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CT性能模体检测方法的研究 被引量:3
作者 吴慧利 李兴东 《现代测量与实验室管理》 2005年第6期21-25,共5页
目前用于医用X射线CT检测的CT性能模体虽然种类型号繁多,但其质量参差不齐。且作为检测用标准器缺乏量值溯源的依据,为使CT检测设备的量值具有可追溯性,使得在检测工作中所用标准器在误差范围内一致,进而提高CT机的检测的一致性,我们对C... 目前用于医用X射线CT检测的CT性能模体虽然种类型号繁多,但其质量参差不齐。且作为检测用标准器缺乏量值溯源的依据,为使CT检测设备的量值具有可追溯性,使得在检测工作中所用标准器在误差范围内一致,进而提高CT机的检测的一致性,我们对CT模体的检测和数据处理的方法进行了研究。 展开更多
关键词 CT性能模体 分辨力 吸收系数
不同CT性能模体低对比分辨力检测结果探讨 被引量:5
作者 尤良 《中国医学装备》 2011年第10期29-32,共4页
目的:寻找两种低对比度分辨力模体在同一台CT装置上以相同扫描条件测试产生低对比度分辨力误差的原因。方法:按国家标准中规定的低对比分辨力检测和评价方法,以常用的两种性能模体进行比对测试。结果:所测低对比度分辨力结果相差1.62~2... 目的:寻找两种低对比度分辨力模体在同一台CT装置上以相同扫描条件测试产生低对比度分辨力误差的原因。方法:按国家标准中规定的低对比分辨力检测和评价方法,以常用的两种性能模体进行比对测试。结果:所测低对比度分辨力结果相差1.62~2.01。结论:低对比度分辨力测试应选择Catphan500性能测试模体组件为宜。 展开更多
关键词 CT性能模体 低对比分辨力 评价方法 结果探讨
作者 蔡宗霖 陈维征 陈斌 《中国计量》 2003年第6期64-65,共2页
关键词 医用CT机 计量检定 性能模体 定位 医用诊断计算机断层摄影装置
应用不同体模标准测试MRI图像均匀性的比较研究 被引量:2
作者 张默 齐志刚 +2 位作者 赵澄 卢洁 刘迪 《中国医学装备》 2019年第12期12-15,共4页
目的:研究比较不同体模测试标准下的磁共振成像(MRI)设备图像均匀性指标差异。方法:分别使用Magphan SMR170 MRI性能测试体模及美国放射学会(ACR)磁共振性能测试体模和相应测试标准,对高场强MRI扫描仪进行图像均匀度的测试,分析两种不... 目的:研究比较不同体模测试标准下的磁共振成像(MRI)设备图像均匀性指标差异。方法:分别使用Magphan SMR170 MRI性能测试体模及美国放射学会(ACR)磁共振性能测试体模和相应测试标准,对高场强MRI扫描仪进行图像均匀度的测试,分析两种不同体模和相应测试标准对高场强MRI设备图像均匀性的差异。结果:使用不同方法测量的设备图像均匀性结果存在差异,使用SMR170体模和ACR体模对UMR 560型1.5T磁共振扫描仪测量的MRI图像均匀度分别为98.84%和96.68%;对UMR 770型3.0T测量的MRI图像均匀度分别为95.75%和83.00%。结论:ACR体模相较于SMR170体模,对于MRI设备的图像均匀性指标灵敏感度更高。 展开更多
关键词 磁共振成像(MRI) 性能测试 美国放射学会(ACR) 图像均匀性
医用诊断数字减影血管造影体模研究及遥控装置设计 被引量:4
作者 康晓斌 王坤 +1 位作者 鄢清 李明豫 《中国医疗设备》 2017年第12期44-47,56,共5页
为了解决医用诊断数字减影血管造影(Digital Subtraction Angiography,DSA)系统性能检测及检测人员操作时不受X射线的辐照,研制了一套改进的DSA计量性能体模装置。体模的设计采用有机玻璃材料进行加工;模块的移动采用无线电信号遥控的方... 为了解决医用诊断数字减影血管造影(Digital Subtraction Angiography,DSA)系统性能检测及检测人员操作时不受X射线的辐照,研制了一套改进的DSA计量性能体模装置。体模的设计采用有机玻璃材料进行加工;模块的移动采用无线电信号遥控的方法;体模的性能试验在正常状态的DSA系统上进行。研究设计了有机玻璃动脉模拟模块插件、骨骼模块插件、对比度线性模块插件和低对比度分辨力模块插件;模块的移动利用遥控驱动装置。试验结果表明,在不加载骨骼模块时,能看到直径为2 mm的动脉模拟血管,同时能分辨直径2 mm的模拟血管上1/2血管大小的血管瘤或栓塞模拟体;加载骨骼体模块后,可以分辨碘浓度为150 mg/cm^3、直径2 mm的模拟动脉;遥控装置遥控距离>50 m,移动速度28 mm/s。体模装置完全符合国家规程JJG 1067-2011《医用诊断数字减影血管造影(DSA)系统X射线辐射源》要求;应用无线电遥控移动模块,完全避免了操作时受到X射线的照射。 展开更多
关键词 诊断数字减影血管造影系统 性能 低对比度分辨力 对比度线性 拟动脉血管 碘浓度
作者 康晓斌 董凤华 +1 位作者 王红伟 黄勇 《中国测试》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第S1期101-104,共4页
为解决医用诊断数字减影血管造影(DSA)系统性能检测及检测人员操作时不受X射线的辐照,研制一套改进的DSA计量性能体模装置。体模的设计采用有机玻璃材料进行加工;模块的移动采用无线电信号遥控的方法;体模的性能试验在正常状态的DSA系... 为解决医用诊断数字减影血管造影(DSA)系统性能检测及检测人员操作时不受X射线的辐照,研制一套改进的DSA计量性能体模装置。体模的设计采用有机玻璃材料进行加工;模块的移动采用无线电信号遥控的方法;体模的性能试验在正常状态的DSA系统上进行。研究设计有机玻璃动脉模拟模块插件、骨骼模块插件、对比度线性模块插件和低对比度分辨力模块插件;模块的移动利用遥控驱动装置。试验得到:在不加载骨骼模块时,能看到直径为1mm的动脉模拟血管,同时能分辨直径2mm的模拟血管上1/2血管大小的血管瘤或栓塞;加载骨骼体模块后,可以分辨碘浓度为150mg/cm3、直径2mm的模拟动脉;遥控装置遥控距离>50m,移动速度28mm/s。结果表明:体模装置完全符合国家规程JJG 1067——2011《医用诊断数字减影血管造影(DSA)系统X射线辐射源》要求;应用无线电遥控移动模块插件,避免操作时受到X射线的照射。 展开更多
关键词 诊断数字减影血管造影系统 性能 低对比度分辨力 对比度线性 拟动脉血管
作者 黄勇 王昆 鄢铃 《中国测试》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第S02期167-170,共4页
