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老年卫生保健性肺炎多重耐药菌感染相关因素 被引量:9
作者 谢朝云 覃家露 +4 位作者 熊芸 孙静 杨怀 杨忠玲 陈应强 《中国老年学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第21期5207-5209,共3页
目的分析老年卫生保健性肺炎(HCAP)患者多重耐药菌(MDRO)感染的相关因素。方法回顾性分析516例老年HCAP患者的临床资料,比较其中93例MDRO感染患者与423例非MDRO感染患者的差异,并进行多因素Logistic回归分析。结果 516例老年HCAP患者检... 目的分析老年卫生保健性肺炎(HCAP)患者多重耐药菌(MDRO)感染的相关因素。方法回顾性分析516例老年HCAP患者的临床资料,比较其中93例MDRO感染患者与423例非MDRO感染患者的差异,并进行多因素Logistic回归分析。结果 516例老年HCAP患者检出MDRO感染93例,MDRO感染率为21. 99%。单因素分析显示,年龄≥70岁、肺炎严重指数(PSI)分级高、90 d内住院天数≥15 d、入住ICU、30 d内抗菌药物使用时间>7 d、30 d内联用抗菌药物≥3种、30 d内累计使用抗菌药物≥3种7个因素是HCAP患者MDRO感染的危险因素(P<0. 05);多因素分析显示,30 d内联用抗菌药物(≥3种)、90 d内住院天数(≥15 d)、入住ICU、30 d内抗菌药物使用时间(>7 d)、年龄≥70岁5个因素是老年HCAP患者MDRO感染的独立危险因素(P<0. 05)。结论老年HCAP患者MDRO感染主要与环境MDRO定植交叉感染和抗菌药物的不合理应用有关。防控应首先减少不必要住院时间与入住ICU时间,减少MDRO的感染与定植;减少抗菌药物不合理的长期、反复及联合使用,根据微生物检测采取有针对性的抗感染方案。 展开更多
关键词 卫生保健肺炎 多重耐药菌
作者 孙杰 《畜牧兽医科技信息》 2017年第12期75-76,共2页
关键词 卫生保健繁殖障碍 防控
《国外科技资料目录(医药卫生)》 CAS 1997年第2期8-10,共3页
9704257 第27届美国病理学家协会研讨会有关统筹性卫生保健内容的病理学实践:介绍/Elevitch F R//Arch Pathol LabMed.-1995,119(7).-583~585津医图9704258 统筹性卫生保健的回顾/Macleod G K//Arch Pathol Lab Med.-1995,119(7).-575... 9704257 第27届美国病理学家协会研讨会有关统筹性卫生保健内容的病理学实践:介绍/Elevitch F R//Arch Pathol LabMed.-1995,119(7).-583~585津医图9704258 统筹性卫生保健的回顾/Macleod G K//Arch Pathol Lab Med.-1995,119(7).-575~579 展开更多
关键词 性卫生保健 病理学家 医科 卫生事业管理 统筹 妇产科 卫生保健管理 回顾 医疗保健 保健组织
作者 黄根柱 《家庭医学(上半月)》 1998年第1期19-19,共1页
洞房花烛夜,男欢女乐,俩人沉醉在幸福之中。然而,有些青年男女思想幼稚单纯,不重视心理保健和性卫生保健,刚刚跨入新家庭的大门就失去了新婚的欢乐。 性行为是人类繁衍种族的一种生理本能。有许多因素。
关键词 行为 心理保健 性卫生保健 处女膜 新婚 高级中枢神经系统 功能障碍 人类繁衍 妇产科急诊 不孕症
作者 马晓年 《科技潮》 1996年第2期49-49,共1页
性健康意味着人们对人类性生活能采取积极态度,在肉体、情感、精神和社会交往等方面采取积极有益、增进情与爱的交流方式,实现心理、生理和伦理各方面的健康与愉悦。概括起来性健康可以包括以下三个方面: 1.根据社会道德和个人道德准则... 性健康意味着人们对人类性生活能采取积极态度,在肉体、情感、精神和社会交往等方面采取积极有益、增进情与爱的交流方式,实现心理、生理和伦理各方面的健康与愉悦。概括起来性健康可以包括以下三个方面: 1.根据社会道德和个人道德准则具有享受性行为和控制生殖行为的能力; 2.消除能抑制性反应和损害性关系的恐惧、羞耻、罪恶感以及虚伪的信仰和其它心理因素; 3.没有各种性病及妨碍性行为与生殖功能的躯体缺陷。随着人类文化水平的不断提高,随着人们物质生活水平的不断提高,人类的性问题对个人健康的影响远比人们以前所认识的更为深刻和重要。对性的无知和错误观念均会影响人们的生活质量和性健康。 展开更多
关键词 健康 行为 素质教育 积极态度 三个方面 生活质量 社会交往 心理因素 生殖功能 性卫生保健
作者 Halfdan Mahler 孙牧虹 《中国心理卫生杂志》 1988年第6期280-281,共2页
今年4月7日,是世界卫生组织(WHO)成立40周年纪念日,WHO 总部年初建议全年开展纪念活动。为此本刊今年第二期,第三期均刊出有关文章,现应读者要求,继续刊载两篇译文,作为纪念活动的结束。一篇是 WHO 第三届总干事马勒的文章“为健康而战... 今年4月7日,是世界卫生组织(WHO)成立40周年纪念日,WHO 总部年初建议全年开展纪念活动。为此本刊今年第二期,第三期均刊出有关文章,现应读者要求,继续刊载两篇译文,作为纪念活动的结束。一篇是 WHO 第三届总干事马勒的文章“为健康而战”,从历史的大角度,阐述了对卫生工作的基本观点。第二篇,是 WHO 成立宣言,即 WHO 工作的最基本指导原则,都很值得一读。 展开更多
关键词 世界卫生组织 世界卫生大会 性卫生保健 交通事故 卫生工作 美国和苏联 传染病 过度消费 心血管疾病 初级保健
作者 本刊编辑部 《中国性科学》 1996年第4期2-2,共1页
《中国性学》自1992年创刊以来,已度过五个年头。回顾五年历程,我们始终遵循,中国性学会顾问彭瑞聪教授在发刊词中所提:《中国性学》的"宗旨是促进性健康、建设性福祉、导向性文明;坚持严谨、求实、开拓的学风;团结广大性科学专业... 《中国性学》自1992年创刊以来,已度过五个年头。回顾五年历程,我们始终遵循,中国性学会顾问彭瑞聪教授在发刊词中所提:《中国性学》的"宗旨是促进性健康、建设性福祉、导向性文明;坚持严谨、求实、开拓的学风;团结广大性科学专业工作者,积极交流学术研究进展和工作经验,并根据国情,适时、适度、适量、循序渐进地开展性科学知识性道德教育,开展性卫生保健,以繁荣我国性科学研究,保障人民身心健康,促进社会文明和进步"。中国性学会章程明确规定:"以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人、以高尚的精神塑造人、以优秀的作品鼓舞人。 展开更多
关键词 中国 学术研究进展 健康 科学 性卫生保健 道德教育 社会文明 文明 身心健康 科学知识
作者 肖琦 《甘肃教育》 1999年第12期43-44,共2页
关键词 生理 心理 道德 性卫生保健
作者 孝华 《健康生活》 1998年第6期11-12,共2页
和煦的阳光把束束温馨的光芒洒在一条弯弯曲曲的乡间小路上。路边的含羞草盛开着鲜艳的小花,叶子却像少女半遮半露的面孔,羞答答地一开一放。在新婚蜜月里,柳芝却沿着这条小路,步覆蹒跚地向娘家走去。一路上,柳芝脑海里不时闪现出新郎鲁... 和煦的阳光把束束温馨的光芒洒在一条弯弯曲曲的乡间小路上。路边的含羞草盛开着鲜艳的小花,叶子却像少女半遮半露的面孔,羞答答地一开一放。在新婚蜜月里,柳芝却沿着这条小路,步覆蹒跚地向娘家走去。一路上,柳芝脑海里不时闪现出新郎鲁飞,脚步越发感到沉重。是啊,新婚是人生中最响亮的乐章!新婚蜜月,本该甜甜蜜蜜,共享炽热的爱。 展开更多
