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沉湖钻孔沉积物中微生物脂肪酸特征与意义 被引量:2
作者 刘涛 吴佩 +3 位作者 唐金灿 余浩然 王亚芬 马腾 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期5264-5273,共10页
利用微生物脂肪酸甲酯分析技术研究了江汉平原沉湖湖心滩G1与湖岸G2两沉积柱中微生物群落结构的垂直分布特征及其环境指示意义.结果表明:微生物脂肪酸含量与特征脂肪酸分布特征在浅层(<5m)波动较大,且与深层(5~20m)差异明显;好氧细... 利用微生物脂肪酸甲酯分析技术研究了江汉平原沉湖湖心滩G1与湖岸G2两沉积柱中微生物群落结构的垂直分布特征及其环境指示意义.结果表明:微生物脂肪酸含量与特征脂肪酸分布特征在浅层(<5m)波动较大,且与深层(5~20m)差异明显;好氧细菌、一般厌氧细菌与革兰氏阳性菌占主要优势,其相对丰度高出深层约一倍.G1位点偏还原环境,其硫酸盐还原菌及其他厌氧细菌的相对丰度与环境胁迫压力(Trans/Cis)均高于G2;与溶氧相关的环境因子,如粒径、深度等是影响其微生物群落组成的关键因子.G2位点水动力条件较强,脂肪酸总量与好氧微生物的相对优势均高于G1,而深层沉积物中总氮、N/P偏低,微生物群落组成主要受碳氮营养源,特别是氮含量的影响.为评估人类活动带来的氮磷污染对湖泊深层微生物的影响提供新的认识. 展开更多
关键词 湖泊潜流带 沉积物 微生物脂肪酸 微生物群落结构
贡嘎山酸性土壤微生物量磷紧密关联碳酸氢钠提取态有机磷 被引量:4
作者 孙宏洋 吴艳宏 +2 位作者 李娜 周俊 邴海健 《山地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期709-716,共8页
有效磷是土壤中最重要的磷组分,被广泛用于评估各种生态系统的土壤磷营养。然而,很少有研究基于野外数据评估有效磷的来源。本研究通过野外调查和室内试验,展示和评估了微生物量磷(MBP)和微生物群落对贡嘎山酸性土中有效磷组分的关联性... 有效磷是土壤中最重要的磷组分,被广泛用于评估各种生态系统的土壤磷营养。然而,很少有研究基于野外数据评估有效磷的来源。本研究通过野外调查和室内试验,展示和评估了微生物量磷(MBP)和微生物群落对贡嘎山酸性土中有效磷组分的关联性。结果发现,微生物功能组脂肪酸显著解释有效磷变异性,尤其细菌脂肪酸强烈关联有效磷。与Hedley磷连续提取法中其他有效磷相比,仅碳酸氢钠提取态有机磷(NaHCO_3-Po)强烈关联MBP。本研究的数据分析、实验结果和以往的研究结果证明MBP与NaHCO_3-Po之间的这种关联性是直接的:微生物死亡裂解释放有效磷是导致这种联系的主要原因。这些结果揭示了微生物量磷测定方法与Hedley磷连续提取法测定方法的关联性:酸性土中MBP是Hedley磷连续提取法中NaHCO_3-Po的主要来源,也强调了Hedley磷连续提取法在评估微生物对土壤磷有效性作用中的重要参考性。 展开更多
关键词 有效磷 Hedley磷连续提取法 微生物脂肪酸 海拔
缙云山柑橘林土壤微生物磷脂脂肪酸(PLFAs)及酶活性的季节变化特征 被引量:18
作者 李南洁 曾清苹 +1 位作者 何丙辉 周飞 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期309-317,共9页
土壤微生物和土壤酶作为土壤生态环境最重要的组成成分,对环境变化敏感.本文以缙云山柑橘林为研究对象,采用磷脂脂肪酸法并结合主成分分析方法,分析季节更替对柑橘林土壤表层(0~20 cm)的土壤微生物数量、群落结构特征及酶活性等的影响.... 土壤微生物和土壤酶作为土壤生态环境最重要的组成成分,对环境变化敏感.本文以缙云山柑橘林为研究对象,采用磷脂脂肪酸法并结合主成分分析方法,分析季节更替对柑橘林土壤表层(0~20 cm)的土壤微生物数量、群落结构特征及酶活性等的影响.结果表明:1季节更替对土壤微生物有显著影响(P<0.05),16:0、i17:0、16:1 2OH、18:0、cy19:0ω8c、i17:1ω9c或16:0 10-methyl为4个季节共有PLFAs,含量之和分别占PLFAs的49.57%、41.63%、35.41%和38.05%.各微生物种类中,细菌PLFA比例最高,其次为真菌PLFA,放线菌PLFA比例最低,且均具有显著的季节变化特征,柑橘林土壤PLFAs总量变幅为6.868~24.085 nmol·g-1,大小顺序为春季>秋季>冬季>夏季,细菌PLFAs、G-、G+及放线菌PLFAs也呈现一致的变化规律,但真菌PLFAs则表现为秋季最高,其次是冬季和夏季,春季最低.季节更替对微生物群落多样性指数亦产生显著影响,丰富度指数(R)随季节变化依次为春>冬>秋>夏,多样性指数(H')随季节变化表现出冬>秋>春>夏,均匀度指数(J)表现为夏>秋>冬>春,优势度指数(D)则随季节表现为直线升高的变化趋势.2土壤脲酶随季节变化表现为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季;土壤蔗糖酶、土壤过氧化氢酶和酸性磷酸酶活性随季节变化均表现为秋季最高,其次是春季、夏季,冬季最低.3主成分分析结果表明细菌PLFAs、G+、G-、放线菌PLFAs和总PLFAs对土壤肥力贡献最大,其次是蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶、酸性磷酸酶和真菌PLFAs,贡献最小为脲酶. 展开更多
