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作者 芮敏 徐承亮 《环境保护与循环经济》 2024年第8期96-99,共4页
黑臭小微水体不仅直接影响人们的生产生活,给群众带来较差的感官体验,还阻碍整体水系的治理进度,对黑臭小微水体的整治成为改善城市人居环境和提高幸福指数的应有之义。通过精准对接问题,持续发力,广州市在处理黑臭小微水体方面已取得... 黑臭小微水体不仅直接影响人们的生产生活,给群众带来较差的感官体验,还阻碍整体水系的治理进度,对黑臭小微水体的整治成为改善城市人居环境和提高幸福指数的应有之义。通过精准对接问题,持续发力,广州市在处理黑臭小微水体方面已取得显著成效。在分析黑臭小微水体形成机理的基础上,总结了广州市黑臭小微水体的治理经验。 展开更多
关键词 臭小水体 形成机理 治理措施 长效机制
计及微电网黑启动的虚拟同步发电机调频策略 被引量:13
作者 付华 刘公权 +1 位作者 齐晨飞 徐耀松 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第14期59-68,共10页
针对虚拟同步发电机(Virtual Synchronous Generator,VSG)控制策略应用到微电网调频过程中存在次振荡周期的问题,提出一种双阈值-全程自适应频率控制策略。该控制策略综合了自适应模型与负转动惯量的特性,建立了新的转动惯量函数模型,... 针对虚拟同步发电机(Virtual Synchronous Generator,VSG)控制策略应用到微电网调频过程中存在次振荡周期的问题,提出一种双阈值-全程自适应频率控制策略。该控制策略综合了自适应模型与负转动惯量的特性,建立了新的转动惯量函数模型,弱化了阻尼项的影响,在消除频率暂态过程次振荡周期的同时,简化了控制结构。为解决现有单一控制策略难以适用于微电网黑启动问题,在不影响微电网启动速度的前提下引入零起升压环节,将该控制策略的应用范围扩大到微电网黑启动过程。仿真和实验验证了所提控制策略的正确性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟同步发电机 电网逆变器 负惯量 双阈值-全程自适应频率控制 电网启动
黑骨藤追风活络微丸处方及制备工艺的研究 被引量:2
作者 乔杨 王慧娟 +2 位作者 彭礼军 谭婕 李俐 《山地农业生物学报》 2016年第4期18-22,共5页
本研究旨在获得黑骨藤追风活络微丸的最优处方及制备工艺。以吸湿率、成型率和微丸圆整度为指标,采用软件Design Expert 8.06中的混料设计实验对微丸处方进行优化,确定最优处方:复方黑骨藤药粉40%、微晶纤维素45%、乳糖15%。采用挤出滚... 本研究旨在获得黑骨藤追风活络微丸的最优处方及制备工艺。以吸湿率、成型率和微丸圆整度为指标,采用软件Design Expert 8.06中的混料设计实验对微丸处方进行优化,确定最优处方:复方黑骨藤药粉40%、微晶纤维素45%、乳糖15%。采用挤出滚圆法制备黑骨藤追风活络微丸,通过正交实验确定最优条件为:挤出频率为35 Hz,滚圆频率为45 Hz,滚圆时间为10 min。采用最优处方及最佳工艺制备了3批黑骨藤追风活络微丸,得到的微丸外观圆整、光滑,粒度均匀且收率高,能完全满足后续生产工艺过程中对微丸流动性、硬度、崩解时限等的要求。 展开更多
关键词 骨藤追风活络 挤出滚圆法 处方 工艺 混料设计
黑臭小微水体治理技术的研究现状与发展趋势 被引量:11
作者 杨娜 王趁义 +2 位作者 徐园园 郑宇 王凤玲 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期15-21,共7页
与人类生活密切相关的小微水体,不断地受到人类活动的干扰,使其黑臭现象日趋严重,已成为河湖库等水体的污染来源和死角。而现有的修复和治理技术存在着各自不同的技术弊端和技术瓶颈,使其处理效果不能持续,治标不治本,常规的市政污水处... 与人类生活密切相关的小微水体,不断地受到人类活动的干扰,使其黑臭现象日趋严重,已成为河湖库等水体的污染来源和死角。而现有的修复和治理技术存在着各自不同的技术弊端和技术瓶颈,使其处理效果不能持续,治标不治本,常规的市政污水处理工艺也难用于此。综述了黑臭小微水体的物理、化学和生物等技术和综合治理技术的研究现状,并对黑臭小微水体治理新技术及其发展趋势进行了展望,以期为各地正在开展的黑臭小微水体的综合整治提供有意义的参考。 展开更多
关键词 臭小水体 修复和治理技术 综合治理技术
一种适用于微电网黑启动的改进微源电压控制策略 被引量:5
作者 杨荣 赵兴勇 +1 位作者 赵钰彬 陆维 《可再生能源》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第10期1504-1510,共7页
孤岛运行的微电网故障后,系统的重新恢复供电关系到微网能否安全稳定运行。文章根据光储微电网中各微源的特性以及黑启动微源的选取原则,选取合适的黑启动电源。为了让黑启动电源在系统恢复初期更好地为微网交流母线提供电压频率支撑,... 孤岛运行的微电网故障后,系统的重新恢复供电关系到微网能否安全稳定运行。文章根据光储微电网中各微源的特性以及黑启动微源的选取原则,选取合适的黑启动电源。为了让黑启动电源在系统恢复初期更好地为微网交流母线提供电压频率支撑,提出一种适用于微电网黑启动的微源电压控制策略,通过改进微源下垂特性,实现微电源输出电压从零开始上升建立电压的过程,确保配电变压器的零起升压功能。最后,在PSCAD仿真平台上搭建了相应模型进行仿真,结果表明,所提电压控制策略有效支撑了微网孤岛运行的电压频率,提高了微网的安全稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 电网启动 启动 零起升压 下垂控制
作者 肖娇媚 李丹霓 +5 位作者 周金艳 王静 黄聪 佘健 江雨晴 任晓玲 《绿色科技》 2021年第20期74-79,共6页
针对传统黑臭水体处理技术脱氮除磷效果不佳的问题,采用离子交换工艺对微污染黑臭水进行处理,探究了系统最优运行参数和再生参数,并考察了最优运行条件下系统的脱氮除磷能力。静态试验表明:D296树脂进行吸附时,最佳投加量为0.5 g/L、吸... 针对传统黑臭水体处理技术脱氮除磷效果不佳的问题,采用离子交换工艺对微污染黑臭水进行处理,探究了系统最优运行参数和再生参数,并考察了最优运行条件下系统的脱氮除磷能力。静态试验表明:D296树脂进行吸附时,最佳投加量为0.5 g/L、吸附时间为150 min。此条件下存在竞争吸附现象,但对污染物去除影响不大;动态实验显示:D296树脂动态产水过程中,可实现同步脱氮除磷。出水NO^(-)_(3)-N和TP分别为1 mg/L和0.5 mg/L时,树脂穿透体积为540 BV左右;树脂最佳再生时间为100 min,产水体积相同时,出水NO^(-)_(3)-N和TP随再生次数的增加而增加,再生3次后的D296树脂仍具较好的脱氮除磷效果和再生率。 展开更多
