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东方蝾螈性二型性特征分析 被引量:1
作者 谢朝晖 王晓涛 +4 位作者 陈兰英 李鑫 唐超 刘芳 杨军英 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期772-776,共5页
以东方蝾螈大别山种群为实验材料,随机选取162只蝾螈(雄52只,雌110只),通过单变量、双变量、多变量分析的方法,进行11项体征的测量分析。结果表明,头体长是本研究的最适单变量,且头体长与腋胯距之间的相关性最高;PC1在雄性和雌性中均与... 以东方蝾螈大别山种群为实验材料,随机选取162只蝾螈(雄52只,雌110只),通过单变量、双变量、多变量分析的方法,进行11项体征的测量分析。结果表明,头体长是本研究的最适单变量,且头体长与腋胯距之间的相关性最高;PC1在雄性和雌性中均与头体长密切相关,且大多数体征与头体长进行比例分析均显示出异速生长关系,东方蝾螈性二型性普遍存在。本研究中11项体征呈现符合Rensch法则的雌性依赖性二型性演化特征,这种性二型性特征可能是一系列复杂的非对称性选择的结果。 展开更多
关键词 东方蝾螈 性二型性 异速生长 Rensch法则
作者 涂小云 陈元生 +3 位作者 金义钦 徐飞 陈娟 胡章龙 《广东农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第19期73-74,共2页
为探明毛健夜蛾性二型性现象及代别差异,比较了第1和第2代毛健夜蛾体重和体型,结果表明:(1)室内饲养的第1代和第2代毛健夜蛾均具有性二型性现象,雌性个体大于雄性个体;(2)毛健夜蛾性二型性现象存在代别差异,第1代的性二型性现象比第2代... 为探明毛健夜蛾性二型性现象及代别差异,比较了第1和第2代毛健夜蛾体重和体型,结果表明:(1)室内饲养的第1代和第2代毛健夜蛾均具有性二型性现象,雌性个体大于雄性个体;(2)毛健夜蛾性二型性现象存在代别差异,第1代的性二型性现象比第2代更为明显。这些研究结果初步揭示了毛健夜蛾性二型性现象可因室内饲养的代别不同而异。 展开更多
关键词 毛健夜蛾 性二型性 代别
昆虫体型及性体型二型性的地理变异 被引量:10
作者 匡先钜 戈峰 薛芳森 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期351-360,共10页
体型是昆虫基本的形态特性,它会影响到昆虫几乎所有的生理和生活史特性。同种昆虫不同地理种群在体型上常表现出明显的渐变,导致这些渐变的环境因素包括温度、湿度、光照、寄主植物、种群密度等,并且多种环境因素也会对昆虫种群内个体... 体型是昆虫基本的形态特性,它会影响到昆虫几乎所有的生理和生活史特性。同种昆虫不同地理种群在体型上常表现出明显的渐变,导致这些渐变的环境因素包括温度、湿度、光照、寄主植物、种群密度等,并且多种环境因素也会对昆虫种群内个体体型产生影响。雌雄个体的体型存在差异,称性体型二型性。性体型二型性也显示了地理差异。这些差异形成的途径已经得到详细的分析,其形成机制导致多个假说的提出,这些假说又在多种昆虫中得到验证。本文从同一种昆虫不同种群间、同一种群内、雌雄虫个体间3个水平,对种内昆虫体型变异的方式,影响昆虫种群间体型变异和种群内昆虫体型的变异的环境因素,以及昆虫性体型二型性及其地理变异的现象等方面的研究进行了综述,并对未来的相关研究提供了建议。 展开更多
关键词 昆虫 环境因素 地理变异
作者 黄庭发 马莹 +4 位作者 汤冰洁 王冰洋 曾柔仙 周强 张古忍 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期876-884,共9页
【目的】比较稻虱缨小蜂Anagrus nilaparvatae雌雄蜂对水稻挥发物的电生理响应,明确寄生蜂嗅觉感受能力的性别差异,为提高寄生蜂在害虫生物防治中的应用效率提供依据。【方法】建立微小触角电位检测方法,测量雌雄蜂对不同类别的9种水稻... 【目的】比较稻虱缨小蜂Anagrus nilaparvatae雌雄蜂对水稻挥发物的电生理响应,明确寄生蜂嗅觉感受能力的性别差异,为提高寄生蜂在害虫生物防治中的应用效率提供依据。【方法】建立微小触角电位检测方法,测量雌雄蜂对不同类别的9种水稻挥发物的触角电位反应,对具有差异反应的挥发物进行梯度浓度刺激实验。【结果】电生理测试中,雄蜂对反-2-己烯醛的反应最强,对反-石竹烯的反应最弱,反应顺序从大到小为醛、酯、醇、萜;雌蜂对顺-茉莉酮的反应最强,对芳樟醇的反应最弱。测试的9种水稻挥发物中,6种挥发物在雌雄间存在显著的响应差异。在梯度浓度测试中,雄蜂对顺-柠檬烯、芳樟醇和顺茉莉酮3种挥发物的浓度变化没有明显的电生理响应差异,而对反-石竹烯、橙花叔醇和反-2-己烯醇产生明显电生理反应;雌蜂对6种挥发物的浓度变化都产生明显的电生理响应,其中,萜烯类物质芳樟醇、反-石竹烯和橙花叔醇在测试的最低浓度(0.01 g/L)时的电生理反应最强。【结论】稻虱缨小蜂的嗅觉感受能力在雌雄间存在明显的差异,且雌蜂对水稻挥发物的电生理反应较雄蜂灵敏。挥发物浓度在范围0.01-100 g/L内,通过稻虱缨小蜂对不同浓度下EAG值的差异,可以初步判断不同浓度的挥发物存在不同生态功能。 展开更多
关键词 稻虱缨小蜂 水稻挥发物 触角电位反应 性二型性
白蜡虫蜡腺结构特征及其泌蜡的生态适应性 被引量:1
作者 亓倩 李斌 +2 位作者 吕品 陈航 陈晓鸣 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期704-712,共9页
【目的】观察性二型性的白蜡虫Ericerus pela的蜡腺结构特征,探究其泌蜡对雌雄虫生态适应性的意义。【方法】在野外调查各发育阶段白蜡虫在寄主植物上的分布及泌蜡特征;在实验室用电子显微镜观察白蜡虫蜡腺结构及其分泌蜡丝的形态;通过... 【目的】观察性二型性的白蜡虫Ericerus pela的蜡腺结构特征,探究其泌蜡对雌雄虫生态适应性的意义。【方法】在野外调查各发育阶段白蜡虫在寄主植物上的分布及泌蜡特征;在实验室用电子显微镜观察白蜡虫蜡腺结构及其分泌蜡丝的形态;通过石蜡切片分析雌雄虫表皮厚度;通过转录组数据结合白蜡虫泌蜡及表皮增厚的规律分析雌雄虫泌蜡量和几丁质合成的差异。【结果】在白蜡虫体表共发现6种蜡腺,其中四格腺为1龄雄若虫特有,十格腺为雌成虫特有,2龄雄若虫全身布满管腺这一白蜡虫的主要雄性产蜡器官,表皮五格腺、刺腺和肛门腺是各龄期所共有。雄虫有更多的蜡腺种类和数目,雌若虫的表皮厚度比雄若虫的厚将近35%。蜡酯合成关键酶脂酰辅酶A还原酶(fatty acyl-CoA reductase)基因far在雄成虫中表达量更高,几丁质合成关键酶几丁质合成酶(chitin synthase)基因cs在雌成虫中表达量更高。【结论】白蜡虫雌雄虫泌蜡差异显著,两性蜡腺的种类和数量与其不同的生态适应性对策相关。雄虫具有避光的生态习性,主要通过分泌一层蜡丝覆盖身体,保护雄虫在蜡被下完成变态过程。雌虫喜光,泌蜡少,通过增加表皮厚度的方式来适应环境,雌虫泌蜡是为了保证呼吸通畅,防止排泄的蜜露反流和微生物入侵,保护卵不被捕食,避免卵块粘连和减缓外力对卵的冲击。 展开更多