关键词 柑橘林 微生物磷脂脂肪酸(PLFAs) 酶活性 季节更替
不同水位控制条件下泥炭沼泽土壤微生物群落及酶活性 被引量:1
作者 曾子怡 王一诺 +2 位作者 王国栋 徐志伟 王升忠 《湿地科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期887-896,共10页
在白江河泥炭沼泽采集0~50 cm深度泥炭柱样品,通过室内水位控制实验,以持续淹水(对照)、持续低水位和波动水位,模拟短期排水条件,分析短期排水对泥炭土壤理化性质、活性有机碳组分、微生物群落以及酶活性的影响,并探讨泥炭沼泽土壤微生... 在白江河泥炭沼泽采集0~50 cm深度泥炭柱样品,通过室内水位控制实验,以持续淹水(对照)、持续低水位和波动水位,模拟短期排水条件,分析短期排水对泥炭土壤理化性质、活性有机碳组分、微生物群落以及酶活性的影响,并探讨泥炭沼泽土壤微生物生物量、酶活性对短期排水的响应及其影响因素。研究结果表明,持续低水位和波动水位处理下泥炭土壤pH减小,持续低水位处理下0~20 cm深度土壤易氧化有机碳和微生物量碳含量显著减小,而>20~50 cm深度土壤易氧化有机碳含量增大;波动水位处理下泥炭土壤微生物量碳含量显著大于持续低水位处理;泥炭土壤含水量、全氮含量和碳磷比是影响土壤活性有机碳组分变化的主要因素;持续低水位处理下泥炭土壤微生物磷脂脂肪酸含量小于对照处理和波动水位处理;除真菌外,各类型微生物磷脂脂肪酸含量在波动水位处理下都大于对照;持续低水位处理下0~20 cm深度土壤氧化酶活性无显著变化,水解酶活性都增强,而>20~50 cm深度土壤多酚氧化酶和水解酶活性减弱;与持续低水位处理相比,波动水位处理后0~20 cm深度土壤过氧化物酶活性增强,而水解酶活性减弱;土壤有机碳和全氮含量是影响土壤微生物磷脂脂肪酸的主要因素,而土壤微生物量碳含量是影响土壤酶活性的主要因素。 展开更多
关键词 泥炭沼泽 持续低水位 水位波动 微生物磷脂脂肪酸 氧化酶 水解酶
不同降水下覆盖与缓释肥减量对油菜土壤微生物群落结构的影响 被引量:9
作者 冯军 石超 +5 位作者 Hafiz Athar Hussain 刘永波 刘天朋 李永洪 刘俊峰 王龙昌 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期4322-4332,共11页
为探讨沟垄集雨、秸秆覆盖和减量缓释肥集成技术对油菜土壤微生物群落结构的影响,在大田定位试验条件下,设置3种栽培方式(秸秆覆盖、沟垄集雨、传统平作)和4种施肥水平(习惯施肥、缓释肥减量20%、缓释肥减量40%、不施肥),比较分析2016~2... 为探讨沟垄集雨、秸秆覆盖和减量缓释肥集成技术对油菜土壤微生物群落结构的影响,在大田定位试验条件下,设置3种栽培方式(秸秆覆盖、沟垄集雨、传统平作)和4种施肥水平(习惯施肥、缓释肥减量20%、缓释肥减量40%、不施肥),比较分析2016~2017年(多雨年份)和2017~2018年(季节性干旱年份)这2种不同降水年型下油菜土壤微生物群落结构对集成技术的响应.结果表明,不同降雨条件下,秸秆覆盖+缓释肥减量20%(J80)与沟垄覆盖+缓释肥减量20%(M80)较习惯栽培(PC)更利于土壤微生物生长.在多雨年型和季节性干旱年型下,J80与M80能平均分别提高微生物量碳9.94%和10.32%;提高土壤微生物量氮2.38%和1.19%.多雨年型下,土壤微生物磷酸脂肪酸(PLFA)总量较干旱年型降低30.75%,覆盖能有效提高土壤PLFA质量摩尔浓度.多雨年型下土壤细菌、真菌PLFA质量摩尔浓度较干旱年型平均减少33.67%和53.21%;而放线菌PLFA增加13.04%.微生物群落对异常降水具有敏感响应.多雨气候会造成细菌/真菌升高;干旱气候则会增加直链饱和脂肪酸/直链单不饱和脂肪酸及直链单不饱和脂肪酸/环丙烷脂肪酸.通过秸秆覆盖与缓释肥的集成技术,能稳定异常降水下的土壤微环境,缓解水分和养分胁迫,为油菜稳产和可持续发展提供有效途径. 展开更多
关键词 降水 油菜 秸秆覆盖 沟垄集雨 缓释肥 土壤微生物 微生物磷酸脂肪酸(PLFA)
Effect of Mirabilis jalapa (Linn.) Growth on Microbial Community in Bioremediation of Petroleum-contaminated Saline-alkali Soil 被引量:1
作者 岑浴 李玉洁 +2 位作者 焦海华 王晓辉 白志辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第5期1223-1230,共8页
