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儿童急性颅脑伤的损伤特点及社区救治 被引量:1
作者 龙千里 张文春 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 2002年第10期824-825,共2页
关键词 儿童 急性颅脑伤 社区救治 临床特点
作者 刘志敏 王成海 +2 位作者 路长林 赵小林 林葆城 《中华创伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第S1期38-39,共2页
急性颅脑伤对大鼠脑区、垂体及血浆中β-内啡肽含量的影响刘志敏王成海路长林赵小林林葆城为了探讨β-内啡肽免疫活性物质(ir-β-EP)与急性颅脑伤的关系,笔者应用放射免疫分析法(RIA)系统地检测了颅脑伤后不同时程大鼠... 急性颅脑伤对大鼠脑区、垂体及血浆中β-内啡肽含量的影响刘志敏王成海路长林赵小林林葆城为了探讨β-内啡肽免疫活性物质(ir-β-EP)与急性颅脑伤的关系,笔者应用放射免疫分析法(RIA)系统地检测了颅脑伤后不同时程大鼠多个重要脑区、垂体和血浆中ir-β... 展开更多
关键词 β-内啡肽 急性颅脑伤 大鼠脑区 显著性差异 含量变化 血浆 中央灰质 额叶皮层 升高到 神经生物学
急性重型颅脑伤并创伤性休克现场急救分析 被引量:7
作者 耿瑞明 杨慧娜 +1 位作者 赵良运 曾汉 《湖北民族学院学报(医学版)》 2012年第2期33-34,37,共3页
目的探讨急性重型颅脑伤并创伤性休克的现场救治。方法回顾分析2004年5月至2011年9月,48例急性重型颅脑伤并创伤性休克的临床资料。结果死亡25例(死亡率52.08%),其中手术者死亡7例(死亡率31.82%),未手术者死亡18例(死亡率69.23%),手术... 目的探讨急性重型颅脑伤并创伤性休克的现场救治。方法回顾分析2004年5月至2011年9月,48例急性重型颅脑伤并创伤性休克的临床资料。结果死亡25例(死亡率52.08%),其中手术者死亡7例(死亡率31.82%),未手术者死亡18例(死亡率69.23%),手术者死亡率与未手术者死亡率比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。结论急性重型颅脑伤并创伤性休克的正确现场救治有助于阻止病情恶化并获得手术机会,降低死亡率。 展开更多
关键词 急性重型颅脑 性休克 现场救治
作者 尚继越 刘志明 +1 位作者 李华 沈开金 《人民军医》 北大核心 2000年第8期446-447,共2页
关键词 急性颅脑-眼眶联合 放射学诊断 CT MRI 治疗
急性重型颅脑损伤血气分析特点及高氧液的疗效观察 被引量:9
作者 杨梅庭 李春茂 +4 位作者 陶崇清 牟朝晖 杨明 吴剑 陈裴斐 《中国实用神经疾病杂志》 2007年第4期44-45,共2页
目的观察急性重型颅脑损伤(sTBI)血气特点及高氧液的疗效。方法40例病人在常规治疗的基础上予高氧液1瓶加入500ml液体中,1次/d,共5d。输注前后分别作血气分析,观察pH、PaO2、PaCO2、BE、SaO2、P(A-a)O2值。结果(1)输注高氧液前后pH、PaO... 目的观察急性重型颅脑损伤(sTBI)血气特点及高氧液的疗效。方法40例病人在常规治疗的基础上予高氧液1瓶加入500ml液体中,1次/d,共5d。输注前后分别作血气分析,观察pH、PaO2、PaCO2、BE、SaO2、P(A-a)O2值。结果(1)输注高氧液前后pH、PaO2、PaCO2、BE,前2dSaO2无统计学差异,P(A-a)O2,后3dSaO2有统计学差异。(2)输注高氧液前后低氧血症发生率分别为32.5%和12%,二者有显著性差异(χ2=22.18,P<0.05);65例次低氧血症者输注高氧液前后PaO2均值分别为69.33±19.35、82.64±29.59,二者有显著性差异(t=4.6291,P<0.05)。(3)本组全部患者P(A-a)O2均明显高于正常。(4)酸碱失衡类型以呼吸性碱中毒最多见,输注高氧液后血气酸碱正常率明显增加,有统计学意义(χ2=8.87,P<0.05)。结论高氧液对急性重型颅脑损伤的血气异常有明显的改善作用。 展开更多
关键词 急性重型颅脑 血气 高氧液
作者 刘子生 张洪俊 +2 位作者 张光霁 朱诚 王成海 《中华创伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第S1期58-59,共2页
大剂量维生素C治疗急性颅脑损伤67例刘子生张洪俊张光霁朱诚王成海大剂量维生素C能抑制自由基引发的脂质过氧化反应,减轻脑水肿和继发性脑损伤[1].笔者对67例急性颅脑伤患者给予大剂量维生素C治疗,旨在证实大剂量维生素C... 大剂量维生素C治疗急性颅脑损伤67例刘子生张洪俊张光霁朱诚王成海大剂量维生素C能抑制自由基引发的脂质过氧化反应,减轻脑水肿和继发性脑损伤[1].笔者对67例急性颅脑伤患者给予大剂量维生素C治疗,旨在证实大剂量维生素C对急性颅脑伤的治疗效果,为大剂量维... 展开更多
关键词 急性颅脑 急性颅脑伤 维生素C 大剂量 重型颅脑 血浆和脑脊液 神经外科 颅内压 过氧化反应 生物膜
作者 熊德佐 张可成 +2 位作者 柳国良 童志恒 张志杰 《中华创伤杂志》 CAS 1986年第4期203-206,共4页
本文对连续94例急性重型颅脑外伤的治疗结果进行了分析,这些病例均用GCS计分评定,属7分及7分以下至少6小时。全组死亡率为37.2%。相同计分不同病变其后果各异,说明评定重型颅脑外伤除用GCS计分外.应增加其它条件。伤后4小时内手术者较... 本文对连续94例急性重型颅脑外伤的治疗结果进行了分析,这些病例均用GCS计分评定,属7分及7分以下至少6小时。全组死亡率为37.2%。相同计分不同病变其后果各异,说明评定重型颅脑外伤除用GCS计分外.应增加其它条件。伤后4小时内手术者较以后时间手术的病例死亡率高。大于40岁者比小于40岁者死亡率高。 展开更多
关键词 急性重型颅脑 手术治疗 肢体运动障碍 去骨瓣减压术 气管切开
作者 丁燕 贾莉莉 《南京部队医药》 1999年第2期59-59,共1页
自1990年开始,我院神经外科与安徽大学高分子材料研究所联合研制出了一种经过特殊处理的医用短碳纤维甲壳素人工硬脑膜。在动物实验和毒理学实验的基础上,于1992年将之应用于临床,先后为98例患者施行了硬脑膜修补术,经过随访,效果满意... 自1990年开始,我院神经外科与安徽大学高分子材料研究所联合研制出了一种经过特殊处理的医用短碳纤维甲壳素人工硬脑膜。在动物实验和毒理学实验的基础上,于1992年将之应用于临床,先后为98例患者施行了硬脑膜修补术,经过随访,效果满意。现将手术室护士的配合工作及护理体会报告如下: 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 本组中男55例,女43例,年龄为17~61岁。其中急性颅脑伤58例,脑肿瘤29例,脑动-静脉畸形6例, 展开更多
