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作者 李福臻 谭隽华 《吉林公安高等专科学校学报》 2004年第4期44-46,共3页
相当数量的刑事案件所造成的人员伤亡、财产损失等方面的危害程度和恶劣影响是空前的,并在一定地域范围内造成严重的恐怖气氛和社会恐慌,对此类案件我们称之为"恐怖化刑事犯罪"。恐怖化刑事犯罪的成因是:社会矛盾的演化、价... 相当数量的刑事案件所造成的人员伤亡、财产损失等方面的危害程度和恶劣影响是空前的,并在一定地域范围内造成严重的恐怖气氛和社会恐慌,对此类案件我们称之为"恐怖化刑事犯罪"。恐怖化刑事犯罪的成因是:社会矛盾的演化、价值观的失衡、社会控制的缺陷以及个人心理因素。遏制此类犯罪,必须调节社会矛盾、建立防控体系、提高公民防范意识、快速反应,并对恐怖犯罪进行不断研究。 展开更多
关键词 恐怖化 刑事犯罪 恐怖化刑事犯罪
作者 王恩学 张金平 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 2008年第1期22-27,共6页
车臣分离势力的恐怖化有广义的暴力文化方面的深层原因:车臣民族的尚武传统有助于恐怖化的心理自然;伊斯兰极端思想是克服恐怖化的"道德自抑"障碍的精神武器;暴力化社会环境为恐怖化提供了组织便利。综之,暴力文化因素是车臣... 车臣分离势力的恐怖化有广义的暴力文化方面的深层原因:车臣民族的尚武传统有助于恐怖化的心理自然;伊斯兰极端思想是克服恐怖化的"道德自抑"障碍的精神武器;暴力化社会环境为恐怖化提供了组织便利。综之,暴力文化因素是车臣分离势力恐怖化的诱因和条件,而非其根源。 展开更多
关键词 车臣分离势力 恐怖化 暴力文
作者 苏申昊 王雪莲 《福建警察学院学报》 2023年第6期41-48,共8页
在推进反恐维稳法治化常态化的背景下,合理配置政府注意力,有助于提升反恐怖治理效能。借助NVivo 12软件对韩国国家反恐对策委员会会议公报进行分析,发现韩国政府反恐怖治理注意力配置呈现如下特征:立足内外反恐情势宏观调控注意力;系... 在推进反恐维稳法治化常态化的背景下,合理配置政府注意力,有助于提升反恐怖治理效能。借助NVivo 12软件对韩国国家反恐对策委员会会议公报进行分析,发现韩国政府反恐怖治理注意力配置呈现如下特征:立足内外反恐情势宏观调控注意力;系统谋划当前与长远科学分配注意力;构建法治框架的协同治理机制;遵循注意力前置原则,强化源头治理;以可持续效果为导向,完善支援保障机制。我国应加强恐怖主义态势评估,为制定具有前瞻性的国家反恐怖战略提供支撑,优化反恐怖治理体系。 展开更多
关键词 韩国 恐怖常态治理 政府 注意力配置 NVivo 12软件
当代西方恐怖主义激进化研究主要路径述评 被引量:9
作者 沈晓晨 杨恕 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期36-43,共8页
在反恐形势紧迫性和复杂性不断升级的今天,加深对于恐怖主义的产生和发展过程的认识,探索遏止本土恐怖主义的有效手段,是当代反恐相关研究的一大重要议题。对此,当代西方恐怖主义研究引入"激进化"概念,围绕恐怖分子"识别... 在反恐形势紧迫性和复杂性不断升级的今天,加深对于恐怖主义的产生和发展过程的认识,探索遏止本土恐怖主义的有效手段,是当代反恐相关研究的一大重要议题。对此,当代西方恐怖主义研究引入"激进化"概念,围绕恐怖分子"识别"和恐怖激进化过程的"干预"两个核心问题,在过去十年时间中,该研究领域涌现出大量的理论和研究路径。按照主体选择和研究侧重点的不同,这些研究路径大体可以划分为微观、中观两类,两个层面研究路径之间存在关联和共鸣,后进理论总是在试图解决前人研究的某一方面不足的基础上形成。而架构理论作为综合了中微观两个层面研究优点的研究路径,能够相对较好地回答恐怖主义激进化研究的核心问题。 展开更多
关键词 恐怖主义激进 研究路径 架构理论 “传统智慧” 认同理论 组织进程路径
警惕与应对:海盗行为“恐怖主义化”--以索马里海盗为分析对象 被引量:2
作者 肖洋 柳思思 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期73-78,共6页
索马里的无政府状态,使其成为国际恐怖主义分子理想的滋生地,并使该地区的海盗有可能向海上恐怖主义蜕变。海盗行为的"恐怖主义化",将极大地威胁国际海运安全。本文以国际冲突与地缘政治的视角,深入分析海盗行为"恐怖主... 索马里的无政府状态,使其成为国际恐怖主义分子理想的滋生地,并使该地区的海盗有可能向海上恐怖主义蜕变。海盗行为的"恐怖主义化",将极大地威胁国际海运安全。本文以国际冲突与地缘政治的视角,深入分析海盗行为"恐怖主义化"的成因及其对国际安全造成的影响,并尝试探索解决索马里海盗"恐怖主义化"的途径。 展开更多
关键词 索马里海盗 海上恐怖主义 恐怖主义 “虻蝇效应”
作者 洪潇楠 《华夏文化论坛》 CSSCI 2017年第1期214-219,共6页
近年,受市场竞争和后现代主义思潮的影响,国产恐怖艺术作品呈现泛恐怖化的创作倾向。主要表现为恐怖意象日常化、现实恐惧狂欢化、二元对立系统瓦解、恐怖的麦当劳化等特征。这些作品无形中消解了'虚拟'与'现实'间的界... 近年,受市场竞争和后现代主义思潮的影响,国产恐怖艺术作品呈现泛恐怖化的创作倾向。主要表现为恐怖意象日常化、现实恐惧狂欢化、二元对立系统瓦解、恐怖的麦当劳化等特征。这些作品无形中消解了'虚拟'与'现实'间的界限,暗示了暴力在解决问题时的重要程度,误导受众对现实生活的判断,易滋生迷信。因此,直面问题、理性批评,有助于提升国产恐怖艺术作品的思想价值和创作水平,促进我国通俗文化的健康发展和文化事业的繁荣。 展开更多
关键词 国产恐怖艺术 恐怖化 反思
作者 马衡阳 许道江 《国防卫生论坛》 2004年第3期129-131,共3页
核武器部队要提高反核化恐怖的卫勤保障能力,必须从分析核化恐怖行动毒理学和对医学应急救援的影响人手,提示和认识核化条件下卫勤保障的特点规律,并掌握其主动权,为此作者提出,卫勤指挥手段要适应反恐需要,卫勤保障预案要贴近反... 核武器部队要提高反核化恐怖的卫勤保障能力,必须从分析核化恐怖行动毒理学和对医学应急救援的影响人手,提示和认识核化条件下卫勤保障的特点规律,并掌握其主动权,为此作者提出,卫勤指挥手段要适应反恐需要,卫勤保障预案要贴近反恐实际,际勤机构要适应反恐快速反应的需要,要指导部队落实好反恐卫生防护和医疗救护措施,要加强反恐专用装备和药品器材建设,加强反恐应急卫勤训练等措施。 展开更多
关键词 核武器部队 反核恐怖 卫勤保障 毒理学 医学救援
关于目前我国恐怖犯罪民众化的分析及对策 被引量:1
作者 陈泓宇 王文静 《管理观察》 2015年第18期39-41,共3页
恐怖主义一直是人类最大的威胁,我国主要恐怖组织在近几十年的演变中,呈现出一些新的特点——恐怖犯罪民众化,指犯罪的主体从专业暴恐怖分子向训练有素的民众或普通民众发展,选取昆明和乌鲁木齐火车站的暴恐案件,用马斯洛的需求层次理... 恐怖主义一直是人类最大的威胁,我国主要恐怖组织在近几十年的演变中,呈现出一些新的特点——恐怖犯罪民众化,指犯罪的主体从专业暴恐怖分子向训练有素的民众或普通民众发展,选取昆明和乌鲁木齐火车站的暴恐案件,用马斯洛的需求层次理论进行分析得出这些民众属于小规模特殊化民众组织,及这类人群参与恐怖犯罪的事实是趋向于恐怖犯罪民众化,对其原因进行阐述,并就此提出相关对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 恐怖犯罪民众 小规模特殊民众组织 需求层次理论
