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荷斯坦牛乳源金黄色葡萄球菌流行性及其与乳源总菌群的耐药性分析 被引量:4
作者 安晶 王晓 +3 位作者 王新 郭刚 王雅春 俞英 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第10期213-218,共6页
本研究旨在检测并对比分析中国北方地区3个荷斯坦牛场乳源金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus,简称金葡菌)的流行情况及乳汁中总菌群的抗生素耐药性。试验采集北方地区3个荷斯坦牛场的生产群奶样、大罐奶样和临床型乳房炎牛奶样共... 本研究旨在检测并对比分析中国北方地区3个荷斯坦牛场乳源金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus,简称金葡菌)的流行情况及乳汁中总菌群的抗生素耐药性。试验采集北方地区3个荷斯坦牛场的生产群奶样、大罐奶样和临床型乳房炎牛奶样共181份,首先采用Baird-Parker选择性培养基对金葡菌进行分离纯化;再采用特异性PCR方法鉴定含金葡菌特异基因nuc的金葡菌菌株;最后采用琼脂稀释法检测奶样中总菌群及金葡菌对14种抗生素的耐药性。结果发现,181份奶样带菌率为100%;金黄色葡萄球菌检出率为16.03%,分离纯化了48株金葡菌。奶样总菌群耐药性检测结果表明,中国北方地区3个荷斯坦牛场对于β-内酰胺类抗生素(苯唑西林、氨苄西林、头孢西丁、头孢哌酮)耐药性均较高,达89%以上;对红霉素、利福平、四环素、万古霉素、甲氧苄啶/磺胺甲噁唑、阿莫西林/克拉维酸的耐药性达80%以上;对氯霉素的耐药率过半;仅对阿米卡星耐药率较低(18%~58%)。对金葡菌耐药性检测结果显示,3个牛场金葡菌对环丙沙星、头孢西丁和甲氧苄啶/磺胺甲噁唑有较高耐药性,但均对阿米卡星、氯霉素、加替沙星和万古霉素敏感。3个牛场绝大多数菌株都产生了多重耐药谱。研究结果为奶牛场乳源总菌群、金葡菌耐药性情况及科学用药提供试验数据。 展开更多
关键词 牛奶样 金黄色葡萄球 总菌群 琼脂稀释法
Water Status in Baghdad 被引量:1
作者 Dheyaa Wajid Abbood Yasir Talib Hameed Safaa Nasser Hassan 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第5期593-599,共7页
Water is a strategically limited natural resource, and currently Iraq is in the grip of an extended drought period. It is needed to look for alternative water sources and work towards achieving high level of sustainab... Water is a strategically limited natural resource, and currently Iraq is in the grip of an extended drought period. It is needed to look for alternative water sources and work towards achieving high level of sustainability. Measurements for gray water samples were carried out including pH, EC (electrical conductivity), TDS (total dissolved solids), TS (total solids), TSS (total suspended solids), DO (dissolved oxygen), BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand), COD (chemical oxygen demand), alkalinity, chlorides (Cl), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), lead (Pb), TC (total coliforms), TF (total fecal coliforms), and nitrate (NO3). The goals of this study are to estimate quantities of fresh water consumption and gray water generated in typical Baghdadian households, and to investigate gray water quality (physical, chemical and biological). The major results can be summarized as follows: (1) The daily water consumption in Baghdad ranged from 75 Lpcd to 176 Lpcd with an average of 116 Lpcd; (2) the maximum daily consumption in Baghdad ranged from 124 Lpcd to 327 Lpcd with an average of 186 Lpcd; (3) the maximum hourly consumption in Baghdad ranged from 154 Lpcd to 900 Lpcd with an average of 308 Lpcd; (4) gray water generation in Baghdad ranged from 34 Lpcd to 139 Lpcd with an average of 68 Lpcd, and that gray water generated constituted 58% to 72% of total consumption. 展开更多
关键词 Water saving water quality water consumption Baghdad gray water.