关键词 人工硬脑膜 手术配合 灭菌处理 灭菌方法 硬脑膜修补术 煮沸法 甲壳素 毒理学实验 急性颅脑伤 短碳纤维
Early changes of endothelin,nitric oxide and arginine-vasopressin in patients with acute cerebral injury 被引量:21
作者 杨云梅 黄卫东 吕雪英 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2002年第5期259-262,共4页
Objective: To investigate the early changes and clinical significance of plasma endothelin (ET), nitric oxide (NO) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) in patients with acute moderate or severe cerebral injury. Methods: The... Objective: To investigate the early changes and clinical significance of plasma endothelin (ET), nitric oxide (NO) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) in patients with acute moderate or severe cerebral injury. Methods: The early (at 24 hours after injury) plasma concentrations of ET, NO and AVP were measured with radioimmunoassay and Green technique in 48 cases of acute moderate (GCS≤8 in 27cases ) or severe (GCS>8 in 21 cases) cerebral injury (Group A), in 42 cases of non cerebral injury (Group B) and in 38 normal individuals (Group C), respectively. Results: The early plasma concentrations of ET ( 109.73 ng/L±12.61 ng/L ), NO ( 92.82 μmol/L± 18.21 μmol/L ) and AVP ( 49.78 ng/L±14.29 ng/L ) in Group A were higher than those in Group B ( 67.90 ng/L ±11.33 ng/L , 52.66 μmol/L±12.82 μmol/L and 29.93 ng/L±12.11 ng/L , respectively, P<0.01 ) and Group C ( 50.65 ng/L±17.12 ng/L , 36.12 μmol/L ±12.16 μmol/L and 5.18 ng/L ± 4.18 ng/L , respectively, P<0.001 ). The amounts of ET, NO and AVP in patients with severe cerebral injury were 116.18 ng/L± 18.12 ng/L , 108.19 μmol/L±13.28 μmol/L and 58.13 ng/L±16.78 ng/L , respectively, which were significantly higher than that of the patients with moderate cerebral injury ( 92.33 ng/L±16.32 ng/L , 76.38 μmol/L ±12.71 μmol/L and 36.18 ng/L±12.13 ng/L respectively, P<0.01 ). The early levels of ET, NO and AVP in Group A were negatively related to the GCS scales. The amounts of ET, NO and AVP were 126.23 ng/L± 15.23 ng/L , 118.18 μmol/L±10.12 μmol/L and 63.49 ng/L±14.36 ng/L respectively in patients with subdural hematoma, which were significantly higher than those in patients with epidural hematoma ( 81.13 ng/L ±12.37 ng/L , 68.02 μmol/L±13.18 μmol/L and 45.63 ng/L±12.41 ng/L respectively, P<0.01 ). The plasma concentrations of ET, NO and AVP in stable duration (at 336 hours after injury) in Group A and Group B were similar to those in Group C. Conclusions: ET, NO and AVP were related to the pathophysiological process that occurs in the early stage of acute cerebral injury and the values of ET, NO and AVP correlate positively with the clinical manifestations. The changes of plasma ET, NO and AVP can be regarded as important indices to assess the severity of acute cerebral injury. 展开更多