关键词 生活 尿路感染 蜜月病 性卫生保健 细菌感染 泌尿系感染 蜜月期 乡间小路 新婚夫妇 解剖生理学
《中国.城乡桥》 1996年第3期29-29,共1页
一次性卫生保健香皂浴巾 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对一次性保健用品的产品需求量越来越大,需求越来越高。该产品正是基于这种需求应运而生。该产品集香皂、浴巾于一体,形状如同一张薄纸,使用时遇水膨涨如同毛巾,可以洗浴。因为该产... 一次性卫生保健香皂浴巾 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对一次性保健用品的产品需求量越来越大,需求越来越高。该产品正是基于这种需求应运而生。该产品集香皂、浴巾于一体,形状如同一张薄纸,使用时遇水膨涨如同毛巾,可以洗浴。因为该产品由几种中药材及几种化工原料精制而成。 展开更多
关键词 技术推广 性卫生保健 防盗报警器 保健用品 生活水平的提高 原料精制 技术资料 中药材 产品需求 电话号码
Self-care:A concept analysis 被引量:2
作者 Nicole Martinez Cynthia D.Connelly +1 位作者 Alexa Perez Patricia Calero 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第4期418-425,I0004,共9页
Objectives:There is extensive literature from various disciplines on self-care,an important aspect of nursing intervention via evaluation and education,but its meaning remains unprecise due to the difficulty integrati... Objectives:There is extensive literature from various disciplines on self-care,an important aspect of nursing intervention via evaluation and education,but its meaning remains unprecise due to the difficulty integrating the diverse definitions developed over time across disciplines.Therefore,it is vital to clarify the meaning of self-care and formulate the defining attributes,antecedents,and consequences to self-care.Methods:Walker and Avant’s concept analysis approach was used to analyze the concept of self-care.A search of the literature was completed using the databases CINAHL,PubMed,and EBSCOhost for years 1975e2020;literature search included peer-review articles,full-text publications,and available in English.A total of 31 articles were reviewed,and saturation was reached.Results:An extensive review of the literature revealed salient characteristics that reflected the most frequently used terms associated with the concept.Guided byWalker and Avant’s method,three defining attributes emerged as common themes:awareness,self-control,and self-reliance.Conclusions:A clarified definition was identified:the ability to care for oneself through awareness,selfcontrol,and self-reliance in order to achieve,maintain,or promote optimal health and well-being. 展开更多
关键词 Concept analysis Chronic disease Delivery of health care Nursing theory Self care SELF-CONTROL
作者 王丽娟 王秀才 《陕西纺织》 2006年第4期51-52,共2页
关键词 亚麻 舒适 卫生保健 市场分析 纤维改
作者 王丽娟 王秀才 《纺织服装科技》 2006年第3期12-14,共3页
关键词 亚麻 舒适 卫生保健 市场分析 纤维改
Effects of penehyclidine hydrochloride on rat intestinal barrier function during cardiopulmonary bypass 被引量:35
作者 Ying-Jie Sun Hui-Juan Cao Qiang Jin Yu-Gang Diao Tie-Zheng Zhang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第16期2137-2142,共6页
AIM:To test the ability of penehyclidine hydrochloride (PHC) to attenuate intestinal injury in a rat cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) model.METHODS:Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into six groups (eight eac... AIM:To test the ability of penehyclidine hydrochloride (PHC) to attenuate intestinal injury in a rat cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) model.METHODS:Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into six groups (eight each):sham-operated control;sham-operated low-dose PHC control (0.6 mg/kg);sham-operated