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天山北麓岩石漆显微层理层序的初步建立及其年代学意义 被引量:5
作者 周本刚 柳覃卓 张裕明 《地震地质》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期301-308,共8页
对天山地区的调查发现天山北麓有较好的岩石漆发育。利用特殊的超薄片磨制技术,在对100 个岩石漆超薄切片的显微影象分析对比后,初步建立了研究区内晚更新世以来岩石漆显微层理的标准层序,经过年代校正后,给出了该层序的大致年代控制。... 对天山地区的调查发现天山北麓有较好的岩石漆发育。利用特殊的超薄片磨制技术,在对100 个岩石漆超薄切片的显微影象分析对比后,初步建立了研究区内晚更新世以来岩石漆显微层理的标准层序,经过年代校正后,给出了该层序的大致年代控制。并对其在估计河流阶地、断层陡坎等地貌面时代方面的应用作了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 相对年代学 天山 岩石漆 微层理层序
新疆北天山地区岩石漆显微层理及其古气候意义 被引量:3
作者 周本刚 柳覃卓 张裕明 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第13期1445-1448,共4页
新疆北天山地区的岩石漆中发育有横向上连续的黑色和橙色显微层理 .电子探针显微化学分析表明 ,岩石漆中黑色层理富含锰 ,而橙色层理相对只含少量的锰 .岩石漆超薄切片的光学显微镜分析揭示 ,岩石漆的显微层理结构在区域尺度上具有一致... 新疆北天山地区的岩石漆中发育有横向上连续的黑色和橙色显微层理 .电子探针显微化学分析表明 ,岩石漆中黑色层理富含锰 ,而橙色层理相对只含少量的锰 .岩石漆超薄切片的光学显微镜分析揭示 ,岩石漆的显微层理结构在区域尺度上具有一致性和可对比性 .根据采样面的地貌年代控制 ,初步建立了北天山地区全新世以来岩石漆的显微层理层序 . 展开更多
关键词 岩石漆 微层理 古气候 新疆
雪峰山隧道砂板岩各向异性力学特性的试验研究 被引量:53
作者 高春玉 徐进 +1 位作者 李忠洪 邓建辉 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1360-1364,共5页
利用MTS815 Flex GT岩石力学试验系统,对雪峰山隧道围岩中的砂板岩开展单轴和三轴试验,研究这种砂板岩中的细微层理对岩石变形特性、强度特性及其参数的影响,结果表明:岩石力学特性的各向异性特征显著。层理面与轴向力夹角0°时应力... 利用MTS815 Flex GT岩石力学试验系统,对雪峰山隧道围岩中的砂板岩开展单轴和三轴试验,研究这种砂板岩中的细微层理对岩石变形特性、强度特性及其参数的影响,结果表明:岩石力学特性的各向异性特征显著。层理面与轴向力夹角0°时应力-应变曲线呈不稳定破裂特征,破坏面沿层理面方向发育;夹角90°时曲线呈峰后迅速软化特征,破坏面为对角贯通性剪切破坏。单轴试验中夹角0°的抗压强度比夹角90°高出约20%,弹性模量和变形模量比夹角90°分别约大50%和80%。三轴试验中2种夹角情况破坏时主应力差(σ1?σ3)max相近,夹角0°的弹性模量和变形模量分别比夹角90°时约大6%和20%,围压对砂板岩的各向异性特征有弱化效应。这些结论揭示了该砂板岩各向异性的力学特性,对解决工程实际问题有重要的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 砂板岩 微层理 力学特性 各向异性 试验研究
北京石花洞第四纪钟乳石剖面的年代学研究 被引量:9
作者 吕金波 赵树森 +2 位作者 李铁英 汪训一 李红春 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 2007年第6期993-1002,共10页
北京石花洞位于房山花岗岩体边缘向形带的东北扬起端,与北京猿人遗址南北相望。地层为460Ma前形成的中奥陶统马家沟组石灰岩,洞穴大形态从25Ma前的上新世开始形成,洞内钟乳石从0.37Ma前的中更新世开始形成。在中国岩溶洞穴中,北京石花... 北京石花洞位于房山花岗岩体边缘向形带的东北扬起端,与北京猿人遗址南北相望。地层为460Ma前形成的中奥陶统马家沟组石灰岩,洞穴大形态从25Ma前的上新世开始形成,洞内钟乳石从0.37Ma前的中更新世开始形成。在中国岩溶洞穴中,北京石花洞的层数最多,洞穴钟乳石种类齐全,裂隙渗透水沉积的石盾多、体积大,滴水沉积的石笋叠置关系明显,池水沉积的月奶石发育好,全新世石笋微层理发育清晰。该洞的大形态反映了北京西山新构造运动的期次,可以同华北地文期和永定河阶地对比,洞内钟乳石记录了中更新世以来北京西山古环境的变化,可以建立第四纪剖面,与周口店洞穴群碎屑沉积物剖面进行对比。钙板的铀系年龄为334.99~366.74ka,可定名钙板组。粗犷石笋的铀系年龄为169~235ka,粗犷石笋的电子自旋共振年龄为130~518ka,为中更新世沉积,可定名云水洞组。杆状石笋的铀系年龄为14.9±2.1~100.3±11.1ka,为晚更新世沉积,可定名石花洞组。在全新世石笋中,微层与微层之间存在厚约1μm的条带状纹线,是划分微层层数的标志,具有微层理的石笋14C年龄为为0.58~2.50ka,AMS14C年龄为为130±100~670±130a,可定名守备支洞组。 展开更多
关键词 第四纪钟乳石剖面 石笋微层理 石笋叠置关系 洞穴大形态 北京石花洞
洞穴沉积物的环境记录研究进展 被引量:4
作者 汪福顺 万国江 黄荣贵 《地质地球化学》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期83-87,共5页
云贵高原有着独特的地理环境 ,其气候变迁应与青藏高原这一特殊的高海拔、低纬度的隆升地块有重要关系。洞穴化学沉积物是响应环境变化的地质记录档案 ,通过对它蕴藏的古气候信息的解译 ,可以反演过去的气候变化。本文侧重介绍了洞穴次... 云贵高原有着独特的地理环境 ,其气候变迁应与青藏高原这一特殊的高海拔、低纬度的隆升地块有重要关系。洞穴化学沉积物是响应环境变化的地质记录档案 ,通过对它蕴藏的古气候信息的解译 ,可以反演过去的气候变化。本文侧重介绍了洞穴次生化学沉积物研究近年来取得的最新成果及其研究现状 ,并利用其在古环境研究中的优点 ,来讨论青藏高原的抬升对西南地区环境变化产生的屏蔽效应的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 云贵高原 洞穴沉积物 稳定同位素 微层理 气候变化 环境记录
第四纪石笋剖面的初步建立——以北京石花洞为例 被引量:1
作者 吕金波 李铁英 +2 位作者 汪训一 赵树森 李红春 《地质调查与研究》 2013年第1期63-70,共8页
北京石花洞位于房山花岗岩体边缘向形带的东北扬起端,与北京猿人遗址南北相望,地层均为奥陶系马家沟组石灰岩。洞内石笋记录了中更新世以来北京西山古环境的变化,可以建立第四纪石笋剖面。钙板的铀系年龄为334.99~366.74 ka,定名钙板组... 北京石花洞位于房山花岗岩体边缘向形带的东北扬起端,与北京猿人遗址南北相望,地层均为奥陶系马家沟组石灰岩。洞内石笋记录了中更新世以来北京西山古环境的变化,可以建立第四纪石笋剖面。钙板的铀系年龄为334.99~366.74 ka,定名钙板组(Qp2g)。粗犷石笋的铀系年龄为169~235 ka,粗犷石笋的电子自旋共振年龄为130~518 ka,属中更新世沉积,定名云水洞组(Qp2y)。杆状石笋的铀系年龄为14.9±2.1~100.3±11.1 ka,属晚更新世沉积,定名石花洞组(Qp3sh)。在全新世石笋中,微层与微层之间存在厚约1μm的条带状纹线,是划分微层层数的标志,具有微层理的石笋14C年龄为0.58~2.50 ka,定名守备支洞组(Qhsh)。 展开更多
关键词 第四纪石笋剖面 石笋微层理 石笋叠置关系 北京石花洞
北京石花洞岩溶学研究进展 被引量:2
作者 吕金波 李铁英 +1 位作者 郑明存 王东梅 《城市地质》 2014年第2期11-17,共7页
