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“文革”题材小说的另一种“思维术”——美国华文文学文革题材小说研究 被引量:1
作者 李晓鸥 《世界华文文学论坛》 2011年第3期57-60,共4页
美国华文文学"文革"题材小说创作主要有两个作家群———台湾60、70年代移民作家群和大陆80、90年代新移民作家群。台湾"无根的一代"移民作家自觉肩负历史重任,以启蒙姿态书写"文革",使小说充满"载... 美国华文文学"文革"题材小说创作主要有两个作家群———台湾60、70年代移民作家群和大陆80、90年代新移民作家群。台湾"无根的一代"移民作家自觉肩负历史重任,以启蒙姿态书写"文革",使小说充满"载道"意味;大陆新移民作家反拨"无根的一代"浓厚的乡愁情绪,同时反拨大陆文革题材小说的那种感伤情调和群体化写作倾向,回忆和想象文革时逐渐走向"言志"。新世纪,在前两者的基础上,"载道"和"言志"有走向合流的倾向。美华文学文革题材小说与大陆文革题材小说发出不同的声音,为文革题材小说提供了另一种"思维术"。 展开更多
关键词 美国华文文学 “文革”题材小说 载道 言志 思维术
作者 许霆 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 2004年第2期113-119,共7页
“找一种诗的思维术” ,是中国现代主义诗学理论的支柱 ,它显示了中国诗人对诗歌本体的自觉意识。诗的思维术理论主要包括 :诗人“要住的是诗的世界” ;诗“要有大的暗示能” ;写诗“用诗的思考法去想” ;诗的语言秩序要“超越形式文法... “找一种诗的思维术” ,是中国现代主义诗学理论的支柱 ,它显示了中国诗人对诗歌本体的自觉意识。诗的思维术理论主要包括 :诗人“要住的是诗的世界” ;诗“要有大的暗示能” ;写诗“用诗的思考法去想” ;诗的语言秩序要“超越形式文法的组织法”等。 展开更多
关键词 现代诗学 思维术
作者 洪曼红 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)医药卫生》 2024年第11期0081-0084,共4页
在子宫肌瘤患者临床治疗中实施围术期思维导图无缝隙护理模式、手术室路径化护理两者联合干预方案,探究联合方案的应用效果。方法 选取南安市医院一年期间(即2023.01至2024.01)治疗的子宫肌瘤患者(n=90例),子宫肌瘤剥离手术治疗,以随机... 在子宫肌瘤患者临床治疗中实施围术期思维导图无缝隙护理模式、手术室路径化护理两者联合干预方案,探究联合方案的应用效果。方法 选取南安市医院一年期间(即2023.01至2024.01)治疗的子宫肌瘤患者(n=90例),子宫肌瘤剥离手术治疗,以随机数字表法分为对照组(手术室路径化护理)、观察组(围术期思维导图无缝隙护理模式+手术室路径化护理)。研究分析不同护理方案的应用效果。结果 相比于对照组,观察组围手术期各项指标恢复时间均更短(P<0.05);术中、术后血氧饱和度更高,术中、术后血糖更低(P<0.05);术后不良情况发生率更低(P<0.05)。结论 对子宫肌瘤手术患者实施围术期思维导图无缝隙护理模式+手术室路径化护理,可降低术后不良情况发生风险,减轻围手术期应激反应,加快术后各项功能的恢复速度,值得推荐。 展开更多
关键词 子宫肌瘤 思维导图无缝隙护理模式 室路径化护理 效果
作者 陈培浩 《广州文艺》 2020年第11期153-160,共8页
1麦家以长篇小说名世,但他的小说写作却从短篇小说出发;成名之后,他私心里依然藏着对短篇小说的感情。所以,不少中短篇小说仍调剂于他的长篇小说之间。像麦家这种殚精竭虑、精雕细琢的写作,与短篇小说确有某种气质上的投合。以一种历史... 1麦家以长篇小说名世,但他的小说写作却从短篇小说出发;成名之后,他私心里依然藏着对短篇小说的感情。所以,不少中短篇小说仍调剂于他的长篇小说之间。像麦家这种殚精竭虑、精雕细琢的写作,与短篇小说确有某种气质上的投合。以一种历史化的眼光看来,"现代中国的‘短篇小说’,是在20世纪最初二十年里兴起的一种新文类"(张丽华:《现代中国"短篇小说"的兴起》)。 展开更多
关键词 小说写作 麦家 张丽华 短篇小说 思维术 20世纪 新文类
作者 赵东 《诗刊》 2021年第20期9-10,共2页
诗评家许霆在他的论文《“找一种诗的思维术”——中国现代主义诗学研究之一》中引用中国现代主义诗歌发生时期的诗人穆木天于1926年在《谭诗》中关于现代诗歌的基本特征的论述:“我希望中国作诗的青年,得先找一种诗的思维术,一个诗的... 诗评家许霆在他的论文《“找一种诗的思维术”——中国现代主义诗学研究之一》中引用中国现代主义诗歌发生时期的诗人穆木天于1926年在《谭诗》中关于现代诗歌的基本特征的论述:“我希望中国作诗的青年,得先找一种诗的思维术,一个诗的逻辑学。”尽管这段关于现代诗歌的早期论述已经过去了近百年,可是对于现代诗歌的写作者来说,寻找诗歌的独特思维方式和表达方式,仍然是长期而艰巨的任务。 展开更多
