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作者 万华 《天津市教科院学报》 2009年第1期63-66,共4页
心念教育是香港真道书院品格教育的特称,其核心在于品格的塑造与心念的转化。它通过多种途径整合资源,构建多方协作、全方位的心念教育网络,促进学生自我教育、自我管理、自我完善,形成了独具特色的生命化、生活化、生态化的品格教育,... 心念教育是香港真道书院品格教育的特称,其核心在于品格的塑造与心念的转化。它通过多种途径整合资源,构建多方协作、全方位的心念教育网络,促进学生自我教育、自我管理、自我完善,形成了独具特色的生命化、生活化、生态化的品格教育,这对提高国内学校的德育实效性有一定的启示。 展开更多
关键词 心念教育 品格塑造 心念转化
作者 马志国 郝丽 《中老年保健》 2017年第6期42-43,共2页
心理症状:我的病越来越重 来到心理咨询室,中年女士就开始了诉说症状:唉,我的病可重了,浑身没劲,两条腿迈不动步,走不了路。一年前就不上班了.辞职在家里养病。可是.没想到我的病越养越重。现在,连出去散步都是难题了。丈夫... 心理症状:我的病越来越重 来到心理咨询室,中年女士就开始了诉说症状:唉,我的病可重了,浑身没劲,两条腿迈不动步,走不了路。一年前就不上班了.辞职在家里养病。可是.没想到我的病越养越重。现在,连出去散步都是难题了。丈夫经常劝说不要总闷在家里.多出去散散步。可我就是浑身没劲什么家务都做不了,连散步都走不了。不怕您笑话.我所以反复问您在几楼,就是怕高了我没劲走上来。甚至我还想过,要不就请您到我家来…… 展开更多
关键词 心念 身体 理症状 理咨询室 散步
作者 罗大伦 《健康大视野》 2015年第7期116-117,共2页
在我见到的患者中,80%的身体疾病,来自于不良情绪,而这80%的不良情绪中,又有80%来自于工作岗位。建设阳光的、积极的企业文化,在企业经营中修炼自己、保护自己。今年春节后,我给一所商学院讲课,课前班长对我说:“罗老师,我... 在我见到的患者中,80%的身体疾病,来自于不良情绪,而这80%的不良情绪中,又有80%来自于工作岗位。建设阳光的、积极的企业文化,在企业经营中修炼自己、保护自己。今年春节后,我给一所商学院讲课,课前班长对我说:“罗老师,我能占用您几分钟吗?我要对同学公布一个消息。”在得到我的允许后,他对同学们说:“同学们,我告诉大家一个令人心痛的消息,我们班的某某同学,在春节期间去世了,因为大家都在过春节,所以没有告诉大家,现在向大家公布一下。” 展开更多
关键词 企业文化 心念 不良情绪 春节期间 身体疾病 工作岗位 企业经营 消息
《美文(青春写作)》 2010年第11期41-42,共2页
有一天早上,我看见有人抬了一具尸体去火葬。那具死尸是用紫红色的布裹住的,它随着抬尸体的四个活人走动的韵律摇晃着。我不知道死尸通常给人哪种印象。你有没有想过,世界上为什么会有衰败的现象?你买一部新车,几年内,它的效用就... 有一天早上,我看见有人抬了一具尸体去火葬。那具死尸是用紫红色的布裹住的,它随着抬尸体的四个活人走动的韵律摇晃着。我不知道死尸通常给人哪种印象。你有没有想过,世界上为什么会有衰败的现象?你买一部新车,几年内,它的效用就差不多了。人的身体也是一样,但是你为何不深入一点去探讨人的心智为什么也会渐渐腐化? 展开更多
关键词 心念的更新》 散文 文学 作品
作者 马子木 《秘书工作》 2021年第6期69-71,共3页
提及郑板桥,今人往往会想到他作为文人与书画名家的形象。在这两种身份之外,郑板桥还是一位心念民间疾苦、为政刚直不阿的循吏、廉吏。习近平总书记曾把郑板桥作为历史上名人志士任县令的典型,并在讲话、文章中多次引用郑板桥的一首题画... 提及郑板桥,今人往往会想到他作为文人与书画名家的形象。在这两种身份之外,郑板桥还是一位心念民间疾苦、为政刚直不阿的循吏、廉吏。习近平总书记曾把郑板桥作为历史上名人志士任县令的典型,并在讲话、文章中多次引用郑板桥的一首题画诗:"衙斋卧听萧萧竹,疑是民间疾苦声。 展开更多
关键词 民间疾苦 郑板桥 题画诗 书画名家 循吏 萧萧 刚直不阿 心念
耿莲凤 年过花甲,心念卸如初外的花
作者 张泓伊 申明 《健康必读(健康新语)》 2015年第2期90-91,共2页
“女儿耶,跟着我”,现在的中老年人,一听到这句歌词,都会从心灵深处唤起对那个时代的回忆,也会从沉淀的旧事中,唤起对风靡一时的《毛主席派人来》、《祖国一片新面貌》和《逛新城》这几首老歌的记忆。那个时代.是耿莲凤艺术生涯... “女儿耶,跟着我”,现在的中老年人,一听到这句歌词,都会从心灵深处唤起对那个时代的回忆,也会从沉淀的旧事中,唤起对风靡一时的《毛主席派人来》、《祖国一片新面貌》和《逛新城》这几首老歌的记忆。那个时代.是耿莲凤艺术生涯的黄金岁月。现在的耿莲凤完全素面朝天,白净细腻的皮肤看不出有什么皱纹,身看一件红底白花的真丝长裙,那份休闲与飘逸,让你无法把她与62岁的人联系在一起、 展开更多
关键词 花甲 心念 中老年人 艺术生涯 毛主席
《考试与招生》 2011年第4期45-45,共1页
关键词 《人在红尘 心念本》 中学生 语文学习 阅读
作者 吴颖婧 周微 +2 位作者 余珍 邹林杰 刘衔华 《社会科学前沿》 2023年第2期695-701,共7页
正念强调对当下体验的全身心关照,并持有非评判性的接受态度。正念心育在医学、心理学及校园教育等各领域中都得到了普遍运用,并取得了良好成效。在校园教育中,学生寻求帮助的问题里,人际关系困扰占了相当部分的比重。本文重点总结了正... 正念强调对当下体验的全身心关照,并持有非评判性的接受态度。正念心育在医学、心理学及校园教育等各领域中都得到了普遍运用,并取得了良好成效。在校园教育中,学生寻求帮助的问题里,人际关系困扰占了相当部分的比重。本文重点总结了正念的有关概念、理论机制与应用,以及正念心育对青少年人际关系的干预机制。但目前关于二者的研究还存在不足,未来研究可以继续向正念教育促进青少年人际关系良好发展方向探索和展望。 展开更多
关键词 青少年 人际关系
Evaluating the feasibility and preliminary effects of an online compassion training program for nursing students:A pilot randomized controlled trial
作者 Zhi Yang Mimi Mun Yee Tse +4 位作者 Huiting Huang Haiyun Fang Joanne Wai Yee Chung Doris Yin Kei Chong Thomas Kwok Shing Wong 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2024年第4期421-428,I0001,共9页
