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明初的以德睦邻与劝和息争 被引量:2
作者 朱亚非 《东岳论丛》 北大核心 2007年第2期151-156,共6页
明初在对外交往中,坚持以德睦邻方针,开创了外交新局面。本文分析了明初以德睦邻外交方针的主要内容并对以德睦邻及对周边国家劝和息争进行了探讨。明初以德睦邻政策的成功,对于国内经济发展、政治稳定、边疆安全及反击外患的胜利都奠... 明初在对外交往中,坚持以德睦邻方针,开创了外交新局面。本文分析了明初以德睦邻外交方针的主要内容并对以德睦邻及对周边国家劝和息争进行了探讨。明初以德睦邻政策的成功,对于国内经济发展、政治稳定、边疆安全及反击外患的胜利都奠定了坚实的基础,历史的经验仍值得今人启迪与思考。 展开更多
关键词 明初 以德睦邻 劝和息争
作者 卢佑诚 《皖西学院学报》 2006年第3期74-78,共5页
关键词 刘大櫆 息争 宋学 汉学 包容
作者 常劝牛 温慧辉 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2013年第S1期81-83,共3页
《周易.讼》卦主要涉及争讼问题,而六爻清晰地解释了《讼》卦倡导的"息讼免争"价值观,这对中国传统法律文化的发展产生了重要影响。虽然在今天看来,《讼》卦的"无讼"理念似乎是"乌托邦",并不能发挥法律... 《周易.讼》卦主要涉及争讼问题,而六爻清晰地解释了《讼》卦倡导的"息讼免争"价值观,这对中国传统法律文化的发展产生了重要影响。虽然在今天看来,《讼》卦的"无讼"理念似乎是"乌托邦",并不能发挥法律应有的作用,也不能彻底维护百姓的正当权益。但在特定的历史条件下,追求"无讼"有其必要性与必然性。 展开更多
关键词 《讼》卦 诉讼观 无讼息争
论中国传统法律文化在依法治国中的价值 被引量:11
作者 于语和 雷园园 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期135-144,共10页
古今中外的法律文化交融是依法治国在中国生根发芽、茁壮成长的重要助力。追溯依法治国的文化源头,挖掘和传承中国传统法律文明蕴藏的理论和经验,纠偏近代以来"效仿西法""抑古扬今"导致的传统法律文化虚无主义和东... 古今中外的法律文化交融是依法治国在中国生根发芽、茁壮成长的重要助力。追溯依法治国的文化源头,挖掘和传承中国传统法律文明蕴藏的理论和经验,纠偏近代以来"效仿西法""抑古扬今"导致的传统法律文化虚无主义和东西方法治文明无法自洽的境遇,是当今学人责无旁贷的担当。从历史解说现实,以古鉴今,发掘传统法律文化对现代法治建设的可资借鉴之处,如"以礼入法、德主刑辅"与德法综合为治,"重民思想"与人本法治观,"家国同构"与"法治国家、法治政府、法治社会"建设,"贵和尚中""无讼息争"与和谐法治,唯有如此才能使传统充满活力,才能固守依法治国之根本。 展开更多
关键词 以礼入法 德主刑辅 家国同构 贵和尚中 无讼息争
关于改进完善我国民事诉讼调解制度的几点思考 被引量:2
作者 詹有平 《理论导刊》 北大核心 2009年第8期78-80,共3页
诉讼调解制度是我国民诉法中的一项重要的法律制度,其在解决纠纷、化解社会矛盾,提高诉讼效率、降低诉讼成本等方面有着重要的作用。但该制度在适用过程中也存在法院"久调不决"、"强制调解"等现象,从而影响了其作... 诉讼调解制度是我国民诉法中的一项重要的法律制度,其在解决纠纷、化解社会矛盾,提高诉讼效率、降低诉讼成本等方面有着重要的作用。但该制度在适用过程中也存在法院"久调不决"、"强制调解"等现象,从而影响了其作用发挥。要克服该制度在实践中所存在的缺陷,应采取取消"事清责明"原则、实行调审分离、限制调解期限、规范调解协议生效条件等举措。 展开更多
关键词 诉讼 民事调解 定纷息争 完善
中国厌讼传统再认识 被引量:3
作者 李自然 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第4期94-98,共5页
长期以来,受儒家经典思想"和谐""无讼以求""无讼息争"的影响,学术界认为中国法律传统文化中存在着很强的厌讼思想,认为中国民众具有强烈的"贱讼""耻讼""厌讼"的心理。但... 长期以来,受儒家经典思想"和谐""无讼以求""无讼息争"的影响,学术界认为中国法律传统文化中存在着很强的厌讼思想,认为中国民众具有强烈的"贱讼""耻讼""厌讼"的心理。但笔者经过长期对法文化研究之后,发现中国古代社会文化中并没有"厌讼"的传统,相反特别地喜讼,而所谓的中国传统文化中的"厌讼"思想实际上是一种学术界的认知错觉。 展开更多
关键词 厌讼 包揽词讼 无讼息争
作者 廖义军 《湘南学院学报》 2006年第4期9-12,共4页
张学良发动西安事变,原因有三:一是强烈的息争御侮爱国思想和自我牺牲精神的促使;二是对蒋介石“攘外必先安内”政策认识上质的变化和他与蒋介石矛盾激化的结果;三是中国共产党统战政策的感召和全国抗日救亡运动的推动。一、二是内因,... 张学良发动西安事变,原因有三:一是强烈的息争御侮爱国思想和自我牺牲精神的促使;二是对蒋介石“攘外必先安内”政策认识上质的变化和他与蒋介石矛盾激化的结果;三是中国共产党统战政策的感召和全国抗日救亡运动的推动。一、二是内因,三是外因。 展开更多
关键词 西安事变 息争御侮 自我牺牲 矛盾激化 统战政策 内因 外因
作者 王文鸾 《泰安师专学报》 2002年第1期29-31,共3页
张学良的国家统一观是沿着息争统一到统一抗日再到抗日统一的轨迹运行的 ,是曲折中前进螺旋式上升的过程 ,无论是制止战争、改弦易帜、入关助蒋 ,还是拥蒋“剿共”、捉蒋送蒋 ,都可说是他统一思想的具体实践。他的统一思想又是民族息争... 张学良的国家统一观是沿着息争统一到统一抗日再到抗日统一的轨迹运行的 ,是曲折中前进螺旋式上升的过程 ,无论是制止战争、改弦易帜、入关助蒋 ,还是拥蒋“剿共”、捉蒋送蒋 ,都可说是他统一思想的具体实践。他的统一思想又是民族息争御侮复兴为目的 ,以遵行父愿 ,拥护蒋介石为实现手段的。尽管他的这种实践的效果与动机出现过某种程度的背离甚至严重背离 。 展开更多
关键词 张学良 息争统一 统一抗日 抗日统一 国家统一观 矛盾现象 统一思想 民族忧患意识
清末《东方杂志》认识满汉关系的历史语境 被引量:1
作者 郭培培 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第5期60-64,71,共6页
《东方杂志》是清末由商务印书馆主办的大型综合性报刊,其从创刊伊始就一直关注着国内的满汉关系及其走向。面对改良派和革命派在满汉关系上的对立,《东方杂志》透过自身报刊传播的优势,站在国际关系不断演变的视角下,提出了对满汉关系... 《东方杂志》是清末由商务印书馆主办的大型综合性报刊,其从创刊伊始就一直关注着国内的满汉关系及其走向。面对改良派和革命派在满汉关系上的对立,《东方杂志》透过自身报刊传播的优势,站在国际关系不断演变的视角下,提出了对满汉关系的看法。《东方杂志》认为,满汉同为黄种,必须一致对外,与白种竞争;满汉同为兄弟民族,应当息争合群,共同致力于民族国家的建设。 展开更多
关键词 《东方杂志》 满汉关系 黄白竞 息争合群
对《周易·讼》卦的浅析解读 被引量:2
作者 孟勇 《内蒙古农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第6期283-284,共2页
《周易》是殷周之际的一部重要的占卜作品,在《周易》六十四卦当中,讼卦是被历代易学家公认的集中记述当时法律实践活动的一卦,也是被认为能集中反映当时法律思想发展水平的一卦。本文力图在前人研究《周易》的基础上对《周易.讼》卦进... 《周易》是殷周之际的一部重要的占卜作品,在《周易》六十四卦当中,讼卦是被历代易学家公认的集中记述当时法律实践活动的一卦,也是被认为能集中反映当时法律思想发展水平的一卦。本文力图在前人研究《周易》的基础上对《周易.讼》卦进行探讨和分析,即讼卦的利见大人与自古以来的贤人清官情节的关系、讼卦与判例法的关系以及讼卦与无讼息争的法律思想的关系三方面的讼卦进行阐述。 展开更多
关键词 讼卦 利见大人 清官 判例法 无讼息争
作者 王华伟 吴海桥 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2012年第4期318-324,共7页