研制一套医用诊断数字减影血管造影(DSA)系统新型计量性能体模装置。研制的这套体模有一个100mm厚的有机玻璃模块、一个改进的4指标模块和一个仿骨骼模块。还研制一个改进型无线遥控驱动装置。驱动装置为USB可充电便携式模式,也可用交流... 研制一套医用诊断数字减影血管造影(DSA)系统新型计量性能体模装置。研制的这套体模有一个100mm厚的有机玻璃模块、一个改进的4指标模块和一个仿骨骼模块。还研制一个改进型无线遥控驱动装置。驱动装置为USB可充电便携式模式,也可用交流220V电源。用该装置在DSA系统进行性能试验得到:对于低对比度分辨力:可以分辨碘浓度为5.0 mg/cm^(3),直径2.0mm的模拟动脉血管;对于模拟血管最小分辨尺寸:在不加载仿骨骼体模时,影像能够显示出模体中直径为1mm的模拟动脉血管,同时能够分辨直径2mm的模拟血管上1/2血管大小的模拟血管瘤或栓塞;对比度线性:碘密度与光密度之间的线性>0.9加载骨骼体模块后,减影性能可以分辨碘浓度为150 mg/cm^(3)、直径2mm的模拟动脉;无线遥控驱动装置:交直两用,操作灵活,简单可靠。结论表明完全符合国家规程JJG 1067-2011《医用诊断数字减影血管造影(DSA)系统X射线辐射源》要求。 展开更多
关键词 DSA性能 诊断数字减影血管造影(DSA)系统 拟动脉血管 碘浓度 低对比度分辨力 对比度线性
作者 邹安顺 郦全友 曾宏辉 《计量与测试技术》 2018年第10期60-61,共2页
现阶段国内按照JJG961-2017《医用诊断螺旋计算机断层摄影装置(CT) X射线辐射源检定规程》,利用头部条件扫描Catphan500模体水等效组织模块和空气来检定CT值的准确性。在长期的检定中发现,Catphan500模体水等效物质的CT值与实际水的CT... 现阶段国内按照JJG961-2017《医用诊断螺旋计算机断层摄影装置(CT) X射线辐射源检定规程》,利用头部条件扫描Catphan500模体水等效组织模块和空气来检定CT值的准确性。在长期的检定中发现,Catphan500模体水等效物质的CT值与实际水的CT值有一定差异,造成一些CT经检定无法满足水的CT值计量性能要求,且CT制造厂商工程师对水的CT值定标实际上采用的是水模。因此利用Catphan500模体水等效物质进行CT值准确度的判断不合理。如果医用CT按照采用此模体检定,可能会对CT值测量造成误差,对病人的诊断有很大的影响。本文通过改进Catphan500模体,在其前端加装真实水模体,可解决目前所存在的问题,保证准确的量值传递。 展开更多
关键词 CT检定 性能模体 CT值
成人颅脑CT低剂量扫描参数的优化研究 被引量:13
作者 张培功 殷志杰 +3 位作者 李祥林 张迪 王静 李建平 《滨州医学院学报》 2011年第1期8-11,共4页
目的探讨成人颅脑CT低剂量扫描的可行性及适当的扫描参数。方法采用模体应用研究和临床验证的方法,通过调整扫描参数(mAs),对Catphan 500 CT性能模体进行多次扫描,对扫描的图像进行高对比分辨率、低对比分辨率、图像噪声及均匀性评价,... 目的探讨成人颅脑CT低剂量扫描的可行性及适当的扫描参数。方法采用模体应用研究和临床验证的方法,通过调整扫描参数(mAs),对Catphan 500 CT性能模体进行多次扫描,对扫描的图像进行高对比分辨率、低对比分辨率、图像噪声及均匀性评价,依据诊断要求确定颅脑CT低剂量扫描参数,分别以常规扫描参数、低剂量扫描参数对成年志愿者进行CT扫描,并对相应的图像质量作出评价,应用统计学软件进行分析。结果降低毫安秒,图像噪声增加,图像低对比分辨率下降,CT剂量呈线性降低;低剂量扫描参数(120 kV,100 mAs)完成的志愿者CT图像可以满足诊断要求。结论对成年脑外伤、脑出血、大面积脑梗死等病情复查的患者进行低剂量扫描是可行的,以实验的方式扫描Catphan 500 CT性能模体能够确定出患者低剂量扫描的参数。 展开更多
关键词 成人颅脑CT 低剂量扫描参数 Catphan 500 CT性能模体
专栏——乳腺摄影(诊断物理)质量控制 被引量:4
作者 宋俊峰 王洪霞 《中国医疗设备》 2011年第3期1-3,共3页
乳腺X射线检查是目前国际公认的有效检测乳腺癌的方法,对图像质量和系统稳定性要求非常高,不当的乳腺检测不但达不到准确检出疾病的目的,还可能因为X射线的过量使用而诱发乳腺疾病的发生,因此相关设备和摄影过程的质量控制尤为重要。本... 乳腺X射线检查是目前国际公认的有效检测乳腺癌的方法,对图像质量和系统稳定性要求非常高,不当的乳腺检测不但达不到准确检出疾病的目的,还可能因为X射线的过量使用而诱发乳腺疾病的发生,因此相关设备和摄影过程的质量控制尤为重要。本期专栏分别探讨了乳腺摄影剂量与低对比模体影像质量的关系,以及乳腺数字图像的软阅读与平均像素分析,希望能为促进行业内乳腺摄影质量控制发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 乳腺摄影机 乳腺自动摄影 平均腺剂量(AGD) 乳腺低对比性能模体(CDMAM) 影像品质系数(IQFinv)
A study of reporters as functional entity in news fuzzy language
作者 张军益 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第2期98-101,共4页
Fuzziness, as intrinsic property of natural language, appears to be an extremely pervasive phenomenon in language communication with no exception of news reporting. To some extent, the usage of a great number of fuzzy... Fuzziness, as intrinsic property of natural language, appears to be an extremely pervasive phenomenon in language communication with no exception of news reporting. To some extent, the usage of a great number of fuzzy expressions in news reporting reflects the property of reporter as functional entity. On different occasions, reporters, when reporting news, may play such three kinds of roles as the first information source, the second information source or the virtual interpreter. The different roles-playing determines the pragmatic intention of fuzzy language in news reporting. 展开更多