Objectives:This study aimed to assess the feasibility of an online compassion training program for nursing students and preliminarily investigate its effects on mindfulness,self-compassion,and stress reduction.Methods... Objectives:This study aimed to assess the feasibility of an online compassion training program for nursing students and preliminarily investigate its effects on mindfulness,self-compassion,and stress reduction.Methods:This study employed a randomized controlled trial design.Second-year students from a nursing college in Guangzhou,China,were recruited as research participants in August 2023.The intervention group participated in an 8-week online compassion training program via the WeChat platform,comprising three stages:mindfulness(weeks 1e2),self-compassion(weeks 3e5),and compassion for others(weeks 6 e8).Each stage included four activities:psychoeducation,mindfulness practice,weekly diary,and emotional support.Program feasibility was assessed through recruitment and retention rates,program engagement,and participant acceptability.Program effectiveness was measured with the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale,Self-Compassion Scale-Short Form,and Perceived Stress Scale.Results:A total of 28 students completed the study(13 in the intervention group,15 in the control group).The recruitment rate was 36.46%,with a high retention rate of 93.3%.Participants demonstrated high engagement:69.2%accessed learning materials every 1e2 days,93.3%practiced mindfulness at least weekly,with an average of 4.69 diary entries submitted per person and 23.30 WeChat interactions with instructors.Regarding acceptability,all participants expressed satisfaction with the program,with 92.4%finding it“very helpful”or“extremely helpful.”In terms of intervention effects,the intervention group showed a significant increase in mindfulness levels from pre-intervention(51.54±10.93)to postintervention(62.46±13.58)(P<0.05),while no significant change was observed in the control group.Although there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in post-intervention self-compassion and perceived stress levels,the intervention group showed positive trends:selfcompassion levels increased(35.85±8.60 vs.40.85±5.54),and perceived stress levels slightly decreased(44.77±8.65 vs.42.00±5.77).Conclusions:This pilot study demonstrated the feasibility of an online compassion training program for nursing students and suggested its potential effectiveness in enhancing mindfulness,self-compassion,and stress reduction.Despite limitations such as small sample size and lack of long-term follow-up,preliminary evidence indicates promising prospects for integrating such training into nursing education.Further research is warranted to confirm thesefindings and assess the sustained impact of this approach on nursing education and practice. 展开更多
A concept analysis of vicarious resilience in mental health nursing
作者 Nora Ghalib AlOtaibi 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2024年第4期485-494,共10页