关键词 离子交换工艺 污染臭水 D296树脂 脱氮除磷 最优参数
作者 刘静思 《皮革制作与环保科技》 2023年第10期92-93,96,共3页
随着社会和科技的不断发展,环境污染也逐渐加剧。生活中常见的小微水体,因为人类生活的不断干扰出现黑臭现象,且问题还在不断加剧,并引发水质污染。现阶段的治理技术都存在一定缺陷,无法根治黑臭小微水体。黑臭小微水体已成为水污染的... 随着社会和科技的不断发展,环境污染也逐渐加剧。生活中常见的小微水体,因为人类生活的不断干扰出现黑臭现象,且问题还在不断加剧,并引发水质污染。现阶段的治理技术都存在一定缺陷,无法根治黑臭小微水体。黑臭小微水体已成为水污染的一大隐患。本文对黑臭小微水体进行了分析,总结了现阶段治理黑臭小微水体的技术,主要分为物理方法、化学方法、生物方法及生物-生态修复方法四种修复方式,并介绍了我国制定的针对黑臭小微水体的有效环保措施,希望对治理黑臭小微水体有所帮助。 展开更多
关键词 臭小水体 治理技术 思考研究 有效措施 环保
不同降雨年型黑膜垄作对土壤水肥环境及马铃薯产量和效益的影响 被引量:6
作者 杨封科 何宝林 +1 位作者 董博 王立明 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第20期4312-4325,共14页
【目的】探索降水年型与垄型互作对黑膜垄作土壤水肥环境及马铃薯产量和效益的影响,解析水肥互作促进作物增产、高效用水机制,为深挖覆膜垄作技术增产潜力提供理论依据。【方法】2016—2018年布置大田试验,以当地推广应用的白膜覆盖双... 【目的】探索降水年型与垄型互作对黑膜垄作土壤水肥环境及马铃薯产量和效益的影响,解析水肥互作促进作物增产、高效用水机制,为深挖覆膜垄作技术增产潜力提供理论依据。【方法】2016—2018年布置大田试验,以当地推广应用的白膜覆盖双垄集雨耕作(WRF,垄高16 cm,垄宽60cm,沟宽40 cm)为对照,基于垄上微沟集雨耕作技术,设置由黑膜覆盖低垄(垄高16 cm,垄宽60cm)、中垄(垄高24 cm,垄宽60 cm)、高垄(垄高32 cm,垄宽60 cm)+垄上微集水沟(宽20 cm,深10 cm)+垄间小集水沟(沟宽40cm)组成的3种黑色地膜覆盖垄上微沟集雨土壤水肥调控耕作处理(BLRF,BMRF和BHRF),测定了马铃薯播种、出苗、现蕾、开花、结薯、成熟6个生育关键时期0—200 cm土层土壤含水量和研究期末0—30 cm土层土壤有机碳及氮磷钾养分含量,计算土壤贮水量、水分利用效率,分析土壤水、肥与马铃薯产量的相关关系。【结果】不同降水年型,黑、白地膜覆盖垄作都显著增加了马铃薯生长发育期对40—120 cm土层土壤水分的消耗。BHRF,BMRF和BLRF处理马铃薯6个生育关键时期0—200 cm土层土壤含水量和贮水量(SWS)都显著高于WRF处理(P<0.05)。较高的降水量以及黑膜覆盖集蓄增加的土壤水对120—200 cm土层的土壤水具有明显的补充作用。在干旱年(2016)和平水年(2017),BLRF和BMRF处理的集水和保水效应较好,BHRF处理次之,都显著优于WRF处理;在丰水年(2018)三者无显著差异,也都显著优于WRF处理。研究期末(2018)黑膜垄作0—30 cm土层的全氮全钾(TN和TK)及速效氮磷钾(AN,AP和AK)含量均显著高于白膜垄作(P<0.05),分别增加了4.5%—5.6%、3.6%—5.9%、8.4%—18.4%、15.3%—22.3%和7.1%—13.3%。归因于显著增加了大薯结薯个数和结薯重,黑膜垄作马铃薯产量、WUE、纯收益和产投比均显著高于白膜垄作,3年平均分别提高了16.9%—19.0%、15.5%—19.2%、23.3%—27.3%和12.1%—18.2%。这4个效益参数在干旱年和平水年以BLRF和BMRF处理较好、BHRF处理次之,丰水年三者都优于WRF处理,且无显著差异。相关分析表明,3年马铃薯平均产量与研究期末平均土壤氮磷钾养分含量呈显著正相关关系,与作物平均耗水量(ET)呈显著负相关关系(P<0.05)。通径分析表明,土壤AP、AK、AN含量,马铃薯生育期平均耗水量(ET)和平均降水量(GPR)解释了99.4%的产量变化。【结论】黑膜覆盖垄沟与垄上微沟的叠加集水效应显著改善土壤水分状况;水分条件的改善促进了马铃薯旺盛生长,使更多的根茎(茎叶、根等)类有机物归还土壤,其腐解释放的养分与施肥结合提高了土壤养分含量。良好的土壤水肥条件有效改善了土壤水肥互作关系,增加了作物水肥供应而显著提高马铃薯产量、WUE、纯收入和产投比。BLRF和BMRF处理在干旱年和平水年表现较好,BLRF、BMRF和BHRF处理在丰水年表现较好,BLRF和BMRF处理在各种年型都有良好的表现。因此,黑膜覆盖低、中垄垄上微沟集雨耕作(BLRF和BMRF)是继白膜覆盖双垄集雨耕作(WRF)之后最适用于半干旱区的马铃薯高产高效栽培模式。 展开更多
关键词 膜垄上沟耕作 水肥平衡 互作效应 产量 WUE 经济效益
作者 杜晶国 《中国保健营养》 1996年第11期51-51,共1页
看色。朵面以乌黑有光泽,朵背略呈灰白色的为上品;朵面微黑、无光泽的为中品;朵面呈灰色的为下品。 看朵。凡朵大适度,耳瓣舒展、体质轻、吸水膨胀性大的为上品;朵稍小,耳瓣略卷、体稍重、吸水膨胀性一般者为中品;朵小或碎。
关键词 木耳 吸水膨胀性 无光泽 体质 水池 微黑 下品 僵块 水量 碱味
Construction Fractional Genomic Libraries and Screening Microsatellites DNA of Esox reieherti Dybowski 被引量:8
作者 王洪哲 殷倩茜 +3 位作者 冯志纲 李大宇 孙效文 李婵 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期245-252,共8页
