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里下河腹地乡村小微湿地景观优化设计研究 被引量:2
作者 陈蓉 《农业与技术》 2022年第19期129-132,共4页
乡村小微湿地是广泛存在于乡村生态系统中的基本单元,其生态优劣直接影响着人居环境与村民的生活质量。“乡村振兴”国家战略背景下,针对里下河腹地乡村小微湿地存在的现实环境问题,探索构成要素的生态修复和不同功能类型小微湿地景观... 乡村小微湿地是广泛存在于乡村生态系统中的基本单元,其生态优劣直接影响着人居环境与村民的生活质量。“乡村振兴”国家战略背景下,针对里下河腹地乡村小微湿地存在的现实环境问题,探索构成要素的生态修复和不同功能类型小微湿地景观优化的可行性路径,为我国逐步兴起的小微湿地保护与建设提供借鉴与启示。 展开更多
关键词 里下河腹地 乡村小微湿地 生态修复 景观优化
常熟市乡村小微湿地管护与可持续利用探讨 被引量:9
作者 吴灵叶 韩雨宸 +2 位作者 盛宇清 李春涛 姚丹 《湿地科学与管理》 2021年第3期70-73,共4页
小微湿地作为水乡的生命脉络,列为常熟市湿地保护工作的重点。常熟市小微湿地主要分布于乡村,通过介绍常熟小微湿地的概况,探讨乡村小微湿地面临的水体环境不良、法律规范空白、管理机制不佳、管护资金缺乏等问题,并提出管护利用措施,... 小微湿地作为水乡的生命脉络,列为常熟市湿地保护工作的重点。常熟市小微湿地主要分布于乡村,通过介绍常熟小微湿地的概况,探讨乡村小微湿地面临的水体环境不良、法律规范空白、管理机制不佳、管护资金缺乏等问题,并提出管护利用措施,如减少湿地污染源、提高湿地自净能力、加强科研监测巡护、建立管护制度规范、建立协调管理机制和加大多元资金投入等,以期达到乡村小微湿地的可持续发展,并为其他地区小微湿地管护提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 乡村小微湿地 湿地管护 可持续利用
作者 张轶辉 范恩波 +1 位作者 于岩志 张德安 《山西建筑》 2017年第29期208-210,共3页
在维持布尔哈通河的人水和谐、生命健康和生态环境的前提下,尊重自然、依从自然、恢复自然,将设计河段建设成为乔+灌+草等多样性生物系统,其中跌水加微湿地景观是该设计方案的一个重点,通过两组方案比选,确定方案二具有防洪标准高、后... 在维持布尔哈通河的人水和谐、生命健康和生态环境的前提下,尊重自然、依从自然、恢复自然,将设计河段建设成为乔+灌+草等多样性生物系统,其中跌水加微湿地景观是该设计方案的一个重点,通过两组方案比选,确定方案二具有防洪标准高、后期维护费用较低、河道景观丰富、泄洪能力能够满足河道行洪要求、工程投资较少等优点,左岸滩地布设了微观湿地,亲水性能大大改善,因此,本阶段推荐方案为方案二,即现状河道型态下滩地加高方案。 展开更多
关键词 布尔哈通河 景观跌水设计 微湿地设计
作者 孙珊珊 李瑶 +2 位作者 赵梦园 殷政 孙苏豫 《科技创新与应用》 2020年第17期45-46,共2页
关键词 微湿地装置 设计 性能
作者 王丽 严秀 《居业》 2023年第6期109-111,共3页
本文以衡阳区域微湿地为例,概述本区域微湿地现状,就微湿地当下存在的面积破碎、水环境污染、生态功能减弱、湿地景观较为单一等问题进行探讨,试图从微湿地景观优化方面入手,利用植株优化景观的同时形成完善的经济收益循环体,在改善微... 本文以衡阳区域微湿地为例,概述本区域微湿地现状,就微湿地当下存在的面积破碎、水环境污染、生态功能减弱、湿地景观较为单一等问题进行探讨,试图从微湿地景观优化方面入手,利用植株优化景观的同时形成完善的经济收益循环体,在改善微湿地水体环境,提高其自净能力的同时,做到从本质上保护微湿地生态资源,确保微湿地可持续发展,为其建设生态宜居衡阳提供可参考性建议。 展开更多
关键词 衡阳区域 微湿地 景观优化设计 可持续发展
作者 王丽 《居业》 2023年第10期113-115,共3页
本文以衡阳市周边微湿地为研究对象,对衡阳区域微湿地存在的问题进行阐述,拟从微湿地水文修复、生物修复、湿地经济等角度出发,对衡阳区域微湿地生态修复规划策略进行研究,通过水系营建、形态重塑、植株配置等方式重构微湿地生态环境,... 本文以衡阳市周边微湿地为研究对象,对衡阳区域微湿地存在的问题进行阐述,拟从微湿地水文修复、生物修复、湿地经济等角度出发,对衡阳区域微湿地生态修复规划策略进行研究,通过水系营建、形态重塑、植株配置等方式重构微湿地生态环境,并从水文、生物多样性、景观品质、湿地经济效益等方面对微湿地生态修复效果进行评估。 展开更多
关键词 衡阳区域 微湿地 生态修复策略研究
作者 张鹏飞 童小玲 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)工程技术》 2023年第3期153-156,共4页
城市化的快速进程忽视了城市区块间的平衡发展,致使城市环氧湖泊面积不断萎缩,湖泊水质不断恶化,生物多样性下降,生态功能退化。因此,从生态修复的角度出发,对湖岸线及湖岸景观的弹性恢复提出了"空间立体化"的修复策略。该策... 城市化的快速进程忽视了城市区块间的平衡发展,致使城市环氧湖泊面积不断萎缩,湖泊水质不断恶化,生物多样性下降,生态功能退化。因此,从生态修复的角度出发,对湖岸线及湖岸景观的弹性恢复提出了"空间立体化"的修复策略。该策略以湿地修复为出发点,根据不同生态要素建立不同尺度的小微湿地空间,将其与湖泊岸线和其他景观要素相结合,通过"立体化湿地空间+生物栖息地"形成立体复合的小微湿地生态系统。在此基础上,优化了该湿地系统对于恢复湖岸和恢复湖区生态系统的自治功能。该方法对城市生态用地保护和城市景观建设具有重要意义。这种模式的演进有利于形成一种全新的、综合多样的湖岸小微湿地群——即立体多维小微湿地空间体系。 展开更多
关键词 园林景观 湖岸生态修复 立体多维小微湿地 过程性
微曝气垂直流湿地处理城郊低浓度生活污水模拟实验 被引量:5
作者 柯凡 王磊 +3 位作者 李海英 潘继征 夏天翔 李文朝 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期257-262,共6页
本文提出微曝气垂直流湿地的概念,并通过柱状模型实验模拟研究了其对云南滇池流域城郊低浓度生活污水的处理效果.测定了模型的氧利用效率,最高为14.04%.在高水力负荷15.29m^3/(m^2·d)、气水比1:2的条件下,BOD_5和NH_4-N去除率分别... 本文提出微曝气垂直流湿地的概念,并通过柱状模型实验模拟研究了其对云南滇池流域城郊低浓度生活污水的处理效果.测定了模型的氧利用效率,最高为14.04%.在高水力负荷15.29m^3/(m^2·d)、气水比1:2的条件下,BOD_5和NH_4-N去除率分别为74.4%和63.5%,出水平均含量分别为4.96mg/L和2.72mg/L.结果说明,微曝气垂直流湿地工艺能满足低浓度生活污水高水力负荷的处理要求,微曝气耗能折价0.04-0.05元/m^3. 展开更多
