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近代日本的“德国学”及其与右翼思想的连接 被引量:1
作者 盛邦和 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期37-42,共6页
通常说日本在亚洲最早进入“现代”,其实并非历史的真实。日本自19世纪中叶开始,举国所趋,实现的仅仅是经济上的成果,始终是“半现代化”国家。明治日本一面努力学习外国,同时又被国情所囿,出现弃英美学而崇尚德国学与国粹学的现象。其... 通常说日本在亚洲最早进入“现代”,其实并非历史的真实。日本自19世纪中叶开始,举国所趋,实现的仅仅是经济上的成果,始终是“半现代化”国家。明治日本一面努力学习外国,同时又被国情所囿,出现弃英美学而崇尚德国学与国粹学的现象。其实,日本后来右翼思想泛滥,走上法西斯的道路,这和它当初崇尚德国学有着密切的关系。 展开更多
关键词 英美 德国学 “次现代化” “右翼”成因
作者 魏慧洋 《剧影月报》 2024年第5期79-81,共3页
由德国音乐学家费利克思·卡茨撰写并于1929年出版的《音乐美学的主要流派》一书首次提出了音乐美学的自律论与他律论概念。作者卡茨整合了18世纪末以来德国音乐美学的相关资料,并将康德哲学思想中的他律论与自律论概念运用到音乐... 由德国音乐学家费利克思·卡茨撰写并于1929年出版的《音乐美学的主要流派》一书首次提出了音乐美学的自律论与他律论概念。作者卡茨整合了18世纪末以来德国音乐美学的相关资料,并将康德哲学思想中的他律论与自律论概念运用到音乐美学流派的划分,基于两大概念的本质差异,音乐究竟属于自律论或是他律论这一问题在学术界展开了激烈的探讨。 展开更多
关键词 音乐美 自律论 流派 概念运用 卡茨 他律论 康德哲 德国音乐
人文精神关怀下的德国音乐学教育 被引量:2
作者 麻莉 《黄钟(武汉音乐学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期107-116,共10页
在德国有百年历史的音乐学专业,一直处于世界领先地位,这与它的教育模式和对其起决定影响作用的人文精神密不可分。笔者以曾就读过的德国维尔茨堡大学音乐研究所和工作过的埃希施塔特天主教大学哲学教育系"应用音乐学与音乐教育&qu... 在德国有百年历史的音乐学专业,一直处于世界领先地位,这与它的教育模式和对其起决定影响作用的人文精神密不可分。笔者以曾就读过的德国维尔茨堡大学音乐研究所和工作过的埃希施塔特天主教大学哲学教育系"应用音乐学与音乐教育"专业为例,对"博洛尼亚教育改革"实施后,德国音乐学的授课特点、授课方式、课程安排等等做出详细介绍,并揭示人文关怀背景对其教育的影响。 展开更多
关键词 德国音乐 博洛尼亚进程 路径 教育模式 人文精神
教育国际化中的学生交流——访德国基尔应用技术大学教授赫尔穆特·迪斯波特 被引量:2
作者 王斌锐 严天宏 郭伟 《世界教育信息》 2015年第20期10-13,20,共5页
德国基尔应用技术大学(Kiel University of Applied Sciences)前副校长赫尔穆特·迪斯波特(Helmut Dispert)在基尔应用技术大学任职期间,积累了丰富的与国外院校合作交流的经验,也对高等教育国际化的理论与实践做了深入的研究。为... 德国基尔应用技术大学(Kiel University of Applied Sciences)前副校长赫尔穆特·迪斯波特(Helmut Dispert)在基尔应用技术大学任职期间,积累了丰富的与国外院校合作交流的经验,也对高等教育国际化的理论与实践做了深入的研究。为了解全球高等教育国际化方面的发展趋势,本刊专访了赫尔穆特·迪斯波特教授。在采访中,迪斯波特教授指出,"博洛尼亚进程"引领了德国及全欧洲的高等教育改革,尤其是开展国际交流合作的学校,其组织结构、教学时间、学分转换要达到国际化水平;国际化交流活动可以大致分为四类,即学生交流、教师交流、国际化的课程、高校与企业间国际化的合作关系;在交流活动中,学生可以沉浸在一种新的语言和文化环境中,从而使其在以后的生活中更加自信、独立,对社会与全球问题的认识更深刻;双学位项目和联合学位项目的学生交流活动具有学术影响、文化和社会影响、经济效应、技能影响;德国基尔应用技术大学和中国计量学院等高校拥有广阔的合作前景。 展开更多
关键词 教育国际化 国际教育 位项目 联合位项目 跨国教育 应用技术大 :德国
作者 菡子 《家庭与家教》 2005年第7期41-,共1页
关键词 德国学
作者 刘少才 《八小时以外》 2007年第3期41-41,共1页
关键词 德国学
德国语文学危机的两种应对之策--论库尔提乌斯与奥尔巴赫 被引量:3
作者 阿维胡.扎卡伊 林振华 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2018年第4期3-12,共10页
本文从库尔提乌斯与奥尔巴赫所处的历史时代和他们的代表作,分析了二者面对20世纪初德国人文主义与语文学危机时,为何提出了不同的应对之策。库尔提乌斯从罗曼研究和现代欧洲文学研究,转向拉丁中世纪,以期构建有意义的文学文化方案,从... 本文从库尔提乌斯与奥尔巴赫所处的历史时代和他们的代表作,分析了二者面对20世纪初德国人文主义与语文学危机时,为何提出了不同的应对之策。库尔提乌斯从罗曼研究和现代欧洲文学研究,转向拉丁中世纪,以期构建有意义的文学文化方案,从而替代有违传统德国教育、人文主义、启蒙思想的雅利安语文学、种族神秘主义和纳粹史学。奥尔巴赫在流亡期间,把目光转向了比较文学,以其西方文学"统一性"专论,将《圣经·旧约》拉回到欧洲人文主义文化中心,拿起共同的西方犹太—基督教传统的旌旗。无论如何,两人都致力重建被纳粹的种族与人种分离措施打得四分五裂的欧洲文明统一性。 展开更多
关键词 德国语文 库尔提乌斯 奥尔巴赫 主题 辞彩
滕固与宗白华的艺术学思想比较 被引量:1
作者 张泽鸿 《贵州大学学报(艺术版)》 2013年第2期49-54,59,共7页
滕固与宗白华都是德国艺术学在中国的早期传人,也是积极进行艺术学中国化实践的开拓者。从一般艺术学方法、门类艺术学融通研究、艺术史观以及对待艺术与文化的关系等维度分析二者的异同,可以看出宗、滕两位先生在艺术学研究上各臻胜境... 滕固与宗白华都是德国艺术学在中国的早期传人,也是积极进行艺术学中国化实践的开拓者。从一般艺术学方法、门类艺术学融通研究、艺术史观以及对待艺术与文化的关系等维度分析二者的异同,可以看出宗、滕两位先生在艺术学研究上各臻胜境:宗白华偏于"玄学"意味的中国艺术美学探索,滕固擅长"科学"的中国艺术史学建构,由此形成20世纪上半叶艺术学中国化的双峰并峙局面。 展开更多
关键词 德国艺术 艺术史 艺术风格 艺术观念
作者 梁锡江 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期60-71,共12页
德国因其自身的政治、地域与文化特点而走上了一条不同于英法的东方学研究路线。在坚持传统神学的基础上,德国学者利用自身的严谨性,结合英法等国家的先进思想与资料,推陈出新,在《圣经》文本上开发出三种新的研究可能性,即语文学、历... 德国因其自身的政治、地域与文化特点而走上了一条不同于英法的东方学研究路线。在坚持传统神学的基础上,德国学者利用自身的严谨性,结合英法等国家的先进思想与资料,推陈出新,在《圣经》文本上开发出三种新的研究可能性,即语文学、历史学与诗学的研究潜质,使得德国东方学具有强烈的文本化与历史化倾向,从而进一步丰富了东方学的研究视角。 展开更多
关键词 德国东方 新教神 历史主义 异化翻译
德国埃及学研究二百年 被引量:2
作者 王海利 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期122-132,161,共11页
德国的埃及学研究具有悠久的历史,在国际埃及学界占据重要地位。本文对德国近二百年来的埃及学研究进行了系统的评述,认为以柏林学派为代表的德国学者们的理性主义、科学主义、历史主义精神,将国际埃及学研究推进到一个新的高度,使埃及... 德国的埃及学研究具有悠久的历史,在国际埃及学界占据重要地位。本文对德国近二百年来的埃及学研究进行了系统的评述,认为以柏林学派为代表的德国学者们的理性主义、科学主义、历史主义精神,将国际埃及学研究推进到一个新的高度,使埃及学发展成为一门科学。德国埃及学研究近二百年来的发展路过值得我们思考和借鉴:一、埃及学跨学科、多领域的研究越来越明显;二、埃及学为历史学、宗教学、文化学等其他人文学科提供了参考和借鉴;三、埃及学的国际化程度越来越高,国际合作变得越来越密切;四、语言文字的研究与埃及考古需要齐头并进,才能将国际埃及学研究推向一个新的高度。 展开更多
关键词 德国埃及 语文研究 考古研究 科研究 国际化
Religious-Practical Aspects of Sacral Trees in the Caucasus A Comparative Analysis of the Material of Georgian and German Authors
作者 Tinatin Gudushauri 《History Research》 2013年第5期365-368,共4页