Identification of Pathogenic Germs and Antibiotics Residues in the Raw Milk and Their Effects on Human Health
作者 Tadjine Nacera Tassist Amina +2 位作者 Bradea Maria-Stela Tarzali Dalila Guetarni Djamel 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第2期129-131,共3页
Milk is a food of great value, it provides more essential nutrient than any other natural food. The presence of pathogenic bacteria and antibiotic residues in milk can cause a real danger to consumers. Effectively, th... Milk is a food of great value, it provides more essential nutrient than any other natural food. The presence of pathogenic bacteria and antibiotic residues in milk can cause a real danger to consumers. Effectively, the milk consumption contaminated by bacteria can have an immediate impact which means a toxi-infection. Therefore, the presence of antibiotics residues in milk can constitute an important risk at the allergic and antibiotic resistance cases on the consumer. The present study concerning the pathogens germs identification and Antibiotic residues seeking in milk and their impact on the human health, has been realized on a total number of 80 samples of raw milk resulted from direct sale channel (dairies) throughout Blida different regions localities. The Microbiological analysis has shown only three conform samples to JORA Standards. Really, milk non-conformity results to the microbiological standards consisting on total aerobic mesophilic flora total count, total coliforms, Thermotolerant coliforms E. coli, Faecal streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus have shown the following contamination rate: 61.25%, 93.75%, 86.25%, 55%, 93.75% and 50%. Salmonella is characterized by a total absence in all analyzed milk samples. Moreover, the antibiotics residues research by Delvotest SP make plainly visible 33 positive samples. Further, two samples of the three which were judged conform to the bacteriology standards has been found contaminated by the antibiotic residues. The analyzed milk quality can be considered as a real danger to the consumption. 展开更多
关键词 Raw milk DAIRIES pathogenic bacteria antibiotics residues Delvotest SP.
Assessment of Water Microbiologic Pollution in Durres's Marine Harbour Basin, Albania
作者 Laura Gjyli Lindita Mukli 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2010年第4期32-38,共7页
The aim of this study is to assess the water microbiologic pollution in Durres's Harbour basin and to compare it with European standards. The comparison of heterotrophs and total coliforms level in sampling are the e... The aim of this study is to assess the water microbiologic pollution in Durres's Harbour basin and to compare it with European standards. The comparison of heterotrophs and total coliforms level in sampling are the essence of this research. The object of this study is done in four sampling areas of Durres's Harbour basin. In order to compare the level of water microbiologic pollution in four areas of Durres's Harbour basin, control area is also studied which is a beach area near the Harbour named Apollonia Beach. The sampling areas were: Ferry Terminal (FT), Fishery Harbor (FH), East Zone (EZ), Fuel Quay (FQ) and Apollonia Beach (AB), respectively. The period of sample-taking was July-October 2008. The strategy used for this purpose consisted in water insemination with coverage method by means of Petri's plates according to respective dilutions in culture media Plate Count Agar (PCA) for heterotrophs and MacConkey for total coliforms. The number of colonies that are formed determines the number of cells at the moment of water insemination, the number of heterotrophs in culture media PCA, respectively. The number of pink and red colonies that were formed determines the number of cells at the moment of water insemination, the number of total coliforms in culture media MacConkey, respectively. The measure ofheterotrophic bacteria and total coliforms used is Colony-Forming Units (CFU)/100 mL seawater. (AB) is within European standards. The richest area with heterotrophs is (FH), which confirms the fact that it is the most polluted microbiologic area in the Harbour basin of Durres. The richest area with total coliforms is (FT). The poorest area with heterotrophs and total coliforms is (FQ). 展开更多
关键词 ASSESSMENT water microbiologic pollution heterotrophic bacteria total coliforms Durres's Marine Harbour basin.