Microbial biomass and species in the rhizosphere soil of Mirabilis jalapa(Linn.)(the saline-alkali soil contaminated by total petroleum hydrocarbon(TPH))were studied with the technology of phospholipid fatty ac... Microbial biomass and species in the rhizosphere soil of Mirabilis jalapa(Linn.)(the saline-alkali soil contaminated by total petroleum hydrocarbon(TPH))were studied with the technology of phospholipid fatty acids(PLFAs) analysis,to explore the effects of Mirabilis jalapa(Linn.) growth on the structure characteristics of microbial communities and degradation of TPH in the petroleum-contaminated salinealkali soil.The result showed that compared with the CK soil without Mirabilis jalapa(Linn.),the kind change rates of PLFAs were 71.4%,69.2% and 33.3% in spring,summer and autumn,respectively,and the degradation of TPH increased by 47.6%,28.3%,and 18.9% in the rhizosphere soil in spring,summer and autumn,respectively.Correlation analysis was used to determine the correlation between the degradation of TPH and the soil microbial communities:77.8% of the microbial PLFAs showed positive correlation(the correlation coefficient r﹥0) with the degradation of TPH,and 55.6% of the PLFAs had high positive correlation with the degradation of TPH with a correlation coefficient r ≥0.8.In addition,the relative contents of SAT and MONO had high correlation with the degradation of TPH in the CK soil,and the correlation coefficients were 0.92 and 0.60,respectively;but in the rhizosphere soil,42.1% of the PLFAs had positive correlation with it,and only21.1% had high positive correlation with the degradation of TPH,the relative contents of TBSAT,MONO and CYCLO had moderate or low positive correlation with the degradation of TPH,and the correlation coefficients were 0.56,0.50 and 0.07 respectively.It was shown that the growth of mirabilis jalapa(Linn.) highly affected the microbial community structure and TPH degradation speed in the rhizosphere soil,providing a theoretical basis for the research on phytoremediation of petroleumcontaminated saline-alkali soil. 展开更多
关键词 Petroleum-contaminated saline-alkali soil Petroleum hydrocarbon Micro bial community Phospholipid fatty acids(PLFAs) Mirabilis jalapa Linn.
