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作者 唐元 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期44-49,共6页
因为文献传承的不一致与家法的分立,汉代经学的发展中,逐渐形成了对同一部经典的不同解读。故而官方政权和学术领域,都有了统一异义的需求。许慎、郑玄两位大家又对五经异义展开论辩,并形成了《五经异义》、《驳许慎五经异义》两部文献... 因为文献传承的不一致与家法的分立,汉代经学的发展中,逐渐形成了对同一部经典的不同解读。故而官方政权和学术领域,都有了统一异义的需求。许慎、郑玄两位大家又对五经异义展开论辩,并形成了《五经异义》、《驳许慎五经异义》两部文献。此外郑玄又有关于六经大义的综合性立论著作《六艺论》。这三部书是东汉时期五经总义类著作的重要文献,对了解这一种重要的经学著作的体例和东汉经学由专经向贯通的发展趋向,都有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 许慎 郑玄 五经总义 东汉 经学
作者 黄覺弘 《中国经学》 2020年第1期87-102,共16页
謝湜《春秋義》《春秋總義》至遲當在崇寧元年(1102)四月之前已經完成。李明復《春秋集義·綱領》卷上所引《論聖人作〈春秋〉》《論書不書之例》《論正不正之義》三篇,卷下所引《論日月時之例》《論天王之例》《論朝聘如之例》《... 謝湜《春秋義》《春秋總義》至遲當在崇寧元年(1102)四月之前已經完成。李明復《春秋集義·綱領》卷上所引《論聖人作〈春秋〉》《論書不書之例》《論正不正之義》三篇,卷下所引《論日月時之例》《論天王之例》《論朝聘如之例》《論盟例》《論入例》《論救例》《論次例》《論執例》《論遂例》九篇,合計十二篇凡7630餘字,大量内容可與李明復《春秋集義》分條經文所引"謝湜曰"相對較,文事語義多相同、相近或相通,二者高度一致,若合符節,顯係出於一人之手,皆當爲謝湜《春秋總義》佚文。謝湜、刘绚對程頤《春秋傳》的撰著實有重要潛在影響。 展开更多
关键词 謝湜 《春秋總義》 李明復 《春秋集義》 程頤
作者 王域鋮 《中国四库学》 2018年第2期141-151,共11页
《四庫全書》中收録三禮總義、通禮、雜禮書著作共15種,另有'存目'著作43種。以《摛藻堂四庫全書薈要總目提要》,文淵閣、文溯閣、文津閣書前提要,武英殿本、浙江刻本《四庫全書總目》,《四庫全書簡明目録》等校讀三禮總義、通... 《四庫全書》中收録三禮總義、通禮、雜禮書著作共15種,另有'存目'著作43種。以《摛藻堂四庫全書薈要總目提要》,文淵閣、文溯閣、文津閣書前提要,武英殿本、浙江刻本《四庫全書總目》,《四庫全書簡明目録》等校讀三禮總義、通禮、雜禮書各篇提要,除一般性的文字异同外,得札記若干條。 展开更多
关键词 《四庫全書》 提要 三禮總義 通禮 雜禮書
作者 鲍莉 刘芳 《黑龙江医学》 1995年第1期18-19,共2页
关键词 应用美学 切牙乳头 上前牙 齿基托 齿制 人工牙 总义 上下前牙 外科手术方法 上颌前牙
作者 李冬梅 《儒藏论坛》 2016年第1期237-247,共11页
蜀学是巴蜀文化的结晶,中华学术的宝藏。巴蜀的石经、群经总义、经学丛书类文献是巴蜀文献的重要组成部分,蜀学的重要栽体。本文系统梳理了石经、群经总义、经学丛书三类经学文献的历史源流,并着重分析了三类文献在巴蜀学术史、文献学... 蜀学是巴蜀文化的结晶,中华学术的宝藏。巴蜀的石经、群经总义、经学丛书类文献是巴蜀文献的重要组成部分,蜀学的重要栽体。本文系统梳理了石经、群经总义、经学丛书三类经学文献的历史源流,并着重分析了三类文献在巴蜀学术史、文献学史、文化史中的成就与特色。 展开更多
关键词 巴蜀文献 石经 群经总义 经学丛书
王岱舆著作与同时代伊斯兰汉文译著关系分析——以《省迷真原》和《归真总义》为参考 被引量:1
作者 孙智伟 《中国穆斯林》 CSSCI 2018年第3期29-34,共6页
关键词 王岱舆 《正教真诠》 《省迷真原》 《归真总义
作者 孫利政 《儒家典籍与思想研究》 2022年第1期252-269,共18页
《四庫全書總目》是中國古代集大成的目録學著作,然其中訛誤錯漏之處不在少數。文章以中華書局整理本《欽定四庫全書總目》爲底本,參校各種類型的四庫提要,並採用《總目》著録之典籍與提要徵引之原文獻,就經部五經總義類、四書類提要進... 《四庫全書總目》是中國古代集大成的目録學著作,然其中訛誤錯漏之處不在少數。文章以中華書局整理本《欽定四庫全書總目》爲底本,參校各種類型的四庫提要,並採用《總目》著録之典籍與提要徵引之原文獻,就經部五經總義類、四書類提要進行考校,共校正各類訛誤二十六則。 展开更多
关键词 四庫全書總目 五經總義類 四書類 訂誤
谈英语词汇间的语义关系及其对英语教学的意义 被引量:1
作者 张则玫 《西安文理学院学报(自然科学版)》 2000年第1期41-45,共5页
关键词 总义
作者 张庆有 《西藏艺术研究》 1999年第2期55-70,共16页
关键词 拉卜楞寺 密宗 藏经 典籍 宗喀巴 扎巴坚赞 道果论 注疏 总义 工作组
作者 徐甘 《时代建筑》 2007年第3期76-83,共8页
明代回族历史六题 被引量:2
作者 杨晓春 《元史及民族与边疆研究集刊》 2009年第1期176-182,共7页
关于"回族"一词的出现中国回族的族称,大致先有他称,再转为自称,总的说来,经历了从"回回"到"回族"的变化。关于"回族"一词的出现,日本学者田坂兴道在《中国回教的传入及其弘通》一书曾引及清... 关于"回族"一词的出现中国回族的族称,大致先有他称,再转为自称,总的说来,经历了从"回回"到"回族"的变化。关于"回族"一词的出现,日本学者田坂兴道在《中国回教的传入及其弘通》一书曾引及清乾隆年间的《重修肃州新志》卷三十《西陲纪略》中的一段记载: 展开更多
关键词 经学系传谱 王岱舆 中国伊斯兰教 归真总义 弘通 重修肃州新志 清真指南 克里默 希真正答 中国穆斯林
《经学系传谱》对江苏省伊斯兰史的重大贡献 被引量:2
作者 杨为仁 《中国穆斯林》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第4期26-29,共4页
关键词 经学系传谱 清真大学 马君实 王岱舆 归真总义 阿世格 希真正答 伍遵契 修真蒙引 经师
作者 马绍雄 《中国穆斯林》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第4期18-23,共6页
关键词 经堂教育 伊斯兰文化 云南伊斯兰教 穆圣 胡登洲 归真总义 伊赫瓦尼 常志美 清真指南 经师
作者 张建钟 《怀化学院学报》 1992年第2期123-124,共2页
关键词 运用初探 动词不定式 俄语动词 未完成体 总义 可连用 意术 类名 否定副词 武当
作者 刘春卉 《中国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期669-681,766,767,共15页
