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遵义地区部分主推品种产量及其相关性状分析 被引量:13
作者 毕世敏 舒中兵 申萍 《种子》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期118-120,共3页
运用裂区设计,研究了遵义地区主推品种的产量及其相关性状。结果表明,适当提高玉米生产上推广的密度,有利于产量的提高;通过相关分析,得到相关系数的大小为穗长、行粒数、穗行数、穗上叶、秃尖、穗粗、穗位高、千粒重、茎粗、株高;通径... 运用裂区设计,研究了遵义地区主推品种的产量及其相关性状。结果表明,适当提高玉米生产上推广的密度,有利于产量的提高;通过相关分析,得到相关系数的大小为穗长、行粒数、穗行数、穗上叶、秃尖、穗粗、穗位高、千粒重、茎粗、株高;通径分析得到直接通径系数的大小顺序为穗行数、行粒数、穗位高、株高、穗长、千粒重、穗粗、秃尖、穗上叶、茎粗。综合考虑:适当增加密度并兼顾其他农艺性状是提高遵义地区玉米产量的有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 性产量 农艺 相关分析 通径分析
禾豆组合与间作方式对牧草产量及产量稳定性的影响 被引量:32
作者 张永亮 张丽娟 +1 位作者 于铁峰 潘东 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期1410-1418,共9页
本文以三种禾草与紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)混播草地为研究对象,探究了禾豆种类组成和间作方式对禾豆产量、产量稳定性、产量可持续性和土地当量的影响。结果表明:禾豆组合对禾草产量及禾豆总产量影响显著,而对苜蓿产量影响不显著;间... 本文以三种禾草与紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)混播草地为研究对象,探究了禾豆种类组成和间作方式对禾豆产量、产量稳定性、产量可持续性和土地当量的影响。结果表明:禾豆组合对禾草产量及禾豆总产量影响显著,而对苜蓿产量影响不显著;间作方式对禾草、苜蓿及禾豆产量、产量稳定性、产量可持续性和土地当量均有显著影响;苜蓿-无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis)组合禾草产量、禾豆总产量、禾草产量比和产量稳定性显著高于苜蓿-垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)组合;苜蓿-虉草(Phalaris.arundinacea)组合产量可持续指数显著高于苜蓿-无芒雀麦和苜蓿-垂穗披碱草组合;豆禾1∶1处理苜蓿产量、禾豆总产量显著高于其他处理,但禾草产量比较低(14.67%);豆禾1∶2处理禾草产量及禾草产量比(26.02%)极显著高于1∶1和2∶1处理,但禾豆总产量最低。在本试验条件下,苜蓿-无芒雀麦或苜蓿-虉草2∶2混播组合比较适宜。 展开更多
关键词 禾豆组合 间作方式 牧草产量 产量时间稳定 可持性产量指数 土地当量比
旱作高产田产量波动性和土壤干燥化 被引量:89
作者 李玉山 《土壤学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期353-356,共4页
根据旱地作物长期田间试验数据 ,论述了旱作农业生产中作物产量波动性是一个规律性现象 ,并用波动系数加以表述。研究结果表明旱作高产田与低产田相比 ,存在相似的产量波动性 ,区别是它在较高产量水平上波动。高产田作物耗水量较高 ,从... 根据旱地作物长期田间试验数据 ,论述了旱作农业生产中作物产量波动性是一个规律性现象 ,并用波动系数加以表述。研究结果表明旱作高产田与低产田相比 ,存在相似的产量波动性 ,区别是它在较高产量水平上波动。高产田作物耗水量较高 ,从而导致土壤相对干燥化。土壤干燥化是高产田产量产生波动性的直接原因 ;而低产田则因作物吸水能力低 。 展开更多
关键词 旱地作物 产量波动 干燥过程 高产田 土壤储水 水土保持
黄土塬区旱作农田高生产力的水分环境效应与产量波动性 被引量:9
作者 董翠云 黄明斌 李玉山 《土壤与环境》 CSCD 2000年第3期204-206,共3页
以长武生态站水肥产量效应的长期定位试验资料为基础,结合模型预测的分析方法,揭示出黄土高原旱作塬区高产农田的水分环境效应在于过度消耗土壤水库,降低土壤含水量,使作物生长转而过度依靠年度降水,出现年际产量的高波动性。指出... 以长武生态站水肥产量效应的长期定位试验资料为基础,结合模型预测的分析方法,揭示出黄土高原旱作塬区高产农田的水分环境效应在于过度消耗土壤水库,降低土壤含水量,使作物生长转而过度依靠年度降水,出现年际产量的高波动性。指出旱作高产高波动性具有可持续性,它是当前旱作农业的基本特点。 展开更多
关键词 黄土高原 旱作农业 水分环境效应 产量波动
不同收获指数型水稻品种产量构成整齐性及生育后期光合特性的差异性分析 被引量:7
作者 钟蕾 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期627-634,共8页
对比分析了不同收获指数型水稻品种粤香占、长丝占、粤秀占和五星丝苗1号产量构成因子的整齐度及生育后期光合特性的差异性,结果表明:不同收获指数型品种农艺性状各指标既存在品种间差异性,也有株间的差异性,更有单茎穗间的差异性,即其... 对比分析了不同收获指数型水稻品种粤香占、长丝占、粤秀占和五星丝苗1号产量构成因子的整齐度及生育后期光合特性的差异性,结果表明:不同收获指数型品种农艺性状各指标既存在品种间差异性,也有株间的差异性,更有单茎穗间的差异性,即其整齐度不同;高收获指数型品种单株之间与单株内单茎穗间收获指数整齐度均高于低收获指数型品种;高收获指数型品种单株之间有效穗数、总粒数、实粒数、结实率、实粒质量、秆质量、千粒质量的变异系数及极差总体上低于低收获指数型品种,其单株内不同茎蘖间株高、穗长、总粒数、实粒数、结实率、实粒质量、秆质量、千粒质量的变异系数及极差总体上也低于低收获指数型品种;不同收获指数型品种之间抽穗后20 d、30 d光合速率差异不显著;高收获指数型品种抽穗当天至30 d剑叶SPAD值均高于低收获指数品种,且下降更为缓慢;高收获指数型品种抽穗后20 d剑叶温度均低于低收获指数品种,抽穗后30 d则高于低收获指数品种;高收获指数型品种抽穗后20 d气叶温差低于低收获指数品种,抽穗后30 d则高于低收获指数品种;株高、穗长、单穗总粒数、单穗实粒数、千粒质量、单穗实粒质量、单茎秆质量、着粒密度、单株总粒数、单株有效穗数等农艺指标的变异系数与收获指数间均呈现负相关,其中单茎秆重的穗间变异系数与收获指数间呈现极显著负相关(-0.942 7*),表明上述农艺指标整齐度高有利于提高水稻品种的收获指数。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 不同收获指数型品种 产量构成整齐 光合特 叶温 气叶温差
应用AMMI模型评价烤烟品种产量适宜性 被引量:15
作者 查宏波 黄韡 +7 位作者 胡启贤 黄跃辉 王崇玉 方再龙 周芸 石建兴 赵声春 郑丽华 《中国烟草学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期17-20,共4页
