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急倾斜互层厚大磷矿体的采矿方法优化研究和数值分析 被引量:5
作者 张向阳 曹平 +1 位作者 周罕 汪德文 《有色金属(矿山部分)》 2018年第6期1-6,共6页
为解决急倾斜互层厚大磷矿的采矿工艺,详细叙述矿体及围岩的禀赋情况,结合矿山提供的开采技术条件、矿岩及围岩的岩石物理力学性质和RQD值,运用RMR分类方法对岩体质量进行分级,确定岩石质量为Ⅲ级,为采矿方法选择提供理论依据。采矿方... 为解决急倾斜互层厚大磷矿的采矿工艺,详细叙述矿体及围岩的禀赋情况,结合矿山提供的开采技术条件、矿岩及围岩的岩石物理力学性质和RQD值,运用RMR分类方法对岩体质量进行分级,确定岩石质量为Ⅲ级,为采矿方法选择提供理论依据。采矿方法中采用剔除夹石的方式提高出矿P_2O_5的品位,并推荐阶段空场法和无底柱分段崩落法开采本复杂矿体,利用FLAC3D建立开采的计算模型,从压应力状态和拉应力状态分析开采过后,矿柱和围岩受力情况;按岩体塑性分布情况分析,得出矿房间柱和顶柱处于高应力塑性屈服状态整个采场大部分矿柱均出现剪切塑性区和不同程度的拉伸破坏塑性区,有利于开采区顶板岩层垮塌和冒落,为最终确定合理的采矿方法提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 倾斜 磷矿体 岩石力学 采矿工艺 数值模拟
浅层急倾斜煤层采空区岩体注浆加固技术应用研究 被引量:1
作者 王学军 曹大淀 +3 位作者 骆国良 龚振全 魏朝强 卢相忠 《煤炭技术》 CAS 2019年第7期42-44,共3页
"浅层急倾斜煤层采空区岩体注浆加固技术"项目通过单项技术的完善改进和先进技术设备的集成创新,实现了浅层急倾斜采空区注浆工艺的综合优化,减少施工成本,缩短工期,治理效果显著.其单项技术在各工艺单元改造中也具有很好的... "浅层急倾斜煤层采空区岩体注浆加固技术"项目通过单项技术的完善改进和先进技术设备的集成创新,实现了浅层急倾斜采空区注浆工艺的综合优化,减少施工成本,缩短工期,治理效果显著.其单项技术在各工艺单元改造中也具有很好的借鉴价值,具有良好的示范作用和较高的推广价值. 展开更多
关键词 倾斜 注浆加固 差异化注浆
多分支孔技术在浅层急倾斜煤层采空区注浆治理中的应用 被引量:7
作者 吴志臣 李云飞 +2 位作者 王学军 薄志丰 纪贤梅 《煤炭技术》 CAS 2019年第7期136-138,共3页
在浅层急倾斜煤层采空区的治理中,因项目区下方及周围煤层赋存情况极为复杂,在注浆时经常出现突然升压情况,造成注浆达到注浆结束标准的"假象".利用定向造孔技术施工多个分支孔,绕过高角度急倾斜煤层对下部裂隙、空洞进行精... 在浅层急倾斜煤层采空区的治理中,因项目区下方及周围煤层赋存情况极为复杂,在注浆时经常出现突然升压情况,造成注浆达到注浆结束标准的"假象".利用定向造孔技术施工多个分支孔,绕过高角度急倾斜煤层对下部裂隙、空洞进行精准封堵,提高施工效率,降低施工成本,保证采空区治理效果. 展开更多
关键词 倾斜 注浆加固 定向技术 多分支孔
急倾斜多层极薄矿体采矿方法研究 被引量:2
作者 刘亚雄 洪松 毕文嗣 《采矿技术》 2022年第2期1-3,6,共4页
针对某铅锌银矿的急倾斜多层极薄矿体,提出用削壁渣水泥砂浆胶结充填采矿法对多层矿脉进行顺序回采。首先使用削壁充填采矿法回采下盘矿体,待下盘矿体每分层削壁充填束后,采用质量浓度为68%、灰砂比为1:4的水泥尾砂浆浇注削壁充填的松... 针对某铅锌银矿的急倾斜多层极薄矿体,提出用削壁渣水泥砂浆胶结充填采矿法对多层矿脉进行顺序回采。首先使用削壁充填采矿法回采下盘矿体,待下盘矿体每分层削壁充填束后,采用质量浓度为68%、灰砂比为1:4的水泥尾砂浆浇注削壁充填的松散体空隙,使松散体胶结为具有一定强度的胶结体。待下盘矿体全部回采结束,充填体胶结后,再以削壁充填法回采上盘矿体。该方法保留了削壁充填采矿法回采极薄矿体中废石混入率低、矿石回采率高的优势,从而解决了多层平行急倾斜极薄矿体采矿贫化率高、资源损失大的难题。在环保方面,既可消耗部分选矿尾砂,缓减尾矿库压力,又可治理采空区,降低矿山地表塌陷风险,提高了资源回采率,延长矿山服务年限。 展开更多
关键词 倾斜极薄矿体 浅孔留矿法 削壁分充填采矿法 采矿贫化率控制
作者 魏仁忠 《采矿技术》 2007年第4期7-7,33,共2页
关键词 中厚倾斜磷矿 采矿方法 采场布置 回采工艺
作者 郭霆 杨超群 +2 位作者 杨平伟 黄晓毅 付碧锋 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2021年第12期118-120,共3页
受复杂的地质运动影响,青海省某金矿呈现出多条薄矿脉集中发育,且矿脉间距离较近,矿脉延展变化较大。相邻矿脉开采必然造成相互影响。针对多层急倾斜薄矿脉开采中可能存在的冒顶、片帮等地压问题,为深入研究多层急倾斜薄矿脉的地压显现... 受复杂的地质运动影响,青海省某金矿呈现出多条薄矿脉集中发育,且矿脉间距离较近,矿脉延展变化较大。相邻矿脉开采必然造成相互影响。针对多层急倾斜薄矿脉开采中可能存在的冒顶、片帮等地压问题,为深入研究多层急倾斜薄矿脉的地压显现规律,在充分掌握矿体、围岩的基础上,借助圈定的岩石移动范围,分析了空场法回采过程中的地压显现规律,并提出了控制地压的措施。 展开更多
关键词 倾斜薄矿脉 地压控制 岩石移动范围 回采顺序 点柱
An improved influence function method for predicting subsidence caused by longwall mining operations in inclined coal seams 被引量:10
作者 Yi Luo 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2015年第3期163-169,共7页
Prediction of surface subsidence caused by longwall mining operation in inclined coal seams is often very challenging. The existing empirical prediction methods are inflexible for varying geological and mining conditi... Prediction of surface subsidence caused by longwall mining operation in inclined coal seams is often very challenging. The existing empirical prediction methods are inflexible for varying geological and mining conditions. An improved influence function method has been developed to take the advantage of its fundamentally sound nature and flexibility. In developing this method, the original Knothe function has been transformed to produce a continuous and asymmetrical subsidence influence function. The empirical equations for final subsidence parameters derived from col- lected longwall subsidence data have been incorporated into the mathematical models to improve the prediction accuracy. A number of demonstration cases for longwall mining operations in coal seams with varying inclination angles, depths and panel widths have been used to verify the applicability of the new subsidence prediction model. 展开更多
