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微辣型灯笼椒新品种海丰25号的选育 被引量:3
作者 张树根 邢永萍 +4 位作者 王振泉 蒋钟仁 李春林 张军民 李春玲 《中国蔬菜》 北大核心 2008年第5期31-32,共2页
海丰25号是以优良自交系M-12-3为母本,以花药培养品系Y-49-1为父本配制而成的微辣型灯笼椒一代杂种。早熟,始花节位第9节左右,植株生长势旺,果实膨大速度快,连续坐果能力强。果实长方灯笼形,果面光滑,略有皱褶,果皮绿色,有光泽,成熟果红... 海丰25号是以优良自交系M-12-3为母本,以花药培养品系Y-49-1为父本配制而成的微辣型灯笼椒一代杂种。早熟,始花节位第9节左右,植株生长势旺,果实膨大速度快,连续坐果能力强。果实长方灯笼形,果面光滑,略有皱褶,果皮绿色,有光泽,成熟果红色,微辣,果实纵径15cm左右,横径7~8cm,果肉厚0.5~0.6cm,单果质量180g,最大果可达400g,每667m2产量4500kg左右,适宜辽宁、河北、山西、北京等地露地及保护地种植。 展开更多
关键词 灯笼椒 海丰25号 一代杂种 花药培养 微辣
微辣型风味榨菜挥发性成分的研究 被引量:4
作者 李敏 贺云川 《食品研究与开发》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第9期124-126,共3页
采用同时蒸馏萃取技术和气相色谱—质谱联用技术研究微辣型风味榨菜的挥发性风味成分,共鉴定出6类20种化合物。20种化合物中含烃类9种,醚类3种,酸类1种,酯类3种,酚类1种,含硫化合物3种。研究表明:异硫氰酸烯丙酯是榨菜的特征性香气物质... 采用同时蒸馏萃取技术和气相色谱—质谱联用技术研究微辣型风味榨菜的挥发性风味成分,共鉴定出6类20种化合物。20种化合物中含烃类9种,醚类3种,酸类1种,酯类3种,酚类1种,含硫化合物3种。研究表明:异硫氰酸烯丙酯是榨菜的特征性香气物质,榨菜本身的挥发性成分和香料的挥发性成分共同作用形成微辣型风味榨菜特有的香味。 展开更多
关键词 微辣型风味榨菜 挥发性风味成分 同时蒸馏萃取 气相色谱-质谱联用
耐低温弱光辣椒新品种扬椒5号的选育 被引量:1
作者 祁建波 张永吉 +3 位作者 张永泰 李爱民 惠飞虎 张瑛 《江苏农业科学》 北大核心 2014年第10期153-154,共2页
扬椒5号是以3070为母本、以3065为父本配制成的一代杂种。其品种特征为早熟,开花节位7∽8节,节间短,果实长灯笼形,果长11 cm,果肩宽约5 cm,单果质量50 g;微辣,商品性好,产量45 t/hm2,适合用于江苏省的早春保护地和露地栽培。
关键词 新品种 早熟 微辣 早春保护地栽培技术 壮苗标准 病虫害防治
Effects of Microwave Blanching Treatment on POD Activity and Crispness in Capsicum frutescens L. 被引量:3
作者 陈岗 杨勇 +1 位作者 詹永 罗阳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第1期228-233,共6页
[Objective] To study the effects of microwave blanching treatment on POD activity and crispness in Capsicum frutescens L., and to compare the effects of microwave blanching method, normal blanching method, boiling wat... [Objective] To study the effects of microwave blanching treatment on POD activity and crispness in Capsicum frutescens L., and to compare the effects of microwave blanching method, normal blanching method, boiling water blanching and steam blanching. [Methods] In order to obtain the optimal condition for microwave blanching, response surface methodology was used to construct a quadratic regression model describing the effects of microwave power, microwave time and calcium lactate concentration on the POD activity in C. frutescens. [Results] The optimal technology was obtained based on central composite design: 525 W microwave power, 64.5 s microwave time, and 0.08% calcium lactate concentration. Under this condition, POD enzyme activity of C. frutescens was desactivated and crispness of C. frutescens was 68.77 N. [Conclusions] This research would provide references for the crispness protection and enzyme deactivation of C. frutescens. 展开更多
关键词 Capsicum frutescens L Microwave blanching Peroxidase(POD) activity Keeping crispness
作者 陈良凤 《农林科学实验》 1994年第7期13-14,共2页
1.洛椒4号 洛椒4号是洛阳市郊区辣椒研究所近几年育成的微辣型一代杂交新品种。该品种不仅早熟性好,而且果型大,一般春栽8~10节现蕾开花,秋栽7~8节现蕾开花,且座果率高,不易落花,果实膨大迅速。
关键词 微辣 洛椒 品种 栽培
《河南科技(乡村版)》 2004年第12期9-9,共1页
关键词 早熟微辣 中椒13号品种 中国农科院蔬菜花卉研究所 选育 特征特性 栽培要点
The Effect of Calcium Chloride on the Microbiological Characteristics of Fermented Chile Pepper (Capsicum annuum cv. Mesilla Cayenne) Mash
作者 Jorge A. Beall Jorge A. Gonzalez-Simental +2 位作者 Sergio Soto-Navarro Nancy C. Flores Willis M. Fedio 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第9期1113-1118,共6页
Fermented chile pepper mash (Capsicum annuum cv. Mesilla Cayenne) is a major industrial food product in New Mexico. The fermentation of chile pepper mash depends on temperature, acidity, salt concentration, dissolve... Fermented chile pepper mash (Capsicum annuum cv. Mesilla Cayenne) is a major industrial food product in New Mexico. The fermentation of chile pepper mash depends on temperature, acidity, salt concentration, dissolved air, available carbohydrates and enzymes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the addition of calcium chloride (CaCI2) on the microbial characteristics of the pepper mash fermentation. Nine five gallon buckets were prepared with pepper that had been washed and ground by the manufacturer, each with 15% sodium chloride added. The buckets were allotted randomly to 1 of 3 treatments. The treatments included no CaCl2, 0.2% CaCl2 and 0.4% CaCl2 added to the pepper mash. Samples were stored at room temperature and sampled over a 3 months period to examine changes in the microflora. Chile mash samples were serially diluted in butterfield's phosphate buffer for microbial enumeration. Aerobic plate counts were conducted by pour plating with an overlay. Petrifilms were used for E. coil/coliform counts and Enterobacteriaceae. Yeasts and molds were surface plated on Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol agar while streptococci and lactobacilli were plated onto M17 and acidified MRS respectively. Aerobic plate counts, coliforms, E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae, yeast, mold, lactobacilli, and streptococci were not affected by CaCl2 level. The addition of 0.4% CaCl2 was found to have no effect on the chile pepper mash fermentation. 展开更多
关键词 Chile pepper mash lactic acid bacteria calcium chloride sodium chloride fermentation.