high-dose PHC control (2.0 mg/kg);CPB vehicle control;CPB low-dose PHC (0.6 mg/kg);and CPB high-dose PHC (2.0 mg/kg).Blood samples were collected from the femoral artery 2 h after CPB for determination of plasma diamine oxidase (DAO),D-lactate and endotoxin levels.Spleen,liver,mesenteric lymph nodes and lung were removed for biochemical analyses.Intestinal tissue ultrastructure was examined by electron microscopy.RESULTS:In the sham-operated groups,high-and low-dose-PHC had no significant impact on the levels of DAO,D-lactate and endotoxin,or the incidence of intestinal bacterial translocation (BT).Serum levels of DAO,D-lactate,endotoxin and the incidence of intestinal BT were significantly increased in the surgical groups,compared with the sham-operated groups (0.543 ± 0.061,5.697 ± 0.272,14.75 ± 2.46,and 0/40 vs 1.038 ± 0.252,9.377 ± 0.769,60.37 ± 5.63,and 30/40,respectively,all P < 0.05).PHC alleviated the biochemical and histopathological changes in a dosedependent manner.Serum levels of DAO,D-lactate,and endotoxin and the incidence of intestinal BT in the high-dose PHC group were significantly lower than in the low-dose PHC group (0.637 ± 0.064,6.972 ± 0.349,29.64 ± 5.49,and 14/40 vs 0.998 ± 0.062,7.835 ± 0.330,38.56 ± 4.28,and 6/40,respectively,all P < 0.05).CONCLUSION:PHC protects the structure and function of the intestinal mucosa from injury after CPB in rats. 展开更多
关键词 Penehyclidine hydrochloride Intestinal mucosa injury Cardiopulmonary bypass
Therapeutic strategies for pediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A challenge for health care providers 被引量:1
作者 Valerio Nobili Melania Manco 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第18期2639-2641,共3页
Non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH) is related to insulin resistance and, thus, frequently occurs as part of the metabolic changes that accompany obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. In childhood, the overwhelming ... Non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH) is related to insulin resistance and, thus, frequently occurs as part of the metabolic changes that accompany obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. In childhood, the overwhelming boost of obesity and its co-morbidities have lead to the extraordinarily increased prevalence of NASH. Establishing effective therapeutic strategies to treat the disease represents the challenge for hepatologists and gastroenterologists in the next decade. Therapeutic approaches have aimed at treating associated conditions (obesity, insulin resistance, hyperlipemia, etc ) or reducing liver oxidative damage (vitamin E). 展开更多
关键词 Insulin resistance Non-alcoholic fatty liverdisease Non alcoholic steato-Hepatitis Vitamin E Diet THIAZOLIDINEDIONES
In vitro and in vivo models of acute alcohol exposure 被引量:9
作者 Angela Dolganiuc Gyongyi Szabo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第10期1168-1177,共10页