Effect of Nitrogen Sources on the Growth and Docosahexaenoic Acid Accumulation in Crypthecodinium cohnii 被引量:3
作者 王菊芳 吴海珍 +1 位作者 梁世中 陈峰 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2002年第1期87-92,共6页
The effect of various nitrogen sources on the growth and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) yield is determined in Crypthecodinium cohnii ATCC30556. Single nitrogen tryptone and peptone are suitable to growth, the dry weight ... The effect of various nitrogen sources on the growth and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) yield is determined in Crypthecodinium cohnii ATCC30556. Single nitrogen tryptone and peptone are suitable to growth, the dry weight biomass is up to 2.78 g/L and 2.70g/L respectively on medium containing 0.34 g/L nitrogen. Peptone is a favorable nitrogen source for DHA accumulation, DHA yield increases up to 338.56 mg/L. Using peptone and KNO3 as a multiple nitrogen source, the highest biomass and DHA yield are obtained from media containing 0.34 g/L nitrogen in which the ratio of peptone-N:NO3--N is 1:2,and the biomass and DHA yield are 2.98 g/L(DW) and 527.97mg/L respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen sources Crypthecodinium cohnii DHA BIOMASS
Characteristics of soil microbial community functional and structure diversity with coverage of Solidago Canadensis L 被引量:11
作者 廖敏 谢晓梅 +2 位作者 彭英 柴娟娟 陈娜 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期749-756,共8页
The relationship between Solidago canadensis L. invasion and soil microbial community diversity including functional and structure diversities was studied across the invasive gradients varying from 0 to 40%, 80%, and ... The relationship between Solidago canadensis L. invasion and soil microbial community diversity including functional and structure diversities was studied across the invasive gradients varying from 0 to 40%, 80%, and 100% coverage of Solidago canadensis L. using sole carbon source utilization profiles analyses, principle component analysis (PCA) and phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) profiles analyses. The results show the characteristics of soil microbial community functional and structure diversity in invaded soils strongly changed by Solidago canadensis L. invasion. Solidago canadensis L. invasion tended to result in higher substrate richness, and functional diversity. As compared to the native and ecotones, average utilization of specific substrate guilds of soil microbe was the highest in Solidago canadensis L. monoculture. Soil microbial functional diversity in Solidago canadensis L. monoculture was distinctly separated from the native area and the ecotones. Aerobic bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes population significantly increased but anaerobic bacteria decreased in the soil with Solidago canadensis L. monoculture. The ratio of cyl9:0 to 18:1 co7 gradually declined but mono/sat and fung/bact PLFAs increased when Solidago canadensis L. became more dominant. The microbial community composition clearly separated the native soil from the invaded soils by PCA analysis, especially 18: lco7c, 16: lco7t, 16: lco5c and 18:2co6, 9 were present in higher concentrations for exotic soil. In conclusion, Solidago canadensis L. invasion could create better soil conditions by improving soil microbial community structure and functional diversity, which in turn was more conducive to the growth ofSolidago canadensis L. 展开更多
关键词 sole carbon source utilization phospholipid fatty acids structure diversity functional diversity Solidago canadensis L.
Isolation and Characterization of a Bensulfuron-Methyl-Degrading Strain L1 of Bacillus 被引量:5
作者 LIN Xiao-Yan WANG Yi +3 位作者 WANG Hai-Long T. CHIRKO DING Hai-Tao ZHAO Yu-Hua 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期111-119,共9页
The objectives of this study were to isolate a bensulfuron-methyl (BSM)-degrading strain of Bacillus spp. and to evaluate its effectiveness in remediation of a BSM-contaminated soil. A BSM-degrading bacterium, strai... The objectives of this study were to isolate a bensulfuron-methyl (BSM)-degrading strain of Bacillus spp. and to evaluate its effectiveness in remediation of a BSM-contaminated soil. A BSM-degrading bacterium, strain L1, was successfully isolated in this study. Strain L1 was identified as Bacillus megaterium based on its morphological, physiological, and biochemical properties, G+C content, phylogenetie similarity of 16S rDNA, and fatty acid composition. Two experiments were used to examine BSM degradation by strain L1. When BSM was used as a sole carbon source in a mineral salt medium, the average degradation rate of BSM by strain L1 was 12.8%, which suggested that the strain was able to utilize BSM as a sole carbon and energy source. Supplement of yeast extract (200 mg L^-1) significantly (P ≤ 0.01) accelerated the degradation of BSM by strain L1. Ahnost complete degradation (97.7%) of BSM could be achieved in 84 h with addition of yeast extract. In addition, in a sterile soil with 50 mg L^-1 BSM, BSM degradation rate by strain L1 was 94.3% in 42 d, indicating the potential of using microbes for the remediation of BSM-contaminated soils in fields. 展开更多
关键词 BIODEGRADATION carbon source phylogenetic analysis 16S rDNA
Effects of seasonal variations on soil microbial community composition of two typical zonal vegetation types in the Wuyi Mountains 被引量:6
作者 WU Ze-yan LIN Wen-xiong +5 位作者 LI Jian-ju LIU Jin-fu LI Bai-lian WU Lin-kun FANG Chang-xun ZHANG Zhi-xing 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期1056-1065,共10页