Objective:The introduction of the vicarious resilience concept in psychology and mental health nursing literature is a highly promising advancement.By utilizing this novel concept,experts in various domains can enhanc... Objective:The introduction of the vicarious resilience concept in psychology and mental health nursing literature is a highly promising advancement.By utilizing this novel concept,experts in various domains can enhance their comprehension of how to foster resilience in individuals by observing and learning from the resilience of others.This concept analysis aims to elucidate the concept of vicarious resilience in mental health nursing by defining its related attributes,antecedents,and consequences.Methods:Walker and Avant’s strategy for concept analysis method was used.This review specifically examined mental health nurse providers.A comprehensive literature search was performed in the PubMed,Medline,the Cochrane Library,and CINAHL databases.The inclusion criterion was Englishlanguage documents on vicarious resilience within mental health nursing.Results:A total of 24 articles were included.The concept’s attributes were empathy,hope,resourcefulness,awareness,and spirituality.Antecedents were associated with listening to patients’trauma narratives,self-care,self-awareness,and support from colleagues.Consequences were enhanced well-being,changes in life goals,adaptation,personal growth,and increased personal resilience.Currently,there is only one tool in the empirical reference.Conclusion:Interpreting the concept of vicarious resilience in mental health nursing and determining its characteristics can be utilized to design nursing interventions to develop vicarious resilience and enhance the quality of care in mental health facilities. 展开更多
关键词 Vicarious resilience Concept analysis Mental health Psychology health Nurses
作者 仲向平 陈钦周 《杭州文博》 2012年第1期119-121,共3页
辛亥革命以1911年10月10日爆发的武昌起义为开端,拉开了推翻帝制、建立共和政体的序幕。是年夏季,广济的毕业生非常多。革命军起义之时,广济心念国家的热血青年们都纷纷响应,奔赴战地,在革命军前线各部队的医疗岗位上发光发热。当时凡... 辛亥革命以1911年10月10日爆发的武昌起义为开端,拉开了推翻帝制、建立共和政体的序幕。是年夏季,广济的毕业生非常多。革命军起义之时,广济心念国家的热血青年们都纷纷响应,奔赴战地,在革命军前线各部队的医疗岗位上发光发热。当时凡号称革命军队的,大半皆有广济同学在内。 展开更多
关键词 共和政体 同学 前线 热血青年 部队 革命军 广济 心念
非时间性:佛教的时间观 被引量:3
作者 赖俊威 《五台山研究》 CSSCI 2019年第4期16-23,共8页
时间一直以来被框束于西方哲学观念,导致传统思想与概念性时间纠缠不清,这主要因为观念本身难以摆脱语言附加其上的桎梏。佛教思想以人的现实生命为中心,从根本上跳出概念枷锁,从“明解脱涅槃”的修养之法及其对应的世界观、人生观出发... 时间一直以来被框束于西方哲学观念,导致传统思想与概念性时间纠缠不清,这主要因为观念本身难以摆脱语言附加其上的桎梏。佛教思想以人的现实生命为中心,从根本上跳出概念枷锁,从“明解脱涅槃”的修养之法及其对应的世界观、人生观出发,形成一条探究时间奥秘的新路径。佛教的时间观,总体上是基于原始和部派佛教一切归于心的“缘起心念”论。随着小乘、大乘佛教思想的延续与发展,二者分别在原时间观念基础上相继形成各自的生命体验。 展开更多
关键词 时间 佛教 刹那 缘起心念
《太上老君说常清静经》的意义治疗学 被引量:1
作者 林安梧 《宗教与哲学》 2016年第1期215-234,共20页
本文旨在经由《太上老君说常清静经》的经解、诠释,意图豁显近十余年来的道家型意义治疗学的特点。再者,经由"存有三态论"的架构,指出由"存有的执定"而"存有的开显",上溯到"存有的根源",并当下即由"存有的根源"而"存有的开显... 本文旨在经由《太上老君说常清静经》的经解、诠释,意图豁显近十余年来的道家型意义治疗学的特点。再者,经由"存有三态论"的架构,指出由"存有的执定"而"存有的开显",上溯到"存有的根源",并当下即由"存有的根源"而"存有的开显",落实到"存有的执定",这是一往复循环的过程。盖常者,恒也,久也,如其恒久不易,如其简易而赅其变易也。清者,元神之明,通于日月,存乎天地,妙合于道也。静者,本心之灵,寂然不动,感而遂通,曲成万物也。文分十节:第一节"述缘起"说意义治疗学的引进启发我原先儒道佛学习的崭新发展;第二节"说梗概"申明合阳子马炳文道长的体悟与拙论"存有三态论"的大略;第三节以后,则从经题以下,依文经解,并做诠释。"解经题"以明其宗旨也;第四节"诠根源",从"无形、无情、无名"起论"存有之道"的根源;第五节"明开显"以"清浊、动静、本末"阐述"存有之道开显的动力";第六节"论修养"依"元神、本心、欲望"三层论述存有之道落实的心性工夫;第七节"用工夫"从观心、观形、观物三者阐发实践的工夫;第八节"深契入",旨在讲明根源之契入与存在真实之对应;第九节"传圣道"阐明得道是为了化裁众生并述说道业传承之关系;第十节"归清静"阐述修行之退堕之可能,以及一念归根,复其清静,即可如其真常;第十一节"总结语"说如常用功,清静悟道,契入本源,此即道家型之意义治疗,"我,归返天地",此亦即"道疗"。 展开更多
