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生态微电影的“阐微”之道 被引量:3
作者 刘文良 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期151-154,共4页
微电影作为一种投资要求和技术门槛比较低、传播载体大众化、免费随点随播的艺术形式,深受群众喜爱,在"中国梦"的建构工程中承担着重要的使命。生态微电影的创新发展,一方面要适应微电影的制作和传播规律,另一方面要有利于生... 微电影作为一种投资要求和技术门槛比较低、传播载体大众化、免费随点随播的艺术形式,深受群众喜爱,在"中国梦"的建构工程中承担着重要的使命。生态微电影的创新发展,一方面要适应微电影的制作和传播规律,另一方面要有利于生态主题的酣畅表达。以多元化的生态主题突破"微片长",以艺术化的情节设计演绎"微制作",以最纯朴的生态情怀充盈"微镜头",是生态微电影破微之囿、见微知著的基本要义。 展开更多
关键词 生态电影 言博义 题材视野 艺术情节 生态情怀
《南华真经义海纂微》之版本及解庄特色——以三教会通为外,道迹辨析为内 被引量:1
作者 张京华 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第3期57-61,共5页
《南华真经义海纂微》一百零六卷,征引郭象、吕惠卿、林疑独、陈祥道、陈景元、王雱、刘概、吴俦、赵以夫、林希逸、李士表、王旦、范元应十三家之说。宋以前解《庄子》者,赖是书以传。褚伯秀,又名师秀,字雪巘(一说号雪巘),号环中子,又... 《南华真经义海纂微》一百零六卷,征引郭象、吕惠卿、林疑独、陈祥道、陈景元、王雱、刘概、吴俦、赵以夫、林希逸、李士表、王旦、范元应十三家之说。宋以前解《庄子》者,赖是书以传。褚伯秀,又名师秀,字雪巘(一说号雪巘),号环中子,又号蕉池道士、蕉池叟,宋元间钱塘人,为杭州天庆观道士。近年学者的相关研究,于《南华真经义海纂微》之版本,多不言其详;于作者著述宗旨,多仅言及三教会通、以儒学理学入庄而止。兹略加梳理,抛砖引玉,以启来学。 展开更多
关键词 褚伯秀 《南华真经义海纂 版本 著作宗旨
作者 孙雪霞 黄倩 《阴山学刊》 2020年第2期50-54,共5页
褚伯秀的《南华真经义海纂微》纂集了从西晋的郭象至南宋的林希逸等十三家注,是现存最早的《庄子》集注作品。该书纂集众注,断以己意;兼顾音训,注重义理;擘肌分理,唯务折衷,在庄学研究史上意义重大。褚伯秀身为道教中人,却以独特之“视... 褚伯秀的《南华真经义海纂微》纂集了从西晋的郭象至南宋的林希逸等十三家注,是现存最早的《庄子》集注作品。该书纂集众注,断以己意;兼顾音训,注重义理;擘肌分理,唯务折衷,在庄学研究史上意义重大。褚伯秀身为道教中人,却以独特之“视脚”涵摄了儒释道诸多视角,努力克服以偏概全、挂一漏万的弊端,他的这种通化的根性值得我们重视。 展开更多
关键词 褚伯秀 《南华真经义海纂 视脚 《道藏》
刘纯《玉机微义》明代接受史 被引量:1
作者 徐晓聪 郑洪 《中医药文化》 2022年第1期34-44,共11页
宋元以来,医学文本逐渐成为医者习医的主要知识来源。明初医家刘纯续增的《玉机微义》以折衷为宗旨,对以朱丹溪为主的金元医学进行集结,一方面顺应了元明时期中医学术理论体系自身发展的内在需要,另一方面满足了儒医群体对新兴的金元医... 宋元以来,医学文本逐渐成为医者习医的主要知识来源。明初医家刘纯续增的《玉机微义》以折衷为宗旨,对以朱丹溪为主的金元医学进行集结,一方面顺应了元明时期中医学术理论体系自身发展的内在需要,另一方面满足了儒医群体对新兴的金元医学知识的需求。《玉机微义》全书知识内容广博,多次重刊,为寻求施治之资,弥补地方医疗资源不足,无形中扩大了医学折衷思想的传播与接受。同时,医学折衷思想也影响了明代医籍的编著。《玉机微义》尤其在以《丹溪心法》《丹溪心法附余》为核心的丹溪学派文本体系的建构过程中起到了示范作用,也提供了另一个视角去考察寒凉与温补的学术争议。 展开更多
关键词 《玉机义》 医学折衷 接受史 刘纯
莊學義海 如何纂微——褚伯秀注解《莊子》對“新子學”的啓示 被引量:1
作者 簡光明 《诸子学刊》 CSSCI 2017年第1期209-223,共15页
