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作者 叶晴 《临沂大学学报》 2024年第1期38-46,共9页
学界一般从《性恶》篇出发,认为荀子主张“性恶论”,此处“性”往往指情欲,按照情欲“顺是”而为会导致乱,而化性起伪的关键在于“心”。这一思路即“以心治性”,“心”可以治理“欲”带来的恶,因此“心”是善的来源。在《正名》篇中,... 学界一般从《性恶》篇出发,认为荀子主张“性恶论”,此处“性”往往指情欲,按照情欲“顺是”而为会导致乱,而化性起伪的关键在于“心”。这一思路即“以心治性”,“心”可以治理“欲”带来的恶,因此“心”是善的来源。在《正名》篇中,荀子对“心”与“欲”的阐述却似乎导向“心恶”的解释,即“心”才是导向乱和恶的根源。在《性恶》和《正名》中,荀子对“欲”和“心”似有相互矛盾的解读,“恶”有两种不同的来源,这为理解荀子的人性论造成了困难。基于对《正名》和《性恶》中荀子论“心”“欲”和“性”的分析可知,“心”只是“欲”的关卡,“恶”的来源仍归于“欲”,“心”可能消极不作为而放纵了欲望,因此对恶负有道德责任,但亦能积极作为以心伪去化性而导向善。 展开更多
关键词 荀子 心恶 《正名》
心恶热刍议 被引量:1
作者 杨寒雪 刘帆 +1 位作者 张磊 戴霞 《中医药信息》 2022年第8期18-22,共5页
“心恶热”是《黄帝内经》提出的关于心的生理特性,在生理上心本性热、心通于夏、心阳为用,在病理上心所恶之热为自外侵袭或自内而发,并可在脏腑间传变,表现出一系列热证,并指出诸热总归于心。临床提示热证可从心论治,根据辨证确立清心... “心恶热”是《黄帝内经》提出的关于心的生理特性,在生理上心本性热、心通于夏、心阳为用,在病理上心所恶之热为自外侵袭或自内而发,并可在脏腑间传变,表现出一系列热证,并指出诸热总归于心。临床提示热证可从心论治,根据辨证确立清心泻火、滋阴降火、温阳降火等治疗治法,把握用药法度,配伍宁心安神、凉血止血、清利小肠之品,顺其性制其恶。本文追本溯源,从生理、因机、证候、治法及方药等方面对心恶热进行诠释,为临床辨治热证提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 心恶 《黄帝内经》
性恶、情恶抑或心恶?——从荀子论“质具”与“心性”问题说起 被引量:6
作者 东方朔 《孔子研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期51-63,156,157,共15页
荀子虽主"人之性恶",但又谓人皆有"可以知仁义法正之质,可以能仁义法正之具"。在哲学史上,学者对此"质具"与"心性"的关系曾有"质具"属性说、"质具"与"性恶"矛... 荀子虽主"人之性恶",但又谓人皆有"可以知仁义法正之质,可以能仁义法正之具"。在哲学史上,学者对此"质具"与"心性"的关系曾有"质具"属性说、"质具"与"性恶"矛盾说、"质具"属心说以及"质具"属心又属性说等几种不同的形态;与此同时,如果我们以"质具"问题为线索,则在历史上又演化出"性恶论"、"情恶论"(性朴论)和"心恶论"等不同的说法。荀子言性恶之目的原不在讨论"自然之恶",而在说明道德之恶,但道德之恶预设了责任概念,而责任概念又预设了选择自由。若谓在荀子那里,"质具"乃是人成就德行的主观根据,而这个意义上的"质具"乃从"天君"之心上来理解,那么,此心便有理由为"恶"承担责任,如是,"心恶说"在理论上便有其成立的根据。 展开更多
关键词 荀子 质具(知能) 心恶
作者 占向鸿 张晓膺 +2 位作者 狄冬梅 蒋南青 钱永祥 《南通大学学报(医学版)》 2014年第6期600-601,共2页
目的:总结风湿性心脏瓣膜病合并心原性恶液质患者围术期处理的经验。方法:回顾2000年6月—2012年6月我院收治的风湿性心脏瓣膜病合并心原性恶液质患者30例的手术治疗效果及围术期处理的情况。结果:30例患者中早期死亡4例,26例存活出院... 目的:总结风湿性心脏瓣膜病合并心原性恶液质患者围术期处理的经验。方法:回顾2000年6月—2012年6月我院收治的风湿性心脏瓣膜病合并心原性恶液质患者30例的手术治疗效果及围术期处理的情况。结果:30例患者中早期死亡4例,26例存活出院者的心脏功能及全身情况均有显著改善,术后早期效果良好。结论:手术效果取决于术前充分的准备;术中良好的心肌保护和体外循环管理,积极纠正三尖瓣反流;术后加强心肺功能支持,及早处理肾功能不全,重视围术期的营养支持。 展开更多
关键词 风湿性脏病 原性液质 慢性力衰竭 围术期处理
1,3,5,7,9-五吩噻嗪基与1,3,5,7,9-五吩恶嗪基心环烯的合成与表征 被引量:1
作者 曾静 谢晓明 +7 位作者 李姝慧 姚阳榕 陈佐长 陈斌文 邓林龙 张前炎 谢素原 郑兰荪 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期786-793,共8页
心环烯是一种具有独特碗状结构的分子,修饰了功能基团的心环烯衍生物通常能够表现出比心环烯本身更为突出的物理化学性质.吩噻嗪和吩恶嗪均为具有强给电子性质的分子,其相关衍生物在有机太阳能电池、光电子学和生物医药等领域具有良好... 心环烯是一种具有独特碗状结构的分子,修饰了功能基团的心环烯衍生物通常能够表现出比心环烯本身更为突出的物理化学性质.吩噻嗪和吩恶嗪均为具有强给电子性质的分子,其相关衍生物在有机太阳能电池、光电子学和生物医药等领域具有良好的应用前景.该研究通过无金属催化的Ullmann反应将吩噻嗪和吩恶嗪功能基团成功修饰到心环烯边缘,得到2种具有C_(5)对称性且含多种杂原子的新型心环烯衍生物——1,3,5,7,9-五吩噻嗪基心环烯和1,3,5,7,9-五吩恶嗪基心环烯.通过质谱、核磁共振波谱和X-射线单晶衍射等手段对其结构进行表征,并利用紫外-可见吸收光谱对其光物理性质进行研究.结合循环伏安、吸收光谱实验以及密度泛函理论计算讨论了其前线分子轨道能级.研究结果显示该类分子在太阳能电池、主客体化学等方面具有潜在的应用前景. 展开更多
关键词 环烯 杂原子掺杂环烯衍生物 1 3 5 7 9-五吩噻嗪基环烯 1 3 5 7 9-五吩嗪基环烯
“材朴”之性又谓“性恶”?——驳为《荀子》“性恶”曲辩者 被引量:5
作者 林桂榛 《临沂大学学报》 2015年第5期41-48,共8页
王国维、陈登元、牟宗三、路德斌等曾以"情恶"(情欲本恶,或结果可能恶,或结果常恶等)来证明荀子"性恶"论,且此类翻新解说至今层出不穷。陈林博士则别出心裁地将荀子的"性"概念剔除掉"情—欲"... 王国维、陈登元、牟宗三、路德斌等曾以"情恶"(情欲本恶,或结果可能恶,或结果常恶等)来证明荀子"性恶"论,且此类翻新解说至今层出不穷。陈林博士则别出心裁地将荀子的"性"概念剔除掉"情—欲"含义而只限定为"知—能"含义并谓统摄知能的"心"本无礼义,如此构建起"心无礼义=心恶=性恶"之说。"天生不具备礼义"不过是心朴性朴,并不等于心恶性恶,且荀子的"性"包括情欲且所指情欲尤多,荀子的"能"不排除生理官能、情欲。按荀书"性—伪""善—恶"的明确定义及"性者本始材朴也—人之性恶明矣"的明确命题,"性朴"与"性恶"在今本《荀子》全书是根本无法统一的,任何好心辩解或调和实皆与荀书自身定义及严格命题明确矛盾而流于无效与多余。荀子实非持"性恶"论,荀子《性恶》篇并非是要以性恶驳性善并立性恶论,而是以性无善驳性善并立性朴论、习伪论。 展开更多
关键词 荀子 材朴 心恶 情欲 知能
作者 陶清 《学术界》 2003年第3期185-191,共7页
王门后学因王阳明的心学思想的内在矛盾而分化 ,并因此而诱发了一系列哲学论战 ;其中 ,关于“本体工夫之辩”和“性善本体与心体无善无恶之辩”的哲学论战 ,对于明末清初哲学思想的演变、尤其是以“黜虚崇实”为思想理论特征的实学思潮... 王门后学因王阳明的心学思想的内在矛盾而分化 ,并因此而诱发了一系列哲学论战 ;其中 ,关于“本体工夫之辩”和“性善本体与心体无善无恶之辩”的哲学论战 ,对于明末清初哲学思想的演变、尤其是以“黜虚崇实”为思想理论特征的实学思潮的兴起 ,有着涤旧布新。 展开更多
关键词 明末 哲学论战 理论意义 王门后学 王阳明 学思想 内在矛盾 本体工夫 “性善本体与体无善无之辩” 实学思潮
Holistic Acupuncture approach to idiopathic refractory nausea,abdominal pain and bloating
作者 Ann Ouyang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第40期5360-5366,共7页
AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of a holistic acupuncture approach on nausea, pain, bloating and electrogastrogram (EGG) parameters in patients with intractable symptoms.METHODS: Twelve patients with no or mild... AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of a holistic acupuncture approach on nausea, pain, bloating and electrogastrogram (EGG) parameters in patients with intractable symptoms.METHODS: Twelve patients with no or mild nausea (those without nausea had bloating or pain) and 10 with a histool of moderate to severe nausea were referred for acupuncture. All underwent an EGG and were treated at acupuncture points PC6, SP4 and DU20. Visual analog scales (VAS) assessing severity of nausea, pain and bloating were obtained before and after acupuncture treatment. Nineteen patients received three and three patients received two treatments.RESULTS: VAS scores for nausea reflected the clinical assessment and differed significantly between mild and moderate/severe nausea groups. Acupuncture significantly improved severity of nausea in both groups with improved pre-treatment nausea between the first and third treatments in the moderate/severe nausea group. Pain scores improved with acupuncture in the mild nausea group only and bloating improved only with the first treatment in this group. Patients with bloating with VAS scores greater than 35 pre-treatment improved with acupuncture and over all VAS scores for pain improved with treatment. Acupuncture increased the power in the 2.7 to 3.5 cpm range in the EGG.CONCLUSION: In this uncontrolled clinical study, a holistic acupuncture approach significantly improved nausea in patients with refractory symptoms and increased the power in the 2,7-3,5 cpm component of the electrogastrogram, Bloating and pain VAS scores improved acutely with treatment, This study suggests that acupuncture may be effective in this refractory group of patients and further study using appropriate controls is warranted, 展开更多
关键词 ACUPUNCTURE Functional bowel disorder NAUSEA Pain Holistic medicine
Role of classical conditioning in learning gastrointestinal symptoms
作者 Ursula Stockhorst Paul Enck Sibylle Klosterhalfen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第25期3430-3437,共8页
Nausea and/or vomiting are aversive gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. Nausea and vomiting manifest unconditionally alter a nauseogenic experience. However, there is correlative, quasiexperimental and experimental evid... Nausea and/or vomiting are aversive gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. Nausea and vomiting manifest unconditionally alter a nauseogenic experience. However, there is correlative, quasiexperimental and experimental evidence that nausea and vomiting can also be learned via classical (Pavlovian) conditioning and might occur in anticipation of the nauseogenic event. Classical conditioning of nausea can develop with chemotherapy in cancer patients. Initially, nausea and vomiting occur during and alter the administration of cytotoxic drugs (post-treatment nausea and vomiting) as unconditioned responses (UR). In addition, 20%-30% of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy report these side effects, despite antiemetic medication, when being re-exposed to the stimuli that usually signal the chemotherapy session and its drug infusion. These symptoms are called anticipatory nausea (AN) and/or anticipatory vomiting (ANV) and are explained by classical conditioning. Moreover, there is recent evidence for the assumption that post- chemotherapy nausea is at least partly influenced by learning. Alter summarizing the relevant assumptions of the conditioning model, revealing that a context can become a conditioned stimulus (CS), the present paper summarizes data that nausea and/or vomiting is acquired by classical conditioning and, consequently, may be alleviated by conditioning techniques. Our own research has focussed on two aspects and is emphasized here. First, a conditioned nausea model was established in healthy humans using body rotation as the nausea- inducing