Seasonal shifts play an important role in soil microbial community composition. This study examined the hypothesis that soil microbial community structure would vary with seasonal shifts in the Wuyi Mountains in South... Seasonal shifts play an important role in soil microbial community composition. This study examined the hypothesis that soil microbial community structure would vary with seasonal shifts in the Wuyi Mountains in Southeast China, and that two representative tree species (Castanopisi carlesii and Cunninghamia lanceolata) may have different soil microbial community composition. Phospholipids fatty acid analysis (PLFA) of seasonal shifts and was used to assess the effect vegetation types on soil microbial community structure. A total of 22 different PLFAs were identified from all the soil samples. The bacterial PLFAs accounted for 62.37% of the total PLFAs, followed by fungi (28.94%), and the minimum was actinomycetes (6.41%). Overall, the level of PLFAs in C. carlesii soil was greater than those in C. lanceolata soil, and significant differences were observed in some seasons. The amounts of total, bacteria, actinomycic and fungal PLFAs significantly changed with the seasons and followed a sequence order (summer 〉 autumn 〉 spring 〉 winter). The bacteria/fungi PLFAs and G (+)/G (-) PLFAs of two vegetation types also changed with the seasons and the ratios in summer and autumn were higher than those in spring and winter. The correlation analysis of microbial PLFAs and soil physicochemical properties showed that the total, bacteria, fungal, actinomycic, G (+) and G (-) PLFAs were significantly positive correlation with TOC, TN, TP, TK and moisture content. We concluded that the seasonal shifts and vegetation types affect soil microbial community composition by changing the soil physicochemical properties. 展开更多
关键词 Seasonal shifts Soil microbes Community composition Castanopisi carlesii Cunninghamia lanceolata
The Impact of Inoculum-Substrate Ratios on Microbial Levels during Psychrophilic Anaerobic Digestion
作者 James Rosenblum Juan Castano +2 位作者 Jiyoung Lee Jay Martin Michael Bisesi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第10期625-636,共12页
The study evaluated impact of psychrophilic anaerobic digestion on levels of viable populations of fecal indicator bacteria using various inoculum-to-substrate ratios (I:S). Laboratory-scale batch reactors were mai... The study evaluated impact of psychrophilic anaerobic digestion on levels of viable populations of fecal indicator bacteria using various inoculum-to-substrate ratios (I:S). Laboratory-scale batch reactors were maintained at 10 ℃ and 20 ℃ for 25 days with dairy manure substrate. Five treatments included inoculum (control inoculum; inoculum only [CI]), manure (control manure; substrate only [CM]), and 3I:1S, II:IS, and 1I:3S. E. coli decreased in all treatments, while Enterococci decreased in only a few treatments. Treatment 1 I: 1S achieved highest E. coli decrease at 20 ℃ (3.11 log); CM showed highest E. coli decrease at 10 ℃ (2.33 log). The 1I:3 Streatment showed highest decrease of Enterococci at 20 ℃ (1.82 log), whereas CM had highest, but less substantial, decrease at 10 ℃ (0.49 log). These decreases may be the result of environmental conditions, namely substrate limitation for E. coli, and, increased VFA (volatile fatty acid) levels for Enterococci. Lower I:S showed higher levels of indicator organisms; less stable conditions with more acidic pH, higher VFAs, and lower biogas production. Results suggest II:IS is ideal for starting a digester at 20 ℃, whereas 3I:1S appears optimal for 10 ℃, Overall, I:S influenced chemical parameters and fecal indicators during batch psychrophilic anaerobic digestion of manure. 展开更多
关键词 BIOGAS psychrophilic anaerobic digestion fecal indicators inoculum-to-substrate ratio.
Soil microbial activities and community diversity during the rhizoremediation of a pyrene contaminated soil
作者 XU Chao XIA Bei-cheng 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2009年第3期24-36,共13页
A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to evaluate pyrene degradation, microbial biomass, basal soil respiration, metabolic quotient (qCO2), soil enzyme activities, and the FAME patterns of rhizospheric soil and ... A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to evaluate pyrene degradation, microbial biomass, basal soil respiration, metabolic quotient (qCO2), soil enzyme activities, and the FAME patterns of rhizospheric soil and nonrhizospheric soil. The results showed that the pyrene concentrations in soil decreased with time extending and were very significant less in rhizospheric soil grown with maize plants (p〈0.01). At the end of the 45-day experiment, the ratios of pyrene degradation were 61.25% and 35.58% in rhizospheric and nonrhizospheric soil, respectively. Maize enhanced the decrease of pyrene concentration and increased the degradation rate of pyrene in soil. During the experimental period, a relatively large amount of microbial biomass biomass (Craig), basal soil respiration, the Cmic/Corg ratio, enzyme (urease, dehydrogenase, polyphenol oxidase, and catalase) activities were detected in rbizospheric soil. Metabolic quotient was lower in rhizospheric soil than in nonrhizospheric soil at the whole experimental period. Soil microbial communities in rhizospheric soil and nonrhizospheric soil were characterized using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. Fatty acid profiles demonstrated that soil microbial community structure was significantly altered in pyrene contaminated soil with maize. Fatty acid indicators for fungi and the ratio of fungi to bacteria significant increased, and fatty acid indicators for bacteria and Gram-negative bacteria significantly decreased. The effect gradually increased and got very significant (p〈0.01) with the time extending. The differences of fatty acid indicators for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), Gram-positive bacteria and actinomycetes gradually increased, and the differences reached significant level (p〈0.05) at the end of the experiment (45 d). 展开更多
关键词 PYRENE RHIZOREMEDIATION microbial activity microbial community structure fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) maize (Z. mays L.)