利用AMMI模型对2010年昭通烟区8个烤烟品种区域试验的产量性状进行统计分析,结果表明:在8个参试品种中,各品种产量的基因型(品种)效应、环境效应和基因型(品种)×环境互作效应均达极显著水平。云烟97平均产量最高,PVH19平均产量最低... 利用AMMI模型对2010年昭通烟区8个烤烟品种区域试验的产量性状进行统计分析,结果表明:在8个参试品种中,各品种产量的基因型(品种)效应、环境效应和基因型(品种)×环境互作效应均达极显著水平。云烟97平均产量最高,PVH19平均产量最低,丰产性表现顺序为:云烟97>云烟99>云烟203>云烟87>KRK26>K326>红花大金元>PVH19;稳定性表现顺序为:云烟99>K326>云烟97>云烟203>云烟87>KRK26>PVH19>红花大金元;在参试地点环境范围内,品种云烟97和云烟99表现较佳,模型分析结果与各品种实际表现情况一致。 展开更多
关键词 AMMI模型 烤烟 品种 产量适宜
作者 刘义华 周光凡 +3 位作者 范永红 彭福英 李娟 张建红 《西南园艺》 2005年第B05期68-69,86,共3页
初步研究了6个茎瘤芥代表品种产量生境敏感性及其与主要性状的关系。结果表明:(1)不同品种,产量生境敏感性不同;据此,将茎瘤芥品种分为生境敏感型品种、生境弱感型品种和生境钝感型品种。参试品种中,涪丰14和巴中羊角属生境钝感型... 初步研究了6个茎瘤芥代表品种产量生境敏感性及其与主要性状的关系。结果表明:(1)不同品种,产量生境敏感性不同;据此,将茎瘤芥品种分为生境敏感型品种、生境弱感型品种和生境钝感型品种。参试品种中,涪丰14和巴中羊角属生境钝感型;半碎叶、蔺市草腰子和涪杂一号属生境弱感型;永安小叶属生境敏感型。(2)产量生境敏感性指数SI(SI愈小,品种对生境反应愈敏感)与Ⅰ(8月20日播种)、Ⅱ(8月30日播种)期瘤茎纵径,与Ⅱ、Ⅲ(9月9日播种)期茎/叶比呈显著或极显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.848*、-0.835*、-0.872*、-0.925**。初步提出在涪陵地区8月20日至8月30日播种的瘤茎纵径和8月30日至9月9日播种的茎/叶比可作为茎瘤芥产量生境敏感性评价的重要指示性状。 展开更多
关键词 茎瘤芥 产量生境敏感 榨菜 瘤茎纵径 茎/叶比
几个陆地棉新种质产量性状遗传力、配合力研究 被引量:3
作者 范万发 景忆莲 刘耀斌 《陕西农业科学》 北大核心 1996年第1期15-17,共3页
试验以3个抗病品种(系)为母本,4个引进品种(系)为父本进行不完全双列杂支,研究所选试材5个产量性状的遗传情况。结果表明,7个材料5个产量性状的一般配合力比其特殊配合力重要;一般配合力高的性状表明亲本基因的加性效应占... 试验以3个抗病品种(系)为母本,4个引进品种(系)为父本进行不完全双列杂支,研究所选试材5个产量性状的遗传情况。结果表明,7个材料5个产量性状的一般配合力比其特殊配合力重要;一般配合力高的性状表明亲本基因的加性效应占优势,可有效地传递给后代;5个产量性状中,衣分和铃重遗传力较高,单株皮棉产量和单株籽棉产量遗传力中等,单株铃数遗传力较低。 展开更多
关键词 陆地棉 产量 遗传力 配合力 棉花
GGE双标图在我国旱地春小麦稳产性分析中的应用 被引量:71
作者 常磊 柴守玺 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期988-994,共7页
GGE双标图法是研究基因型与环境互作以及不同环境下作物品种产量稳定性的新型有力工具。对2005年由17个试点、9个新品种(系)组成的国家旱地春小麦区域试验的产量资料进行方差分析和GGE分析表明:在我国旱地春小麦产区的大环境尺度下,品... GGE双标图法是研究基因型与环境互作以及不同环境下作物品种产量稳定性的新型有力工具。对2005年由17个试点、9个新品种(系)组成的国家旱地春小麦区域试验的产量资料进行方差分析和GGE分析表明:在我国旱地春小麦产区的大环境尺度下,品种与环境互作效应对产量变异的影响约为品种效应的5.37倍,品种间的稳产性差异很大,丰产性、稳产性均较理想的品种只占供试品种的11%,但有些品种对某些环境具有特殊适应性。17个试点可划分为3个类型区,其中在黄土高原中部旱作区表现最好的品种是"8821-1-1"和"陇春9143",在青藏高原寒旱区和华北旱作区表现最好的品种分别是"青春193"和"乌麦7号"。从环境代表性和对品种鉴别能力两方面分析,较理想的试点为甘肃省榆中县和青海省互助县。在7个环境因子中,生育期的降雨量与产量关系最为密切。 展开更多
关键词 春小麦 旱地 区域试验 GGE双标图 基因型×环境交互作用 产量稳产 丰产 品种适应
自然灾害影响黑龙江垦区粮食生产波动性的分析及评价 被引量:1
作者 张斌 《统计与咨询》 2013年第3期11-12,共2页
自然灾害是影响粮食产量的最直接因素,运用黑龙江垦区1983-2012年的粮食产量和自然灾害数据,分析垦区近30年来自然灾害与粮食产量变化情况,并利用统计分析软件SPSS19.0对数据进行相关性分析,结果表明:粮食产量与成灾面积成显著负相关,... 自然灾害是影响粮食产量的最直接因素,运用黑龙江垦区1983-2012年的粮食产量和自然灾害数据,分析垦区近30年来自然灾害与粮食产量变化情况,并利用统计分析软件SPSS19.0对数据进行相关性分析,结果表明:粮食产量与成灾面积成显著负相关,灾害对黑龙江垦区的粮食生产具有明显的制约作用。最后,提出防治自然灾害、增加粮食产量建议。 展开更多
关键词 自然灾害 粮食产量波动 分析评价
县域-市域耕地地力评价结果尺度转换方法及应用研究 被引量:4
作者 张亚丽 周扬 +4 位作者 翟晓艺 郭世界 蔚霖 黄珺嫦 程道全 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期327-331,共5页
针对当前县际耕地地力评价结果不能直接对比汇总、市域评价不能有效利用县级评价成果的难题,以河南省漯河市为例,对县域-市域耕地地力评价结果的尺度转换方法进行研究。在县域耕地地力评价结果与市域耕地地力评价结果一致性分析的基础上... 针对当前县际耕地地力评价结果不能直接对比汇总、市域评价不能有效利用县级评价成果的难题,以河南省漯河市为例,对县域-市域耕地地力评价结果的尺度转换方法进行研究。在县域耕地地力评价结果与市域耕地地力评价结果一致性分析的基础上,提出了基于概念性产量和标准样地县的县域-市域耕地地力评价结果尺度转换方法;实证研究表明现有漯河市各县(区)与市域耕地地力评价结果吻合情况存在差异,其中舞阳县一致性最好;以舞阳县为标准样地县,构建标准样地县耕地地力等级与概念性产量关系表,以此为标准,调整其它县(区)耕地地力等级,生成市域耕地地力评价结果;通过各县(区)粮食概念性产量与调整后耕地地力等级的变差分析验证调整结果的合理性,结果表明各县(区)概念性产量与调整后的地力等级均呈现显著的一致性,表明调整生成的市域评价结果符合实际,提出的尺度转换方法合理可行。 展开更多
关键词 耕地地力评价 尺度转换方法 一致分析 概念性产量 标准样地
Effects of Applying Organic Fertilizer on Rice Lodging Resistance and Yield 被引量:28
作者 邓文 青先国 杨玉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第2期98-101,共4页