treatment. The validity of this motion-sickness model to examine conditioning mechanisms in the acquisition and alleviation of conditioned nausea and associated endocrine and immunological responses is summarized. Results from the rotation-induced motion sickness model showed that gender is an important moderator variable to be considered in further studies. This paper concludes with a review of the application of the demonstrated conditioning principles as interventions to ameliorate distressing AN/ANV in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, which is the second focus of our work. 展开更多
关键词 Cancer patients Classical conditioning Anticipatory nausea and vomiting Post chemotherapynausea Motion sickness CORTISOL Tumor necrosisfactor-a GENDER
T. S. Eliot's Spiritual Journey in Designing The Cocktail Party as a Drama of Conversion
作者 Gill Kurtulus 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第6期367-376,共10页
In his quest for spiritual fulfillment, Thomas Stearns Eliot conducts a meticulous religious study which teaches him distinctive interpretations of human existence and their various functions that they are supposed to... In his quest for spiritual fulfillment, Thomas Stearns Eliot conducts a meticulous religious study which teaches him distinctive interpretations of human existence and their various functions that they are supposed to assume in the world. Eliot's personal attachment to religious knowledge and his reflections of religious studies inevitably manifest themselves in his literary works; be it his dramas or poems, mostly in the forms of philosophical and psychoanalytical analysis of his characters and the detected problems observed in their relationships. The Cocktail Party, a play starting off as a drawing-room comedy soon converts to a serious analysis of human psychology and the nature of human interactions. While engaging with these particular points, the play offers possibilities to discuss several religious allusions, though dealt with subtly. Integrated with religion, characters' attitudes towards a given situation and their final decision position them in their quest either in "hypothetical" enlightenment or in a "supposed" repetition of a vicious circle. The enforcing power behind the play is interestingly a psychiatrist, who adds dynamism and mystery to the plot and has a special task in making the play a drama of conversion. The inner conflicts of the characters which ultimately lead to a series of problems in their relationships are the main concern which causes the characters search for different solutions. Accordingly, they make their own choices to cease their inner struggles. This paper aims to explore the concept of conversion in Eliot's The Cocktail Party with references to the playwright's religious journey in his literary career. 展开更多
关键词 T. S. Eliot drama of conversion verse drama modem poetic drama BUDDHISM
Controlling malignant pericardial effusion by intrapericardial administration of recombinant mutant human tumor necrosis factor in patients with carcinoma
作者 Kaijian Lei Hua Luo Yuming lia Shengqun Ying 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2007年第5期442-443,共2页
Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of injecting recombinant mutant human tumor necrosis factor (rmhTNF) into pericardial cavity of carcinoma patients with malignant pericardial effusion. Methods: In 20 ca... Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of injecting recombinant mutant human tumor necrosis factor (rmhTNF) into pericardial cavity of carcinoma patients with malignant pericardial effusion. Methods: In 20 cases of malignant pericardial effusion, the intrapericardial catheter was inserted into pericardial cavity, and then rmhTNF of 1.5 × 107 U was infused. The infusion was repeated every 5-7 days with the total 4-6 times. If the effusion disappeared, rmhTNF was then used 2 more times and then the intrapericardial catheter was pulled out. Results: Of 20 patients, 14 were complete response (CR), 4 were partial response (PR) and 2 no change (NC). The disappearance of effusion in 6 cases lasted for more than 6 months. Conclusion: Injecting rmhTNF into pericardial cavity may be a better way to control malignant pericardial effusion and has mild side effects. 展开更多