Esox reieherti Dybowsk genomic microsateUites were developed by using enrichment protocols combined with radioactive hybridization protocol. Four hundred to nine hundred base pair fragments were selected for the whole... Esox reieherti Dybowsk genomic microsateUites were developed by using enrichment protocols combined with radioactive hybridization protocol. Four hundred to nine hundred base pair fragments were selected for the whole genome. DNA PCR amplification after digestion with restriction endonuclease Sau 3A Ⅰ, and (CA)12, (GA)12 probes marked with biotin were used for microsateUite DNA enrichment. The product fragments were connected with carder pGEM-T and transferred into DH5α Escherichia coli competent cells, and radioactive isotope probes marked with γ^-32 p were used for the second hybridization. As a result, a total of 1600 bacteria were obtained in the microsatellite genomic libraries, positive clones accounted for 90.91% before hybridization and 81.25% after hybridization, amounting to 1300. One hundred and ninety-six positive clones were selected for sequencing, and 192 clones included microsateUite sequences. The microsateUite sequences obtained, mono-nucleotide, quad-nucleotide and quint-nucleotide repeat motifs were observed beside double-base-pairs CA/GT, GA/CT. Seventy primers were designed according to the flanking sequences by using software Primer Premier 5.0, and 32 primers were selected to be synthesized. After optimizing PCR reaction conditions, 28 primers were amplified and produced clear purpose bands. The aim of our research was to promote the development and utilization of E. reieherti genomic resource, and lay the foundation for optimizing E. reieherti breeding strain in order to detect the genetic diversity and construct a genetic map. 展开更多
关键词 Esox reieheri Dybowsk MicrosateUite DNA Magnetic beads enrichment protocol
Preparation technology of ultra-fine powders of Auricularia auricular 被引量:12
作者 杨春瑜 方迪 +1 位作者 王萍 马岩 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第2期150-152,i003,共4页
Conventional mechanical method and mechanical method combined with vacuum freeze-drying technology were used to make the ultra-fine powders of edible fungus (Auricularia auricular). The content of basic nutrients, ami... Conventional mechanical method and mechanical method combined with vacuum freeze-drying technology were used to make the ultra-fine powders of edible fungus (Auricularia auricular). The content of basic nutrients, amino acid, micro structure and their properties of raw edible fungus and the edible fungus powders obtained with the two methods were analyzed and compared. The granularity size and micro-structure of the pulverized samples were analyzed by SEM and TEM technology. The average granularity size of the edible fungus powder obtained with mechanical method was 1–5 μm, while that obtained with mechanical method combined with vacuum freeze-drying process was 0.5–1 μm. The ultra-fine powders of edible fungus obtained with the two methods had better water