关键词 news fuzzy language REPORTER functional entity
Interference Resistance of Pentamaran Ship Model With Asymmetric Outrigger Configurations 被引量:2
作者 Yanuar Ibadurrahman +2 位作者 Kurniawan T. Waskito S. Karim M. Ichsan 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2017年第1期42-47,共6页
An experimental investigation is performed to assess the relation of interference performance on the total resistance of a pentamaran model advancing in calm water. For this motivation, the total drag of the ship is ... An experimental investigation is performed to assess the relation of interference performance on the total resistance of a pentamaran model advancing in calm water. For this motivation, the total drag of the ship is performed for several values of asymmetric outrigger configuration and hull separation, altering the Froude number in the range 0.3–0.9. Our results indicate that remarkable changes in resistance require notable changes in transverse distance values (hull separation) when wave interference may occur. In addition, there is no single configuration that consistently outperforms the other configurations across the entire speed range and the optimum interference factor -0.2 appears at a Froude number of 0.45 in S/L=0.33 with the outrigger outer position: asymmetric outboard for A3 configuration. 展开更多
关键词 interference resistance interference factor asymmetric outrigger multihull ship PENTAMARAN ship model
A new model to predict roadheader performance using rock mass properties 被引量:7
作者 Yazdani-Chamzini ABDOLREZA SIAMAK Haji Yakhchali 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2013年第1期51-56,共6页
Prediction of roadheader performance plays a significant role in the plan of tunnel construction, which is influenced by different key parameters, including rock strength, discontinuity in rock mass, type and specific... Prediction of roadheader performance plays a significant role in the plan of tunnel construction, which is influenced by different key parameters, including rock strength, discontinuity in rock mass, type and specifications of roadheader machine, and brittleness. The main aim of this study is to build a robust empirical equation based on rock mass properties for the roadheader performance prediction. For achieving the aim, a dataset composed of roadheader performance rate and rock properties is established using the dataset compiled from an underground coal mine located in a remote rugged desert environment some 85 km south of Tabas City in mid east Iran. By using gathered data, the statistical analyses are conducted between rock mass properties and roadheader performance to find whether there is a significant relationship between input variables and roadheader performance. The results show that rock mass properties have a considerable impact on the rate of the roadheader performance. It is demonstrated that the proposed model can accurately predict the roadheader performance as a function of rock mass properties. 展开更多