[Objective]The aim was to provide a scientific basis for the reasonable application of organic fertilizer to improve lodging resistance and yield of rice.[Method]The application of four different kinds of organic fert... [Objective]The aim was to provide a scientific basis for the reasonable application of organic fertilizer to improve lodging resistance and yield of rice.[Method]The application of four different kinds of organic fertilizer was applied to study their effects on rice lodging resistance and yield of late rice Yuzhengxiang that with high quality.[Result] The effect of applying organic fertilizer for improving rice lodging resistance capability was:biogas residues> chicken manure > rapeseed cake> tobac... 展开更多
关键词 RICE Lodging resistance YIELD Organic fertilizer
Effects of ABA on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Pods and Yield of Brassica napus 被引量:4
作者 李俊 张春雷 +3 位作者 马霓 余利平 晁赢 李玲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第4期760-762,903,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to evaluate the effects of different concentrations of ABA on photosynthetic characteristics of pods and yield of Brassica napus and analyze the relationships between ABA concentration and yiel... [Objective] The aim was to evaluate the effects of different concentrations of ABA on photosynthetic characteristics of pods and yield of Brassica napus and analyze the relationships between ABA concentration and yield components, to provide theoretical basis for cultivation of high-yield rapeseed. [Method] At the end of flowering stage, the rape plants were separately sprayed with 1, 2, 100 and 200μmol/L of ABA; photosynthetic parameters, water use efficiency (WUE), yield and yield components of the rape plants were investigated 0, 5, 10 and 15 d later, respectively. [Result] ABA treatment with different concentrations significantly changed pod photosynthetic parameters and yield components of rapeseed. Low concentra- tions of ABA could improve pod's net photosynthetic rate and yield components while high concentrations had the contrary effect. [Conclusion] Whether ABA func- tioned in inhibiting or promoting role might depend on the interaction between endogenous hormone levels and exogenous ABA concentration. Improvement of WUE would be the main reason for yield increasing. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus L POD Abscisic acid (ABA) Photosynthetic characteristics YIELD
Effects of Planting Density and Nitrogen Amount on Stalk Lodging-Resistance and Yield of Summer Maize in Sichuan Basin 被引量:6
作者 陈尚洪 陈红琳 +1 位作者 沈学善 刘定辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第10期2147-2151,共5页
[Objective] The experiment was conducted to explore the suitable planting density and nitrogen amount for summer maize in Sichuan Basin with the objective to provide technical reservation and scientific basis for high... [Objective] The experiment was conducted to explore the suitable planting density and nitrogen amount for summer maize in Sichuan Basin with the objective to provide technical reservation and scientific basis for high-yielding cultivation technique.