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《老残游记》与五四小说“心态化”叙事模式的比较略述 被引量:2
作者 张爽 《牡丹江师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第4期81-86,共6页
《老残游记》是晚清四大谴责小说中最具代表性的作品;同时,它也是近代创新性较强的一部小说。从结构、语言等叙事学角度解读《老残游记》的转型,通过与五四小说"心态化"叙事模式进行比较分析,进而挖掘《老残游记》从传统到现... 《老残游记》是晚清四大谴责小说中最具代表性的作品;同时,它也是近代创新性较强的一部小说。从结构、语言等叙事学角度解读《老残游记》的转型,通过与五四小说"心态化"叙事模式进行比较分析,进而挖掘《老残游记》从传统到现代进程中的时代意义与文学价值。 展开更多
关键词 叙事学 《老残游记》 心态化”叙事模式 比较
社会稳定视角下弱势心态泛化现象研究 被引量:4
作者 蒋占峰 董现聪 《广西社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期167-171,共5页
近年来,经济的发展和人民生活质量的提升使处于社会底层的弱势群体人数不断削减,但是拥有弱势心态的人群数量却逐步上升,这其中既包括底层的社会成员,也包括社会中上层人士,弱势心态呈蔓延、泛化的趋势。随着社会利益格局的调整,弱势心... 近年来,经济的发展和人民生活质量的提升使处于社会底层的弱势群体人数不断削减,但是拥有弱势心态的人群数量却逐步上升,这其中既包括底层的社会成员,也包括社会中上层人士,弱势心态呈蔓延、泛化的趋势。随着社会利益格局的调整,弱势心态泛化现象不断加重,影响社会心理和社会结构,阻碍科学的社会治理,将对我国社会的稳定发展造成潜在威胁。这种弱势心态泛化现象主要源自人们在风险社会所产生的不安全感,社会竞争中不良竞争机制的存在及利益分化下产生的扭曲社会心理。建立完备客观的参照指标、构建公平公正体系及全社会范围内提升公民的社会责任感教育,能有效矫正弱势心态泛化,保证整个社会有序、健康、稳定发展。 展开更多
关键词 弱势心态 弱势群体 弱势心态 社会稳定
权利社会理论与社会“弱势化”心态矫正 被引量:1
作者 田文富 《中共山西省委党校学报》 2011年第6期30-32,共3页
社会"弱势化"心态是当前社会转型期值得警惕的社会问题,其本质问题是社会权利贫困问题。权利贫困决定了社会利益分配的不平衡,加剧社会分化和社会结构失衡,从而引发不同社会群体之间的对立和冲突,妨碍经济发展和社会稳定。为... 社会"弱势化"心态是当前社会转型期值得警惕的社会问题,其本质问题是社会权利贫困问题。权利贫困决定了社会利益分配的不平衡,加剧社会分化和社会结构失衡,从而引发不同社会群体之间的对立和冲突,妨碍经济发展和社会稳定。为此,必须适时着手赋权社会的改革,使社会弱势群体获得更多的生存、发展、医疗、教育和文化等社会权利,获得和分享更多的改革开放的成果,以权利同质和机会均等实现包容发展。 展开更多
关键词 权利社会理论 社会“弱势心态 包容发展
当代大学生“内卷化”心态表征与疏导策略 被引量:10
作者 杨绮瑕 徐明生 《青少年学刊》 2021年第5期16-20,共5页
“内卷化”心态作为一种存在于大学生群体间的消极的心理状态,主要表现为对激烈的同伴竞争感到焦虑、迷茫和抑郁,其实质反映了当代大学生“重占有”的生存方式。同伴之间高度一体化的竞争不仅导致了大学生时间精力的浪费,也导致了大学... “内卷化”心态作为一种存在于大学生群体间的消极的心理状态,主要表现为对激烈的同伴竞争感到焦虑、迷茫和抑郁,其实质反映了当代大学生“重占有”的生存方式。同伴之间高度一体化的竞争不仅导致了大学生时间精力的浪费,也导致了大学生个性自由的丧失和人生意义的遮蔽。对此,思想政治教育必须发挥其立德树人的关键作用,通过唤醒学生自我意识,增强学生理想信念,引导学生树立正确价值观和创新工作方法等方式帮助学生走出“内卷化”的困境。 展开更多
关键词 “内卷心态 当代大学生 思想政治教育
沦陷时期东北民众社会心态剖析 被引量:3
作者 段妍 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2006年第1期102-105,共4页
“九.一八”事变发生前,日本在东北的蓄意侵略早已为民众所反感,并在危机中萌发了“忧患意识”。1931年9月18日,日本军事入侵东北以及随后东北三省的沦陷,使民众的社会心理逐渐发生演变。沦陷后,东北民众的社会心理主要呈现出三种表现形... “九.一八”事变发生前,日本在东北的蓄意侵略早已为民众所反感,并在危机中萌发了“忧患意识”。1931年9月18日,日本军事入侵东北以及随后东北三省的沦陷,使民众的社会心理逐渐发生演变。沦陷后,东北民众的社会心理主要呈现出三种表现形态:抗日心态;麻木不仁心态;奴化心态。 展开更多
关键词 东北沦陷时期 抗日心态 麻木不仁心态 心态 社会心态
中国现代小说中革命女性形象书写的审美范式 被引量:1
作者 乔春雷 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期146-152,共7页
本文重在分析革命文化语境和革命意识形态对中国现代小说中革命女性形象书写的影响。革命女性形象书写中体现出的意识形态属性,不仅存在于叙事内容方面,叙事模式、叙述语言本身就有意识形态的含义。具体体现为三个方面:一、注重营构理... 本文重在分析革命文化语境和革命意识形态对中国现代小说中革命女性形象书写的影响。革命女性形象书写中体现出的意识形态属性,不仅存在于叙事内容方面,叙事模式、叙述语言本身就有意识形态的含义。具体体现为三个方面:一、注重营构理想化人格;二、知识革命女性形象书写的心态化;三、劳动革命女性形象书写的故事化。 展开更多
关键词 革命女性 意识形态性 理想人格 心态化 故事
作者 贺天忠 苏顺强 《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期156-161,共6页
西方典型理论主要经历了类型化、性格化、个性化到心态化四种形态的流变;中国古代典型理论演进主要经历了类型化、性格化和个性化三个不同质的形态。尽管现当代中国深受西方典型观的影响,但中国古代性格化、个性化典型理论的形成都早于... 西方典型理论主要经历了类型化、性格化、个性化到心态化四种形态的流变;中国古代典型理论演进主要经历了类型化、性格化和个性化三个不同质的形态。尽管现当代中国深受西方典型观的影响,但中国古代性格化、个性化典型理论的形成都早于西方一个多世纪。过去往往把性格化的典型与个性化的典型混为一谈,实际上在典型理论发展过程中,性格化典型是类型化典型和个性化典型之间必要的过渡型典型,具有自身独立的价值和意义。在当代文艺创作中类型化、性格化、个性化和心态化这四种典型类型和观念是可以共生共存的。 展开更多
关键词 明清小说 西方文论 类型典型 性格典型 个性典型 心态化典型
作者 韦祖庆 《桂林师范高等专科学校学报》 2016年第6期67-71,共5页