The tradition of serving trees has a long history in the Caucasus and therefore there is quite a long tradition of interest in these problems by different authors, including foreign scientists. The tradition starts wi... The tradition of serving trees has a long history in the Caucasus and therefore there is quite a long tradition of interest in these problems by different authors, including foreign scientists. The tradition starts with Apollonius of Rhodes. Since then it has been the field of permanent interest by scientists. The material presented in the report, that brings forward the specific practical aspects of sacral functions of sacral trees and forests and mainly deals with the mountainous part of Georgia (both East and West Georgia) and represents an attempt to compare Georgian ethnographic data with the materials found in Georgia by German scientists of the same period, which allows of drawing similarities and differences between these two sources of data. C. Hahn--a public figure living on the verge of the 19th-20th century, who had original material from Khevsureti and Svaneti, was chosen from German scientists. The first and important function is the connection of sacral trees with the world of the dead, which has a practical implication rather than a religious-ritual function, which is confirmed by the use of sacral forests as a burying place and for a ritual related to the dead; The second practical aspect of the sacral trees was their healing function. The purpose of the trees is established in the ethnographic material found virtually throughout the entire Caucasus. According to ethnographic data, there appears another function of sacral trees and forests. People used to gather there in order to solve important issues and reconcile conflicting parties. Sacred forests were a nature reserve for animal habitat and a kind of a haven for the people who, for some reason, had to shelter themselves in forests. 展开更多
关键词 sacral tree sacral forest CAUCASUS Georgia RELIGION TRADITION
Teletandem as a Way of Enhancing Language Learning Between Brazilian and German Students
作者 Suelene Vaz da Silva Francisco Jose Quaresma de Figueiredo Warde da Fonseca-Zang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第10期767-776,共10页
This paper aims at investigating the teletandem learning interactions between a group of Brazilian students from Instituto Federal de Educagao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Estado de Goias, Brazil, and a group of foreign s... This paper aims at investigating the teletandem learning interactions between a group of Brazilian students from Instituto Federal de Educagao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Estado de Goias, Brazil, and a group of foreign students from two German universities. In this study, the Brazilian students helped their foreign partners with Portuguese learning and were helped by them in the English learning. The participants used a synchronous computer software called Openmeetings and also an electronic dictionary as a complementary tool. Adopting a qualitative perspective in the data collection and analysis, this case study was conducted in the second semester of 2010. The data were collected by means of conversation sessions through Openmeetings and were analyzed in the light of studies on sociocultural theory as well as on tandem/teletandem language learning researches. The data analyses showed that the participants used English as an anchoring language to work with Portuguese and English itself, and German was introduced in the teletandem sessions. The data also showed that the whiteboard and the electronic dictionary were used as complementary resources to the use of audio and video for the language learning process the participants engaged in. 展开更多
关键词 language learning Openmeetings teletandem
Problems of Moral Education in China's Schools and Solutions
作者 Tao Zhang 《Sociology Study》 2017年第6期325-330,共6页