关键词 pericardial effusion recombinant mutant human tumor necrosis factor (rmhTNF) intrapericardial catheter
Role of progressive muscle relaxation in preventing and alleviating of nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy among cancer patients: A protocol of systematic review
作者 Xu Tian Ling-Li Xu +3 位作者 Rong-Ying Tang Hui Chen Wei Xie Wei-Qing Chen 《TMR Integrative Nursing》 2019年第6期226-230,共5页
Background and aim:Progressive muscle relaxation(PMR)is one of the most common complementary and alternative therapies.Published systematic review unfolded that PMR has a positive impact on chemotherapy-induced nausea... Background and aim:Progressive muscle relaxation(PMR)is one of the most common complementary and alternative therapies.Published systematic review unfolded that PMR has a positive impact on chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting among adult cancer patients.However,the pooled findings were not reliable and valid because included trials have poor quality.It must be noted is that additional studies with good quality have been published recently.So,we design this updated systematic review to comprehensively establish the efficacy of PMR for the of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting among cancer patients.Methods:We will search PubMed,Cochrane Controlled Register of Trial(CENTRAL),Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature(CINAHL),China Biomedical Literature database(CBM),China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),and Wanfang data to capture all potential items.Data extraction sheet will be used to extract all essential information,the Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool will be utilized to appraise the risk of bias of eligible studies.Finally,a quantitative analysis will be performed if sufficient data were obtained.In contrast,a qualitative analysis will be used to summarize the results of all included studies.Ethics and dissemination:Ethics approval and patient written informed consent will not be required because all of the analyses in the present study will be performed based on data from published studies.We will submit our systematic review and network meta-analysis to a peer reviewed scientific journal for publication. 展开更多
关键词 Cancer CHEMOTHERAPY NAUSEA VOMITING Progressive muscle relaxation
Relapse of a cardiac tumor from myxoma to low-grade malignant myofibroblastic sarcoma: malignant transformation or metachronous lesion?
作者 Duan Lian Xu Zhiyun Li Zhigang 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2010年第1期50-53,共4页
A 47-year-old woman, who had undergone cardiac myxoma removal surgery six years ago, was readmitted due to a 2-week history of chest distress, and dyspnea with the change of body position. Both the examinations and th... A 47-year-old woman, who had undergone cardiac myxoma removal surgery six years ago, was readmitted due to a 2-week history of chest distress, and dyspnea with the change of body position. Both the examinations and the surgery confirmed a cardiac tumor relapse. Histology demonstrated that the mass resected in surgery had a pathologic change from myxoma to a low-grade malignant myofibroblastic sarcoma. The patient received heart transplantation 2 years later due to tumor recurrence, and finally died of cerebral hemorrhage. 展开更多
关键词 NEOPLASM MYXOMA Malignant myofibroblastic sarcoma
Cardiac metastasis from colorectal cancer:A case report 被引量:2
作者 Pyong Wha Choi Chul Nam Kim +3 位作者 Sun Hee Chang Woo Ik Chang Chang Young Kim Hyun Min Choi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第21期2675-2678,共4页
