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作者 周绍真 虞文斌 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2014年第4期15-16,共2页
目的探讨性病检测中荧光定量PCR(FQ-PCR)法检测效果研究。方法选择行性传播病检测的患者190例和健康体检者40例,采用FQ-PCR方法,将其检测结果与其他方法检测结果进行比较,就临床资料行回顾性分析。结果所有标本均采用培养法、常规PCR和F... 目的探讨性病检测中荧光定量PCR(FQ-PCR)法检测效果研究。方法选择行性传播病检测的患者190例和健康体检者40例,采用FQ-PCR方法,将其检测结果与其他方法检测结果进行比较,就临床资料行回顾性分析。结果所有标本均采用培养法、常规PCR和FQ-PCR进行UU、CT、NG检测,健康体检者40例均为阴性。患者190例3种检测结果分别为:培养法:UU 77例、CT 54例、NG79例;常规PCR:UU 78例、CT 58例、NG81例;FQ-PCR:UU 87例、CT 67例、NG91例。FQ-PCR优于培养法和常规PCR检测法,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。FQ-PCR法对UU、CT、NG的检测特异性、灵敏度、阳性和阴性预期值均显著高于培养法和常规PCR检测法,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论与培养法和常规PCR法比较,FQ-PCR法克服了其缺点,在性病检测中可达到较低污染、高精确性、特异性、灵敏度的特点,在实验室诊断中具有重要的价值。 展开更多
关键词 荧光定量PCR 性传播病检测 临床结果 分析
A Preliminary Study of The Value of Quantitative Testing of TP-DNA In The Treatment of Patients with Syphilis
作者 曹育春 徐祖森 +1 位作者 陈兴平 万沐芬 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2002年第1期19-22,共4页
Objectives: To explore the relationship betweenquantitative Treponema pallidum DNA (TP-DNA) PCR testingand the Toludine Red Unheated Serum Test (TRUST) inpatients with syphilis before and after treatment, and evaluate... Objectives: To explore the relationship betweenquantitative Treponema pallidum DNA (TP-DNA) PCR testingand the Toludine Red Unheated Serum Test (TRUST) inpatients with syphilis before and after treatment, and evaluatethe clinical value of quantitative TP-DNA testing in thediagnosis and treatment evaluation of syphilis. Methods: 29 patients with primary (12 cases) or secondary(17 cases) syphilis, who met the criteria set for this study wererecruited as subjects. All patients were treated with 2.4 millionunits benzathine penicillin IM weekly for 3 weeks.Quantitative tests of TP-DNA in the patients' plasma wereperformed using FQ-PCR before and after the treatment.Serologic tests including TRUST and TPPA were alsoperformed. Results: Before the treatment, 9 out of 12 primary syphilispatients (75%) and all secondary syphilis patients (17/17)tested positive for Treponema pallidum (TP) by TP-DNAtesting. The average quantitative test values of TP-DNA inprimary and secondary syphilis patients were (3.38±2.34)×10~4and (5.73±1.33)×10~6 copies/ml, respectively. After threemonths of treatment, 1 of the 9 primary and 5 out of 17secondary syphilis patients were positive upon TP-DNAtesting, respectively. The average quantities of TP-DNA were2.01×10~2 copies/ml in primary and 5.87×10~2 copies/ml insecondary syphilis patients with positive TRUST and TP-DNAtests, and 3.09×10~2 copies/ml for those with negative TRUSTrespectively. After nine months of treatment, all the primaryand secondary syphilis patients were negative upon TP-DNAtesting, while all primary and 14 of 17 (82.35%) secondarysyphilis patients showed negative TRUST results. Conclusion: That the results of TP-DNA tests are notconsistent with those or TRUST before and after treatmentindicates that quantitative TP-DNA testing may have valuableclinical significance in the early diagnosis and evaluation oftreatment regimens for syphilis. 展开更多
关键词 SYPHILIS TREATMENT Quantitative detection TP-DNA
Vidas CHL Assay in the Detection of Urogenital Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection
作者 黄澍杰 程文海 +4 位作者 吴志周 柯建良 黄东辉 谢礼豪 谭仲楷 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2002年第2期32-36,共5页
Objectives: To evaluate the Vidas Chlamydia (CHL) assayfor detecting C.Trachomatis with swabs and first catch urine(FCU) specimens from STD patients and high riskpopulations. Methods: A total of 383 pahents were teste... Objectives: To evaluate the Vidas Chlamydia (CHL) assayfor detecting C.Trachomatis with swabs and first catch urine(FCU) specimens from STD patients and high riskpopulations. Methods: A total of 383 pahents were tested with tissueculture (TC), Vidas CHL and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)for C.trachomatis on male and female swabs, with Vidas CHLtesting male FCU specimens. CHL positive and equivocalresults were confirmed with a blocking assay (CHB). Truepositive were defined as either TC positive, or TC negtive butCHL and PCR positive. The performance of TC, CHL andPCR were evaluated according to this expanded goldstandard. Results: Compared with the expanded gold standard, 54 ofthe 232 male specimens were true positive results. For maleswabs, TC, CHL and PCR had sensitivities of 90.7%, 96.3%and 94.4%, and specificities of 100%, 98.3% and 97.2%,respectively. Differences were not statistically significant. Formale FCU specimens, CHL sensitivity and specificity were83.3% and 98.3%; there was little difference between theseresults and that of matched swabs. Compared with theexpanded gold standard, 28 of the 151 female swabs were truepositive; TC, CHL and PCR had sensitivities of 82.1%, 100%and 96.4%, and specificities of 100%, 98.4% and 97.6%,respectively. The difference was also not significant. Conclusions: Vidas CHL assay is very scnsitive and specificfor C.trachomatis detection with swab specimens of male andfemale STD patients. For male FCU specimens, the assay alsohad high sensitivity and specificity. CHB may not be needed inthe routine detection or Chlamydia infections. Populationswith higher incidence of C.trachomatis infection. 展开更多
关键词 Chlamydia trachomatis Vidas Chlamydia UROGENITAL SYSTEM ASSAY
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