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基于双层微结构电极的柔性电容式压力传感器 被引量:5
作者 张鹏 陈昱丞 +1 位作者 张建 李玉霞 《仪表技术与传感器》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期11-13,17,共4页
为了研究电容式传感器电极表面有微结构对自身灵敏度的影响,设计了一种基于双层微结构电极的电容式压力传感器,其以表面溅射有导电金属的带有金字塔微结构的PDMS薄膜作为上下层电极。该方法设计的传感器能够明显地提高传感器的性能,灵... 为了研究电容式传感器电极表面有微结构对自身灵敏度的影响,设计了一种基于双层微结构电极的电容式压力传感器,其以表面溅射有导电金属的带有金字塔微结构的PDMS薄膜作为上下层电极。该方法设计的传感器能够明显地提高传感器的性能,灵敏度可达0.34 kPa-1,是无微结构电极传感器灵敏度的17倍,具有低的检测极限(最低为20 Pa)、较快的响应时间(200 ms)和可靠的重复性。实验表明,该传感器能够实时快速地的检测外部压力的变化。 展开更多
关键词 柔性压力传感器 电容式传感器 微结构电极 金字塔阵列 聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)
锂离子电池电极微结构的分形建模及热-化耦合 被引量:1
作者 汪振毅 张赛 胡世旺 《储能科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期3574-3582,共9页
锂离子电池电极是决定电池性能优劣的关键因素,在多孔电极理论基础上引入分形理论,重构电极的微结构,考虑结构参数以及温度对有效扩散系数的影响,推导出锂离子在固、液相中有效扩散系数的理论模型,对其影响因素进行分析;建立热-化耦合模... 锂离子电池电极是决定电池性能优劣的关键因素,在多孔电极理论基础上引入分形理论,重构电极的微结构,考虑结构参数以及温度对有效扩散系数的影响,推导出锂离子在固、液相中有效扩散系数的理论模型,对其影响因素进行分析;建立热-化耦合模型,分析热模型与电化学模型之间的关系;模拟放电过程,探究不同固、液相有效扩散系数对放电性能的影响。结果表明,液相中锂离子的有效扩散系数随面积分形维数、孔隙度以及温度增大而增大,随迂曲分形维数增大而减小;固相有效扩散系数随面积分形维数增大而减小;在相对高倍率放电的情况下,改变负极颗粒粒径大小及分布,使得电极微观结构发生变化,从而使锂离子在固、液相中有效扩散系数发生变化,进一步影响了电池的最大放电容量。本工作为锂离子电池电极的制造提供了基础理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 锂离子电池 分形理论 电极微结构 有效扩散系数 颗粒粒径
银纳米线电极微结构对柔性压力传感器灵敏度的影响 被引量:4
作者 侯玉群 莫黎昕 +1 位作者 翟庆彬 李路海 《信息记录材料》 2014年第5期13-18,共6页
新型柔性压力传感器具有类似人体皮肤的可拉伸性以及对外力的感知特性,可被用于仿生电子皮肤及各种可穿戴电子设备,近年来引起了学术界和产业界的广泛关注。开发具有优异的传感灵敏度且制作工艺简单、节能、成本低廉的柔性压力传感器具... 新型柔性压力传感器具有类似人体皮肤的可拉伸性以及对外力的感知特性,可被用于仿生电子皮肤及各种可穿戴电子设备,近年来引起了学术界和产业界的广泛关注。开发具有优异的传感灵敏度且制作工艺简单、节能、成本低廉的柔性压力传感器具有重要的科学与实际意义。本文以银纳米线(AgNWs)为电极材料,聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)为柔性基底,分别采用PDMS相纸原位固化和抽滤转移固化2种方式制备银纳米线/PDMS复合电极,以聚酰亚胺薄膜(PI)为介电层,将两电极面对面层压封装,得到电容式柔性压力传感器。利用激光共聚焦显微镜和扫描电镜比较了2种制作工艺得到的电极微结构,并研究了上述电极微结构结构对传感器灵敏度的影响。研究结果表明,电极表面银纳米线的蓬松程度及粗糙度能显著影响器件灵敏度。电极表面银纳米线处于较密实状态、粗糙度为0.4μm的传感器灵敏度约为0.43kPa-1;当电极表面银纳米线较为蓬松且粗糙度增大为0.7μm时,传感器灵敏度增大到0.65kPa-1。本文制作的柔性压力传感器具有高灵敏度、低成本的特点,可用于诸如脉搏、心率,发声震动,细微压力变化监控等方面。 展开更多
关键词 电子皮肤 可拉伸电子 银纳米线 电容式压力传感器 电极微结构
高灵敏度电容式柔性压力传感器的设计与优化 被引量:3
作者 吴其皓 廖鹏飞 +1 位作者 茅寅 戴隆超 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期107-110,共4页
设计了基于微结构化电极与复合介电层的柔性压力传感器。传感器以碳纳米管(CNTs)与聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)作为电极层材料,采用工艺简单且成本低的旋涂技术将砂纸作为模板并引入CNTs制备结构化电极,同时引入CNTs对介电层进行掺杂。分析了... 设计了基于微结构化电极与复合介电层的柔性压力传感器。传感器以碳纳米管(CNTs)与聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)作为电极层材料,采用工艺简单且成本低的旋涂技术将砂纸作为模板并引入CNTs制备结构化电极,同时引入CNTs对介电层进行掺杂。分析了结构化电极与介电层掺杂不同质量分数CNTs对传感器灵敏度的影响。通过2步优化使得传感器在具有60目砂纸构建的微结构电极,且CNTs掺杂质量分数为复合介电层的2.5%时,具有更高的灵敏度(0.602 kPa^(-1)),快速响应(100 ms)以及良好的循环稳定性(240次)。 展开更多
关键词 压力传感器 碳纳米管 微结构电极 高灵敏度
锂离子电池极片制造中的微结构演化 被引量:8
作者 李茂源 张云 +6 位作者 汪正堂 谭鹏辉 刘兴鹏 张道琦 李光 解晶莹 周华民 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期1088-1102,共15页
锂离子电池是能源领域的革命性创新,具有能量密度高、循环寿命长等优点,推动了新能源、新能源汽车等新兴产业的跨越式发展,并应用于卫星、无人机等国家战略领域,成为世界各国竞争的战略高地.锂离子电池的广泛应用不仅源于新兴能源材料... 锂离子电池是能源领域的革命性创新,具有能量密度高、循环寿命长等优点,推动了新能源、新能源汽车等新兴产业的跨越式发展,并应用于卫星、无人机等国家战略领域,成为世界各国竞争的战略高地.锂离子电池的广泛应用不仅源于新兴能源材料的创新,还与制造工艺及装备技术的进步密不可分.极片制造作为生产锂离子电池最核心的过程,包括制浆、涂布、辊压三大关键工序,制造的正负电极构成了电化学反应载体和整个电池的核心.在电极制造中,多孔多组分电极微结构发生复杂的演化与定构过程,很大程度上决定了单体电池的能量密度、倍率特性等性能.本文分析极片制造中制浆、涂布和辊压技术进展与应用情况,重点讨论电极微结构在制造过程中的演化以及其对电池电化学性能的影响,旨在从“制造工艺-微结构-性能”之间的关系视角形成对电极微结构设计、材料制备、制造工艺的进一步认识,为研发高性能锂离子电池提供指导. 展开更多
关键词 锂离子电池 电极制造 制浆 涂布 辊压 电极微结构
Anodic behavior and microstructure of Al/Pb-Ag-Co anode during zinc electrowinning 被引量:5
作者 张永春 陈步明 +2 位作者 杨海涛 黄惠 郭忠诚 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期83-88,共6页