关键词 Subsidence prediction Influence function method Inclined coal seam Longwall mining
Stability of roof structure and its control in steeply inclined coal seams 被引量:21
作者 Li Xiaomeng Wang Zhaohui Zhang Jinwang 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第2期359-364,共6页
To improve the effectiveness of control of surrounding rock and the stability of supports on longwall topcoal caving faces in steeply inclined coal seams, the stability of the roof structure and hydraulic supports was... To improve the effectiveness of control of surrounding rock and the stability of supports on longwall topcoal caving faces in steeply inclined coal seams, the stability of the roof structure and hydraulic supports was studied with physical simulation and theoretical analysis. The results show that roof strata in the vicinity of the tail gate subside extensively with small cutting height, while roof subsidence near the main gate is relatively assuasive. With increase of the mining space, the caving angle of the roof strata above the main gate increases. The characteristics of the vertical and horizontal displacement of the roof strata demonstrate that caved blocks rotate around the lower hinged point of the roof structure, which may lead to sliding instability. Large dip angle of the coal seam makes sliding instability of the roof structure easier.A three-hinged arch can be easily formed above both the tail and main gates in steeply inclined coal seams. With the growth in the dip angle, subsidence of the arch foot formed above the main gate decreases significantly, which reduces the probability of the roof structure becoming unstable as a result of large deformation, while the potential of the roof structure's sliding instability above the tail gate increases dramatically. 展开更多
关键词 Steeply inclined coal seam Inclined masonry structure Overlying strata Structure instability
Study on fasART neuro-fuzzy networks for distinguishing the difficulty degree of top coal caving in steep seam 被引量:1
作者 冯涛 赵伏军 林剑 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2005年第2期5-8,共4页
Distinguishing the difficulty degree of top coal caving was a precondition of the popularization and application of the roadway sub-level caving in steep seam. Because of complexity and uncertainty of the coal seam, t... Distinguishing the difficulty degree of top coal caving was a precondition of the popularization and application of the roadway sub-level caving in steep seam. Because of complexity and uncertainty of the coal seam, the expression of influence factors was diffi-culty with exact data. According to the fuzzy and uncertainty of influence factors, triangular fuzzy membership functions were adopted to carry out the factors ambiguity, of which the factors not only have the consistency of semantic meaning, but also dissolve sufficiently expert knowledge. Based on the properties and structures of fasART fuzzy neural net-works of fuzzy logic system and practical needs, a simplified fasART model was put for-ward, stability and reliability of the network were improved, the deficiency of learning sam-ples and uncertainty of the factors were better treated. The method is of effective and practical value was identified by experiments. 展开更多