全面介绍北京石花洞发现与研究的历史、取得的重大成果,以及在岩溶学研究领域所起的作用。石花洞位于北京西山,发现于明朝正统十一年,开发于20世纪80年代。岩溶学研究表明,石花洞洞层多(8层),石盾多(200多个),为世界罕见。在全国范围内... 全面介绍北京石花洞发现与研究的历史、取得的重大成果,以及在岩溶学研究领域所起的作用。石花洞位于北京西山,发现于明朝正统十一年,开发于20世纪80年代。岩溶学研究表明,石花洞洞层多(8层),石盾多(200多个),为世界罕见。在全国范围内,首次发现月奶石,首次发现碳酸钙微层理,首次发现膜足硬肢马陆穴居动物。笔者从地质学、气象学和环境学全面研究了石花洞,测绘精度达到1︰200,进行了氡浓度研究。从溶蚀形态来看,石花洞8层溶洞展示北京西山的8次隆升;从沉积形态来看,石花洞中的粗犷石笋代表中更新世沉积,杆状石笋代表晚更新世沉积,微层理石笋代表全球转暖以来的全新世沉积,奠定了首次建立第四纪石笋剖面的基础。 展开更多
关键词 多层溶洞 石盾 月奶石 石笋微层理 马陆 北京石花洞
北京石花洞的特色 被引量:4
作者 吕金波 李伟 《北京地质》 2000年第4期24-27,共4页
在全国岩溶洞穴中 ,石花洞层数最多 (8层 )、石盾最多 (约 2 0 0个 )、石笋的叠置关系最明显、月奶石发育最好。首次发现碳酸钙微层理和膜足硬肢马陆穴居动物 ,首次在碳酸钙中使用 ESR和 2 10 Pb测年法 ,首次进行氡浓度研究 ,首次从地... 在全国岩溶洞穴中 ,石花洞层数最多 (8层 )、石盾最多 (约 2 0 0个 )、石笋的叠置关系最明显、月奶石发育最好。首次发现碳酸钙微层理和膜足硬肢马陆穴居动物 ,首次在碳酸钙中使用 ESR和 2 10 Pb测年法 ,首次进行氡浓度研究 ,首次从地质学、气象学和环境学进行多角度综合研究。 展开更多
关键词 石花洞 岩溶洞穴 ESR测年 碳酸钙微层理 氡浓度
Effect of thermo-mechanical treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of wire-arc additively manufactured Al-Cu alloy
作者 ZHANG Tao QIN Zhen-yang +2 位作者 GONG Hai WU Yun-xin CHEN Xin 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期2181-2193,共13页
Wire-arc additive manufacture(WAAM)has great potential for manufacturing of Al-Cu components.However,inferior mechanical properties of WAAM deposited material restrict its industrial application.Inter-layer cold rolli... Wire-arc additive manufacture(WAAM)has great potential for manufacturing of Al-Cu components.However,inferior mechanical properties of WAAM deposited material restrict its industrial application.Inter-layer cold rolling and thermo-mechanical heat treatment(T8)with pre-stretching deformation between solution and aging treatment were adopted in this study.Their effects on hardness,mechanical properties and microstructure were analyzed and compared to the conventional heat treatment(T6).The results show that cold rolling increases the hardness and strengths,which further increase with T8 treatment.The ultimate tensile strength(UTS)of 513 MPa and yield stress(YS)of 413 MPa can be obtained in the inter-layer cold-rolled sample with T8 treatment,which is much higher than that in the as-deposited samples.The cold-rolled samples show higher elongation than that of as-deposited ones due to significant elimination of porosity in cold rolling;while both the T6 and T8 treatments decrease the elongation.The cold rolling and pre-stretching deformation both contribute to the formation of dense and dispersive precipitatedθ′phases,which inhibits the dislocation movement and enhances the strengths;as a result,T8 treatment shows better strengthening effect than the T6 treatment.The strengthening mechanism was analyzed and it was mainly related to work hardening and precipitation strengthening. 展开更多
关键词 wire-arc additive manufacture inter-layer cold rolling thermal-mechanical treatment microstructure mechanical properties strengthening mechanism
Nonlinear static characteristics of piezoelectric unimorph bending micro actuators 被引量:1
作者 康新 董萼良 章定国 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第4期603-607,共5页
The nonlinear static characteristic of a piezoelectric unimorph cantilever micro actuator driven by a strong applied electric field is studied based on the couple stress theory.The cantilever actuator consists of a pi... The nonlinear static characteristic of a piezoelectric unimorph cantilever micro actuator driven by a strong applied electric field is studied based on the couple stress theory.The cantilever actuator consists of a piezoelectric layer,a passive(elastic)layer and two electrode layers.First,the nonlinear static characteristic of the actuator caused by the electrostriction of the piezoelectric layer under