一个成熟的儿童文学工作者,既是成人,也是儿童。所谓"儿童"是强调应当以儿童的心态去面对世界,以儿童的视界看待世界,以儿童的生活体验世界,从而修炼养成儿童文学应有的心智素养。只有具备了这种素养,作家才能创作出儿童喜爱... 一个成熟的儿童文学工作者,既是成人,也是儿童。所谓"儿童"是强调应当以儿童的心态去面对世界,以儿童的视界看待世界,以儿童的生活体验世界,从而修炼养成儿童文学应有的心智素养。只有具备了这种素养,作家才能创作出儿童喜爱的文学作品。 展开更多
关键词 儿童文学 儿童心态 儿童视界 儿童生活
作者 周书文 《南都学坛(南阳师专学报)》 1996年第1期27-33,共7页
中国古典小说的心理刻划艺术周书文小说感人肺腑的艺术力量常常与人物的心理刻划是否成功、能否勾起读者心灵的呼应攸攸相关,所以,高明的小说家总要挖空心思寻找刻划人物心理活动的成功手段出奇制胜。我国古典小说家在这方面摸索积累... 中国古典小说的心理刻划艺术周书文小说感人肺腑的艺术力量常常与人物的心理刻划是否成功、能否勾起读者心灵的呼应攸攸相关,所以,高明的小说家总要挖空心思寻找刻划人物心理活动的成功手段出奇制胜。我国古典小说家在这方面摸索积累了相当丰富的经验,如果系统地加以研... 展开更多
关键词 中国古典小说 心理刻划艺术 外形动作 心理活动 心态化独白 梦境活动
Design and Research on Artificial Rumen Continuous Culture System
作者 孟宪章 李敏 +2 位作者 施继红 胡晓丽 刘庆福 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2445-2448,共4页
[Objective] The paper was to study the dynamic changes of forage nutrient substance fermentation in rumen, and a set of continuous culture system of artificial rumen was designed. [Method] With in vivo as control, the... [Objective] The paper was to study the dynamic changes of forage nutrient substance fermentation in rumen, and a set of continuous culture system of artificial rumen was designed. [Method] With in vivo as control, the simulating rumen fer- mentation effect in vitro culture system was evaluated. [Result] The simulation rumen fermentation test needed adaptive phase of 2-3 d, and the fermentation state was relatively stable within 3-9 d, with good effects. The test showed certain regularity variation with index value of rumen in vivo. [Conclusion] The continuous culture sys- tem of artificial rumen could be used as the ideal model to study the rumen fermen- tation in vivo. 展开更多
关键词 Rumen fermentation Continuous culture system Experimental research Effect evaluation
论网络语言中的英谐汉音词修辞性质及其生成动因 被引量:2
作者 刘一辰 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第5期56-59,共4页
英谐汉音是网络环境催生出的一种新兴的语言现象,表面看是意义无关的两种符号替换,实质上是一种跨语种杂糅的无关谐音现象。这种特殊修辞方式的生成动因主要源自于网民在语言使用中的普遍存在的游戏化心态。其中,英谐汉音词的谐音对应... 英谐汉音是网络环境催生出的一种新兴的语言现象,表面看是意义无关的两种符号替换,实质上是一种跨语种杂糅的无关谐音现象。这种特殊修辞方式的生成动因主要源自于网民在语言使用中的普遍存在的游戏化心态。其中,英谐汉音词的谐音对应方式不管是在英汉词汇数量的对应上,还是在语音的对应形式上都是随意的,体现了一种游戏语言的操控感;其次,英语与汉语之间跨物种词的混搭造成的强烈形式反差以及英汉之间内涵差异较大词汇进行的谐音替代,激发了一种游戏语言的谐趣感;再次,英谐汉音的修辞方式涉及了两种语码的熟练转换与操纵,体现了一种游戏语言的优越感。同时,在英谐汉音词的使用过程中也要注意语言规范与变异的统一。只有理性引导、合理运用,有规则、有节制地谐音,效果才会事半功倍。 展开更多
关键词 网络语言 英谐汉音 游戏心态 修辞
Effects of nutritional and psychological status in gastrointestinal cancer patients on tolerance of treatment 被引量:7
作者 Jun Tian Zhen-Chun Chen Li-Fang Hang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第30期4136-4140,共5页
AIM: To assess the effects of poor nutritional and psychological status on tolerance of cancer treatment and the recovery of physical performance status in patients with gastrointestinal cancer. METHODS: An epidemiolo... AIM: To assess the effects of poor nutritional and psychological status on tolerance of cancer treatment and the recovery of physical performance status in patients with gastrointestinal cancer. METHODS: An epidemiological survey with respect to nutritional and psychological status in patients with gastrointestinal cancer was conducted among 182 operated