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基于微观矿物含量的灰岩细观参数标定研究 被引量:2
作者 王小明 史文兵 +2 位作者 熊绍真 廖德武 吴正超 《地下空间与工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期428-437,共10页
随着对岩体力学研究的深入,宏微观岩体力学的研究方法发展迅速。但岩体微观性质改变对引起岩体宏观力学各向异性行为的影响研究却较为缺乏,而在离散元分析方法中,岩体宏观力学行为的准确表征不仅需要合理的细观强度参数,也需要考虑岩体... 随着对岩体力学研究的深入,宏微观岩体力学的研究方法发展迅速。但岩体微观性质改变对引起岩体宏观力学各向异性行为的影响研究却较为缺乏,而在离散元分析方法中,岩体宏观力学行为的准确表征不仅需要合理的细观强度参数,也需要考虑岩体中微观矿物的成分和含量。以灰岩为研究对象,制作灰岩薄片标本,用偏光显微镜观察灰岩样本以确定矿物成分及含量,并以此为依据生成基于矿物含量的离散元模型,以接触软化接触模型模拟矿物间的细观力学行为。分别建立与室内试验对应的单轴压缩模型和巴西劈裂模型,使用试错法不断调整细观强度参数,最终使细观模型表现出的宏观力学性质与实际情况一致。研究结果表明,数值模拟得到的宏观参数与室内试验结果相吻合,说明基于微观矿物含量的岩体离散元模型参数标定方法能够很好地标定出颗粒的细观强度参数,同时细观强度参数又能够很好地表征岩体宏观力学强度,以该参数作为岩体力学响应分析的输入参数,能够更准确认识岩体的力学行为。 展开更多
关键词 微观矿物 细观强度参数 离散元模型 参数标定
作者 刘晓 张启燕 +2 位作者 史维鑫 葛天助 宋利强 《岩矿测试》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期440-448,共9页
北羌塘东部上三叠统波里拉组是羌塘盆地重点油气勘探目标层位,受沉积和成岩作用影响,地层压实作用强烈,矿物颗粒极小,属于致密油气储层。本文采用数字岩心技术——背散射扫描电镜成像技术(MAPS)和矿物成分定量分析技术(QEMSCAN),对波里... 北羌塘东部上三叠统波里拉组是羌塘盆地重点油气勘探目标层位,受沉积和成岩作用影响,地层压实作用强烈,矿物颗粒极小,属于致密油气储层。本文采用数字岩心技术——背散射扫描电镜成像技术(MAPS)和矿物成分定量分析技术(QEMSCAN),对波里拉组矿物进行微观尺度扫描和分析,表征其矿物成分、颗粒形态、空间分布及结构特征。结果表明:波里拉组方解石以泥晶为主,胶结作用明显,物性致密,孔径小(<5μm),局部发生白云化作用,白云石主要为粉-细晶,以自形晶为主,多呈线接触。矿物在纵向呈规律变化:底部为泥灰岩,陆源碎屑含量较高(>56.57%),其次为方解石(25.79%),磨圆度较差,成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低;中段陆源碎屑矿物和方解石呈条带交错分布,方解石较石英含量增加(方解石47.43%,石英28.54%),沿晶间普遍发育的草莓状黄铁矿簇直径可达10μm,整体为氧化界面之下的还原环境;顶部以方解石为主(>90%),颗粒直径多为10~50μm,颗粒间多呈线接触,粒间孔几乎不发育,局部发生层状白云化作用。矿物特征显示波里拉组沉积物源受浅海碳酸盐岩沉积环境和陆源碎屑输入双重影响,具有典型的混积岩特征,沉积环境从早期陆源碎屑供给较为充足,到晚期以碳酸盐岩沉积为主,整体为海相碳酸盐沉积。 展开更多
关键词 波里拉组碳酸盐岩 矿物微观特征 沉积环境 背散射扫描电镜成像技术 矿物成分定量分析技术
页岩储层微观破裂特征实验研究 被引量:3
作者 赵志红 郭建春 +2 位作者 杨经栋 王杏尊 鲍文辉 《石油钻采工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期68-71,共4页
形成复杂网状裂缝沟通更大的储层体积是页岩储层改造的关键,但在微观上,页岩储层破裂面的特征影响自支撑裂缝的导流能力,破裂时在破裂面上产生的微裂缝影响页岩气的渗透性,这些对页岩储层的改造同样重要。利用四川盆地和济阳凹陷页岩岩... 形成复杂网状裂缝沟通更大的储层体积是页岩储层改造的关键,但在微观上,页岩储层破裂面的特征影响自支撑裂缝的导流能力,破裂时在破裂面上产生的微裂缝影响页岩气的渗透性,这些对页岩储层的改造同样重要。利用四川盆地和济阳凹陷页岩岩样首先进行矿物组成和破裂实验后,利用3D激光扫描仪对一组岩样的破裂面进行扫描,分析破裂面的平整程度;利用扫描电子显微镜对两组岩样的破裂面进行不同倍比扫描,分析破裂面的微观形态特征。实验结果发现:方解石含量越高,破裂面等高线分布规律性越强,且越易在破裂面形成微裂缝;黏土含量越少,方解石和石英含量越高,越易发生剪切断裂。研究成果对认识页岩储层的破裂特征以及指导压裂方案设计具有一定的意义。 展开更多
关键词 页岩 压裂 破裂面 矿物 微观特征 微裂缝
基于扫描电镜大视域拼接技术定量表征致密储层微观非均质性 被引量:9
作者 李文浩 卢双舫 +2 位作者 王民 周能武 程泽虎 《石油与天然气地质》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1497-1504,共8页
高分辨率扫描电镜技术是研究致密储层非均质性最直观的方法,但存在视域代表性的问题。以南襄盆地泌阳凹陷古近系核桃园组三段致密储层为例,基于扫描电镜大视域拼接技术,定量揭示了不同类型致密储层的微观非均质性。结果表明,研究区致密... 高分辨率扫描电镜技术是研究致密储层非均质性最直观的方法,但存在视域代表性的问题。以南襄盆地泌阳凹陷古近系核桃园组三段致密储层为例,基于扫描电镜大视域拼接技术,定量揭示了不同类型致密储层的微观非均质性。结果表明,研究区致密砂岩储集空间类型以粒间孔和粒内孔为主,同时发育少量微裂缝;泥页岩储集空间类型同样以粒间孔和粒内孔为主,有机孔和微裂缝相对较少。通过场发射扫描电镜大视域拼接技术与统计学方法结合,探讨了泥岩、页岩、泥质粉砂岩、砂岩等致密储层的矿物微观非均质性和孔隙微观非均质性。其中边长为160,300,300和1000μm的正方形视域面积可以分别作为上述4种岩性致密储层矿物微观非均质性代表视域面积;边长为200,300,300和800μm的正方形视域面积可以分别作为上述4种岩性的孔隙微观非均质性代表视域面积。由此可见,不同岩石类型的致密储层,其微观非均质性存在明显差异,其中砂岩微观非均质性>泥质粉砂岩、页岩微观非均质性>泥岩微观非均质性。综合矿物微观非均质性和孔隙微观非均质性,可将边长为200,300,300和1000μm的正方形视域面积分别作为研究区泥岩、页岩、泥质粉砂岩和砂岩致密储层微观非均质性的代表视域面积。 展开更多
关键词 矿物微观非均质性 孔隙微观非均质性 大视域拼接技术 致密储层 泌阳凹陷 南襄盆地
作者 姚明宇 李天娇 +3 位作者 丛文雨 师耀利 夏英杰 唐春安 《工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期556-566,共11页