关键词 曝气垂直流湿地 生活污水 模拟实验
作者 李凤 杨扬 《生态科学》 CSCD 2023年第5期19-24,共6页
应用同时具有溶藻及降解藻毒素效果的功能菌Pseudomonas aeruginosa UCBPP-PA14(PA14)强化分别种植黄菖蒲和泽泻的微人工湿地,通过设置加菌与不加菌处理组及从微囊藻细胞、微囊藻藻毒素LR(MC-LR)去除效果的角度,研究功能菌PA14强化后的... 应用同时具有溶藻及降解藻毒素效果的功能菌Pseudomonas aeruginosa UCBPP-PA14(PA14)强化分别种植黄菖蒲和泽泻的微人工湿地,通过设置加菌与不加菌处理组及从微囊藻细胞、微囊藻藻毒素LR(MC-LR)去除效果的角度,研究功能菌PA14强化后的微人工湿地修复微囊藻污染水体的潜力。研究表明,在微囊藻去除方面,泽泻微人工湿地比黄菖蒲微人工湿地具有更稳定的微囊藻去除率;添加功能菌PA14后,可以提高黄菖蒲微人工湿地去除微囊藻的稳定性。在MC-LR去除方面,各微人工湿地去除MC-LR的效果随着处理藻污染水体的批次增多而增强,最终可达96%以上,且不同湿地植物微人工湿地间无显著差异(P<0.05),表明随着处理藻污染水体的次数增多,各微人工湿地可能富集了除PA14以外的其他微囊藻毒素降解菌。 展开更多
关键词 溶藻 功能菌 人工湿地 囊藻 囊藻毒素LR
几种植物在生长过程中对人工湿地污水处理效果的影响 被引量:23
作者 刘春常 安树青 +3 位作者 夏汉平 任海 简曙光 张倩媚 《生态环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期860-865,共6页
不同的植物及植物的不同生长阶段对人工湿地系统污水处理效果都有影响。对几种华南地区常见的湿地植物在其不同生长阶段处理污水的效果进行了研究,采用了不种植物的沙滤系统作对照。结果表明:(1)植物生长过程中,植物高度能反映污水处理... 不同的植物及植物的不同生长阶段对人工湿地系统污水处理效果都有影响。对几种华南地区常见的湿地植物在其不同生长阶段处理污水的效果进行了研究,采用了不种植物的沙滤系统作对照。结果表明:(1)植物生长过程中,植物高度能反映污水处理效果总体上的变化;(2)在植物的生长过程中,各人工湿地系统污水处理能力总体上持续增强,各水质指标pH、DO、TN、NH3-N、NO3-N、TP和CODCr等均呈下降趋势,其中TP和CODCr呈逐步下降,pH、DO、TN、NH3-N、NO3-N则呈现锯齿形波动,但总体上仍是下降过程;(3)植物系统氮处理能力好于无植物沙滤系统,而对磷TP和CODCr的去除则恰好相反;(4)不同植物对人工湿地污水的处理效果影响不明显。研究结果对探讨人工湿地污水处理规律和植物在人工湿地中的作用提供了新的科学依据,并为指导人工湿地工程的运行提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 盆栽实验 人工湿地系统 净化效果
作者 高钦 《低碳世界》 2015年第6期94-95,共2页
关键词 污水处理厂 改扩建 人工湿地A/A/O曝氧化沟
Electricity generation during wastewater treatment by a microbial fuel cell coupled with constructed wetland 被引量:13
作者 李先宁 宋海亮 +1 位作者 项文力 吴磊 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2012年第2期175-178,共4页
A membrane-less constructed wetland microbial fuel cell (CW-MFC) is constructed and operated under continuous flow with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 2 d. Fed with glucose, the CW-MFC generates a stable curr... A membrane-less constructed wetland microbial fuel cell (CW-MFC) is constructed and operated under continuous flow with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 2 d. Fed with glucose, the CW-MFC generates a stable current density of over 2 A/m3 with a resistor of 1 kΩ and has a chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency of more than 90% after the startup of 2 to 3 d. A series of systems with the electrode spacings of 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm are compared. It is found that the container with the electrode spacing of 20 cm gains the highest voltage of 560 mV, the highest power density of 0. 149 W/m 3, and the highest Coulombic efficiency of 0.313%. It also has the highest COD removal efficiency of 94. 9%. In addition, the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations are observed as the lowest level in the middle of all the CW-MFC reactors. The results show that the more COD is removed, the greater power is generated, and the relatively higher Coulombic efficiency will be achieved. The present study indicates that the CW-MFC process can be used as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly wastewater treatment with simultaneous power generation. 展开更多
