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加州批判性思维特质量表的研制及其在护理领域的应用进展 被引量:5
作者 董文 李亚洁 《护理学报》 2011年第17期16-19,共4页
批判性思维(critical thinking,CT)的研究始于上个世纪美国,20世纪80年代引入护理领域,即受到广泛重视,被认为是21世纪护理人才整体素质提高的标志[1-4]。随着护理学科的专科性发展,应运而生的专科护士在临床实践和社区健康保健活动... 批判性思维(critical thinking,CT)的研究始于上个世纪美国,20世纪80年代引入护理领域,即受到广泛重视,被认为是21世纪护理人才整体素质提高的标志[1-4]。随着护理学科的专科性发展,应运而生的专科护士在临床实践和社区健康保健活动中的独特地位和功能日益凸显,护理人员需具备严密审慎的质疑能力和分析推理技巧。 展开更多
关键词 批判性思维 专科护士 加州批判性思维特质量表
作者 陈穆 《教学与管理》 北大核心 2020年第22期50-52,共3页
为何初中生升入高中,面对高中物理的第一章会感到难?文章就高中一年级物理教科书中的第一章"运动学"中所蕴含的各种思维方式进行一次梳理、解读与简述,试图通过对学生早期的"思维能力"培养来突破物理学习困难的瓶... 为何初中生升入高中,面对高中物理的第一章会感到难?文章就高中一年级物理教科书中的第一章"运动学"中所蕴含的各种思维方式进行一次梳理、解读与简述,试图通过对学生早期的"思维能力"培养来突破物理学习困难的瓶颈并对学生物理核心素养的提升做一些有益的尝试。 展开更多
关键词 抽象思维 逻辑思维 极限思维 等效思维 类比思维 思维
活用数形结合 优化数学教学 被引量:2
作者 傅建霞 《小学教学参考(数学版)》 2009年第2期27-28,共2页
关键词 数形结合 数学教学 抽象逻辑思维 数量关系 具体形象思维 生活情境 面积单位 算理 具体情境 思维特
作者 李娜 袁旭亮 《重庆理工大学学报(社会科学)》 CAS 2016年第8期12-17,共6页
所谓的社会选择理论就是将社会中众多的个体偏好聚合为社会偏好,并在此基础上做出充分体现每一社会成员的真实偏好的社会选择。20世纪70年代,吉伯特和萨特思维特提出并证明了任何合理的防策略投票方案都是独裁的,这是社会选择理论的一... 所谓的社会选择理论就是将社会中众多的个体偏好聚合为社会偏好,并在此基础上做出充分体现每一社会成员的真实偏好的社会选择。20世纪70年代,吉伯特和萨特思维特提出并证明了任何合理的防策略投票方案都是独裁的,这是社会选择理论的一个非常重要的结论。为了深化对社会选择理论的认识,基于理由的偏好作为基本的偏好关系,研究不同情形下的基于理由的偏好聚合问题,构建一个基于理由的偏好投票方案,并对其防策略性进行了研究。 展开更多
关键词 社会选择理论 吉伯-萨思维特防策略投票不可能性定理 防策略投票方案 基于理由的偏好
作者 贾青 《东方宝宝(保育与教育)》 2014年第9期54-56,共3页
活动背景及设计思路美国著名的心理学家罗森塔尔在其研究中发现了"皮格马利翁效应"(也叫"期望效应"),即教师的期望会影响幼儿的创造性,当幼儿知道什么行为是教师所希望的,知道教师是非常理解和尊重他的,没有恐惧和... 活动背景及设计思路美国著名的心理学家罗森塔尔在其研究中发现了"皮格马利翁效应"(也叫"期望效应"),即教师的期望会影响幼儿的创造性,当幼儿知道什么行为是教师所希望的,知道教师是非常理解和尊重他的,没有恐惧和不安,会产生高度的心理自由和轻松愉快感,从而迸发出更多的能量和创造性。为此,教师必须与幼儿建立新型的师生关系,即一种平等、民主、信任、温暖的师生关系,相信幼儿身上蕴藏着巨大的创造潜能。 展开更多
关键词 罗森塔尔 期望效应 心理自由 师生关系 皮格马利翁效应 愉快感 活动背景 内部动机 歌词内容 思维特
Carnap's Thought on Inductive Logic
作者 Yusuke Kaneko 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第11期773-793,共21页
Although we often see references to Carnap's inductive logic even in modern literatures, seemingly its confusing style has long obstructed its correct understanding. So instead of Carnap, in this paper, I devote myse... Although we often see references to Carnap's inductive logic even in modern literatures, seemingly its confusing style has long obstructed its correct understanding. So instead of Carnap, in this paper, I devote myself to its necessary and sufficient commentary. In the beginning part (Sections 2-5), I explain why Carnap began the study of inductive logic and bow he related it with our thought on probability (Sections 2-4). Therein, I trace Carnap's thought back to Wittgenstein's Tractatus as well (Section 5). In the succeeding sections, I attempt the simplest exhibition of Carnap's earlier system, where his original thought was thoroughly provided. For this purpose, minor concepts to which researchers have not paid attention are highlighted, for example, m-function (Section 8), in-correlation (Section 10), C-correlate (Section 10), statistical distribution (Section 12), and fitting sequence (Section 17). The climax of this paper is the proof of theorem (56). Through this theorem, we will be able to overview Carnap's whole system. 展开更多
关键词 inductive logic CONFIRMATION PROBABILITY the earlier system in Foundations L-SYSTEM
作者 刘善伟 《广告大观》 2023年第6期76-78,共3页
特稿写作、编辑思维,本质上是一种注重真实还原场景、尊重读者感知场景需求、讲明事实背后逻辑的信息传达意识。在移动端信息采编过程中,借鉴传统媒体中成熟的特稿采编思维,恰是在激烈竞争中脱颖而出的捷径。在三五分钟或是在十几分钟... 特稿写作、编辑思维,本质上是一种注重真实还原场景、尊重读者感知场景需求、讲明事实背后逻辑的信息传达意识。在移动端信息采编过程中,借鉴传统媒体中成熟的特稿采编思维,恰是在激烈竞争中脱颖而出的捷径。在三五分钟或是在十几分钟的移动端声音、视频节目中,如能展现出特稿般的吸引力,久久为功,便可形成受众黏性。 展开更多
关键词 稿思维 移动端信息 创作 编辑
Research of mathematic culture and quality of mathematics education
作者 LiqinTian 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第6期38-40,共3页
In the basic concepts of mathematic culture, mathematics was given a broad meaning. Mathematics is not only a scientific language, a system of knowledge, but also a way of thinking, a kind of art has aesthetic feature... In the basic concepts of mathematic culture, mathematics was given a broad meaning. Mathematics is not only a scientific language, a system of knowledge, but also a way of thinking, a kind of art has aesthetic features. On this basis, the meaning of mathematical quality should have a new exposition, the essence of mathematical quality is integration of mathematic cultural values, knowledge, abilities, psychological, while the key to the quality of mathematics education is to fully embody the essence of mathematics culture, let the concepts of mathematic cultm'e integrated to the whole process of mathematics education. 展开更多