关键词 白蜡虫 蜡腺 泌蜡 性二型性 生态学意义
大猿叶虫生活史特性的地理变异 被引量:10
作者 邹超 肖亮 +2 位作者 何海敏 曾奕 薛芳森 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期60-66,共7页
【目的】比较不同地理种群生活史特性的差异,是揭示生物体对环境适应机制的最有效方法之一。本研究旨在探明大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi不同地理种群生活史特性随纬度变异的特点。【方法】在室内恒温19℃、光周期16L∶8D条件下,观察... 【目的】比较不同地理种群生活史特性的差异,是揭示生物体对环境适应机制的最有效方法之一。本研究旨在探明大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi不同地理种群生活史特性随纬度变异的特点。【方法】在室内恒温19℃、光周期16L∶8D条件下,观察测定了来自6个不同纬度的大猿叶虫种群从卵孵化到化蛹和化蛹到成虫羽化的时间,以及蛹和成虫体重。【结果】幼虫历期随纬度的升高逐渐延长,生长速率与纬度呈负相关,这两个生活史特性显示了顺梯度的变异。蛹历期在种群间没有显著差异。体重随纬度的升高逐渐减小,显示了反贝格曼法则。在所有的种群中,雌性蛹和成虫个体均显著大于雄虫,显示了雌性偏向的性体型二型性(SSD)。不同纬度的种群SSD指数存在差异,中纬度种群显示了最大的SSD指数。雄蛹在变态中比雌蛹丢失了更多的体重,导致成虫期的SSD指数大于蛹期。【结论】结果表明,大猿叶虫幼虫发育历期、生长速率和体重在不同纬度间呈现了显著变异。 展开更多
关键词 大猿叶虫 纬度 发育历期 生长速率 体重
作者 李慧龙 徐强 +3 位作者 王强 卢兆成 薛芳森 何海敏 《生物灾害科学》 2019年第1期42-46,共5页
温度被认为是变温动物表型可塑性最重要的调节因子之一。为探明大猿叶虫生活史对温度变化的反应,在16,19,22,24,26,28℃的恒温,光周期L16:D8下,测量了卵孵化到化蛹和成虫的羽化时间,蛹和成虫的体质量。结果表明,幼虫和蛹的发育历期随饲... 温度被认为是变温动物表型可塑性最重要的调节因子之一。为探明大猿叶虫生活史对温度变化的反应,在16,19,22,24,26,28℃的恒温,光周期L16:D8下,测量了卵孵化到化蛹和成虫的羽化时间,蛹和成虫的体质量。结果表明,幼虫和蛹的发育历期随饲养温度的升高显著缩短,生长速率与温度呈显著正相关。幼虫和蛹的发育历期在性别间没有显著差异。体质量和饲养温度的关系没有遵循温度-体积法则,雄虫和雌虫均在19℃下获得了最大体质量。然而,在19~28℃的温度范围体质量和饲养温度的关系遵循温度-体积法则。在所有的温度下,雌虫显著大于雄虫,显示了雌性偏向的性体型二型性(SSD)。体质量随温度升高趋于减轻,而SSD指数随温度的升高趋于增大,支持了Rensch法则。成虫的SSD指数高于蛹,原因是在羽化过程中雄虫比雌虫丢失了更大的质量。 展开更多
关键词 大猿叶虫 温度 发育时间 体质量
亚洲玉米螟体重和体型的地理变异 被引量:20
作者 涂小云 夏勤雯 +3 位作者 陈超 陈元生 匡先钜 薛芳森 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期143-148,共6页
为探明亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis体重和体型地理变异,我们详细比较了来自4个不同地理种群(海南乐东18.8°N,109.2°E,广西阳朔24.8°N,110.5°E,江西南昌28.8°N,115.9°E和河北廊坊39.5°N,116.7... 为探明亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis体重和体型地理变异,我们详细比较了来自4个不同地理种群(海南乐东18.8°N,109.2°E,广西阳朔24.8°N,110.5°E,江西南昌28.8°N,115.9°E和河北廊坊39.5°N,116.7°E)亚洲玉米螟的体重、体型大小及其与采集地纬度的关系。结果表明:不同地理种群的亚洲玉米螟卵重随纬度的升高而逐渐增大,符合贝格曼法则(Bergmann's law),而雌雄蛹重及成虫体长、后足腿节长和前翅长均随纬度的升高而逐渐减小,符合反贝格曼法则(Converse Bergmann's law)。雌虫的前翅显著长于雄虫,其性体型二型性符合任希法则(Rensch'srule),即在雌虫体型较大的种群中,雄虫前翅比雌虫前翅增长幅度相对较大。本文结果进一步揭示了即使在同一种类昆虫中,其各个虫态体重和体型的地理变异也可能不同。 展开更多
关键词 亚洲玉米螟 地理变异 体重
亚洲玉米螟性体型二型性及幼虫发育历期与蛹重的关系 被引量:2
作者 肖亮 傅淑 +1 位作者 何海敏 薛芳森 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1576-1581,共6页
【目的】探明亚洲玉米螟不同地理种群性体型二型性及幼虫发育历期与蛹重的关系。【方法】在26℃,L︰D=16︰8条件下,详细记录了来自热带地区的海南省三亚种群,来自亚热带地区的广东省广州和江西省永修种群,及来自温带地区的河北廊坊种群... 【目的】探明亚洲玉米螟不同地理种群性体型二型性及幼虫发育历期与蛹重的关系。【方法】在26℃,L︰D=16︰8条件下,详细记录了来自热带地区的海南省三亚种群,来自亚热带地区的广东省广州和江西省永修种群,及来自温带地区的河北廊坊种群的雌雄幼虫发育历期、蛹重、成虫重,并计算幼虫发育速率。【结果】不同地理种群的雌性个体均显著大于雄性个体。三亚种群雌雄个体的发育历期没有差异,但雌性的生长速率显著大于雄性个体;广州种群、永修种群及廊坊种群,雌雄的生长速率没有差异,但雌性幼虫的发育历期显著长于雄性幼虫。各地理种群蛹重随幼虫发育历期的延长呈下降趋势。【结论】亚洲玉米螟存在明显的性体型二型性,雌雄个体发育历期和生长速率存在地理差异。 展开更多
关键词 亚洲玉米螟 体重 发育历期 生长速率
大凉螈繁殖生态 被引量:5
作者 龚宇舟 王刚 +3 位作者 黄蜂 何流洋 束潇潇 谢锋 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期3144-3152,共9页