褚伯秀《南華真經義海纂微》一書,纂集晉代至宋代諸家注解,斷以己意,謂之'管見'。《欽定四庫全書總目》説:'蓋宋以前解《莊子》者,梗概略具於是。'並説:'伯秀編纂之功亦不可没矣。'本論文嘗試探討《南華真經義... 褚伯秀《南華真經義海纂微》一書,纂集晉代至宋代諸家注解,斷以己意,謂之'管見'。《欽定四庫全書總目》説:'蓋宋以前解《莊子》者,梗概略具於是。'並説:'伯秀編纂之功亦不可没矣。'本論文嘗試探討《南華真經義海纂微》兩個問題:一是'義海纂微'的體例,包括:經文大義明白,不復集解;纂輯諸家義理,斷以己意;雖以義理爲主,不廢音義。二是褚伯秀論莊子與儒、釋、道三教:褚伯秀'援莊入儒',視莊子救世之心,與儒家不異;從道教心性論和儒家治國的角度詮釋《莊子》,批評道教抽添交媾采取之説,是勞神苦形以求泰定,如同以盲導盲;此外,亦暗用佛教思想,形成三教合一的特色。在《莊子》集注的發展上,《南華真經義海纂微》較諸明代焦竑《莊子翼》、清代王先謙《莊子集解》、郭慶藩《莊子集釋》,更能彰@其'編纂之功'與'集注之識'。最後,本文透過褚伯秀注解《莊子》的貢獻,説明其對'新子學'發展的啓發。 展开更多
关键词 莊子 新子學 褚伯秀 南華真經海纂 三教合一
作者 李天保 《太原学院学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第1期21-29,40,共10页
尼采在批判西方基督教文化传统所生成的现代处境时带出虚无主义的两种含义,其一为隐藏于柏拉图主义中而为基督教保罗传统所彰显的卑劣的虚无主义,表现为以超感性世界的价值否定感性世界的价值,尼采认为这是弱者的价值建构,其中包括马克... 尼采在批判西方基督教文化传统所生成的现代处境时带出虚无主义的两种含义,其一为隐藏于柏拉图主义中而为基督教保罗传统所彰显的卑劣的虚无主义,表现为以超感性世界的价值否定感性世界的价值,尼采认为这是弱者的价值建构,其中包括马克思、施蒂纳等现代社会主义或无政府主义诸理论形态。在探求克服卑劣的虚无主义道路时,尼采提出了一种高贵的虚无主义,亦即其虚无主义的隐微义。对隐微义的理解,存在多种差异巨大甚至截然相反的解释。根本问题在于,尼采对生命的肯定与其超人概念如何圆融、对价值的否定和重新开启价值创造如何同一。尼采是在西方文化自我批判中、尤其在东西文化对比批判中提出并塑造其高贵的虚无主义内涵的,即以耶稣教义、尤其以佛教为镜像。以佛教的般若学说看,尼采的生命永恒轮回的生成实相为真空,超人的价值创造为妙有,真空即妙有保证了尼采学说的矛盾同一,从而使得其虚无主义的隐微义得以圆融地呈现。 展开更多
关键词 尼采 虚无主义 佛教 马克思
作者 蔡傑 《中国经学》 2021年第2期203-216,共14页
儒家提倡仁愛寬和,並不意味着秉持絶對寬容的原則而喪失自身的立場。先儒解釋《孝經》出現用刑言論的原因,多以調和禮刑關係爲主,但不可否認的是二者之間存在衝突。《孝經》出現用刑言論的必要性,隱含着孔子對非孝的倫理行爲的高度警惕... 儒家提倡仁愛寬和,並不意味着秉持絶對寬容的原則而喪失自身的立場。先儒解釋《孝經》出現用刑言論的原因,多以調和禮刑關係爲主,但不可否認的是二者之間存在衝突。《孝經》出現用刑言論的必要性,隱含着孔子對非孝的倫理行爲的高度警惕,這也意味着《孝經》具有對非孝之“異端”的警示功能。先秦老子、墨家的非孝主張,往往與他們對禮樂的批評或簡化相關。禮樂教化是達到共同體共同善的有效途徑,不應當被否定或抛棄,其有效性來源於聖人的製作:一方面,禮樂與情感相生相成;另一方面,禮樂的製作擁有天道人倫的内在根據。所以在特定歷史時代的移風易俗過程中,對舊有的禮樂形式進行簡化或者添補,需避免對其情感基礎與天道人倫的内在根據構成衝擊。 展开更多
关键词 《孝經》 用刑 禮樂 異端 微義
作者 簡光明 《诸子学刊》 CSSCI 2018年第2期260-273,共14页
褚伯秀注解《莊子》而以'義海纂微'爲書名,'義海'正顯示歷代《莊子》義理注解如海洋一般浩瀚,'纂微'則彰顯褚伯秀從衆多注解之中披沙揀金纂輯微言。《欽定四庫全書總目》説其書'蓋宋以前解《莊子》者,梗概... 褚伯秀注解《莊子》而以'義海纂微'爲書名,'義海'正顯示歷代《莊子》義理注解如海洋一般浩瀚,'纂微'則彰顯褚伯秀從衆多注解之中披沙揀金纂輯微言。《欽定四庫全書總目》説其書'蓋宋以前解《莊子》者,梗概略具於是','伯秀編纂之功亦不可没矣'。其所强調者爲該書'編纂之功',而忽略褚伯秀'創新之見'。褚伯秀對於歷代《莊子》注解多所繼承,'纂集諸家之説'是其用功之處,諸家解説未能盡洽文本者,亦能提出新解,'斷以己意'是其用心之處。褚伯秀的用功之處,歷代學者多能説明;其用心之處,則尚待完整探究。唯有將褚伯秀的用功之處與用心之處展開,才能説明其爲宋代《莊子》注之集大成。 展开更多
关键词 莊子 郭象 林希逸 范應元 褚伯秀 南華真經海纂
作者 谢明 《嘉兴学院学报》 2021年第1期85-91,共7页