关键词 现代诗歌 中国现代主义诗学 穆木天 诗评家 中国现代主义诗歌 《谭诗》 思维术 独特思维方式
作者 李新月 武权生 张作良 《中医药通报》 2023年第7期25-29,共5页
关键词 复发性流产 周期疗法 思维 泻南补北 武权生
《周易》与传统史学的历史思维 被引量:3
作者 汪高鑫 《学习与探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第8期142-146,4,共5页
《周易》丰富的思维术,对传统史学的历史思维有着重要影响。《周易》的天、地、人相联系的整体思维,启发了传统史学的"究天人之际";"《易》穷则变,变则通,通则久"的通变思维,启发了传统史学的"通古今之变"... 《周易》丰富的思维术,对传统史学的历史思维有着重要影响。《周易》的天、地、人相联系的整体思维,启发了传统史学的"究天人之际";"《易》穷则变,变则通,通则久"的通变思维,启发了传统史学的"通古今之变";"一致百虑"思维,启发了传统史学的"成一家之言";"作《易》者其有忧患乎"的忧患意识,启发了传统史学的历史借鉴思想。 展开更多
关键词 《周易》 思维术 传统史学 历史思维
冯友兰和唐君毅对杜威反省思维论的发挥 被引量:2
作者 顾红亮 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期73-77,共5页
杜威的《思维术》提出的反省思维论,在现代中国哲学界产生了深远的影响。冯友兰和唐君毅采取各自的进路,对杜威的反省思维论做了自己的发挥。如果说冯友兰的发挥代表了儒家道德观的进路,那么唐君毅的发挥则代表了儒家自由观的进路。冯... 杜威的《思维术》提出的反省思维论,在现代中国哲学界产生了深远的影响。冯友兰和唐君毅采取各自的进路,对杜威的反省思维论做了自己的发挥。如果说冯友兰的发挥代表了儒家道德观的进路,那么唐君毅的发挥则代表了儒家自由观的进路。冯友兰和唐君毅的发挥启发我们构想一种以儒家的视域理解杜威的反省思维论的可能性,进而在哲学层面促进儒学与实用主义的对话。在某种程度上,可以把冯友兰和唐君毅对杜威思想的发挥看作是他们阐发自己新儒家思想的一种方式。 展开更多
关键词 反省思维 现代新儒家 思维术 自由
作者 汪高鑫 《周易文化研究》 2013年第1期201-209,共9页
《周易》丰富的思维术,对传统史学的历史思维有着重要影响。《周易》的天、地、人相联系的整体思维,启发了传统史学的"究天人之际";"《易》穷则变,变则通,通则久"的通变思维,启发了传统史学的"通古今之变";"一致百虑"思维,启发... 《周易》丰富的思维术,对传统史学的历史思维有着重要影响。《周易》的天、地、人相联系的整体思维,启发了传统史学的"究天人之际";"《易》穷则变,变则通,通则久"的通变思维,启发了传统史学的"通古今之变";"一致百虑"思维,启发了传统史学的"成一家之言";"作《易》者其有忧患乎"的忧患意识,启发了传统史学的历史借鉴思想。 展开更多
关键词 《周易》 思维术 传统史学 历史思维
作者 顾红亮 《当代儒学》 2018年第1期57-66,共10页
杜威的《思维术》提出反省思维论,在现代中国哲学界产生了深远的影响。冯友兰和唐君毅采取备自的进路,对杜威的反省思维论臌了自己的发挥。如果说冯友兰的发挥代表了儒家道德砚的进路,那么唐君毅的发挥代表了儒家自由砚的进路。冯友... 杜威的《思维术》提出反省思维论,在现代中国哲学界产生了深远的影响。冯友兰和唐君毅采取备自的进路,对杜威的反省思维论臌了自己的发挥。如果说冯友兰的发挥代表了儒家道德砚的进路,那么唐君毅的发挥代表了儒家自由砚的进路。冯友兰和唐君毅的发挥启发我们构想一种以儒家的视域理解杜威的反省思维论的可能性,进而在哲学层面促进儒学与实用主义的对话。在某种程度上,可以把冯友兰和唐君毅对杜威思想的发挥看怍他们阐发自己的新儒家思想的一种方式。 展开更多
关键词 反省思维 现代新儒家 思维术 自由
主义与方法——梁启超、胡适国学治学思想比较研究 被引量:1
作者 陈颖 《中山大学研究生学刊(社会科学版)》 1997年第3期1-5,共5页
本文粗略地考察了梁启超与胡适各自的治学小史,对他们在二十年代初就中国哲学的治学方法上的分歧,即人生论路向与知识论路向,进行了述评,揭示了其方法上的分歧之根源,在于他们分别先有了自己的"主义",方法是为各自的"主... 本文粗略地考察了梁启超与胡适各自的治学小史,对他们在二十年代初就中国哲学的治学方法上的分歧,即人生论路向与知识论路向,进行了述评,揭示了其方法上的分歧之根源,在于他们分别先有了自己的"主义",方法是为各自的"主义"服务的。 展开更多
关键词 主义 方法 体验 “知识论” 思维术 实用主义
Applied Research in Arts and Design Art
作者 LuPeng CHEN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期119-121,共3页