a strong applied electric field is analyzed using the Rayleigh-Ritz method.Secondly,since the thickness of the cantilever beam is in micro scale and there exists a size effect,the size dependence of the deformation behavior is evaluated using the couple stress theory.The results show that the nonlinearities of the beam deflection increase along with the increase of the applied electric field which means that softening of the micro beam rigidity exists when a strong external electric field is applied.Meanwhile,the optimal value of the thickness ratio for the passive layer and the piezoelectric layer is not around 1.0 which is usually adopted by some previous researchers.Since there exists a size effect of the micro beam deflection,the optimal value of this thickness ratio should be greater than 1.0 in micro scale. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear static characteristic piezoelectric unimorph micro actuator couple stress theory Rayleigh-Ritz method
Intercomparison of different physics schemes in the WRF model over the Asian summer monsoon region 被引量:3
作者 QUE Lin-Jing QUE Wei-Lun FENG Jin-Ming 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第3期169-177,共9页
Enhancing the ability of the WRF model in simulating a large area covering the West Pacific Ocean, China's Mainland, and the East Indian Ocean is very important to improve prediction of the East Asian monsoon clim... Enhancing the ability of the WRF model in simulating a large area covering the West Pacific Ocean, China's Mainland, and the East Indian Ocean is very important to improve prediction of the East Asian monsoon climate. The objective of this study is to identify a reasonable configuration of physical parameterization schemes to simulate the precipitation and temperature in this large area. The Mellor-Yamada-Janjic (MYJ) and Yonsei University (YSU) PBL schemes, the WSM3 and WSM5 microphysics schemes, and the Betts-Miller-Janjic (BMJ) and Tiedtke cumulus schemes are compared through simulation of the regional climate of summer 2008. All cases exhibit a similar spatial distribution of temperature as observed, and the spatial correlation coefficients are all higher than 0.95. The cases combining MY J, WSM3/WSM5, and BMJ have the smallest biases of temperature. The choice of PBL scheme has a significant effect on precipitation in such a large area. The cases with MYJ reproduce a better distribution of rain belts, while YSU strongly overestimates the precipitation intensity. The precipitation simulated using WSM3 is similar to that using WSM5. The BMJ cumulus scheme combined with the MYJ PBL scheme has a smaller bias of precipitation. However, the Tiedtke scheme reproduces the precipitation pattern better, especially over the ITCZ. 展开更多
关键词 WRF model PRECIPITATION temperature PBL scheme microphysics scheme cumulus parameterizationscheme
Fretting wear behavior of Ti/TiN multilayer film on uranium surface under various displacement amplitudes 被引量:2
作者 Yan-ping WU Zheng-yang LI +3 位作者 Wen-jin YANG Sheng-fa ZHU Xian-dong MENG Zhen-bing 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1593-1601,共9页