School moral education is an important part of education, which concerns the students' growth and development in mental health. How to conduct moral education to help the students shape good moral norm is an issue fr... School moral education is an important part of education, which concerns the students' growth and development in mental health. How to conduct moral education to help the students shape good moral norm is an issue frequently discussed in the academic area. This paper probes into this issue from the formation of incorrect outlooks towards wealth and power, discusses the risks of apparently incorrect moral education, and suggests the right moral education ways, combined with some specific cases: return to the true state of morality in the concept of moralization; conduct the students' sense of value through teaching activities in the content of moralization; and of moralization. distinguish between good and evil in moral conflict in the way 展开更多
关键词 Moral education PUZZLES SOLUTIONS
The Role of the Forest in German Literature: From the Medieval Forest to the Griines Band
作者 Albrecht Classen 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第3期149-164,共16页
This paper demonstrates how much the forest was used by medieval writers as a symbolic space where critical events take place deeply affecting their protagonists. The forest motif can be found in the works of St. Augu... This paper demonstrates how much the forest was used by medieval writers as a symbolic space where critical events take place deeply affecting their protagonists. The forest motif can be found in the works of St. Augustine as well as in Dante's Divina Commedia (ca. 1308-1321), and then in a plethora of other texts. Here the author examines more closely the symbolic meaning of the forest as a mysterious, dangerous, yet also spiritual location in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Titurel (ca. 1220) and then in two 15th-century prose novels: Thtiring von Ringoltingen's Melusine (1456) and the anonymous Fortunatus (1509). Each time we recognize how much the poets placed their central figures one in the forest where their life takes a major turn. Recognizing this intriguing function of the forest as a metaphor and symbol, we can employ the modern interest in and fascination with the forest as a refuge from the destruction of the natural environment through modem civilization as segue to attract students to the study of medieval literature once again. 展开更多
关键词 forest as symbol St. Augustine Dante Alighieri Wolfram von Eschenbach Thtiring von Ringoltingen Fortunatus relevance of medieval literature
Self and Other in Contemporary German Literature Confrontation With the Foreign World in the Novels by Renate Ahrens
作者 Albrecht Classen 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第3期365-376,共12页
The experience of"The Other" has become a common one for people in the 21st century, and yet it continues to be a major problem for everyone involved. Increasingly, however, immigrants and their descendants adjust a... The experience of"The Other" has become a common one for people in the 21st century, and yet it continues to be a major problem for everyone involved. Increasingly, however, immigrants and their descendants adjust and soon participate in and with the new culture(s). At the same time, those who encounter "The Other" through the contact with immigrants, have also to adapt, to learn, and to realize considerable changes in themselves in that process. Recently, a new German novelist, Renate Ahrens, has created several major works in which she reflects on this intricate phenomenon typical of our times. The present study might well be the first critical analysis of her last two novels, Zeit der Wahrheit (Time of Truth, 2005) and Fremde Schwestern (Alienated Sisters, 2011), which prove to be outstanding and first-rate literary treatments of the theme of"The Other" in an intercultural context. As Ahrens illustrates in both novels, each individual carries a heavy baggage imposed on them by the own family history, and so in both cases the confrontation with "The Other" serves exceedingly well to break open the shell of self-isolation and self-alienation. Love finally overcomes ancient conflicts and paves the way for new integrative forces supporting the formation of the "global village" we all are really living in. 展开更多