海盗行为恐怖主义化:三种模式与双重规制——以国际法与国内法关系为视角 被引量:6
作者 胡铭 徐莹 《中国高校社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期90-101,158,共12页
海盗行为恐怖主义化在近年来日益成为国际非传统安全领域的突出问题。其在实践中主要表现为三种模式,即组织独立的单方帮助模式、组织独立的双方勾结模式及组织融合目的交错的恐怖模式。基于这三种模式,海盗行为恐怖主义化的规制重点在... 海盗行为恐怖主义化在近年来日益成为国际非传统安全领域的突出问题。其在实践中主要表现为三种模式,即组织独立的单方帮助模式、组织独立的双方勾结模式及组织融合目的交错的恐怖模式。基于这三种模式,海盗行为恐怖主义化的规制重点在于国际法与国内法的双重规制,以形成良性互动。具体表现为国际法规制和国内法规制互动方位的双向性、互动过程的循环性及互动效果的渐进性。 展开更多
关键词 海盗行为 海上恐怖主义 海盗行为恐怖主义
试析“反恐怖主义激进化”的三个关键维度——基于英国“预防战略”的案例分析 被引量:19
作者 沈晓晨 杨恕 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期1-18,共18页
在当代反恐怖主义问题上,如何从恐怖主义的发展过程入手,以非强制的手段遏止本土恐怖主义的产生和发展,已经成为各国反恐工作中的普遍问题。对此,一些国家引入"反激进化"概念以深化相关研究并完善政策措施。近十年来,反激进... 在当代反恐怖主义问题上,如何从恐怖主义的发展过程入手,以非强制的手段遏止本土恐怖主义的产生和发展,已经成为各国反恐工作中的普遍问题。对此,一些国家引入"反激进化"概念以深化相关研究并完善政策措施。近十年来,反激进化工作得到迅速推进,但许多关键问题仍然没有得到有效的解决,尤其是涉及"反激进化"具体实施过程中的三个关键维度——反对什么、怎么反对、如何合作。本文选取英国"反激进化""预防战略"进行案例研究,基于上述维度对该战略的阶段性目标设置、对象指向性实施路径,以及针对"合作困境"的妥协性做法进行具体分析,尝试在非"单一反激进化模式"的情况下,归纳超越特定情境的"反激进化"的借鉴经验。 展开更多
关键词 恐怖主义“反激进 极端主义 英国 “预防战略”
国际安全困境的结构性维度 被引量:1
作者 姜安 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期43-48,共6页
关键词 非均势 宗教主义和民族主义极端 恐怖主义
作者 王林 《湖北警官学院学报》 2015年第2期70-73,共4页
美国的"弗格森"事件吸引了全世界的目光,同时再一次引起人们对两个刑法问题的思考:刑事司法如何应对民意;刑法如何应对群体性事件。民意不能直接干涉司法,司法民主是有界限和禁忌的,民意影响司法只能通过立法机关和陪审制度... 美国的"弗格森"事件吸引了全世界的目光,同时再一次引起人们对两个刑法问题的思考:刑事司法如何应对民意;刑法如何应对群体性事件。民意不能直接干涉司法,司法民主是有界限和禁忌的,民意影响司法只能通过立法机关和陪审制度来实现。刑法目前对群体性事件的应对是不足的,把严重的暴力性群体性事件亚恐怖主义化是一条不同的、有效的道路。 展开更多
关键词 美国“弗格森”事件 民意 司法民主 群体性事件 恐怖主义
作者 吴萍萍 《语文教学之友》 2019年第1期6-8,共3页
中学语文课文中常有些许矛盾,有些地方不合情感逻辑,给读者带来不少困惑,但困惑背后往往蕴含巨大的审美空间,亟待读者探究挖掘。在审美过程中,情感的张力并不一定存在于崇高美好的事件中,相反,有些张力是在一种错位和断层的情况下呈现,... 中学语文课文中常有些许矛盾,有些地方不合情感逻辑,给读者带来不少困惑,但困惑背后往往蕴含巨大的审美空间,亟待读者探究挖掘。在审美过程中,情感的张力并不一定存在于崇高美好的事件中,相反,有些张力是在一种错位和断层的情况下呈现,这需要读者能够细细斟酌,感受那份错位背后的魅力。 展开更多
关键词 反崇高 疏离 恐怖化 错位 情感张力
Trojan Terrorism:Revenge Colonists or Condition of Evolution? (To the Problem "Your/Alien") 被引量:2
作者 Menshikova Elena Rudolfovna 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第4期191-208,共18页
Thinking about the problem of terrorism, the author finds its origins in the myth of the Trojan War, treating it as a battle for space, which was the primary basis for the civilizational leap--the expansion of the Gre... Thinking about the problem of terrorism, the author finds its origins in the myth of the Trojan War, treating it as a battle for space, which was the primary basis for the civilizational leap--the expansion of the Greek world to the east, which led to the flourishing of Greek culture, creating a precedent of justified colonialism, provided strategy and tactics-the causal apology of violence-all subsequent wars, colonial campaigns, which was no exception for the migratory flows of the XX century, as a result of which the word "terrorism" sounded with by force of the song of B. Brecht. The theme of "space"-chucked away, lost, taken away, destroyed, compressed, anarchic, empty, boundless, virtual-remains vital in our time, when the limitless possibilities lead to the limitation of man himself, his emptiness, and "complete shortuess" (Platonov), when the treaty as the basis of human existence is rejected, and when you become the Other yourself. The metaphysics of "violence" is buried in anthropology-in ignorance of one's limits by man, in denying the boundaries of "another's," in unwillingness to ask a question mad find the answer, in laziness and, in fact, in the loss of oneself. 展开更多