When we make the arts and crafts design, its design means innovative thinking. If we want better apply to the Art Art design, most importantly, it is in logical thinking in the design process as well as image of think... When we make the arts and crafts design, its design means innovative thinking. If we want better apply to the Art Art design, most importantly, it is in logical thinking in the design process as well as image of thinking better together. Logical thinking itself is more rigorous, but the image more focuses on innovative thinking, the only real two together will be able to successfully Arts and Crafts design to lay a good foundation. 展开更多
关键词 ART Arts and Design APPLICATION
作者 白钢 《江海学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期42-48,共7页
在美国及整体西方世界通过其舆论与意识形态机制所塑造的能力与其真实能力之间,存在重大差异。这种通过舆论与意识形态机制塑造的能力,可称之为“虚力”,以与具有真实基础的“实力”相对照。西方的这种“虚力”构建与运作的复杂机制,可... 在美国及整体西方世界通过其舆论与意识形态机制所塑造的能力与其真实能力之间,存在重大差异。这种通过舆论与意识形态机制塑造的能力,可称之为“虚力”,以与具有真实基础的“实力”相对照。西方的这种“虚力”构建与运作的复杂机制,可上溯到古希腊的智者派运动。修辞学作为智者派最重要的遗产,包含着深刻的思辨(辩证法)与同样深刻的反思辨(思维操控术)成分,它们相互纠缠着,内嵌于西方文明的深处。如果把影响人的意识进而实现思维操控比喻为一套极庞大复杂的程序,那么智者派便是这一超级程序之源代码的书写者。究其理路根本,便是利用思维中固有内在矛盾与思维盲区,对人进行意识的引导、剪裁、重塑,把对于世界的整全认识片面化、狭隘化、扭曲化,让相关群体的思维陷入某种固化的模式而不自知。若要从根本上克服思维操控术的影响,需培养对于复杂事物—复杂系统的整体、全面、多维、换位的“明辨力”。 展开更多
关键词 虚力 智者派运动 修辞学 思维操控 明辨力
Government Management Innovation in the Age of Big Data
作者 Que Tianshu 《Management Studies》 2016年第6期279-286,共8页
Both opportunities and challenges are currently faced by government management innovation in the age of "big data". Traditionally, relative studies view the management of governments as the effective means to improv... Both opportunities and challenges are currently faced by government management innovation in the age of "big data". Traditionally, relative studies view the management of governments as the effective means to improve governmental services, without really understanding the structural influence of big data and network technology on governmental mode of thinking. Against such backdrop, this paper tries to conduct critical analysis based upon traditional outcomes in this regard, trying