关键词 "The Other" IMMIGRATION foreign culture(s) Renate Ahrens German novelist German literature postmodern literature
Report of Pontoniinae Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) Collected by Joint Chinese-German Marine Biology Expeditions to Hainan Island, South China Sea. Ⅲ. Periclimenes
作者 李新正 刘瑞玉 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期89-100,共12页
The present paper reports 12 species of genus Periclimenes, subfamily Pontoniinae, collected from Hainan Island, South China Sea, by the Joint Chinese-German Marine Biology Expeditions, in which, Periclimenes consobri... The present paper reports 12 species of genus Periclimenes, subfamily Pontoniinae, collected from Hainan Island, South China Sea, by the Joint Chinese-German Marine Biology Expeditions, in which, Periclimenes consobrinus and P. tenuipes are new records from Chinese waters, and Periclimenes amymone, P. holthuisi, P. soror, and P. toloensis are recorded for the first time from Hainan Island. 展开更多
关键词 Pontoniinae Periclimenes Hainan Island
Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics: French Philosophy and Social Theory in Relation to Ethics and Philosophy of Management
作者 Jacob Dahl Rendtorff 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第2期96-102,共7页
This article gives an overview of my book French Philosophy and Social Theory. A Perspective for Ethics and Philosophy of Management, published by Springer 2014. As an extension of my earlier work on French philosophy... This article gives an overview of my book French Philosophy and Social Theory. A Perspective for Ethics and Philosophy of Management, published by Springer 2014. As an extension of my earlier work on French philosophy, this book provides an application of important concepts from contemporary French philosophy to business ethics and the ethics of organizations. Although the book covers a wide range of philosophers and philosophical movements, there is a core and deep unity of the book. This is the demonstration of how the conceptual resources of contemporary French philosophy from the early 20th Century to the present day can be applied to give us new perspectives on business ethics and the ethics of organizations. 展开更多
关键词 French philosophy ETHICS philosophy of management business ethics Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) philosophy of sciences organization theory
The Mereology of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
作者 William O. Stephens 《History Research》 2012年第2期164-172,共9页
Mereology (from the Greek μεpoζ) is the branch of ontology which studies the relations of part to whole and the relations of part to part within a whole. The roots of mereology can be traced back to the earliest ... Mereology (from the Greek μεpoζ) is the branch of ontology which studies the relations of part to whole and the relations of part to part within a whole. The roots of mereology can be traced back to the earliest ancient Greek philosophers (the Presocratics), Plato, and Aristotle. The mereological approach of the Stoic philosophers in the 1 Roman Empire, however, has been neglected. In this paper, the author offers a sketch of how the Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius Antoninus used mereology in the collection of brief, occasionally cryptic memoranda and self-exhortations which tradition has dubbed the Meditations. The thesis is that Marcus' account of parts and wholes is such a prevalent theme throughout this work because mereological analyses provide him an understanding of what he is, what the cosmos is and how it works, and the purposes of all rational beings, both as agents in the social community and as citizens of the state. That is, the conceptual power and explanatory flexibility of mereology enable Marcus to reason to conclusions about ontology, the nature of a human person, ethical ideals, and a political worldview. As a consequence, a good grasp of Marcus' mereology provides a clear and detailed overview of a wide swath of the philosophical terrain in his Meditations. 展开更多