Ti/TiN multilayer film was deposited on uranium surface by arc ion plating technique to improve fretting wear behavior. The morphology, structure and element distribution of the film were measured by scanning electric... Ti/TiN multilayer film was deposited on uranium surface by arc ion plating technique to improve fretting wear behavior. The morphology, structure and element distribution of the film were measured by scanning electric microscopy(SEM), X-ray diffractometry(XRD) and Auger electron spectroscopy(AES). Fretting wear tests of uranium and Ti/TiN multilayer film were carried out using pin-on-disc configuration. The fretting tests of uranium and Ti/TiN multilayer film were carried out under normal load of 20 N and various displacement amplitudes ranging from 5 to 100 μm. With the increase of the displacement amplitude, the fretting changed from partial slip regime(PSR) to slip regime(SR). The coefficient of friction(COF) increased with the increase of displacement amplitude. The results indicated that the displacement amplitude had a strong effect on fretting wear behavior of the film. The damage of the film was very slight when the displacement amplitude was below 20 μm. The observations indicated that the delamination was the main wear mechanism of Ti/TiN multilayer film in PSR. The main wear mechanism of Ti/TiN multilayer film in SR was delamination and abrasive wear. 展开更多
关键词 Ti/TiN multilayer film fretting wear wear mechanism displacement amplitude
Aircraft observation of cloud microphysical characteristics of pre-stratiform-cloud precipitation in Jiangxi Province 被引量:2
作者 FU Yuan LEI Heng-Chi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2017年第5期364-371,共8页
Based on Droplet Measurement Technologies data of a pre-stratiform-cloud precipitation event in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, on 11 November 2015, and combined with radar data, this paper comprehensively analyzes the mac... Based on Droplet Measurement Technologies data of a pre-stratiform-cloud precipitation event in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, on 11 November 2015, and combined with radar data, this paper comprehensively analyzes the macro-and microphysical characteristics of cloud in the upper trough.The results show that:(1) Detection takes place in the early stage of precipitation and the cloud has multiple layers. The cloud type is stratiform(Sc) and the height of the cloud base is 1009 m, 1009–1700 m is the low Sc layer, 1700–3000 m is the no-cloud level, and 3000 to the maximum height detected is another Sc layer.(2) The Sc is inhomogeneous in the horizontal and vertical directions.The particle number concentration and the effective diameter below the 0 °C layer is significantly higher than that above the 0 °C layer, which is in accordance with the ‘seeder–feeder' mechanism.Above the 0 °C layer is seeder cloud, where needle, column ice crystals and water droplets coexist,and sublimation and coalescence are the main processes. The morphology of ice crystals changes from needle to column, plate, and polymer as height decreases. Below the 0 °C warm layer is a supply cloud, and the particles develop in the supply cloud with abundant liquid water content. Ice melting and coalescence dominate the warm layer, which makes the effective diameter significantly increase. Down to 4150 m, the ice melts completely into raindrops. 展开更多
关键词 Stratiform cloud aircraft observation cloud microphysics Jiangxi Province
Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and tribological properties of flame spraying Fe–Ni–Al alloy coating 被引量:1
作者 Youcef Mouadji Mohand Amokrane Bradai +2 位作者 Rassim Younes Abdelhamid Sad-eddine Abderrahim Benabbas 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第3期473-481,共9页