为了实现对深部页岩油储层水力裂缝扩展规律的精细研究,以吉木萨尔凹陷芦草沟组陆相页岩油储层下甜点主要油层段为研究对象,对3684.62~3705.70 m深度范围内的20组页岩样品进行扫描并构建数字岩心,开展水力压裂数值试验.试验获得了各模... 为了实现对深部页岩油储层水力裂缝扩展规律的精细研究,以吉木萨尔凹陷芦草沟组陆相页岩油储层下甜点主要油层段为研究对象,对3684.62~3705.70 m深度范围内的20组页岩样品进行扫描并构建数字岩心,开展水力压裂数值试验.试验获得了各模型的破裂压力和水力裂缝扩展路径.结果表明:破裂压力随孔隙度的增加而降低,随着脆性矿物体积分数的增加而增加,和石英体积分数呈现较明显的线性关系.水力裂缝在孔隙位置起裂,连通独立的孔隙区域并沿着贯通的孔隙区域继续扩展.在远离孔隙区域时,水力裂缝主要沿垂直于最小主应力方向延伸.水力裂缝的复杂程度均随石英体积分数和孔隙度的增加而增加,但也会受到矿物分布形态的影响.当石英体积分数或孔隙度较高且呈现大面积连通分布时,水力裂缝的扩展受到抑制,水力压裂的增渗改造效果较弱. 展开更多
关键词 微观矿物组分 数字岩心 水力压裂 页岩油储层 真实破裂过程分析
矿物微观结构的多重分形 被引量:8
作者 谢淑云 成秋明 +2 位作者 李增华 邢细涛 陈守余 《地球科学(中国地质大学学报)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期263-269,共7页
分形与多重分形已广泛地应用于不同领域,不同尺度下的各种分布特征研究更是受到广泛关注.以云南个旧松树脚矿田中2件含矿矽卡岩样品中黄铁矿颗粒为研究对象,通过分形与多重分形方法研究了黄铁矿颗粒在二维空间上的分布特征.结果显示,黄... 分形与多重分形已广泛地应用于不同领域,不同尺度下的各种分布特征研究更是受到广泛关注.以云南个旧松树脚矿田中2件含矿矽卡岩样品中黄铁矿颗粒为研究对象,通过分形与多重分形方法研究了黄铁矿颗粒在二维空间上的分布特征.结果显示,黄铁矿在微观尺度空间上的分布不均一,具有明显的分形与多重分形分布特征.所选研究区外接触带黑绿色含硫化物矿石矽卡岩和接触带矽卡岩型块状硫化物矿石显微照片分析结果显示,前者黄铁矿颗粒分布的盒子维数D0、信息维数D1、关联维数D2及广义多重分形维数Dq的变化范围均较小,而后者较大;前者外接触带黑绿色含硫化物矿石矽卡岩含矿性相对较弱,而后者矿石矿物相对富集.从这个意义上说,分形与多重分形维数与样品含矿性有一定的对应关系,因此,分形与多重分形分析有望进一步为岩石含矿性的定量化评价提供微观尺度上的证据. 展开更多
关键词 矿物微观结构 多重分形 分形维数
Technological mineralogy and environmental activity of zinc leaching residue from zinc hydrometallurgical process 被引量:19
作者 李密 彭兵 +3 位作者 柴立元 彭宁 谢先德 闫缓 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第5期1480-1488,共9页
Chemical, physical, structural and morphological properties of zinc leaching residue were examined by the combination of various detection means such as AAS, XRF, XRD, M?ssbauer spectrometry, SEM-EDS, TG-DSC, XPS and... Chemical, physical, structural and morphological properties of zinc leaching residue were examined by the combination of various detection means such as AAS, XRF, XRD, M?ssbauer spectrometry, SEM-EDS, TG-DSC, XPS and FTIR. The toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) was used to investigate the environmental activity of zinc leaching residue for a short contact time. The phase composition analysis indicated that the zinc leaching residue mainly consists of super refined flocculent particles including zinc ferrite, sulfate and silicate. The physical structural analysis showed that it has a thermal instability and strong water absorption properties. The results of TCLP indicated that the amounts of Zn and Cd in the leaching solution exceed 40 and 90 times of limit, respectively, which demonstrate that this residue is unstable in weak acidic environment for a short contact time. 展开更多
关键词 zinc leaching residue phase composition microstructure technological mineralogy leaching toxicity
Phase transitions, micro-morphology and its oxidation mechanism in oxidation of ilmenite (FeTiO_3) powder 被引量:5
作者 肖玮 鲁雄刚 +2 位作者 邹星礼 危雪梅 丁伟中 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第8期2439-2445,共7页