关键词 MYTH space TERRORISM Own/Alien's TREATY another happiness
恐怖主义犯罪早期化介入的正当性根据 被引量:1
作者 郭虹 《刑法论丛》 2020年第1期62-79,共18页
恐怖主义犯罪早期化介入有着深厚的理论根基与正当性根据。从现实背景来看,恐怖主义犯罪早期化介入,正是因应国际国内反恐现实需要进行的针对性立法,纾解先前立法上的困境,也是对世界经验的回应;从刑事政策考量,坚持"以严为主"... 恐怖主义犯罪早期化介入有着深厚的理论根基与正当性根据。从现实背景来看,恐怖主义犯罪早期化介入,正是因应国际国内反恐现实需要进行的针对性立法,纾解先前立法上的困境,也是对世界经验的回应;从刑事政策考量,坚持"以严为主""打早打小"的反恐刑事政策,既是"宽严相济"基本刑事政策内在要求的体现,也是积极回应国际社会反恐协作的重要表现;从理论来源看,风险社会及其风险刑法观,为恐怖主义犯罪早期化介入提供了现实和理论基础;从理论基础来省察,二元行为无价值论为恐怖主义犯罪早期化介入提供了证成的理由。 展开更多
关键词 恐怖主义犯罪早期介入 现实背景 刑事政策 理论来源 理论基础
The Formation of Russia-US-EU-China Multipolarity Relations under the Scenario of Ukraine Crisis in the Changing World
作者 Feng-Yung Hu 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第11期729-738,共10页
This paper is to analyze the changing formation of international security and economic system in the context of geopolitical expansion under the scenario of the Ukraine crisis. The author attempts to destruct the diff... This paper is to analyze the changing formation of international security and economic system in the context of geopolitical expansion under the scenario of the Ukraine crisis. The author attempts to destruct the different interactions among Russia, EU, US, and China, founding that through the West economic sanctions the US are obstructing Russia's Eurasian policy and EU-Russian trade structures in many areas, especially in the energy sector. The US rebalancing policy might finish under the scenario of improved Russia-China relations because the US might improve their relations with China as well to implement their containment against Russia, whose geopolitical expansion toward Arctic Ocean, and with its developing the Russian Siberia, the Russian Far East Region as part of its global strategic deployment. Russia's global deployment is carried out through the integrated mechanism, such as, SCO, BRICS, and Eurasian Economic Union which will start to function in the January of 2015. China seems to be the biggest winner in this geopolitical struggle, because the new scenario of international events, such as Ukraine crisis and extremism of IS movement in Syria and Iraq have changed the target of NATO in the short-term period. The direction of intemational security is changing from the Cold War to anti-extremism-terrorism combat. Therefore, the new direction for Russia-US-EU-China reformulating their security relations will have the long-term influence on regional integration. Its seems to be that the information war and propaganda will be undergoing in the process of this geopolitical expansion gambling that can be seen in the new waves of the West economic sanctions against Russia and new threats from the international terrorism. In this paper, the author does not focus on the informational propaganda but tries to analyze the different characteristics of ambition and interactionamong Russia, EU, US, and China in the scenario of Ukraine crisis in the changing world. 展开更多