The Fe-based coatings in powder form were deposited on a steel type E335 by flame spraying technique.The effects of the post heat treatment on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of sprayed coatings were ... The Fe-based coatings in powder form were deposited on a steel type E335 by flame spraying technique.The effects of the post heat treatment on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of sprayed coatings were studied.Post heat treatment was conducted in a furnace in air at 623 K,823 K and 1023 K for 1 h and then cooled in air.The results showed that with the increase of annealing temperature,the microstructure of coating treated at 823 K and 1023 K had several changes as follows:the reduction of porosity,formation of carbides and oxides.It was found that the solid solution FCC(Fe,Ni),intermetallic compound AlFe3 and carbides[Fe,C]were the main phases for coatings as-sprayed and treated at 623 K and while iron carbide,molybdenum carbide and oxide as Fe3O4 became the main phases and reinforced the solid solution FCC(Fe,Ni)phase for annealed coatings at 823 K.However,it was observed the disappearance of molybdenum carbide and oxide Fe3O4 at 1023 K.The coating annealed at 823 K exhibited an excellent wear resistance than the as-sprayed and annealed coatings at 623 K and 1023 K and shows the lower wear rate than another coating treated or as sprayed. 展开更多
关键词 thermal spray coatings post heat treatment MICROSTRUCTURE WEAR
Characterization of EBPVD micro-layer composites and simulation of its internal stress state 被引量:1
作者 史丽萍 赫晓东 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2005年第1期27-30,共4页
Based on the basic operating principal and the technology characteristic of electron beam physical vapor deposition(EBPVD) technique, EBPVD was used to prepare the micro-layer composites. The effect on the substrate p... Based on the basic operating principal and the technology characteristic of electron beam physical vapor deposition(EBPVD) technique, EBPVD was used to prepare the micro-layer composites. The effect on the substrate preheating temperature was taken into accounts and the finite element analysis package ANSYS was used to simulate the internal stress field and the potential displacement changing tendency. The results show that one of the most important quality factors on the judgment of micro-layer composites is the adhesion between the substrate and the deposition layers as well as among the different deposition layers. Besides the existance of temperature gradient through the thickness of layers, the main reason for the internal stress in micro-layer composites is the mismatch of various properties of the layer and the substrate of different thermal expansions and crystal lattice types. With the increase of substrate preheating temperature, the inter-laminar shear stress also takes on a tendency of increase but the axial residual stress decrease. 展开更多
关键词 micro-layer composites electron beam physical vapor deposition residual stress field finite element analysis
Microphysical Structure of a Nimbostratus over Jilin Province Provided by Airborne Observations
作者 ZHAO Zhen LEI Heng-Chi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2009年第6期362-367,共6页
Airborne measurements were collected during a stepwise ascent within a nimbostratus cloud associated with a cold vortex depression over the Jilin Province on 21 June 2005 to study cloud structure and ice particle spec... Airborne measurements were collected during a stepwise ascent within a nimbostratus cloud associated with a cold vortex depression over the Jilin Province on 21 June 2005 to study cloud structure and ice particle spectra. The melting layer of the nimbostratus was clearly defined in the radar images. The microphysical structure of the nimbostratus was elucidated by a King liquid water