Phase transitions, morphology changes, and oxidation mechanism of the ilmenite oxidation process were investigated. FeTi03 transforms to hematite and rutile when oxidation at 700-800 ℃, and pseudobrookite is formed w... Phase transitions, morphology changes, and oxidation mechanism of the ilmenite oxidation process were investigated. FeTi03 transforms to hematite and rutile when oxidation at 700-800 ℃, and pseudobrookite is formed when the oxidation temperature reaches 900 ℃. The initial ilmenite powder exhibits paramagnetism; however, after being oxidized at the intermediate temperature (800-850 ℃), the oxidation product exhibits weak ferromagnetism. The oxidation mechanism was discussed. The microstructure observations show that a lot of micro-pores emerge on the surfaces of ilmenite particles at the intermediate temperature, which is deemed to be caoable ofenhancin~ the mass transfer ofoxgen during oxidation. 展开更多
关键词 ILMENITE phase transitions MICRO-MORPHOLOGY oxidation mechanism
Measurement and analysis of defects in high-performance concrete with three-dimensional micro-computer tomography 被引量:8
作者 郭丽萍 Andrea Carpinteri +1 位作者 孙伟 秦文超 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期83-88,共6页
In order to investigate the effects of two mineral admixtures (i. e., fly ash and ground slag)on initial defects existing in concrete microstructures, a high-resolution X-ray micro-CT( micro-focus computer tomogra... In order to investigate the effects of two mineral admixtures (i. e., fly ash and ground slag)on initial defects existing in concrete microstructures, a high-resolution X-ray micro-CT( micro-focus computer tomography)is employed to quantitatively analyze the initial defects in four series of highperformance concrete (HPC)specimens with additions of different mineral admixtures. The nigh-resolution 3D images of microstructures and filtered defects are reconstructed by micro- CT software. The size distribution and volume fractions of initial defects are analyzed based on 3D and 2D micro-CT images. The analysis results are verified by experimental results of watersuction tests. The results show that the additions of mineral admixtures in concrete as cementitious materials greatly change the geometrical properties of the microstructures and the spatial features of defects by physical-chemistry actions of these mineral admixtures. This is the major cause of the differences between the mechanical behaviors of HPC with and without mineral admixtures when the water-to-binder ratio and the size distribution of aggregates are constant. 展开更多
关键词 high-performance concrete DEFECT MICROSTRUCTURE X- ray micro-focus computer tomography mineral admixtures
Process mineralogy and characteristic associations of iron and phosphorus-based minerals on oolitic hematite 被引量:10
作者 罗立群 张汉泉 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第9期1959-1967,共9页
The chemical compositions,mineralogical characteristics,as well as dissemination of iron-and phosphorus-based minerals were studied for the E’xi oolitic hematite from western Hubei Province in China by using chemical... The chemical compositions,mineralogical characteristics,as well as dissemination of iron-and phosphorus-based minerals were studied for the E’xi oolitic hematite from western Hubei Province in China by using chemical analysis,optical microscope,electron probe micro-analyzer(EPMA)and energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS).It is found that