关键词 存有 根源 开显 执定 话语 心念 元神 欲望 意义
Corpus-based Translation Class Design Study 被引量:1
作者 张莉 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期73-77,共5页
This essay accesses to the approach of corpus applied to translation teaching, in order to improve the teaching methods, lay the foundation for the translation teaching reform, cultivate students research ability, and... This essay accesses to the approach of corpus applied to translation teaching, in order to improve the teaching methods, lay the foundation for the translation teaching reform, cultivate students research ability, and finally to establish a new type of translation teaching design-- "ability-development-oriented design". Also, this paper takes the word "good" for example, looking for the general rules to translate it and its common collocation, in order to design a translation class. Corpus-based learning and teaching provides us a new feasible way of translation class. 展开更多
关键词 translation class design corpus study students-centered teaching concept
作者 李桐 《中国画画刊》 2019年第1期30-30,共1页
多年来,绘画创作的基调和江南的气息始终处在一个节率上。多数作品表现人物置于山水环境的题材,呈现江南的景色,描绘湖上熟悉的生灵,记录自己童年的生活场景,也许其中还会有自己和家人的形象投射到画面里。慢慢从创作中收获欢喜,从绘画... 多年来,绘画创作的基调和江南的气息始终处在一个节率上。多数作品表现人物置于山水环境的题材,呈现江南的景色,描绘湖上熟悉的生灵,记录自己童年的生活场景,也许其中还会有自己和家人的形象投射到画面里。慢慢从创作中收获欢喜,从绘画实践里面受益,这份创造性的工作里蕴含着美好的审美法则,美妙的观察事物和表达心念的方式。 展开更多
关键词 节率 蕴含着 江南 绘画 创作 云水 形象 心念 记录
作者 本刊编辑部 《中国黄金珠宝》 2003年第1期12-12,共1页
关键词 金条 内涵价值 责任感 复杂心念 黄金市场
Effects of mindfulness-based psychological care on mood and sleep of leukemia patients in chemotherapy 被引量:5
作者 Ruixing Zhang Jie Yin Yang Zhou 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 2017年第4期357-361,共5页
Purpose:The aim of this research was to explore the benefits of mindfulness-based psychological care(MBPC)and assess whether the intervention would be beneficial in reducing insomnia and emotional symptoms of leukemia... Purpose:The aim of this research was to explore the benefits of mindfulness-based psychological care(MBPC)and assess whether the intervention would be beneficial in reducing insomnia and emotional symptoms of leukemia patients receiving chemotherapy.Methods:A randomized control design study was applied in two hematology departments in a hospital in Zhengzhou.Patients in the experimental group received mindfulness-based psychological care(MBPC),and those in the control group received conventional care.Anxiety,depression,and sleeping problems were measured using the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale,Self-Rating Depression Scale,and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.Results:Statistically significant differences were observed among anxiety,depression,and sleeping problems between the two groups in the post-test(P<0.05).A significant decrease in anxiety and depression and an improvement in sleep were observed between pre-and post-interventions(P<0.05)in the experimental group.Conclusions:MBPC significantly improved sleep quality and mood of the experimental group.It is an effective complementary therapy for leukemia treatment that is inexpensive,noninvasive,and associated with relaxation and pain reduction. 展开更多