Quality Characteristics and Microbiology Status in Kundi, an Intermediate Moisture Meat (IMM) Product
作者 Patience Olusola Fakolade 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第7期841-847,共7页
Meat and meat products are extremely perishable, so special care and handling must be exercised during slaughtering operation. Moreover, due to its high nutritive value, deterioration set in immediately after slaughte... Meat and meat products are extremely perishable, so special care and handling must be exercised during slaughtering operation. Moreover, due to its high nutritive value, deterioration set in immediately after slaughtered, therefore it is necessary to preserved meat, using simple techniques. One of such method of preservation is drying method to produced Intermediate Moisture Meat (IMM). The quality attributes and microbiological status of Kundi, a West African dried meat product (IMM) were studied over three months of storage period by comparing commercial products and laboratory Kundi products. Chemical and minerals composition and microbiological counts were reported. Moisture and water activity results indicated that the experimental Kundi was sufficiently dried to minimize microbial growth. Fat oxidation levels measured by free fatty acids (FFA, %) on extracted fats were unacceptably high for the commercial Kundi (2.64%), which may be a reflection of the oil used in spraying the products. Processing of Kundi, appears to have relative higher amounts of minerals than fresh meat but their relative solubility were lower. Aflatoxin levels far exceeded established safe limits for commercial samples while laboratory samples fell under the safe limits, resulting from the mould growth in each product, with laboratory samples having lower growth than commercial samples. 展开更多
关键词 Camel meat BEEF FUNGI mold and qualities characteristics.
Chemical and Microbiological Properties of Karinyagi (Butter Stored in Rumen) Consumed in Turkey
作者 Gokhan Akarca Abdullah Caglar Oktay Tomar 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2015年第1期37-43,共7页
In this study, moisture content, peroxide and free fatty acid values and microbial counts of 30 Karinyagi samples taken from different retail markets in Afyonkarahisar province have been investigated. The average mois... In this study, moisture content, peroxide and free fatty acid values and microbial counts of 30 Karinyagi samples taken from different retail markets in Afyonkarahisar province have been investigated. The average moisture content of Karinyagi samples was found to be 17.64%. The average peroxide values of the samples was found 2.33 meq O2/kg fat. Free fatty acid values of samples ranged at 2.2-5.2 mg NaOH/g fat and the average acidity value was found to be 3.43 mg NaOH/g fat. Total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, yeast/mould, coliform group and Micrococcus/Staphylococcus counts of Karinyagi samples were 5.59, 5.54, 2.56, 1.24 log CFU/g fat, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 BUTTER Karinyagi peroxide value quality.
Effcts of Irrigation Patterns and Nitrogen Fertilization on Rice Yield and Microbial Community Structure in Paddy Soil 被引量:17
作者 LI Ya-Juan CHEN Xing +2 位作者 I.H.SHAMSI FANG Ping LIN Xian-Yong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期661-672,共12页
Water and nitrogen (N) are considered the most important factors affecting rice production and play vital roles in regulating soil microbial biomass, activity, and community. The effects of irrigation patterns and N... Water and nitrogen (N) are considered the most important factors affecting rice production and play vital roles in regulating soil microbial biomass, activity, and community. The effects of irrigation patterns and N fertilizer levels on the soil microbial community structure and yield of paddy rice were investigated in a pot experiment. The experiment was designed with four N levels of 0 (NO), 126 (N1), 157.5 (N2), and 210 kg N ha^(-1) (N3) under two irrigation patterns of continuous water-logging irrigation (WLI) and water- controlled irrigation (WCI). Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis was conducted to track the dynamics of soil microbial communities at tillering, grain-filling, and maturity stages. The results showed that the maximums of grain yield, above-ground biomass, and total N uptake were all obtained in the N2 treatment under WCI. Similar variations in total PLFAs, as well as bacterial and fungM PLFAs, were found, with an increase from the tillering to the grain-filling stage and a decrease at the maturity stage except for actinomycetic PLFAs, which decreased continuously from the tillering to the maturity stage. A shift in composition of the microbial community at different stages of the plant growth was indicated by principal component analysis (PCA), in which the samples at the vegetative stage (tillering stage) were separated from those at the reproductive stage (grain-filling and maturity stages). Soil microbial biomass, measured as total PLFAs, was significantly higher under WCI than that under WLI mainly at the grain-filling stage, whereas the fungal PLFAs detected under WCI were significantly higher than those under WLI at the tillering, grain-filling, and maturity stages. The application of N fertilizer also significantly increased soil microbial biomass and the main microbial groups both under WLI and WCI conditions. The proper combination of irrigation management and N fertilizer level in this study was the N2 (157.5 kg N ha^(-1)) treatment under the water-controlled irrigation pattern. 展开更多