大凉螈是我国特有的珍稀有尾两栖动物,其种群数量目前呈现明显下降趋势,然而涉及该物种保护的繁殖生态学研究仍十分匮乏。通过融合围栏陷阱及标志重捕的样方调查法,对大凉螈石棉栗子坪种群繁殖个体和变态登陆幼体的迁徙、繁殖群体种群... 大凉螈是我国特有的珍稀有尾两栖动物,其种群数量目前呈现明显下降趋势,然而涉及该物种保护的繁殖生态学研究仍十分匮乏。通过融合围栏陷阱及标志重捕的样方调查法,对大凉螈石棉栗子坪种群繁殖个体和变态登陆幼体的迁徙、繁殖群体种群大小、繁殖场内雌雄有效性比变化等进行了研究。运用Jolly-Seber法估测了繁殖种群大小,运用单因素方差分析或Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验比较了不同时期进入繁殖场的雄性大凉螈头体长及体重,运用t检验或者Wilcoxon秩和检验比较了雌雄性间形态上的差异,运用t检验、t′检验或Wilcoxon秩和检验比较了野外抱对雄性与非抱对雄性间的体征差别,运用Pearson相关分析探讨了雌性产卵量与其身体形态的关系,同时观察了卵的孵化情况。研究结果表明:大凉螈的繁殖季为每年的4月下旬到7月下旬,幼体最早于8月上旬变态登陆。估测调查地繁殖场内雄性大凉螈繁殖种群大小约为391尾,雄螈较雌螈更早进入繁殖场且在场内停留时间更长,体重较轻的雄螈较晚迁入繁殖场。有效性比明显偏雄(雌/雄:0.03—0.10)。雌雄间具明显性二型性,雌性个体的头体长、体重及肥满度均大于雄性,而雄性的尾高和尾长占全长的比例则大于雌性。对比自然抱对雄性和非抱对雄性个体发现,抱对个体在头体长、体重和尾高等体征方面显著大于非抱对个体,暗示这些形态特征可能在雄性竞争配偶的过程中起到关键作用。雌螈在室内条件下平均产卵数为176枚,产卵历时2—4 d,产卵量与雌性肥满度正相关,卵的平均孵化期为15.7 d,孵出幼体平均全长为9.74 mm。 展开更多
关键词 大凉螈 繁殖生态 繁殖迁徙 有效 性二型性 优势体征 产卵及孵化
亚洲玉米螟的一个生活史特征——体重与温度呈正相关 被引量:5
作者 何海敏 肖亮 +1 位作者 陈前武 薛芳森 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期340-347,共8页
【目的】温度是变温动物最重要的环境因子,影响了所有的生活史特性。本研究旨在探明亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis生活史特性随温度变异的特点。【方法】在恒温20,22,24,26,28,30和32℃,光周期16L∶8D室内条件下,测定了亚洲玉米螟南昌... 【目的】温度是变温动物最重要的环境因子,影响了所有的生活史特性。本研究旨在探明亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis生活史特性随温度变异的特点。【方法】在恒温20,22,24,26,28,30和32℃,光周期16L∶8D室内条件下,测定了亚洲玉米螟南昌种群从卵孵化到化蛹和化蛹到成虫羽化的时间,以及蛹和成虫的体重。【结果】亚洲玉米螟幼虫和蛹的历期及总发育历期随温度的升高显著缩短。雄性幼虫历期和总发育历期显著短于雌性,显示了雄性先熟现象。生长速率与温度呈正相关。雌性生长速率在较低温度下显著低于雄性,但在高温下显著高于雄性。体重和温度之间的相关性没有遵循温度-体型大小法则,雌雄个体在高温下体重更重,雌性个体显著大于雄性,显示了雌性偏向的性体型二型性(sex size dimorphism,SSD)。与任希法则相反,亚洲玉米螟的SSD指数和体重随温度升高趋于增大。雄蛹在变态中比雌蛹丢失了更多的重量,导致成虫期的SSD指数大于蛹期。【结论】高温不仅显著缩短了亚洲玉米螟发育历期,而且导致了其在成熟时体重更大。亚洲玉米螟雌雄间的生活史特性存在较大差异。 展开更多
关键词 亚洲玉米螟 温度 发育历期 生长速率 体重
Guaranteed cost sampled-data control for uncertain nonlinear time-varying delay system 被引量:1
作者 樊丽颖 武俊峰 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期2056-2060,共5页
The robust guaranteed cost sampled-data control was studied for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with time-varying delay. The parameter uncertainties are time-varying norm-bounded and appear in both the state an... The robust guaranteed cost sampled-data control was studied for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with time-varying delay. The parameter uncertainties are time-varying norm-bounded and appear in both the state and the input control matrices. By applying an input delay approach, the system was transformed into a continuous time-delay system. Attention was focused on the design of a robust guaranteed cost sampled-data control law which guarantees that the closed-loop system is asymptotically stable and the quadratic performance index is less than a certain bound for all admissible uncertainties. By applying Lyapunov stability theory, the theorems were derived to provide sufficient conditions for the existence of robust guaranteed cost sampled-data control law in the form of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), especially an optimal state-feedback guaranteed cost sampled-data control law which ensures the minimization of the guaranteed cost was given. The effectiveness of the proposed method was illustrated by a simulation example with the asymptotically stable curves of system state under the initial condition of x(0)=[0.679 6 0]. