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地幔岩中微粒合金和还原气体 被引量:20
作者 杜乐天 戎嘉树 +1 位作者 陈安福 黄树桃 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第19期1788-1790,共3页
众所周知,被玄武岩等岩浆喷溢带到地表的地幔包体储存有相当丰富的深部信息.除了记录地幔熔融、交代、富化、亏损、气体成分等外,还可以提供其它可贵的信息,例如自然元素(金属、非金属)就是一个新的专门研究对象.它们的存在反映了在地... 众所周知,被玄武岩等岩浆喷溢带到地表的地幔包体储存有相当丰富的深部信息.除了记录地幔熔融、交代、富化、亏损、气体成分等外,还可以提供其它可贵的信息,例如自然元素(金属、非金属)就是一个新的专门研究对象.它们的存在反映了在地幔中曾发生过极强的还原反应和断键事件(从硅酸盐、氧化物中被解离为自然元素).这是地幔岩中的纳米物质.在金伯利岩中不断发现自然元素(等,1981;赵磊、路凤香等,1994).然而在橄榄岩地幔包体中这方面研究现在只有零星的报道(Dawson J B,1980; Nixon P H,1987).臧启家等(1987)在宽甸黄椅山二辉橄榄岩中发现含Si的α自然Fe. 展开更多
关键词 还原气体 地幔 微粒合金 岩石包裹体
钛合金微粒对硬膜外瘢痕粘连形成影响的实验研究 被引量:1
作者 吴亮 邱勇 +2 位作者 邓幼文 朱丽华 朱泽章 《中国矫形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 2003年第11期763-765,共3页
目的 :观察钛合金微粒对硬膜外瘢痕粘连的影响 :方法 :3 6只成年新西兰兔随机分为 3组。切除L5椎板后造成 10mm× 5mm硬膜裸露区 ,A组植入钛合金微粒 ,B组植入不锈钢微粒 ,C组作为空白对照 ,术后 4、8、12周分别进行肉眼和光镜观察... 目的 :观察钛合金微粒对硬膜外瘢痕粘连的影响 :方法 :3 6只成年新西兰兔随机分为 3组。切除L5椎板后造成 10mm× 5mm硬膜裸露区 ,A组植入钛合金微粒 ,B组植入不锈钢微粒 ,C组作为空白对照 ,术后 4、8、12周分别进行肉眼和光镜观察 ,8周时进行硬膜外粘连等级评分和计算机图像分析。结果 :4周时 3组均有大量瘢痕形成 ,瘢痕尚未成熟 ,其间可见纤维母细胞。 8周时瘢痕成熟 ,肉眼及光镜硬膜外粘连等级评分 ,三组间无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,计算机图像分析示A组、C组的粘连程度均轻于B组 (P <0 .0 1) ,而A组与C组无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。 12周时瘢痕组织转化为骨组织 ,硬膜外大量新生椎板形成 ,呈松质骨状。结论 :钛合金微粒对于硬脊膜及硬膜外组织具有良好的生物相容性 ,其对硬膜外瘢痕粘连的形成及发展无影响。 展开更多
关键词 合金微粒 硬膜 粘连
用直流磁控溅射法对镍基合金微粒表面涂铬 被引量:1
作者 范洪远 李伟 +3 位作者 沈保罗 唐正华 向文欣 应诗浩 《新技术新工艺》 北大核心 2002年第9期41-42,共2页
研究了用直流磁控溅射技术在 80~ 1 40目的镍基合金微粒表面包覆 1 0μm左右的金属铬膜的方法 ,讨论了工艺的影响和膜的性能 ,指出利用直流磁控溅射技术可在镍基合金微粒表面获得均匀、完整的厚铬膜 。
关键词 镍基合金微粒 涂层 直流磁控溅射
Sn-Pb合金微粒的制备和微结构 被引量:7
作者 吴萍 TeiichiAndo +1 位作者 HirokiFukuda ChuckTuffile 《材料研究学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期92-96,共5页
采用均匀颗粒成型法(Uniform Droplet Spray-UDS)制备出Sn-5%Pb合金微粒,颗粒的粒度分布均匀,性能一致。用非绝热容量法测量了在N_2—2%H_2气氛下Sn-5%Pb微粒的焓,并分析了颗粒的显微结构,结果表明:Sn-5%Pb微粒具有较大的过冷度和... 采用均匀颗粒成型法(Uniform Droplet Spray-UDS)制备出Sn-5%Pb合金微粒,颗粒的粒度分布均匀,性能一致。用非绝热容量法测量了在N_2—2%H_2气氛下Sn-5%Pb微粒的焓,并分析了颗粒的显微结构,结果表明:Sn-5%Pb微粒具有较大的过冷度和亚稳态结构。 展开更多
关键词 Sn-Pb合金微粒 制备 微结构 均匀颗粒成型法 锡铅合金
重组成骨蛋白-1在钛合金微粒环境下对MC3T3-E1成骨细胞增殖、分化、矿化的影响 被引量:1
作者 孙国静 杨书丰 +3 位作者 郭国栋 樊根涛 吴俊 赵建宁 《东南国防医药》 2015年第1期1-4,共4页
目的在钛-6铝-4钒(Ti-6Al-4V)合金微粒环境下观察重组成骨蛋白-1(recombinant OP-1,r OP-1)对成骨细胞的影响,为防治关节假体无菌性松动提供新的治疗途径。方法根据小鼠颅顶骨前成骨细胞亚克隆14(MC3T3-E1)中是否加入Ti-6Al-4V微粒和r O... 目的在钛-6铝-4钒(Ti-6Al-4V)合金微粒环境下观察重组成骨蛋白-1(recombinant OP-1,r OP-1)对成骨细胞的影响,为防治关节假体无菌性松动提供新的治疗途径。方法根据小鼠颅顶骨前成骨细胞亚克隆14(MC3T3-E1)中是否加入Ti-6Al-4V微粒和r OP-1,分为微粒组(5、10、15μg/m L Ti-6Al-4V)、处理组(微粒组加入200 ng/m L r OP-1)、阳性组(加入200ng/m L r OP-1)和对照组,检测各组24、72、120 h MC3T3-E1细胞增殖能力、72 h碱性磷酸酶(akaline phosphatase,AKP)、骨钙素(osteocalcin,OCN)和骨桥蛋白(osteopontin,OPN)mRNA的表达,及120 h成骨细胞的矿化能力。结果 1r OP-1无促进Ti-6Al-4V微粒环境下成骨细胞增殖能力,与微粒组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);2r OP-1可提高成骨细胞分化,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);同时逆转Ti-6Al-4V微粒抑制成骨细胞分化,与微粒组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);3茜素红S染色后Ti-6Al-4V微粒钙结节数量随着浓度增加逐渐降低,和微粒组比较,加入r OP-1后钙结节数量呈增多趋势。结论 Ti-6Al-4V微粒环境下,r OP-1无提高成骨细胞增殖能力,能提高细胞分化矿化能力,r OP-1可以作为潜在治疗关节假体无菌性松动一种方法。 展开更多
关键词 合金微粒 重组成骨蛋白-1 成骨细胞 骨溶解
X光衍射法测定Ni-P非晶合金超细微粒的晶化偏析 被引量:2
作者 张卫华 范以宁 周哲民 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 1996年第1期51-54,共4页
关键词 Ni—P非晶合金超细微粒 晶化偏析 XRD相定量
Pb-Sn合金纳米微粒的液相分散法制备及性能研究 被引量:1
作者 郜学云 赵彦保 +1 位作者 吴志申 肖高峰 《无机化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期839-842,共4页
铅基合金是一种非常重要的低熔点金属材料,它广泛应用于高档焊料、电池电极、防护涂层,固体润滑及薄膜润滑等领域。对于合金纳米微粒的制备通常是采用金属盐液相共还原或金属有机化合物热分解的方法,但是这些化学法所使用的试剂通常比... 铅基合金是一种非常重要的低熔点金属材料,它广泛应用于高档焊料、电池电极、防护涂层,固体润滑及薄膜润滑等领域。对于合金纳米微粒的制备通常是采用金属盐液相共还原或金属有机化合物热分解的方法,但是这些化学法所使用的试剂通常比较昂贵,甚至有些试剂具有较大的毒性,因此大大限制了这类合金纳米材料的研究与应用。 展开更多