[Method] A widely planted maize cultivar 'Chengdan 30' was used as experimental material to study the effects of planting density and nitrogen amount on the stalk agronomic traits,stalk lodging-resistance mechanical characters,stalk breaking percentage and yield of maize.Experiment was arranged in a two-factor split plot design with three replicates.The planting density was the main factor with three density gradients(4.5×10^4,6.0×10^4 and 7.5×10^4 plants/hm^2) and the nitrogen amount was the second factor with two different levels of nitrogen content(300 and 375 kg/hm^2).[Result] The stalk lodging-resistance and yield were affected by planting density significantly.The increase of planting density would result in an increase of internode length and decrease of internode diameter,dry matter weight of per unit stalk length,rind penetration strength and breaking resistance of 3rd and 4th basal internodes.When planting density increased from 6.0×10^4 plants/hm2 to 7.5×10^4 plants/hm^2,the stalk breaking percentage in the whole growing season increased by 17.17%,and the yield reduced by 17.58%.The interaction between planting density and nitrogen amount affected the stalk breaking percentage in the whole growing season and yield significantly.The treatment with planting density of 6.0×104 plants/hm^2 and nitrogen amount of 375 kg/hm^2 of pure N was an optimal combination,which may not only control the stalk breaking percentage of whole growing stage effectively,but also could obtain an optimum grain yield.[Conclusion] In Sichuan Basin,the appropriate planting density and nitrogen amount for summer maize were 6.0×10^4 plants/hm^2 and 375 kg/hm^2. 展开更多
关键词 Summer maize Planting density Nitrogen amount Stalk lodging resistance YIELD
Relationship between Grain Yield and Yield Components of Various Rice Cultivars 被引量:3
作者 姜心禄 吴茂力 +2 位作者 池忠志 李旭毅 郑家国 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第5期984-989,共6页
[Objective] The relationship between grain yield and yield components was investigated in .different rice cultivars at the target yield of 10.5-11.25 t/hm2, to provide theoretical basis for cultivation of high-yield r... [Objective] The relationship between grain yield and yield components was investigated in .different rice cultivars at the target yield of 10.5-11.25 t/hm2, to provide theoretical basis for cultivation of high-yield rice. [Method] The yield performance of various super rice and non-super rice cultivars that were cultivated in large area in Sichuan Chengdu was studied under high-yielding cultivation conditions from 2006 to 2008. [Result] The rice yield was closely correlated with the productive panicle number, grain number per panicle, seed setting rate and 1 000-grain weight. The four yield components showed different influences on the yield of different rice culti- vars. By adopting the high yielding cultivation technology (that the seedlings were planted in a triangle shape) at the target yield of 10.5-11.25 t/hm~, we found that the rice yield of super rice cultivars was closely correlated with productive panicle number and 1 000-grain weight, negatively correlated with grain number per panicle, and significantly negatively correlated with seed setting rate; the grain yield of non- super rice cultivars was negatively correlated with grain number per panicle and seed setting rate, and significantly negatively correlated with the productive panicle number and 1 000-grain weight. [Conclusion] The results revealed the relationship between grain yield and yield components in different rice cultivars, which provided references for developing reasonable cultivation measures and thus to improve the yield of super rice in large acreage. 展开更多