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear system guaranteed cost sampled-data control input delay linear matrix inequalities
Adsorption of 2,4-Dichlorophenol from Aqueous Solution onto Microwave Modified Activated Carbon: Kinetics and Equilibrium 被引量:1
作者 邹学权 万先凯 +1 位作者 史惠祥 汪大翚 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2009年第6期408-414,共7页
Batch experiments were conducted to investigate the adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) onto microwave modified activated carbon (AC) at three different temperatures (303 K, 313 K and 323 K). Adsorption i... Batch experiments were conducted to investigate the adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) onto microwave modified activated carbon (AC) at three different temperatures (303 K, 313 K and 323 K). Adsorption isotherms, kinetics, and thermodynamics of the adsorption process were explored. Equilibrium data were fitted into Langmuir and Freundlich equations, and the result reveals that the Freundlich isotherm model fits better than the Langmuir model. Three simplified kinetic models: pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, and intrapartiele diffusion equations were adopted to examine the mechanism of the adsorption process, and the pseudo-second-order kinetic model proved to be the best in describing the adsorption data. The thermodynamic parameters of the adsorption process were estimated, showing that the adsorption of 2,4-DCP was exothermic and spontaneous, and the adsorption studied in this paper can be assigned to a physisorption mechanism. 展开更多
Design of an optimal active stabilizer mechanism for enhancing vehicle rolling resistance 被引量:6
作者 Yaghoub Pourasad Mehdi Mahmoodi-k Majid Oveisi 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1142-1151,共10页
Improving rollover and stability of the vehicles is the indispensable part of automotive research to prevent vehicle rollover and crashes.The main objective of this work is to develop active control mechanism based on... Improving rollover and stability of the vehicles is the indispensable part of automotive research to prevent vehicle rollover and crashes.The main objective of this work is to develop active control mechanism based on fuzzy logic controller(FLC) and linear quadratic regulator(LQR) for improving vehicle path following,roll and handling performances simultaneously.3-DOF vehicle model including yaw rate,lateral velocity(lateral dynamic) and roll angle(roll dynamic) were developed.The controller produces optimal moment to