辣椒传入中国前, 吃辣的四川人吃什么?
作者 安安 《川菜》 2023年第11期43-44,共2页
无论是烧烤摊还是下饭馆,你总是能听到一句灵魂拷问,“能吃辣吗?”作为广东人我,立刻摇了摇头,一点点微辣谢谢。立刻在祖传吃辣“湖贵川”同事面前,一句“微辣”无疑等于认恐。说不懂辣美味快感,辣已经成了现代中国人的精神解药。只要... 无论是烧烤摊还是下饭馆,你总是能听到一句灵魂拷问,“能吃辣吗?”作为广东人我,立刻摇了摇头,一点点微辣谢谢。立刻在祖传吃辣“湖贵川”同事面前,一句“微辣”无疑等于认恐。说不懂辣美味快感,辣已经成了现代中国人的精神解药。只要一提到辣椒,人们就会想到湖南、贵州、四川之地。当地人无辣不欢,特别是天府之国的四川,酷爱辣椒,辣椒已经成为了四川人的代名词,日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。 展开更多
关键词 四川人 天府之国 微辣
作者 邱俊霖 米米儿插(图) 《少儿科技》 2024年第12期26-27,共2页
天气渐渐变冷,你是不是想吃热腾腾的火锅了?吃火锅前,我们常常要选择锅底的辣度,微辣?中辣?特辣?不管哪种辣,锅底里肯定少不了辣椒。然而,我国古人是吃不到辣椒的——辣椒原产于美洲,在明代中后期作为观赏植物被引入我国,到清代中期才... 天气渐渐变冷,你是不是想吃热腾腾的火锅了?吃火锅前,我们常常要选择锅底的辣度,微辣?中辣?特辣?不管哪种辣,锅底里肯定少不了辣椒。然而,我国古人是吃不到辣椒的——辣椒原产于美洲,在明代中后期作为观赏植物被引入我国,到清代中期才开始出现在人们的餐桌上。 展开更多
关键词 观赏植物 吃火锅 清代中期 明代中后期 微辣 古人
Antagonistic interaction between Trichoderma asperellum and Phytophthora capsici in vitro 被引量:6
作者 Heng JIANG Liang ZHANG +2 位作者 Jing-ze ZHANG Mohammad Reza OJAGHIAN Kevin D.HYDE 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期271-281,共11页
Phytophthora capsici is a phytopathogen that causes a destructive pepper blight that is extremely difficult to control. Using a fungicide application against the disease is costly and relatively ineffective and there ... Phytophthora capsici is a phytopathogen that causes a destructive pepper blight that is extremely difficult to control. Using a fungicide application against the disease is costly and relatively ineffective and there is also a huge environmental concern about the use of such chemicals. The genus Trichoderma has been known to have a potential biocontrol issue. In this paper we investigate the mechanism for causing the infection of T. asperellum against P. capsici. Tnchoderma sp. (isolate CGMCC 6422) was developed to have a strong antagonistic action against hyphae of P. capsici through screening tests. The strain was identified as T. asperellum through using a combination of morphological characteristics and molecular data. T. asperellum was able to collapse the mycelium of the colonies of the pathogen through dual culture tests by breaking down the pathogenic hyphae into fragments. The scanning electron microscope showed that the hyphae of T. aspere/lum surrounded and penetrated the pathogens hyphae, resulting in hyphal collapse. The results show that seven days after inoculation, the hyphae of the pathogen were completely degraded in a dual culture. T. asperel/um was also able to enter the P. capsici oospores through using oogonia and then developed hyphae and produced conidia, leading to the disintegration of the oogonia and oospores. Seven days after inoculation, an average 10.8% of the oospores were infected, but at this stage, the structures of oospores were still intact. Subsequently, the number of infected oospores increased and the oospores started to collapse. Forty-two days after inoculation, almost all the oospores were infected, with 9.3% of the structures of the oospores being intact and 90.7% of the oospores having collapsed. 展开更多
关键词 ANTAGONISM Electron microscopy Oogonium OOSPORE PEPPER
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