关键词 Ukraine crisis geopolitical expansion economic sanctions anti-extremis-terrorism Russia-Chinarelations MULTIPOLARITY
Radical Islamism in Georgia
作者 Giorgi Omsarashvili 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第2期78-86,共9页
The paper describes and analyzes the chronology of radical Islamism activities in Georgia, the threats and challenges for Georgian state coming from terrorist organizations, the spread of Ideas of Militant Islamism an... The paper describes and analyzes the chronology of radical Islamism activities in Georgia, the threats and challenges for Georgian state coming from terrorist organizations, the spread of Ideas of Militant Islamism and Jihadism, the possibilities of using Georgian territories by the foreign and local fighters and steps taken by Georgian State. Also popularization of the idea of creation world Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East and ISIL Caucasus Province, joining the terrorist organizations ISIL and A1-Nusra Front in Iraq and Syria by some of the Georgian Muslims. The author analyzes the factors of the popularization of radical Islamism ideas among the young generation, the problems of Georgian Muslim communities and gives the recommendations for state actors. 展开更多
关键词 Georgia CAUCASUS FUNDAMENTALISM Salafism Radical Islamism JIHADISM Terrorism terrorist groups ISIL ISIS A1-Qaeda foreign fighters
Need for Policy Revision: In Context of the United States Defence Strategy Towards South Asia
作者 Vibusha K. Madanayake 《Sociology Study》 2017年第3期123-132,共10页
The twenty-first century globalization in international affairs has created an integration which appears unpreventable. This global integration had an impact on South Asia. This paper examines the significance of the ... The twenty-first century globalization in international affairs has created an integration which appears unpreventable. This global integration had an impact on South Asia. This paper examines the significance of the United States defence strategy of combating terrorism and its policy of development. It intends to rethink of the United States defence strategy towards South Asia after September 2001 terrorist attack; whether it is to combat terrorism as stipulated in US national documents or whether it has other intentions. The latter part of this research presents the relevant interventions and defence actions that followed the US policy declarations. The intentions of long-term objectives are implicit in the chain of defence activities that followed to date. In this regard, the significance of this research is to understand how a peaceful atmosphere could be created in South Asia where global development automatically follows. The findings of this research have opened up a relevant and timely topic to inquire into. Specifically, this research encourages Sri Lanka to understand and rethink its foreign policy as a country in a post war period. 展开更多
关键词 GLOBALIZATION foreign policy DEFENCE national interest
Homosexuality in the Context of the Evolution Theory