recovery capability and quality, and their preserving time was longer than that of raw edible fungus. All the properties of the ultra-fine powders of edible fungus obtained with the vacuum freeze-drying technology were evidently superior to that of the conventional mechanical method. Keywords Auricularia auricula - Edible fungus - Ultra-fine powders - Vacuum freeze-drying CLC number TS205 Document code B Biography: YANG Chun-yu (1975), female, Ph. D. in Engineering Technology Center of Forestry and Wood Workine, Machinery, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P. R. China.Responsible editor: Zhu Hong 展开更多
关键词 Auricularia auricula Edible fungus Ultra-fine powders Vacuum freeze-drying
作者 刘正学 李德舜 +1 位作者 张英 刘云峰 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期473-477,共5页
杀虫素48B是从黑微紫链霉菌浅色变种发酵液菌丝体中分离出来的一种杀虫活性物质,经过对其理化性质的测定及UV,IR,EI MS,1H NMR,13C NMR等光谱分析,初步推测为一种长链状不饱和脂类化合物,是一种结构新颖的杀虫抗生素.
关键词 杀虫素48B 紫链霉菌 杀虫活性 杀虫抗生素 发酵 分离 长链状不饱和脂类化合物
Liquid-state fermentation with Bacillus subtilis Bs-07 to enhance anticoagulant function of Auricularia auricula polysaccharide
作者 张智 刘东敏 +7 位作者 徐冰心 胡俊飞 刘奇 国勇 梁卓然 卢香泥 赵梓辰 王振宇 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第1期143-148,共6页
In order to improve the anticoagulant function of Auricularia auricula, Auricularia auricula polysaccharide (AAP) was converted into its derivatives by the microbial fermentation method and then polysaccharide deriv... In order to improve the anticoagulant function of Auricularia auricula, Auricularia auricula polysaccharide (AAP) was converted into its derivatives by the microbial fermentation method and then polysaccharide derivatives with stronger anticoagulant activity were prepared. The optimal conditions for fermenting the polysaccharide from A. auricula were examined and the in vitro anticoagulant activities of transformed and untransformed polysaccharides were compared. Response surface tests and an orthogonal experiment indicated that the best conditions for microbial conversion of AAP3 were an AAP3 concentration of 4.0 mg/ mL, a ratio of substrate (AAP3 ) to donor (p-hydroxybenzoic acid) of 40:1, and a pH of 6.0. Bacillus subtilis Bs-07 was inoculated and then placed on a rotary shaker ( 120 r/min), followed by fermentation for 48 h at 35 ℃. The conversion rate was found to be greater than 40%. The result of in vitro anticoagulant activity showed that the transformed polysaccharide improved activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time, and thrombin time values and greatly enhanced anticoagulant activity compared to the untransformed polysaccharide. 展开更多
关键词 Auricularia auricula polysaccharide microbial fermentation ANTICOAGULATION
“一线财神”的风采——记河南省沁阳市城关财政所所长 宋德贤
《财税与会计》 1995年第12期42-43,共2页