Reliability evaluation for aircraft engines is difficult because of the scarcity of failure data. But aircraft engine data are available from a variety of sources. Data fusion has the function of maximizing the amount... Reliability evaluation for aircraft engines is difficult because of the scarcity of failure data. But aircraft engine data are available from a variety of sources. Data fusion has the function of maximizing the amount of valu- able information extracted from disparate data sources to obtain the comprehensive reliability knowledge. Consid- ering the degradation failure and the catastrophic failure simultaneously, which are competing risks and can affect the reliability, a reliability evaluation model based on data fusion for aircraft engines is developed, Above the characteristics of the proposed model, reliability evaluation is more feasible than that by only utilizing failure data alone, and is also more accurate than that by only considering single failure mode. Example shows the effective- ness of the proposed model. 展开更多
关键词 aircraft engine reliability evaluation data fusion competing failure condition monitoring
作者 李莹 《新疆广播电视大学学报》 2006年第2期62-64,共3页
关键词 传统法律文化 法制现代化 德主刑辅 无讼息争 文化重塑
Voluntary Disclosure and the Type of Product Market Competition: Capacity vs. Price 被引量:1
作者 Yong-Chul Shin 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第4期505-526,共22页
This paper investigates empirically the effect of different types of product market competition on levels of voluntary disclosure of proprietary information in financial markets. The author proposes that there are two... This paper investigates empirically the effect of different types of product market competition on levels of voluntary disclosure of proprietary information in financial markets. The author proposes that there are two types of strategic interaction settings relevant to disclosure: capacity competition and price competition. Capacity competition drives firms to disclose more information to attain financial market valuation-related benefits, while price competition drives them to disclose less to protect long-term product market advantages. The author finds that the type of product market competition affects the level of voluntary disclosure over and above the finn's external financing needs documented in the previous literature. That is, firms engaged in capacity competition disclose relatively more information than those in price competition. Further analysis shows that capacity competition firms disclose more information than no-strategic-interaction benchmark firms but that price competition firms do not disclose less information than the benchmark firms. 展开更多
关键词 voluntary disclosure capacity competition price competition strategic interactions
The application of business process re-engineering in Chinese enterprises
作者 刘全顺 刘利军 关小吉 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2002年第2期107-112,共6页
After joining in WTO,Chinese enterprises face more intense competitive environments. The problems, such as many foreign capital enterprises swarming into China, increasing market competitive ability, keeping on nation... After joining in WTO,Chinese enterprises face more intense competitive environments. The problems, such as many foreign capital enterprises swarming into China, increasing market competitive ability, keeping on national and international market, have become more serious to enterprise’s decision maker. At the same time, the information technology is developing quickly, then business process re engineering will become valid path for enterprise increasing market competitive ability. As a case study, this paper applies Business Process Re engineering(BPR) approach to analyze a Chinese company. 展开更多
关键词 business process re engineering information technology market competitive ability
Internet Plus and Networks Convergence 被引量:6
作者 ZENG Jianqiu YANG Mengke 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期42-49,共8页