Alcohol abuse is a global problem due to the financial burden on society and the healthcare system. While the harmful health effects of chronic alcohol abuse are well established, more recent data suggest that acute a... Alcohol abuse is a global problem due to the financial burden on society and the healthcare system. While the harmful health effects of chronic alcohol abuse are well established, more recent data suggest that acute alcohol consumption also affects human wellbeing. Thus, there is a need for research models in order to fully understand the effect of acute alcohol abuse on different body systems and organs. The present manuscript summarizes the interdisciplinary advantages and disadvantages of currently available human and non-human models of acute alcohol abuse, and identifi es their suitability for biomedical research. 展开更多
关键词 MODELS Acute alcohol abuse HUMAN Nonhuman PROGRESS
Analysis of functions of government's role in health care reform
作者 Ping Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期83-85,共3页
Since reform and opening, China' s medical system reform has achieved remarkable success, but also brought a lot of problems, such as: hospitals are ill-defined in for-profit and nonprofit, the Office of the Ministr... Since reform and opening, China' s medical system reform has achieved remarkable success, but also brought a lot of problems, such as: hospitals are ill-defined in for-profit and nonprofit, the Office of the Ministry of Health hospitals and managed hospital are also ill- defined, solving our health care reform issue is urgent, the crux is the government and market positioning and how to build a service-oriented government, provide medical supplies, establish fair and equitable health care system which is the basic duty of government, are also urgent needs for building a socialist harmonious society. 展开更多
关键词 Health care system govemment harmonious society
An Assessment of the Level of Knowledge of HIV-Infected Patients about Highly Active Antireteroviral Therapy and Waiting Times and Their Influence on Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence at a Primary Healthcare Centre of South Africa 被引量:1
作者 N L Katende-Kyenda 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2017年第7期467-477,共11页
Objectives: The study assessed if the level of knowledge of HIV-infected about HAART and waiting-times in the PHC (primary healthcare) clinic have an influence on antiretroviral adherence. Methods: A descriptive-c... Objectives: The study assessed if the level of knowledge of HIV-infected about HAART and waiting-times in the PHC (primary healthcare) clinic have an influence on antiretroviral adherence. Methods: A descriptive-cross-sectional study was conducted in South Africa. Data collected uses a standardized-questionnaire and face-to-face-exit interviews. Pill-count technique was performed and a value of≥ 95% acceptable. Data were analysed using SPSS. Univariate-factors associated with poor-adherence to knowledge about HAART and waiting times were assessed using ANOVA and p ≤ 0.05 considered statistically significant. Key findings: Of 86 enrolled, 63(73.3%) were females and 23(26.7%) males, with mean-age (± SD) of 35.6(±9.6) years and on HAART for 35.5(± 31.8) months ranging from 1-137. Of these, 27(31.40%) and 25(29.07%) were on WHO stages 2 and 3 respectively. Adherence-rates computed from 32 patients, 23(71.9%) revealed poor adherence-rates. The level of knowledge about HAART in terms of names of tablets, correct-dose, frequency, adverse-effects had no influence on ARV-adherence (p _〉 0.05). Of 23 non-compliant, 10 (40%) gave the reason of drugs-unavailability, 7(30%) adverse-effects, 5(20%) drugs' complexity, and 1(10%) too busy to take them. Waiting areas associated with poor ARV-adherence were reception (p = 0.028), doctors (p = 0.027), while nurse's station (p = 0.29) and pharmacy (p = 0.43) revealed acceptable ARV-adherence. 展开更多