太行南麓,沁水河畔,人们非常熟悉一位不知疲倦的“管钱人”。他高高的个子,微黑的四方脸庞,走起路来一阵风,说起话来似洪钟,办起事来直通通,帐桌前一坐一个坑。这就是被人们誉为“活财神”的河南省沁阳市城关镇财政所所长宋德贤。 宋德... 太行南麓,沁水河畔,人们非常熟悉一位不知疲倦的“管钱人”。他高高的个子,微黑的四方脸庞,走起路来一阵风,说起话来似洪钟,办起事来直通通,帐桌前一坐一个坑。这就是被人们誉为“活财神”的河南省沁阳市城关镇财政所所长宋德贤。 宋德贤今年52岁,中共党员,1964年财贸干校毕业后分配在金融部门工作,1976年调到城关镇任财政助理,1985年后任城关镇财政所所长。19年来,他始终怀着对党和人民的一颗赤诚之心。 展开更多
关键词 财政所长 沁阳市 城关镇 企业发展基金 河南省 妻子 四方脸 微黑 信托部 焦作市
Comparison of Morphological Microstructure of Vitrified and Normal Shoots of Aronia melanocarpa Elloit 被引量:2
作者 高晔华 利爽 +2 位作者 吕天舒 胡婷婷 吴荣哲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1667-1670,1683,共5页
The Aronia melanocarpa El oit was used as test material. The microstruc-ture of normal and vitrified shoots and the characteristics of their stomas on leaf surface were compared by paraffin section and leaf epidermis-... The Aronia melanocarpa El oit was used as test material. The microstruc-ture of normal and vitrified shoots and the characteristics of their stomas on leaf surface were compared by paraffin section and leaf epidermis-tearing method. The results showed the palisade tissue of Aronia melanocarpa El oit consists of 2-3 lay-ers of cells. The stomas on lower epidermis cave in, and are smal and dense. There are abundant vessels and sieve tubes in stems. ln contrast, the main veins of vitrified shoots are unobvious, messy and irregular. The boundary between pal-isade tissue and spongy tissue is not obvious. The stomas open circularly and bigly. The stems are swel ing and thick, but the pith parenchyma cells are broken. 展开更多
关键词 Aronia melanocarpa El oit Morphological microstructure Normal shoot Vitrified shoot
作者 石培林 巴哈尔古力 阿代列提 《新疆中医药》 2000年第4期45-46,共2页
关键词 中成药 质量检验 鉴定 理化鉴别
Preparation and Catalytic Performance of Potassium Titanate Used as Soot Oxidation Catalyst
作者 Gao Yuan Meng Xiuhong +2 位作者 Pan Lihong Song Lijuan Duan Linhai 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2013年第2期31-36,共6页
To prepare potassium titanate catalyst, a novel citrate acid complex-combustion method using CH3COOK and Ti(OC4H9)4 as raw materials was developed. The crystalline phase and surface morphology of K2Ti205 were invest... To prepare potassium titanate catalyst, a novel citrate acid complex-combustion method using CH3COOK and Ti(OC4H9)4 as raw materials was developed. The crystalline phase and surface morphology of K2Ti205 were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The impact of some factors, such as the type of contact between K2Ti205 and soot, the content of water vapor and SO2 in exhaust, and the repeated use on catalytic activity of K2Ti205 were studied by temperature programmed reaction (TPR). A comparison between the new method and the reported ones on catalytic activity of potassium titanate was investigated. The results showed that K2Ti205 had high catalytic activity and good stability. 展开更多
关键词 citrate acid complex-combustion method diesel exhaust potassium titanate soot oxidation
Firework Induced Large Increase in Trace Gases and Black Carbon at Dibrugarh, India