关键词 irrigation management nitrogen levels phospholipid fatty acid rice growth stage soil microorganism
Effects of acupuncture on nutritional status in patients in a persistent vegetative state:a prospective randomized controlled study 被引量:1
作者 SHI Hanfeng ZHANG Fuqing 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2022年第4期281-287,共7页
Objective To explore the effects of acupuncture on nutritional status in patients in a persistent vegetative state.Methods A prospective randomized controlled trial was designed.A total of 66 patients in a persistent ... Objective To explore the effects of acupuncture on nutritional status in patients in a persistent vegetative state.Methods A prospective randomized controlled trial was designed.A total of 66 patients in a persistent vegetative state were randomized into a control group and an observation group,with 33 cases in each group.The control group was given conventional treatment plus enteral nutrition support.The observation group was treated with additional Tiao Shen Jian Pi acupuncture therapy(acupuncture for spirit-regulating and spleen-invigorating)based on the same interventions in the control group.Both groups were treated for 8 weeks.The levels of total protein(TP),prealbumin(PA),albumin(Alb),and hemoglobin(Hb)were measured before and after treatment.The upper arm circumference and skinfold thickness of triceps brachii were measured.And the intestinal flora and fecal short-chain fatty acids contents were determined.Results After treatment,the levels of TP,PA,Alb,and Hb in the control group were decreased(P<0.05),while in the observation group,compared with those before treatment,the levels of TP,PA,Alb,and Hb had no statistical differences(P>0.05),and the levels were all higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).The upper arm circumference and skinfold thickness of triceps brachii in both groups decreased(P<0.05),and the values of these two items in the observation group were higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).In the control group,the contents of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus in feces decreased(P<0.05),and the content of Enterococcus increased(P<0.05).In the observation group,the contents of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus in feces increased(P<0.05),and the content of Enterococcus decreased(P<0.05).The differences between the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05).In the control group,the total content of fecal short-chain fatty acids and the contents of acetic acid and butyric acid in feces decreased(P<0.05).In the observation group,the total content of fecal short-chain fatty acids and the contents of acetic acid and butyric acid in feces increased(P<0.05)and were all higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Acupuncture can improve nutrition-related blood indicators in patients in a persistent vegetative state and delay the decrease of upper arm circumference and skinfold thickness of triceps brachii,which may be related to the regulation of intestinal flora and fecal short-chain fatty acids contents. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Persistent Vegetative State Nutritional Status HEMOGLOBINS Gastrointestinal Microbiome Fatty Acids Volatile
Distribution of microbial fatty acids and fatty alcohols in soils from an altitude transect of Mt. Jianfengling in Hainan, China: Implication for paleoaltimetry and paleotemperature reconstruction 被引量:8
作者 YANG Huan DING WeiHua XIE ShuCheng 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期999-1012,共14页
The temperature gradient along the altitude transect of Mt. Jianfengling provides a good opportunity to establish and evaluate the microbial lipid-based environmental proxies. The soils collected from 14 different alt... The temperature gradient along the altitude transect of Mt. Jianfengling provides a good opportunity to establish and evaluate the microbial lipid-based environmental proxies. The soils collected from 14 different altitudes of Mt. Jianfengling contain abundant microbial fatty acids and fatty alcohols, including iso/anteiso fatty acids (i/aC12:0-i[aCl9:0), 10-Me-C16:0 fatty acid, iso/anteiso fatty alcohols (i/aC13-iC26), 10-Me-C16:0 fatty alcohol and unsaturated fatty alcohols, which can indicate a strong microbial activity in the Jianfengling soils. The branched and unsaturated fatty alcohols can be only detected when saponifica- tion is performed, implying that these lipids are present as the constituents of bacterial wax esters in the soils. The ratio of aC15/iC15 fatty acids is positively correlated with altitude, suggesting that the decrease in temperature can induce the increase in the relative abundance of anteiso C^5 fatty acid. In contrast, the ratio of aCJiC15 fatty alcohols and of aCjs/nC15 fatty alco- hols both decrease with increased altitude or decreased temperature. Similarly, the ratio of nC18:l/nCi8:0 fatty alcohols also de- creases with decreased temperature, which is opposite to the previous observation that unsaturation of fatty acids in microor- ganism increases in response to decreased temperature. Besides, the average chain length (ACL) of long chain fatty alcohols (C22-C30) from leaf waxes and carbon preference index (CPI) of all n-fatty alcohols are also significantly correlated with alti- tude or mean annual temperature, demonstrating their potential for paleoclimate reconstruction. The correlation of microbial fatty acids and alcohols as well as ACL and CPI of plant wax-derived fatty alcohols with altitude may provide novel ways to reconstruct paleotemperature and paleoaltimetry. 展开更多