关键词 steep coal seam difficulty degree of top coal caving AMBIGUITY membershipfunction fuzzy reasoning fasART fuzzy neural networks
Analysis of stability of support and surrounding rock in mining top coa of inclined coal seam 被引量:8
作者 Xin Yajun Gou Panfeng Ge Fudong 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第1期63-68,共6页
The study analyzes the characteristics of roof movement in mining top coal of inclined coal seam,and establishes the mechanical model of support and surrounding-rock stability in inclined coal seam.Besides,this study ... The study analyzes the characteristics of roof movement in mining top coal of inclined coal seam,and establishes the mechanical model of support and surrounding-rock stability in inclined coal seam.Besides,this study carries out the numerical calculation and field observation of roof movement and support stability,and provides the critical control measures.The results show that the fracture firstly appears in middle-upper roof and extends upwards in top coal caving in inclined coal seam;regular and irregular caving zones appear in middle-upper stress concentration region,and the asymmetric caving arch is finally formed.Support load of middle-upper working face is larger than that of the middle-lower face;dynamic load coefficient of upper support is large,and the load on the front of support is larger than that on the rear of it,which leads to poor support stability.Stability of support and surrounding-rock system depends mainly on upper-support stability. 展开更多
关键词 Inclined coal seamRoof movement Mechanical modelStability
Feasibility analysis of gob-side entry retaining on a working face in a steep coal seam 被引量:10
作者 Deng Yuehua Wang Shouquan 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第4期499-503,共5页
Based on the decline in exploitation of coal resources, steep coal seam mining and mining face tensions continue to explore the feasibility analysis of steeply inclined faces in the gob. One of the key factors in util... Based on the decline in exploitation of coal resources, steep coal seam mining and mining face tensions continue to explore the feasibility analysis of steeply inclined faces in the gob. One of the key factors in utilizing the technology of gob-side entry retaining in steep coal seams is to safely and effectively prevent caving rock blocks from rushing into the gob-side entry by sliding downwards along levels. Using theoretical analysis and field methods, we numerically simulated the mining process on a fully-mechanized face in a steep coal seam. The stress and deformation process of roof strata has been analyzed, and the difficulty of utilizing the technology is considered and combined with practice in a steep working face in Lvshuidong mine. The feasibility of utilizing the technology of gob-side entry retaining in a steep coal seam has been recognised. We propose that roadways along the left lane offshoot body use a speciallymade reinforced steel dense net to build a dense rock face at the lower head. The results show that the lane offshoot branch creates effective roof control, safe conditions for roadway construction workers, and practical application of steeply inclined gob. 展开更多
关键词 Gob-side entry retaining Steep coal seam Fully-mechanized mining Feasibility analysis Numerical simulation
Top coal flows in an excavation disturbed zone of high section top coal caving of an extremely steep and thick seam 被引量:8