作者 Binita Pathak Chandrakala Bharali Jhuma Biswas Pradip Kumar Bhuyan 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第8期540-544,共5页
Religious, occasional and annual fire work festivals worldwide are found to introduce high concentrations of pollutant gases and particulate matter into the atmosphere. These in turn alters the air quality of a region... Religious, occasional and annual fire work festivals worldwide are found to introduce high concentrations of pollutant gases and particulate matter into the atmosphere. These in turn alters the air quality of a region in the short and long time scales and affect human health adversely. The effect of fireworks on short-term variation in air quality of an urban location Dibrugarh, set amidst the rural environment of north-east India, was assessed from the ambient concentrations of 03, SO2, NOx, CO and BC (black carbon) during the Diwali festival during Nov. 13-14, 2012. The firework activity in general peaks during evening to midnight hours. Substantial increase in concentrations of O3, SO2, NOx, CO and BC was observed during the peak hours of firework activity (16:00 h to 22:00 h) in the Day 1 and Day 2 of the Diwali festival. However, the increase in concentrations from the background level was found to be highest on the post-Diwali day due to their accumulation in the atmosphere. The firework activity has not affected the regular diurnal pattern of the measured species during this episode. 展开更多
关键词 O3 NOx FIREWORK black carbon air quality
Simultaneously energy production and dairy wastewater treatment using bioelectrochemical cells: In different environmental and hydrodynamic modes
作者 Masoud Hasany Soheila Yaghmaei +1 位作者 Mohammad Mahdi Mardanpour Zahra Ghasemi Naraghi 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第12期1847-1855,共9页
A successful design, previously adapted for treatment of complex wastewaters in a microbial fuel cell (MFC), was used to fabricate two MFCs, with a few changes for cost reduction and ease of construction. Performanc... A successful design, previously adapted for treatment of complex wastewaters in a microbial fuel cell (MFC), was used to fabricate two MFCs, with a few changes for cost reduction and ease of construction. Performance and electrochemical characteristics of MFCs were evaluated in different environmental conditions (in complete darkness and presence of light), and different flow patterns of batch and continuous in four hydraulic retention times from 8 to 30 h. Changes in chemical oxygen demand, and nitrate and phosphate concentrations were evaluated. In contrast to the microbial fuel cell operated in darkness (D-MFC) with a stable open circuit voltage of 700 mV, presence of light led to growth of other species, and consecutively low and unsteady open circuit voltage. Although the performance of the MFC