Composite Time Concept for Quantum Mechanics and Bio-Psychology 被引量:1
作者 Franz Klaus Jansen 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第2期49-66,共18页
Time has multiple aspects and is difficult to define as one unique entity, which therefore led to multiple interpretations in physics and philosophy. However, if the perception of time is considered as a composite tim... Time has multiple aspects and is difficult to define as one unique entity, which therefore led to multiple interpretations in physics and philosophy. However, if the perception of time is considered as a composite time concept, it can be decomposed into basic invariable components for the perception of progressive and support-fixed time and into secondary components with possible association to unit-defined time or tense. Progressive time corresponds to Bergson's definition of duration without boundaries, which cannot be divided for measurements. Time periods are already lying in the past and fixed on different kinds of support. The human memory is the first automatic support, but any other support suitable for time registration can also be considered. The true reproduction of original time from any support requires conditions identical to the initial conditions, if not time reproduction becomes artificially modified as can be seen with a film. Time reproduction can be artificially accelerated, slowed down, extended or diminished, and also inverted from the present to the past, which only depends on the manipulation of the support, to which time is firmly linked. Tense associated to progressive and support fixed time is a psychological property directly dependent on an observer, who judges his present as immediate, his past as finished and his future as uncertain. Events can be secondarily associated to the tenses of an observer. Unit-defined time is essential for physics and normal live and is obtained by comparison of support-fixed time to systems with regular motions, like clocks. The association of time perception to time units can also be broken. Einstein's time units became relative, in quantum mechanics, some physicist eliminated time units, others maintained them. Nevertheless, even the complete elimination of time units is not identical to timelessness, since the psychological perception of progressive and support-fixed time still remains and cannot be ignored. It is not seizable by physical methods, but experienced by everybody in everyday life. Contemporary physics can only abandon the association of time units or tenses to the basic components in perceived time. 展开更多
关键词 composite time time perception progressive time time association physical time quantum mechanics bio-psychology
作者 杨惜然 王玉杰(指导) 《作文与考试(高中版)》 2017年第13期8-9,共2页
顾城曾称:“执者失之”,那大概是劝说那些在世人眼中对某些事物执着到顽固的人吧。但我想问,你们可曾听过:不疯魔,不成活?这红尘大千又能有几人无欲无求?而所有的爱恨情仇、贪嗔痴怨又何尝不是执念?生而为人,便要用其一生来完... 顾城曾称:“执者失之”,那大概是劝说那些在世人眼中对某些事物执着到顽固的人吧。但我想问,你们可曾听过:不疯魔,不成活?这红尘大千又能有几人无欲无求?而所有的爱恨情仇、贪嗔痴怨又何尝不是执念?生而为人,便要用其一生来完成夙愿。若真能心无执念,那么我的存在又有何意义呢? 展开更多