patients in four provincial-level hospitals from December 2005 to June 2006. The food frequency survey method, state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI) and depression status inventory (DSI) were used to obtain information about the diet and psychological status in the patients. Nutritional status in the participants was reflected by serum albumin (Alb), hemoglobin (HB) and body mass index (BMI). RESULTS: Alb, protein intake and anxiety were associated with the severity of side effects of treatment. The adjusted relative risk (RR) for Alb, protein intake and anxiety was 3.30 (95% CI: 1.08, 10.10, P = 0.03), 3.25 (95% CI: 1.06, 9.90, P = 0.04) and 1.48 (95% CI: 1.29, 1.70, P < 0.0001), respectively. Moreover, calorie intake, HB and depression were associated with the recovery of physical performance status in the patients. Adjusted relative risk was 2.12 (95% CI: 1.09, 4.03, P = 0.028), 2.05 (95% CI: 1.08, 3.88, P =0.026) and 1.07 (95% CI: 1.02, 1.12, P = 0.007), respectively. CONCLUSION: Both poor nutrition status and psychological status are independent risk factors for severe side effects of cancer treatment, and have impact on the recovery of physical performance status in patients after treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Gastrointestinal cancer CHEMOTHERAPY Side effect Nutritional status Psychological status Epidemiological survey
作者 李昌 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2018年第1期155-160,共6页
网络文学自出现以来,迄今已有二十余年,然尚未诞生"经典"的文本。本文基于理论的表述需要,以夜阑之赤壁怀古的中篇小说《雪野惊魂》为批评对象,通过分析小说在叙述修辞、艺术表达、个性风格以及思想境界的缺失或缺陷之处,指出... 网络文学自出现以来,迄今已有二十余年,然尚未诞生"经典"的文本。本文基于理论的表述需要,以夜阑之赤壁怀古的中篇小说《雪野惊魂》为批评对象,通过分析小说在叙述修辞、艺术表达、个性风格以及思想境界的缺失或缺陷之处,指出了"隐含作者"在创作时受限于小说的原型模式,受制于市场的规训以及叙事伦理意识的阙如等诸多问题。从而以问题来导入方法,以个性来展示共性,探索一条通向"经典"道路的可能路径。 展开更多
关键词 《雪野惊魂》 心态 相对性空间 叙事伦理
Calcific degeneration and rupture of the aortic valve and ascending aorta: from cardiac auscultation to multimodality imaging
作者 Davide Stolfo Pasquale Gianfagna +4 位作者 Enrico Fabris Davide Zanuttini Gianfranco Sinagra Alessandro Proclemer Gaetano Nucifora 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期580-583,共4页
A 76-year-old Caucasian woman was admitted to the emergency room and referred for cardiac evaluation for dyspnea and abrupt onset of cough three weeks ago. She had a history of well-controlled arterial hypertension an... A 76-year-old Caucasian woman was admitted to the emergency room and referred for cardiac evaluation for dyspnea and abrupt onset of cough three weeks ago. She had a history of well-controlled arterial hypertension and was on adequate oral anticoagulant therapy for permanent atrial fibrillation. Previous thoracic injuries, connective tis- sue disorders or recent infections were excluded. No chest pain or syncope was reported. mmHg in both arms, heart rate Blood pressure was 150/50 was 90 beats/min. 展开更多
关键词 Aortic valve rupture Multislice computed tomography Pseudoaneurysm of the ascending aorta Transesophageal echocardiography
Association of glutathione peroxidase-1 (GPx-1) rs1050450 Pro198Leu and Pro197Leu polymorphisms with cardiovascular risk:a meta-analysis of ob-servational studies 被引量:1