"总"字句用于辩解或说服时通常带有一定的让步义,其中以"总+能愿动词+VP""总+比较结构""X总行(了)吧"等最为常见。这类句子通常带有求认同语气,有的还略带感叹语气,属于兼具疑问和感叹色彩的... "总"字句用于辩解或说服时通常带有一定的让步义,其中以"总+能愿动词+VP""总+比较结构""X总行(了)吧"等最为常见。这类句子通常带有求认同语气,有的还略带感叹语气,属于兼具疑问和感叹色彩的非典型陈述句,在书面上体现为句号、问号和感叹号的使用都很常见。实验显示让步义"总"字句语调走势介于陈述句和疑问句之间,反映了其句类归属的模糊性和语调特征的非典型性。"总"字句不仅因让步义体现出对听话人的关注,而且其求认同语气可以邀约互动和避免生硬绝对,具有一定的交互主观性。 展开更多
关键词 让步”字句 认同 非典型陈述句 交互主观性
Ghana's Presidential Seats and Sword of State: Aesthetic Manifestation of Kwame Nkrumah' s Cultural Policy on Ghana's Political Culture
作者 Jerry Orhin Yorke Patrique deGraft-Yankson +1 位作者 Joseph Essuman Emmanuel Kodwo Amissah 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1604-1624,共21页
This study explores the aesthetic dimensions of Kwame Nkrumah's cultural policies in the creation of Ghana's Presidential Seats and the State Sword. The study is an Art Historical research situated within the qualit... This study explores the aesthetic dimensions of Kwame Nkrumah's cultural policies in the creation of Ghana's Presidential Seats and the State Sword. The study is an Art Historical research situated within the qualitative research paradigm. It had a population of a defmed class of cultural policy makers, art historians, traditional rulers, nationalists, visual artists and Ghanaians resident both in and outside Ghana. The study examined how the creation of Ghana's Presidential Seats and the State Sword were influenced by Kwame Nkrumah's cultural policies and the cultural significance of the aesthetic interplay of ethnic insignias used in capturing the Ghanaian concept of Political authority. The study revealed that, Nkrumah recognised the cultural art forms and elements of ethnic Ghana as assets for national development. In line with his policy of building the Nation State of Ghana, he used ethnic cultural art forms and elements. At independence, Nkrumah commissioned some visual artist to create some artistic pieces (politico-cultural artefacts) for the Ghanaian political authority with inspiration or based on what pertains in the traditional authority (Chieftaincy) of Ghana. Politico-cultural artefacts as used in this study refer to the artefacts produced based on the cultural concepts of the ethnic states for the use of the political authority of the Republic of Ghana. Among these artistic pieces are the three Presidential Seats, The State Sword, The President's Personal Standard Pole and the State Mace. 展开更多
关键词 Adinkra Presidential Seats State Sword politico-cultural artefacts Kwame Nkrumah's cultural policies
Impact of mass screening for gluten-sensitive enteropathy in working population
作者 Meritxell Mariné Fernando Fernández-Baares +10 位作者 Montserrat Alsina Carme Farré Montserrat Cortijo Rebeca Santaolalla Antonio Salas Margarita Tomàs Elias Abugattas Carme Loras Ingrid Ordás Josep M Viver Maria Esteve 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第11期1331-1338,共8页