关键词 Brain injuries ENDOTHELIN Nitric oxide Arginine vasopressin
Early changes of arginine vasopressin and angiotensin II in patients with acute cerebral injury 被引量:3
作者 黄卫东 杨云梅 +3 位作者 吴胜东 金哲锋 鲍德国 甘海鹏 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2001年第3期161-163,共3页
Objective: To study the changes and clinical significance of arginine vasopressin (AVP) and angiotensin II (AT II) in patients with acute moderate and severe cerebral injury. Methods: The early plasma concentration wa... Objective: To study the changes and clinical significance of arginine vasopressin (AVP) and angiotensin II (AT II) in patients with acute moderate and severe cerebral injury. Methods: The early plasma concentration was checked by radioimmunoassay in 47 cases of acute moderate and severe cerebral injury, 30 cases of non cerebral injury and 30 healthy volunteers. Results: The early plasma concentrations of AVP ( 50.23 ng/L± 15.31 ng/L) and AT II ( 248.18 ng/L± 82.47 ng/L) in cerebral injury group were higher than those in non cerebral injury group (AVP for 30.91 ng/L± 11.48 ng/L and AT II for 120.67 ng/L± 42.49 ng/L, P< 0.01 ). The early plasma concentrations of AVP and AT II in cerebral injury group were also obviously higher than those of the volunteers (AVP for 5.16 ng/L± 4.23 ng/L and AT II for 43.11 ng/L± 16.39 ng/L, P< 0.001 ). At the same time, the early plasma level of AVP ( 58.90 ng/L± 18.12 ng/L) and AT II ( 292.13 ng/L± 101.17 ng/L) was higher in severe cerebral injured patients than moderate cerebral injured ones (AVP for 36.68 ng/L± 12.16 ng/L and AT II for 201.42 ng/L± 66.10 ng/L, P< 0.01 ). The early level of AVP and AT II was negatively related to the GCS scales in acute cerebral injury. The early plasma concentrations of AVP ( 45.98 ng/L± 13.48 ng/L) and AT II ( 263.28 ng/L± 80.23 ng/L) were lower in epidural hematoma group than those of subdural hematoma and cerebral injury group (AVP for 64.12 ng/L± 15.56 ng/L and AT II for 319.82 ng/L± 108.11 ng/L, P< 0.01 ). Conclusions: AVP and AT II may play an important role in pathophysiologic process in the secondary cerebral injury. The more severe the cerebral injury is, the higher the early level of AVP and AT II will be. The early plasma level of AVP and AT II may be one of the severity indexes of cerebral injury. 展开更多
关键词 Brain injuries Arginine vasopressin Angiotensin II
The prospective study of the relationship between perimesencephalic cistern of CT scanning and the outcome of the patients with acute craniocerebral injury 被引量:2
作者 龙连圣 江基尧 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2003年第4期226-228,共3页