关键词 constructed wetland microbial fuel cell wastewater treatment electricity generation electrode spacing
微曝气垂直流湿地中4种基质的充氧性能研究 被引量:3
作者 潘继征 李文朝 +2 位作者 柯凡 王磊 李雪娟 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期402-406,共5页
通过模型曝气实验研究了公分石、火山石、500级陶粒、高强级陶粒4种基质和空白水柱分别在0.19、0.38、0.76m3.(m2.h)-13种曝气强度下的充氧性能.结果表明,在相同条件下,曝气强度越大,氧转移速率常数KLa越大,填充了基质的模型的氧转移速... 通过模型曝气实验研究了公分石、火山石、500级陶粒、高强级陶粒4种基质和空白水柱分别在0.19、0.38、0.76m3.(m2.h)-13种曝气强度下的充氧性能.结果表明,在相同条件下,曝气强度越大,氧转移速率常数KLa越大,填充了基质的模型的氧转移速率常数比空白提高了5~7.8倍;在0.19m3.(m2.h)-1曝气强度下,500级陶粒和高强级陶粒的氧利用率最高,分别为14.39%和14.21%,火山石和公分石的氧利用率分别为13.11%和11.68%;随着曝气强度的提高,公分石的氧利用率明显高于其它基质,在0.38m3.(m2.h)-1曝气强度下达到最大值14.04%,比该状况下空白模型的氧利用率高出3倍,火山石的氧利用率持续下降,在0.76m3.(m2.h)-1曝气强度下,氧利用率为7.67%,500级陶粒和高强级陶粒的氧利用率较为稳定,维持在10%左右. 展开更多
关键词 滇池 曝气垂直流湿地 氧转移速率
Microbial Distribution in Constructed Wetland of Iris pseudacorus L. 被引量:1
作者 万玉龙 尤朝阳 +1 位作者 韩苏娟 刘汤勋 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第9期26-28,44,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the distributions of main microorganisms in constructed wetland of Iris pseudacorus L.and their function and position in wastewater treatment.[Method]Distributions of main microorgan... [Objective] The aim was to explore the distributions of main microorganisms in constructed wetland of Iris pseudacorus L.and their function and position in wastewater treatment.[Method]Distributions of main microorganisms in the upstream vertical-flow constructed wetland of Iris pseudacorus was studied by training and observing 4 kinds of microorganisms.[Result]The total number of microorganisms on root surface in unit area was 15.32 times as many as that on filler surfacein,among them bacteria and actinomycete were 17.14 times and 19.84 times as many as those on filler surfacein,respectively.[Conclusion]The distributions of microorganisms are significantly different in different parts of wetland system,obviously on root surface.Bacteria are the main populations of biological wastewater treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Constructed wetland MICROORGANISM Plant roaot FILLER
Study on the Surface Soil Micro-biomass Carbon of Kinds of Vegetation Types in Dagu Estuary Wetland
作者 谢秀风 李迅 +1 位作者 訾园园 考颖超 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第12期2204-2205,2213,共3页
A field experiment was carried out to explore surface soil mircro-biomass carbon (MBC). The results showed that the difference of soil MBC was significant among three vegetation types in five sample spots in July. T... A field experiment was carried out to explore surface soil mircro-biomass carbon (MBC). The results showed that the difference of soil MBC was significant among three vegetation types in five sample spots in July. The order of surface soil MBC was: Aquaculture pond reed (sample 