关键词 中等教育 语文 作文 无执 何以永恒?》
Effects of mindfulness meditation on trait mindfulness,perceived stress,emotion regulation,and quality of life in hemodialysis patients:A randomized controlled trial 被引量:4
作者 Hossam Alhawatmeh Sami Alshammari Jehad A.Rababah 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第2期139-146,I0002,共9页
Objective:This study aimed to examine the effects of mindfulness meditation on trait mindfulness,perceived stress,emotion regulation,and quality of life in end-stage renal disease patients undergoing hemodialysis.Meth... Objective:This study aimed to examine the effects of mindfulness meditation on trait mindfulness,perceived stress,emotion regulation,and quality of life in end-stage renal disease patients undergoing hemodialysis.Methods:An experimental study with repeated measures design was conducted among a sample of 74 end-stage renal disease patients undergoing hemodialysis between January and May 2021 in the dialysis center at Jahra hospital,Kuwait.The patients were randomly assigned to the experimental(n?37)and control groups(n?37).The experimental group participated in 30-min mindfulness meditation sessions(three sessions a week for five weeks)held during their hemodialysis sessions;the participants in the control group were instructed to sit with their eyes closed and relaxed for 30 min three times a week for five weeks during hemodialysis sessions.The dependent variables of both groups were measured at baseline(T0),middle of intervention(T1),and end of intervention(T2)using the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale(MAAS),Perceived Stress Scale(PSS),Emotion Regulation Questionnaire(ERQ),and Kidney Disease Quality of Life(KDQOL-36)questionnaire.The study was registered in the ClinicalTrial.gov(Identifier:NCT05176730).Results:The repeated measures ANOVA(within-subject)results for the experimental group showed that mindfulness meditation had significantly decreased perceived stress by the end of the intervention.Also,mindfulness meditation improved mindfulness,emotion regulation,and kidney disease-related quality of life in the experimental group,and this improvement occurred significantly at both T1 and T2.The repeated measures ANOVA(within and between-subject)results showed that the experimental group,as compared to the control group,had lower perceived stress,higher trait mindfulness,higher emotional regulation,and higher kidney disease-related quality of life over time.Conclusions:The positive findings of this study offer health policy-makers and hospital administrators a promising tool to use with patients undergoing hemodialysis as a way to manage stress and improve quality of life.However,this study should be replicated in multiple settings with follow-up assessments. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic kidney failure Emotional regulation MEDITATION MINDFULNESS Psychological stress Quality of life Renal dialysis Kidney diseases
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