This paper discusses the relationship between Internet plus and networks convergence and highlights the development of ICT industry and the process of networks convergence. Based on lnternet plus and the theory of net... This paper discusses the relationship between Internet plus and networks convergence and highlights the development of ICT industry and the process of networks convergence. Based on lnternet plus and the theory of networks convergence, this paper suggests to implement Internet plus action plan as a strategy to accelerate the construction of networks and application of Internet, promote the traditional industry reform with ICT, increase competitive efficiency, standardize the market competition, and then realize the Internet plus strategy and networks convergence. 展开更多
关键词 Internet plus triple play networksconvergence
Effects of Nitrogen on the Competitiveness of Echinochloa colona and Amaranthus viridis with Direct-seeded Rice 被引量:1
作者 B.S. Chauhan D.E. Johnson 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第2期14-19,共6页
Information on weed competitiveness responses to added nitrogen (N) is required to assist with the development of appropriate fertilizer management strategies where weed competition is anticipated. A greenhouse stud... Information on weed competitiveness responses to added nitrogen (N) is required to assist with the development of appropriate fertilizer management strategies where weed competition is anticipated. A greenhouse study was conducted to examine the effects of four N rates on the competitive ability ofEchinochloa colona and Amaranthus viridis grown together with direct-seeded rice. Rice and each weed species were grown in a replacement series design at added N rates of 0, 50, 100, and 150 kg ha1. Replacement series diagrams for relative yield showed that competitive ability ofE. colona increased with added soil N. Values of weed aggressivity index for E. colona also significantly increased with the addition of N in the soil. In the absence of added N, A. viridis was more competitive than rice but this relationship slightly changed as N was added. However, values of weed aggressivity index of were statistically similar at all N rates. The results suggest that the competitiveness ofE. colona increased with added soil N, and A. viridis unchanged by soil N levels. Both weed species were different in their response to higher N levels. Information gained in this study could be used to demonstrate the importance of effective weed and fertilizer management. 展开更多
关键词 Amaranthus viridis direct-seeded rice Echinochloa colona NITROGEN WEED
Shanghai FLVCO Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. application and performance management
作者 Mengjiao Xu 《International English Education Research》 2014年第5期18-20,共3页
With the advent of economic globalization and the information age increasingly competitive market, facing tough competition in the market, an enterprise in order to gain competitive advantages, to survive and develop,... With the advent of economic globalization and the information age increasingly competitive market, facing tough competition in the market, an enterprise in order to gain competitive advantages, to survive and develop, we must continue to improve its overall efficiency and performance. Practice has proved an effective way to improve performance is a performance management. 展开更多
关键词 PERFORMANCE assessment methods utilize
A Study on the Transformation and Upgrading of Manufacturing Industry of Shanghai by Increasing Labor Cost
作者 GAO Mengbo 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期21-23,共3页
Manufacturing is an important support for Shanghai's participation in global industrial competition and the implementation of the national strategy for manufacturing power. Economic development Globalization has prom... Manufacturing is an important support for Shanghai's participation in global industrial competition and the implementation of the national strategy for manufacturing power. Economic development Globalization has promoted the deep integration of information and industry, put forward higher requirements for the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry, relying solely on the rich labor resources advantages can continue to serve Shanghai economic development. Fierce international competition, "labor shortage", energy security, labor standards and other issues have led to a gradual increase in labor costs. 展开更多