increase stability and roll margin of vehicle by receiving the steering angle as an input and vehicle variables as a feedback signal.The effectiveness of proposed controller and vehicle model were evaluated during fishhook and single lane-change maneuvers.Simulation results demonstrate that in both cases(FLC and LQR controllers) by reducing roll angle,lateral acceleration and side slip angles remain under 0.6g and 4° during maneuver,which ensures vehicle stability and handling properties.Finally,the sensitivity and robustness analysis of developed controller for varying longitudinal speeds were investigated. 展开更多
关键词 vehicle dynamics ROLLOVER HANDLING FLC LQR
A Structure-properties Study of MDI-based Hydrophilic Polyether-polyester Polyurethane 被引量:1
作者 权衡 顾振亚 吴穗生 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第4期408-412,共5页
A series of segmented polyether-polyester polyurethane with amorphous hydrophilic soft segment domains were prepared from 4,4'- diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI), polybutylene adipate (Glycol) 2000 (PBA2000), and... A series of segmented polyether-polyester polyurethane with amorphous hydrophilic soft segment domains were prepared from 4,4'- diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI), polybutylene adipate (Glycol) 2000 (PBA2000), and polyethylene glycol 1000 (PEG1000), with 1,4-butanediol (BDO) as the chain extender. Furthermore, several representative properties of the polyurethanes, such as moisture permeability, water resistance, hydrophilic property, and phase inversion temperature, were investigated. The studies show that the structure and concentration of soft segment have a remarkable effect on the main application properties of polyurethane. On the contrary, the functional properties of the polyurethane are almost not affected by its hard segment. 展开更多
关键词 hydrophilic polyurethane POLYETHER polyester structure property
Design of observer-based discrete repetitive-control system based on 2D model
作者 王昭鸿 易灵芝 +1 位作者 兰永红 陈才学 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第11期4236-4243,共8页
A discrete observer-based repetitive control(RC) design method for a linear system with uncertainties was presented based on two-dimensional(2D) system theory. Firstly, a 2D discrete model was established to describe ... A discrete observer-based repetitive control(RC) design method for a linear system with uncertainties was presented based on two-dimensional(2D) system theory. Firstly, a 2D discrete model was established to describe both the control behavior within a repetition period and the learning process taking place between periods. Next, by converting the designing problem of repetitive controller into one of the feedback gains of reconstructed variables, the stable condition was obtained through linear matrix inequality(LMI) and also the gain coefficient of repetitive system. Numerical simulation shows an exceptional feasibility of this proposal with remarkable robustness and tracking speed. 展开更多