关于褚伯秀《南华真经义海纂微》的版本,张京华认为《四库全书》本底本与《道藏》本来源不一;方勇认为二本微有差别,《四库全书》本底本来源于《道藏》本。通过详细的异文对比、分析可知,张文对二本异文存在误读,两者版本系统实际上是... 关于褚伯秀《南华真经义海纂微》的版本,张京华认为《四库全书》本底本与《道藏》本来源不一;方勇认为二本微有差别,《四库全书》本底本来源于《道藏》本。通过详细的异文对比、分析可知,张文对二本异文存在误读,两者版本系统实际上是一致的。张京华认为《四库全书》本据以校正的“别本”不确定是否存在,通过“各依所据本”体例的考察可知,“别本”确实存在,否则不大可能形成众多异文;且“别本”应该不是某一个具体的本子,而是除《四库全书》本底本以外其他版本的统称,包括《道藏》本在内。 展开更多
关键词 褚伯秀 《南华真经义海纂 《四库全书》 《庄子》
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions in Smooth Programming with Generalized Convexity 被引量:1
作者 孙清滢 叶留青 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2000年第4期33-37,共5页
Hanson and Mond have grven sets of necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality in constrained optimization by introducing classes of generalized functions, called type Ⅰ functions. Recently, Bector definded un... Hanson and Mond have grven sets of necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality in constrained optimization by introducing classes of generalized functions, called type Ⅰ functions. Recently, Bector definded univex functions, a new class of functions that unifies several concepts of generalized convexity. In this paper, additional conditions are attached to the Kuhn Tucker conditions giving a set of conditions which are both necessary and sufficient for optimality in constrained optimization, under appropriate constraint qualifications. 展开更多
关键词 necessary and sufficient conditions generalized convexity nonlinear programming multiobjective programming type functions
褚伯秀生平事迹考 被引量:1
作者 张京华 《船山学刊》 2015年第2期102-109,共8页
《南华真经义海纂微》为南宋时期集注《庄子》的重要著作,而其作者褚伯秀的生平事迹、生卒系年,学者尚多知之不详。论文对此有所梳理,并搜集著录明清间褚伯秀传记六篇,对其思想宗旨也有所揭示。认为褚氏终生为道士,而《义海纂微》一书... 《南华真经义海纂微》为南宋时期集注《庄子》的重要著作,而其作者褚伯秀的生平事迹、生卒系年,学者尚多知之不详。论文对此有所梳理,并搜集著录明清间褚伯秀传记六篇,对其思想宗旨也有所揭示。认为褚氏终生为道士,而《义海纂微》一书则纯为道家学术著作;褚氏治学兼融儒释,而其立场则颇具遗民之志节。 展开更多
关键词 褚伯秀 生平事迹 生卒年 高隐传 《南华真经义海纂
Global Soultions and Asymptotic Properties for a Class of Partial Differential Equations
作者 孙振营 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2000年第3期78-83,共6页
This paper is concerned with the generalzed global solution and its asymptotic properties for the initial value problem of the partial differential equationu t+u x 3 =F(u).