关键词 Super rice Yield components Sink potential Panicle traits Yield stability
Effects of Plastic Film Mulching on Physical Characters of Soil and Yield and Yield Components of Sweet Potato 被引量:5
作者 张超凡 黄艳岚 +2 位作者 周虹 张亚 张道微 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第11期2379-2385,2393,共8页
Field experiments were carried out to study the effects of plastic film mulching on soil physical characters, including soil temperature, soil moisture content and soil bulk density, and yield and yield components of ... Field experiments were carried out to study the effects of plastic film mulching on soil physical characters, including soil temperature, soil moisture content and soil bulk density, and yield and yield components of sweet potato. The results showed that plastic filming mulching increased soil temperature. Considering the soil temperature-increasing effect, the treatments ranked as black plastic film treatment 〉 white plastic film treatment 〉 control. However, with the deepening of soil layer, the warming effect of plastic film mulching was weakened. Black or white plastic film mulching was conducive to low T/R value, especially in the early growth stage of sweet potato. Plastic film mulching significantly improved the storage root yield of sweet potato. In terms of yield-improving effect, the treatments ranked as black plastic film treatment 〉 white plastic film treatment 〉 control. The storage root num- ber per plant showed a downward trend, but the weight of single storage root was increased. 展开更多
关键词 Plastic film mulching Sweet potato Soil physical characters YIELD Growth and development
Analysis of Correlation between Yield and Quality Traits of Quality Hybrid Rapeseed 被引量:3
作者 高志宏 赵继献 +1 位作者 任廷波 程国平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第12期1737-1741,1771,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the correlation between yield and quality traits of rape. [Method] Taking "Sanbei 98" and "Youyan 599" as ex- periment materials, correlation between yield and quality t... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the correlation between yield and quality traits of rape. [Method] Taking "Sanbei 98" and "Youyan 599" as ex- periment materials, correlation between yield and quality traits of Brassica napus L. cultivars was explored by orthogonal rotation method. [Result] The results showed that: 1 In both the two varieties-Sanbei98 and Youyan599, erucic acid content had the largest coefficient of variation, but its average content was lower than 2% in both the two varieties (0.90% in Sanbei98 and 1.24% in Youyan599), and the palmitic acid content had the smallest coefficient of variation. 