关键词 state observer two-dimensional discrete system repetitive control linear matrix inequality
Active control of supersonic/hypersonic aeroelastic flutter for a two-dimensional airfoil with flap 被引量:4
作者 ZHAO Na 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第8期1943-1953,共11页
The flutter, post-flutter and active control of a two-dimensional airfoil with control surface operating in supersonic/hypersonic flight speed regions are investigated in this paper. A three-degree-of-freedom dynamic ... The flutter, post-flutter and active control of a two-dimensional airfoil with control surface operating in supersonic/hypersonic flight speed regions are investigated in this paper. A three-degree-of-freedom dynamic model is established, in which both the cubic nonlinear structural stiffness and the nonlinear aerodynamic load are accounted for. The third order Piston Theory is employed to derive the aerodynamic loads in the supersonic/hypersonic airflow. Nonlinear flutter happens with a phenomenon of limit cycle oscillations (LCOs) when the flight speed is less than or greater than linear critical speed. The LQR approach is employed to design a control law to increase both the linear and nonlinear critical speeds of aerodynamic flutter, and then a combined control law is proposed in order to reduce the amplitude of LCOs by adding a cubic nonlinear feedback control. The dynamic responses of the controlled system are given and used to compare with those of the uncontrolled system. Results of simulation show that the active flutter control method proposed here is effective. 展开更多
关键词 flutter/post flutter active control supersonic/hypersonic flow 2-D airfoil NONLINEARITY
Application of Support Vector Machine to Ship Steering 被引量:3
作者 罗伟林 邹早建 李铁山 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2009年第4期462-466,共5页
System identification is an effective way for modeling ship manoeuvring motion and ship manoeuvrability prediction. Support vector machine is proposed to identify the manoeuvring indices in four different response mod... System identification is an effective way for modeling ship manoeuvring motion and ship manoeuvrability prediction. Support vector machine is proposed to identify the manoeuvring indices in four different response models of ship steering motion, including the first order linear, the first order nonlinear, the second order linear and the second order nonlinear models. Predictions of manoeuvres including trained samples by using the identified parameters are compared with the results of free-running model tests. It is discussed that the different four categories are consistent with each other both analytically and numerically. The generalization of the identified model is verified by predicting different untrained manoeuvres. The simulations and comparisons demonstrate the validity of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 ship steering parameter identification response model support vector machine