关键词 global solution asymptotic property initial value problem
作者 金振东 喻文焕 +1 位作者 靳展 王辅敏 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1999年第2期25-29,共5页
This paper considers the differentiability of C 0 semigroups with respect to (w.r.t.) parameters contained in their infinitesimal generators.It is proved that the generalized continuity and strong differentiability ... This paper considers the differentiability of C 0 semigroups with respect to (w.r.t.) parameters contained in their infinitesimal generators.It is proved that the generalized continuity and strong differentiability of their infinitesimal generators w.r.t.parameters imply the differentiability of the C 0 semigroups.The results are applied to the differentiability of the solution of a linear delay differential equation w.r.t.its delays. 展开更多
关键词 C 0 semigroup infinitesimal generator generalized continuity strongly Frechet differential dalay equation
Classification and Reduction of Generalized Thin Film Equations 被引量:8
作者 ZHU Chun-Rong QU Chang-Zheng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第9期403-410,共8页
Classification and reduction of the generalized fourth-order nonlinear differential equations arising from theliquid films are considered.It is shown that these equations have solutions on subspaces of the polynomial,... Classification and reduction of the generalized fourth-order nonlinear differential equations arising from theliquid films are considered.It is shown that these equations have solutions on subspaces of the polynomial,exponential ortrigonometric form defined by linear nth-order ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients for n=4,...,9.Several examples of exact solutions are presented. 展开更多
关键词 thin film equation CLASSIFICATION invariant subspaces exact solutions
Pseudo-differential Operators and Generalized Lax Equations in Symbolic Computation 被引量:1
作者 JIA Yi-Feng CHEN Yu-Fu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期1139-1144,共6页
In this paper, the pseudo-differential operators and the generalized Lax equations in integrable systems are implemented in symbolic software Mathematica. A great deal of differential polynomials which appear in the p... In this paper, the pseudo-differential operators and the generalized Lax equations in integrable systems are implemented in symbolic software Mathematica. A great deal of differential polynomials which appear in the procedure are dealt with by differential characteristic chain method. Using the program, several classical examples are given. 展开更多
关键词 pseudo-differential operators generalized Lax equation Zakharov-Shabat equation integral systems HIERARCHY characteristic chain
Explicit Solutions for Generalized (2+1)-Dimensional Nonlinear Zakharov-Kuznetsov Equation 被引量:9
作者 孙峪怀 马志民 李燕 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第9期397-400,共4页
The exact solutions of the generalized (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Zakharov-Kuznetsov (Z-K) equationare explored by the method of the improved generalized auxiliary differential equation.Many explicit analytic solutio... The exact solutions of the generalized (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Zakharov-Kuznetsov (Z-K) equationare explored by the method of the improved generalized auxiliary differential equation.Many explicit analytic solutionsof the Z-K equation are obtained.The methods used to solve the Z-K equation can be employed in further work toestablish new solutions for other nonlinear partial differential equations. 展开更多
关键词 generalized nonlinear Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation improved generalized auxiliary differentialequation and exact solutions
Generalized cone-subconvexlike set-valued maps and applications to vector optimization 被引量:1
作者 黄永伟 HUANG Yongwei 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2002年第2期67-71,共5页
The definitions of cone-subconvexlike set-valued maps and generalized cone-subconvexlike set-valued maps in topological vector spaces are defined by using the relative interiors of ordering cone. The relationships bet... The definitions of cone-subconvexlike set-valued maps and generalized cone-subconvexlike set-valued maps in topological vector spaces are defined by using the relative interiors of ordering cone. The relationships between the two classes of set-valued maps are investigated, and some properties of them are shown. A Gordan type alternative theorem under the assumption of generalized cone-subconvexlikeness of set-valued maps is proved by applying convex separation theorems involving the relative interiors in infinite dimensional spaces. Finally a necessary optimality condition theorem is shown for a general kind of set-valued vector optimization in a sense of weak E-minimizer. 展开更多
关键词 relative interiors generalized cone-subconvexlikeness set-valued vector optimization optimality conditions weak E-minimizer.