this kind of oolitic hematite ore contains 47.71%TFe,10.96%SiO_2,as well as 0.874%P,with hematite as the dominant Fe-bearing minerals,and quartz,chamosite,illite and cellophane as main gangue minerals.The microscope examination showed that the ore has an oolitic structure,with some ooids principally formed by a series of concentric layers of hematite collophanite around nucleus that is hematite in the association with collophanite.Based on the EPMA and EDS analysis,it can be known that some ooids are primarily composed of hematite and collophanite.The separation can be achieved through fine grinding for those collophanite laminae with a higher P content.However,the dissemination of two minerals at the interface will result in the difficulty in effective separation.Besides,some ooids are made of chamosite with some nucleus formed of quartz,which is principally finely disseminated with hematite.In view of the close association and dissemination of iron-and phosphorus-based minerals in the ooids,it is found that the process of stage-grindings and stage-separations can be adopted to effectively increase the iron recovery and decrease the P content in the concentrate to some extent. 展开更多
关键词 oolitic hematite process mineralogy dissemination of iron- and phosphorus-based minerals electron probe micro-analyzer(EPMA) energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)
Spalling fracture mechanism of granite subjected to dynamic tensile loading 被引量:8
作者 Lin-qi HUANG Jun WANG +1 位作者 Aliakbar MOMENI Shao-feng WANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第7期2116-2127,共12页
Rocks are likely to undergo spalling failure under dynamic loading.The fracture development and rock failure behaviours were investigated during dynamic tensile loading.Tests were conducted with a split-Hopkinson pres... Rocks are likely to undergo spalling failure under dynamic loading.The fracture development and rock failure behaviours were investigated during dynamic tensile loading.Tests were conducted with a split-Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB)in four different impact loading conditions.Thin sections near failure surfaces were also made to evaluate the growth patterns of fractures observed by polarizing microscope.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)was used to observe mineral grains on failure surfaces and to evaluate their response to loading and failure.The results indicate that the number of spalling cracks increases with increase in peak impact loads and that quartz sustains abundant intergranular fracturing.Cleavage planes and their direction relative to loading play a vital role in rock strength and fracturing.Separation along cleavage planes perpendicular to loading without the movement of micaceous minerals parallel to loading appears to be unique to the rock spalling process. 展开更多
关键词 microscopic observation dynamic loading spalling failure mineral properties intercrystalline fracture
Towards Understanding Paleosols in Southern Levantine Eolianites:Integration of Micromorphology,Environmental Magnetism and Mineralogy 被引量:1