作者 Jun-Xia ZHANG Zhi-Mei WANG Jun-Jie ZHANG Lin-Lin ZHU Xiao-Fei GAO Shao-Liang CHEN 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期141-150,共10页
Objective To clarify the association between rs1050450 polymorphism in Glutathione peroxidase-1 (GPx-1) and the risk of cardi-ovascular diseases (CVD) by performing a meta-analysis of published studies. There is g... Objective To clarify the association between rs1050450 polymorphism in Glutathione peroxidase-1 (GPx-1) and the risk of cardi-ovascular diseases (CVD) by performing a meta-analysis of published studies. There is growing evidence from different study types for an association of the GPx-1 polymorphism and cardiovascular outcomes, but observational studies have so far shown inconsistent results. Me-thods Relevant publications were searched through PubMed, Embase database databases and the Cochrane Library. We used odds ratios (ORs) with 95%confidence intervals (CIs) to assess the strength of association under the best genetic model. Both Q statistic and the I2 were used to check heterogeneity. Meta-regression analysis was performed to explore heterogeneity source. Sensitivity analysis, cumulative me-ta-analysis analysis and publication bias were used to test the reliability of the results. Results Data were available from two cohort studies and 8 case-control studies involving 1,430 cases and 3,767 controls. The pooled ORs for overall CVD risk was 1.36 with 95%CI:1.08-1.70 under a co-dominant model, and that for East Asian subgroup was 1.84 (95%CI:1.39-2.43). Substantial heterogeneity for ORs were de-tected among all the included studies, mainly caused by ethnic differences between East Asian and non-East Asian populations. Although Egger's regression test suggested no statistical significant publication bias, Begg's funnel plot exhibited obvious asymmetry. The statistical significance disappeared after adjusting for potential publication bias in the overall studies. However, no substantial publication bias was found in the East Asian subgroup. Conclusions GPx-1 gene Pro198Leu and Pro197Leu polymorphisms considerably increased the risk of CVD in the East Asian population. Large-scale investigations are needed to confirm the results in different ethnicities. 展开更多
关键词 Glutathione peroxidase-1 Cardiovascular diseases POLYMORPHISM META-ANALYSIS
On the theoretical basis of linguistics and modem cultural studies
作者 Jinjun Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第2期105-107,共3页
Language study is closely related to the ecological literature and cultural studies. The predicament of modern ecological literature and cultural theory is that there no linguistic theory to rely on. Biolinguistics em... Language study is closely related to the ecological literature and cultural studies. The predicament of modern ecological literature and cultural theory is that there no linguistic theory to rely on. Biolinguistics emphasize the two-way interaction between language and environment, regard