关键词 合金纳米微粒 液相分散 润滑油添加剂 摩擦学性能
Effect of Ce addition on microstructure of Mg-9Li alloy 被引量:4
作者 殷恒梅 蒋斌 +4 位作者 黄小勇 曾迎 杨青山 Ming-xing ZHANG 潘复生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第7期1936-1941,共6页
The as-cast and as-extruded Mg-9Li, Mg-9Li-0.3Ce alloys were respectively prepared through a simple alloying process and hot extrusion. The microstructures of these alloys were investigated by optical microscope (OM... The as-cast and as-extruded Mg-9Li, Mg-9Li-0.3Ce alloys were respectively prepared through a simple alloying process and hot extrusion. The microstructures of these alloys were investigated by optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). The results indicate that Ce addition produces a strong grain refining effect in Mg-9Li alloy. The grain size of the as-extruded alloy reduces abruptly from 88.2 μm to 10.5 μm when the addition of Ce is 0.36%. Mg12Ce is verified and exists inside the grains or at the grain boundaries, thus possibly pins up grain boundaries and restrains the grain growth. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium-lithium alloys MICROSTRUCTURE grain refinement intermetallic compound
Effect of electromagnetic field on microstructure and macrosegregation of flat ingot of 2524 aluminium alloy 被引量:2
作者 左玉波 崔建忠 +3 位作者 牟丹 朱庆丰 王向杰 李磊 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第7期2408-2413,共6页
Low frequency electromagnetic casting (LFEC) process with the application of an induction coil outside the conventional direct chill (DC) casting mould was used to prepare the flat ingot of 2524 alloy and the effe... Low frequency electromagnetic casting (LFEC) process with the application of an induction coil outside the conventional direct chill (DC) casting mould was used to prepare the flat ingot of 2524 alloy and the effect of electromagnetic field on the microstructure and macrosegregation of this alloy was systematically studied. The results show that the fiat ingot prepared by the LFEC process has a finer and more uniform as-cast microstructure and the grain morphology is transformed from dendrite and rosette-like to equiaxed structure. The LFEC process also shows a significant effect on macrosegregation, and with the application of electromagnetic field during casting process, the segregation in the centre of the ingot is obviously reduced. The mechanism of these effects was also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 2524 aluminium alloy grain refinement solidification MICROSTRUCTURE MACROSEGREGATION low-frequencyelectromagnetic casting
Site occupation evolution of alloying elements in Ni_3 V phase during phase transformation in Ni_(75)Al_(4.2)V_(20.8)
作者 张明义 李志刚 +3 位作者 张金玲 张会占 陈铮 张嘉振 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1599-1604,共6页
Based on the microscopic phase-field model, the correlation between site occupation evolution of alloying elements in Ni3V-DO22 phase and growth of Ni3Al-L12 phase was studied during the phase transformation of Ni75Al... Based on the microscopic phase-field model, the correlation between site occupation evolution of alloying elements in Ni3V-DO22 phase and growth of Ni3Al-L12 phase was studied during the phase transformation of Ni75Al4.2V20.8. The results demonstrate that the growth of L12 phase can be divided into two stages: at the early stage, the composition of alloying elements in DO22 phase almost remains unchanged; at the late stage, the compositions of Ni and Al decrease while V increases