2)〉 reed of river bank (sample 5)〉 sea- plant(sample 5)〉 river flat(sample 4)〉 The alkaline(sample 1). There is a very sig- nificant correlation among the soil MBC, the water content of soil and the content of organic matter. Among wetland plants, reed is kind of plant content of high ground biomass and below-ground biomass,especially the MBC planted in wetland is high- er, which shows that compared with common plants, reed is more conducive to the accumulation of soil MBC and has an important effect to wetland protecting and re- covery of function of ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 WETLAND Vegetation Types Soil microbial biomass carbon(MBC)
Advances in Research on Soil Moisture by Microwave Remote Sensing in China 被引量:9
作者 SONG Dongsheng ZHAO Kai GUAN Zhi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第2期186-191,共6页
Soil moisture is an important factor in global hydrologic circulation and plays a significant role in the research of hydrology, climatology, and agriculture. Microwave remote sensing is less limited by climate and ti... Soil moisture is an important factor in global hydrologic circulation and plays a significant role in the research of hydrology, climatology, and agriculture. Microwave remote sensing is less limited by climate and time, and can measure in large scale. With these characteristics, this technique becomes an effective tool to measure soil moisture. Since the 1980s, Chinese researchers have investigated the soil moisture using microwave instruments. The active re- mote sensors are characteristic of high spatial resolution, thus with launch of a series of satellites, active microwave remote sensing of soil moisture will be emphasized. The passive microwave remote sensing of soil moisture has a long research history, and its retrieval algorithms were developed well, so it is an important tool to retrieve large scale moisture information from satellite data in the future. 展开更多
关键词 microwave remote sensing soil moisture active microwave remote sensing passive microwave remote sensing
Nitrogen Biological Cycle Characteristics of Seepweed(Suaeda salsa) Wetland in Intertidal Zone of Huanghe(Yellow) River Estuary 被引量:10
作者 SUN Zhigao MOU Xiaojie +6 位作者 SUN Jingkuan SONG Hongli YU Xiang WANG Lingling JIANG Huanhuan SUN Wanlong SUN Wenguang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期15-28,共14页
From April 2008 to November 2009, the nitrogen (N) cycle of plant-soil system in seepweed (Suaeda salsa) wetland in the intertidal zone of the Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary was studied. Results showed that soil... From April 2008 to November 2009, the nitrogen (N) cycle of plant-soil system in seepweed (Suaeda salsa) wetland in the intertidal zone of the Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary was studied. Results showed that soil N had sig- nificant seasonal fluctuations and vertical distribution, and the net N