language as the intermediate link between nature and culture. It combines the "environment" of language with nature and social psychology. Thus this theory studies beyond such one-way determinism of traditional linguistics as "the world constructed language" or "language of the construction of the world," concerning the relationship between language and the world. It also goes beyond the dualism of "naturatness" of language and "agreement" of the issue to become the real eco-dialectical linguistic theory with rich "argument" . This theory can help people better understand the relationship between text and the world, nature and culture, natural ecology and social spiritual ecology. Therefore it is a basic theory of modern literature, cultural studies, as well as one of the most leading and challenging issue for the study of ecological poetic and culture abroad. 展开更多
关键词 LINGUISTICS language theory contemporary culture
Diversity Centers of Rice Cultivar in Yunnan and Their Correlation with Ecological and Cultural Factors 被引量:1
作者 冯建孟 何汉明 +1 位作者 高东 李成云 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2011年第2期162-167,共6页
Ecological and cultural factors have strong impacts on the distribution and cultivation of agricultural cultivar., In this paper, the correlation between diversity centers of rice cultivar and ecological, cultural fac... Ecological and cultural factors have strong impacts on the distribution and cultivation of agricultural cultivar., In this paper, the correlation between diversity centers of rice cultivar and ecological, cultural factors was probed, based on datasets of rice cultivar in Yunnan, Southwest China. The results showed that diversity centers of rice cultivar were observed in Southwest Yunnan, South Yunnan and Southeast Yunnan, which may be related to the local culture of rice production and warm, humid climate. For the diversity center in South Yunnan, culture of rice production of Dai and Hani people may play important roles. The diversity center in Southwest Yunnan may relate to the culture of rice production of Dai, Jingpo and Lahu people, and for the diversity center in Southeast Yunnan, Miao, Yao and Zhuang people's culture in rice production can not be underestimated. Traditional culture promoted the cultivation of rice cultivars, and high diversity of rice cultivars facilitate the preservation and continuation of the traditional culture as well. 展开更多
关键词 diversity centers rice cultivars ecological factors culture YUNNAN
Morphogenesis of T-tubules in heart cells: the role of junctophilin-2 被引量:4
作者 HAN Jing WU HaoDi +1 位作者 WANG QiWei WANG ShiQiang 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2013年第7期647-652,共6页