in DO22 phase. Part of alloying elements for L12 phase growth are supplied from the site occupation evolution of alloying elements on three kinds of sublattices in DO22 phase. Ni is mainly supplied from V sublattice, and part of Al is supplied from NiⅠ and V sites at the centre of DO22 phase. The excessive V from the decreasing DO22 phase migrates into the centre of DO22 phase and mainly occupies V and NiII sites. It is the site occupation evolution of antisite atoms and ternary additions in DO22 phase that controls the growth rate of L12 phase at the late stage. 展开更多
关键词 Ni75Al4.2V20.8 alloy grain growth phase transformation microscopic phase-field antisite defect
Site occupation evolution of alloying elements in L1_2 phase during phase transformation in Ni_(75)Al_(7.5)V_(17.5)
作者 张明义 刘富 +3 位作者 陈铮 郭红军 岳广全 杨坤 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第10期2439-2443,共5页
Correlation between site occupation evolution of alloying elements in L12 phase and growth of DO22 phase in Ni75Al7.5V17.5 was studied using microscopic phase field model. The results demonstrate that the growing proc... Correlation between site occupation evolution of alloying elements in L12 phase and growth of DO22 phase in Ni75Al7.5V17.5 was studied using microscopic phase field model. The results demonstrate that the growing process of DO22 phase can be divided into two stages. At the early stage, composition in the centre part of L12 phase almost remains unchanged, and the nucleation and growth of DO22 phase is controlled by the decrease of interface between L12 phases. At the late stage, part of V for growth of DO22 phase is supplied from the centre part of L12 phase and mainly comes from Al sublattice, the excess Ni spared from the decreasing L12 phase migrates into the centre part of L12 phase and occupies the Ni sublattices exclusively, while the excess Al mainly occupies the Al sublattice. At the late stage, the growth of DO22 phase is controlled by the evolution of antisite atoms and ternary additions in the centre part of L12 phase. 展开更多
关键词 nickel based superalloys Ni75Al7.5V17.5 alloy phase transformation micro-phase field grain growth antisite defect
作者 刘强春 杨一军 戴建明 《淮北煤师院学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第4期26-30,共5页
关键词 微乳法 制备 无机纳米材料 研究进展 合金纳米微粒 表面活性剂
Microstructure and microtexture evolution of undercooled Ni-15%Cu alloy 被引量:2
作者 李圣 王海丰 刘峰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第11期3265-3270,共6页
Rapid solidification of undercooled Ni-15%Cu (mole fraction) alloy was studied using glass fluxing and cyclic superheating. To show the effect of cooling history on the microstrucyure and microtexture evolution, the... Rapid solidification of undercooled Ni-15%Cu (mole fraction) alloy was studied using glass fluxing and cyclic superheating. To show the effect of cooling history on the microstrucyure and microtexture evolution, the as-solidified samples were either cooled naturally or quenched into water after recalescence. At low undercooling, grain-refined microstructure has a random texture and a highly oriented texture without annealing twins for the case of naturally cooling and quenching, respectively. At high undercooling, a fully random texture as well as a number of annealing twins are observed, and recrystallization and grain growth independently happen on the cooling history. Fluid flow and recrystallization play an important role in the microtexture formation for grain refinement at both low and high undercooling. 展开更多