Prebiotic oligosaccharides change the concentrations of short-chain fatty acids and the microbial population of mouse bowel 被引量:9
作者 Xiao-dong PAN Fen-qin CHEN +2 位作者 Tian-xing WU Hong-gang TANG Zhan-yu ZHAO 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期258-263,共6页
The purpose of this study was to clarify effects of selected oligosaccharides on concentrations of cecal short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), total large bowel wet weight and wall weight, and cecal microbiota levels in ... The purpose of this study was to clarify effects of selected oligosaccharides on concentrations of cecal short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), total large bowel wet weight and wall weight, and cecal microbiota levels in mice. Mice were respectively given gavage of selected fructooligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), mannanoligosaccharides (MOS), and ehitooligosaccharides (COS) [1000 mg/(kg body weightd)]. Control group was given physiological saline solution. After 14 d treatment, SCFAs and lactate in mice cecum were significantly increased (P〈0.05) by intake of oligosaccharides, especially FOS and GOS. Thus, providing these oligosaccharides as ingredients in nutritional formulas may benefit the gastrointestinal tract. 展开更多
Response of Microbial Communities in Soil to Multi-level Warming in a Highland Barley System of the Lhasa River 被引量:1
作者 FU Gang SUN Wei +1 位作者 LI Shaowei ZHONG Zhiming 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2019年第4期373-378,共6页
No studies have examined the effect of experimental warming on the microbial biomass and community composition of soil in agricultural ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Thus it is unclear whether the influences ... No studies have examined the effect of experimental warming on the microbial biomass and community composition of soil in agricultural ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Thus it is unclear whether the influences of experimental warming on microbial communities in soil are related to warming magnitude in croplands on this Plateau. This study performed warming experiment(control, low-and high-level) in a highland barley system of the Lhasa River in May 2014 to examine the correlation between the response of microbial communities in soil to warming and warming magnitude. Topsoil samples(0–10 and 10–20 cm) were collected on September 14, 2014. Experimental warming at both low and high levels significantly increased soil temperature by 1.02 ℃ and 1.59 ℃, respectively at the depth of 15 cm. Phospho lipid fatty acid(PLFA) method was used to determine the microbial community in soil. The low-level experimental warming did not significantly affect the soil’s total PLFA, fungi, bacteria, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF), actinomycetes, gram-positive bacteria(G+), gram-negative bacteria(G–), protozoa, the ratio of fungi to bacteria(F/B ratio), and ratio of G+ to G–(G+/G– ratio) at the 0–10 and 10–20 cm depth. The low-level experimental warming also did not significantly alter the composition of microbial community in soil at the 0–10 and 10–20 cm depth. The high-level experimental warming significantly increased total PLFA by 74.4%, fungi by 78.0%, bacteria by 74.0%, AMF by 66.9%, actinomycetes by 81.4%, G+ by 67.0% and G– by 74.4% at the 0–10 cm depth rather than at 10–20 cm depth. The high-level experimental warming significantly altered microbial community composition in soil at the 0–10 cm depth rather than at 10-20 cm depth. Our findings suggest that the response of microbial communities in soil to warming varied with warming magnitudes in the highland barley system of the Lhasa River. 展开更多
关键词 infrared heater microbial biomass phospho lipid fatty acid warming level
Response of Soil Microbial Community to a High Dose of Fresh Olive Mill Wastewater 被引量:1
作者 J.L.MORENO F.BASTIDA +2 位作者 M.A.S NCHEZ-MONEDERO T.HERNNDEZ C.GARCíA 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期281-289,共9页
An incubation experiment was designed in order to determine the further microbiological response to an addition (500 m3 ha-1) of fresh olive mill wastewater (FOMWW) in a soil that has been frequently amended with ... An incubation experiment was designed in order to determine the further microbiological response to an addition (500 m3 ha-1) of fresh olive mill wastewater (FOMWW) in a soil that has been frequently amended with uncontrolled doses of OMWW since the 1990s in an active disposal site (ADS soil). To achieve this aim, the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles, microbial biomass C (Cmic), and dehydrogenase (DHA) and urease activities (URA) were monitored at the beginning (To), 3 h (T1) and 97 d (Tf, i.e., the end) of incubation after FOMWW addition. After the FOMWW addition, an increase in the ratio of fungal to bacterial PLFAs was observed in ADS soil. Moreover, a relative increase of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) with respect to saturated fatty acids (SATFA) was found in the ADS soil. An increase of the Gram-positive to Gram-negative ratio was observed in this soil at the end of the incubation. While DHA and Cmic increased in the ADS soil after FOMWW addition, URA showed a decrease. Fungi and Gram-positive bacterial biomass experienced an increase after addition of a high dose of FOMWW in laboratory conditions. 展开更多
关键词 enzyme activity microbial activity microbial biomass phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarker
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