关键词 roadheader performance Tabas Coal Mine rock mass property alpha angle prediction
Analysis of Do D inkjet printhead performance for printable electronics fabrication using dynamic lumped element modeling and swarm intelligence based optimal prediction 被引量:3
作者 何茂伟 孙丽玲 +2 位作者 胡琨元 朱云龙 陈瀚宁 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期3925-3934,共10页
The major challenge in printable electronics fabrication is to effectively and accurately control a drop-on-demand(Do D) inkjet printhead for high printing quality. In this work, an optimal prediction model, construct... The major challenge in printable electronics fabrication is to effectively and accurately control a drop-on-demand(Do D) inkjet printhead for high printing quality. In this work, an optimal prediction model, constructed with the lumped element modeling(LEM) and the artificial bee colony(ABC) algorithm, was proposed to efficiently predict the combination of waveform parameters for obtaining the desired droplet properties. For acquiring higher simulation accuracy, a modified dynamic lumped element model(DLEM) was proposed with time-varying equivalent circuits, which can characterize the nonlinear behaviors of piezoelectric printhead. The proposed method was then applied to investigate the influences of various waveform parameters on droplet volume and velocity of nano-silver ink, and to predict the printing quality using nano-silver ink. Experimental results show that, compared with two-dimension manual search, the proposed optimal prediction model perform efficiently and accurately in searching the appropriate combination of waveform parameters for printable electronics fabrication. 展开更多
关键词 piezoelectric inkjet system lumped element modeling dynamic model nano-silver ink artificial bee colony algorithm
Feedback Filtering for Digital Control Applications
作者 Mirostaw Sobaszek 《Computer Technology and Application》 2014年第2期65-68,共4页
Thanks to the progress in semiconductor technologies, today microcontrollers offer huge computational power. That allows using advanced control algorithms with a built-in intelligence with a sufficient speed, for many... Thanks to the progress in semiconductor technologies, today microcontrollers offer huge computational power. That allows using advanced control algorithms with a built-in intelligence with a sufficient speed, for many demanding applications. These capabilities make the embedded control ideal for using at complex plants and for obtaining the highest performance in a wide area of operations. However, control performance also strongly depends on the feedback. A short latency and a high precision of embedded analog peripherals allow building fast and accurate control loops. The paper proposes an easy design method of high performance analog to digital converter filtering path, optimized for control applications. 展开更多
关键词 ADC digital control anti-aliasing.