关键词 solidification UNDERCOOLING grain refinement MICROTEXTURE Ni-Cu alloy
Structure and magnetic properties of Cu-Ni alloy nanoparticles prepared by rapid microwave combustion method 被引量:4
作者 J.ARUL MARY A.MANIKANDAN +3 位作者 L.JOHN KENNEDY M.BOUOUDINA R.SUNDARAM J.JUDITH VIJAYA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期1467-1473,共7页
Cu-Ni alloy nanoparticles were prepared by a microwave combustion method with the molar ratios of CU2+ to Ni2+ as 3:7, 4:6, 5:5, 6:4 and 7:3. The as-prepared samples were characterized by XRD, HR-SEM, EDX and V... Cu-Ni alloy nanoparticles were prepared by a microwave combustion method with the molar ratios of CU2+ to Ni2+ as 3:7, 4:6, 5:5, 6:4 and 7:3. The as-prepared samples were characterized by XRD, HR-SEM, EDX and VSM. XRD and EDX analyses suggest the formation of pure alloy powders. The average crystallite sizes were found to be in the range of 21.56-33.25 nm. HR-SEM images show the clustered/agglomerated particle-like morphology structure. VSM results reveal that for low Ni content (CusNis, Cu6Ni4 and Cu7Ni3), the system shows paramagnetic behaviors, whereas for high Ni content (Cu3Ni7 and Cu4Ni6), it becomes ferromagnetic. 展开更多
关键词 microwave combustion NANOPARTICLES Cu-Ni alloys magnetization property
Preparation of gold clusters on metal oxides by deposition-precipitation with microwave drying and their catalytic performance for CO and sulfide oxidation 被引量:1
作者 Ayako Taketoshi Tamao Ishida +2 位作者 Hironori Ohashi Tetsuo Honma Masatake Haruta 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期1888-1898,共11页
Gold clusters and small nanoparticles supported on metal oxides could be prepared by deposition‐precipitation followed by microwave irradiation as a drying method and then calcination.The drying method influenced the... Gold clusters and small nanoparticles supported on metal oxides could be prepared by deposition‐precipitation followed by microwave irradiation as a drying method and then calcination.The drying method influenced the size of the Au particles.Au(III)was partly reduced during conventional oven drying,resulting in Au aggregates.In contrast,Au(III)was preserved during microwave drying owing to rapid and uniform heating,and the Au diameter was minimized to1.4nm on Al2O3.This method can be applied to several metal oxide supports having different microwave absorption efficiencies,such as MnO2,Al2O3,and TiO2.These catalysts exhibited higher catalytic activities for CO oxidation at low temperature and for selective aerobic oxidation of sulfide than those prepared by conventional methods. 展开更多
关键词 Gold nanoparticles Gold clusters MICROWAVE CO oxidation Aerobic oxidation
Fabrication and application of nano/microcrystalline composite diamond coated drawing dies using alternative carbon sources 被引量:1
作者 Cheng-chuan WANG Xin-chang WANG Fang-hong SUN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1602-1610,共9页
Nano/microcrystalline composite diamond films were deposited on the holes of WC-6%Co drawing dies by a two-step procedure using alternative carbon sources, i.e., methane for the microcrystalline diamond(MCD) layer a... Nano/microcrystalline composite diamond films were deposited on the holes of WC-6%Co drawing dies by a two-step procedure using alternative carbon sources, i.e., methane for the microcrystalline diamond(MCD) layer and acetone for the nanocrystalline diamond(NCD) layer. Moreover, the monolayer methane-MCD and acetone-NCD coated drawing dies were fabricated as comparisons. The adhesion and wear rates of the diamond coated drawing dies were also tested by an inner hole polishing apparatus. Compared with mono-layer diamond coated drawing die, the composite diamond coated one exhibits better comprehensive performance, including higher adhesive strength and better wear resistance than the NCD one, and smoother surface(Ra=65.3 nm) than the MCD one(Ra=95.6 nm) after polishing at the same time. Compared with the NCD coated drawing die, the working lifetime of the composite diamond coated one is increased by nearly 20 times. 展开更多