作者 Miao Shengjun Lai Xingping Cui Feng 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第1期99-105,共7页
Compared with gentle dip long-wall caving,the length of a working face in fully-mechanized top-coal caving for extremely steep and thick seams is short,while its horizontal section is high with increasing production.B... Compared with gentle dip long-wall caving,the length of a working face in fully-mechanized top-coal caving for extremely steep and thick seams is short,while its horizontal section is high with increasing production.But the caving ratio is low,which might result in some disasters,such as roof falls,induced by local and large area collapse of the top coal in a working face and dangers induced by gas accumulation. After the development of cracks and weakening of the coal body,the tall,broken section of the top coal(a granular medium)of an extremely steep seam(over 60°)shows clear characteristics of nonlinear movement.We have thoroughly analyzed the geological environment and mining conditions of an excavation disturbed zone.Based on the results from a physical experiment of large-scale 3D modeling and coupling simulation of top coal-water-gas,we conclude that the weakened top coal can be regarded as a non-continuous medium.We used a particle flow code program to compare and analyze migration processes and the movements of a 30 m high section top coal over time before and after weakening of an extremely steep seam in the Weihuliang coal mine.The results of our simulation, experiment and monitoring show that pre-injection of water and pre-splitting blasting improve caving ability and symmetrical caving,relieve space for large area dynamic collapse of top coal,prolong migration time of noxious gases and release them from the mined out area and so achieve safety in mining. 展开更多
关键词 Top coal flowsExtremely steep and thick coal seamHigh section top coal caving (HSTCC)Particle flow
Study on first caving fracture mechanism of overlying roof rock in steep thick coal seam 被引量:3
作者 Zhang Bei Cao Shenggen 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第1期133-138,共6页
Based on the elastic plate theory, a mechanical model of thin plate for the first caving of overlying roof rock in steep mining face was established. The analytical solution of the deflection and stress distribution o... Based on the elastic plate theory, a mechanical model of thin plate for the first caving of overlying roof rock in steep mining face was established. The analytical solution of the deflection and stress distribution of roof rocks was obtained. According to the specific geological conditions of the 5-103 panel in Shanxi,the failure of roof rocks and the influence of seam dip on it during the exploitation were theoretically investigated. Meanwhile, the first caving characteristics of the overlying rock in the steep coal seam were investigated based on its stress contour. The results show that the dip angle has a distinct influence on the caving interval and the first caving interval for the 5-103 panel is 37 m in theory. Finally, a systematic monitoring on the behavior of rock pressures was conducted. The measured results agree well with the theoretical prediction, which provides a good reference for practical steep coal seam mining. 展开更多
关键词 SteepMining fieldInitial fracture intervalThin plate theoryCoal pressure monitoring
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