Waxing of Gouda Cheese by Using Bee Wax with Different Concentration of Propolis
作者 Donia Salman Khalaf Awas Omer Rustem Pari Hama Sharef 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第6期501-507,共7页
The waxing step plays an important role in production of ripening cheese, the aim of this research is to introduce different concentration of propolis with bee wax to waxing of Gouda cheese, according to a good charac... The waxing step plays an important role in production of ripening cheese, the aim of this research is to introduce different concentration of propolis with bee wax to waxing of Gouda cheese, according to a good characteristic of propolis as antimicrobial. A prospective study carried on samples of Gouda cheese waxed by local bee wax with different percentage of local propolis, then cheese was ripened for three months at l0℃. It was found that addition (10%, 20% and 30%) of propolis effects of total bacterial count, coliform count, molds and yeasts count, 30% of propolis had a higher incidence during the period of Gouda cheese which was ripened for three months, then the 20%, but the 10% of propolis had a few microbial effects, compared with control treatments that had a high count of bacterial, coliform, molds and yeasts. This study shows that difference was observed between the total bacterial count of control treatment (0% propolis) with other treatments (10%, 20% and 30% of propolis) after three months of Gouda cheese ripened as well as difference was observed between the total bacterial count of treatment (30% propolis) and other treatments. However, there was no difference between the treatments 10% and 20%, the study shows that the coliform count decrease by increase of propolis percent compared with the control treatment which had increase of coliform count during ripened period, and it had a high significant difference in the count of coilform to different treatments, but a considerable difference was not observed between coliform count in the second treatment (20% propolis) and that the third treatment (30%) propolis after three months of ripening, the third treatment had a high difference in growth inhibition of molds and yeasts counts compared with the other treatments after three months of ripened Gouda cheese. It could be observed in general that effects of propolis especially the third treatment was a great on the mold and yeasts which is usually growth on the surface of the cheese. 展开更多
关键词 Cheese ripening microbial contamination PROPOLIS
Impact of Heap Fermentation of Cocoa on Microbial Dynamics and Soil Physicochemical Parameters
作者 Maboune Tetmoun Suzanne Abeline Tchinmegni Felenou I. +1 位作者 Mfopou Mewouo Yvette Clarisse Mounjouenpou Pauline 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第6期286-297,共12页
The overall objective of the present study is to evaluate the impact of the heap fermentation of cocoa on microbial dynamics and physicochemical parameters of the soil. The methodology was to heap fermentation broad b... The overall objective of the present study is to evaluate the impact of the heap fermentation of cocoa on microbial dynamics and physicochemical parameters of the soil. The methodology was to heap fermentation broad beans 600 cocoa pods moved to a place after the soil was taken for microbiological and physicochemical analyzes considered the control sample. In addition, cocoa lixiviate and soil were subjected to analyze. Chemical analysis of cocoa lixiviate revealed the absence of heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium. It appears from the analysis of soil than clays represent on average 46.67%, 8.03% for fine silt, heavy silt 5.69%, 15.39% fine sands and heavy sands 20.02%. Microbiological analysis revealed the abundance of total coliform up to 4.6× 103 CFU/g soil. The variations of the abundance of yeasts are 0.01 × 103 CFU/g soil obtained on day 2 at 12 o'clock to 3.5 × 103 CFU/g soil observed on day 3 to 18 pm (0-3 cm deep). However, further study on the assessment of biodiversity after the fermentation would determine its species richness. 展开更多
关键词 Cocoa pods heap fermentation SOIL cocoa lixiviate.