关键词 MICROCRYSTALLINE NANOCRYSTALLINE composite diamond film WC Co drawing die alternative carbon source
Microstructures and wear properties of graphite and Al_2O_3 reinforced AZ91D-Cex composites 被引量:1
作者 张美娟 曹占义 +1 位作者 杨晓红 刘勇兵 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第B07期471-475,共5页
The magnesium matrix composites reinforced by graphite particles and Al2O3 short fibers were fabricated by squeeze-infiltration technique.The additions dispersed uniformly and no agglomeration and casting defect were ... The magnesium matrix composites reinforced by graphite particles and Al2O3 short fibers were fabricated by squeeze-infiltration technique.The additions dispersed uniformly and no agglomeration and casting defect were observed.The microstructures and wear properties of the composites with different Ce contents of 0,0.4%,0.8%and 1.0%,respectively,were investigated.Especially,the effect of Ce on the properties was discussed.The results reveal that Ce enriches around the boundaries of graphite particles and forms Al3Ce phase with Al.The addition of Ce refines the microstructures of the composites.With the increase of Ce content,the grain size becomes smaller and the wear resistance of the composite is improved.At low load,the composites have similar worn surface.At high load,the composite with 1.0%Ce has the best wear resistance due to the existence of Al3Ce phase.The Al3Ce phase improves the thermal stability of the matrix so the graphite particles can keep intact,which can still work as lubricant. At low load,the wear mechanism is abrasive wear and oxidation wear.At high load,the wear mechanism changes to delamination wear for all the composites. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium matrix composite GRAPHITE Ce wear property
Thermal stability of nanocrystalline in surface layer of magnesium alloy AZ91D 被引量:2
作者 张津 欧信兵 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第7期1340-1344,共5页
Isothermal and isochronal annealing was conducted to study the thermal stability of the nanocrystalline in the surface layer of Mg alloy AZ91D induced by high-energy shot peening(HESP) .Field emission scanning electro... Isothermal and isochronal annealing was conducted to study the thermal stability of the nanocrystalline in the surface layer of Mg alloy AZ91D induced by high-energy shot peening(HESP) .Field emission scanning electron microscope(FESEM) and X-ray diffractometer were used to characterize the microstructure.Results showed that nanocrystalline produced by HESP on the surface layer of the magnesium alloy AZ91D was 60-70 nm on average.The nanocrystalline could remain stable at about 100℃,and grew up slowly between 100℃ and 200℃.When the annealing temperature reached 300℃,the growth rate of the nanocrystalline increased significantly.The kinetic coefficient n of the nanocrystalline growth was calculated to be 2-3 and the grain growth activation energy Q=39.7 kJ/mol,far less than the self-diffusion activation energy of magnesium atoms in the coarse polycrystalline material. 展开更多