Construction of a 3D meso-structure and analysis of mechanical properties for deposit body medium 被引量:1
作者 石崇 陈凯华 +3 位作者 徐卫亚 张海龙 王海礼 王盛年 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期270-279,共10页
For deposit body medium, the internal structural properties may be the controlling factors for the strength of the material and the mechanical response. Based on the results of soil-rock meso-statistics using digital ... For deposit body medium, the internal structural properties may be the controlling factors for the strength of the material and the mechanical response. Based on the results of soil-rock meso-statistics using digital imaging, a simulated annealing algorithm is adopted to expand the meso-structural features of deposit bodies in 3D. The construction of the 3D meso-structure of a deposit body is achieved, and then the particle flow analysis program PFC3 D is used to simulate the mechanical properties of the deposit body. It is shown that with a combination of the simulated annealing algorithm and the statistical feature functions, the randomness and heterogeneity of the rock distribution in the 3D inner structure of deposit body medium can be realized, and the reconstructed structural features of the deposit medium can match the features of the digital images well. The spatial utilizations and the compacting effects of the body-centered cubic, hexagonal close and face-centered packing models are high, so these structures can be applied in the simulations of the deposit structures. However, the shear features of the deposit medium vary depending on the different model constructive modes. Rocks, which are the backbone of the deposit, are the factors that determine the shear strength and deformation modulus of the deposit body. The modeling method proposed is useful for the construction of 3D meso-scope models from 2D meso-scope statistics and can be used for studying the mechanical properties of mixed media, such as deposit bodies. 展开更多
关键词 deposit body mesomechanical mode model continuation simulated annealing algorithm granular flow method
A coupled DEM and LBM model for simulation of outbursts of coal and gas 被引量:9
作者 Sheng Xue Liang Yuan +2 位作者 Junfeng Wang Yucang Wang Jun Xie 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2015年第1期22-29,共8页
An outburst of coal and gas is a major hazard in underground coal mining. It is generally accepted that an outburst occurs when certain conditions of stress, coal gassiness and physical-mechanical properties of coal a... An outburst of coal and gas is a major hazard in underground coal mining. It is generally accepted that an outburst occurs when certain conditions of stress, coal gassiness and physical-mechanical properties of coal are met. Outbursting is recognized as a two-step process, i.e., initiation and development. In this paper, we present a fully-coupled solid and fluid code to model the entire process of an outburst. The deformation, failure and fracture of solid (coal) are modeled with the discrete element method, and the flow of fluid (gas and water) such as free flow and Darcy flow are modeled with the lattice Boltzmann method. These two methods are coupled in a two-way process, i.e., the solid part provides a moving boundary condition and transfers momentum to the fluid, while the fluid exerts a dragging force upon the solid. Gas desorption from coal occurs at the solid-fluid boundary, and gas diffusion is implemented in the solid code where particles are assumed to be porous. A simple 2D example to simulate the process of an outburst with the model is also presented in this paper to demonstrate the capability of the coupled model. 展开更多
关键词 Coal and gas outburst Discrete element method Lattice Boltzmann method Solid-fluid coupling
Evaluation of gas production from multiple coal seams: A simulation study and economics 被引量:1
作者 Yanting Wu Zhejun Pan +2 位作者 Dingyu Zhang Zhaohui Lu Luke D. Connell 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 EI CSCD 2018年第3期359-371,共13页
Gas production from multiple coal seams has become common practice in many coal basins around the world. Although gas production rates are typically enhanced, the economic viability of such practice is not well studie... Gas production from multiple coal seams has become common practice in many coal basins around the world. Although gas production rates are typically enhanced, the economic viability of such practice is not well studied. In order to investigate the technical and economic feasibility of multiple coal seams production, reservoir simulation integrated with economics modelling was performed to study the effect of important reservoir properties of the secondary coal seam on production and economic performance using