作者 Alexander Tsatskin Tatyana S.Gendler +2 位作者 Friedrich Heller Igal Dekman Gitti L.Frey 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期113-124,共12页
The paper addresses the controversial question of the role of clay-sized dust in the formation of paleosols in coastal eolianites, Israel. At the Habonim type section, the pedocomplex dated by archaeology and luminesc... The paper addresses the controversial question of the role of clay-sized dust in the formation of paleosols in coastal eolianites, Israel. At the Habonim type section, the pedocomplex dated by archaeology and luminescence to 45-135 ka ago shows at least three paleosols, not separated by non-soil sediments. The oldest reddish paleosol (apparently related to MIS 5) is magnetically enhanced, leached from carbonates, with signs of bioturbation and strongly aged clay coatings. The reddening is due to very fine, -20 nm, poorly crystallized, superparamagnetic (SP) hematite, as determined by Mossbauer studies. In subsoil, lithorelics of eolianite are found. Over time, the soil surface aggraded due to accelerated fine dust accumulation alongside local slope wash. On younger materials formed magnetically depleted vertisols, dominated by smectite-type expandable paramagnetic clays. In thin sections, vertisols exhibit strong stipple-speckled and striated b-fabric due to shrink-swell processes, impregnative calcite nodules and Fe-Mn redistribution. The uppermost hydric vertisol shows the strongest expression of juxtaposed features of recurrent calcite and Fe precipitation. This paleosol developed on colluvial soil materials, as evidenced by mixing of clay coated and uncoated grains of quartz and calcite allochems. M6ssbauer spectra show high amounts of Fe(III) incorporated in the clay structure, low amounts of SP goethite and absence of SP hematite. Whilst magnetic susceptibility drops in vertisols to minimal values, increase. The latter along ferrimagnetie grain sizes with differences in the hierarchy of microfabric features is taken as indication for lithologic discontinuities which may have resulted from continuous, albeit variable and low-intensity, input of eolian clay from both remote Saharan and local sources, roughly dated to the earlier to middle part of the Last Glacial. 展开更多
关键词 Coastal sand loess deposition microfabrie hierarchy magnetic enhancement paramagnetic phyllosilicates MSssbauer effect
Mineralogical Features and Properties of Serpentine as Indicator of the Deep Earth Subduction Processes
作者 Tatiana V. Posukhova Leily L Elene B. Cherepetskaya Ivan E. Sas 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第12期729-743,共15页
The article presents the results of study of composition, structure and properties of three genetic types of serpentinite, developed by chromite-bearing ultrabasic rocks, by metamorphic zones of carbonate rocks and wi... The article presents the results of study of composition, structure and properties of three genetic types of serpentinite, developed by chromite-bearing ultrabasic rocks, by metamorphic zones of carbonate rocks and within the zone of weathering of ultrabasic rocks. The samples were selected from deposits, located along the Main Ural Fault-the Paleozoic subduction zone (named GUR). Peculiarities of microstructure, chemical composition and properties of serpentinites formed in different geological conditions were investigated and their comparative study was held. They were devided three groups of serpentinites with oriented and non-oriented structure which formed by different protholites: mantle, lithosphere and crust. 展开更多