to make full use of the function of big data technology. With these efforts, this paper contributes to the building of an interaction theory that could promote transparency of information and customization and segmentation of the policies. By constructing a mode in which management could be carried out based on the law of big data, by building an information management system in which balance could be achieved between responsibility and freedom, by promoting the rebalancing among public power, online civil society and civil rights, the innovation of governmental management would be achieved. 展开更多
关键词 big data government management data dictatorship INFORMATION network society public power
Skill Analysis of Highly Skilled Worker in Optical Fiber Fusion Splicing
作者 Takuo Kikuchi 《Computer Technology and Application》 2016年第3期149-157,共9页
In this study, information related to optical fiber fusion splicing skills is consolidated by extracting explicit knowledge of the proficiency levels of skilled technicians in two ways. The first is to visually captur... In this study, information related to optical fiber fusion splicing skills is consolidated by extracting explicit knowledge of the proficiency levels of skilled technicians in two ways. The first is to visually capture and quantify those skills by identifying differences in the skill levels of a nationally certified technician and a highly skilled expert technician using motion capture software, the other is to explore the relevance of the operation and thinking processes by interviewing the expert technician and then attempt to quantify empirical tacit knowledge by an analysis of mobile tracking views using motion capture software. The results show that a technician's ability to engage in "sensory thinking", such as the proper management of visual and tactile cues, is the most important component of his or her proficiency during optical fiber fusion splicing operations, and it was clear that operations were complemented when work path movements were reduced. 展开更多
关键词 Skill analysis fusion splicing optical fiber highly skilled worker explicit knowledge.