In order to study the anodic behavior and microstmctures of A1/Pb-Ag-Co anode during zinc electrowinning, by means of potentiodynamic investigations, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) ... In order to study the anodic behavior and microstmctures of A1/Pb-Ag-Co anode during zinc electrowinning, by means of potentiodynamic investigations, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses, the mechanism of the anodic processes playing on the surface of A1/Pb-0.8%Ag and A1/Pb-0.75%Ag-0.03%Co anodes prepared by electro-deposition from methyl sulfonic acid bath for zinc electrowinning from model sulphate electrolytes have been measured. On the basis of the cyclic voltammograms obtained, information about the corrosion rate of the composite in PbO2 region has been concluded. The microstructures were also observed by means of SEM and XRD which showed Pb-0.75%Ag-0.03%Co alloy composite coating has uniform and chaotic orientation tetragonal symmetry crystallites of PbSO4, but Pb-0.8%Ag alloy composite coating has well-organized orientation crystallites of PbSO4 concentrated in the certain zones after 24 h of anodic polarization. It is important that Al/Pb-0.75%Ag-0.03%Co anode oxide film consists of non-conductive dense MnO2 and PbSO4 and a, fl-PbO2 penetrated into which, in fact, are the active centers of the oxygen evolution after 24 h of anodic polarization. 展开更多
关键词 A1/Pb-Ag-Co anode zinc electrowinning potentiodynamic investigation corrosion rate
Research of micro-EDM and its applications
作者 张勇 王振龙 +2 位作者 胡富强 贾宝贤 赵万生 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第6期747-751,共5页
A Micro Electrical Discharge Machining (MEDM) equipment was developed in this paper,on which the CNC interpolation for 3-axis linkage movement could be realized easily. By this micro-EDM equipment,the fabrication proc... A Micro Electrical Discharge Machining (MEDM) equipment was developed in this paper,on which the CNC interpolation for 3-axis linkage movement could be realized easily. By this micro-EDM equipment,the fabrication process of microelectrode,micro hole,silicon wafer and complex microstructure was discussed. The process rules of machining efficiency and the relative electrode wear rate as well as the machining mechanism and performance of silicon micro-EDM were also researched. Machining experiments showed that the microelectrode diameter as small as 6 μm and the micro hole with minimum size of 10 μm could be obtained steadily,and the maximum aspect ratios of microelectrode and micro hole were over 25 and 10 respectively. And silicon micro-EDM experiments showed that the micro beam with the aspect ratios over 15 could be obtained easily. And a micro beam with minimum size of 23 μm width on a silicon wafer with 420 μm thickness was achieved. At last,the microstructure machining technology for micro-EDM was also discussed. And a micro-facial sculpture with free space curved surface and size of 1 mm×0.3 mm×0.18 mm was also machined successfully. 展开更多
关键词 micro electro discharge machining silicon machining MICROELECTRODE irregular hole micro 3D structure
N/O co-doped microporous carbon as a high-performance electrode for supercapacitors
作者 YAN Jing-jing FANG Xiao-hao +3 位作者 YAO De-zhou ZHU Cheng-wei SHI Jian-jun QIAN Shan-shan 《新型炭材料(中英文)》 2025年第1期231-242,共12页
Carbon materials with adjustable porosity,controllable het-eroatom doping and low-cost have been received considerable attention as supercapacitor electrodes.However,using carbon materials with abundant micropores,a h... Carbon materials with adjustable porosity,controllable het-eroatom doping and low-cost have been received considerable attention as supercapacitor electrodes.However,using carbon materials with abundant micropores,a high surface area and a high-dopant content for an aqueous su-percapacitor with a high energy output still remains a challenge.We report the easy synthesis of interconnected carbon spheres by a polymerization re-action between p-benzaldehyde and 2,6-diaminopyridine.The synthesis in-volves adjusting the mass ratio of the copolymer and KOH activator to achieve increased charge storage ability and high energy output,which are attributed to the high ion-accessible area provided by the large number of micropores,high N/O contents and rapid ion diffusion channels in the porous structure.At a PMEC∶KOH mass ratio of 1∶1,the high electrolyte ion-adsorption area(2599.76 m^(2) g^(−1))and the N/O dopant atoms of the conductive framework of a typical carbon electrode produce a superior specific capacity(303.2 F g^(−1)@0.5 A g^(−1))giving an assembled symmetric capacitor a high energy delivery of 11.3 Wh kg^(−1)@250 W kg^(−1).This study presents a simple strategy for synthesizing microporous carbon and highlights its potential use in KOH-based supercapacitors. 展开更多