关键词 mathematic CULTURE quality education
作者 辛酉 《发明与革新》 1990年第3期9-11,共3页
关键词 企业 经营管理 创造性思维 发散性思维 辐集性思维 异性思维 差异性思维
The causes of pre-primary school and strategies of removal of pre-primary school
作者 Lili Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期56-58,共3页
Psychological and physiological characteristics of preschool children determine their lives should be the main game, but because of the content and the way too pre-primary school of teachers and parents give their chi... Psychological and physiological characteristics of preschool children determine their lives should be the main game, but because of the content and the way too pre-primary school of teachers and parents give their children pressure of learning early, they often give children physical and cause a series of adverse consequences of psychological, so that children lively nature is destroyed. In the development context of pre-primary schools it will not only hinder enhance children' s thinking ability, but also devoid of the child' s talent and mettle, for children to learn and live very unfavorable late. Preschool Primary School, out of the office park on the right track, is serious impediment to the normal development of preschool children and grow. This paper describes the dangers of pre-school, pre-primary schools and the causes are analyzed and we proposed the removal of the primary effective strategy, in order to fully mobilize the child' s lively and good mobility and lay its future development a solid foundation. 展开更多
关键词 PRESCHOOL primary Kasei due go to school strategy
Brief talk about the application of Chinese painting elements on animation design
作者 Qinggang Sun 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期108-110,共3页
Animation design has comprehensive artistic features, so its unique creative and artistic modes decide that animation decision has a certain complexity. Whether in artistic conception design or expression design, Chin... Animation design has comprehensive artistic features, so its unique creative and artistic modes decide that animation decision has a certain complexity. Whether in artistic conception design or expression design, Chinese paintings all have the unique mode of thinking. The application of the design elements, thinking elements and performance elements of Chinese painting in animations will let the form, content, style more abundant. Scientific use of Chinese elements can create animation works with Chinese cultural connotation and Chinese aesthetic emotion. It can express the aesthetic needs and aesthetic ideals of Chinese culture, thereby creating a classic cartoon art image with Chinese characteristics. The paper mainly analyzes the application of Chinese painting elements in animation design. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese painting elements animation design and application.
Discussion on Thinking Mode in Cross-cultural Teaching
作者 Bing Zhang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第11期27-29,共3页
Different cultural backgrounds result in a different way of thinking and cultural characteristics, and this difference are reflected in the life, production, culture, education and other aspects. Chinese and Westerner... Different cultural backgrounds result in a different way of thinking and cultural characteristics, and this difference are reflected in the life, production, culture, education and other aspects. Chinese and Westerners have different social and historical and cultural traditions, forming a distinctive way of thinking. Such as the differences between marginal thinking and logical thinking, differences between comprehensive thinking and analytical thinking, differences between focusing on "unity" and tending to "opposite", differences between focusing on perceptual and on rational thinking, all of these ways of thinking result in different ways of expression and language in cross-cultural teaching, different ways of behavior and interactions and different view of life and values. 展开更多
关键词 Differences between Chinese Thinking Modes and Western Thinking Modes Cross-Cultural Teaching IMPACT
作者 王海东 《才智》 2008年第16期212-212,共1页
我在从事中职学校班主任的工作中,使我越来越体会到:在班级管理工作中处理好虚与实、管与放、严与宽、堵与导四大关系的重要作用。一、实与虚班主任工作是多方面的。务"实"是指班主任要立足现实,努力搞好实际工作。务"虚... 我在从事中职学校班主任的工作中,使我越来越体会到:在班级管理工作中处理好虚与实、管与放、严与宽、堵与导四大关系的重要作用。一、实与虚班主任工作是多方面的。务"实"是指班主任要立足现实,努力搞好实际工作。务"虚"是指班主任要着眼长远,加强学习, 展开更多
关键词 学校班级 班级管理工作 班级凝聚力 自我教育 虚与实 实与虚 行为规范教育 以情感人 班干部 思维特
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