Generalized Wronskian Solutions to Differential-Difference KP Equation 被引量:2
作者 JI Jie YAO Yu-Qin +1 位作者 LIU Yu-Qing CHEN Deng-Yuan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期769-772,共4页
A new method for constructing the Wronskian entries is proposed and applied to the differential-difference Kadomtsev-Petviashvilli (DΔKP) equation. The generalized Wronskian solutions to it are obtained, including ... A new method for constructing the Wronskian entries is proposed and applied to the differential-difference Kadomtsev-Petviashvilli (DΔKP) equation. The generalized Wronskian solutions to it are obtained, including rational solutions and Matveev solutions. 展开更多
关键词 Wronskian technique DΔKP equation rational solutions Matveev solutions
Static Pull-In Analysis of a Composite Laminated Nano-beam with Flexoelectric Effect
作者 WANG Yiming WANG Ke ZHENG Shijie 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2021年第S01期84-92,共9页
Based on the new modified couple stress theory and considering the flexoelectric effect of the piezoelectric layers,the Euler Bernoulli nano-beam model of composite laminated materials driven by electrostatically fixe... Based on the new modified couple stress theory and considering the flexoelectric effect of the piezoelectric layers,the Euler Bernoulli nano-beam model of composite laminated materials driven by electrostatically fixed supports at both ends is established. The nonlinear differential governing equations and boundary conditions are derived by the Hamilton principle. The generalized differential quadrature method(GDQM) and the Newton Raphson method are used to numerically solve the differential governing equations. The influence of flexoelectric effect on the static and the dynamic pull-in characteristics of laminated nano-beams is analyzed. The results of the numerical calculation are in a good agreement with those in the literature when the model degenerated into a nanobeam model without flexoelectric effect. The stacking sequence,length scale parameter l and piezoelectric layer applied voltage V_(p) of the composite will affect the pull-in voltage,frequency and time-domain response of the structure. Given that the flexoelectric effect will reduce the pull-in voltage and dimensionless natural frequency of the structure,the maximum dimensionless displacement at the midpoint of the beam and the period of time-domain response should be increased. 展开更多
关键词 flexoelectric effect piezoelectric effect PULL-IN generalized differential quadrature method(GDQM)
Bending and Buckling of Circular Sinusoidal Shear Deformation Microplates with Modified Couple Stress Theory
作者 QING Hai WEI Lu 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2022年第1期79-86,共8页
The modified couple stress theory(MCST)is applied to analyze axisymmetric bending and buckling behaviors of circular microplates with sinusoidal shear deformation theory.The differential governing equations and bounda... The modified couple stress theory(MCST)is applied to analyze axisymmetric bending and buckling behaviors of circular microplates with sinusoidal shear deformation theory.The differential governing equations and boundary conditions are derived through the principle of minimum total potential energy,and expressed in nominal form with the introduced nominal variables.With the application of generalized differential quadrature method(GDQM),both the differential governing equations and boundary conditions are expressed in discrete form,and a set of linear equations are obtained.The bending deflection can be obtained through solving the linear equations,while buckling loads can be determined through solving general eigenvalue problems.The influence of material length scale parameter and plate geometrical dimensions on the bending deflection and buckling loads of circular microplates is investigated numerically for different boundary conditions. 展开更多
关键词 circular microplates size-effect modified couple stress theory(MCST) general differential quadrature method(GDQM)
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