关键词 N/O codoping Carbon electrode Microporous structure High energy density Supercapacitor
Numerical reconstruction of microstructure of graphite anode of lithium-ion battery 被引量:3
作者 Shaoyang He Jianbang Zeng +1 位作者 Bereket Tsegai Habte Fangming Jiang 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期656-664,共9页
Due to the presence of graphite flake cascades, the real graphite anode of Li-ion battery shows non-iso- tropic characteristic. The present work developed an ellipsoid-based simulated annealing method and numeri- call... Due to the presence of graphite flake cascades, the real graphite anode of Li-ion battery shows non-iso- tropic characteristic. The present work developed an ellipsoid-based simulated annealing method and numeri- cally reconstructed the three-dimensional microstructure of a graphite anode. The reconstructed anode is a composite of three clearly distinguished phases: pore (or electrolyte), graphite, and solid additives, well representing the non- isotropic heterogeneous characteristic of real graphite anode. Characterization analysis of the reconstructed electrode gives information such as the connectivity of individual phase, the specific interracial area between solid and pore phase, and the pore size distribution. The effects of the ellipsoid size on the structural characteristics of graphite anode were particularly studied. As the size of the ellipsoidal particle slightly increases, the average pore diameter increases and as a result the specific interfacial area between the solid and pore phase in the reconstructed area decreases; compared with the equatorial radius, the polar radius of ellipsoidal graphite particles has more sig- nificant influence on the characteristics of electrode microstructure. 展开更多
关键词 Lithium-ion battery Graphite anode Microstructure reconstruction Simulated annealingmethod Ellipsoid particles
Hierarchical SnO_2 nanoflowers assembled by atomic thickness nanosheets as anode material for lithium ion battery 被引量:2
作者 宋凌霄 杨胜杰 +3 位作者 魏伟 瞿鹏 徐茂田 刘英 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期892-895,M0004,共5页
Hierarchical SnO2 nanoflowers assembled by atomic thickness nanosheets were prepared by facile one-pot solvothermal method with acetone/water mixture as solvent. The crystal structure, morphology and the microstructur... Hierarchical SnO2 nanoflowers assembled by atomic thickness nanosheets were prepared by facile one-pot solvothermal method with acetone/water mixture as solvent. The crystal structure, morphology and the microstructure of the as-prepared products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscope (AFM). Results revealed that the nanoflowers (2-4 μm) were assembled by the ultrathin SnO2 nanosheets (3.1 nm esti- mated by AFM). When tested as anode material for lithium ion batteries, the SnO2 nanoflowers showed improved cy- cling stability comparing with the commercial SnO2 parti- cles. The reversible charge capacity of SnO2 nanoflowers maintained 350.7 mAh/g after 30 cycles, while that of the commercial SnO2 was only 112.2 mAh/g. The high re- versible capacity and good cycling stability could be ascri- bed to the hierarchical nanostructure, atomic thickness nanosheets and large surface area of the SnO2 nanoflowers. 展开更多
关键词 SnO2 Nanoflowers Atomic thickness Lithium ion battery
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