probe and Particle Measuring Systems (PMS) probes aboard the research aircraft. The PMS 2-D images provided detailed information of ice crystal transformations. A thick layer of supercooled cloud was observed, and the high ice particle concentrations at temperatures ranging from -3℃ to -6℃ were consistent with Hallett-Mossop ice multiplication. The shape of ice crystals from near the cloud top to the melting layer were in the form of columns, needles, aggregations, and plates. In addition, significant horizontal variability was evident on the scale of few hundred meters. Particle spectra in this cloud were adequately described by exponential relationships. Relationship between the intercept (No) and slope (2) parameters of an exponential size distribution was well characterized by a power law. 展开更多
关键词 PMS cloud structure ice multiplication particle spectra
Towards Understanding Paleosols in Southern Levantine Eolianites:Integration of Micromorphology,Environmental Magnetism and Mineralogy 被引量:1
作者 Alexander Tsatskin Tatyana S.Gendler +2 位作者 Friedrich Heller Igal Dekman Gitti L.Frey 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期113-124,共12页
The paper addresses the controversial question of the role of clay-sized dust in the formation of paleosols in coastal eolianites, Israel. At the Habonim type section, the pedocomplex dated by archaeology and luminesc... The paper addresses the controversial question of the role of clay-sized dust in the formation of paleosols in coastal eolianites, Israel. At the Habonim type section, the pedocomplex dated by archaeology and luminescence to 45-135 ka ago shows at least three paleosols, not separated by non-soil sediments. The oldest reddish paleosol (apparently related to MIS 5) is magnetically enhanced, leached from carbonates, with signs of bioturbation and strongly aged clay coatings. The reddening is due to very fine, -20 nm, poorly crystallized, superparamagnetic (SP) hematite, as determined by Mossbauer studies. In subsoil, lithorelics of eolianite are found. Over time, the soil surface aggraded due to accelerated fine dust accumulation alongside local slope wash. On younger materials formed magnetically depleted vertisols, dominated by smectite-type expandable paramagnetic clays. In thin sections, vertisols exhibit strong stipple-speckled and striated b-fabric due to shrink-swell processes, impregnative calcite nodules and Fe-Mn redistribution. The uppermost hydric vertisol shows the strongest expression of juxtaposed features of recurrent calcite and Fe precipitation. This paleosol developed on colluvial soil materials, as evidenced by mixing of clay coated and uncoated grains of quartz and calcite allochems. M6ssbauer spectra show high amounts of Fe(III) incorporated in the clay structure, low amounts of SP goethite and absence of SP hematite. Whilst magnetic susceptibility drops in vertisols to minimal values, increase. The latter along ferrimagnetie grain sizes with differences in the hierarchy of microfabric features is taken as indication for lithologic discontinuities which may have resulted from continuous, albeit variable and low-intensity, input of eolian clay from both remote Saharan and local sources, roughly dated to the earlier to middle part of the Last Glacial. 展开更多
关键词 Coastal sand loess deposition microfabrie hierarchy magnetic enhancement paramagnetic phyllosilicates MSssbauer effect
Some New Lie Symmetry Groups of Differential-Difference Equations Obtained from a Simple Direct Method
作者 ZHI Hong-Yan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第9期385-388,共4页