AIM:To assess:(1)frequency and clinical relevanceof gluten sensitive enteropathy(GSE)detected by serology in a mass screening program;(2)sensitivity of antitransglutaminase(tTGA)and antiendomysium antibodies(EmA);and(... AIM:To assess:(1)frequency and clinical relevanceof gluten sensitive enteropathy(GSE)detected by serology in a mass screening program;(2)sensitivity of antitransglutaminase(tTGA)and antiendomysium antibodies(EmA);and(3)adherence to gluten-free diet(GFD)and follow-up. METHODS:One thousand,eight hundred and sixtyeight subjects recruited from an occupational health department underwent analysis for tTGA and EmA and, if positive,duodenal biopsy,DQ2/DQ8 genotyping, clinical feature recording,blood tests,and densitometry were performed.Since>98%of individuals had tTGA <2 U/mL,this value was established as the cut-off limit of normality and was considered positive when confirmed twice in the same sample.Adherence to a GFD and follow up were registered. RESULTS:Twenty-six(1.39%)subjects had positive tTGA and/or EmA,and 21 underwent biopsy:six Marsh Ⅲ(oneⅢa,fourⅢb,oneⅢc),nine MarshⅠand six Marsh 0(frequency of GSE 1:125).The sensitivity of EmA for GSE was 46.6%(11.1%for MarshⅠ,100% for MarshⅢ),while for tTGA,it was 93.3%(88.8% for MarshⅠ,100%for MarshⅢ).All 15 patients with abnormal histology had clinical features related to GSE.MarshⅠandⅢsubjects had more abdominal pain than Marsh 0(P=0.029),and a similar trend was observed for distension and diarrhea.No differences in the percentage of osteopenia were found between MarshⅠandⅢ(P=0.608).Adherence to follow-up was 69.2%.Of 15 GSE patients,66.7%followed a GFD with 80%responding to it. CONCLUSION:GSE in the general population is frequent and clinically relevant,irrespective of histological severity.tTGA is the marker of choice.Mass screening programs are useful in identifying patients who can benefit from GFD and follow-up. 展开更多
关键词 Antitransglutaminase and antiendomysiumantibodies Celiac disease Lymphocytic enteritis MASSSCREENING
Vanguard Parties and Governance in Africa: Dimensions of Battling for States
作者 Vongai Zvidenga Nyawo Beauty Muromo Tariro Ndawana 《Sociology Study》 2014年第4期334-347,共14页
Since the demise of colonialism as well as the cold war, Africa has battled to put democratic governments in place. The legacies of these two political and historical landscapes have had a hand in shaping and disfigur... Since the demise of colonialism as well as the cold war, Africa has battled to put democratic governments in place. The legacies of these two political and historical landscapes have had a hand in shaping and disfiguring the nascent governments that would be born in Africa with vanguard parties not tolerating opposition. In a bid to stay in leading positions, as founding fathers of revolution, incumbent governments have used different tools, some very unorthodox, from brute force, genocides, governments of national unity and violent elections to stay in power and destroy opposition. This paper seeks to trace how Zimbabwe has fared in establishing a democratic government from Lancaster to the 2013 March referendum. Zimbabwe, following a Lancaster House Agreement C1979), like Kenya (1960), held elections in 1980, making R. G. Mugabe the first black Prime Minister and C. Banana the President. Some scholars have argued that the 1980 elections have been the only free and fair elections in Zimbabwe's history of elections. To measure the level of democracy in Zimbabwe, the paper shall highlight the euphoria at 1980, read through gukurahundi of 1983, the unity accord of 1987, select parliamentary and presidential elections, the fast track land reform of 2002, the 2009 Government of National Unity as well as the 2013 constitution amendment. The study shall largely make use of desktop and interviews of ordinary Zimbabweans, politicians, and students in universities with regards to matters of governance. The paper concludes that post communist governments have struggled to establish democracy. 展开更多