关键词 Ural SERPENTINE subduction processes petrophysical properties velocity of elastic waves acoustic emission
Durability of Concrete Made with Manganese Slag as Supplementary Cementitious Materials 被引量:7
作者 刘荣进 丁庆军 +1 位作者 陈平 杨光耀 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2012年第3期345-349,共5页
This paper discusses mineral composition and pore microstructure characteristics of water-cooled manganese slag and its effects on durability of concrete. The Mn slag has an alveolate pore structure, and the ground Mn... This paper discusses mineral composition and pore microstructure characteristics of water-cooled manganese slag and its effects on durability of concrete. The Mn slag has an alveolate pore structure, and the ground Mn slag is characterized by multiangular shape which consists of a'-C2S, C3M82, CaO.MnO-2SiOu and C2AS. Experimental results show that the Mn slag has potential hydraulic reactivity. Concrete made with Mn slag as supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) exhibits very low strength loss and weight loss in the synthetic seawater corrosion and freezing-thawing cycle tests. The research provides useful reference for knowing about Mn slag and for applying Mn slag to improve the durability of concrete. 展开更多
关键词 water-cooled manganese slag concrete durability glass phase mass fraction alveolate pore structure
Analysis of the strengthening and toughening of a biomaterial interface 被引量:1
作者 宋凡 白以龙 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2001年第12期1596-1601,共6页
Based on the transmission electron micrographs of nacre, the existence of mineral bridges in the organic matrix interface is confirmed. It is proposed that the microarchitecture of nacre should be considered as a “br... Based on the transmission electron micrographs of nacre, the existence of mineral bridges in the organic matrix interface is confirmed. It is proposed that the microarchitecture of nacre should be considered as a “brick-bridge-mortar” (BBM) arrangement rather than traditional “brick and mortar” (BM) one. Experiments and analyses indicate that the mineral bridges effectively affect the strength and toughness of the interfaces in nacre. Comparison with a laminated composite with BM structure, SiC/BN, shows that the pattern of the crack extension and the toughening mechanism of the two materials are different. This reveals that the mineral bridges play a key role in the toughening mechanisms of nacre, which gives a conceptual guidance in material synthesis. 展开更多
关键词 organic matrix interface mineral bridge NACRE MICROSTRUCTURE fracture toughness
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