs further revision in accordance with account executives factors of motivation. 展开更多
关键词 motivation factors sales commission plan account executives telecommunication company
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