mineralization rates in topsoil were significantly different in growing season (p 〈 0.01). The N/P ratio (9.87 ±1.23) of S. salsa was less than 14, indicating that plant growth was limited by N. The N accumulated in S. salsa litter at all times during decomposition, which was ascribed to the N immobilization by microbes from the environment. Soil organic N was the main N stock of plant-soil system, accounting for 97.35% of the total N stock. The N absorption and utilization coefficients of S. salsa were very low (0.0145 and 0.3844, respectively), while the N cycle coefficient was high (0.7108). The results of the N turnovers among compartments of S. salsa wetland showed that the N uptake amount of aboveground part and root were 7.764 g/m2and 4.332 g/m2, respectively. The N translocation amounts from aboveground part to root and from root to soil were 3.881 g/m2 and 0.626 g/m2, respectively. The N translocation amount from aboveground living body to litter was 3.883 g/m2, the annual N return amount from litter to soil was more than 0.125(-) g/m2 (minus represented immobili- zation), and the net N mineralization amount in topsoil (0-15 cm) in growing season was 1.190 g/m2. The assessment of N biological cycle status orS. salsa wetland indicated that N was a very important limiting factor and the ecosystem was situated in unstable and vulnerable status. The S. salsa was seemingly well adapted to the low-nutrient status and vulnerable habitat, and the N quantitative relationships determined in the compartment model might provide scientific base for us to reveal the special adaptive strategy orS. salsa to the vulnerable habitat in the following studies. 展开更多
关键词 NITROGEN biological cycle seepweed wetland Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary
Research on Nitrogen Removal and Microorganism in a Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland System in Sihong County 被引量:4
作者 XIA Ning LIU Han-hu +2 位作者 GUO Ru-mei ZHANG Hong-zhen YANG Kun 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2006年第4期505-508,共4页
Experiments in monitoring the removal of organic material and nitrogen and determining the amounts of mi- croorganism at different sites in the subsurface flow constructed wetland in Sihong county were performed. The ... Experiments in monitoring the removal of organic material and nitrogen and determining the amounts of mi- croorganism at different sites in the subsurface flow constructed wetland in Sihong county were performed. The results show that the removal of CODCr agrees with the kinetic equation of a first order reaction. The removal of pollutants varies with different seasons. The removal rates of CODCr, NH3-N, TN in the spring are 15%–23% higher than those in the autumn. The amount of ammonifier is larger than that of denitrifying bacteria and the amount of denitrifying bacte- ria is larger than that of nitrosomonas. The amount of bacteria around the plant roots is larger than that on the surface of the packing medium. No apparent change is observed for the amount of denitrifying bacteria and nitrosomonas between spring and autumn. 展开更多