Objective: To explore prospectively the relationship between the state of perimesencephalic cistern and the degree of deformation of the midbrain on CT scanning and the outcome of the patients with acute craniocerebra... Objective: To explore prospectively the relationship between the state of perimesencephalic cistern and the degree of deformation of the midbrain on CT scanning and the outcome of the patients with acute craniocerebral injury.Methods: The CT scan features including the states of perimesencephalic cisterns, the deformations of the midbrain and the ratios of the occipitofrontal diameter and the transverse diameter of the midbrain of 132 cases were measured. The GOS of the patients 3 months after trauma were regarded as outcome.Results: The rate of unfavorable outcome ( dead, vegetative status, severe disability ) was significantly correlated with perimesencephalic cistern narrower than 1mm (P < 0.05), especially narrower than 0.5 mm (P < 0.005), deformed midbrain (P< 0.005) or abnormal ratio ( < 0.9 or >.1) of the occipitofrontal diameter and transverse diameter of the midbrain (P < 0.01). But the patient's perimesencephalic cistern wider than 1mm and the patients without deformed midbrain got favorable outcome (moderate disability/good recovery).Conclusions: The state of the compressedperimesencephalic cistern ( < 1 mm) and the deformation of the midbrain may significantly indicate unfavorable outcome of the patients with acute craniocerebral injury. 展开更多
关键词 Perimesencephalic cistern CT scanning OUTCOME Acute craniocerebral injury
Effects of mild hypothermia on patients with lower intracranial pressure following severe brain injury 被引量:2
作者 王维平 任海军 +2 位作者 池京洋 徐福林 全勇 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2005年第1期54-56,共3页
Objective: To study the effects of mild hypothermia therapy on severe brain-injured patients whose intracranial pressure (ICP) could be maintained below 25 mm Hg.Methods: Forty severe brain-injured patients with ICP b... Objective: To study the effects of mild hypothermia therapy on severe brain-injured patients whose intracranial pressure (ICP) could be maintained below 25 mm Hg.Methods: Forty severe brain-injured patients with ICP below 25 mm Hg were divided randomly into one treatment group (n=20, mild hypothermia therapy) and one control group (n=20, normothermia therapy) to observe the changes of the concentration of excitatory amino acids (glutamate and glycine) and cytokines (interleukin-1β and interleukin-6). Results: There were no significant differences in the daily changes of the concentration of excitatory amino acid and cytokines between two groups. The outcome of two groups had no significant differences. Conclusions: Mild hypothermia has no additional beneficial effects on severe brain-injured patients compared with normothermia therapy if ICP can be maintained below 25 mm Hg by using conventional therapy. 展开更多
关键词 Brain injury Intracranial pressure HYPOTHERMIA
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