关键词 COLONIALISM DEMOCRACY vanguard parties elections Lancaster House Agreement
US Financial Sanctions on Russia: Do They Work?
作者 Ma Xue 《Contemporary International Relations》 2018年第5期87-104,共18页
Since the Crimean crisis, the US has continuously tightened financial sanctions on Russia. In the short term, this doesn't appear to be working very effectively, but in the long run, it has indeed had an irreversi... Since the Crimean crisis, the US has continuously tightened financial sanctions on Russia. In the short term, this doesn't appear to be working very effectively, but in the long run, it has indeed had an irreversible impact on the Russian economy. Though the US has repeatedly upgraded its sanction plans, four puzzles have long remained unsolved: appropriate sanctions have avoided a humanitarian crisis, but raised moral dilemmas; actual enforcement of sanctions is getting more and more difficult; EU cooperation with the US is vital, but the two regions more often than not play different tunes; and the frequent use of sanctions weakens US legitimacy and integrity, leading to a degradation of the sanction mechanism. Sanctions have continued to be implemented since President Trump took office, but with some new adjustments. 展开更多
关键词 US economy financial sanction US-Russian relations
Estonian Taxation System and Innovation
作者 Olev Raju 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第1期99-112,共14页
The economic crisis of the last three years, which has hit the world, especially the Baltic States together with their ultraliberal way of economy, has forced to look for solutions to overcome the depression. A low le... The economic crisis of the last three years, which has hit the world, especially the Baltic States together with their ultraliberal way of economy, has forced to look for solutions to overcome the depression. A low level of taxation, the policy of"thin state policy" and a small share of public sector have influenced the macroeconomics of Estonia since its re-independence. The indirect taxes, especially the consumption taxes, are dominating in Estonian taxation system. The increase of tax burden a little more than 2% in 2009 through the increase of value added tax (VAT) and excises, and the pruning of income taxation benefits did not enlarge state budget in the same amount. The pruning of budget did not just decrease the internal market of the state very rapidly, but also decrease the incomes of the future periods, due to a big dominant of consumption taxes. The economic depression, which began in 2008, has demonstrated a week orientation of Estonian economy, threaten its taxation system on innovation. The amount of investments has essentially decreased than the decrease of GDP and state budget. 展开更多
关键词 TAXATION tax burden economic crisis INNOVATION
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