Significance of modem scientific and technological progress for the development of philosophical anthropology
作者 Chunyu GE 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期113-115,共3页
The methodology of science and technology is a theory concerning general scientific and technical research methods, and its essence belongs to the category of understanding and thinking. Through the study of science a... The methodology of science and technology is a theory concerning general scientific and technical research methods, and its essence belongs to the category of understanding and thinking. Through the study of science and technology methodologies and approaches on the general process of scientific research and technology research, one can grasp the mainstream of modern scientific thinking pattern and means, helping to solve the general regular problems of scientific and technological research. Starting from modern science and technology point of view, this article elaborated the impact of modern scientific progress had on the development of philosophical anthropology from different angles. 展开更多
关键词 science and technology PHILOSOPHY ANTHROPOLOGY
Ancient and modern, compatibility of Chinese and Western --Analysis of Huang Dufeng Painting Aesthetics Thought
作者 Zongye Lu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期105-107,共3页
Mr. Huang Dufeng is the master to paint landscapes, flowers, birds and people. In artistic practice, he clearly saw that in addition to using the ink to express the appearance, there exists its independence of aesthet... Mr. Huang Dufeng is the master to paint landscapes, flowers, birds and people. In artistic practice, he clearly saw that in addition to using the ink to express the appearance, there exists its independence of aesthetic nature. In addition, Mr. Huang Dufeng is aware of vital importance of the spirit manifesting in the traditional painting. He has foresight in the face of treating the mutual development of Chinese and Western painting. In the meantime to advocate learning western painting, he all along emphasize that we should flourish the specific beauty of Chinese painting. He has showed a wide range of subjects, breaking the bondage of "four gentlemen" and pioneered the art image of angelfish. By discussion on Mr. Huang Dufeng through the painting features and process of thinking, he insisted on aesthetics concept of "Ancient and modern, compatibility of Chinese and Western". 展开更多
关键词 Huang Dufeng eclectic stuff artistic characteristics aesthetics.
Clickers and Deep Learning: An Oxymoron?
作者 Danielle Morin Jennifer D.E. Thomas Robert Cassidy 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第1期69-78,共10页
The use of clicker technology as a tool for promoting learning, let along deep learning, is hotly debated and has its proponents and opponents. With the question still open, this paper examines the use of this technol... The use of clicker technology as a tool for promoting learning, let along deep learning, is hotly debated and has its proponents and opponents. With the question still open, this paper examines the use of this technology in fostering critical thinking and other higher-order learning and team-building skills, in the context of two entry-level psychology courses. The results obtained indicate that from the perspectives of both the student and the instructor, the integration of this technology was positively perceived to enhance the learning process and the acquisition of these skills. It would seem these concepts are, after all, not antithetical. 展开更多
关键词 CLICKERS critical thinking technology and learning higher-order skills.
Brief talk about the application of Chinese painting elements on animation design
作者 Qinggang Sun 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期108-110,共3页
Animation design has comprehensive artistic features, so its unique creative and artistic modes decide that animation decision has a certain complexity. Whether in artistic conception design or expression design, Chin... Animation design has comprehensive artistic features, so its unique creative and artistic modes decide that animation decision has a certain complexity. Whether in artistic conception design or expression design, Chinese paintings all have the unique mode of thinking. The application of the design elements, thinking elements and performance elements of Chinese painting in animations will let the form, content, style more abundant. Scientific use of Chinese elements can create animation works with Chinese cultural connotation and Chinese aesthetic emotion. It can express the aesthetic needs and aesthetic ideals of Chinese culture, thereby creating a classic cartoon art image with Chinese characteristics. The paper mainly analyzes the application of Chinese painting elements in animation design. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese painting elements animation design and application.
Research on the Novel Pattern of Soft Music Creation based on High-Pitched Melody Element and Aesthetic Point of View
作者 Meirui Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期96-98,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the novel pattern of soft music creation based on high-pitched melody element and aesthetic point of view. Music is the music creation, music is a kind of creation and it is not a... In this paper, we conduct research on the novel pattern of soft music creation based on high-pitched melody element and aesthetic point of view. Music is the music creation, music is a kind of creation and it is not a simple thing, because music is an expression of human thoughts and feelings which reflect the social life of an art. Music creation and other artistic creation need perceptual and rational psychological elements such as the creation principle of participation. This involves the music creation that the relationship between the perceptual thinking and rational thinking. Our research proposed the novel paradigm of art creation which will obtain significant meaning. 展开更多
关键词 Soft Music Creation High-Pitched Melody Aesthetic Point Novel Pattern.
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