The heart is an unusual site of metastasis from any malignancy. We report a case of cardiac metastasis from colorectal cancer. A 70-year-old woman was referred with a presumptive diagnosis of sigmoid colon cancer with... The heart is an unusual site of metastasis from any malignancy. We report a case of cardiac metastasis from colorectal cancer. A 70-year-old woman was referred with a presumptive diagnosis of sigmoid colon cancer with cardiac myxoma. Two-dimensional echocardiography showed a 4 cm x 4.5 cm mobile mass on the lateral right atrial wall, and computed tomography revealed a low attenuated Iobulating mass in the right atrium. The patient underwent anterior resection for sigmoid colon cancer (T4N2). Thereafter, she experienced progressive shortness of breath. Therefore, a cardiac operation was performed 2 wk after the colorectal operation. Histological examination revealed adenocarcinoma, which was identical to the primary lesion. Although two- dimensional echocardiography has become the diagnostic test of choice for detecting cardiac tumors, in patients with colorectal cancer showing a cardiac mass, further diagnostic evaluation such as a magnetic resonance imaging might be necessary. 展开更多
关键词 HEART Cardiac metastasis COLORECTALCANCER Atrial myxoma Magnetic resonance imaging
作者 孙寅光 沈卫峰 +1 位作者 毛原飞 Farouk Mookadam 《Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University(Foreign Language Edition)》 2009年第1期32-38,共7页
Objective To evaluate the evolution of etiology, clinical characteristics, and in-hospital outcomes of pericardial effusions in the recent decade. Methods All patients with a diagnosis of pericardial effusion during h... Objective To evaluate the evolution of etiology, clinical characteristics, and in-hospital outcomes of pericardial effusions in the recent decade. Methods All patients with a diagnosis of pericardial effusion during hospitalization were recruited from the Hospital Inpatient System between January 1996 and December 2005. Demographic and clinical characteristics, laboratory measurements, echocardiographic and treatment features, and in-hospital outcomes were retrospectively reviewed by using a standardized data collection form. Results One hundred and fifry-three consecutive patients were recruited. Mild, moderate and large pericardial effusion occurred in 61 (40%), 52 (34%) and 40 (26%) patients, respectively. The most frequent etiologic diagnoses were tuberculous pericarditis ( n = 50, 33% ) , malignancy ( n = 36, 24% ) and idiopathic pericarditis (n = 35, 23% ). Large effusions were more likely' associated with malignancy (P 〈 0. 01 ). Compared to the initial 5 years (from 1996 to 2000) , the incidence of tuberculous effusion was decreased but neoplastic effusion increased significantly in the recent 5 ),ears (from 2001 to 2005 ). Forty-four patients underwent percardiocentesis (tuberculous in 23, neoplastic in 16, and others in 5) and 28 patients required pericardectomy (tuberculous in 11 and neoplastic in 17). One patient with tuberculous and 3 patients with neoplastic pericardial effusion died during hospitalization. Conclusion Tuberculosis remains the major cause of pericardial effusion, but neoplastic pericardial effusions are on the rise. Pericardial drainage or pericardectomy are often required for symptomatic relief in those with malignancy-caused pericardial effusion. 展开更多
关键词 pericardial effusion malignancy tuberculosis management
Coinciding anomalous coronary artery and papillary fibroelastoma
作者 Saif Ibrahim Nachiket Patel +1 位作者 Farah Al-Saffar Jean Touchan 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第11期924-926,共3页