作者 CHEN XIRU The Graduate School at Beijing, University of Science and Technology of China, Beijing 100039, China. 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2001年第4期471-474,共4页
It is well known that when the random errors are iid. with finite variance, the week and the strong consiStency of LS estimate of multiple regression coefficients are equivalent. This note, by constructing a counter-e... It is well known that when the random errors are iid. with finite variance, the week and the strong consiStency of LS estimate of multiple regression coefficients are equivalent. This note, by constructing a counter-example, shows that this equivalence no longer holds true in case that the random errors possess only the r-th moment with 1≤5 T < 2. 展开更多
关键词 Linear regression model CONSISTENCY LS estimate
Active steering control strategy for articulated vehicles 被引量:7
作者 Kyong-il KIM Hsin GUAN +2 位作者 Bo WANG Rui GUO Fan LIANG 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第6期576-586,共11页
To improve maneuverability and stability of articulated vehicles, we design an active steering controller, including tractor and trailer controllers, based on linear quadratic regulator(LQR) theory. First, a three-deg... To improve maneuverability and stability of articulated vehicles, we design an active steering controller, including tractor and trailer controllers, based on linear quadratic regulator(LQR) theory. First, a three-degree-of-freedom(3-DOF) model of the tractor-trailer with steered trailer axles is built. The simulated annealing particle swarm optimization(SAPSO) algorithm is applied to identify the key parameters of the model under specified vehicle speed and steering wheel angle. Thus, the key parameters of the simplified model can be obtained according to the vehicle conditions using an online look-up table and interpolation. Simulation results show that vehicle parameter outputs of the simplified model and Truck Sim agree well, thus providing the ideal reference yaw rate for the controller. Then the active steering controller of the tractor and trailer based on LQR is designed to follow the desired yaw rate and minimize their side-slip angle of the center of gravity(CG) at the same time. Finally, simulation tests at both low speed and high speed are conducted based on the Truck Sim-Simulink program. The results show significant effects on the active steering controller on improving maneuverability at low speed and lateral stability at high speed for the articulated vehicle. The control strategy is applicable for steering not only along gentle curves but also along sharp curves. 展开更多
关键词 Articulated vehicle Sharp curve Lateral stability Linear quadratic regulator(LQR)
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