关键词 HIV-infected patients highly active antiretroviral drugs ADHERENCE primary health care.
Behavioral Aspects in Obligatory Reports of Public Hospitals in Poland
作者 Aleksandra Szewieczek Marzena Strojek-Filus 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第11期513-527,共15页
The health care sector is the most difficult one to manage and control. Special units in this field are public hospitals which are required to prepare a lot of reports to various institutions, including the ownership ... The health care sector is the most difficult one to manage and control. Special units in this field are public hospitals which are required to prepare a lot of reports to various institutions, including the ownership body. The paper focuses on two issues. The first is the presence of behavioral factors in the reporting of public hospitals in Poland to the ownership bodies. This article aims to indicate the thematic areas of specific reports, most affected by behavioral factors and explain the causes and consequences of their occurrence. The second issue is the analysis of the legal status of obligatory reporting of public hospitals. Participants of the conducted research, due to their specific ownership and political and social position, were public hospitals in Poland. The paper uses the research methods of the meta-analysis of the literature, legal acts in Poland and empirical materials, and also the methods of synthesis, observation, and deduction. Data analysis focused on specific sample of reports issued by Polish public hospitals for their ownership body. The research shows that hospitals draw up a tremendous number of often thematically overlapping and redundant reports addressed to different institutions in different time periods. It is a consequence of legal regulations failing to streamline the reporting of the health care sector institutions, in particular public hospitals. The paper points to the large number of legal instruments that contain imprecise requirements resulting from the complex and obscure forms of control of public funds allocation in this sector. There are many behavioral factors that shape some fields of public hospitals' reports, for example, interpersonal relationships, egoism, private financial interests, strengthening of the employment status and professional position, and professional competences. There is considerable freedom in the reporting process fulfilled by public hospitals in Poland for their ownership body. It causes strong consequences, like poor-quality data, duplication of information, and its chaos, as well as high costs of obtaining information. Reporting system of financial and non-financial data of public hospitals in Poland is dysfunctional. 展开更多
关键词 public hospitals financial and non-financial reports finance in health care sector reliability ownership body BEHAVIORISM
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