The primary cardiac tumors are extremely rare tumors that arise from the normal cardiac tissues. There are benign variants (mostly myxoma) and malignant tumors. Fibroelastoma (FE) is the most common primary tumor,... The primary cardiac tumors are extremely rare tumors that arise from the normal cardiac tissues. There are benign variants (mostly myxoma) and malignant tumors. Fibroelastoma (FE) is the most common primary tumor, of which myxoma is the most common subtype followed by papillary fibroelastomas (PFE). 展开更多
关键词 Anomalous coronary artery Cardiac tumors FIBROELASTOMA Valvular tumors
A preliminary discussion on rules of clinical acupoint selection of acupuncture for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting 被引量:8
作者 安琪 陈波 +2 位作者 郭义 潘兴芳 郭永明 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 CSCD 2015年第2期39-44,66,共7页
Objective To preliminarily investigate the rules of acupoint selection of acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting by retrospecting pertinent literature from 1986 to 20... Objective To preliminarily investigate the rules of acupoint selection of acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting by retrospecting pertinent literature from 1986 to 2013. Methods Literature of clinical studies on acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting published from 1986 to 2013 in CNKI, Wanfang and VlP databases and in PubMed database were retrieved. Data were analyzed statistically via Excel. Results One hundred and nineteen articles retrieved were related to the study. Based on the current literature analysis, meridians selected for acupuncture and moxibustion on chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting were mainly the stomach meridian, the pericardium meridian, the conception vessel, the spleen meridian and bladder meridian; point combination was applied more in prescription, accounting for 73.11%, while single point was applied less, only accounting for 26.89%. There were numerous methods for point combinations, but proximal and distal point combination was the most widely used method, accounting for 20.93%. Meanwhile, main acupoints selected were mostly Zusanli (足三里 ST 36), Neiguan (内关 PC 6), Zhongwan (中脘CV12), Gongsun (公孙SP 4) and Taichong (太冲 LR 3) and point combinations were mainly Shenmen (神门 HT 7), Geshu (膈俞 BL 17), PishB (脾俞 BL 20), Weishu (胃俞 BL 21) and Jianli (建里 CV 11). Conclusion Acupoints selection on acupuncture and moxibustion for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting shows a certain rules that the meridians selected are mainly stomach meridian, pericardium meridian and conception vessel and acupuncture points selected are normally ST 36, PC 6 and CV 12, proximal and distal point combination is applied more, while single point applied less. 展开更多
关键词 ACUPUNCTURE chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting rulesof acupoints selection
Therapy of auricular subcutaneous penetration needling combined with row acupuncture at the meridian sinew in 103 cases of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc
作者 侯献兵 刘英莉 +3 位作者 王利春 卢威威 宋书昌 贾春生 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 CSCD 2015年第2期63-66,共4页
Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of auricular subcutaneous penetration needling combining with row acupuncture at meridian sinew on prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. Methods One hundred and three patie... Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of auricular subcutaneous penetration needling combining with row acupuncture at meridian sinew on prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. Methods One hundred and three patients with prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc were treated with a combined treatment of auricular subcutaneous penetration needling and row acupuncture at meridian sinew. Results Of 103 patients, 46 cases were cured, 33 were markedly effective, 21 effective and 3 ineffective. The total effective rate was 97.1% (100/103). Conclusion The combined treatment of auricular subcutaneous penetration needling and row acupuncture at meridian sinew has a significant efficacy for the treatment of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. 展开更多