Quality Changes during Artificial Recharge of Wastewater Effluents
作者 A.M. Ishaq M.S. Al-Suwaiyan A.A. Khan 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第2期14-21,共8页
Laboratory investigations were carried out to establish conservative estimates of the contaminant removals obtained by the recharge of local secondary effluents through a sand dune. In the preliminary study, suitabili... Laboratory investigations were carried out to establish conservative estimates of the contaminant removals obtained by the recharge of local secondary effluents through a sand dune. In the preliminary study, suitability of unchlorinated wastewater as opposed to the chlorinated wastewater and the development of headlosses were investigated with respect to the development of anaerobic conditions. In the main laboratory study, a 5 m high Plexiglass sand box column was investigated for conservative predictions. The average removals of BOD, COD, and TOC were over 65%, 65%, and 55%, respectively. The COD was primarily removed in the first 200 cm of the column. The effluent had a residual TOC of 1.66 mg/L and consisted of humic substances. The average removal of microbial indicator organisms: Total Coliform (TC) and Coliphage were over 85% and 66%, respectively. The product water contained only nominal amounts of TC (Average - 21.5 MPN/100 ml) and Coliphage (Average - 6 PFU/100 ml). The porous media largely remained unaffected by the recharge operation. The changes were mainly seen in the upper 26 cm of the column. 展开更多
关键词 Wastewater reuse GROUNDWATER artificial recharge environmental engineering
Indication of Bacteria in Water Marshes (Southern Iraq)
作者 Wathiq Abaas Hatit Reyam Naji Ajmi +1 位作者 Abdal-Kader Saeed Latif Abdul-Jabbar Jasim Jryan 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第6期353-358,共6页
The study was conducted in water marshes for five major marshes during the months of January, April and September of each region (Hawizeh, Hammer and the central marsh) in southern Iraq. Bacteriological analysis tha... The study was conducted in water marshes for five major marshes during the months of January, April and September of each region (Hawizeh, Hammer and the central marsh) in southern Iraq. Bacteriological analysis that some of the default pathological bacteria, including TC (Total bacterial count), FCB (faecal coliform bacteria), MPN (coliform bacteria) and FS (faecal streptococcus) can evidence to indicate of pollution. The results showed that most of the water samples examined pathological contain bacteria which indicates that the water is unfit for human consumption and the waters as basal (more hydrogen than No. 7). There was a high salinity more than the permissible limits for human consumption and even to irrigate crops, and the same case for dissolve oxygen which exceeded are other limits as drinking water. 展开更多
关键词 Water contamination physical properties BACTERIA Iraqi marshland.
污水厂二级出水中抗生素抗性细菌的紫外灭活与复活特性 被引量:2
作者 李腾 胡静 +3 位作者 宋海旺 秦显祥 程丽华 毕学军 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期14-19,41,共7页
抗生素抗性细菌(ARB)作为新兴污染物受到了广泛关注,但紫外线(UV)消毒对ARB去除效果的研究尚不够充分。以某城市污水处理厂过滤后的二级出水为研究对象,通过分析UV消毒前后水中四环素、氨苄西林、氯霉素及链霉素抗性细菌丰度的变化,探究... 抗生素抗性细菌(ARB)作为新兴污染物受到了广泛关注,但紫外线(UV)消毒对ARB去除效果的研究尚不够充分。以某城市污水处理厂过滤后的二级出水为研究对象,通过分析UV消毒前后水中四环素、氨苄西林、氯霉素及链霉素抗性细菌丰度的变化,探究了UV消毒对ARB的去除作用及ARB的光复活与暗修复潜能。结果表明:UV对过滤后二级出水中的4种ARB具有一定灭活能力,4种ARB对UV消毒的耐受能力由高到低分别为:氨苄西林抗性细菌>四环素抗性细菌>链霉素抗性细菌≈氯霉素抗性细菌。当UV消毒剂量为20 mJ/cm^(2)时,氯霉素与链霉素抗性细菌可被完全灭活,消毒后24 h内,这2种ARB未出现光复活或暗修复现象,这一剂量的UV不能完全灭活氨苄西林与四环素抗性细菌,且被灭活后的ARB可实现部分光复活及暗修复。当UV消毒剂量达到80 mJ/cm^(2)时,这4种ARB均被全部灭活,消毒后6 h内,氨苄西林抗性细菌出现了复活现象。不论是在光照还是避光的条件下,UV消毒24 h后水中的总异养菌群中有超过70.32%的细菌对氨苄西林具有抗性,因此,单独UV消毒并不能有效地控制ARB从污水处理厂向环境中的传播。 展开更多
关键词 紫外线消毒 异养 抗生素抗性细 光复活 暗修复
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