subjected to light (L-MFC) was quite low and unsteady in dynamic state (internal resistance = 100 Ω, power density = 5.15 W.m-3). it reached power density of 9.2 W.m-3 which was close to performance of D-MFC (internal resistance = 50 d, power density = 10.3 W.m-3). Evaluated only for D-MFC, the coulombic efficiency observed in batch mode (30%) was quite higher than the maximum acquired in continuous mode (9.6%) even at the highest hydraulic retention time. In this study, changes in phosphate and different types of nitrogen existing in dairy wastewater were investigated for the first time. At hydraulic retention time of 8 h, the orthophosphate concentration in effluent was 84% higher compared to influent. Total nitrogen and total Kjeldahl nitrogen were reduced 70% and 99% respectively at hydraulic retention time of 30 h, while nitrate and nitrite concentrations increased. The microbial electrolysis cell (MEC), revamped from D-MEC, showed the maximum gas production of 0.2 m3 H2·m-3·d-1 at 700 mV applied voltage. 展开更多
关键词 Dairy wastewater Darkness Light Microbial electrolysis cell Microbial fuel cell Nitrogen Phosphate
Microbial extraction of nickel from chromite overburdens in the presence of surfactant 被引量:2
作者 Sunil Kumar BEHERA Lala Behari SUKLA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2840-2845,共6页
The effect of surfactant polyoxyethylenesorbitan monolaurate (Tween-20) on the nickel bioleaching from pre-treated chromite overburden (COB), Sukinda with fungal strain Aspergillus niger, was examined in shake fla... The effect of surfactant polyoxyethylenesorbitan monolaurate (Tween-20) on the nickel bioleaching from pre-treated chromite overburden (COB), Sukinda with fungal strain Aspergillus niger, was examined in shake flasks. Along with the nickel recovery from COB by the fungal bioleaching, the effect of surfactant on the growth of the A. niger was also investigated. Results show that the addition of surfactant in low concentration was favorable for the recovery of nickel from pre-treated COB. Normally, the carbon source (sucrose) in the culture medium was utilized by the A. niger for its cellular metabolism and organic metabolites (bio acids) were produced, which were responsible for the bioleaching of minerals. However, the addition of surfactant (Tween-20) accelerated the rate of sucrose consumption by the fungi, and thus enhancing the extraction of nickel from pre-treated COB. During the study, around 39% nickel extraction was achieved in A. niger mediated bioleaching performed at 2% pulp density of pre-treated COB at 30 °C, in the presence of surfactant whereas only 24% nickel was extracted without surfactant. 展开更多
关键词 NICKEL SURFACTANT Tween-20 chromite overburden Aspergillus niger microbial extraction bioleaching cellularmetabolism organic metabolite
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