Meeting the ADA Guidelines of Diabetic Care at King Fahd Hospital of University, Khobar, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia in 2012
作者 Waleed AlBaker Fatemah AlFaraj +1 位作者 Reem AlArgan Ammar Khamis 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第7期760-765,共6页
The main purpose of this study is determining the extent of achieving American Diabetes Association (ADA) targets in diabetes type I and II at KFUH (King Fahd Hospital of University) in the year of 2012. Observati... The main purpose of this study is determining the extent of achieving American Diabetes Association (ADA) targets in diabetes type I and II at KFUH (King Fahd Hospital of University) in the year of 2012. Observational, cross sectional, retrospective study was conducted on 479 patients; the informations were reviewed using Quadramed CPR system. All the data obtainedwere analyzed by medical statistician using SPSS program. The results show that only 19.0% was achieved the target of HbA~; and the targets of LDL, HDL and TG were achieved in 38.4%, 35.9%, and 48.2% respectively. The routine ophthalmology and dietitian review were found to be in only 32.1% and 27.3%, respectively. The use of medications recommended by ADA was 51.4% for aspirin and 54.7 % for both statin and ACE inhibitor. The present study indicated that most of the ADA guidelines were not achieved in our diabetic patients being followed in our center, which is almost similar to other studies in most of the parameters. The achievement of diabetes targets is a difficult task but may not be impossible. It requires a multidisciplinary approach. So, further studies are needed to determine the reasons behind the gap between practice and guidelines. 展开更多
关键词 Diabetes HbA1c LDL-C ACEI ophthalmology visit.
"Questionable" Behaviors and Practices in Academic Productivity in Postgraduate Studies in Mexico
作者 Ana Esther Escalante-Ferrer Luz Marina Ibarra Uribe Cesar Dario Fonseca Bautista 《Sociology Study》 2015年第1期8-22,共15页
This paper reports the results acquired in a research work about "questionable" practices and behaviors in the academic production of researches and postgraduate social sciences and humanities studies of the program... This paper reports the results acquired in a research work about "questionable" practices and behaviors in the academic production of researches and postgraduate social sciences and humanities studies of the programs that are appointed by the National Program of Quality Postgraduate Studies (PNPC, by its acronym in Spanish) in Mexico. Through a qualitative methodology, the authors interpreted some of the arguments that explain and/or justify certain practices in relation to doubled production, authorship, and coauthorship of academic products. In this paper, the authors present and analyze the results that they obtained after reviewing documents produced by professors and students of six postgraduate programs that are taught in two Mexican public universities. At the same time, the authors examine some of the practices that take place within said programs, given the institutional demands of improving finished studies efficiency. One of the hypotheses of this work is the demands that are imposed by external evaluations of academic processes on professors and their programs in order to reach desirable rates with the purpose of maintaining or increasing the levels of productivity, gives way to certain practices that must be analyzed. This work's theoretic framework is constituted by the contributions of career sociology and professional ethics. 展开更多
关键词 ETHICS "questionable" practices and behaviors academic production postgraduate studies
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