作者 Constantinos Maritsas 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第6期498-502,共5页
The purpose of the paper civilization is to provide a is to show violence as the integral property of any live being. One of the aims of controlled portion of violence to the community members. If the portions are too... The purpose of the paper civilization is to provide a is to show violence as the integral property of any live being. One of the aims of controlled portion of violence to the community members. If the portions are too small then uncontrolled violence appears in different forms of criminality and self-destruction. In countries without virtual violence the terrorism and "suicide" bombers are born. For the male the aim of violence is a feeling of victory. In the nature only the winner has the right to reproduction. In a civilized society each male has the right to reproduction and the necessity to feel himself as a winner. Survival means right for reproduction. Civilization has turned the bite between men into a kiss between men (men winner) and women (men defeated), the kick between men--into a caress between men (men winner) and women (men defeated) and, finally, the violence between men into love/eros between men (men winner) and women (men vanquished) and violence between men into homosexuality/eros between men winner and men vanquished. In the civilization, the male is winner and the female simulates the defeated male, homo or animals. We can define eros as a substitute of violence in civilization like the metamorphose of violence. 展开更多
关键词 homosexuality EROS LOVE evolution theory VIOLENCE
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Will It Sustain Itself? 被引量:5
作者 Ejaz Hussain 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2017年第2期145-159,共15页
This paper attempts to measure and explain the sustainability of China- Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) by employing rational choice theory. Methodologically, the qualitative study relies on primary data in terms ... This paper attempts to measure and explain the sustainability of China- Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) by employing rational choice theory. Methodologically, the qualitative study relies on primary data in terms of elite interviews and secondary sources such as journals articles. This theory-guided empirical research has identified two sets of challenges, internal and external, that the economic corridor faces. Broadly, the challenges range from economic slow- down, political instability, religious extremism and terrorism that have taken toll of Pakistani economy, society and the state. The paper has provided policy input in terms of urging Pakistani government to reform its educational system and correct political instability along with targeting all types of militant organizations. More- over, the study urges China to engage regional stakeholders in CPEC to realize regional and trans-regional connectivity to achieve economic integration of the market. 展开更多
关键词 CPEC Trade Balochistan Xinjiang - Belt and Road Initiative -China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
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