关键词 high energy shot peening (HESP) magnesium alloy AZ91D nanoerystalline thermal stability
A perspective of microplasma oxidation (MPO) and vapor deposition coatings in surface engineering of aluminum alloys 被引量:1
作者 AWAD Samir Hamid 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2004年第2期4-11,共8页
Over the past years, great achievements have been made in the development of coating technologies for surface improvement of aluminum alloys. Despite these achievements, the role in the market strongly depends on the ... Over the past years, great achievements have been made in the development of coating technologies for surface improvement of aluminum alloys. Despite these achievements, the role in the market strongly depends on the ability of surface coating technology under technical and economic considerations to meet the increased demands for heavy tribological applications of aluminum alloys. Microplasma oxidation (MPO) technology has recently been studied as a novel and effective means to provide thick and hard ceramic coating with improved properties such as excellent load-bearing and wear resistance properties on aluminum alloys. The present work covers the evaluation of the performances of current single and duplex coatings combining MPO, physical vapor deposition (PVD), and plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (PACVD) coatings on aluminum alloys. It suggests that the MPO coating is a promising candidate for design engineers to apply aluminum alloys to heavy load-bearing applications. The prospective future for the research on MPO coatings is introduced as well. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloys microplasma oxidation (MPO) duplex coating physical vapor deposition (PVD) plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (PACVD)
Preparation of bimetallic nano-composite by dissimilar friction stir welding of copper to aluminum alloy 被引量:10
作者 Farhad BAKHTIARI ARGESI Ali SHAMSIPUR Seyyed Ehsan MIRSALEHI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期1363-1380,共18页
Butt friction stir welding between pure copper and AA5754 alloy was carried out.Reinforcing SiC nanoparticles were utilized in friction stir welded(FSW)joints to decline the harmful effects of intermetallic compounds.... Butt friction stir welding between pure copper and AA5754 alloy was carried out.Reinforcing SiC nanoparticles were utilized in friction stir welded(FSW)joints to decline the harmful effects of intermetallic compounds.Tensile tests,micro-hardness experiments,scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis were applied to studying the properties of welded joints.The joints with a travel speed of 50 mm/min and a rotation speed of 1000 r/min showed the best results.The presence of nano-sized SiC particles reduced the grain size of aluminum and copper in the stir zone(SZ)from 38.3 and 12.4μm to 12.9 and 5.1μm,respectively.The tensile strength of the joint in the presence of reinforcing SiC nano-particles was~240 MPa,which is~90%of that for the aluminum base.Furthermore,the highest microhardness of the weld zone was significantly increased from HV 160 to HV 320 upon the addition of SiC nano-particles.The results also showed that raising the heat generation in FSW joints increased the amount of Al_(4)Cu_(9) and Al_(2)Cu intermetallic compounds. 展开更多
关键词 friction stir welding dissimilar Al/Cu joint SiC nano-particles intermetallic compounds microstructural characteristics mechanical properties
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