关键词 subsurface flow constructed wetland (SFCW) Sihong county nitrogen removal MICROORGANISM
Microbial Community Characteristics in a Degraded Wetland of the Yellow River Delta 被引量:28
作者 WANG Zhen-Yu XIN Yuan-Zheng +3 位作者 GAO Dong-Mei LI Feng-Min J. MORGAN XING Bao-Shan 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期466-478,共13页
Five different sites with a soluble salt gradient of 3.0-17.7 g kg^-1 dry soil from the coast to the inland were selected, and the microbial population size, activity and diversity in the rhizospheres of five common p... Five different sites with a soluble salt gradient of 3.0-17.7 g kg^-1 dry soil from the coast to the inland were selected, and the microbial population size, activity and diversity in the rhizospheres of five common plant species and the adjacent bulk soils (non-rhizosphere) were compared in a degraded wetland of the Yellow River Delta, Shandong Province, China to study the effects of soil environment (salinity, seasonality, depth, and rhizosphere) on microbial communities and the wetland's ecological function, thus providing basic data for the bioremediation of degraded wetlands. There was a significant negative linear relationship between the salinity and the total number of microorganisms, overall microbial activity, or culturable microbial diversity. Salinity adversely affected the microbial community, and higher salinity levels resulted in smaller and less active microbial communities. Seasonal changes were observed in microbial activity but did not occur in the size and diversity. The microbial size, activity and diversity decreased with increasing soil depth. The size, activity and diversity of culturable microorganisms increased in the rhizospheres. All rhizospheres had positive effects on the microbial communities, and common seepweed had the highest rhizosphere effect. Three halophilic bacteria (Pseudomonas mendocina, Burkholderia glumae, and Acinetobacter johnsonii) were separated through BIOLOG identification, and common seepweed could be recommended for bioremediation of degraded wetlands in the Yellow River Delta. 展开更多
关键词 microbial activity microbial diversity RHIZOSPHERE SALINITY soil microorganisms
苏北地区某镇农村生活污水分散式处理模式工程设计应用分析 被引量:2
作者 蔡金燕 孙争 陈赛杰 《广东化工》 CAS 2023年第16期119-121,共3页
经过实地调研与监测,梳理了苏北地区某镇农村生活污水分散处理模式存在的问题,结合农村污水常用分散处理技术和影响因素,从处理效果好、运营维护方便、运行费用低等方面综合考虑,提出了“黑水+化粪池+第四格处理单元+微生态人工湿地/强... 经过实地调研与监测,梳理了苏北地区某镇农村生活污水分散处理模式存在的问题,结合农村污水常用分散处理技术和影响因素,从处理效果好、运营维护方便、运行费用低等方面综合考虑,提出了“黑水+化粪池+第四格处理单元+微生态人工湿地/强化快渗地”和“灰水+原位生态净化槽+微生态人工湿地/强化快渗地”农村生活污水分散处理组合工艺,设计并建设了最大处理规模为50m^(3)/d的农村生活污水分散处理系统。同时在系统建成后连续半年的监测数据表明,该组合工艺出水COD、HN_(3)-N、TN和TP水质指标优于《农村生活污水处理设施水污染排放标准》(DB32/3462-2020)二级标准。 展开更多
关键词 农村生活污水 分散处理模式 第四格处理单元 原位生态净化槽 生态人工湿地 强化快渗池
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