关键词 Labor cost UPGRADE Resource ontimization
The Relevance of Nigeria's Freedom of Information Act (2011) to the Country's Anti-corruption War
作者 Chike Walter Duru 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第12期757-762,共6页
This essay is centred on Nigeria's Freedom of Information Act, with special interest in its relevance in the country's anti-corruption war. The paper reiterates that the law was passed to enable the public to access... This essay is centred on Nigeria's Freedom of Information Act, with special interest in its relevance in the country's anti-corruption war. The paper reiterates that the law was passed to enable the public to access certain government information, in order to ensure transparency and accountability. The FOI Act aims to make public records and information more freely available and to protect public records and information, in accordance with the public interest and protection of personal privacy. It enables citizens to hold the government accountable in the event of the misappropriation of public funds or failure to deliver public services. It also seeks to protect serving public officers against any adverse consequences from the unauthorized disclosure of certain kinds of official information, and to establish procedures for the achievement of these purposes. The Act further regulates conflicts between its provisions and those of other legislations. The paper contends that Freedom of Information is a fundamental indicator of economic development and progress, civic engagement and a properly functional democracy in every economy, describing it as a promising start in ensuring good governance and rule of law in Nigeria. The paper stresses the need for vigorous implementation of the FOI Act if the country is to make any significant breakthrough in the enthronement of good governance, transparency and accountability, adding that a strengthened FOI regime will enhance citizens' demand for accountability and check corruption in Nigeria. 展开更多
关键词 Freedom of Information Act good governance ANTI-CORRUPTION NIGERIA
Intellectual Property: Access to Culture and Sustainable Competition
作者 Ingrida Veiksa 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第2期297-303,共7页
This paper deals with intellectual property protection problems in the information society, when it is so easy to access unauthorised content (to pirate). Society does not care much about the damages of right owners... This paper deals with intellectual property protection problems in the information society, when it is so easy to access unauthorised content (to pirate). Society does not care much about the damages of right owners. Internet is often considered as a "public place", and works on Internet are considered as "displayed in public places" from which a lawful restriction of rights is permitted. It promotes unfair competition and hinders the development of sustainable business. Lawful use of protected copyright content is a tool for ensuring equal and sustainable competition level among entrepreneurs. On Internet, there are many copyright-protected works available. Many members of society wish to get an access to these works, which means that a solution should be found. For private and non-commercial use, there should be reasonable limitations. Combating piracy on Intemet using enforcement tools alone does not yield results. Piracy should be placed in a frame accepted by a civilized society, and the society and authors should get the maximum benefits from it. 展开更多
关键词 copyright information society COMPETITION PIRACY "culture access" fee
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