In this paper,based on the symbolic computing system Maple,the direct method for Lie symmetry groupspresented by Sen-Yue Lou [J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.38 (2005) L129] is extended from the continuous differential equationsto ... In this paper,based on the symbolic computing system Maple,the direct method for Lie symmetry groupspresented by Sen-Yue Lou [J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.38 (2005) L129] is extended from the continuous differential equationsto the differential-difference equations.With the extended method,we study the well-known differential-difference KPequation,KZ equation and (2+1)-dimensional ANNV system,and both the Lie point symmetry groups and the non-Liesymmetry groups are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 symmetry group differential-difference equation direct method
Effects of sodium tungstate on properties of micro-arc coatings on magnesium alloys
作者 赵芳 廖爱娣 +5 位作者 张荣发 张淑芳 王海霞 史兴梅 李明杰 何向明 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第B07期683-687,共5页
Anodic coatings were prepared by micro-arc oxidation on AZ91HP magnesium alloys in a base solution containing 10 g/L NaOH and 12 g/L phytic acid with addition of 0-8 g/L sodium tungstate.The effects of sodium tungstat... Anodic coatings were prepared by micro-arc oxidation on AZ91HP magnesium alloys in a base solution containing 10 g/L NaOH and 12 g/L phytic acid with addition of 0-8 g/L sodium tungstate.The effects of sodium tungstate on the coating thickness, mass gain,surface morphology and corrosion resistance were studied by eddy current instrument,electronic scales,scanning electron microscope and immersion tester.With the addition of sodium tungstate,the electrolytic conductivity increases and the final voltage decreases.The sodium tungstate has a minor effect on the coating thickness,but lightens the coating color.With increasing sodium tungstate concentration,the size of micropores on the coatings is enlarged and the corrosion resistance of the anodized samples decreases. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloy micro-arc oxidation ELECTROLYTE sodium tungstate
Effect of Nonlinear Convection on Stratified Flow of Third Grade Fluid with Revised Fourier-Fick Relations 被引量:1
作者 M.Waqas M.Ijaz Khan +1 位作者 T.Hayat A.Alsaedi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第7期25-30,共6页
Here thermal dependence conductivity and nonlinear convection features in third-grade liquid flow bounded by moving surface having varying thickness are formulated. Stagnation point flow is considered. Revised Fourier... Here thermal dependence conductivity and nonlinear convection features in third-grade liquid flow bounded by moving surface having varying thickness are formulated. Stagnation point flow is considered. Revised FourierFick relations and double stratification phenomena are utilized for modeling energy and concentration expressions.Mathematical model of considered physical problem is achieved by implementing the idea of boundary layer theory. The acquired partial differential system is transformed into ordinary ones by employing relevant variables. The homotopic scheme yield convergent solutions of governing nonlinear expressions. Graphs are constructed for distinct values of physical constraints to elaborate the heat/mass transportation mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear convection double stratification revised Fourier-Fick relations third grade liquid ther-mal dependence conductivity
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