both vertical and horizontal wells. The results demonstrated that multiple seam gas production of using both vertical and horizontal wells have competitive advantage over single layer production under most scenarios. Gas content and permeability of the secondary coal seam are the most important reservoir properties that have impact on the economic feasibility of multiple seam gas production. The comparison of vertical well and horizontal well performance showed that horizontal well is more economically attractive for both single well and gas field. Moreover, wellhead price is the most sensitive to the economic performance, followed by operating costs and government subsidy. Although the results of reservoir simulation combined with economic analysis are subject to assumptions, multiple seam gas production is more likely to maintain profitability compared with single layer production. 展开更多
关键词 Multiple coal seam Production simulation Economic viability Sensitivity Coalbed methane
Influence of impeller diameter on overall gas dispersion properties in a sparged multi-impeller stirred tank 被引量:4
作者 包雨云 王冰洁 +2 位作者 林明丽 高正明 杨杰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期890-896,共7页
The impeller configuration with a six parabolic blade disk turbine below two down-pumping hydrofoil propellers, identified as PDT + 2CBY, was used in this study. The effect of the impeller diameter D, ranging from0.30... The impeller configuration with a six parabolic blade disk turbine below two down-pumping hydrofoil propellers, identified as PDT + 2CBY, was used in this study. The effect of the impeller diameter D, ranging from0.30 T to 0.40T(T as the tank diameter), on gas dispersion in a stirred tank of 0.48 m diameter was investigated by experimental and CFD simulation methods. Power consumption and total gas holdup were measured for the same impeller configuration PDT + 2CBY with four different D/T. Results show that with D/T increases from 0.30 to 0.40, the relative power demand(RPD) in a gas–liquid system decreases slightly. At low superficial gas velocity VSof 0.0078 m·s-1, the gas holdup increases evidently with the increase of D/T. However, at high superficial gas velocity, the system with D/T = 0.33 gets a good balance between the gas recirculation and liquid shearing rate, which resulted in the highest gas holdup among four different D/T. CFD simulation based on the two-fluid model along with the Population Balance Model(PBM) was used to investigate the effect of impeller diameter on the gas dispersion. The power consumption and total gas holdup predicted by CFD simulation were in reasonable agreement with the experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 Gas holdup MIXING Multiphase reactors Relative power demand CFD Multi-impeller stirred tank
Antecedents and consequences of athlete's trust in the coach 被引量:1
作者 Zhu Zhang Packianathan Chelladurai 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2013年第2期115-121,共7页
Purpose: To assess the effects of trust in the coach on commitment to coach, willingness to cooperate, and perceived performance. Methods: Two hundred and fifteen members of competitive sports clubs responded to sca... Purpose: To assess the effects of trust in the coach on commitment to coach, willingness to cooperate, and perceived performance. Methods: Two hundred and fifteen members of competitive sports clubs responded to scales measuring coach characteristics of justice, benevolence, integrity, and competence; athlete's trust in the coach; commitment to coach; willingness to cooperate; and perceived performance. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis of data supported the measurement model. Perceptions of a coach's justice (β = 0.19, p 〈 0.05), benevolence (β = 0.32, p 〈 0.05), integrity (β= 0.14, p 〈 0.05), and competence (β = 0.29, p 〈 0.05) each had a significant effect on athletes' trust, and they cumulatively accounted for 61% of the variance in trust. The structural equation modeling showed that trust had direct effects on commitment to coach (β = 0.77, p 〈 0.01), willingness to cooperate (β= 0.79, p 〈 0.01 ), and perceived performance (β = 0.51, p 〈 0.01),. The hypothesized mediating effects of commitment to coach and willingness to cooperate were not supported. The model explained 26% of the variance in perceived performance. Conclusion: As trust in coach influences commitment to coach, willingness to cooperate, and perceived performance, coaches need to take effort to bolster their athletes' trust by being just and benevolent, and enhancing their integrity and competence. 展开更多
关键词 BENEVOLENCE COMMITMENT Competence Cooperation Integrity JUSTICE Trust in the coach
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