关键词 prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc auricular subcutaneouspenetration needling row acupuncture at meridian sinew
Effect of transcutaneous electroacupuncture at Neiguan(PC 6) on refractory vomiting in patients in intensive care unit 被引量:1
作者 Benoit Bataille Carine Chan-Shun +4 位作者 Bastian Nucci Bernard Verdoux Michel Mora Pierre Cocquet Stein Silva 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期554-557,共4页
OBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of transcutaneous electroacupuncture(TEA) at Neiguan(PC 6) on refractory vomiting in critically ill patients in intensive care(ICU) setting.METHODS: Ten patients admitted in ICU and pr... OBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of transcutaneous electroacupuncture(TEA) at Neiguan(PC 6) on refractory vomiting in critically ill patients in intensive care(ICU) setting.METHODS: Ten patients admitted in ICU and presenting vomiting refractory to one or more antiemetic drugs were prospectively included in the study. TEA was applied at acupoint of Neiguan(PC6) during 30 min with a neuromuscular transmission monitor(single-twitch stimulation with 1 Hz at a constant current of 10 m A). Nausea and Vomiting were evaluated at the following intervals: immediately after 30 min of TEA at Neiguan(PC 6),30 min-6h and 6-24 h. The presence of nausea and/or vomiting throughout the observational period was defined as the primary end point.RESULTS: The presence of nausea or vomiting throughout the observational period was 10% at the end of TEA, 40% between 30 min and 6 h, and50% between 30 min and 24 h(P < 0.001, P = 0.01 and P = 0.03 vs pre-TEA, respectively). There were no complications or side effects related to TEA.CONCLUSION: TEA at Neiguan(PC 6) seems effective in reducing refractory vomiting in the patients in ICU setting, even if larger trials are needed to define optimal modalities. 展开更多
Acupoint Sticking at Shenque(CV 8) with Ginger-prepared Ban Xia(Rhizoma Pinelliae) for Nausea and Vomiting Induced by Amifostine 被引量:1
作者 Wang Li-na Hu Hong-yan +2 位作者 Qiu Yi-ling Zhou Yu-hong Hong Jue 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2014年第4期221-224,共4页
Objective: To observe the treatment effect of acupoint sticking at Shenque (CV 8) with ginger-preparedBan Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae) on nausea and vomiting induced by Amifostine for myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)... Objective: To observe the treatment effect of acupoint sticking at Shenque (CV 8) with ginger-preparedBan Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae) on nausea and vomiting induced by Amifostine for myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Methods: Totally 124 eligible subjects intervened by Amifostine were randomized into 2 groups by the visiting order,an observation group and a control group,62 in each group. The control group was intervened by conventional treatment, while the observation group was by acupoint sticking at Shenque (CV 8) with ginger-preparedBan Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae) in addition to the same conventional treatment. The occurrence rate of nausea and vomiting in the two groups were observed. Results: After intervention, the occurrence rate of nausea and vomiting in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P&lt;0.01). Conclusion: Acupoint sticking at Shenque (CV 8) with ginger-prepared Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae)can produce a content effect on nausea and vomiting induced by Amifostine for MDS. 展开更多
关键词 Myelodysplastic Syndromes AMIFOSTINE Drug-related Side Effects andAdverse Reactions NAUSEA VOMITING Acupoint Sticking Therapy Point Shenque (CV 8)
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