The T-tubule (TT) system forms the structural basis for excitation-contraction coupling in heart and muscle cells. The morphogenesis of the TT system is a key step in the maturation of heart cells because it does not ... The T-tubule (TT) system forms the structural basis for excitation-contraction coupling in heart and muscle cells. The morphogenesis of the TT system is a key step in the maturation of heart cells because it does not exist in neonatal cardiomyocytes. In the present study, we quantified the morphological changes in TTs during heart cell maturation and investigated the role of junctophilin-2 (JP2), a protein known to anchor the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) to TT, in changes to TT morphological parameters. Analysis of confocal images showed that the transverse elements of TTs increased, while longitudinal elements decreased during the maturation of TTs. Fourier transform analysis showed that the power of ~2 m spatial components increased with cardiomyocytes maturation. These changes were preceded by increased expression of JP2, and were reversed by JP2 knockdown. These findings indicate that JP2 is required for the morphogenesis of TTs during heart development. 展开更多
Transition psychology: the membership approach 被引量:6
作者 Fang Wen 《Social Sciences in China》 2009年第2期35-48,共14页
China's social transformation since reform and opening up in 1978 has provided a unique social laboratory for Chinese researchers of social psychology. In order to describe, understand and interpret the psychological... China's social transformation since reform and opening up in 1978 has provided a unique social laboratory for Chinese researchers of social psychology. In order to describe, understand and interpret the psychological and behavioral logic of the Chinese people, we need to call on social psychology research or social transition psychology research that looks directly at social transition, in order to go beyond the cultural exceptionalism and static society approaches. Multiple group membership is the potential core construct of such a psychology. 展开更多
关键词 transition psychology cultural exceptionalism approach static society approach partial group membership
Evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game on complex networks with conformist mentality strategy
作者 WANG XuWen ZHU ZongShan REN XueZao 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期1225-1228,共4页
A prisoner's dilemma game model is studied using complex networks with a fixed strategy. The strategy of the player is updated according to not only the payoff differences between players and the neighbors, but al... A prisoner's dilemma game model is studied using complex networks with a fixed strategy. The strategy of the player is updated according to not only the payoff differences between players and the neighbors, but also the majority of neighbors (noted as conformist mentality strategy). According to our results of the simulations we found that the players which select the conformist mentality strategy, the density of cooperators markedly improves. The variation trend is slower on the square lattice and small-world networks, but a different phenomenon is noted for scale-free networks. A range of conformist mentality probability is seen on BA networks which conforms to a higher density of cooperators. 展开更多
关键词 EVOLUTIONARY prisoner's dilemma NETWORKS
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