2 In terms of the dif- ferences in quality traits at different yield levels, only the mean of eicosenoic acid content revealed significant difference in Sanbei98, and only the mean of seed-pro- tein content revealed significant difference in Youyan599, and there was no signifi- cant difference in any combined quality traits in both the two varieties. 3 The yield was negatively correlated with the erucic acid content or oil content, and posi- tively correlated with the content of seed-protein, linoleic acid, or linolenic acid, and the coefficient of correlation between the yield and either of the contents of glucosi- nolates, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and eicosenoic acid was smaller. ~, when the yield of a variety increased considerably, there was a certain decreasing trend in erucic acid content, oil content, the total amount of erucic chain fatty acids (El & Er), while there was an increasing trend in seed-protein content, linoleic acid content, linolenic acid content, saturated fatty acids (SFA), the total amount of fat and protein (P & F), unsaturation index (IUFA), unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), the total amount of 18 carbon fatty acids (18-C FA), unsaturated fatty acids [UFA/(Ei & Er) ], and the sum of oleic acid and linoleic acid (OI & Li). 5 When the seed-pro- tein content is increased, the quality of rape oil cake is also improved; when the unsaturated index is increased, the oil stability is decreased. The increase in the total amount of unsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid and linoleic acid helps to increase in the total amount of fatty acids absorbed by human bodies. [Conclusion] This study provides a theoretical foundation for the cultivation of high-yielding and top- quality hybrid rape cultivars. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus L. rape cultivars Top-quality hybrid rape Quality traits YIELD Correlation analysis
Analysis of Yield and Disease Resistance Traits of New Winter Rapeseed Varieties over the Past Twenty Years in China 被引量:8
作者 祝利霞 张冬晓 +2 位作者 傅廷栋 沈金雄 文静 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第6期842-846,共5页
Based on the results of the national regional trail for winter rapeseed in four groups,including the upper reaches,middle reaches and lower reaches of Yangtze River and Huang-Huai region in the past twenty years,new v... Based on the results of the national regional trail for winter rapeseed in four groups,including the upper reaches,middle reaches and lower reaches of Yangtze River and Huang-Huai region in the past twenty years,new varieties of winter rapeseed showed upward trend in average yield,the yield level in Huang-huai group was higher than other groups.The changes of average effective pods per plant were not significant in any group,but the number of grain per pod and 1 000-grain weight showed increase trend.However,the increment of grains per pod in three Yangtze River groups was higher than that in Huang-Huai River group,while the increment of 1 000-grain weight was just opposite.The incidence rate of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and viral disease in new varieties of winter rapeseed obviously decreased,and the incidence rate of S.sclerotiorum decreased lower than 5%.Genetic improvement for winter rapeseed should be focus on the number of grain per pod and 1 000-grain weight in the future,and yield level of new varieties in all four groups is expected to increase. 展开更多
关键词 Winter rapeseed New variety Yield trait Disease resistance trait
Effects of Vermicompost on Agronomic Characters and Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco 被引量:2
作者 黄德文 戴林建 +1 位作者 钟军 戴彬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1345-1348,共4页
The effects of vermicompost on the agronomic characters and yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco were investigated. The results showed that, the field growth periods of various treatments were 117-118 d, 1-2 days l... The effects of vermicompost on the agronomic characters and yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco were investigated. The results showed that, the field growth periods of various treatments were 117-118 d, 1-2 days longer than that of the CK. The numbers of effective leaves of the treatments applied with vermicompost were 0.1-0.3 leaf more than the CK. The highest yield and the highest proportion of high-grade tobacco occurred in treatment 3 as 2 095.5 kg/m^2 and 49%, respectively, which were higher than those in the CK by 6.58 kg and 5.3%. In conclusion, the treatment with the application of vermicompost at 7 500-10 500 kg/hm^2 was the best. 展开更多
关键词 VERMICOMPOST Flue-cured tobacco Agronomic characters Yield and quality
Effects of Irrigation Quantity and Term on Waterconsumption and Yield of Winter Wheat by Wide Precision Sowing 被引量:1
作者 董浩 夏光利 +2 位作者 鞠正春 董庆裕 陈靖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第9期2051-2054,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to research effects of irrigation quantity and term on winter wheat by wide precision sowing and to provide references and technical supports for water-saving agriculture in North China. [Methe... [Objective] The aim was to research effects of irrigation quantity and term on winter wheat by wide precision sowing and to provide references and technical supports for water-saving agriculture in North China. [Methed] During 2013-2015, Jimai 22, a winter wheat cultivar, was taken as materials to explore effects of irrigation quantity and term on water consumption characters and yield of winter wheat by wide precision sowing. [Result] As irrigation water increased, water consumption and irrigation water's proportions were growing, but quantity and proportion of soil water consumption were both diminishing; seed yields all kept increasing upon irrigation, but water use efficiencies were decreasing. Given the same irrigation conditions, water consumption by wide precision sowing was more, but yield and water use efficiency were higher. [Conclusion] The practice of combining wide precision sowing and irrigation in jointing and flowering stages, based on yield, water use efficiency and economic profits, has the potential to create more yields and higher water use efficiency and suitable to be applied and promtoed in North China. 展开更多
关键词 Winter wheat IRRIGATION Wide precision sowing Water-consumption character YIELD
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